I I3REATIIITT COUNTY NEWS ff iIJwIsE HAGINS Editor and Publisher A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TB INT fl STB OF SBT1BW UDJITCrUJCY Oae Dollar Per Year ia Advance IVOLU II JACKSON ICY FRIDAY ALGUST 21 1903 t NUMBER 46 1 LIFE IMPRISONMENT Curt Jctt nilIoin White Con victcil of Mimlcr The Application For New Trial Wte MadeThe Prosecution May Not Oppose the Motion as to Jette Case Cynthlsna ICy Aug JSCurt Jet and Turn Whit the Jackson feudlitt were both found guilty of thoMarciin assassination by the jury KfluSy and sentenced to llfo terms in tho pcnltcn tlary hnltcdtho came Into hit eyes and the blood seem fd to loavo his face ns he heard the fateful words Jctt with clinched Jaws listened to the sentence and stll braSGaduclo The defense lied ground and mo tlnn for a new trill st It oclock Fri day morning and Judge Q 6orne cal 830 oclock Satordaylporn DI for the hearing of rootle 5y motion And grounds consist cdtlreiYt obJec ns to the evidence fucd 1 by the art and the Attempted InUodurtloi whlrhpfAa davits made by tho defendants sa1ng that n fair and Impart I t Ialcould rriinarjdisplay public mind so that at fluid nof 18 bad Ill nlmoste that the JiidgQ will overrule thon for ITho Intton wore In consultation 1UIV V sitar noon as to whether or Hot they will oppose the tnotlonni to Jolt as they- say If they can get A new trial tn tbia ra othcy ulll hovo enough evidence In case at the next trial to convict him However Prosecuting Attorney Hynl Raid that If they concluded to oppt to tho new trial hat nt thn next term of tho Harrison circuit court boo J4 toro Judge Osborne which begins three wcelia from Monday they will Bit forward the case of the common wealth against Curtlia Jett one of tho F defendants for the murder of Jim Cpckcrlll to which murder there were some six eye witnesses Ucreby sue roodlng In hanging Jctt which hike hen tho ultimate aim of the prosecu lion in tho case just tried Tho t ajyLfoaJprga II tttL case At linr Friday been the charges iRalnit Juror Jasper King who lives In this city and who was until two years ngo a deputy sheriff of thfc coun ty and a man who has been highly es NorthcuttL King did attempt to Influence them- e to decide for Jell and White In this case by saying that there was nothing against the defendants Judge Os borne In his admonition to tho jury told them nut to taut about this case v among each other until It was finally P given to thorn to decide This seems and It Is said by attorneys here to be contempt of court No movements have been undo nt yet as to tho soldiers nnd Col WII lams time ofllccr In command of the situation said Friday afternoon thn mi movements as to the soldiers wer 7 yet decided on and would not bo do stint on until Saturday after the ronnds nod motion for a now trial t had been passed on by the court and U that the matter of tho movements of tho soldiers were In tho hands of him j self and JUdgd Osborne Cyntlilnna Ky Aug 17Curtis Jett and Tom Whjtbworo Saturday remcv fd from this rill and are now locked In separate calla In towns that are widely distant Jolt was taken to Lox Ington at B oclock Saturday afternoon Tom White was taken to Covlngton at 4 oclock PICNIC WAGON OVERTURNED A Party of Nuns and Indian Girls Were More or Less Injured r Great Falls Mont Aug 17By tIm overturning of a picnic wagon front St Voters mission a party of nuns and Indian girls wore dashed many toot down tho stile of a hill Sister IAn minclato was fatally Injured and Mary half breod Irtdlnn girl was so 1riously hurt Another nun and several R girls wero badly bruised nUll lacerated The accident occurred lIurI ing a heavy electric storm a uh n lightning frightening time horses nnd icausing them to dash over a steep embankment r WAGON STRUCK BY STREET CAR Two Person Seriously and Five Were Slightly Injured St Louis Aug 17A street car on d tjio Chevokcoiillvlslon of the St Louis i transit lines struck a wagon filled with t w 15 persons near tho Intersection ot Gravols avenuonml Mercmac street Sunday rchtttrrlouslylnJurlng John J Mauser nniThls wife and Syeari rlmmerMlss Mary Oabcl and Joseph Koehi Declares the vVIII ls Invalid Naples Aug IdA parish pries- named p Mllonp willed his whole fortun- of 80000 to to reigning pontiff who n Leo XIII wad at time point ot death Tho priest has since died nnd his tam fly now set up the claim that tho will Is invalid t Good Price For a Colt a N Y Aug 15At thi auctiongale ot yearlings from tin 1alrvlew stud lhe property of Chas and A J lteggd Friday brown colt by Imp Knlgbftof the ThistleActive rpI4 taJ J DWver toT f J500 t c I I THE CANAL TREATY The Colombian Senate Unanimous Y Rejected It Washington Aug UA tabtcgrai dated August 12 has been received a the stato department from Mlnlstc r Ilcauprc at Bogota saying that th 0 Panama canal treaty has been rojectct by tho Colombian senate Presldcn t advlsfdottho Ing forwarded by Acting Secrotarj P Loomis to Oyster Day Tho reason given tki n of tho treaty by the Colombian 1 ale It Is said here was the encroachment on Colombian sover elgnty which Us opponents contended would result from tho treaty Thlf Informatlun was contained In a die patch received Monday night by Dr Horrcn tho Colombian charge fro Foreign Minister Rlcos at Bogota This dispatch showed that In its pros ent form the treaty was absolutely un acceptable to tho scnatoifor the rca non nbovo stated and that it had bees rejected unanimously The vjcw taken by the scnato was at variance to that held by the government ot Colombia which felt satisfied when It submitted tho treaty to conftrtss that there would be no Impairment of Colombian sovereignty If the treaty should bo ratified Incidentally to limo general question ot sovereignty necessary was that ot lease of tho strip ot land through which the canal was to be constructed and tho debate In tho Colombian sen ate Indicated that that body regarded this ns amounting to a sale of the land therefore objectionable When the treaty was submitted to tho senate by tho committee to which It was refer rod seven of the senators favored It with certain amendments which they proposed and tho remaining two op- posed It absolutely Tho amendment proposed by tho majority are not slat- ed here but they evidently referred to mho question of sovereignty as Is Indicated by the subsequent rejection of the treaty In its present form colon Colombia Aug tgTha re jection of the canal treaty by the Co lomblan senate has produced tremen dpus excitement on the isthmus It was generally believed that the treaty would pass with some modifications There Is good reason to suppose that tho majority of the members of tho senate regard tho Spooner amendment to build a canal by tho Nicaraguan route It the Panama route was reject- ed ¬ byfColombla as a mere threat on thu ot th United States They are convinced that the Nicaragua project Is luposslblo and that the United States will again deal with Co lomblaThe rejection Is a heavy blow to property owners hero who have been Investing heavily on the prospects of the treatys being ratified FLOOO AT KANSAS CITY Two Bridges Carried Away and Oth ers Are In Danger Kansas City Mo Aug I8Boat are again m uso to transport person between the two Kansas Cities the James street foot and wagon bridge and tho Metropolitan Street Hallway Cos bridge over tho Kansas river hay ing been carried out bf the strong Mirrent The river ID higher than at any time since the Juno flood and oth- er structures are In danger The wrecked bridgrn fcra temporary pile affairs constructed two months ago A further rise li expected as halt a dozen tributaries to tho Kansas west of here are bankfull The river has been turbulent for over a week past and tho strong cur rent has brought In great quantities o t driftwood rho James street brldgn wens partly wrecked Sunday Soon aft or It went nut Monday morning It float ed down and look out the street rail way bridge Revering tho main line ot communication across tho river and carrying with It the Kansas City gas main anil telephone cable Monday night tho Kaunas Cities were practi cally In darkness Tho wreckage n agalnime t tho Chicago Great n bridge and while It weakened the structure and put It nut ot service It will It Is bollevcd remain Intact MORE OUTRAGES A Number of Christian Villages Pit laged and Destroyed Sofia Bulgaria Aug 18A des patch received hero from Uekub says that GOO HashI Hnzouks under the coinamml of Albanian chiefs who are nolhrlouBly cruel hero pillaged and destroyed a number of Christian vII > lagro In tho districts of Dcbro and Okllda Tho Turkish authorities It Is added connived at the outrage anl furnished the Bashi Uazouks with unl ¬ forms that they might appear to be regular toldlcrn Wear Your Hats Cnrlyle Ill Aug 1Snov M Cairns rector of the l lIlse pal church Is Instructing women trod girls to wear their hats when they attend services He says to go bareheaded Is again gj Bible teachings A Lumber and Land Company Augusta Me Aug 1S1he Wer ine corporated Monday by 0 H L Wer nlckc of Cincinnati and E K Adams of New York The capitalization Is 12000001 common stock and 3000 000 preferred Electric Cars Collide HeadOn Carthage Mo Aug 8In a bead end collision on tho CarthagoJopUn electric railway Motorman James Ba- ker was killed Motorman Ed Hedge was probably fatally hurt ape 2 other Verbose were Injured THE VETERANS IN LINE I I Int Gens Miles and Shatter Were Greeted With Cheers thong the Line Which Included San Franciscos Chief Thoroughfares Ban Francisco Aug 19Seldom dlhas a finer parade been witnessed Is Francisco than that which Tues day did honor to the Orand Army ot the Republic Thp veterans were not In line their procession being ached uled for Wednesday but many alllcc organizations participated chief anion rnthese being the naval reserves th veterans of the SpanishAmerican wai and the national guard of California The regular army was well represent cd The Order of Red Men whlcli was largely represented added a tlrosqiio feature to the display German societies of the city Including amateur athletes and children fro tho various turner schools made splendid showing as also did the league of Cross cadets Gens and Shatter were greeted with clere along the line of march which Includ ed the citys chief thoroughfares Tuesday night Mechanics 11 11 was crowded to the doors by gran army men their wives and friends the occasion being an Informal rccep tlon to Gen Stewart < ommandcrln thief The city was again Illuminated Tuesday night The reception to Commander Thos F Stewart al tie Mechanics Pavil ion Tuesday night was attended by several thousand people It was par ticipated In by the Womens Holier Ccrps the Ladles of the Grand Army and kindred organizations Gen Geo Stone chairman of time executive com mince made a few remarks and In traduced MaJ Gen W n Shafter commander of the department of tall fornla and Nevada who welcomed the voteiaus to the Pacific coast Mayor Schmitz greeted the old soldiers nu behalf of the city In response Com mamlcrln Chief Stewart delivered an address expressing his gratification and that qf his comrades at the heart ness o their reception In San Fran ¬ cisco FOR SMASHING A JOINT lRlyhtWomcrVPleiaed Gullty + atWlch ita Kan Wichita Kan Aug 19EIht worn en concerned Intbe smashing of a Joint last week were arraigned In the r II > court Tuesday All pleads guilty to assault They were fined UO each andlcots Warrants were sworn out against two other women also but the cases against them wer dismissed The complaint was file by Attorney S U Amldon and tho women were charged with assaulting T II Maan The attorney and his clients woo forced to Beat a retreat amidst a shower of eggs thrown by the Irate women who lend Just finish ed their work against the saloon Tho men had gone to look after Mahana IntcrcHts In tho saloon DUBONIC PLAGUE Three Cases Made Their Appearance at Baglo Mex Wallbln ton Aug 10 Surgeon Gen ¬ eral Wymnn of the marine hospital service Tuesday received a telegram from Dr lcceufcn president of the su promo board of health of the republic of Mexico notifying him that three cases of bubonic plague has made their appearance at the town ot Uagio a small place on limo western coast nea MazaUlan Svhcrc the plague prevailed last 11111 illS DI 1occaga added that tho cautionary measures to proven t the spread of the epidemic had bee taken KERWINf Trade Made Between Louisville and tClnclneptl Teams i St Paul Mlnn3uj tJeu beau manager and ner or t o 1uu Isvlllo team made Ufe announcement Tuesday night that He traded Dan Ker win to Cincinnati and that tho right fielder would Jolntbo Cincinnati team nt the close of the American associa lion season lIof Tebeau refused t state whlcl > otho Cincinnati player he would got In return for Kerwin but said the player wouldjoln Louis vllle next season Took a Dose of Strychnine St Lad Is AugAlg A man 30 yean ot age g vingjh name of Victor Fas sql of Memphis Tenn took a dos of at a small hotel hero Tuesday and latertwus found In a dy- Ing ¬ condition by the Ijrk Great ForesL F rc Spokane WasluA IIA great forest arc Is raging neslr Klk about 25 miles north of this city fcls re- potted that 1000 acres a be1tof white pIne and cedar has been bucd k over alrcajly Frank Kramer Badly Hurt Providence It J Aug JIn a cllampf pten mile rucoif profs slonal r defk at tho Coliseum Tues day nllrank Kramer was bally hurt InTijfnlll with King and Join Uedell btjtjjls Injuries me out dan ¬ gerous In the Hands o1 the Military London Aug 11The Tlnios corre spondent at Belgrade telegraphs that the result of tie recent ministerial crisis has shown how completely Kins Peter U In the hands of the military camarilla wblvn CDthrcood bin t ONE OF A POSSE KILLED 1 Attempted to Rescue Young Whit Girl Front Negroes UfIUllllapIng Ing of one of a posse that trlofl to des cue her are the crimes charged agalni a party of eight Negroes fortified o Bruces island If relics west of the s city It Is feared their capture wilt load to a bloody encounter The No groes arc said to be well armed A few days ago two farmers living near Wilsons Rock landed on Bruces Is- land In search ot plums and accldcm ally ran Into A camp In whldl there were two Negro men and a white girl about 12 years old They mado some Inquiries about the girt and tho Ne- groes said she was the daughter of white man a Ito was traveling wit Smithe I not let the girl take part In the con Vernation and this aroused suspicion torI n man faredS thea name was sharp fight was kept up for some thn frors m men She was so excited that she could not give any Intelligent account of hersetl falbrd e but that she had been stolen from he home near Fort Gibson fT She has been taken to iluldrew Roland thodlead man was a com paratlvo stranger at Wilsons Rock Bruces Island in the center of th Arkansas titercontalna about acres and ISI densely covered will i timber and thick underbrush Posses ot citizens left Tuesday for the scene of the trouble from Fort Smith Spiro Mtydrew and Fort son Them la much excitement aroutii tho Island Ono or fvo of the Negroes are knoinj Af desperate characters IMPORTAfn RV- r Base of the fn Jtue of a ICs Rom wa und Rome Impurtan t dlscovi lay doers exelatlo rum con slsUng of tie celebrate eQuestrwt statue w rjinmn rm- r mitlan tvlilp I lime Brvs tier in t 11tft wb lit tdtS topography of the forum during the flrstMfCntury of time empire The base stands five feet below the present eve p of the forum It Is 4u feet long 20 feet wide and over ten jet high Oi the top are three blocks bf travert ii 1 stone showing where time feet of thi horse stood The fourth block Is lack Ing Indicating that tbe right fnrefoo l distancd js calculated that the 8tauuwns six < times life size MULTIMILLIONAIRE DEAD Six Years Ago He Worked In a Mine at 30 Cents a Day Chihuahua AMex Aug 19 Iqdro Alvnrado a multimillionaire mlnlns man Is dead at Parral It Is said that six years ago bo was a barefooted peon working In a mine at 30 cents a day Ho discovered the Pal Allllo mine and his wealth is now stimatetlnt 85 000000 He had no faith In brinks and It Is said that silver bars worth a greut sum arc locked In a steel page In his palatial home near Parral constantly guarded by a strong force of men KILLED IN HJSCECll v i hr t Turnkey L Jwwllns Wyo Aug ip = Janto drolln I hficell In llate penltbntiary Tuesday by Ernest Goodsell night urnljcy Reaching through the bars Williams seized Goodsoll and wrench ¬ ed his keys front his hand AIf r a struggle Goodsell succeeded In taw Ing hit revolver and shot the convict In the head Williams who vasaerv Ing n sentence for grand lar t ped from the prison June fflastfllll W pireCh wur FIRED AJT THE MILITIA I Caused at t Danville III Aug 19 Consldcraiilo excitement was caused here late Times day when one of three unknown nvn fired three shuts at Guards Fifer and PcrklnH members of one of the tvt a militia companies that have boot n- a duty fn Dtnvlllo since the recent riots In hIS city Neither of the y was Jnjurcdand they did not rcttrut- ime K Swamth Niagara Rapids Buffalo N Y Au 19J W Icn ster tho New Yotk athlete and whn TIer successfully swam the Niagara rapids Tuesday lie Is in a badly ya tcrcd and bruised condition and to several hours wits unconscious O Divorced Couple Remarried y + v Pawtucket n L A 11 1JutN I id ing divorced 12 yeais Lawrence A o zo Ring of Chicago and Abble En her Ring of this city were reunite d by Rev Marlon Latw rector of St outs Kplscopal church Mr Ring is 53 and his wife IS Storage Place For His Plunder St louts Aug t9Under a vh cols sweating Hurry Miuor nlla Steven J lau Ie4 arrested fur bu lacy admitted to the polite that be rented a box In a safety deposit vauU ae o storage pMrfl for bit plunder ot MOSLEMS MUROEREti Eight Jlumiie Killed U y iiislti f jeiils In Muuiutir Dislricti ti f hn Bulgarians Have Practically Mobil Ized An Army of 70000 Commu ¬ nication Between Monastlr and salonlca Cut Off N ConLtnnlinoiilo Aug 19 A dleiatc h received at one of the embassies state that 00 Moslems havciuven munkrc d In the Monastlr district by hillurglnts- Word was also received Tuesday thLl two Bulgarian villages had been tc trodpih edif I have been called out In Auatolriy troops now here to make distinct headway ns 11 jh errs given them from different ire conflicting and thpy ar < MV i- to know which to obeyt t Sofia Bulgaria AilS ltA ircc battle Is reported to have jjMttrrojJ lA iTurkish c fiohe t repulsed with tho loss of 210 inenH Ii1 ed or wounded The Insurgent lossT not given Rome Aug 19 Private advice jecelvetr an armytaa under arms In the prlnctulIf amount to niOrc than 70000 noI double what is considered as peace effective The nulga lan gOI 7arnmentboweVCjs unwilling to yen Lt1 on any bocI tile movement against 1 urkey us I does not wish to lose thoisupport o Russia It hopes however that pub- He opinion In Russia wit farce tIIU government to help Bulgaria agalnj t Turkey and the dispatch a squadron to Turkish waters enceu- ages the Bulgarlana In this view Sofld Bulgaria Aug 19The F cnlng Post states that a band of Bazooka have crossed the Bulgaria frontier to the district of Tcl kiler t fronUer guards withfya ngans and JouhoVd two others Thy also set tire n severul houscg This itg tho district Time news has not l teji con rmed oflhciallYI p txhe roYplutiona tttoa- t1i pyof tot If IUt Htlit 1 y tssful attempts have succeed edl teesying with dynamite the brplzscaUsso thereby absolute between Saloean Monastlr Fort ec ba allons of Turkish re Eerves liC3urope nave been called out LondOn lug 194t CQnstantlnopU dispatch S the Dally rhrohlcle datgd oflie cialw as I despair at the tieing hI Macedonia c mlh JtJvere bus all the night onveying i obpli and stores to dfiwffected area War with Bulgaria was believed to be imminent and 1 Ue military men wore Impatiently awaiting the opening of hotllljlc3 to end the susI re wh6h was taxing the patience nfNl dlsciplinoof the troops to the utmost ViehDajAug J9The Constantino Plo c6rVinondent of Die Eelt Tue xlay r pdrUtwo massacres by Turkish troops lie says Turkish troops attar Capturing Krushcvo hornet down all tho building and massacred all the Inhabitants AniJihcR foe of troops enraged at the death ot their comrades In de- railed Grains massacred the railway afnctoftS 1 Kerrlsowltch and Kuprlll and any or time ii tie 9 ot the neigh- boring JJI = 7 RIOTING IN RO1KA 11fIVlouJ t J w Vienna Aug tit fresh outbrcal pf rioting has occiVrieU ln Croats At lnprtl q iinjon the occasion of the ccle brattpnpftho birthday of emperor Fradcis Joseph Tueada5Jva thousand pcabfajjla gathered In tlt wn and de slro a Iluncarlan turner Thc Holers were resisted I gend wounh io d peasants pillaged utores and stqdcd t 0 military who killed two person s land wounded a number of rioters itWill Build An Extension h hatlnnoogn Tfnn Aug 19tTh U South railway has decided to but 1 a nFextenslon from Outer Springs to TjIloUMountoln hsurvoy for which I ow being pushed rapidly forward Thlg extension will shorten the road milen umLjylll pass thrjiugh a section rid dnIcoal andleonundevelopedO- amaged Bya Cloudburst Tucson Ariz Aug 1JA cloud burst nt Cerro Prieto Sonora Sun day wrecked the slump mill of Ibe principal gold mine at that place an loads carried away 10000 tons of tall Ings valued at 40000 that were b- ering woripd for gold by the cyanide process Lo motive Boller Exploded a Albuij eDL Aur 198 ex of mho of tha en the eastbound limited uriaheS vJ Tuesday at thfe M- giilro 1 mine Engines Fitch viJs t BtaVtly killed and Ilt man Bla d w a seriously injured- Papermakers Strike Ended Holypkc Rasa Aug ip T rilio jpt the illolaiUo rime bopxoor a an hart 0 r will go imy l- Yw vha0p grs a v d tln + u d 0 oQKImt f 1OtG14Q0 w iICQGIs 921084 44 1 STAf NEWS S < tJ PICKUPS I CPdd40vsQ il Cf 4d G 102U00 U M cN Q9 MC4r rtff C r 4 D r DA MAGll 1rl ONVt Convict icn yrn h Btstld For our Thursday Oe getown tr K 1O1I1On tile- witnc and forree hours huts sRay afternoon Con ice hoary YoHtyo r gave very damaging testimony agajni Caleb > ojr8 Jhe Oobtil uggrater- d t slllraC rue e tcstlfled that In January 190L he an aflidavl tor Powers as to jfis jntHceme to lire sent to the tepu can Judged nl the court of appeals insecure from them t- ia reversal of the lifsrtitCtrtnslvciFuli Powers lie sal tIt R i lime Ife- elgned th tvet Sn iFinll hlmtelf It III hI etara would ontnt to alflzh J iJ to It hr YoutH rrrjlllrc on sin nit agreement wilvln tje ttUJJJor falsity of It cud also t to never lt U bctoni1 public or to use It oprnly In court and to- churn It to him Yautspy within 15 snys He says the affidavit WAS not rj turned by + lu Mjra anri hr Ymttrcy kept Iltc ii n cement Ife 9- ducN aagrcemen tort 11- 1P w rll signature alts IIIMI dCQrgelown ICY g I fo 0 hoursiFrld9yllpo + ist Henry Y9t zcy under ntl trlnJ anal ni on HmliAi1n as to tIlr il t onspiracy which fi says iI the assassination of Wijm Gothtl For nil of that he raaMitalned the calm demeanor that oili be furnl lied them two years ago wbcr lie was himself on trial here and threw a fit In the court room to sfautlr hev rc9pon ° nlions of the defense attornc that h t faked them he did 1oWltn n smile ton his face and some crabarasBment rousing a general laugh among th hundreds mainly women who tiajas sembled to hear him Gcorgetowhf Ky Aug 18 oiI Powers the witness own defennoat the afternoon censjoi n court Monday Examined b g y1tV nIr the story he has repealed on t blnnl on each of his preceding triiils In rested new matter now and then I catering denial to tho story told l Frank Cecil of Hell county that tie was reeking scone one to enact the roll of assassin Ho was very earnest 111 Lila dental of the Cecil matter I making answer to questions the dP fcndant continually made explanation of what he meant A number of 0 ic- y s he tell into error in making then etc plauatlons and was corrected by thl court Attorneys Franklin and C ii hell followed his recital closet > II often Interrupted M Georgetown Ky Aug l1TJidlr- ecl and cross examinatlon of q b Powers on the stand In his own tie tense was concluded Tuesday alr noon and tits defense had an liS L with Tlobrrt Noak 9 iheTomrii P wealth wll Uri JRS confront t with A flUiinadeby him ll- Dan1iI amber V 11100 x Max 1iJ OrwIIIIIViIIl ttlll All noy 14 R f JVwell jot that place tint eta ie 1J Nuaka charged Atld nay Cam l with trying to seep Dlm to sw ijalsel to serum e CI n vlctlon o lrl ward and of FinlJ roll 1dfvr nil told um ofbu11IY witnesses JlIo made the stattnJ but said Twit after making 1ls an ew ell that It wall n inCi that hfl refj8pd to swear to It i t rglgnri 1 xplnined his palia r coni1ncl by saying that Il the tutu ho made the staljnient he wag willing In rs out qf his troll hIt fern lip NooksT was preparing to- go to Ttrazil to also good Time lefeiisiUViroditced nn4 lfi Noaks iden tlfy loWrfc wljIcJi htt 1iail written ti Power lIollclLlnJ hip 4 180m npailovUanvllle t t state ip above VIOLATED ELECTION 11 S VHM H ClayTCombi Sent to the Penltenllar y iFor Two Yearsi i D IUe Ky Aug 17Airih p r last republlcaiuii linar held In OiVslPJ county to ROrWretcount ollUcr jtt eleclwoh counq clerk f 1eJ1911 > S the nau of nominee on tint pine l undJJfII until the morning of the election nni those wishing to vote for the nominee were compelled to write their name I on the ballots Ccmb was Indicts for Violation of the election laws Tin 11case has been ought hard some of tt ablest counsel In Kentucky being em ployed and resulted Saturday In hi a being sentenced to the penitentiary tor- t 0 years kdlik eF once air Coving enK w The sure al fair atJloreac Rn under th 1 a Ices no County Agrl wilt begin Augus Tho at tnlua m tilt vet before f guild Wandering y AUR 19Phil i I i hand was slmcStli II tl Ie4d days ago by Will Ro t i ab a mier In the county and oa Quit arouil In s ena yr CAPT B J EWENJ p Hopes td Buy a Home In Lexington and Settle Down Lexington Ky Aug 17After con kfldciablc doubt nndBpectilatlon Mrs WEJ1 wife tit Capt U J Ewcn thin principal witness who lestlflcllagAlnsr ECjirtfs 4etl and Tom White In their recent trial at Cynthlana arrived In this cty from Jackson Sunday night She was nftt at the depot by her him iband and an affectionate greeting took plavfi1 They went to the house of a friendwhere they will spend thn- nlgil Monday Mrs Ewen said thcv would look for a home which they hopo tp purchase and will take up their residence In this city She ap Jjcajctl fatigued aQd Bald she wan glad Il with her busbandagaln xlngon Ir Aug ISCapl R J Ewpn the lending witness ngalnst Jett and White procured a homo hero Monday having decided to make Lex ¬ ington his future place of residence L WOMEN INDICTED toI Beattyvlllc Ky AurfIs America and Rublcia Beard mother and tUtigli speciala < charged with complicity torI which Joe r have aireael been Indicted Peters killed a urptler of the Allfujg and woe sentenced to threclara th 4 penitentiary allf then given n flew trial The Aliens grew Impatient j and It Is said shot hint to death at I the home of Deputy Sheriff Wilson It U alleged that the npmcii locatM Peters prepared the gun < and urged the Aliens to the deed lit revenge tho death of their Kinsman Ifor u GEORGETOWN COLLEGE i The Re3gni0 of PresIdent DO i Gr rWcCeJlted Af ggprgetbwn IiAug J 9iAt it m t ng trjateen of r tCtlIinAlltl 1 r noon time re a on of 1 resident it D Gray was accepted A commltten i of five was appointed to select his sure cossor Dr Arthur Yager was elected I chairman of the board of trustees with I full executive poweis I Revs Dr T T Eaton Carter Helm Ioulsvllhn Preston Blake Iexlngton B B Bai ¬ ley Winchester J F Williams Ver sallies and II A Sumnell DanvllK were made a co operative committee to Increase the endowment to the point recentiacct THOUGHT HIM A BURGLAR Bridegroom Fatally Shot By His Sit fter at Paducah Paducah Ky Aug 17Precl ever lens was that trod probable fatally vounded at an early hour Sunday morning by Mrs May Crocks hfa JPiverlett Ing In bis si ltr B r i wbnn she fired three ahos all taking effect A shot through his right leg otm throh the hand nnd time through hits lgnt lung Iverlett was married a lOW days ago An Attempt at Lynching Louisville Ky Aug 18t mobnt en and joys attempted U> lynch 11Y am Co6k Cook who Is un employ r the Frank James and Colo Younger llld west show threw n Btonott n 4 mull Joy who tried to crawl umlr Vse tent and struck 11 year old Llrxio dyer in the head fracturing her skull 1 nil Inflicting a wound from whlgh she Vl probably die fjtf I Gets II Promotion e > Lexington Ky Aug 17Guthrm f Sloan formerly of thin city whoa liiJ been seriously 111 at Tucson Aft liar entirely recovered ids health and bn been promoted from the ppsltiqn clerk In the train jJJBpaJpliei O Qheof tbe Southern PACI c rtillwav- fto hR of private secretary to the s s inteudcn or the rood Jackson Guard Reduced U I1lnlllfort KJr AHgi7 GoY Beqjk thb torc < t lI llor i IItf4r < Frankfort comptirleaflll coine hoiiu Monday The m> iiti > remain InJacU son will picked mainly from the i IoulsyllUsrTiaUery f t iElks Fal aER Succets fahI given umlertho al lodge loo 89 BTP 0 Elks whirl t closed here Saturday night was the most Bifccessftil ever given Exempt From Taxation Lexington Ky Aug 19The gcv oral council in Joint special Boasters adapted nn ifllnance exempting iron taxation for wVnenod of five year t largn tobacco iJK prj1 and warcho which Ur Col11 41 Tubacco tig- nnuin I bait 11 erect he 1 w Banks P otrshu VAMg 19A ban Il Un on n Rlihwood thl cauntii wilt MIous tn a furs i days 1lnll FT la casilcr ol th in14ttdc anti Jnbq BIn pti + w Rich 1t s n t f 11 re L r

Editor Publisher A Oae Dollar Per Year Advance IVOLU ... · Loomis to Oyster Day Tho reason given tkin of tho treaty by the Colombian 1 ... Incidentally to limo general question ot

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Page 1: Editor Publisher A Oae Dollar Per Year Advance IVOLU ... · Loomis to Oyster Day Tho reason given tkin of tho treaty by the Colombian 1 ... Incidentally to limo general question ot


iIJwIsE HAGINS Editor and Publisher A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TB INT fl STB OF SBT1BW UDJITCrUJCY Oae Dollar Per Year ia Advance


tNUMBER 46 1


Curt Jctt nilIoin White Convictcil of Mimlcr

The Application For New Trial WteMadeThe Prosecution May Not

Oppose the Motion as toJette Case

Cynthlsna ICy Aug JSCurt Jetand Turn Whit the Jackson feudlittwere both found guilty of thoMarciinassassination by the jury KfluSy andsentenced to llfo terms in tho pcnltcntlary

hnltcdthocame Into hit eyes and the blood seemfd to loavo his face ns he heard thefateful words Jctt with clinchedJaws listened to the sentence and stll

braSGaducloThe defense lied ground and mo

tlnn for a new trill st It oclock Friday morning and Judge Q 6orne cal830 oclock Satordaylporn DI for thehearing of rootle 5y motionAnd grounds consist cdtlreiYt obJec

ns to the evidence fucd 1 by theart and the Attempted InUodurtloiwhlrhpfAa

davits made by tho defendants sa1ngthat n fair and Impart I t Ialcould

rriinarjdisplaypublic mind so that a t fluidnof 18 bad Ill nlmoste thatthe JiidgQ will overrule thon forIThoInttonwore In consultation 1UIV V sitarnoon as to whether or Hot they willoppose the tnotlonni to Jolt as they-say If they can get A new trial tn tbiara othcy ulll hovo enough evidence In

case at the next trial to convicthim However Prosecuting AttorneyHynl Raid that If they concluded tooppt to tho new trial hat nt thn nextterm of tho Harrison circuit court boo

J4 toro Judge Osborne which beginsthree wcelia from Monday they willBit forward the case of the commonwealth against Curtlia Jett one of thoF defendants for the murder of JimCpckcrlll to which murder there weresome six eye witnesses Ucreby sueroodlng In hanging Jctt which hike

hen tho ultimate aim of the proseculion in tho case just tried

Tho t ajyLfoaJprga II tttL case Atlinr Friday been the chargesiRalnit Juror Jasper King who livesIn this city and who was until twoyears ngo a deputy sheriff of thfc county and a man who has been highly es

NorthcuttLKing did attempt to Influence them-e to decide for Jell and White In this

case by saying that there was nothingagainst the defendants Judge Osborne In his admonition to tho jurytold them nut to taut about this case

v among each other until It was finally

P given to thorn to decide This seemsand It Is said by attorneys here to becontempt of court

No movements have been undo ntyet as to tho soldiers nnd Col WIIlams time ofllccr In command of thesituation said Friday afternoon thnmi movements as to the soldiers wer

7 yet decided on and would not bo dostint on until Saturday after theronnds nod motion for a now trial

t had been passed on by the court andU that the matter of tho movements of

tho soldiers were In tho hands of himj self and JUdgd Osborne

Cyntlilnna Ky Aug 17Curtis Jettand Tom Whjtbworo Saturday remcvfd from this rill and are now lockedIn separate calla In towns that arewidely distant Jolt was taken to LoxIngton at B oclock Saturday afternoonTom White was taken to Covlngton at4 oclock


A Party of Nuns and Indian Girls WereMore or Less Injured

rGreat Falls Mont Aug 17By tIm

overturning of a picnic wagon front StVoters mission a party of nuns andIndian girls wore dashed many tootdown tho stile of a hill Sister IAnminclato was fatally Injured and Mary

half breod Irtdlnn girl was so1riously hurt Another nun and severalR girls wero badly bruised nUll

lacerated The accident occurred lIurIing a heavy electric storm a uh nlightning frightening time horses nnd

icausing them to dash over a steepembankment


Two Person Seriously and Five WereSlightly Injured

St Louis Aug 17A street car ond tjio Chevokcoiillvlslon of the St Louis

i transit lines struck a wagon filled witht w 15 persons near tho Intersection ot

Gravols avenuonml Mercmac streetSunday rchtttrrlouslylnJurlng JohnJ Mauser nniThls wife andSyearirlmmerMlss Mary Oabcl and Joseph

KoehiDeclares the vVIII ls Invalid

Naples Aug IdA parish pries-named


Mllonp willed his whole fortun-of 80000 to to reigning pontiff whon

Leo XIII wad at time point ot deathTho priest has since died nnd his tamfly now set up the claim that tho willIs invalid


Good Price For a Colta N Y Aug 15At thi

auctiongale ot yearlings from tin1alrvlew stud lhe property of Chasand A J lteggd Friday brown coltby Imp Knlgbftof the ThistleActiverpI4 taJ J DWver toT fJ500

t cI


The Colombian Senate Unanimous Y

Rejected It

Washington Aug UA tabtcgraidated August 12 has been received athe stato department from Mlnlstc rIlcauprc at Bogota saying that th 0Panama canal treaty has been rojectctby tho Colombian senate Presldcn t

advlsfdotthoIng forwarded by Acting Secrotarj P

Loomis to Oyster DayTho reason given tkin

of tho treaty by the Colombian 1

ale It Is said here was theencroachment on Colombian soverelgnty which Us opponents contendedwould result from tho treaty ThlfInformatlun was contained In a diepatch received Monday night by DrHorrcn tho Colombian charge froForeign Minister Rlcos at BogotaThis dispatch showed that In its prosent form the treaty was absolutely unacceptable to tho scnatoifor the rcanon nbovo stated and that it had beesrejected unanimously The vjcw takenby the scnato was at variance to thatheld by the government ot Colombiawhich felt satisfied when It submittedtho treaty to conftrtss that therewould be no Impairment of Colombiansovereignty If the treaty should boratified

Incidentally to limo general questionot sovereignty necessary was that otlease of tho strip ot land throughwhich the canal was to be constructedand tho debate In tho Colombian senate Indicated that that body regardedthis ns amounting to a sale of the landtherefore objectionable When thetreaty was submitted to tho senate bytho committee to which It was referrod seven of the senators favored Itwith certain amendments which theyproposed and tho remaining two op-

posed It absolutely Tho amendmentproposed by tho majority are not slat-ed here but they evidently referredto mho question of sovereignty as IsIndicated by the subsequent rejectionof the treaty In its present form

colon Colombia Aug tgTha rejection of the canal treaty by the Colomblan senate has produced tremendpus excitement on the isthmus Itwas generally believed that the treatywould pass with some modifications

There Is good reason to suppose thattho majority of the members of thosenate regard tho Spooner amendmentto build a canal by tho Nicaraguanroute It the Panama route was reject-ed


byfColombla as a mere threat onthu ot th United States Theyare convinced that the Nicaraguaproject Is luposslblo and that theUnited States will again deal with Co

lomblaTherejection Is a heavy blow to

property owners hero who have beenInvesting heavily on the prospects ofthe treatys being ratified


Two Bridges Carried Away and Others Are In Danger

Kansas City Mo Aug I8Boatare again m uso to transport personbetween the two Kansas Cities theJames street foot and wagon bridgeand tho Metropolitan Street HallwayCos bridge over tho Kansas river haying been carried out bf the strongMirrent The river ID higher than atany time since the Juno flood and oth-

er structures are In danger Thewrecked bridgrn fcra temporary pileaffairs constructed two months agoA further rise li expected as halt a

dozen tributaries to tho Kansas westof here are bankfull

The river has been turbulent forover a week past and tho strong current has brought In great quantities o t

driftwood rho James street brldgnwens partly wrecked Sunday Soon aftor It went nut Monday morning It floated down and look out the street railway bridge Revering tho main line otcommunication across tho river andcarrying with It the Kansas City gasmain anil telephone cable Mondaynight tho Kaunas Cities were practically In darkness Tho wreckage nagalnime t

tho Chicago Great n

bridge and while It weakened thestructure and put It nut ot service Itwill It Is bollevcd remain Intact


A Number of Christian Villages Pitlaged and Destroyed

Sofia Bulgaria Aug 18A despatch received hero from Uekub says

that GOO HashI Hnzouks under thecoinamml of Albanian chiefs who arenolhrlouBly cruel hero pillaged anddestroyed a number of Christian vII >

lagro In tho districts of Dcbro andOkllda Tho Turkish authorities ItIs added connived at the outrage anlfurnished the Bashi Uazouks with unl ¬

forms that they might appear to beregular toldlcrn

Wear Your HatsCnrlyle Ill Aug 1Snov M

Cairns rector of the l lIlse pal churchIs Instructing women trod girls to weartheir hats when they attend servicesHe says to go bareheaded Is again gj

Bible teachings

A Lumber and Land CompanyAugusta Me Aug 1S1he Werinecorporated Monday by 0 H L Wer

nlckc of Cincinnati and E K Adamsof New York The capitalization Is

12000001 common stock and 3000000 preferred

Electric Cars Collide HeadOnCarthage Mo Aug 8In a bead

end collision on tho CarthagoJopUnelectric railway Motorman James Ba-

ker was killed Motorman Ed Hedgewas probably fatally hurt ape 2 otherVerbose were Injured



IntGens Miles and Shatter Were GreetedWith Cheers thong the Line Which

Included San FranciscosChief Thoroughfares

Ban Francisco Aug 19Seldomdlhas a finer parade been witnessed Is

Francisco than that which Tuesday did honor to the Orand Army otthe Republic Thp veterans were notIn line their procession being acheduled for Wednesday but many alllccorganizations participated chief anion

rnthese being the naval reserves thveterans of the SpanishAmerican waiand the national guard of CaliforniaThe regular army was well representcd The Order of Red Men whlcliwas largely represented added atlrosqiio feature to the displayGerman societies of the city Includingamateur athletes and children frotho various turner schools madesplendid showing as also did theleague of Cross cadets Gensand Shatter were greeted with clerealong the line of march which Included the citys chief thoroughfares

Tuesday night Mechanics 11 11

was crowded to the doors by granarmy men their wives and friendsthe occasion being an Informal rcceptlon to Gen Stewart < ommandcrlnthief The city was again IlluminatedTuesday night

The reception to Commander ThosF Stewart al tie Mechanics Pavilion Tuesday night was attended byseveral thousand people It was participated In by the Womens HolierCcrps the Ladles of the Grand Armyand kindred organizations Gen GeoStone chairman of time executive commince made a few remarks and Intraduced MaJ Gen W n Shaftercommander of the department of tallfornla and Nevada who welcomed thevoteiaus to the Pacific coast MayorSchmitz greeted the old soldiers nubehalf of the city In response Commamlcrln Chief Stewart delivered anaddress expressing his gratificationand that qf his comrades at the heartness o their reception In San Fran ¬



lRlyhtWomcrVPleiaed Gullty+atWlchita Kan

Wichita Kan Aug 19EIht wornen concerned Intbe smashing of aJoint last week were arraigned In

the r II > court Tuesday All pleadsguilty to assault They were finedUO each andlcots Warrants weresworn out against two other womenalso but the cases against them werdismissed The complaint was fileby Attorney S U Amldon and thowomen were charged with assaultingT II Maan The attorney and hisclients woo forced to Beat a retreatamidst a shower of eggs thrown bythe Irate women who lend Just finished their work against the saloon Thomen had gone to look after MahanaIntcrcHts In tho saloon


Three Cases Made Their Appearanceat Baglo Mex

Wallbln ton Aug 10 Surgeon Gen ¬

eral Wymnn of the marine hospitalservice Tuesday received a telegramfrom Dr lcceufcn president of the supromo board of health of the republicof Mexico notifying him that threecases of bubonic plague has made theirappearance at the town ot Uagio asmall place on limo western coast neaMazaUlan Svhcrc the plague prevailedlast 11111 illS DI 1occaga added thattho cautionary measures to proven tthe spread of the epidemic had beetaken

KERWINfTrade Made Between Louisville and

tClnclneptl Teamsi

St Paul Mlnn3uj tJeubeau manager and ner or t o 1uuIsvlllo team made Ufe announcementTuesday night that He traded Dan Kerwin to Cincinnati and that tho rightfielder would Jolntbo Cincinnati teamnt the close of the American associalion season lIof Tebeau refused t

state whlcl> otho Cincinnati playerhe would got In return for Kerwinbut said the player wouldjoln Louisvllle next season

Took a Dose of StrychnineSt Lad Is AugAlg A man 30 yean

ot age g vingjh name of Victor Fassql of Memphis Tenn took a dosof at a small hotel heroTuesday and latertwus found In a dy-


condition by the IjrkGreat ForesL F rc

Spokane WasluA IIA greatforest arc Is raging neslr Klk about25 miles north of this city fcls re-

potted that 1000 acres a be1tofwhite pIne and cedar has been bucd

kover alrcajly

Frank Kramer Badly HurtProvidence It J Aug JIn a

cllampf pten mile rucoif profsslonal r defk at tho Coliseum Tuesday nllrank Kramer was ballyhurt InTijfnlll with King and JoinUedell btjtjjls Injuries me out dan ¬


In the Hands o1 the MilitaryLondon Aug 11The Tlnios corre

spondent at Belgrade telegraphs thatthe result of tie recent ministerialcrisis has shown how completely KinsPeter U In the hands of the militarycamarilla wblvn CDthrcood bin



Attempted to Rescue Young WhitGirl Front Negroes

UfIUllllapIngIng of one of a posse that trlofl to descue her are the crimes charged agalnia party of eight Negroes fortified oBruces island If relics west of the scity It Is feared their capture wiltload to a bloody encounter The Nogroes arc said to be well armed Afew days ago two farmers living nearWilsons Rock landed on Bruces Is-

land In search ot plums and accldcmally ran Into A camp In whldl therewere two Negro men and a white girlabout 12 years old They mado someInquiries about the girt and tho Ne-groes said she was the daughter ofwhite man a Ito was traveling witSmithe I

not let the girl take part In the conVernation and this aroused suspiciontorIn manfaredStheaname wassharp fight was kept up for some thnfrors m

menShe was so excited that she could notgive any Intelligent account of hersetlfalbrdebut that she had been stolen from hehome near Fort Gibson f T She hasbeen taken to iluldrew

Roland thodlead man was a comparatlvo stranger at Wilsons RockBruces Island in the center of thArkansas titercontalna aboutacres and ISI densely covered will i

timber and thick underbrushPosses ot citizens left Tuesday for

the scene of the trouble from FortSmith Spiro Mtydrew and Fortson Them la much excitement aroutiitho Island Ono or fvo of theNegroes are knoinj Af desperatecharacters


rBase of the fn Jtue of a

ICs Rom wa und

Rome Impurtan tdlscovi lay doersexelatlo rum conslsUng of tie celebrateeQuestrwt statue w rjinmn rm-

rmitlan tvlilp I lime Brvstier in t 11tft wb lit tdtStopography of the forum during theflrstMfCntury of time empire The basestands five feet below the present eve p

of the forum It Is 4u feet long 2 0

feet wide and over ten jet high Oithe top are three blocks bf travert ii 1

stone showing where time feet of thihorse stood The fourth block Is lackIng Indicating that tbe right fnrefoo ldistancdjs calculated that the 8tauuwns six<times life size


Six Years Ago He Worked In a Mineat 30 Cents a Day

Chihuahua AMex Aug 19 IqdroAlvnrado a multimillionaire mlnlnsman Is dead at Parral It Is said thatsix years ago bo was a barefooted peonworking In a mine at 30 cents a dayHo discovered the Pal Allllo mine andhis wealth is now stimatetlnt 85000000 He had no faith In brinks andIt Is said that silver bars worth a greutsum arc locked In a steel page In hispalatial home near Parral constantlyguarded by a strong force of men

KILLED IN HJSCECllv ihr tTurnkey

LJwwllns Wyo Aug ip =Jantodrolln I

hficell In llate penltbntiaryTuesday by Ernest Goodsell nighturnljcy Reaching through the bars

Williams seized Goodsoll and wrench ¬

ed his keys front his hand AIf r astruggle Goodsell succeeded In tawIng hit revolver and shot the convictIn the head Williams who vasaervIng n sentence for grand lar t

ped from the prison June fflastfllllW pireCh wur


Danville III Aug 19 Consldcraiiloexcitement was caused here late Times

day when one of three unknown nvnfired three shuts at Guards Fifer andPcrklnH members of one of the tvt amilitia companies that have boot n-

a duty fn Dtnvlllo since the recent riotsIn hIS city Neither of the ywas Jnjurcdand they did not rcttrut-

ime K

Swamth Niagara RapidsBuffalo N Y Au 19J W Icn

ster tho New Yotk athlete and whnTIer successfully swam the Niagararapids Tuesday lie Is in a badly yatcrcd and bruised condition and toseveral hours wits unconscious

O Divorced Couple Remarriedy

+ v

Pawtucket n L A 11 1JutN I iding divorced 12 yeais Lawrence A o

zo Ring of Chicago and Abble Enher Ring of this city were reunite dby Rev Marlon Latw rector of St

outs Kplscopal church Mr Ringis 53 and his wife IS

Storage Place For His PlunderSt louts Aug t9Under a vh

cols sweating Hurry Miuor nllaSteven J lau Ie4 arrested fur bu

lacy admitted to the polite that berented a box In a safety deposit vauUae o storage pMrfl for bit plunder



Eight Jlumiie Killed U y iiislti fjeiils In Muuiutir Dislricti ti

fhnBulgarians Have Practically Mobil

Ized An Army of 70000 Commu ¬

nication Between Monastlrand salonlca Cut OffNConLtnnlinoiilo Aug 19 A dleiatc h

received at one of the embassies statethat 00 Moslems havciuven munkrc dIn the Monastlr district by hillurglnts-Word was also received Tuesday thLltwo Bulgarian villages had been tctrodpih edif I

have been called out In Auatolriytroops now hereto make distinct headway ns 11 jherrs given them from differentire conflicting and thpy ar<MV i-to know which to obeyt t

Sofia Bulgaria AilS ltA irccbattle Is reported to have jjMttrrojJ lAiTurkish c

fiohe t

repulsed with tho loss of 210 inenH Ii1

ed or wounded The Insurgent lossTnot given

Rome Aug 19 Private advicejecelvetran armytaaunder arms In the prlnctulIfamount to niOrc than 70000 noIdouble what is considered aspeace effective The nulga lan gOI

7arnmentboweVCjs unwilling to yenLt1 on any bocI

tile movement against 1 urkey us I

does not wish to lose thoisupport oRussia It hopes however that pub-

He opinion In Russia wit farce tIIUgovernment to help Bulgaria agalnj tTurkey and the dispatch asquadron to Turkish waters enceu-ages the Bulgarlana In this view

Sofld Bulgaria Aug 19The Fcnlng Post states that a band ofBazooka have crossed the Bulgariafrontier to the district of Tclkiler t fronUer guards withfyangans and JouhoVd two others Thyalso set tire n severul houscg Thisitgtho district

Time news has not l teji con rmedoflhciallYI p

txhe roYplutiona tttoa-t1i

pyoftot If IUt Htlit 1

y tssful attempts have succeededl teesying with dynamite the

brplzscaUsso thereby absolutebetween

Saloean MonastlrFort ec ba allons of Turkish re

Eerves liC3urope nave been called outLondOn lug 194t CQnstantlnopU

dispatch S the Dally rhrohlcle datgdofliecialw as I despair at the tieing hI

Macedonia c mlh JtJvere busall the night onveying i obpli andstores to dfiwffected area

War with Bulgaria was believed tobe imminent and 1Ue military menwore Impatiently awaiting the openingof hotllljlc3 to end the susI rewh6h was taxing the patience nfNl

dlsciplinoof the troops to the utmostViehDajAug J9The Constantino

Plo c6rVinondent of Die Eelt Tuexlay r pdrUtwo massacres by Turkishtroops lie says Turkish troopsattar Capturing Krushcvo hornetdown all tho building and massacredall the Inhabitants

AniJihcR foe of troops enragedat the death ot their comrades In de-

railed Grains massacred the railwayafnctoftS 1 Kerrlsowltch and Kuprllland any or time iitie 9 ot the neigh-


11fIVlouJ tJw

Vienna Aug tit fresh outbrcalpf rioting has occiVrieU ln Croats Atlnprtl q iinjon the occasion of the cclebrattpnpftho birthday of emperorFradcis Joseph Tueada5Jva thousandpcabfajjla gathered In tlt wn and deslro a Iluncarlan turner ThcHolers were resisted I gendwounhio


peasants pillaged utores and stqdcdt 0 military who killed two person sland wounded a number of rioters

itWill Build An Extensionh hatlnnoogn Tfnn Aug 19tThU

South railway has decided to but 1

anFextenslon from Outer Springs toTjIloUMountoln hsurvoy for whichI ow being pushed rapidly forwardThlg extension will shorten the roadmilenumLjylll pass thrjiugh a section riddnIcoal andleonundevelopedO-

amaged Bya CloudburstTucson Ariz Aug 1JA cloud

burst nt Cerro Prieto Sonora Sunday wrecked the slump mill of Ibeprincipal gold mine at that place anloads carried away 10000 tons of tallIngs valued at 40000 that were b-

ering woripd for gold by the cyanideprocess

Lo motive Boller Explodeda Albuij eDL Aur 198

ex of mho of tha enthe eastbound limited

uriaheS vJ Tuesday at thfe M-


mine Engines Fitch viJs tBtaVtly killed and Ilt man Bla d w aseriously injured-

Papermakers Strike EndedHolypkc Rasa Aug ip Trilio jpt the illolaiUo rimebopxoor

a an hart 0r will go imy



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PICKUPS ICPdd40vsQ il Cf 4d G 102U00 UM cN Q9 MC4r rtff C r 4 D

rDA MAGll1rl ONVt

Convict icnyrn h BtstldFor our Thursday

Oe getowntr

K 1O1I1On tile-witnc and forree hours huts

sRay afternoon Con ice hoary YoHtyo rgave very damaging testimony agajniCaleb >ojr8 Jhe Oobtil uggrater-

dt slllraC rue e tcstlfled that InJanuary 190L he an aflidavltor Powers as to jfis jntHceme to liresent to the tepu can Judged nl thecourt of appeals insecure from them t-

ia reversal of the lifsrtitCtrtnslvciFuliPowers lie sal tIt R i lime Ife-

elgned th tvet SniFinllhlmtelf It III hIetara would ontnt to alflzh J

iJ to It hr YoutH rrrjlllrcon sin nit agreement wilvln

tje ttUJJJor falsity of It cud alsot to never lt U bctoni1 publicor to use It oprnly In court and to-

churn It to him Yautspy within 15

snys He says the affidavit WAS not rjturned by + lu Mjra anri hr Ymttrcykept Iltc ii n cement Ife 9-

ducN aagrcemen tort 11-

1P w rll signature alts IIIMIdCQrgelown ICY g I fo 0hoursiFrld9yllpo + ist Henry Y9tzcy under ntl trlnJ analni on HmliAi1n as to

tIlr il t onspiracy which fi

says iI the assassination ofWijm Gothtl For nil of that heraaMitalned the calm demeanor thatoilibe furnl lied them two years ago wbcrlie was himself on trial here and

threw a fit In the court room tosfautlrhevrc9pon °

nlions of the defense attornc that htfaked them he did 1oWltn n smile

ton his face and some crabarasBmentrousing a general laugh among thhundreds mainly women who tiajassembled to hear him

Gcorgetowhf Ky Aug 18oiIPowers the witnessown defennoat the afternoon censjoi n

court Monday Examined b gy1tVnIrthe story he has repealed on t blnnl

on each of his preceding triiils In

rested new matter now and then Icatering denial to tho story told l

Frank Cecil of Hell county that tiewas reeking scone one to enact the rollof assassin Ho was very earnest 111

Lila dental of the Cecil matter I

making answer to questions the dP

fcndant continually made explanationof what he meant A number of 0 ic-


he tell into error in making then etc

plauatlons and was corrected by thlcourt Attorneys Franklin and C iihell followed his recital closet > II

often Interrupted MGeorgetown Ky Aug l1TJidlr-

ecl and cross examinatlon of q bPowers on the stand In his own tietense was concluded Tuesday alrnoon and tits defense had an liS Lwith Tlobrrt Noak 9 iheTomrii P

wealth wll Uri JRS confront t

with A flUiinadeby him ll-Dan1iI amber V 11100 x

Max 1iJ OrwIIIIIViIIl ttlll Allnoy 14 RfJVwell jot that placetint eta ie1J Nuaka charged Atldnay Cam l with trying to seepDlm to sw ijalsel to serum e CI nvlctlon o lrlward and of FinlJroll 1dfvr nil told um ofbu11IYwitnesses JlIo made the stattnJbut said Twit after making1ls an ew ell that It wall n inCithat hfl refj8pd to swear to It it rglgnri 1 xplnined his palia rconi1ncl by saying that Il the tutuho made the staljnient he wag willingIn rs out qf his trollhIt fern lip NooksT was preparing to-

go to Ttrazil to also good TimelefeiisiUViroditced nn4 lfi Noaks identlfy loWrfc wljIcJi htt 1iail written tiPower lIollclLlnJ hip 4 180mnpailovUanvllle t t stateip above


ClayTCombi Sent to the Penltenllar y

iFor Two Yearsi iD IUe Ky Aug 17Airih p

rlast republlcaiuii linar held In OiVslPJcounty to ROrWretcount ollUcr jtt

eleclwohcounq clerk f 1eJ1911 >S the nauof nominee on tint pine lundJJfIIuntil the morning of the election nnithose wishing to vote for the nomineewere compelled to write their name I

on the ballots Ccmb was Indictsfor Violation of the election laws Tin

11case has been ought hard some of ttablest counsel In Kentucky being employed and resulted Saturday In hi a

being sentenced to the penitentiary tor-

t 0 years kdlike F once air

Coving enK w The sureal fair atJloreac Rn under th 1

a Ices no County Agrlwilt begin Augus

Tho attnlua m

tilt vet before fguild Wanderingy AUR 19Phil i

I i hand was slmcStliII

tl Ie4d days ago by Will Rot i ab a mier In the county andoa Quit arouil In s


CAPT B J EWENJpHopes td Buy a Home In Lexington

and Settle Down

Lexington Ky Aug 17After conkfldciablc doubt nndBpectilatlon Mrs

WEJ1 wife tit Capt U J Ewcn thinprincipal witness who lestlflcllagAlnsr

ECjirtfs 4etl and Tom White In theirrecent trial at Cynthlana arrived Inthis cty from Jackson Sunday nightShe was nftt at the depot by her him

iband and an affectionate greeting tookplavfi1 They went to the house of afriendwhere they will spend thn-

nlgil Monday Mrs Ewen said thcvwould look for a home which theyhopo tp purchase and will take uptheir residence In this city She apJjcajctl fatigued aQd Bald she wan glad

Il with her busbandagalnxlngon Ir Aug ISCapl R

J Ewpn the lending witness ngalnstJett and White procured a homo heroMonday having decided to make Lex ¬

ington his future place of residence

L WOMEN INDICTEDtoIBeattyvlllc Ky AurfIs Americaand Rublcia Beard mother and tUtiglispeciala<

charged with complicitytorIwhich Joe rhave aireael been Indicted Peterskilled a urptler of the Allfujg andwoe sentenced to threclara th 4penitentiary allf then given n flewtrial The Aliens grew Impatient

j and It Is said shot hint to death atI the home of Deputy Sheriff WilsonIt U alleged that the npmcii locatMPeters prepared the gun < and urgedthe Aliens to the deed lit revenge

tho death of their KinsmanIfor u


The Re3gni0 of PresIdent DO iGr rWcCeJlted

Afggprgetbwn IiAug J9iAt it

m t ng trjateen ofr tCtlIinAlltl 1 r

noon time re a on of 1 resident itD Gray was accepted A commltten

i of five was appointed to select his surecossor Dr Arthur Yager was elected


chairman of the board of trustees withI full executive poweisI Revs Dr T T Eaton Carter HelmIoulsvllhnPreston Blake Iexlngton B B Bai ¬

ley Winchester J F Williams Versallies and II A Sumnell DanvllKwere made a co operative committeeto Increase the endowment to the point


Bridegroom Fatally Shot By HisSitfter at Paducah

Paducah Ky Aug 17Precl everlens was that trod probable fatallyvounded at an early hour Sundaymorning by Mrs May Crocks hfa

JPiverlettIng In bis si ltr B r i wbnn she firedthree ahos all taking effect A shot

through his right leg otm

throh the hand nnd time through hits

lgnt lung Iverlett was married alOW days ago

An Attempt at LynchingLouisville Ky Aug 18t mobnten and joys attempted U> lynch 11Yam Co6k Cook who Is un employr the Frank James and Colo Younger

llld west show threw n Btonott n 4

mull Joy who tried to crawl umlrVse tent and struck 11 year old Llrxio

dyer in the head fracturing her skull1 nil Inflicting a wound from whlgh sheVl probably die fjtf

I Gets II Promotione >

Lexington Ky Aug 17Guthrmf Sloan formerly of thin city whoa liiJbeen seriously 111 at Tucson Aft liarentirely recovered ids health and bnbeen promoted from the ppsltiqn

clerk In the train jJJBpaJpliei

O Qheof tbe Southern PACI c rtillwav-

fto hR of private secretary to the s sinteudcn or the rood

Jackson Guard Reduced U

I1lnlllfort KJr AHgi7 GoY Beqjk

thb torc < t lI llor iIItf4r<Frankfort comptirleaflll coine hoiiuMonday The m>iiti> remain InJacUson will picked mainly from the

iIoulsyllUsrTiaUery f


iElks Fal aER SuccetsfahIgiven umlertho allodge loo 89 BTP 0 Elks whirl

tclosed here Saturday night was themost Bifccessftil ever given

Exempt From TaxationLexington Ky Aug 19The gcv

oral council in Joint special Boasters

adapted nn ifllnance exempting irontaxation for wVnenod of five year tlargn tobacco iJK prj1 and warchowhich Ur Col11 41 Tubacco tig-


bait 11 erect he 1w BanksP otrshu VAMg 19A ban

Il Un on n Rlihwood thlcauntii wilt MIous tn a furs idays 1lnll FT la casilcr ol thin14ttdc anti Jnbq BIn pti + w

Rich 1tsnt

f 11 re L r