´Identify Effective Team Behaviorµ Bandu ng, 18 - 21 April 2011 By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si [email protected] THE DYNAMIC OF EFFECTIVE TEAM WORK Training

Effective Team Behaveor

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´Identify Effective Team Behaviorµ

Bandung, 18 - 21 April 2011 By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si

[email protected]


TEAM WORK Training

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What is team?

In a team,

People depend on each other;

May or may not work in the

same physical location,

Combine to achieve something


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T eam Building 

The process of working with a

team to clarify its task and how

team members can work together to achieve it.

A strategy that can help groups to

develop into a real team is ³teambuilding´

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 K ey actions in T eam Building 

Setting and maintaining the teamsobjectives and standards

Involving the team as a whole in

the achievement of objectivesMaintaining the unity of the team

Communicating efficiently with the

teamConsulting the team ± members

before taking any decisions

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 S tages of T eam Growth

Stage I: Forming - Provide clear direction to establish the

team¶s purpose, setting goals, etc.,

Stage II: Storming ± Provide strong, hands-on leadership

to keep people talking and task-focused

Stage III: Norming ± Codes of behaviour becomes

established and an identifiable group culture emerges.

People begin to enjoy each other¶s company and

appreciate each other¶s contributions

Stage IV: Performing ± Teams that reach this stage achieve

results easily and enjoyably.People work together well and

can improve systems, solve problems and provideexcellent customer service.

Stage V: Adjourning ± Temporary project team reaches this

stage; celebrate their team¶s achievements.

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Team Effectiveness Model

�Task characteristics

�Team size�Team composition

Team DesignTeam Design

�� AchieveAchieve


�� Satisfy member Satisfy member 


�� Maintain teamMaintain teamsurvivalsurvival



��Team developmentTeam development

��Team normsTeam norms

��Team rolesTeam roles

��Team cohesivenessTeam cohesiveness

Team ProcessesTeam Processes

Organizational andOrganizational and

Team EnvironmentTeam Environment

�� Reward systemsReward systems

�� CommunicationCommunicationsystemssystems

�� Physical spacePhysical space

�� OrganizationalOrganizational


�� OrganizationalOrganizational


�� OrganizationalOrganizational


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Team Design Elements

Task characteristics ± Better when tasks are clear, easy to implement

 ± Task interdependence

 ± Share common inputs, processes, or 


Team size ± Smaller teams are better 

 ± But large enough to accomplish task

Team composition ± Members motivated/competent to perform task

in a team environment

 ± Team diversity

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 H elpful T eam Behaviour 

Keeping the peace

Being a friend

Being enthusiastic

Giving opinions

Generating ideas


Solving problems logicallyRelieving tension with humour

Seeking approval

Encouraging others

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 K ey factors to successful 

 performance of a team ±  S.C.O.R.E 


Clear Roles and ResponsibilityOpen Communication

Rapid Response

Effective Leadership

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 K ey factors to successful 

 performance of a team ±  S.C.O.R.E 


Shared purpose

Clearly articulated values and ground rules

Understanding of risks and opportunities facing theteam

Clear categorization of the overall responsibilities of the


Cl ear Rol es and Responsibi l ities:

Clear definition of roles and responsibilities

Responsibility shared by all members

Specific objectives to measure individual results

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 K ey factors to successful 

 performance of a team ±  S.C.O.R.E 

O  pen communication:

Respect for individual differences

Open communication environment among teammembers

Rapid response: Rapid response to the team¶s problems

Effective management to change in the internal andexternal environment

Eff ective Leadership:

Team leader who is able to help members achieve theobjective and build the team

Team leader who can draw out and free up the skillsof all team members, develop individuals

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³ C oming together is a beginning 

 K eeping together is progress; and 

Working together is success´

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Q uestions?