EDU 618 Week Journal.docx

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  • 8/16/2019 EDU 618 Week Journal.docx


    Ashford 5: - Week 4 - Journal

    Steps to Design and Implement a Performance Measurement System

    McDavid, Huse, and Hawthorn (20!" provide a chec#list of #ey steps needed when designing

    and implementing a performance measurement system (refer to $a%le &'"' Suppose you were

    as#ed to narrow this list to only five steps' hich ones would you choose) hy)

    If I could choose only five steps from figure &' they would %e the following*

    ' +rganiational champion selection %ecause the thought leaders who provide initial

     %rainstorming and creativity must %e from within the organiation-s most dedicated employees at

    the e.ecutive level'

    /' Identify resources is an e.tension of step which gathers personnel for the implementation of 

    the process who will in turn need funding and tools to do particular activities effectively'

    ' Develop logic models that descri%e the %asic assumptions, inputs, activities' etc' so that every

    sta#eholder1participant has an idea of the flow of the process and the e.pected outcomes

    ' ecord, analye and interpret are activities that are necessary in order to decipher from rawdata valua%le information that provides rationale for decisions'

    2, 3eed%ac# and review from users is necessary in order to adapt the program to accommodate

    new research and development, unforeseea%le changes in the organiation culture and the effect

    of e.ternal mar#et conditions such as governmental regulation, changes in consumerdemand1perception and the availa%ility of su%stitutes for the services offered %y the agency''