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御井図書館ニュー - std.mii.kurume-u.ac.jp · ・Everyday mysteries : a handbook of existential psychotherapy 2nd ed. / Emmy Van Deurzen ・Handbook of cognition / edited by

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久 留 米 大 学

御 井 図 書 館 ニ ュ ー ス

No.76 2011 年 6 月 1 日発行


附属図書館長 石 川 捷 治






されるようだ。 先日、新入生の図書館オリエンテーション・ツアーに同行したが、学生の感想は、

60 万冊を越える本の冊数の多さもさることながら、地下書庫に排架されている「越智文庫」「岡本














ルカ・パチョリ「ズンマ-算術・幾何・比及び比例全書」1494 年刊

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御井図書館で利用可能な eBOOK の紹介

NetLibrary eBook

・Autism spectrum disorders : a handbook for parents and professionals / edited by Brenda Smith Myles

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・Encyclopedia of counseling : master review and tutorial for the National Counselor Examination, state counseling

exams, and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination 3rd

ed. / Howard Rosenthal

・The encyclopedia of positive psychology / edited by Shane J. Lopez

・Everyday mysteries : a handbook of existential psychotherapy 2nd

ed. / Emmy Van Deurzen

・Handbook of cognition / edited by Koen Lamberts and Robert L. Goldstone

・Handbook of cognitive science : an embodied approach / edited by Paco Calvo and Antoni Gomila

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Gale Virtual Reference Library

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・Handbook of evidence-based therapies for children and adolescents:bridging science and practice / edited by Ric G.

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・Death and dying 2nd

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保坂 恵美子 十三回忌今も娑婆生への謝念 : 愛と死への慟哭愛は生死を超ゆ 今村徹著 [今村徹]

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張 国興 台湾の石油化学工業 交流協会[編] 交流協会

張 国興 台湾事務 2004 張貴木編 台湾心會

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張 国興 當代國際法文獻選集 陳隆志, 許慶雄編 前衛出版社

張 国興 日本残留孤児 米澤健次著 創英社/三省堂書店(発売)

張 国興 年輕活力大台湾 : 看見台湾前進的 歩(Taiwann : young and

vibrant/journeying down the road of progress) 吴釗燮著 総統府

張 国興 八卦師 米澤健次著 三省堂

張 国興 ライフワールドライブラリー 日本語版 19 ライフ編集部 時事通信社

張 国興 America's Asian alliances Robert D. Blackwill and Paul Dibb,

editors MIT Press

張 国興 America's coming war with China : a collision course over

Taiwan Ted Galen Carpenter Palgrave Macmillan

張 国興 America's response to China : a history of Sino-American

relations 4th ed Warren I. Cohen Columbia University Press

張 国興 Asia & Pacific review : the economic and business report 1995 World of Information

張 国興 Basic documents on human rights 3rd ed edited by Ian Brownlie Clarendon Press

張 国興 The birth of Communist China C.P. Fitzgerald Penguin Books

張 国興 China (Atheneum) by Harry Schwartz Atheneum

張 国興 China (Life world library) by Loren Fessler and the editors of Life Time, inc

張 国興 China (Oxford progressive english students' texts) Ping-Chia Kuo, annotated by Kazuyoshi


張 国興 China, a business guide : the Japanese perspective on China's

opening economy

Japan External Trade

Organization : Press


張 国興 China : contemporary political, economic, and international

affairs edited by David B.H. Denoon New York University Press

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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 China comes of age Jean-Pierre Brulé/translated [from the

French] by Rosemary Sheed Penguin

張 国興 The China white paper, August 1949 v. 1、v. 2 Stanford University Press

張 国興 China's security interests in the post-cold war era Russell Ong Curzon

張 国興 China's strategic seapower : the politics of force

modernization in the nuclear age John Wilson Lewis and Xue Litai Stanford University Press

張 国興 Chinese divide : evolving relations between Taiwan and

mainland China edited by J.W. Wheeler Hudson Institute

張 国興 Colossus : the rise and fall of the American empire . Niall Ferguson Penguin Books

張 国興 Consolidating Taiwan's democracy John F. Copper University Press of


張 国興 My country and my people Rev. illus. ed by Yutang Lin Mei Ya Pub.

張 国興 At cross purposes : U.S.-Taiwan relations since 1942 Richard C. Bush M.E. Sharpe

張 国興 Dancing with giants : China, India, and the global economy edited by L. Alan Winters and Shahid


World Bank/Institute of

Policy Studies

張 国興 Defense of Japan 1997 Japan Times

張 国興 The Diet, elections, and political parties Foreign Press Center Japan

張 国興 Diplomatic bluebook 2001、 2002 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan The Japan Times

張 国興 Driven by growth : political change in the Asia-Pacific region James W. Morley M.E. Sharpe

張 国興 East Asia : the road to recovery World Bank World Bank

張 国興 Economics of international trade Richard I. Leighton McGraw-Hil

張 国興 The economics of money, banking, and financial markets 6th ed Frederic S. Mishkin Addison-Wesley

張 国興 The economy of Communist China : an introduction Yuan-li Wu A. Praeger

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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 Engaging China : the management of an emerging power edited by Alastair Iain Johnston and

Robert S. Ross Routledge

張 国興 Evolution of world enterprises Arvind V. Phatak American Management


張 国興 Facts and figures of Japan 1999 ed、2000 ed Foreign Press Center

張 国興 The family and marriage : an analysis and moral assessment Ronald Flectcher Penguin Books

張 国興 Fighting angel : portrait of a soul(Pan books) Pearl S. Buck Pan Books

張 国興 Forbidden nation : a history of Taiwan Jonathan Manthorpe Palgrave Macmillan

張 国興

Global adjustment and the future of Asian-Pacific economy :

papers and proceedings of the Conference on Global Adjustment

and the Future of Asian-Pacific Economy, held on 11-13 May 1988

in Tokyo

edited by Miyohei Shinohara and Fu-chen


Institute of Developing

Economies/Asian and Pacific

Development Centre

張 国興 Global political economy : understanding the international

economic order

Robert Gilpin/with the assistance of

Jean M. Gilpin Princeton University Press

張 国興 Global politics in the human interest 4th ed Mel Gurtov Lynne Rienner Publishers

張 国興 The Good earth Pearl S. Buck Penguin Books

張 国興 The globalization of world politics : an introduction to

international relations edited by John Baylis and Steve Smith Oxford University Press

張 国興 Globalization and international political economy : the

politics of alternative futures Mark Rupert and M. Scott Solomon Rowman & Littlefield

張 国興 Globalisation and its impact on Indian economy editors, S.K. Choubey, N.G. Pendse,

Narendra Shukla

Adhyayan Publishers &


張 国興 A history of China(研究社小英文叢書:153)

by W.E. Soothill/with a supplementary

chapter by G.F. Hudson/with introduction

and notes by Rintaro Fukuhara and Tadao



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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 A history of modern China by Kenneth Scott Latourette Penguin

張 国興 History of Europe since 1815 20th ed Henry W. Littlefield Barnes & Noble

張 国興 A history of American higher education John R. Thelin Johns Hopkins University


張 国興 How Asia got rich : Japan, China, and the Asian miracle Edith Terry/foreword by Chalmers Johnson M.E. Sharpe

張 国興 Issues and agents in international political economy edited by Benjamin J. Cohen and Charles

Lipson MIT Press

張 国興 Inside Asia by John Gunther Harper

張 国興 International relations and world politics : security,

economy, identity 2nd ed Paul R. Viotti, Mark V. Kauppi Prentice Hall

張 国興 International relations : the key concepts

Martin Griffiths and Terry




張 国興 Imperial China : the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

edited, annotated, and with

introductions by Franz Schurmann and

Orville Schell

Penguin Books

張 国興 The international politics of the Asia-Pacific 2nd and rev.

ed Michael Yahuda RoutledgeCurzon

張 国興 Japan's international relations : politics, economics and

security Glenn D. Hook ... [et al.] Routledge

張 国興 Japanese diplomacy and global affairs in 2002 2003 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan Urban Connections

張 国興 Law, power, and the sovereign state : the evolution and

application of the concept of sovereignty

Michael Ross Fowler, Julie Marie

Bunck/foreword by Inis L. Claude, Jr

Pennsylvania State

University Press

張 国興 Modern China edited by Albert Feuerwerker Prentice-Hall

張 国興 Money on the move : the revolution in international finance

since 1980 Robert Solomon Princeton University Press

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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 Nationalisms : the nation-state and nationalism in the

twentieth century Montserrat Guibernau Polity Press

張 国興 The new cold war : Moscow v. Pekin Edward Crankshaw Penguin Books

張 国興 The new international money game 6th ed Robert Z. Aliber Palgrave

張 国興 The President's trip to China

a pictorial record of the historic

journey to the People's Republic of China

with text by members of the American Press

Corps. [Editor, Richard Wilson]

Bantam Books

張 国興 Politics, economy and society in contemporary China Bill Brugger and Stephen Reglar Macmillan

張 国興 Political development in Pacific Asia David Martin Jones Polity Press in

association with Blackwell

張 国興 Poverty in America : a handbook 2nd ed John Iceland University of California


張 国興 The political economy of the world trading system : the WTO

and beyond 2nd ed Bernard M. Hoekman, Michel M. Kostecki Oxford University Press

張 国興 Pacific dynamism and the international economic system C. Fred Bergsten, Marcus Noland, editors Institute for

International Economics

張 国興 The political economy of globalization edited by Ngaire Woods Macmillan

張 国興 The rise of East Asia : critical visions of the Pacific century edited by Mark T. Berger and Douglas A.

Borer Routledge

張 国興 Republican China : nationalism, war and the rise of communism


edited, annotated, and with

introductions by Franz Schurmann and

Orville Schell

Penguin Books

張 国興 Report from Red China New York edited by Robert E. Evans/with an

introduction by Tillman Durdin Bantam Books

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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 The Russo-Chinese borderlands : zone of peaceful contact or

potential conflict? 2nd ed by W.A. Douglas Jackson Van Nostrand

張 国興 Ruling America : a history of wealth and power in a democracy edited by Steve Fraser & Gary Gerstle Harvard University Press

張 国興 State of the world : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress

toward a sustainable society 1997

project director, Lester R.

Brown/project assistant, Edward

Wolf/editor, Linda Starke/senior

researchers, Lester R. Brown ... [et al.]


張 国興 Small countries, big lessons : governance and the rise of East

Asia Hilton L. Root Oxford University Press

張 国興 The Southeast Asian economic miracle edited by Young C. Kim Transaction Publishers

張 国興 Statistical handbook of Japan 2000 Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime


Japan Statistical


張 国興 States and markets 2nd ed Susan Strange


Publishers/Distributed in

the USA and Canada by St.

Martin's Press

張 国興 Third World politics : a concise introduction Jeff Haynes Blackwell

張 国興 Take-off for Taiwan? edited by Peter Ferdinand Royal Institute of

International Affairs

張 国興 Taiwan's economic role in East Asia Chi Shive Center for Strategic &

International Studies

張 国興 A taste of freedom : memoirs of a Formosan independence leader [by] Oeng Ming-min Holt, Rinehart and Winston

張 国興 Taiwan : a political history Denny Roy Cornell University Press

張 国興 Taiwan : national identity and democratization Alan M. Wachman M.E. Sharpe

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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 Is Taiwan Chinese? : the impact of culture, power, and

migration on changing identities Melissa J. Brown

University of California


張 国興 Taiwanese culture, Taiwanese society : a critical review of

social science research done on Taiwan by Stephen O. Murray and Keelung Hong

University Press of


張 国興 Taiwan : nation-state or province? 3rd ed John F. Copper Westview Press

張 国興 Taiwan in troubled times : essays on the Chen Shui-bian

presidency editor, John F. Copper World Scientific

張 国興 Trade, investment and pacific economic integration : selected

essays of Kiyoshi Kojima Kiyoshi Kojima Bunshindo

張 国興 Taiwan statistical data book 1965

Council for Economic

Planning and Development,

Republic of China

張 国興 800,000,000, the real China Ross Terrill Penguin

張 国興 The United States and China: the next decade edited by A. Doak Barnett, Edwin O.

Reischauer Praeger Publishers

張 国興 The United States and China New ed., rev. and enl John King Fairbank Viking

張 国興 The United States and China : into the twenty-first century

3rd ed Michael Schaller Oxford University Press

張 国興 The United States in the Asia-Pacific since 1945 Roger Buckley Cambridge University Press

張 国興 The United States and China since 1949 : a troubled affair Robert Garson Fairleigh Dickinson

University Press

張 国興 Words across the Taiwan Strait : a critique of Beijing's "White

paper" on China's reunification John F. Copper

University Press of


張 国興 World politics : Annual editions Twentry-fifth ed. Duskin Pub. Group

張 国興 The wind of the hundred days : how Washington mismanaged

globalization Jagdish Bhagwati MIT Press

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寄贈者氏名 書 名 著 者 出 版 者

張 国興 Wealth accumulation & communities of color in the United States Jessica Gordon Nembhard & Ngina Chiteji,


University of Michigan


張 国興 World politics and international economics

C. Fred Bergsten and Lawrence B. Krause,

editors/contributions by C. Fred

Bergsten ... [et al.]

Brookings Institution

張 国興 The West in Asia, 1850-1914 Michael Edwardes Capricorn Books

張 国興 Yellow : race in America beyond black and white Frank H. Wu Basic Books

大庭 卓也 貝原益軒書簡 1、2、3、4 [福岡県立図書館編] [福岡県立図書館]

吉田 洋一 ニューズレター60 号発行記念号 : ニューズレターからみた「低平

地研究」の歩み 佐賀大学低平地研究センター編 低平地研究会

吉田 洋一 Proceedings of the international symposium on lowland

technology 1998、2004

organized by International Association

of Lowland Technology and Institute of

Lowland Technology

Institute of Lowland

Technology, Saga University

永池 克明 グローバル経営の新潮流とアジア : 新しいビジネス戦略の創造 永池克明著 九州大学出版会

永池 克明 広がる東アジアの産業連携 : グレーター・チャイナのダイナミズ

ムと連携の力 国吉澄夫, 張季風編/国吉澄夫 [ほか] 著 九州大学出版会

永池 克明 電機産業の発展プロセス : 競争力を高める企業戦略 永池克明著 中央経済社

ローリ・ブリットウ The languages of the world 3rd ed Kenneth Katzner

※ 敬称略

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図 書 館 利 用 状 況(2010年度)

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対前年同月比 -47 31 -65 10 -19 3 35 35 122 20 1 -27 99

相互利用 学 生 89 170 81 68 60 118 144 118 164 44 38 24 1,118

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