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  • 8/10/2019 E.F CODDS RULES.ppt


  • 8/10/2019 E.F CODDS RULES.ppt


    2Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Data Models." A data model is a model that descri#es in an

    a#stract $ay ho$ data is represented in a #usinessorgani%ation, an information system or a data#asemanagement system.

    " &here are #asically ' classic data models(. Hierarchical ata )odel2. *et$or! ata )odel'. Relational ata )odel

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    3Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    &ype of ata )odel escription

    Hierarchical )odel +ell suited for data $hich

    are related hierarchically

    *et$or! )odel ata#ase model conceivedas fle i#le $ay ofrepresenting o#-ects andtheir relationships

    Relational )odel ata is represented in theform of t$o dimensionalta#les

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    4Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Features O Relatio!al

    Model" &he relational model of data permits the data#ase

    designer to create a consistent, logical representationof information.

    " &he #asic principle of the relational model is thenformation Principle/ all information is represented #ydata values in relations.

    " ata#ase )anagement ystems must adhere toCodd1s rules to #e termed as R ) .

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    5Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    RDBMS." A relational data#ase management system

    3R ) 4 uses matching values in multiple ta#les torelate to the information in one ta#le $ith theinformation in the other ta#le.

    " &he t$o most prominent characteristics of arelational data#ase are

    (. ata stored in ta#les2. Relationships #et$een ta#les

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    7/207Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Codds Rules.." *o commercial R ) fully conforms to all (2 rules.

    " &he rules are so strict that all popular so calledrelational ) s fail on many of the criteria.

    " n practice, many data#ase products 3for e . 6racle,

    y#ase etc..4 are considered relational1 even if they donot strictly adhere to all (2 rules.

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    8/208Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Lets e'i!.." Rule (/ &he nformation Rule /

    (. All data should #e presented to the user in ta#leform.

    2. All information in the data#ase to #e represented inone and only one $ay, *amely #y values in column

    positions $ithin ro$s of ta#les.

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    9/209Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule (." 8uaranteed Access Rule /

    " 9ach piece of data 3atomic data4 must #e logicallyaccessi#le #y referencing

    (. A ta#le2. A primary or uni:ue !ey value and

    '. A column

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    10/200Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule )." ystematic &reatment 6f *ull ;alues /

    " &he ) must allo$ each field to remain null 3orempty4.

    " *ull must al$ays #e interpreted as an un!no$nvalue.

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    11/20Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule *" ynamic 6nline Catalog #ased on the

    relational model /


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    13/203Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule ,";ie$

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    14/204Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule -"High=level insert, update and delete /

    " The system must support set-at-a-time INSERT,UPDATE, and DELETE operators.

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    15/205Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule "Physical ata ndependence /

    " Applications that access data in a relational data#asemust #e unaffected #y changes in the $ay the data isphysically stored.

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    16/206Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule /">ogical ata ndependence /

    " &he data#ase schema or structure of ta#les 3logical4 ?relationships can change $ithout having to recreatethe application that uses it.

    " ifficult to satisfy.

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    18/208Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule 00" istri#ution ndependence /

    " A relational ) has distri#ution independence.

    " &he R ) may spread across more than onesystem ? across several net$or!s, ho$ever to the

    end=user the ta#les should appear no different to thosethat are local.

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    19/209Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    Rule 0("*on u#version Rule /

    " *o $ay to modify the data#ase structure other thanthrough the multiple ro$ data#ase language.

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    20/2020Copyright 2007 Accenture All R

    &han! @ou