Effective Construction Management Plan Leads to a Safe and Sound Environment

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  • 7/31/2019 Effective Construction Management Plan Leads to a Safe and Sound Environment


    Effective ConstructionManagement Plan Leads To A

    Safe And Sound Environment


    Copyright 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Effective Construction Management Plan Leads to a Safe and Sound Environment



    Copyright 2012 Page 2

    Table Of Contents

    3 Construction Safety And Environmental

    Management Plan A Declaration Of


    5 5 Essential Tips On How To Create A

    Construction Project Management Plan

    7 Explaining The Benefits of Construction

    Management Systems

    9 Construction Management Plan

    Considerations For A Demolition Job

    11 Environmental Management System Manual

    For Businesses That Want To Use Their

    Influence For Good

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    Copyright 2012 Page 3

    Construction Safety And Environmental

    Management Plan A Declaration Of

    AccountabilityEnvironmental responsibility is

    crucial for all sectors of society

    these days. With the

    intensifying climate conditions

    and catastrophic effects of

    peoples careless activities,

    theres a great need for strictlaw implementation to make

    sure that influential groups like

    business industries support,

    uphold and lead the eco-

    conscious and concerned movement. One of the mover-shakers of the thrust to

    elevate work standards for the better protection of the environment is the

    construction industry, mainly because its activities yield an impact that reaches

    far and wide. Its for this very reason that construction companies are required tocreate a construction safety and environmental management planits to ensure

    that only sound practices are utilized in pushing productivity forward.

    Construction has always been considered a high-risk job; theres always interplay

    of uncontrollable variables, such as weather or climate, a workers physical

    condition, the stability and efficacy of the equipment used, interaction among

    workers, location, et cetera. Accidents can happen during a building project and

    people can get hurt and, in some cases, even die. Though its difficult to be incomplete control of the operations, its always advantageous to have a clear and

    comprehensive system to implement and for everybody to follow to ensure safety

    and maximize operational procedures at all times.

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    Before, construction companies came up with their own system of committing to

    safe and responsible practices for their operations, so basically they just did what

    was right in their own eyes which usually meant that their systems were greatly

    flawed. These days, however, a more thorough and stringent set of standards is

    provided by the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO 14001

    lists the important legislative considerations that construction companies must

    comply with so they can commence and carry on with their projects smoothly.

    With theconstruction safety and environmental management plan, companies

    can study and directly correlate their processes with the issues of safety and

    environmental impact. This also allows them to creatively come up with their

    own methods of meeting the standards set by the International Organization for

    Standardization as well as the state, and at the same time ensure and improve the

    productivity and profitability of their operations.

    This requirement is not just a bunch of documents that construction companies

    need to submit for approval or to be branded compliant; more than anything, its

    a declaration of accountability. It can yield advantageous results for construction

    groups and propel them to continue coming up with innovative technology or

    methods to make construction a low-risk or even a risk-free industry.

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    5 Essential Tips On How To Create A Construction

    Project Management Plan

    There are usually a large number ofthings to take note of in creating a

    construction project management

    plan. For many people, listing down

    all the objectives is already a highly

    stressful task because construction

    projects are quite dimensional

    there are so many prerequisites to

    properly address, and

    considerations to be mindful of

    purely because the effects of

    construction impact so many

    sectors. But listed here are some tips so you can go about creating aconstruction

    project management plan in an effective and time-efficient manner.

    1. Start with the basic question of Why are we creating a CPMP? Thisquestion instantly gets the ball rolling. Naturally there are many reasonswhy you need to draw up one, but all you really need to bear in mind is

    what the client needs and specifically requested.

    2. Refer to the legislative policies or standard in coming with the answer tothe why and how questions. To make this job easier, get the help of

    industry experts who are knowledgeable about these policies, such as

    engineers, architects and even lawyers. They can provide you advice and

    even share important tricks of the trade to help you and your team come

    up with your own creative strategies to accomplish the projects objectives.

    3. Do the math right. A construction project requires funding and you wouldneed to correctly estimate the costs and allocate money wisely since cost-

    efficiency is one of the main goals of the creation of a CPMP. Be diligent in

    researching the market for current price listings and labour trends. Consult

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    the right people as well regarding effective budget-cutting strategies that

    may work for your project

    4. Create comprehensive and fully organized work process, and haveeverybody involved in the project to commit to it. Streamlining the

    operations does not only make task accomplishment easier and faster, it

    can also save money because you get to lessen the occurrence of mistakes.

    Procedure is crucial in ensuring the consistency of results and keeping all

    concerned people zoned in on the objectives.

    5. Develop the right attitude for the process. Attitude plays a great role insuccess; with the right attitude, you and your team automatically become

    more creative and dynamic in your thinking. It also makes the jobless

    vexing for everyone because youre all headed towards the same direction

    and are rallying each other to do your best for your company.

    A lot of people make the mistake of complicating the process of creating a CPMP;

    with these tips, its going to be so much easier to get the job done properly.

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    Explaining The Benefits of

    Construction Management

    SystemsMore than additional work, construction

    companies are reaping the benefits of

    drawing up construction management

    systems. There really are so many

    advantages that this organized system can

    contribute to the accomplishment of a

    construction project. These days,companies seeking to prove themselves

    worthy of recognition in the industry

    exhaust all efforts to create competent

    construction management systemsbecause

    this investment can usher in more profitable opportunities their way.

    Considered a high-risk industry, managing the construction process can be a

    matter of life and death. This is why construction management systems are not

    just paperwork to be submitted to evaluating bodies for companies to be labeled

    compliant, but they are important prerequisites to ensure that these companies

    tasked to accomplish building projects have the caliber required to get the job

    done according to the highest code of standards. Apart from this, drawing up a

    construction management system still has other great benefits.

    One of these benefits is that the improved brand of customer service. Since the

    construction industry thrives in meeting the demand of clients, the construction

    management system serves as documented proof of a construction companys

    dedication in providing the kind of service that the clients need and want. At the

    end of the day, client satisfaction remains to be the most important thing and is

    something that would lead to more projects in the future.

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    Second benefit is cost-savings. The streamlined process that a CMS creates can

    lessen the possibility of the occurrence of costly mistakes and excessive spending.

    Also, the researches and studies conducted for the creation of a CMS will allow

    the team tasked to accomplish the project to come up with economical and

    innovative strategies so the budget provided is upheld.

    Third benefit pertains to quality control. The CMS always imposes quality

    standards and makes sure that the process would yield the desired results. A

    combination of preventive measures and remedies is incorporated so quality is

    ensured despite unexpected situations during the different stages of the

    construction project. This provision can enhance quality control to reduce

    potential for defects and poor workmanship.

    Fourth benefit has to do with time. Since projects are always time-bound, the

    CMS creates a detailed timetable so tasks are done according to schedule. The

    timetable also makes sure that everybody involved in the project is doing his part

    effectively for the time given him, and that there are no duplicate efforts among

    the members of the team, which in the long run may even become a liability to

    the project.

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    Construction Management Plan Considerations For

    A Demolition Job

    A construction management plan is not only for building projects; its used

    when tearing things down as well. After all, construction and real estate

    developing companies are required to manage demolition and excavation jobsthat are included in the dynamics of properly laying and preparing a good

    foundation for the erection of a structure.

    For this particular requirement, builders and developers are required to create a

    construction management plan that takes into consideration the effects of tearing

    down a structure before building a new one.

    Listed here are some of the issues that need to be appropriately addressed in the


    The first involves public safety and site security. Safety is one of the foremost

    concerns that a CMP must be able to address. Its important that the job is

    carried out with the least disturbance to the community and in the safest manner.

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    How to properly secure the area for the complete safety of the workers and the

    public must be thoroughly explained in the document.

    Second concern is the operating hours. Normally, the hours chosen to carry out

    the demolition job is based on the routine of the community. The job can beaccomplished so much faster during the hours when the residents have already

    left their homes for work. Another factor behind this is that there may be need to

    shut down electrical sources, its best to work something out with the community

    so the short power outage will not come as a surprise or a disturbance to the

    business establishments within the area affected by the activity.

    Third consideration is traffic and waste management. There may be need to

    employ a rerouting scheme with a schedule if demolition will take place near a

    busy road. Paperwork is required to accommodate this. As for waste

    management, clean-up is necessary and has to be done promptly because no

    community wants rubble where pests can move into. These details have to be

    included in the CMP as well.

    Fourth is air and dust control. There are always flying debris and dust during a

    demolition job. It must be stated in the CMP how this can be contained or

    managed so as not to cause a health risk to the members of the community who

    will be within the proximity.

    Five is noise and vibration management. There will be explosives or loud

    wrecking balls that may temporarily render some unsuspecting community

    members deaf or cause homes to shake violently. Just like with air and dust

    control, the CMP must also include how the company intends to inform or warn

    people about the disturbing effects of the demolition.

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    Environmental Management System Manual For

    Businesses That Want To Use Their Influence For

    GoodSo much has been said about the green movement taking over business industries

    and environmental awareness being a pervading trend. The truth of the matter is

    theyre just hip references to a growing need. Everybody really should do his part

    in preserving the environment not only for future generations sake but also

    because nature is also the

    best defense against itself.

    The mover-shakers of this

    movement are the big

    business groups that dictate

    societal trends and actually

    have the power to influence

    people to utilize


    practices by leading through

    example. For businesses that really want to maximize their influence for the

    benefit of the environment but are experiencing difficulty in fully understanding

    the wide range of standards and policies drawn up by the state and the

    International Organization for Standardization, help comes in the form of the

    environmental management system manual.

    A manual is a good reference to base plans on; it provides an organized and solid

    foundation for businesses so they can properly integrate their creative ideas

    according to the system approved by an evaluating council. The environmental

    management system manualutilizes the international standard for Environmental

    Management Systems IS014001 and it sheds light to the stringent requirements

    that need to be researched and studied thoroughly so business groups can

    effectively carry out their plans in a compliant manner. From all the necessary

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    paperwork, such as permits, contracts and other documents, to the different

    legislative policies, to the technical aspects, to the operational controls, to how to

    systematically present supportive data all these things are easily aided by the

    EMS manual.

    Another thing the manual does is that it clarifies the roles and responsibilities of

    the business and all the people who are tasked to implement the system. It also

    reveals the different dimensions of environmental management that will help

    businesses prepare a completely detailed system that addresses environmental

    issues that businesses are directly related with, such as the different types of

    pollution. The manual also brings forth issues of pollution prevention, ongoing

    improvement of operational procedures, and how to increase influence both in an

    environmental and marketing sense.

    With an EMS manual, business groups not only improve their own operations but

    they also get to create a strong wave of influence in the lives of their employees

    and their customers who then can influence their family and friends to make use

    of environmentally-friendly practices.