Association News 匡智會訊 音樂藝術無疆界 展藝 共融 顯潛能 二OO七年四月 April 2007 匡扶智障 FOR people with mental handicap 「其實我都好鍾意音樂,每當聽到台下有很多人鼓 掌時,我就會好開心。」匡智健樂會弦樂組成員— 俞兆倫。「今次合作感受到他們對音樂的熱誠。智 障人士只要用心學習,其實可以和我們一樣有能力 做到,應該去認識及給予他們機會、接納他們。」 一名拔萃女書院學生。 月來,匡智會管弦樂、敲擊樂組的智障學生、學員,以 及拔萃女書院的學生全情投入排練活動,在老師及家長的指 導及支持下,終於在去年十二月十八日完成了首個共融音樂 會的演出,贏得台下嘉賓的掌聲,並展現他們的音樂才華。 我們深信智障人士也擁有不同的藝術才能,透過參與音樂、 陶藝、畫藝、舞蹈等藝術活動,展現個人的理想、自信及美 好的一面。匡智會多年來不斷致力培育智障人士發展藝術潛 能,平衡身心靈及全人發展。去年十二月十八日,本會與 拔萃女書院在帝京酒店舉辦首個慈善晚宴暨音樂會,體現傷 健共融的理念,促進社會人士正面接納和欣賞智障人士的藝 術潛能。而晚會籌得的款項,將用作發展智障人士的藝術培 訓工作及所需服務。 冀願公眾人士繼續支持,給予智障人士更多藝術發展的機 會,真正做到融入社群顯潛能。謹此再次鳴謝拔萃女書院的 全力支持、以及拔萃男書院的學生友情演出音樂會。 匡智翠林晨崗學校及 拔萃女書院學生一起 作管樂演奏。 Students from Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tsui Lam and Diocesan Girls’ School played the woodwind and brass ensemble music. 匡智張玉瓊晨輝 學校學生作敲擊 樂演奏。 Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School gave the percussion performance. Guests officiated at the “I Can Shine” Charity Dinner & Concert. 嘉賓為「讓我閃耀」慈善晚宴暨音樂會主持亮燈儀式。 上述的訪談內容是節錄自「讓我閃耀」慈善晚宴暨 音樂會的綵排活動,由匡智會智障學員及拔萃女書院 學生分享箇中感受。

音樂藝術無疆界 共融 顯潛能 - 匡智會 Hong ...• 『照顧者錦囊』小冊子 到社會福利署的贊助,本會轄下的三隊“家居訓練及支 援服務”於今年一月出版了『照顧者錦囊』,此乃一本專為

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Association News匡智會訊

音樂藝術無疆界 展藝 • 共融 • 顯潛能

二OO七年四月 April 2007 匡 扶 智 障 FOR people with mental handicap






















• 匡智翠林晨崗學校及拔萃女書院學生一起作管樂演奏。

Students from Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tsui Lam and Diocesan Girls’ School played the woodwind and brass ensemble music.

• 匡智張玉瓊晨輝學校學生作敲擊樂演奏。

Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School gave the percussion performance.

Guests officiated at the “I Can Shine” Charity Dinner & Concert.• 嘉賓為「讓我閃耀」慈善晚宴暨音樂會主持亮燈儀式。




Association News匡智會訊

Students and trainees of Hong Chi String Ensembleand Percussion Ensemble, and the students from theDiocesan Girls’ School had worked hard in practising playing musical instruments for a few months. With the guidance and support of teachers and parents, students brought their performances to fruition in this first-ever Concert held on December 18, 2006. They won a great applause and showcased their talents in music-making.

We believe that people with mental handicap can have different talents and abilities. Through participation in

different artistic activities such as music, pottery, painting and dancing, they can realize their dreams, improve their self-confidence and show their merits. Hong Chi had put much efforts in nurturing people with mental handicap to develop their potentials in art for many years. We aimed at enhancing their physiological, psychological and social well-beings and the whole-person development. On December 18, 2006, Hong Chi and Diocesan Girls’ School joined hands to hold the first-ever Charity Dinner & Concert at Royal Plaza Hotel to promote social inclusion and to foster the public positive acceptance and appreciation towards the musical talents of people with mental handicap. All proceeds collected from the concert will be designated to support artistic training and other services for people with mental handicap.

Please support and join us to explore more opportunities for people with mental handicap to develop their art talents, and to help them realize their potentials and integrateinto the community. Our heartfelt thanks again toDiocesan Girls’ School for their staunch support, and Diocesan Boys’ School for their great performances.

Hong Chi students, trainees and the students from Diocesan Girls’ School practiced for the concert.

Music & ArtWithout Boundaries“I actually loved music very much. When I got huge applauses after the performances, I would be very happy,” said YUE Siu-lun, a Hong Chi Gateway String Ensemble performer. “I can feel their passion for music. If people with mental handicap strive to learn, they can do many things as we can. We should understand, accept them and give them more opportunities,” said a student from Diocesan Girls’ School.

• 匡智會學生、學員與拔萃女書院學生進行排練的情況。

With the sponsorship from the Social Welfare Department, our 3 teams of “Home-based Training & Support Service” had published a new handbook titled “Caregivers’ Manual” in January this year. The handbook was specially designed for caregivers to equip them with the knowledge and techniques in taking care of family members with mental handicap, and to provide them with the latest information on the community support services. The ultimate goal of this publication was to reduce stress and anxiety of the caregivers and to improve the quality of life of people with mental handicap and their families.

To ensure that the manual could meet the genuine needs of the caregivers, the Association had conducted a survey prior to the publication of the manual to understand the caregivers’ expectations on the content of the manual. A working group interviewed 949 caregivers from 26 service units of the Association. Over 95% of the respondents said they felt stressful in taking care of family members with mental handicap. Source of stress was mainly come from anxiety about the future of the family members with mental

handicap, lack of caring skills and knowledge. The survey also showed that caregivers were eager to learn more about the techniques in handling the emotional and behavioral problems, self-care skills training and communication skills for people with mental handicap and self-relief tips for caregivers to reduce stress. With regard to the future development of rehabilitation service, respondents were very concerned about ageing problems of people with mental handicap.

The manual encompassed a wide range of issues that caregivers were concerned with. There were some real life stories in the manual to simulate the incidents that could happen and provide caregivers with the training steps and examples so that they could master the skills easily. Caregivers also shared their touching stories in the manual to inspire and encourage fellow caregivers.

To pick up free copies of Caregivers’ Manual or to enquire about Hong Chi Home-based Training and Support Service, please contact our Services Management Office on 2689 1225.

『照顧者錦囊』裝備照顧者 面對挑戰

服務焦點Project Focus

Caregivers’ Manual —Equip Caregivers to Cope with Challenges

Caregivers’ Manual• 『照顧者錦囊』小冊子


















盡的步驟及例子,使照顧者更容易掌握。 值得一提的是本會




請與本會服務管理部聯絡,電話:2689 1225。

The first-ever renewable energy powered rehabilitative and amusement facility worldwide was officially launched in Hong Chi Pinehill No. 2 School on March 20. Named Green Green Sensy Path, the facility was a combined therapeutic-rehabilitative and educational walking path powered by the solar energy, and was one of the funded projects of CLP Energy Innovation Fund.

Green Green Sensy Path comprised a collection of sensory-stimulating equipments such as sparkling light (visual stimulus), percussion (touch and auditory stimulus), misty water wheel (visual, tactile and auditory stimulus) and interactive musical mushrooms (auditory stimulus). All were

powered by energy collected and transformed from a photovoltaic panel. The path was made up of different kinds of materials such as wood, stone, plastic and metal and the sensory stimulation therapy could be provided for students during the training of barefoot walking.

The installation of the renewable energy powered rehabilitative equipment was supporting the concept of environmental protection. This facility also provided training on the coordination of the sensory organs of the students. Special thanks to the CLP Energy Innovation Fund which made the building of the Path possible.


專題特寫Special Feature

The First-Ever Renewable Energy Powered Rehabilitative & Amusement Facility















Hong Chi Pinehill No. 2 School students and guests visited the sensy path facilities.

• 匡智松嶺第二校學童與嘉賓參觀「綠茵奇趣感知徑」設施。

• 「綠茵奇趣感知徑」全貌Green Green Sensy Path

Urgent Appeal緊急呼籲

匡智會 4.28 新界區賣旗日

請將填妥之回條連同支票郵寄至香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈705室匡智會傳訊及經費籌募部;或將回條連銀行存款收據傳真至 2866 0471。

Please send the completed form with your cheque to Communications and Fund Raising Office, Hong Chi Association, Rm 705 Duke of Windsor Social Service Bldg.,15 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, or send the form with bank-in receipt by fax to 2866 0471.

查詢電話 Enquiry Hotline: 2661 0709 賣旗日已獲社會福利署批准舉辦 This flag day has been approved by the Social Welfare Department

請在以下適當方格內加上 號,並以正楷填寫。 Please where appropriate and fill in the form in capital letter.

本人/我們樂意捐出港幣 元正*,以支持匡智會賣旗日,現附上: 劃線支票(祈付:「匡智會」)

銀行存款收據 (請把善款存入匯豐銀行戶口 004-500-118351-009)

* 捐款達港幣100元可憑收據申請減扣稅項

I/We would like to donate HK$ * to support the Hong Chi Flag Day, enclosed please find: a crossed cheque payable to “Hong Chi Association” a bank-in receipt (HSBC account: 004-500-118351-009) *an official receipt will be issued for donations of HK$100 or above for tax deduction

捐 款 表 格 Donation Form

請發收據予:(如資料同上則不用填寫) Please issue a donation receipt to: (if different from the correspondence address above):







Hong Chi Flag Day will be held on April 28 (Saturday morning) in the New Territories. Fund raised will be used to support the operation of the non-subvented projects and more works for people with mental handicap, such as lunch and transportation subsidies for children from low-income families, the continuous education for adults with mental handicap, public education programs to promote public understanding and acceptance of people with mental handicap.

Please support this worthy cause by making a donation, helping people with mental handicap to develop their full potential and to lead an independent live.

Support People with Mental Handicap to Integrate into the Community

4.28 Hong Chi AssociationNew Territories Flag Day

姓名 Name: (先生/女士/公司名稱 Mr /Ms /Co. Name) 電話 Tel: 傳真號碼 Fax: 電郵 Email:

地址 Address:

姓名 Name: (先生/女士/公司名稱 Mr /Ms /Co. Name) 電話 Tel: 電郵 Email:

郵寄地址 Address:

匡智關懷大使 鍾建民先生

鳴謝 Acknowledgements:

Mr. Chung Kin Man, Hong Chi Caring Ambassador

Special thanks to Oasis Hong Kong Airlines for the generous donation of six roundtrip tickets to London in November last year. The ticket sponsorship provided Hong Chi’s principals and senior teachers a pleasurable flight experience to the United Kingdom, enabling them to learn the latest development of special education and integrated education in the UK.

Four principals and two senior teachers formed a study tour. During the 7-day tour, they visited one mainstream primary school and eight different special schools. There were sharing sessions and meetings with the principals in British schools. They learnt that curriculum in the UK’s special schools was based on the National Curriculum and adaptation was made to suit all students with special educational needs (SEN). All special schools were using P-Scale, a set of standardized assessment tool, to assess performances of the students. Curriculum adaptation was made with reference to the result of the students’ personal learning outcome.

Facing the challenge of the implementation of the integrated education and the decrease in the number of students, some special schools in Cambridge and Essex were merged. This gave rise to a new model of special schools, a kind of non-category school which admitted different categories of the SEN students and offered diversified educational services to cater for varied needs of the SEN students.

The trip had widened the horizons of the teaching staff. We hope the knowledge and good practices learnt from the study tour could be applied in special education in Hong Kong.

簡訊Short Takes

聯絡我們 Contact Us:

香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈 705 室

Rm 705 Duke of Windsor Social Service Building,

15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

電話 Tel: (852) 2661 0709 傳真 Fax: (852) 2866 0471 網址 Website: www.hongchi.org.hk 電郵 E-mail: [email protected]

香港稅局檔案號碼 Inland Revenue Department, HKSAR, File No.: 91/466

匡智會 — 前香港弱智人士服務協進會 — 本著「匡扶智障」的精神,竭誠為智障人士和他們的家庭提供服務。本會轄下共有十三所特殊學校及五十七個服務單位,提供一條龍服務予各級年齡和程度的智障人士。


Hong Chi Association — formerly The Hong Kong Association for the Mentally Handicapped — is dedicated to serving people with mental handicap and their families. We run 13 special schools and 57 other service units, providing through-train services to people of all ages and all grades of mental handicap. Offers of help and support are always welcome. Please contact us.

匡扶智障 FOR people with mental handicap


A Fruitful Study Visit in the UK










亦會以劃一評估機制 — 表現指標 (P-Scale) 來評估學生的能








Hong Chi’s School Principals and senior teachers acquired much knowledge from the UK study tour.

• 匡智會學校校長及主任遠赴英倫考察,獲益良多。

Air tickets for study tour were sponsored by Oasis Hong Kong Airlines.• 考察團機票由甘泉香港航空贊助。