Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas Moniz Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___ Formadora Sofia Martinho On the Phone On the Phone On the Phone On the Phone HOW TO ANSWER AND SPEAK ON THE PHONE Answering the phone Good morning/afternoon/evening, Agrupamento de Escolas Prof. Dr. Egas Moniz, Lúcia Barbosa speaking. Who is calling, please? Introducing yourself This is Paulo Santos speaking. Hello, this is Paulo Santos from Câmara Municipal de Estarreja. Asking for someone Could I speak to Mr. Pereira, please? Can I speak to Mrs. Silva? I would like to speak to Mr. Pereira? Could you put me through to Mrs. Silva, please? Explaining the purpose of your call I’m phoning about… The reason I’m calling is… I need some information about… It’s in connection with… I’m ringing to…. Problems I’m afraid Mr. Pereira isn’t in at the moment. I’m sorry he is in a meeting now. I’m afraid he is on another line right now. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I cannot hear you very well. You must have dialed the wrong number. I’ve tried to get through several times, but it’s always engaged. Putting someone on hold Hold on a moment,please. / Hold on, please. Hold the line, please. Just a moment, please.

EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

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EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

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Page 1: EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho

On the PhoneOn the PhoneOn the PhoneOn the Phone HOW TO ANSWER AND SPEAK ON THE PHONE

Answering the phone

• Good morning/afternoon/evening, Agrupamento de Escolas Prof. Dr. Egas Moniz, Lúcia Barbosa speaking. Who is calling, please?

Introducing yourself

• This is Paulo Santos speaking.

• Hello, this is Paulo Santos from Câmara Municipal de Estarreja.

Asking for someone

• Could I speak to Mr. Pereira, please?

• Can I speak to Mrs. Silva?

• I would like to speak to Mr. Pereira?

• Could you put me through to Mrs. Silva, please?

Explaining the purpose of your call

• I’m phoning about… • The reason I’m calling is… • I need some information about… • It’s in connection with… • I’m ringing to….


• I’m afraid Mr. Pereira isn’t in at the moment. • I’m sorry he is in a meeting now. • I’m afraid he is on another line right now. • I’m sorry, I don’t understand. • I cannot hear you very well. • You must have dialed the wrong number. • I’ve tried to get through several times, but it’s always engaged.

Putting someone on hold

• Hold on a moment,please. / Hold on, please.

• Hold the line, please.

• Just a moment, please.

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Putting someone through

• One moment, please.

• I’ll put you through.

• I’ll connect you.

• I’m connecting you now.

Taking a note

• Can I take a note?

• Would you like to leave a message?

• Can I give him / her any information?

• I’ll tell Mr. Pereira that you called.

• I’ll ask him/her to call you.

• I’ll make sure Mrs. Silva rings you as soon as possible.

• At what number can you be reached?


answering machine something that you can record a message on if the person you

are calling isn't home

busy signal A beeping sound that tells the caller that the other person is

already on the phone with someone else

to call a telephone conversation, to telephone

caller the person who telephones

call back/phone back to call someone who called you first

call display a screen that shows you who is calling

cellular phone/

cell phone

a telephone that you can take with you away from your house,

mobile phone

cordless phone a phone that is not attached to the wall (you can walk short

distances with it at home or in the garden)

to dial to press the buttons on the phone

phone book a book that alphabetically lists phone numbers of people

to hang up end a phone call

operator a person who answers the telephone at work

pager a small machine you wear that makes a noise (or vibrates)

when someone wants you to call them

phone a telephone (noun), to telephone (verb)

phone booth/

pay phone a place where you can pay to use a telephone in public

to pick up to answer the phone

ring the sound a phone makes when somebody calls

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Translate the following sentences into Portuguese.

(Traduza as seguintes frases para português.)

Pick up the phone! _____________________________________________________

I’ll put the call through. _________________________________________________

Don’t hang up, please. __________________________________________________

The line is busy. _______________________________________________________

Dial 112 in case of emergency. ___________________________________________


Complete the following dialogue with the given words.

(Complete o diálogo com as palavras dadas.)

Clerk: Silvia's Pizza. How can I _____________ you?

Customer: Good afternoon. I would like to order a pizza, please.

Clerk: Can I have your name and address, _____________?

Customer: My name is André Monteiro. My _____________ is Front Street.

Clerk: Is that an apartment or a house?

Customer: It's an apartment. _____________ seventeen.

Clerk: Okay. And what would you like to order today?

Customer: I would like a large pizza with ham, mushrooms, olives and extra cheese.

Clerk: I'm sorry, I don’t understand. Can you _____________, please?

Customer: No _____________. That's a large pizza.

Clerk: Large pizza. Okay.

Customer: And I would like it with ham and mushrooms.

Clerk: Ham and mushrooms. Is there anything else?

Customer: Yes, olives and extra cheese please.

Clerk: Okay.

Customer: Great. And how long will that be?

Clerk: It will be _____________ thirty minutes, Mr. Monteiro.

Customer: And how _____________ will it cost?

Clerk: Can you please _____________ while I check with the kitchen?

Customer: Sure…

Clerk: I’m back. The pizza costs 12€.

Customer: Thank you. I’ll wait for you.

Clerk: Okay. Thanks for _____________. See you soon.

Number; please; address; help; repeat; about; problem;

much; calling; hold on;

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Write a dialogue using the phrases from the box.

(Escreva um diálogo usando as frases no quadro.)

∗ EDP. How can I help you? ∗ Good afternoon. Adelaide

Matos speaking. ∗ Who would you like to speak

to? ∗ Can you tell him that I

called, please? ∗ Hold the line, I'll put you

through. ∗ Can I speak to Mr. Ramalho,

please? ∗ I'm afraid Mr. Ramalho is not

available at the moment. ∗ He will be back any minute. ∗ Yes, I’ll tell him that you

called. ∗ We’re welcome. Have a nice

day! ∗ This is Rui Silva speaking. ∗ I would like to speak to Mr.

Ramalho, please. ∗ Do you know when he will

be back? ∗ Thank you. Have a good


A: _____________________________________

B: _____________________________________

A: _____________________________________

B: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________

A: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________


A: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________

A: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________

A: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________




Page 5: EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho



Check-in assistant- Good morning! Can I have your ticket please?

José- Here you are.

Check-in assistant- And can I see your passport?

José- Well... is my Identity Card OK?

Check-in assistant- Certainly. Would you like a window or aisle seat?

José- A window seat, please.

Check-in assistant- Do you have any luggage?

José- Yes. Two suitcases and this bag.

Check-in assistant- Here’s your boarding pass. Have a nice flight.

José- Thank you.



1. Will passenger John Smith from London please go to airport information?

Passenger Smith to airport information.

2. This is the final call for flight BA 783 to London, Gatwick. Will any remaining

passengers please proceed to gate 2 immediately. Final call for passengers of BA

flight 787.

3. American Airlines regrets to announce the delay of flight AM 0764 to Boston.

Passengers should report to the American Airlines desk as soon as possible.

4. United Flights regrets to announce that flight UF 743 is currently delayed. New

arrival time: 15:00.

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Flight attendant- Excuse me, we are about to take off. Please take your seat and

fasten your seat belt.

José- I’m sorry but I can’t fit my bag up there.

Flight attendant- Well... Let me see. Oh... I’m afraid these overhead compartments

are full. You’ll have to put your bag under your seat.

José- Is that OK?

Flight attendant- Yes, don’t worry. But if you prefer, I can take it and put it in

another compartment.

José- That’s probably better.

Flight attendant- Very well then. If you need anything else, just press the call


José- Thank you.


Flight attendant- Hello! Tea or coffee?

José- Coffee, please.

Flight attendant- Regular or decaffeinated?

José- Sorry?

Flight attendant- With or without caffeine?

José- Oh... regular, please.

Flight attendant- Cream and sugar?

José- Just sugar, thank you.

Flight attendant- There you go.


Flight attendant- Fish, chicken or vegetarian?

José- Chicken, please.

Flight attendant- Would you like something to drink?

José- Yes. Some orange juice, please.

Flight attendant- Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

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AISLE - The long empty space that you walk down .

- Please keep your bags out of the aisle so that nobody trips.

AISLE SEAT - The seat that is next to the aisle.

- I'll give you an aisle seat in case you need to go to the bathroom more often.

BAGGAGE / LUGGAGE - The bags and suitcases that travelers take with them on

their trips.

- Do you have any luggage?

BOARDING PASS - Part of the ticket that you give to the crew as you step onto the


- You must present your boarding pass at the gate.

CALL LIGHT - A button passengers can press to get a crew member's attention

- If you need anything, just press the call light.

GATE - A place where passengers go to wait to board a plane.

- Gate 3B is down this hall and to your left.

OVERHEAD BIN / COMPARTMENT - Place above the seats for storing luggage.

- You'll have to put your bag under your seat because the overhead bins are full.

WINDOW SEAT - The seat next to the window.

- I would like a window seat. I love looking at the clouds.

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CHEMIST (US - druggist)








TELEPHONE (emergency)


Page 9: EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho


a) Os clientes não estão a fazer muitos pedidos. - The customers are not placing many orders. b) O vendedor está a atender um cliente. - The salesman is helping a customer. c) Posso ajudar-lhe? - May I help you, sir/ma'am? d) Obrigado, estou só a ver. - No, thanks. I'm just looking. / No, thanks. I'm just looking around. e) Dá para embrulhar este presente? - Can you gift-wrap this for me, please? f) Propaganda é a alma do negócio. - It's all marketing. / It pays to advertise. g) O cliente vem sempre em primeiro lugar. / O cliente sempre tem razão. - The customer is always right. h) Encontrar um denominador comum. - Find common ground. i) Está à venda. / Vende-se. - It's up for sale. / For sale. j) Em liquidação. / Em promoção. - On sale. / Clearance. k) Desconto de 20%. - 20% off. l) Novo em folha. - Brand new. m) Esgotado. - Discontinued. n) É uma pechincha. - It's a good deal. / It's a real bargain. o) Fiz uma boa compra. - I got a good deal. p) É um roubo. / Fui roubado. - It's a rip-off. / I got ripped off. q) Cheque sem fundo. - Bad check. / Bounced check. / Rubber check. r) Cheque pré-datado. - Post-dated check. s) Condições de pagamento. - Terms of payment. t) A prazo. / Em prestações. - In installments / On the installment plan. u) De entrada / Como sinal - As a down payment. v) Pagar à vista / em dinheiro. - Pay cash. w) Pagar adiantado. - Pay in advance. x) No varejo. / A preços de varejo. - At retail / At retail prices. y) Quota de Mercado. - Market share.

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a) Correspondência comercial. - Business writing. / Business letters. b) Normalmente vou a pé para o trabalho, mas quando chove vou de carro. - I usually walk to work, but when it rains I drive. / ... I take my car. c) Ele ganha 1.000 dólares por mês. - He makes a thousand dollars a month. d) Hoje é dia de pagamento. - Today's payday. e) A secretária está a atender o telefone. - The secretary is answering the phone. / ... is on the phone. f) Favor informar. - Please let me know. g) Você pode deixar recado. - You can leave a message. h) Não vou poder assistir à reunião hoje de tarde. - I won't be able to attend the meeting this afternoon. / I'm not going to be able ... / I'm not able ... / I can't ... i) Proibida a entrada de pessoas estranhas ao serviço. - Personnel only. / Unauthorized entry prohibited. j) O horário de trabalho (expediente) é das 8 às 12. - Working hours are from 8 to 12. k) Após o horário de expediente … - After working hours. / After hours. l) Durante o horário comercial. - During business hours. m) Tenho que fazer horas extra. - I have to work overtime. n) Faltam dois dias para eu entrar em férias. - I'll go on vacation (holidays) in two days. / There are two days left before I go on vacation. o) Está a faltar alguém? - Is anybody missing? p) Está a faltar dinheiro no mercado. - There is a shortage of money in the market. q) Faz dois anos que eu trabalho aqui. - I've been working here for two years. r) Antes eu trabalhava num banco. - I used to work for a bank. s) Fiquei a saber que ele foi demitido. / Ouvi dizer que... - I heard he was fired./ ... he was dismissed. / I was told that he was ... t) Um novo gerente será contratado. - A new manager will be hired. u) Quem manda aqui sou eu! - I'm the boss around here! v) Preencha a ficha /formulário de inscrição. - Fill out the application form. w) Ele está de plantão. / Ele está de serviço. - He's on call. / He's on duty. x) Ele está aqui a serviço. / ... a negócios. - He's here on business. y) Vou tirar uma folga amanhã. - I'm going to take a day off. z) Ele vai se aposentar. - He's going to retire. aa) Ela está de licença. - She's on leave. bb) Já foi providenciado. - It's been taken care of. cc) Todos os funcionários devem bater o cartão-ponto. - All the workers must punch their time cards.

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Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho

English LettersEnglish LettersEnglish LettersEnglish Letters

You write to How to begin the letter How to end the letter

Dear Sir/Madam (BE) (AE) Yours faithfully (BE)

Dear Sir or Madam (BE) (AE) Yours truly (AE) an unknown firm/person

(BE) (AE)

To whom it may concern (AE) Truly yours (AE)

Yours faithfully (BE)

Yours truly (AE) a woman whose name you

don't know Dear Madam (BE) (AE)

Truly yours (AE)

Yours faithfully (BE)

Yours truly (AE) a man whose name you

don't know Dear Sir (BE) (AE)

Truly yours (AE)

Yours sincerely (BE)

Very truly yours (AE) a person whose name you

know Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Fisher (BE) (AE)

Sincerely (yours) (AE)

(With) Best wishes (BE) (AE)

Yours (BE)

Love (BE)

All the best (AE)

a person you know

personally Dear Ann/John (BE) (AE)

Kindest/Best regards (AE)

Page 12: EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho

Letter of complaintLetter of complaintLetter of complaintLetter of complaint Formal Style and format (the same as all formal letters) - Reason: we want our

complaint to be taken seriously

1. Don’t use contracted forms

e.g. can’t/ won’t/ didn’t (X)

2. Don’t use ‘!’

e.g. How rude he is!

The food is tasteless!

3. Don’t use direct speech in formal writing

e.g. The passengers shouted ‘Hey, stop closer!’ but…. (X)

The passengers asked the driver to stop closer but …

Opening paragraph - state the reason of your complaint

e.g. I am writing to complain about…

I wish to complain about…

Message (Main body)

1. Describe and explain what happened and how you felt

2. What tense should you use? - PAST TENSE!

3. How many paragraphs? - Write one paragraph about each major complaint!

4.Use connecting phrases to link your complaints

e.g. First, I would like to start by saying …

My next complaint is…

Another problem is…

Second,…/ Third,…

In addition,…


Closing paragraph

1. Summarize your complaints and feelings (with adjectives and adverbs)

e.g. I was shocked by his bad attitude.

I was very disappointed.

Unbelievably, he completely ignored me.

2. Demand an action

e.g. I expect a written apology.

I demand a refund.

I hope that you will take firm action to…

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Name (Surname, first name(s) )

Address (House number, street name, postcode, city, country)

Telephone Fax



Date of birth (Day, month, year)

WORK EXPERIENCE (Add separate entries for each relevant post occupied, starting with the most recent)

• Dates (from – to)

• Name and address of employer

• Type of business or sector

• Occupation or position held

• Main activities and responsibilities

• Dates (from – to)

• Name and address of employer

• Type of business or sector

• Occupation or position held

• Main activities and responsibilities


(Add separate entries for each relevant course you have completed, starting with the most recent)

• Dates (from – to)

• Name and type of organization providing education and training

• Title of qualification awarded

• Dates (from – to)

• Name and type of organization providing education and training

• Title of qualification awarded

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Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas



Specify language Indicate level: excellent,

good, basic

• Reading skills

• Writing skills

• Verbal skills


Living and working with other people, in multicultural

environments, in positions where communication is important and

situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture

and sports), etc.

[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]


Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets;

at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and

at home, etc.

[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]


With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.

[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]


Competences not mentioned above.

[ Describe these competences and indicate where they were acquired. ]

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [ Include here any other information that may be relevant, for example contact persons, references, etc. ]

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Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho

Hi! My name is Bob Miller. I am 28 years old and I work in an insurance company as a consultant. I live in London since I was a kid, but I was born in Chelsea. I live with my wife Liana in a flat. We have two children: a boy and a girl.

I love my country. Here we have marvellous landscapes and good life conditions.

In my free time, I like going out with my children and my wife, cycling, going to museums or to the cinema. I don’t like watching television or going shopping. Is too boring! Now, I

am back to school and taking classes in the evening, because I want a higher education degree.

A. Answer to the following questions according to the text.

1. What’s his name?


2. What’s his surname?


3. How old is he?


4. What’s his job?


5. Where does he live?


6. Does he live alone?


7. What does he like doing in his free time?


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B. Write a text giving personal information about you.























What – para perguntar sobre COISAS ex: What nationality are you?

Who – para perguntar sobre PESSOAS ex: Who is your best friend?

Where – para perguntar sobre LOCAIS ex: Where do you live?

When – para perguntar sobre TEMPO / DATAS ex: When is your birthday?

How – para perguntar sobre o MODO / FORMA ex: How are you?

How old – para perguntar sobre a IDADE ex: How old are you?

Page 17: EFA NS 4 NG7 2010 2011

Agrupamento de Escolas de Avanca – Prof. Dr. Egas M oniz

Ano lectivo 2010/2011 Inglês – Curso EFA NS

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

Formadora Sofia Martinho

St. Valentine's Day is on 14th February.

The holiday of Valentine's Day probably comes from a priest named

Valentine. The Emperor Claudius II ordered the Roman soldiers NOT to marry.

Valentine secretly married the young couples. He was beheaded on February

14th. After his death, Valentine was named a saint.

This is the day when boyfriends and girlfriends, husbands and wives send

each other cards or give each other presents. Usually, the card is anonymous,

and it’s fun trying to guess who sent it.

St Valentine's Day is also becoming popular among Portuguese teenagers.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet

And so are you.

Plenty of love

Tons of kisses

Hope some day

To be your Mrs. Bears love honey

Flowers love dew

Bankers love money

And I love you!

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Find the Valentine’s Day words below in the grid.

(Encontre na tabela as palavras do dia de S. Valentim escritas em baixo.)


Be mine

















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Escola EB 2, 3 Professor Dr. Egas Moniz

Curso de Educação e Formação de Adultos – Nível Secundário

Ano lectivo 2010/2011

Formadora Sofia Martinho

Competências Específicas/

Domínios de Referência Critérios de Evidência

Temas / Situações de

Comunicação Actividades Tempo

DR1 – Contexto Privado

Intervir tendo em conta que os

percursos individuais são

afectados pela posse de diversos

recursos, incluindo competências

ao nível da cultura, da língua e

da comunicação.

DR2 – Contexto Profissional

Agir em contextos profissionais,

com recurso aos saberes em

cultura, língua e comunicação –

• Actuar face aos textos, identificando

os seus elementos constituintes e

organizativos e garantindo a correcta

utilização em língua estrangeira.

• Actuar face aos modelos do processo

de comunicação pública.

• Actuar em contextos profissionais

diversos, tendo em conta as diferentes

situações de comunicação e a sua

correcta utilização em língua


- “On the Phone” (language skills

for phone conversations).

- St. Valentine’s Day.

- “At the Airport” (airport

information symbols, vocabulary,

dialogues on the airport and on

the airplane).

- Useful English Phrases for


- English Letters.

- Visualização e exploração de apresentações powerpoint. - Preenchimento e/ou realização de Guiões Formativos. - Exercícios de aperfeiçoamento da escrita e da leitura em Língua Inglesa de diferentes tipos (ex.: text reading and writing, question answering, definition reading, matching, filling, multiple choice, sentence completion, true or false, information reading, etc.). - Exercícios de aperfeiçoamento da oralidade em Língua Inglesa de diferentes tipos (ex.: listenning, pronunciation, dialogue reading e role-play, etc.).

14 Horas

De 10/02 a


ÁREA DE COMPETÊNCIA-CHAVE: Cultura, Língua e Comunicação – Língua Estrangeira Iniciação e Continuação – Inglês


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língua estrangeira Inglês.

DR3 – Contexto Institucional

Formular opiniões mobilizando

saberes vários e competências

culturais, linguísticas e


DR4 – Contexto Macro-


Identificar os principais factores

que influenciam a mudança

social, reconhecendo nessa

mudança o papel da cultura, da

língua e da comunicação.

• Actuar no mundo global,

compreendendo os diferentes suportes

e meios de comunicação.

• Actuar individual e/ou colectivamente

entendendo a língua estrangeira e a

sua utilização como forma de

intervenção cívica e social e campo de

conhecimento científico.

• Actuar nas sociedades

contemporâneas, tendo em conta que

a língua é um elemento constituinte do

universo em que vivemos e

compreendendo o seu papel na

expressão da evolução do

pensamento e das mentalidades bem

como da evolução científica e


- Letter of Complaint.

- Curriculum Vitae.

- “Writing About Me” (Giving

Personal Information)

- Aquisição de informação sobre British and American festivities/traditions sempre que for oportuno.

Competências-Chave em Língua Estrangeira

- Compreender textos em língua estrangeira, reconhecendo os seus significados implícitos, as suas tipologias e respectiva funcionalidade.

- Compreender as ideias principais de textos em língua estrangeira e expressar-se oralmente e por escrito com à-vontade sobre diferentes temáticas.

- Evidenciar conhecimento sobre várias linguagens, em diferentes suportes, que lhe permitam perceber as diferenças socioculturais, sociolinguísticas e técnico-

científicas, visando uma tomada de consciência da sua própria identidade e da do outro.

- Evidenciar competências interculturais que lhe proporcionem uma maior abertura e aceitação de novas experiências linguísticas e culturais.

- Perspectivar a dimensão da Cultura enquanto sector articulável com outras esferas de intervenção.