Education Unit 2

Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

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Page 1: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical


Unit 2

Page 2: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical and extravagant social criticism or self-expression.

• 比特尼克,披头族:一个行为和穿着奇装异服的,通常过分的,不在乎什么是世俗的人。这种人持激进的和偏激的社会批评主义态度或自我表现 . (美国 )“垮掉的一代”派的成员

Page 3: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• A hill of beans. 在美国,豆子是非常便宜的。这也就是说,种在小山顶上的一大片豆子最多只值一、两分钱。所以,要是你要说一个人一钱不值,那你就可以说这个人: Not worth a hill of beans.

• It doesn't amount to a hill of beans=(American spoken English) It is not important

Page 4: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• “I'm glad my sister didn't marry that guy. He's good-looking, but he's lazy, drinks too much and can't hold a job more than six months. The truth is, the man's not worth a hill of beans”.

• "我很高兴我妹妹没有跟那个家伙结婚。他长的很漂亮,但是他很懒,喝酒过度,到哪儿去工作都干不到半年。事实上,这个人根本一钱不值。 "

Page 5: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• “My wife recommended I read that book about computers, that I could learn a lot from it. But to tell the truth, it was not worth a hill of beans. I even found some really bad mistakes”.

• "我的妻子介绍我看那本关于电脑的书。她说,我可以从那本书里学到很多东西。但是,我却认为那本书一钱不值。我甚至还发现几个严重的错误。 "

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• 当 full of beans作为俗语用的时候,用来形容一个人很活泼,精力旺盛,情绪很好。– “Getting married seems to be good for our frie

nd Joseph. He's sure full of beans these days. He works a lot harder in the office and looks like he's enjoying life a lot more”.

"结婚似乎对我们的朋友约瑟夫很有好处。最近,他确实是精力充沛。在办公室工作也比以往更卖力。看来,他比以前高兴多了。 "

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• “Sarah has been donating money and time for the Salvation Army. Though she's in her 70's, she's always full of beans. Last year, she was in charge of the fashion show and raised ten thousand dollars to help the poor”.

• "萨拉一直捐钱给「救世军」,还花时间为他们工作。尽管她已经七十多岁,但她总是精力充沛。去年,她负责主办时装表演,为帮助生活有困难的人筹集到了一万美元。 "

Page 8: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• flaunt: show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it

• (used to show disapproval)– The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor st

arved on the streets.

Page 9: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• aptitude: natural ability or skill, especially in learning

• aptitude for– He has a natural aptitude for teaching.

• aptitude test: a test that measures your natural skills or abilities

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• plead: ask for something that you want very much, in a sincere and emotional way=beg

• 'Don't go!' Robert pleaded.• plead for

– Civil rights groups pleaded for government help.

• plead with somebody (to do something)– Moira pleaded with him to stay.

Page 11: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• addle: to confuse someone so they cannot think properly; to muddle, confuse使混乱 ,使糊涂

• addle somebody's brains/wits – All that drink has addled his brains!– “My brain is a bit addled by whiskey”威士忌搞得我头晕脑胀的 .

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• checkered: to have periods of failure as well as successful times in the past; marked by great changes or shifts in fortune盛衰无常的或有大变化的– have a checkered history/career/past etc– This is an unusual building with a checkered h


Page 13: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• infuriate: to make someone extremely angry 激怒– Her actions infuriated her mother. – It infuriated him that Beth was with another m


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• prodigy: a young person who has a great natural ability in a subject or skill

• child/infant prodigy – Mozart was a musical prodigy.

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• obscure: not well known and usually not very important– an obscure poet – The details of his life remain obscure .

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Section A

• Find the two important words in the text.

• In what ways does the writer organize his idea?

• What specific examples does he use to support his viewpoint?

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Beatniks Child prodigies


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Section A

• genius: someone who has an unusually high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability– Freud was a genius. musical/comic/mathemati

cal etc genius– a genius at (doing) something– My father was a genius at storytelling.

Page 19: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• Teens is the period of your life when you are between 13 and 19 years old

• be in your teens– She was in her teens when she met him.

• early/late teens – We moved to York when I was in my early tee


Page 20: Education Unit 2. Beatniks: a person who acts and dresses with exaggerated disregard for what is generally thought proper and who is given to radical

• formative: having an important influence on the way someone or something develops

• formative years/period/stages etc (=the period when someone's character develops) – He exposed his children to music throughout t

heir formative years.

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• fire: to make someone feel interested in something and excited about it =inspire

• be fired with enthusiasm – I was fired with enthusiasm to go traveling in


• fire somebody's enthusiasm/imagination – stories of magic and adventure that fire

children's imaginations– I left university fired with enthusiasm for work.

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• crude: not developed to a high standard, or made with little skill

• a crude wooden bridge

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• whereupon: used when something happens immediately after something else, or as a result of something happening– She refused to hand over her money, whereu

pon there was a fight.

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• better off: having more money than someone else or than you had before

• better off: happier, improved, more successful etc

• better off with/without– I think she's better off without him.

• be better off doing something (=used to give advice or an opinion) – He'd be better off starting with something simpler.

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Section C

• upheaval: a very big change that often causes problems– political upheaval – Moving house is a major upheaval.

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• Montessori: Italian physician and pioneer educator who proposed a method of teaching young children that stresses the development of initiative and natural abilities.

• 蒙台梭利,玛丽亚: (1870-1952) 意大利医师和教育家先驱,提出了强调发展儿童潜能的教育方法