Christmas Wrap-Up __ r.w __ Election Supervisors ·Hear Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The heanng before thP Board of Supervi!ors of Elections of Ptm('(' Georges County the evening of December 5 was the most nearly unanimous meeting of kmd that thts reporter has ever attended in Greenbelt. from members of Greenbelt Home.:, Inc. to Greenbriar. from Counctlman Charles Schwan pre- ,;enting the City Council position to Eunice Coxon who is frequent- ly the loyal opposition. all agreed that cohesiveness of Greenbelt not, be dasrupted by a di\'ision of \'Oting precincts which '1\"ould have Greenbelt resident:< and nnn-GrPenbP!ter; 111 the same polhng places "\\"hy takr n chancp of damprn- rng snmf•onf 's holaby by poorly wrnpp<'d <.."hristmn• through thr mail," Postmastt•r Emrry A. Harman asks? Task Force Will Study PG Permit Procedures "·'· F.laine Skolnik The administratiw RSpl'cts of rr- \"11'1\'Jng. approl'lng. and Pnforring del·rlopmPnt and· sit<' grading plans. particularly when <>onditions are attarhPd. discussl'd at a mE'et- Jng calll'd by Prince Georges Coun- ty Council Chairman Francis WhitP on Dec,.mber 7. In attendancE' wer .. < 'ouncllman Char IPs &hwan. City .\f •nagt·r Jamrs K Gil's!' and rep- rP.r·ntati\'PS of thl' county <'xecu tivr's office, Maryland National Cap1tal Park and Planning Com- Boys and Girls Club by Kathil' R•'l'<l ThP Board of D1redors for tll• GrePnb!'lt Boys and Girls Club 111rt 0.-cemb<>r 6. Dunng tlw mf't'1.mg outstandmg boy and g1rl were cJw- sPn to rPCe!\'1' awards of achie<Yr- ment from- th<' Prmc•• G«lrgl'• County and Girls l1ub. Rep- rl'sPntlng Grel'nbclt an• GcnP Kl'll ahN and Amy Hanks. According to PostmastPr Har- man. customers can !><> morr as- surPd that thdr gifts will arril•p in good condition 1f th(• following packagP tips arc followPd. Surprismgly, tho• heaung >tarlt'd H •th nf thP t 'h•d ••f Elo•ct11111 A siAgtl' itl'm in n packagP should br cushion(•d with shrl'dded paper, PXrrlsior. compr<'s.•cd tissue cloth, or rxpandPd plastJc foam. If two or morc items :HI' in thr sam!' rarton. cushioning material should proti'Ct itrms from contart w1th o·arh othl'r. and each itrm should 1ts own individunl innPr cnr- 001 time. All mPmbPrs and alt<'rnates .Judge' for Prt'<'lnct 6 • :'1/orth End ol the Board of Supervisors ga1·,. Set""''' !>farg 1ret Rnldo\'ln 'DPm 1 till' I'JliZI'IIS or Gl"('('nb<>lt the rom- and F:unll'e t '••X•>h I Rl'jJI spukl' Ill pll.Dlt•nt or b<>tng prl'sent. Thl'\' arP fa,·or of kl'l'plng that prt'l'l!H't Ill· tlltl mission el\fNCPPC'l and th•· o, .. partml'nt of and P.·rmJ'. •DLPl Thomas Dugan. Ptl'sidt>nt. E!IPI'n tat t. Thry '''"I 1t '' WI' II organ- ll. Petrillo and Estpllr \Vood. me•m- 17.t•d nnd that "" •>n" ha.' to wa1t e Fiberboard t·ontainl'rs 11 wtudlllg 1><-rs; Charles C. Deegan, :\{!U\' .rl iLl•' I" Pry long t ·.,xon >ugg,.,tl•d large soap. cerPal boxt•s. 1'1•·. lar- TriggNIIII: tht• n1·1 d for thP " s- Sion wa5; thP brrakdown in rom. munH ations and pro<·t>durt·s th 1t hnd P••rmittPd an aml'nllPd f'.1 pi!OI C'adllta .. !iratling plan e from 6:; to 27 1 to bP apprcl\'f'd by DLI \1 1thout first bl'illg r..CerrPd to :\!;'\- CPPC' for rl'\"lt'\\' and rPcornm''fHi.t 111m llLP sa1d this aetion was "" O\'Prsikht. but thf' failtJrt· to rnu!l' tlw am,.nded plan to MNCPPC' ro·- s•Jited 111 th•· c1ty's not bPing ap. flTJ•f'li of lht> grnUtng- pPI- mit fM half thl' Grt·PnbPit Th<' rity found out about thP l"l!•:tr· 111g .tnd gradtng op(•rutinns .1ftt-1 IX>vanPy and Lona B HnttPr. al. :hat both partir> ··ould do ,, bPt!t•r gl'r than th,• b(•lng mail .. d tiTllatPs. J•>b by maillllg to all should bP cut down to about thP Dugan Op!'nf'd th(!' mt'('tJOg \\'Jth \'11ter .. < umplf'tt' -.dmplt· hH.IIIlt-. b,· "i7." of tlw ;::Jft to mrllJmlzt• !\htftm,e ll statf"'mC'nt that its purpo"f' \\'R.-. for,• pr1m \f'''' utd tt1.tt l\\•' .. ,.r. Ll! co: 1 •,·nt"' Brt' tk·tbh- ltPms to rf'<'!'h·t' c1tizf'n input in prnpo-.Pd "f "'(lmp!t• baJ!,,,, 'ht•uld b1• -.hoti!J ha\'P at 1 ,., 1 ..;t onf' inch r1f'ar- Tt'al:gnmcnt voting prf'cmcts nf .tt pollmg pl:h't'' by lht• Elt•r· ant·" hf•t\\'Pt'rt 011 , ,. 1111 .s of thf" bo'\ps Grf't'nlwlt and nf'tgh· :tnn ... or-.. !11 lll'' llcm !..U 1 ot th.-· r-r.m-rtm..- arnumt th.-· ""'' ,,.r nor f h. 1 "'l Suf\(\rVlsors of ElN'tJons to havr• 'ltl m tJ:y fHHtf'd C'nX1Hl al ... n t·xpnh·,p<f rotlrn or cus 10 " ng, 111nrr !hn.n 1.>00 \'OtPrs in a prt'c'lnd hPr ngrremt>nt \\'lfh th<· t'lty t'o llll :1 e Fibrrboard hR\'t' "p{)und mort• may n•sult :n lo:u: pthlt!On a....-: prt'"'''ltl·d by !Pst" of at !f·ast ti.'l This hnt'!-i at thf' pnJJ..,, thf'rf'by dJsctlUr- "PoHt· :--.: rongl\' 1...: tJ,;.:)' d!\' PI hn'< m·tkt•r",;.: Rgtng voter.... Ballots thf'mo;:f'i\'t... 111 ftl\'or of kt't'fHng Lnk• t rt11ic nn thP hottt)Ol of u 1 ,. A.rl" 1ong('r now, morf) offirf':-; art· th:tll ,.,ndlllJ..!' box. tilh>d by th<• l'io•l"llon pro!'e" and mnrf' PNJPf' arf' running for otlicf' Th" pn>sPntly propoS<•d plan of thf' of wa..-. clf'f:rrtlwd 111 last ll"l'<'lc's llP- 'll'i-. It It wrre• earr1Pd out. r!'si dmt.s ot GrePnb<>lt would b<• l'oting in six precincts, two of which would also have non-Gr .... nb<>ltl'rs voting In thl'm. S..nator F.dward T. Conroy. t hP flrst witness! satd hi' had spokE'n to many l'itizPns of Gr!'cnbclt. not on!' of whom was in favor of thP proposed plan. He himself felt that it !'&rriPd out, it would disturb "thP Jlf'W"ful tranquility and intl'grity at Gr .... nbelt." He asked that at !rut the det'ision be put off u long as posAible in order to """ how n<'w df'Yf'lopments along Road Wf'n' coming along. Thr Board of Supen;isors ha.• until June 1978 to makr a flnal dPCision. Ot>legate Leo Green quoted from• thf' NN'a Rnlrw artirle of 0PC('m- bl'r 1 and askl'd the memb<>rs of thf> Board to read it In order to sPI' clf'llrly the basis tor G!'t'<'nbclt's op po&itlon to their proposed plan. tl( lh (H'opJp !O \\'Hh \\·, ... tt•r Park .tnd thost· "" G.>Od Luek Rnad. SHi. :-.ald. "would bt> dt·,trnytng th·· 'YlM!'l' of a llf'tghborhood . tl!lg' any nf ttw prP<'Incr ... would l.lllSl' morr confu-..:on \Pd <1t•'t ro\' tlw pohtleal llllq!'rlt)' nf Grt•••nb••lt :. RPsidl'nts of othPr arl'a' of th•· ··1ty •pok•• tn favor llf rl'ta1n1ng th .. of GrN•nbf'lt m 1ts vut tng. llluriPI Wl'idl'nfdd p01ntPd out that prl'sl'ntly only Grl'l'llbPI!Pr' vote With Gn><>nbPitl'l"!< and askPd thl' Election Supl'rvlsors to continu!' thPir present policy In that rcsprct Bruce Bowman, while tl'stlfying to the SPnSI' or commUnity Ill GrN·n- belt, credited the NeM'a R<!\'lew wtth a largr drgrl'<' of rl'sponsibihty for that cohf'SI Vf 1 0PSS. Only Kathy L<-F'Pvrt·. who h1t> worked as an rll'ctton JUdgP, said shP saw no rt'ason why, whPn ,, fourth prednct is addl'd for Grt•Pn !><>It r<'stdl'nts on th<' East side lf Fr t,ed1• lttll'lt•s mu-..t lH· uuli· \'idunlly ru..;htiHlf'd, and all four .,( ttw should b,· paol•led with mato•rinl e Tapt• uo;;t•d tn dost' rontniln•r•: h •"I I ho· ····i•1f··r· ·d ·1nd should •·ov .. r and firmly <Pcur•· all tlnps. \\'lwr1 pqrwr must bt> \lsf'rl for •ho• out.-r wr opping it should b" at l••a't .. qual in qttnllty an•! ,, to thP kraft stork usPd for grw·•·ry bags. HoWf'\'t'r, it prf'· fprable that Tlllpl'r wraj'lpl'rs bP omitted if thl' box itsPlf <>onstitntPs nn :11!1'quat .. shipping co!ltainl'r. e Propl'r packaging is rart11·ularlv important for bo<lks and r<•cords RPe'111 '" of thPir Wl'ight. L books "hntdd bf' tushiorwd so thf'y ran not ,fuft within tht• box It is not d••sirnbll' to ship mor•• than 5 lbs of hooks 111 on!' paPkage. 'thP thin, long-playing rPcnrds should bP plarPd in a t>arton whkh is at l<•ast mw-fnurtll of an inrh thick t hP bulldnzt•rs \\'Prt• nt worl< In communll'.ltion!-1 to C'oUnty of- fu tllt' Cit}' l'OIUH'JJ lh tlf•t·cl 1\J rt'l'PJ\'t• tJmPiy noticP of np p!Jcatlons for JH·rmit. ... amt•ndmt>nts to .1nd IS!-o,Janct•s o! pPrmits with- Ill r:ri'Pnbelt's boundnric•s Whit!' told thl' Nt•w" l!<',·i•·n th.ll h.. fo•Pis muntcipalitiPs should b .. nntitlrd of pNmit applkatlons and ISSll!liH'I's m ord<'r to ha\'<' ne!Pquall' timl' to makl' thPir I'IPWS known He also I'Xjlrt'ssl'd thP n••"d for im- prowd ··ommunlration among th .. tl'<'hnil'nl llg'PIIeiPS. Tn•k 1-'orrl' A Task Force consisting of 1\IN- C'PPC nnd DLP statr was formPd to sampiP a numbrr of dPvrlopml'nts in thP eounty to di'!Prmln<' <I l if conditions tmpos .. d had b<·o•n rommUnll'atPd to th<' ap- propriate agt•ncil•s, e 2l if propPr r<'- f••rrals of the plans h11d bPPn mudP to municipalities, 131 it thP drw•l op••r had b<•rn apprts••d of the •·on- ditions, und 14 l if thP d••\'Piop••r had mPt tht• conditions. Inspections of thP various projPcts will b•• mud<' by Task· ForcP ml'mb••rs. Thl' Board also approvrd seYPMII fund raising actl\'lties which will !><> taking place early nPxt Je&r Thl's<' will mrlud1• a rntfll' thP baskl'tball sra"'" and a craft show 'strawb<>rry fest1val 111 thl' spring. ThPrt' are st1ll a few open1ap :n thr Intramural basketball pro Boys bl'tw""n the ages of und 12 should rail Rll'h Starkweath- er, 347-3691 or P.ot Gainor, 474- 3619. ThPrP an· al .o many sorcrr umforms wh1rh hai'P nnl bPen re turnPd unci fami11• membPr' be proh1b1!Pd from p lrticlpatmjl' 111 t hi' club's programs unttl th1•sr un tforms turnPd u1. Th1s bl' any nt l\t ·hr Youth Center ThP an.J rt•comml"n,Jn lit>ns of th<' Ta.•k F'or•·t• will b1 ).!'1\'Pn to John )fd )onnugh of tht nmnty PX('CUti\'t•'s ,,tficp who will Pl'nluat<' the ro•port The rt•pnrt Will t·mpha:->izr fll wht·'fwr or not tJ1.-r1 \\ t'fl' .l stgnifknnt :tumbPr of munic:ttions brt"'(\kdnwns })f'tWt't'lt Uw ag-PndPs, such as Ol'l'Urrl'd Ill thP cusP of tlw Grt·••flhf'lt Trl/\ngh• and t2l working out 1l bPttPr r'lll>nl· muniratwns syst"m with respect tr, coordinating plans through th,. rt'· VIPW, approval, and t'nfor('Pmt'Ol j)I'O('PSS. WhitP Silld, "\\'P will tlwn dNt'r mini' If any admhustratiVP r('ootl· stru!'tton is lll'l'dPd or, If It i1 dt•· tPrmined that 11 changP in tht> law, is net'<led, th••n W<' would w1111t miii'P in that direction." State Farm Insurance Ron Borgwardt 474-8400 ..... - ..... - .. __ . lftlJ ............ BIN. OoOep .......... ..,. (CJD U.B. 1 lit the Beltwa., 1 Gerard Devlin said that aa a forml'r cliairman of the Su pemsors pf Elections he knew thf'ir problems. He added, howPvrr. that ,the apparent absencP of polling. plact16 in a given area was not a n-asonablc causl' for setting boun- daries of precincts sincP anything from a onP-room schoohousl' to thP Capitol c .. ntPr could servP as a pol- ling place; rather the grcatPr ne<'ds of communities should bP thl' dP trrmining thr Parkway, 11 muld not also han diP vol!•rs Sill' felt It WOUld not bP !IWI big II JOb <•I spparatP out Grl'l'nl><>lt residl'nts from nonrl's!d._t., m that onr pre c1nct tor local Ph>ettons <'VPry two YPRrs. Assessment Hearings Harry E. Shipp, Jr .. Suppn·tsnr of AssPssmPnts for Princr t.•'flrgPs County, has announcPd that <'V('II· ing and Saturday h<'arings will b.. e F:.1ch pnckagl' should contain the namo• an•i addrP.s of the prrson to whom it i• bPing malll'd inside the pnrkng,. as wrll as outsilll'. An addrrss containPd inside is assur- ""''" that it will bl' rl'cPI\'cd LEGION City Poeltion c;,unellman Char!PS &·hwan. Ill giving th<' city counctl's po'ltlon. explainl'd that Greenbelt C1ty Ph•e- ti<Jns must be held in tbl' same pol- ling places and with thP same 11rP dnct division as the County, State and National t'lections. He QUPS tionf'd whether "peaceful tranquil- ity" was always presPnt in Gr!'Pn- brlt, but the Sl'ns!' of community Is grrater than in most municipal ities of sim1lar size and this dP spite the fad that thP e·1ty rs do- vidl'd into nine segmPnts by major highways. Then- is alrt'ady enough confusion by the rl'quirl'ml'nt of R llpecial registration for a ( ity rlrc- tion the GrrenbPit HomPs Inc. el for which membernhip in the cooperative rather than rPgts tration Is required, and thr highway segmentation of the city. ''l'IM> council," Schwan sa1d, "'" aware that In the near future an- other pollinlf place will be required In the Greenbriar, Glen Ora, and Wlnd110r Green· area." He asked that It be for Greenbelt residcnrs only. In discussion following Schwan's atatem,ent, the subject of long qu<'s- tlons on the ballots came up. Sen ator Conroy said he is preparing ll"'ffalotlon whlch would permit sending the to be voted on to reciatered voters at their bome11, where they can study thPm and Y'Ote on them in their leisure. "l''Jla bM been tried with great sue - 1n 10me Western state!. hP!d to aet'ornmodatP who t ''"""t attend daytimP scssions. '1-h,. non bl!stnt•ss-hour hParmgs will b<• lu·ld at cnnvt>nu•ntly thnHJghnut tlw <'nunty. Tht n•qtll'.st for tht>SP mtHit I"' m 11IP. 111 writing, w1th th•· sub- miss10n of tht• protest . Sh1pp ••ll\f'haslzed that whliP tl1•· rH·w hParing trmPs arf' now avarla- hl<'. It IS to thr !Hlvantagl' of !ht· t.lxpay(·r to hav .. hcarings srhPdul- f•d during normal bustnf'S!-' hours whf'n thP full of hi:-. nih£,. al'nliabll'. For in format ron on 1 !J,. d,t tt·s sites of thP t'\'l'lll ng ,lJld Saturday hcarings, call 952-4010. promptly 1'1'1'11 if th1• t>utsidt• ad- drPss should be•·nntP or oblltPr- at rd. e B .. sun• 111 put your return .ld- nn thP packagp e And. finally. addn•ss tlw paclc1gP t r>rrPctly nnd lrgibly. so that it bP rf'ad at two ft•t-t HP sur•· to meludP !ht• ZIP Cod!'. Call 345- 1:!.15 •f you don't know your ZIP Cndf' • with propPr ZIP Cod•· :" mon· rapidly. "'hrn mail to n foreign roun· try llP sur .. to spl'll out thr coun t rY{s nnmP m full Dn not abrr- \l.ttf' e Bt sur,. to put only on•• mailmg atldre•ss on thl' outsidl' of thl' parcPI no not ,·Ill mon• than OfH' Sldf•. BINGO 1- at St. Hugh's Church Grenoble Hall will be held on \ Thursday, _December 22 at 8 p.m. Pots we .. kly. drawing for I turkPy. Chan""" will bP sold on a f<Wld basket with turkry and trim- for a rompiPlt• Christma." Dimwr. Featuring SNAPPER Greenbelt American Legion Saturday, Dec. 17, 1977 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. $3.00 Single $5.00 Couple !R YPars Old & Over Only Christmas Tree Sale sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 202 r:md Boy Scout Troop 1746 ' Starts Saturday, Dec. 10, noon to 9 p.m. \\PPkPnd hours 9 11.111. - !I p.m. !l p.m.- 8 p .... Greenbelt Pool Free chance on 1 O.speed bike with each purchase OF TUF.:ES WIU, BE PQii;TED featuring SCOTCH PINE NORWAY SRUC.£ 111tws jleuiew _____ ..::;:AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER \'.,Ju"'' ·11. 0.'1::nlx: :; CHEE:\BELT. \1:\HYL:\:\D GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY HELD FOR SEf!fOR CITIZENS' ".l.ory Lou William,on Funds Greenbelt Housing Project !:·.m d ,., : t .. u t.1•'l ,f ! 1 h• 11 11 I! l)o>, ;>, t 'J,t - (: -li.iurc lP •. d -.o pPop!t· !.!atht·rpd dt the H dLl' H11,Jd t 't 1 lt•J to WJ!- Jlt .u··l t.l:\(· ·p.ut :.1 tfH· ,L!ruundb:takJJH.: tu. (;,('Ln- f,, It·, IJ, 'I· ft11 lh· l'id(•,Jv Ja,t Sunda1· aftPrneu1n Ike. mb(•r 13 Till i: •.•. Kl"..JH :1! Buk( r. counctl n;c·t>tuH.: ga\"L' thL· : .. :-, 1 '1 hI' l, lj Ill' f !} t:-. bf', Tl •:'· \' d f r th t·hl· rh· 111 t :J., t'1 I>t·p.lrtmu.nt of f:c. C.\l'JTOL HILL Congresswoman Ghh• \\or1<.n:: togl'tht r '" !Jr n;.:: '!l• :1• Jt't t to f1 Ult!Oll , • :\oc•n ::;'f':!;n:t:l, --< cond lt·:·t. v.·tth a '> tng h r11 nt •·i fcdt·,;tl 'undm;.: f0r a IJL :L· ·t ··r over tht• Baltimore-\\';;-hlngt,,n Parkway nc•a1 r:·.·, •e··· Htgh Sehoul Wtth \1r< Spt>llman ;m·. from l :t. Ogden. Hoo<eve:t p; lllf'lpal :'.It'· Munel \Vc,dcr.fvri •·· : ,,. PTSA: Howard Savage. PTSA ... ,, ... \f l! t ;, t;d :: =,il \'t/ f·, I ol :... .. :, r i!J..: t hl1t ,, •. dl"• r• -.:.tn tn1, b<i•ldl!'g as '' 1 ' tf"l J;:· .. •. ·n:h . 1 n n!\'• rs- lry · h,. "1 d "Crl·t•nbPI! bt· :1:. p.-l 1 lo pruv;dt· dl'ct fl,, uom. .lnd ,tffn:-dub!P hothlllg for Jot·opJ,." llf nwdt·ratt· ffi('ilJl". "\\'t• t <'D.\ 1 \\. i h ... I, lll• l ... trtH :wu md pt>rmallf!nt fin- ''l n;' ! r th• r 'J''( t. JtH.It·d tt ''..! I:,J;•' ·i \',dl b.· :lill\'J,!f·d bv · J•, ., lrlr.lt·nt (\,mmuruty J)t·- \.!t••m :1' :\dm1 Th" $)'! f!l,lJ!n!l J,'l,.rt.·.n;..: ''.II 'onll' fron1 'l ',)'1' of :·. Dt•,tlof,mt·nt .\dm.:u ... hond'i, \'.'hllh \\,Ji hn rt paid from ;1r c. t•d' ,.f t:w proJt't t r.tthcr than f: rn t.t' r•·\'t nw·:• . \\'lth gPnt·t-.tl boraJ::;. Tb · d.•p1rtnu·nt p li/ll1 ·I 11:Jt th.tt th•· :.t"-• \••mpt st.1' II to! {'f):\ bon,b, .dU!lf! WII h a l·'t·d, t.l! s. ( '1on :... ''' t "llbsu.Jy, \\ dl +'ll.tblt• ltl!' hoiJ:..;IJl•, dt•\'Plop. .... lt·nt'. tt-n lilts t11 pav :.ub,t Ultlnlly J, ., f 1r tht·rr n•nts th.ut olht>rw;s{'. Gte;e, Greenbelt c1ty managt·r. M.11·or Rtchard l'tl'kl and c, ;·, .: man Thomas White. .. \', 1/1 IJ1 ;\g'aJ!l !q t.io lh1 Wll' (l of 011: Jlll}HJ).lti'I,J I:IIJ' 't"l!t!l' ( J:,zt>ll"." If, t'('lilnltlldt"(! rt11 dt'<iH·atJon a•td dt:trrn,JI.\:. 1 of tht· 1,'y l'O!IJlnl dll11 t·' t .tl:t.t•;J , "Th··y'Jl 1: \\ork ,., ht· .:.tlt, .Jamt:.. K. {;1, ..,t. 1 1ty rtl'ill/Lj.,;t'l, v. !h.t mu.c.lt· tht· llltrodut t•ons <1:1d l'otunu nt,·d fn,m tJmt• ro tltllt' M: ot h tJlPY upttmJ :m ft :, tht• proJt><.'t wiudt hiL'i takPn ·.o nua h tLi his ttmt•, f'•·:)(•t'IUJl) t ht· J'tht J "''' rrwuths. \\'p hn\'f' l,u: •uuls to l'DA il'nm muqJty Dt•\'t Jnpnu·ut twn' .t•Jd ul ·o oUl' mon1•y." ht• JOI<f'•l n:-.: h1· { nll"d uu l'DA'.-. D1rrt"tn!" Th,).fniL'i ( t. 'ook ay,rt•p,l t "WI' h:.V<' t•Xtrlli"!Pd ll l1•ft :mn H:t•l " 11ght IPg from th,• dty tlf G,,.,.,,. bdt ln mmmttnwnt. b11t tlus w;" nt•t·t"WWH.ry. \\·t· <'ould almost 1 jitrtk't( th1· \Llh, th•• :1 .P ·• .,,. l 'DA, y.,ur r .. nd thnt dc;!lt' 11,..ht .l·,,J .., , ,,. nblf' p!Ut'• t•) be· u•·, t!lt• t.''lft· l [ "t tht· Uulldlllg-. ,,t,.,r .... ''l'l 1i you IH···d hv!p, · :lt· l'Ollt'llldt·d. "If \'•111'\'1' no: 1. {'d t!ldt tht' •, .. ','. 1ng IS fl•1' 1 \ l!lol()J: :ill' .1 h a l:tt'" I(Hil tlw ('t•fl 1 ,. : " ",, 1 1; ;,•-.t•, "! ! :nt• tt•tl )'od thnt \'.t' .ti:T\o : dtdn'• I• l\'t· •'"Y l1ght" p, P•'•l tl, ,qgh to 1 t•nl•' on lh'.tv, .tpp tn ntly t r.t•d '" m.lJ{l -••p 'ol dt•la_vu!g tXt t,f !ht• . 1 ddttlull tht• nltllll' 1p d hut!.!· 1cg J.•...,t .pnnt; Th,·•r \' Jfl{ml n .•rrJ\'"d .•'nd.·v .t11d , u· t 11 t' WJI'I'' ( 'ny .t tit- hnd :!J , lll p, P " b 11: "Thi:-i ht! ldlllg ttl,. l!o<h;t· (', !ltr•r" \\'t·nt on to "",•'! bn l'O:O'I t!lJ\',1' 1'1 n ft•\\ dny· .'' PJ.twli!<t !-; nat>ll' l·;dward ':' t 'tJlltiJ)' t.'ornm< n,:,·d (;: t•t•niH"l: tHI It ; prn !ir .• t l''J•·IIy t II' I' !II).! l't llw to b1· n Uy t 1'1111111 ipnlil\'. 0111 of 1:10 towns : nd 1 t:t•s. l;n·1· tbtlt ha" agn.!l Jl',J W.\y, "I .\ppltuU )'o.J"' (,1)1 'I'' '' I' I f.' I •td, ('I 11' •''• I Illl··'•J'I' I • Pnnt,. t; .,,: , , · J.Jlll/ :h1· '•l'1 Oil J "'' f',d' 1 t I '1''1 J It I I my tll!-itrlt t. .\ttw'< Towt ""\\'a:-; til•· tirst. A tl11rd 1:-. bf"rlg p!,t .. Jtt'd bt> (\\'('l'fl and llowiP 011 Hnutl' 197." "ThP symUul qf what \\I' ltfl' do :ng twrt• 1s mon• unpurt:tnt than thP wort.b." JH"fx·!lumt.•tl counrllman c;!l WP<dl'llfPid. "This Is thP symbol of what Gr•·•·nbPlt's all about; dl'd- teatwn to ll bP!t•·r qunltty of hfl' for all ItS t.'ltlZPI1S." ly loc·a.J k·ndt•r," hP <·ontlltUt·l!, linJYk•l!t.lly r<'spon:nbl,. fo:· !111• ""' .,_._.. t."'mpiPtton o! tht' llnd 111M OJ>l'rHI!Oil Ullrllll( tho• l'llllro· mortgagp p•·rwd 40 yPnrs. "IV" ha"f(' now uvN $J3j nulhon lml!ll·d out WM·ro..-.'> th1• !"tatt• fur all typPs of holMU!I[; J fur JlPntJIIS of llmltt'd JJI t·omL•,'' ( told t ht• audi''tll'f'. "\\•,. 11r" :300 un1h for 111\Jllor t ltlZI'ns." <'ompl!men- 1•·<.1 Gn nb<·lter• f•lr the1r "long and protod trudi!IOn oi pPoplc• work1111; towards a bt>ttPr commun- ity.'' H<• n•madt•·d un the l'O:tl· pii'XJU(·.< of th1• li'V!'is. of gov- ••;nmoot fl'dPr:.l, stat ... county, nty, t.la)ul'· and <'OUflt'ils "I'm Vt'ry proud to IJ,· hl'l'f', l!i th1• JH'OJt't't J 0 \'1' ,('I'll f:O llll l I'm JH'oud tu bt• a p:ut of It," said t'OUlll'ilmnn nl' hal I Castaldi. Parkway Overpass Will Be Built, Says SpeUman h)" t:tuln•• Skolnik Ctlllg'!"('··o.:worna'1 r:Iady•; ll- man's f'h·llluk.lh-Chr::;tm::s to Grt·Pnbt·ltf•rs w,ls an announef'Oli'H: on Dt·t·1•mb•·r 14 that U. !'-'. Sl'l'rt· tary of Transport1ttion Hro< k Ad ams a."urPd hl'r th11t "funds ap- pronriat1•d for rPconstruetwn of tht• Tht· mrntg tgl \\ill lw JJtstrrt•d hv :lit· .\1 rvi1111 lltTIJs•ng Fu•1d, an·- olhl'l' I 't•p.tr 'l'lt nt of lllilllllt' and Cnmn.lll 1'.· lit•\'t'lt'Jlnlt nt ·v, wlnth for muJf. family Pl"tiJL'LIS U> II"P!I .IS ind:vidual homt•s. l trk\\ t'. :1r1· a\·a J •b't· L•r' ru ·t (J'I •h .. o-.,·q· .. , :r-d t'1a· '!h Ft·!,.··! ll!ghw.,v 1 'FH\\' \' \\'Ill a 1 \ rnc" :h" \\'ork us !'.tp.J:\' )\S Jl JSSiblc•." It was .si'\ \\'t•t·k, P ... 1 n th" (' .un•y t Xt'('UtirP's T"wn ing th.1t f(pp firs• I ar .,. I of Grt•t·nlwlt's t"oncf'rn t!"wt tPUt•n: ... hav.- bf't•n ('rossinl! tht• H ll'tm r,.. Washington Parkway to walk to and f1·om f:h·ano: R•>'-Sl·Vdt High Tht• ( :rt>1·nbt•Jt Clti!.f"ts Housing dt•l'l'lopnwa: will b1· hllll• bv th1• ThomRs P J !urkPls ( 'o. of S!lv .. r Spnng .111d wlll bP own•·d (wd man.t.L:t•U by tht• C:ty of l1rPPll- bdt. t ·.Jilfll',lr.l.lll ( "hnrl1·.., no- ('< .:tg- th t! 1'\'l'l)'thll!;.!' h 1! drPndy !Jt•t•ll '> 1 't 1 , I 1 ll:!}I'•J h" \, ,t p1 I'· I' I!' f i • ' \ I '•' ' l ll· ,, .·alit d ,. ''"· 'llf, 111 t (;Jt• rtlll'i' ilnmt>s I n 1 . , ! 1 1 , ,. 1 y J 111 1 •, < n 1:1 1. : r , ., · ; _\'t·:u s 'T 1 1at p PJ'. 1 hnnt111g .11m J, :<''P' ')1,• ldl','l .dn·,• .1 1 ! ttu ... tunt· All ol t'• havt• ltl IJo\: 111 Ius dlrt•t·t lou" .\nd ,\INo l'r'"'''"t · School. At that 11m" she aasur••d Howanl, avag1•, Em::; Safety Com nllttt•p t'lt·tfrmn·t and citv sht· 1' nuld mun1t ·r I ht· pr 1b',.m t'!l• · 'v t: I til a. pos.tJv · s lll!JLfl In t·:l!'ly No\'1 ml I'T .shP nwt w1th l'Pfll't·st'Tltatl\'t s of th·· Stat(• 11"111' Adnunistrat:w, l!iHAl, F'HWA. and tht· Park SPT\'H'f' e NPSI to bw·f tlw•n un th•• nf't•d for qu1ek .ll'l!on to ,11·ert a tragedy. Addttwnnlly, sh<' S1>c. Ad- ams to thl' problem. Although ther,• 1\'l•re jurisdictJon- al mat!Prs to bl' rPsolvl'd, the l'fps worked toS:PlhPr to r<'llch a solUtion. Throughout thl'ir dt'llb- Prations. th..r•• Wll"' opti111ism anti agr''""'"nt that th•· Mud<'nt• and rPsldPnts Jiving l1l t•a..qt and WPst Grf't•nbl'lt PPt'dPd a saft" mPans of eross.ng thl• hJghwt'.y ns soon as JHISSibJt•, D. I. GNard F. D•·vl. n 1 D Pt; on£> tJ( GrN•nbPlt'!-1 to thP General A•,rmbly, l.:lS hmk·t.l thP "'''louncrm<·nt of RPp. Glady• Noon Sfl<'llman 1 ll-Md. l that U.R of Tr>msp •• rtation Brock Adam.> has agrPt'd to t hP construction of a walkway over p ... , ....... """" ,, .. f \ .. Grt'r·tb it r. , ·., !' { 1 t wJaJs." !> ·•:l.•t SHI' t J,: ' ,. ,, ""'"": Rl! -:I \". ;\,.'\. ·.: )d 1 pc.-s n• fo!· d rno .. t r I'!( v. "'( '" ' ' ! ' I ' >·1<1 lo·•l G"'e !lbd C.·y Cota:h:l ha\'f' .,,r n pn":::!'lJ; a \ ·ai:(\\HY P\'(•r :-. tht" cp'·nmg uf thfl nt•w Eleanor Ro·>Bev•·:t Sl'hool bu: have be<>n sty"lll'•l br<"Rl"" th1< sPCtion of the W!lllhlnj;- ton Parkwt y Is und••r thP jurilldlc- tlon of the Fl'deral Government. "0,-,re ag lin Gladys has gone to bat for Gr '<'nb<>lt and hit thl' bal out of th•• mrk," D••\'lin satd. Holida-, Refuse Schedule/ Our to the UJll'ommg Christ mas P.••d New Yrar's Hollda,s, the fn 1 l01 ·lng changes have beel1 made 111 the refuse colll'ction scheduiP for those Mondn;·, DP<'. U & Jan. 2 No collectJon Tups«nv, D1-c. ?7 & Jan Ilfo1-WPd F'n. Route Wl'rln• sdny OPe. 28 & Jan. 4 " Tu •s Th•ors Sut. Route 1-!Pts a turn d1gg1!1,1.! 111 Jill' 101111. (;!OUild IJ"reaktllE: fur On't.·nbnlt's f'!dPr!y housmg facdtl.l' took pia('(• Sunda.1·. Dt'(' lB. the Ridge Road Cl'nter, 22 R1dgl' Ro.td Drggl'b :111• ( ft wn left)· Josl' .t.'loralt>s, Chm EidNly Hou,Ing Comrn Ht•Y. Kl'tUit•th Buker; Chatles T McDonald: Statp· S(•n.ttor I-'d ward T Comu.v. ('(•unty Cuunctln1an'r'rank l'asula. Ottdt<• \'an Allen. Htchard Castaldt: Counctlrnanl;ti WPtdcnfl'ld. 'J'Iwma, CM!k, Dac of CDA; Mayor Rtcharct Ptlskt: Ctty Managt•r Janws K GtOIIl', Jaml's Sm1th, Pres. GHI; Ernnwtt H. Nanna, City Soltcitur. ln ntt•Jitlilllt'd othPr lin•t-nbt·lll•rs. most of v:Jwm \\'t'l't' 111 til<' nudJ<'Ilt"P Anthony Mnddl'n, pri'SIUI'n! of tlw Gold<•n Agt• Club durrng th<' lirnP of lhP t'lty l"l'f<'r••n d1101 Ill ;!i71. Count•Jlm"'i:.•t To,n \\'hltP. \''ho \'.'Hs {'o'tld not h1• fltl'st·n'. nwmh<'!'s 1;f :'t• ,,1 >·rlv H nts!ll;: < 'onunJttt't' .l'l .. (' l.fudduH• l;rl·t•ru·, 1 nn.t 1\·t·dntT, bt tdJt• \'nn All•·n. nnd J1m C'nssPh. Oth1•! llt\'oJ\·,•lJ Ill t 1 11' prnJt't't wh,J "' prt·st•nt IJidwh•d D.m lh·rtz, ( 'DA's tJnu!Jit• ,fwotPr f 1r OtP fli'OJt'l't. Jt•ttrllfl'r AlpPrn, l'Jty t·onsllltant on t•ldt•rly hous1ng. trdutl'l t P.u·kt·l I I tl'kJn•; { •,JJJo.,;( fill t Hill Lomba nil. 1 t'P!'t•st·nta: 1\'t', Lombardi h.td provu.J1•d red and whitl' hard hats for lhl' ntlit·!al pie- turPs RPfr('shmPnts HH'IUd1•d a hu·gp slw<'! <'llke dPcoratl'd with a n•pla·a uf tlw e1ty logo. \l••••tinl{ s,.y,•ral l_;;ppnht ]t, rs WPrP tn thf' Congn·ss\\'tllllf•ns' I oungP in thP CapJtnl '' ltl'll H••P ')pPIIman ma.rft• }wr 'I'" l\ltll'('ml· ·• Sh{' sh(' \'.,1'' )I! '' d hv rPsponsi\'Pilt ss nf fl.t• S .11:d thl' SJlt•Pd With whil''t th,•y P\pt·t.iitt•d hPr n•qtll\">t "Th 1, a p1 r,-,.t"t f"xamplf','' shP ":tid, · f h''l't':\':1 r y working for • '1.. • rt• .... : ),. 'i ' ppoplf'." ShP Thur" ,,y, D1•e. 29 & Jan 5 - Pa 'Jf'r coll(•t·t lOll ruutPs [),., :u Jan. R· prli.tr t o!l.' t.ons bolh t ' 1', I 't' ':J J:tTl. - H.1 gular t nllt·t 'dB'> EmpJnyme!lt Centers T :-:r;el !be Ccunty Photo Credtt: Cit!! of Greenbelt. Thomas Free mall. h 'Jl••l 'h ·t th 1 • r ·pa!>s would b<• mmpl··t" t n !:111' for thl' 1978 79 Th .. - !"1' t. r:;l H,l;., •·ay's f1!ll( · Arl n \'irg-ini,\ will 1 1 l!''l •nd '-'III 1 t'r ;" 1 onstrw·rion of tlw fii""JI't·f Th·•N• 11'111 also tx• a meetin·: < f C:r"<'nbPit otlidals :'Hi l;ltr q s:t•d t rt'latin.(!" to lloP lc111llof s"rll f·rP that 1nll b.· btt It :l'ld .ts lot·atlt n. C'nnt r·t \\':1.<.: :,1 D a- l•fliJI ft·tv mt•,; ·r ·s that c·ould lx> t"l<t n until tlH' u·:<'rpass is con- H1•n !--:p• llmnn t:Iat n' 1 ... tfl.'-; bt• ITI\'olv•·d 1 n tilt• 1 'h f 'r ttPrim Prin,·.p 'I Ha\· n...-c'h·n ffiPPf1ng ('Otlld :•trangt>cl !'J mtt!- Ill" flli'Pting ( · <;rt'l'llbPit wc•r1• 1 'or Hil'h'tt· Nlo, ("ottnl'tlmnn ·r !lt r't \' l'tty l\hnHg-<•t· Jnm· J-Io\\Hnl Hoot•••! ") Chmn. AfuriPl \\'•. and ( 'h.trlt•s raw. tt!o · <;rt'('llbl iat· j' I .T·tmPs Tuck of : lw nrl I nh• ., :'>J·• l10nal Pnrl<. Siadf' ( "n.HrJt 1 t'r. I l trirt Ji;ngll1f'Pr of Rl JA. a•td 11 pn- of Trano.;portnlt"J l,t .. WA, NPS werP in ntend ""'''· Pnn('f' ( '•HI 1' ·• has 1 .._ .. tu!Ni b'l· l·:mpl"l"f'l•'!ll CPntr-rs. Tht' pllrpth•' 1)f tht• mg cf'ntt rs I!" ('u:l •11:1.ttion on a- vmlah!f• on lhl' Job aa,J )ollth t'rrploynwnt "''" 11 1-n. Thf• pr )g-rqm ,, o.::ptm.._,., ... l bv thf' ( 'n•·ntv'!-i f'pr.r•nnPI Offkaw n11d tl'tf' •t1· Dt'rtt '-" Humt'n A,., o .. lHng to ('qnTJty Kfl'(fs ''thP V:Pl• , •. , .. }w \ltJIJ rr•d to bril'IIJ p•(orrr"tt on P'1 I "PI'VIC' o..; 1-lVtu}nhil'" thr(• Jg·, P1• '' ,'TlOftiJll''l' IVP T·lm- .. ,..l, r ,ITJd Tn'P,Plb:. ,\d dJn,·tlv f 1 o ·•· :-;•di'JIIs who 111 d 1! ' -;,r -,' •'p ' " I ' l t ! : I Ill )( •)t ( • t ' II 1' '·· .,,,! i•',- l I<< !J'1 ,\! 1'1 :·'(' '1 l''l , ' ' ' .·., n·1,: t,

 · Election Supervisors ·Hear Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The

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Page 1:  · Election Supervisors ·Hear Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The

Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Election Supervisors ·Hear Citizen Views on Precincts

b)· Janet Jamt'S The heanng before thP Board of Supervi!ors of Elections of

Ptm('(' Georges County the evening of December 5 was the most nearly unanimous meeting of an~- kmd that thts reporter has ever attended in Greenbelt. Witne~,;e~. from members of Greenbelt Home.:, Inc. to Greenbriar. from Counctlman Charles Schwan pre­,;enting the City Council position to Eunice Coxon who is frequent­ly the loyal opposition. all agreed that cohesiveness of Greenbelt ~ould not, be dasrupted by a di\'ision of \'Oting precincts which '1\"ould have Greenbelt resident:< and nnn-GrPenbP!ter; 111 the same polhng places

"\\"hy takr n chancp of damprn­rng snmf•onf 's holaby ~rnrtt by >~'ndmg poorly wrnpp<'d <.."hristmn• ~tfts through thr mail," Postmastt•r Emrry A. Harman asks?

Task Force Will Study PG Permit Procedures

"·'· F.laine Skolnik The administratiw RSpl'cts of rr­

\"11'1\'Jng. approl'lng. and Pnforring del·rlopmPnt and· sit<' grading plans. particularly when <>onditions are attarhPd. wrr~ discussl'd at a mE'et­Jng calll'd by Prince Georges Coun­ty Council Chairman Francis WhitP on Dec,.mber 7. In attendancE' wer .. < 'ouncllman Char IPs &hwan. City .\f •nagt·r Jamrs K Gil's!' and rep­rP.r·ntati\'PS of thl' county <'xecu tivr's office, Maryland National Cap1tal Park and Planning Com-

Boys and Girls Club by Kathil' R•'l'<l

ThP Board of D1redors for tll• GrePnb!'lt Boys and Girls Club 111rt 0.-cemb<>r 6. Dunng tlw mf't'1.mg Ul~ outstandmg boy and g1rl were cJw­sPn to rPCe!\'1' awards of achie<Yr­ment from- th<' Prmc•• G«lrgl'• County Boy~ and Girls l1ub. Rep­rl'sPntlng Grel'nbclt an• GcnP Kl'll ahN and Amy Hanks.

According to PostmastPr Har­man. customers can !><> morr as­surPd that thdr gifts will arril•p in good condition 1f th(• following packagP tips arc followPd.

Surprismgly, tho• heaung >tarlt'd H •th nf thP t 'h•d ••f Elo•ct11111

A siAgtl' itl'm in n packagP should br cushion(•d with shrl'dded paper, PXrrlsior. compr<'s.•cd tissue pap~>r.

cloth, or rxpandPd plastJc foam. If two or morc items :HI' in thr sam!' rarton. cushioning material should proti'Ct itrms from contart w1th o·arh othl'r. and each itrm should ha1·~ 1ts own individunl innPr cnr-

001 time. All mPmbPrs and alt<'rnates .Judge' for Prt'<'lnct 6 • :'1/orth End ol the Board of Supervisors ga1·,. Set""''' !>farg 1ret Rnldo\'ln 'DPm 1

till' I'JliZI'IIS or Gl"('('nb<>lt the rom- and F:unll'e t '••X•>h I Rl'jJI spukl' Ill pll.Dlt•nt or b<>tng prl'sent. Thl'\' arP fa,·or of kl'l'plng that prt'l'l!H't Ill·


mission el\fNCPPC'l and th•· o, .. partml'nt of L1c~nsps and P.·rmJ'. •DLPl

Thomas Dugan. Ptl'sidt>nt. E!IPI'n tat t. Thry '''"I 1t '' WI' II organ-ll. Petrillo and Estpllr \Vood. me•m- 17.t•d nnd that "" •>n" ha.' to wa1t e Fiberboard t·ontainl'rs 11wtudlllg 1><-rs; Charles C. Deegan, :\{!U\' .rl iLl•' I" Pry long t ·.,xon >ugg,.,tl•d large soap. cerPal boxt•s. 1'1•·. lar-

TriggNIIII: tht• n1·1 d for thP " s­Sion wa5; thP brrakdown in rom. munH ations and pro<·t>durt·s th 1t hnd P••rmittPd an aml'nllPd f'.1 pi!OI C'adllta .. !iratling plan e from 6:; to 27 acr,~s 1 to bP apprcl\'f'd by DLI • \1 1thout first bl'illg r..CerrPd to :\!;'\­CPPC' for rl'\"lt'\\' and rPcornm''fHi.t 111m llLP sa1d this aetion was "" O\'Prsikht. but thf' failtJrt· to rnu!l' tlw am,.nded plan to MNCPPC' ro·­s•Jited 111 th•· c1ty's not bPing ap. flTJ•f'li of lht> Tl'\'ist~d grnUtng- pPI­

mit fM half thl' Grt·PnbPit Trtan~:lt. Th<' rity found out about thP l"l!•:tr· 111g .tnd gradtng op(•rutinns .1ftt-1

IX>vanPy and Lona B HnttPr. al. :hat both partir> ··ould do ,, bPt!t•r gl'r than th,• ~tift b(•lng mail .. d tiTllatPs. J•>b by maillllg to all rt•g•,t~·ro·J should bP cut down to about thP

Dugan Op!'nf'd th(!' mt'('tJOg \\'Jth \'11ter .. < umplf'tt' -.dmplt· hH.IIIlt-. b,· "i7." of tlw ;::Jft to mrllJmlzt• !\htftm,e ll statf"'mC'nt that its purpo"f' \\'R.-. for,• ~hr• pr1m \f'''' utd tt1.tt l\\•' .. ,.r. Ll! co:

1•,·nt"' Brt' tk·tbh- ltPms

to rf'<'!'h·t' c1tizf'n input in prnpo-.Pd "f "'(lmp!t• baJ!,,,, 'ht•uld b1• P'J:-.~t·d -.hoti!J ha\'P at 1,.,1..;t onf' inch r1f'ar-Tt'al:gnmcnt ~1f voting prf'cmcts nf .tt ~hr pollmg pl:h't'' by lht• Elt•r· ant·" hf•t\\'Pt'rt

011, ,.

1111.s of thf" bo'\ps

Grf't'nlwlt and ~urrounding nf'tgh· :tnn ~llpcn·, ... or-.. !11 n·l~,.,._~_t2U_ lll'' llcm !..U p.ro.\."i~ nat~ • 1 ot th.-· r-r.m-rtm..- arnumt th.-· ""'' ,,.r nor f h.

1 "'l

Suf\(\rVlsors of ElN'tJons to havr• 'ltl m tJ:y fHHtf'd C'nX1Hl al ... n t·xpnh·,p<f rotlrn or cus 10" ng,

111nrr !hn.n 1.>00 \'OtPrs in a prt'c'lnd hPr ngrremt>nt \\'lfh th<· t'lty t'o llll :1 e Fibrrboard ~hould hR\'t' "p{)und M~f\u..:t~ mort• may n•sult :n lo:u: pthlt!On a....-: prt'"'''ltl·d by ~chwa:1 !Pst" stn·n~th of at !f·ast ti.'l This hnt'!-i at thf' pnJJ..,, thf'rf'by dJsctlUr- ~farcm Kra~n1dc "PoHt· :--.: rongl\' 1...: tJ,;.:)' d!\' ~hn\\'11 PI tl~~ hn'< m·tkt•r",;.: Rgtng voter.... Ballots thf'mo;:f'i\'t... 111 ftl\'or of kt't'fHng ~pnng•1dl Lnk• ~ t rt11ic tt•~ nn thP hottt)Ol of u1,. A.rl" 1ong('r now, morf) offirf':-; art· to~~dht>r ra~h,•r th:tll ,.,ndlllJ..!' ,o~ 1 , box. tilh>d by th<• l'io•l"llon pro!'e" and mnrf' PNJPf' arf' running for otlicf'

Th" pn>sPntly propoS<•d plan of thf' Supc·rvi~ors of ~Pctitln~ wa..-. clf'f:rrtlwd 111 last ll"l'<'lc's ~!'WM llP­'ll'i-. It It wrre• earr1Pd out. r!'si dmt.s ot GrePnb<>lt would b<• l'oting in six precincts, two of which would also have non-Gr .... nb<>ltl'rs voting In thl'm.

S..nator F.dward T. Conroy. t hP flrst witness! satd hi' had spokE'n to many l'itizPns of Gr!'cnbclt. not on!' of whom was in favor of thP proposed plan. He himself felt that it !'&rriPd out, it would disturb "thP Jlf'W"ful tranquility and intl'grity at Gr .... nbelt." He asked that at !rut the det'ision be put off u long as posAible in order to """ how n<'w df'Yf'lopments along Gr~l'nl><>lt Road Wf'n' coming along. Thr Board of Supen;isors ha.• until June 1978 to makr a flnal dPCision.

Ot>legate Leo Green quoted from• thf' NN'a Rnlrw artirle of 0PC('m­bl'r 1 and askl'd the memb<>rs of thf> Board to read it In order to sPI' clf'llrly the basis tor G!'t'<'nbclt's op po&itlon to their proposed plan.

tl( lh (H'opJp !O \'ll~t \\'Hh \\·, ... ~c·hr"·

tt•r Park r..-~ildl'nt~ .tnd thost· il\'l!l~

"" G.>Od Luek Rnad. Splitllll~ SHi. ~h(• :-.ald. "would bt> dt·,trnytng th·· 'YlM!'l' of a llf'tghborhood . ~pllt

tl!lg' any nf ttw prP<'Incr ... would l.lllSl' morr confu-..:on \Pd <1t•'t ro\' tlw pohtleal llllq!'rlt)' nf Grt•••nb••lt :.

RPsidl'nts of othPr arl'a' of th•· ··1ty •pok•• tn favor llf rl'ta1n1ng th .. t·oht•.:nw~nPss of GrN•nbf'lt m 1ts vut tng. llluriPI Wl'idl'nfdd p01ntPd out that prl'sl'ntly only Grl'l'llbPI!Pr' vote With Gn><>nbPitl'l"!< and askPd thl' Election Supl'rvlsors to continu!' thPir present policy In that rcsprct Bruce Bowman, while tl'stlfying to the SPnSI' or commUnity Ill GrN·n­belt, credited the NeM'a R<!\'lew wtth a largr drgrl'<' of rl'sponsibihty for that cohf'SI Vf10PSS.

Only Kathy L<-F'Pvrt·. who h1t> worked as an rll'ctton JUdgP, said shP saw no rt'ason why, whPn ,, fourth prednct is addl'd for Grt•Pn !><>It r<'stdl'nts on th<' East side lf

• Fr t,ed1• lttll'lt•s mu-..t lH· uuli· \'idunlly ru..;htiHlf'd, and all four ~..:' IP~ .,( ttw contaitu~r should b,· paol•led with cn•hlonin~ mato•rinl

e Tapt• uo;;t•d tn dost' rontniln•r•: h •"I I ho· ····i•1f··r· ·d ·1nd should

•·ov .. r and firmly <Pcur•· all tlnps.

• \\'lwr1 pqrwr must bt> \lsf'rl for •ho• out.-r wr opping it should b" at l••a't .. qual in qttnllty an•! ,, ro•1i~th to thP kraft stork usPd for grw·•·ry bags. HoWf'\'t'r, it i~ prf'· fprable that Tlllpl'r wraj'lpl'rs bP omitted if thl' box itsPlf <>onstitntPs nn :11!1'quat .. shipping co!ltainl'r.

e Propl'r packaging is rart11·ularlv important for bo<lks and r<•cords RPe'111 '" of thPir Wl'ight. L books "hntdd bf' tushiorwd so thf'y ran not ,fuft within tht• box It is not d••sirnbll' to ship mor•• than 5 lbs of hooks 111 on!' paPkage.

• 'thP thin, long-playing rPcnrds should bP plarPd in a t>arton whkh is at l<•ast mw-fnurtll of an inrh thick

t hP bulldnzt•rs \\'Prt• nt worl<

In communll'.ltion!-1 to C'oUnty of-fu Jill~. tllt' Cit}' l'OIUH'JJ strf'o,:~pd lh

tlf•t·cl 1\J rt'l'PJ\'t• tJmPiy noticP of np p!Jcatlons for JH·rmit. ... amt•ndmt>nts to .1nd IS!-o,Janct•s o! pPrmits with­Ill r:ri'Pnbelt's boundnric•s

Whit!' told thl' Nt•w" l!<',·i•·n th.ll h.. fo•Pis muntcipalitiPs should b .. nntitlrd of pNmit applkatlons and ISSll!liH'I's m ord<'r to ha\'<' ne!Pquall' timl' to makl' thPir I'IPWS known He also I'Xjlrt'ssl'd thP n••"d for im­prowd ··ommunlration among th .. tl'<'hnil'nl llg'PIIeiPS.

Tn•k 1-'orrl' Fonn•~l A Task Force consisting of 1\IN­

C'PPC nnd DLP statr was formPd to sampiP a r••pr~sl'ntattw numbrr of dPvrlopml'nts in thP eounty to di'!Prmln<' <I l if conditions tmpos .. d had b<·o•n rommUnll'atPd to th<' ap­propriate agt•ncil•s, e 2l if propPr r<'­f••rrals of the plans h11d bPPn mudP to municipalities, 131 it thP drw•l op••r had b<•rn apprts••d of the •·on­ditions, und 14 l if thP d••\'Piop••r had mPt tht• conditions. Inspections of thP various projPcts will b•• mud<' by Task· ForcP ml'mb••rs.

Thl' Board also approvrd seYPMII fund raising actl\'lties which will !><> taking place early nPxt Je&r Thl's<' will mrlud1• a rntfll' dunn~ thP baskl'tball sra"'" and a craft show 'strawb<>rry fest1val 111 thl' spring.

ThPrt' are st1ll a few open1ap :n thr Intramural basketball pro ~tram Boys bl'tw""n the ages of ~ und 12 should rail Rll'h Starkweath­er, 347-3691 or P.ot Gainor, 474-3619. ThPrP an· al .o many sorcrr umforms wh1rh hai'P nnl bPen re turnPd unci fami11• membPr' 1~tl1

be proh1b1!Pd from p lrticlpatmjl' 111 t hi' club's programs unttl th1•sr un tforms ar~ turnPd u1. Th1s ma~ bl' don~ any Ttt~sdny nt -;o·~ l\t ·hr Youth Center

ThP finclin~s an.J rt•comml"n,Jn lit>ns of th<' Ta.•k F'or•·t• will b1 ).!'1\'Pn to John )fd )onnugh of tht nmnty PX('CUti\'t•'s ,,tficp who will Pl'nluat<' the ro•port The rt•pnrt Will t·mpha:->izr fll wht·'fwr or not tJ1.-r1 \\ t'fl' .l stgnifknnt :tumbPr of .-~1m

munic:ttions brt"'(\kdnwns })f'tWt't'lt

Uw ag-PndPs, such as Ol'l'Urrl'd Ill thP cusP of tlw Grt·••flhf'lt Trl/\ngh• and t2l working out 1l bPttPr r'lll>nl·

muniratwns syst"m with respect tr, coordinating plans through th,. rt'· VIPW, approval, and t'nfor('Pmt'Ol


WhitP Silld, "\\'P will tlwn dNt'r mini' If any admhustratiVP r('ootl· stru!'tton is lll'l'dPd or, If It i1 dt•· tPrmined that 11 changP in tht> law, is net'<led, th••n W<' would w1111t t~>

miii'P in that direction."

State Farm Insurance

Ron Borgwardt

474-8400 ..... -..... - .. __ . lftlJ ............ BIN.

OoOep .......... ..,. (CJD U.B. 1 lit the Beltwa., 1

~legate Gerard Devlin said that aa a forml'r cliairman of the Su pemsors pf Elections he knew thf'ir problems. He added, howPvrr. that ,the apparent absencP of polling. plact16 in a given area was not a n-asonablc causl' for setting boun­daries of precincts sincP anything from a onP-room schoohousl' to thP Capitol c .. ntPr could servP as a pol­ling place; rather the grcatPr ne<'ds of communities should bP thl' dP trrmining f~ctor.

thr Parkway, 11 muld not also han diP non•rl'sid~nt vol!•rs Sill' felt It WOUld not bP !IWI big II JOb <•I spparatP out Grl'l'nl><>lt residl'nts from nonrl's!d._t., m that onr pre c1nct tor local Ph>ettons <'VPry two YPRrs.

Assessment Hearings Harry E. Shipp, Jr .. Suppn·tsnr

of AssPssmPnts for Princr t.•'flrgPs County, has announcPd that <'V('II· ing and Saturday h<'arings will b ..

e F:.1ch pnckagl' should contain the namo• an•i addrP.s of the prrson to whom it i• bPing malll'd inside the pnrkng,. as wrll as outsilll'. An addrrss containPd inside is assur­

""''" that it will bl' rl'cPI\'cd LEGION D~NCE

City Poeltion c;,unellman Char!PS &·hwan. Ill

giving th<' city counctl's po'ltlon. explainl'd that Greenbelt C1ty Ph•e­ti<Jns must be held in tbl' same pol­ling places and with thP same 11rP dnct division as the County, State and National t'lections. He QUPS tionf'd whether "peaceful tranquil­ity" was always presPnt in Gr!'Pn­brlt, but the Sl'ns!' of community Is grrater than in most municipal ities of sim1lar size and this dP spite the fad that thP e·1ty rs do­vidl'd into nine segmPnts by major highways. Then- is alrt'ady enough confusion by the rl'quirl'ml'nt of R

llpecial registration for a ( ity rlrc­tion the GrrenbPit HomPs Inc. el f'ctl~ns for which membernhip in the cooperative rather than rPgts tration Is required, and thr highway segmentation of the city.

''l'IM> council," Schwan sa1d, "'" aware that In the near future an­other pollinlf place will be required In the Greenbriar, Glen Ora, and Wlnd110r Green· area." He asked that It be for Greenbelt residcnrs only.

In discussion following Schwan's atatem,ent, the subject of long qu<'s­tlons on the ballots came up. Sen ator Conroy said he is preparing ll"'ffalotlon whlch would permit sending the qu~stlons to be voted on to reciatered voters at their bome11, where they can study thPm and Y'Ote on them in their leisure. "l''Jla bM been tried with great sue - 1n 10me Western state!.

hP!d to aet'ornmodatP n~sidPnt.s who t ''"""t attend daytimP scssions. '1-h,. non bl!stnt•ss-hour hParmgs will b<• lu·ld at ~f'\'f'ral ~itPs cnnvt>nu•ntly lo~(•,ttPd thnHJghnut tlw <'nunty. Tht n•qtll'.st for tht>SP hroarmg~ mtHit

I"' m 11IP. 111 writing, w1th th•· sub-miss10n of tht• protest .

Sh1pp ••ll\f'haslzed that whliP tl1•· rH·w hParing trmPs arf' now avarla­hl<'. It IS to thr !Hlvantagl' of !ht· t.lxpay(·r to hav .. hcarings srhPdul-f•d during normal bustnf'S!-' hours whf'n thP full farrhtiP~ of hi:-. nih£,.

"~"'' al'nliabll'. For addition~tl in format ron on 1 !J,.

d,t tt·s ~nil sites of thP t'\'l'lll ng ,lJld

Saturday hcarings, call 952-4010.

promptly 1'1'1'11 if th1• t>utsidt• ad­drPss should be•·nntP lo~t or oblltPr-at rd.

e B .. sun• 111 put your return .ld­dr~·ss nn thP packagp

e And. finally. addn•ss tlw paclc1gP t r>rrPctly nnd lrgibly. so that it ~·.an bP rf'ad at two ft•t-t HP sur•· to meludP !ht• ZIP Cod!'. • Call 345-1:!.15 •f you don't know your ZIP Cndf' • ~fail with propPr ZIP Cod•· :" procPS~f'd mon· rapidly. "'hrn addrPss~r)g mail to n foreign roun· try llP sur .. to spl'll out thr coun t rY{s nnmP m full Dn not abrr­\l.ttf'

e Bt sur,. to put only on•• mailmg atldre•ss on thl' outsidl' of thl' parcPI no not IHTdrP~S ,·Ill mon• than OfH'




St. Hugh's Church Grenoble Hall

will be held on \ Thursday, _December 22 at 8 p.m.

Pots we .. kly. ~'r"" drawing for I turkPy.

Chan""" will bP sold on a f<Wld basket with turkry and trim-

for a rompiPlt• Christma." Dimwr.

Featuring SNAPPER Greenbelt American Legion

Saturday, Dec. 17, 1977 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M.

$3.00 Single $5.00 Couple !R YPars Old & Over Only

Christmas Tree Sale sponsored by Cub Scout Pack 202

r:md Boy Scout Troop 1746


Starts Saturday, Dec. 10, noon to 9 p.m.

\\PPkPnd hours 9 11.111. - !I p.m.

!l p.m.- 8 p ....

Greenbelt Pool

Free chance on 1 O.speed bike with each purchase





111tws jleuiew _____ ..::;:AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER

\'.,Ju"'' ·11. 0.'1::nlx: :; CHEE:\BELT. \1:\HYL:\:\D


h~ ".l.ory Lou William,on

~~?~e Funds Greenbelt ~'reriy Housing Project

!:·.m d ,., : t .. u t.1•'l ,f ! 1

h• 1111 I! l)o>, ;>, t 'J,t - (:

-li.iurc lP •. d -.o pPop!t· !.!atht·rpd dt the H dLl' H11,Jd t 't 1 lt•J to WJ!­

Jlt ~-" .u··l t.l:\(· ·p.ut :.1 tfH· l'lllL~lllcJ'dJ.l ,L!ruundb:takJJH.: tu. (;,('Ln­f,, It·, IJ, 'I· 1.~:: ft11 lh· l'id(•,Jv Ja,t Sunda1· aftPrneu1n Ike. mb(•r 13 Till i: •.•. Kl"..JH :1! Buk( r. ·.~ counctl n;c·t>tuH.: i('t.:~tbr. ga\"L' thL·

: .. :-, 1

'1 hI' l, lj Ill' f !} t:-. bf', Tl •:'·

\' d f r th t·hl· rh· 111 t ;n·~·nb•·l:

:J., t'1 ~lllr~lanJ I>t·p.lrtmu.nt of f:c.

C.\l'JTOL HILL CO~FERE:'\CE- Congresswoman Ghh•

\\or1<.n:: togl'tht r '" !Jr n;.:: '!l• :1• Jt't t to f1 Ult!Oll

r~: , •

:\oc•n ::;'f':!;n:t:l, --< cond fn:~n lt·:·t. c~lats v.·tth a hd~)r\· L!~·n '> '·~ tng h :· ~:Jno.ur:(( r11 nt •·i fcdt·,;tl 'undm;.: f0r a IJL :L· ·t ··r over tht• Baltimore-\\';;-hlngt,,n Parkway nc•a1 r:·.·, •e··· Htgh Sehoul Wtth \1r< Spt>llman ;m·. from t~H· l :t. ~~-Ogden. Hoo<eve:t p; lllf'lpal :'.It'· Munel \Vc,dcr.fvri •·· : ,,. PTSA: Howard Savage. Ru(~><'Hlt PTSA 5afL!~ (~ .:.11.1~11 ... ,, ... \f ~.Vll! l! t ;, t;d :: =,il ~~ \'t/ ~>:!I­

f·, I ol :... ~.p .. r · :, ~~~: r i!J..: t hl1t ,, •. dl"• r• ··q~ • -.:.tn tn1, b<i•ldl!'g as


' tf"l J;:· .. •. ';Jt(':JtH'lt'~ ·n:h .1n n!\'• rs- lry · h,. "1 d "Crl·t•nbPI! bt· g~::l :1:. ~ p.-l 1 lo pruv;dt· dl'ct fl,, uom. or~ablt• .lnd ,tffn:-dub!P hothlllg

for Jot·opJ,." llf nwdt·ratt· ffi('ilJl".

"\\'t• t <'D.\ 1 \\. i h ~:~ ... I, lll•

l \~t: ... trtH :wu md pt>rmallf!nt fin­''l n;' ! r th• r 'J''( t. ~ JtH.It·d tt

''..! I:,J;•' 1:~~ ·i \',dl b.· :lill\'J,!f·d bv t~, · J•, ., lrlr.lt·nt • (\,mmuruty J)t·­\.!t••m :1' :\dm1 ,:-.~I'.Ltlon Th" $)'!

f!l,lJ!n!l J,'l,.rt.·.n;..: ''.II 'onll' fron1 'l

',)'1' of c·~,mnuJn :·. Dt•,tlof,mt·nt

.\dm.:u ... ~l.,tluu ~ct>,\' t~t:-.:-t'X<·mpt hond'i, \'.'hllh \\,Ji hn rt paid from ;1r c. t•d' ,.f t:w proJt't t r.tthcr than f: rn t.t' r•·\'t nw·: • . ,~ \\'lth gPnt·t-.tl •·hltJ...,ItHJ~l boraJ::;. Tb · d.•p1rtnu·nt p li/ll1 ·I 11:Jt th.tt th•· :.t"-• \••mpt st.1' II to! ~~~·· {'f):\ bon,b, .dU!lf! WII h a l·'t·d, t.l! s. ( '1on :... ''' t "llbsu.Jy, \\ dl +'ll.tblt• ltl!' hoiJ:..;IJl•, dt•\'Plop. .... lt·nt'. tt-n lilts t11 pav :.ub,t Ultlnlly

J, • ., f 1r tht·rr n•nts th.ut olht>rw;s{'.

Gte;e, Greenbelt c1ty managt·r. M.11·or Rtchard l'tl'kl and c, ;·, .: man Thomas White.

.. ~.tJ\\ \', 1/1 IJ1 ~~Jll:!Plg ;\g'aJ!l !q

t.io lh1 Wll' f,~.- (l "t'l~!"'.lt'llt of 011:

Jlll}HJ).lti'I,J I:IIJ' 't"l!t!l' ( J:,zt>ll"." If, t'('lilnltlldt"(! rt11 dt'<iH·atJon a•td dt:trrn,JI.\:. 1 of tht· 1,'y l'O!IJlnl

dll11 t·' Hl<~l' t .tl:t.t•;J , "Th··y'Jl rnH~\t' 1: \\ork ,., ht· .:.tlt,

.Jamt:.. K. {;1, ..,t. 1 1ty rtl'ill/Lj.,;t'l,

v. !h.t mu.c.lt· tht· llltrodut t•ons <1:1d l'otunu nt,·d fn,m tJmt• ro tltllt'

M: rul'~ ~ llu~t ot h tJlPY upttmJ :m ft :, tht• proJt><.'t wiudt hiL'i takPn ·.o nua h tLi his ttmt•, f'•·:)(•t'IUJl) thJriH~ t ht· J'tht J "''' rrwuths. \\'p hn\'f' "pll~t·d l,u: •uuls to l'DA il'nm

muqJty Dt•\'t Jnpnu·ut Adnuru:-otr.~­

twn' .t•Jd ul ·o oUl' mon1•y." ht• JOI<f'•l n:-.: h1· { nll"d uu l'DA'.-. D1rrt"tn!" Th,).fniL'i ( "oo~,. t. 'ook ay,rt•p,l t h~tl

"WI' h:.V<' t•Xtrlli"!Pd ll l1•ft :mn H:t•l " 11ght IPg from th,• dty tlf G,,.,.,,. bdt ln mmmttnwnt. b11t tlus w;" nt•t·t"WWH.ry. \\·t· <'ould almost 1 on~ jitrtk't( th1· bnllt:.:t~~ \Llh, th•• :1 .P ·• .,,. 00-.·~· ~.grwd. l 'DA, y.,ur • r .. nd

thnt ~~·:, dc;!lt' 11,..ht .l·,,J .., ~ , ,,. nblf' p!Ut'• t•) be· u•·, :· t!lt• t.''lft· l [ "t tht· Uulldlllg-. ~.ly ,,t,.,r .... ''l'l

1i you IH···d hv!p, · :lt· l'Ollt'llldt·d.

"If \'•111'\'1' no: 1. {'d t!ldt tht' •, .. ','.

1ng IS fl•1' ~~~ 1 \ l!lol()J: t~;,. :ill' .1

h a l:tt'" I(Hil ~nJ tlw hun~J,,g- ~~

o!~ ('t•fl 1 ,. : " • ",, 1 1; ;,•-.t•, "! ! :nt• tt•tl )'od thnt \'.t' .ti:T\o : dtdn'• I• l\'t· •'"Y l1ght" p, P•'•l tl, ,qgh ~old to 1 t•nl•'

on ~t. lh'.tv, .tpp tn ntly t r.t•d '" m.lJ{l -••p 'ol dt•la_vu!g tXt .\\':t~ll'" t,f

!ht• . 1 ddttlull ~{J tht• nltllll' 1p d hut!.!· 1cg J.•...,t .pnnt; Th,·•r \' Jfl{ml n

.•rrJ\'"d .•'nd.·v .t11d , u· t 11 t' WJI'I''

( 'ny .t tit- hnd :!J , lll p, P " b 11:

"Thi:-i ht! ldlllg ttl,. l!o<h;t· l~ot<i

(', !ltr•r" t~rt>-.1' \\'t·nt on to ·.1~·. "",•'! bn l'O:O'I ~; t!lJ\',1' 1'1 n ft•\\ dny· .''


Sta~.· !-; nat>ll' l·;dward ':' t 'tJlltiJ)'

t.'ornm< n,:,·d (;: t•t•niH"l: tHI It ; prn Jl't'~, ~h~· !ir .• t l''J•·IIy t II' I' !II).! l't

llw ~~at<· to b1· tllhkrtll~\t n Uy t

1'1111111 ipnlil\'. 0111 of 1:10 towns : nd 1 t:t•s. l;n·1· tbtlt ha" agn.!l Jl',J l~h' W.\y, "I .\ppltuU )'o.J"'

(,1)1 'I'' '' • I' I •>~ f.' I •td, ('I 11' •

•''• I Illl··'•J'I' I •

Pnnt,. t; .,,: , , · J.Jlll/ Tit~·.~"> :h1· '•l'1 Oil J "'' f',d' 1 t I '1''1 J It I!~)' I I

my tll!-itrlt t. .\ttw'< Towt ""\\'a:-; til•· tirst. A tl11rd 1:-. bf"rlg p!,t .. Jtt'd bt> (\\'('l'fl L~•un•l and llowiP 011 Hnutl' 197."

"ThP symUul qf what \\I' ltfl' do :ng twrt• 1s mon• unpurt:tnt than thP wort.b." JH"fx·!lumt.•tl counrllman c;!l WP<dl'llfPid. "This Is thP symbol of what Gr•·•·nbPlt's all about; dl'd­teatwn to ll bP!t•·r qunltty of hfl' for all ItS t.'ltlZPI1S."

ly loc·a.J k·ndt•r," hP <·ontlltUt·l!,

linJYk•l!t.lly r<'spon:nbl,. fo:· !111• ""'

.,_._.. t."'mpiPtton o! tht' btJII,ll'l~: llnd 111M OJ>l'rHI!Oil Ullrllll( tho• l'llllro· mortgagp p•·rwd 40 yPnrs. "IV" ha"f(' now uvN $J3j nulhon lml!ll·d out WM·ro..-.'> th1• !"tatt• fur all typPs of holMU!I[; J fur JlPntJIIS of llmltt'd JJI

t·omL•,'' ( 'oo~ told t ht• audi''tll'f'. "\\•,.

11r" prt~vidank :300 dw~ll111g un1h for 111\Jllor t ltlZI'ns." ~!P <'ompl!men-1•·<.1 Gn • nb<·lter• f•lr the1r "long and protod trudi!IOn oi pPoplc• work1111; tug-~hN towards a bt>ttPr commun­ity.'' H<• n•madt•·d un the l'O:tl·

pii'XJU(·.< of th1• n~;my li'V!'is. of gov­••;nmoot fl'dPr:.l, stat ... county, nty, ~ t.la)ul'· and ~·ty <'OUflt'ils

"I'm Vt'ry proud to IJ,· hl'l'f', th~s l!i th1• fir~it JH'OJt't't J 0 \'1' ,('I'll f:O llll l

con~trudmn. I'm JH'oud tu bt• a p:ut of It," said t'OUlll'ilmnn nl' hal I Castaldi.

Parkway Overpass Will Be Built, Says SpeUman

h)" t:tuln•• Skolnik Ctlllg'!"('··o.:worna'1 r:Iady•; ~P' ll-

man's f'h·llluk.lh-Chr::;tm::s ~1ft to Grt·Pnbt·ltf•rs w,ls an announef'Oli'H: on Dt·t·1•mb•·r 14 that U. !'-'. Sl'l'rt· tary of Transport1ttion Hro< k Ad ams a."urPd hl'r th11t "funds ap­pronriat1•d for rPconstruetwn of tht•

Tht· mrntg tgl \\ill lw JJtstrrt•d hv :lit· .\1 rvi1111 lltTIJs•ng Fu•1d, an·­olhl'l' I 't•p.tr 'l'lt nt of J.~e lllilllllt' and Cnmn.lll 1'.· lit•\'t'lt'Jlnlt nt .t·~t>ll ·v, wlnth J'~urf', llwrh:.u:'·~ for muJf. family Pl"tiJL'LIS U> II"P!I .IS ind:vidual homt•s.

l trk\\ t'.

:1r1· a\·a J •b't· L•r' ·~~~· ru ·t (J'I t~f •h ..

o-.,·q· .. , :r-d t'1a· '!h Ft·!,.··! ll!ghw.,v Admin•str.1~~1/ 1 'FH\\' \' \\'Ill a 1\ rnc" :h" \\'ork us !'.tp.J:\' )\S Jl JSSiblc•."

It was o~1ly .si'\ \\'t•t·k, P ... 1 n

th" (' .un•y t Xt'('UtirP's T"wn ~.~t·c·t­ing th.1t f(pp Spt•llm~tn firs• I ar .,. I of Grt•t·nlwlt's t"oncf'rn t!"wt • tPUt•n: ...

hav.- bf't•n ('rossinl! tht• H ll'tm r,.. Washington Parkway to walk to and f1·om f:h·ano: R•>'-Sl·Vdt High

Tht• ( :rt>1·nbt•Jt ~t·Juor Clti!.f"ts Housing dt•l'l'lopnwa: will b1· hllll• bv th1• ThomRs P J !urkPls ( 'o. of S!lv .. r Spnng .111d wlll bP own•·d (wd man.t.L:t•U by tht• C:ty of l1rPPll­bdt.

t ·.Jilfll',lr.l.lll ( "hnrl1·.., !-~ :>~•:an. no­('< .:tg- th t! 1'\'l'l)'thll!;.!' h 1! drPndy !Jt•t•ll '> 1't 1, I 1 ll:!}I'•J h" \, ,t lin~ p1 I'· I' I!' f i • ' :~. \ I '•' ' l ll· ,, .·alit d ,. ''"· 'llf, 111 t (;Jt• rtlll'i' ilnmt>s I n 1 . , ! 11, ,. 1 y J 111 1 • , ~': < n 1:1 ~: 1. : r , ., · ; .~; _\'t·:u s .·~' 'T11at p PJ'. • ~'.•·d 1

hnnt111g .11m t'l~·:·.~ J, :<''P' ')1,• ldl','l

.dn·,• .1 1! ttu ... tunt· All ol t'• havt• ltl IJo\: 111 Ius dlrt•t·t lou"

.\nd ,\INo l'r'"'''"t

· School. At that 11m" she aasur••d Howanl, avag1•, Em::; Safety Com nllttt•p t'lt·tfrmn·t ~r·:SAJ and citv

sht· 1' nuld mun1t ·r I ht· pr 1b',.m t'!l• · 'v t: I til a. pos.tJv · s lll!JLfl w.~s lllh~t'\t••J.

In t·:l!'ly No\'1 ml I'T .shP nwt w1th l'Pfll't·st'Tltatl\'t s of th·· Stat(• High~ 11"111' Adnunistrat:w, l!iHAl, F'HWA. and tht· ~.ttioll'll Park SPT\'H'f'

e NPSI to bw·f tlw•n un th•• nf't•d for qu1ek .ll'l!on to ,11·ert a tragedy. Addttwnnlly, sh<' akrt~d S1>c. Ad­ams to thl' problem.

Although ther,• 1\'l•re jurisdictJon­al mat!Prs to bl' rPsolvl'd, the ag~n­l'fps worked toS:PlhPr to r<'llch a solUtion. Throughout thl'ir dt'llb­Prations. th..r•• Wll"' opti111ism anti agr''""'"nt that th•· Mud<'nt• and rPsldPnts Jiving l1l t•a..qt and WPst

Grf't•nbl'lt PPt'dPd a saft" mPans of eross.ng thl• hJghwt'.y ns soon as JHISSibJt•,

D. I. GNard F. D•·vl. n 1 D Pt; • on£> tJ( GrN•nbPlt'!-1 rPprPs(•ntnt:\'~""'

to thP General A•,rmbly, l.:lS hmk·t.l thP "'''louncrm<·nt of RPp. Glady• Noon Sfl<'llman 1 ll-Md. l that U.R ::iPcrP~ary of Tr>msp •• rtation Brock Adam.> has agrPt'd to authori:~e

t hP construction of a walkway over p ... , ....... """" ,, .. .,,.}.,"~("'"

f \ .. Grt'r·tb it r. , ·., !' { 1

• t wJaJs."

!> ·•:l.•t SHI' t J,: ~}{'.. ' ,. ,, ""'"": Rl! -:I \". ;\,.'\.

·.: )d ~ 1pc.-s ~:r1 n• t.'v~ fo!· d rno .. t r I'!( v. "'( hoh.l!~y ~;t:t."

'" ' ' ! ' I ~( '

>·1<1 lo·•l G"'e !lbd C.·y Cota:h:l

ha\'f' .,,r n pn":::!'lJ; ~.>!' a \ ·ai:(\\HY P\'(•r :-. .~,,. tht" cp'·nmg uf thfl nt•w Eleanor Ro·>Bev•·:t !i:~h Sl'hool bu: have be<>n sty"lll'•l br<"Rl"" th1< sPCtion of the I::~l:!More W!lllhlnj;­ton Parkwt y Is und••r thP jurilldlc­tlon of the Fl'deral Government.

"0,-,re ag lin Gladys has gone to bat for Gr '<'nb<>lt and hit thl' bal out of th•• mrk," D••\'lin satd.

Holida-, Refuse Schedule/ Our to the UJll'ommg Christ

mas P.••d New Yrar's Hollda,s, the fn1l01 ·lng changes have beel1 made 111 the refuse colll'ction scheduiP for those we~ks:

Mondn;·, DP<'. U & Jan. 2 No collectJon

Tups«nv, D1-c. ?7 & Jan Ilfo1-WPd F'n. Route

Wl'rln• sdny OPe. 28 & Jan. 4 " Tu •s Th•ors Sut. Route

~YE.'IYOI1(' 1-!Pts a turn d1gg1!1,1.! 111 Jill' 101111. (;!OUild IJ"reaktllE: fur On't.·nbnlt's f'!dPr!y housmg facdtl.l' took pia('(• Sunda.1·. Dt'(' lB. ~·hmd the Ridge Road Cl'nter, 22 R1dgl' Ro.td Drggl'b :111• ( ft wn left)· Josl' .t.'loralt>s, Chm EidNly Hou,Ing Ad\'""'~· Comrn Ht•Y. Kl'tUit•th Buker; Chatles T McDonald: Statp· S(•n.ttor I-'d ward T Comu.v. ('(•unty Cuunctln1an'r'rank l'asula. Ottdt<• \'an Allen. l'~cilman Htchard Castaldt: Counctlrnanl;ti WPtdcnfl'ld. 'J'Iwma, CM!k, Dac of CDA; Mayor Rtcharct Ptlskt: Ctty Managt•r Janws K GtOIIl', Jaml's Sm1th, Pres. GHI; Ernnwtt H. Nanna, City Soltcitur.

ln l'lo~lllK. c;lt'"t~ ntt•Jitlilllt'd othPr lin•t-nbt·lll•rs. most of v:Jwm \\'t'l't' 111 til<' nudJ<'Ilt"P Anthony Mnddl'n, pri'SIUI'n! of tlw Gold<•n Agt• Club durrng th<' lirnP of lhP t'lty l"l'f<'r••n d1101 Ill ;!i71. Count•Jlm"'i:.•t To,n \\'hltP. \''ho \'.'Hs tlll~lld {'o'tld not h1• fltl'st·n'. nwmh<'!'s 1;f :'t• ,,1 >·rlv H nts!ll;: < 'onunJttt't' .l'l .. (' ~.[,~n\Jto~. l.fudduH• l;rl·t•ru·, 1 nn.t 1\·t·dntT, bt tdJt• \'nn All•·n. nnd J1m C'nssPh. Oth1•! ~ llt\'oJ\·,•lJ Ill t 111' prnJt't't wh,J "' n· prt·st•nt IJidwh•d D.m lh·rtz, ( 'DA's tJnu!Jit• ,fwotPr f 1r OtP l~l'l'l'lllwlt fli'OJt'l't. Jt•ttrllfl'r AlpPrn, l'Jty t·onsllltant on t•ldt•rly hous1ng. trdutl'l t ~lt•\'t• P.u·kt·l I I tl'kJn•;

{ •,JJJo.,;( fill t Hill

Lomba nil. 1 t'P!'t•st·nta: 1\'t',

Lombardi h.td provu.J1•d red and whitl' hard hats for lhl' ntlit·!al pie­turPs RPfr('shmPnts HH'IUd1•d a hu·gp slw<'! <'llke dPcoratl'd with a n•pla·a uf tlw e1ty logo.

\l••••tinl{ s,.y,•ral l_;;ppnht ]t, rs WPrP tn thf'

Congn·ss\\'tllllf•ns' I oungP in thP CapJtnl '' ltl'll H••P ')pPIIman ma.rft• }wr 'I'" l\ltll'('ml· ·• Sh{' ~aid sh(' \'.,1'' )I! '' d hv t'I~ rPsponsi\'Pilt ss nf fl.t• ,J'~ >~otlt S .11:d thl' SJlt•Pd With whil''t th,•y P\pt·t.iitt•d hPr n•qtll\">t

"Th ~ 1, a p1 r,-,.t"t f"xamplf','' shP ":tid, · f h''l't':\':1 r y working for • '1.. • rt• .... : ),. 'i ' ppoplf'." ShP

Thur" ,,y, D1•e. 29 & Jan 5 -Pa 'Jf'r coll(•t·t lOll

ruutPs [),., :u t· Jan.

R· prli.tr t o!l.' t.ons


~· t ' 1 ', I 't' ':J .~·. J:tTl. -

H.1 gular t nllt·t • 'dB'>

EmpJnyme!lt Centers T :-:r;el !be Ccunty

Photo Credtt: Cit!! of Greenbelt. Thomas Free mall. h 'Jl••l 'h ·t th 1 • r ·pa!>s would b<• mmpl··t" t n !:111' for thl' 1978 79

Th .. - !"1' t. r:;l H,l;., •·ay's RPginn-,~ f1!ll( · ~'l Arl n~,.:· n \'irg-ini,\ will 11

• l!''l •nd '-'III 1 t'r ;" 1 onstrw·rion of tlw fii""JI't·f Th·•N• 11'111 also tx• a meetin·: < f C:r"<'nbPit otlidals :'Hi l;ltr q s:t•d t I~I"POS rt'latin.(!" to lloP lc111llof s"rll f·rP that 1nll b.· btt It :l'ld .ts lot·atlt n.

C'nnt r·t \\':1.<.: :,1 D Pxpn~s1·rl a­l•fliJI ~,1 ft·tv mt•,; ·r ·s that c·ould lx> t"l<t n until tlH' u·:<'rpass is con­~trllt''Pd H1•n !--:p• llmnn ~uggf·~t(•d

t:Iat ~t"..)('l'llls n' 1 ... tfl.'-; bt• ITI\'olv•·d 1n tilt• ~" 1 'h f 'r • ttPrim ~olntHPl<.: Prin,·.p 'I Ha\· n...-c'h·n thnn~'ltt

ffiPPf1ng ('Otlld 1~,, :•trangt>cl !'J mtt!­JRnuu~·v.

At~t'lldl!lg Ill" flli'Pting ( · <;rt'l'llbPit wc•r1• ~' 1 'or Hil'h'tt· Nlo, ("ottnl'tlmnn ·r !lt r't \' l'tty l\hnHg-<•t· Jnm· J-Io\\Hnl Sc1.va~P. Hoot•••! ") ~afdy Chmn. AfuriPl \\'•. and ( 'h.trlt•s ~t raw. tt!o · <;rt'('llbl iat· A:-:•;o('l:t~· j' I .T·tmPs Tuck of : lw nrl I nh• ., :'>J·• l10nal Pnrl<. Siadf' ( "n.HrJt1 t'r. I l trirt Ji;ngll1f'Pr of Rl JA. a•td 11 pn­spntat1vc~s of Trano.;portnlt"J l,t ..

WA, NPS werP in ntend ""'''·

Pnn('f' ;,·or1~1'" ( '•HI 1' ·• has 1 .._ .. ~

tu!Ni M· b'l· l·:mpl"l"f'l•'!ll ~·rYitt•

CPntr-rs. Tht' pllrpth•' 1)f tht• ru~

mg cf'ntt rs I!" ('u:l •11:1.ttion on a­vmlah!f• on lhl' Job tt''Lnln~ aa,J )ollth t'rrploynwnt "''" 11 1-n.

Thf• pr )g-rqm ,, ln'ntl~· o.::ptm.._,., ... l bv thf' ( 'n•·ntv'!-i f'pr.r•nnPI Offkaw n11d tl'tf' M~trv;·1 nd ~t •t1· Dt'rtt '-" Humt'n HPo.:ourr·~·~. A,., o .. lHng to ('qnTJty ~x,,_,n•,,·p 'Vin:~~·ld Kfl'(fs ''thP V:Pl• , •. , .. }w \ltJIJ rr•d to bril'IIJ p•(orrr"tt on P'1 I "PI'VIC' o..; 1-lVtu}nhil'" thr(• Jg·, P1• '' ,'TlOftiJll''l' IVP T·lm­

pJ"~ .. ,..l, r ,ITJd Tn'P,Plb:. ,\d dJn,·tlv

f 1 o ·•· :-;•di'JIIs who 111 • d 1! lllt~t '

-;,r -,' •'p [r•"""~.,.,

' " I ' l t ! : I ~ Ill )( •)t ( • t ' II

1' '··

.,,,! i•',-l I<< !J'1 ,\!

1'1 :·'(' '1 l''l , ' '

' .·., n·1,: t,

Page 2:  · Election Supervisors ·Hear Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The


VGlwne 41. Number 5 Thursday. December 22. 19i7

The Ntw Three R's of Greenbelt Homes

h.1 Sid K.._..hll'r

Ol'fN LIDER Th .. follo11 inlt' Jrttt•r 11 "" .,..11t to

I 'ounl.l t;"'<'Uihf' Wintif'id Kl'lh "'"' ('ount.' t'oun,·il ( 'haimlull Wii­liluu ,\mollt'tt.

Thanking Jim Cassels To tho· t:ditor:

\\':th rl'gard to st·uJor c;tlzen huu­!'illlg-. 111 !angu.tgt• associatt.'d with manm·d space tral'!•l, it wou/j ap­pt•ar th3t, "All syskms- are go."

:\tany will dt'rl\'t' satisfaction from this. 'Some may take pride in tho• respectiw parts they played to help make it possible. All should be gratt•ful to Jim Cassels, who, mon• than anyont• elst•. is n•spon­sible Cor when• we art•

At least from the tim•· that tht• GHI t•rrort was aborlt'J I5 )'Pars ago J1m has labon•d to brrng about hollsing fur ~f.'nior dtizt•ns m l;r.•t•nbdt. Th!' faith even thl' hopp of other~ may havt· wa\·· •·n·d. but nut Jim's. Ht· kPpt tht• :dt':l ali\'L

J1m did nut do tt all <dono·

Tilt' >tafT ol Gretenb<'/t Hom• ' Inc has bet•n direl'tins: tt:-; dforts

tow.trd what might bt· tt·rm,·d th•·

n<>w thr•·t· R's: RPhab!litatltJil. Ht·­fuPJin;.: ;utd Refinancing. Somt· dt•­

taiis of ·tht•st•, motivatin~ tht• pro­

posal> otft•rt•d at Thursday·., board mf'etl!lg. fila)' bt' tlf llllt•rt•sr tt uur rl'udt•r:-..

t)n bt•half of thl' m•·mbt•rs uf tht· Elt·anor and Franklin RDoSt'\'l'it DPmoaat~t· l'lub I am urging you to ~d··t·t as tht· optimum altrrnati\'c for tht• E Routt• ~ft•trolint•, that al tPrna~J\'1• lLs~t·d :ts E ~fax that is

tht· modJfJt•d alignrut·nt with tPr­mint~:-o ;tl !ht· Bdtw,ty 111 Grt't•nbl'lt ~laryl:rntl. A rt•s•Jlutwn PXprt•ssing ! !u ... ft·t·llllg \\'as passt•d unanimou~­ly a~ our rt•gular mt•t•tJng of ='/o­Vt·mbf'r I. 1~77

JUSt mort· than anyont• l'lse Thrre is pknty of room Cor St•IC-satisfaction and '"lf-l'ongratulation Cor many anothl'r, but 1\'t' may ha•··· to pas' an ordinanc(l to pprsuadl' thP aJ4 most unbPiiel'ably mod!'st and st•IC­!t•ss Jim CasspJs to tak<' tht· largest 'har•· of both

Christmas at Holy Cross A tlPmographic surwy 01. GHI'<

~'Onsultants prOJt't'ts rhat u~·t•£ -17/, 176<1 familit•s• of Its m .. mb .. rs ha•··· annual inromt·~ lPss than $1:> Otkl.

with about J.lt·; 1220 fam!lit·s, ~":tr 11 • in~t J,•ss than l~OOO. Almost a quar­ter I:?J . .,r; 1 of GHI famlllt·s pay

ovt·r 35r; of tht\ir illl"omt· ft)r hou:-. in~ costs, though tht· fnh-;,d gn\. t>Mlnlt'nt guideJinP 1s :?5(, Furtht>r. thf" majority ot Jow-incom, fami/i,., art· found in th" fram" unit.'. which att• just thost• nt't'ding tht· most rehabilitation work: thus thost· mcmbPrs that cun lt•ast arrord to pay mor<> may have, potentially, tht• Jrl'<'att•st increase In monthly chur­&e>i- For this "'ason - and partly also bt>cau~e outsldt• lt·ndlnl( insti­tutions will probably r.•quirt• in ef'f>ast'd collateral for rehabilitation loans to GHI - the starr recnm­IIU!Ild<'d rt•-allocation ot the prns­P<'<'til·•· Community Dt•l·elopmt•nt Block Urant subsidy to "cont·t·ntrntl'

:\ ... you know. tht· r: & F'DC i~ an ,., ~ n·m··l~· .ll'(J\'t· org-anization sPr­t·;:tg th•· :h't•tb. of lfltf'rt•st£'d. eum­l:lu:1Jty coll!h'Jdlls individuals lu tho· :hi: J. S:\III. t'lghth, ninth and dt•v•·nth Pn•cmct:; of thP !!1st t•lf't·­r .l•Zl :Jtstnl't in ='l'ortht•rn Prinn· t ;t'orgt·~ County

\\',, t·auuot Pmpha.•qzp too strung.

!,1· lh•· f,·,•lmg of tht· dub anti thl' total l;r~~·nbt•lt community in fa­voring tht• ARS alignml'nt. Llkt•­wis~ we cannot t•mphasiZl' too strongly thr strength of commit m<'nt to fuJI MPtro rapid rail servirt• to north<'rn Prince Georges County along this prefl'rred alignment. ThP community wants it, the alternatiw analysis supports it. And your d"­l'islon should confirm it.

Tht• mt•mb .. rs of Holy ('ross Luth f·ra:1 Church lfl\'Jtt• tht•Jr friPnds l'nd nt•Jghbor!'l to t't>lt•bratP tht· < 'hristma!-t sPasou with the-m at SJlt; l'llll SPf\'i('f'S thi~ Wf't>kt•nd

On Sat.. Ike 24. lht• tradttlurwl l'hrrstma' f:l'l' <'andlt•hght S!'l'\'ll't' wdl b" hl'!d at 10 p.m. Pn• s.•rv1<·•· mnsu· t tht• brass l'hoir. mstrumt•n 4

tail'>t:-; and \'ncalists I will bt>glfl at

~~ :-:n J' m. ThP mt's"HK~" will bt' dl'!l\·•·r•·d by thl' Rt•v. Darul'i Pokor uy, Chaphun, Gallnudrt l'ollt•gl'. H·· '''lll also lnt<·rprt•l tht· st'I'VI<'t' for th" t!t•af.

On Sur!., Dt•t·. 25, tht• Chr"lmas FPstivnl &•rvil't•s with Holy l'om munlon will b!' !'onduded at 8:30 and I I: 1~ a.m. Tht• Christmas m!'s­sage "PondN Awhilt•" will bt• dt• liw•rrd by tht• Rt•v. Edward H. Bir n••r, pastor of Holy Cross. At 9:W a.m .. a movi~ t•ntltled "Miraclt• in Toyland" will bt• shown.

Holy Cro.s Lut hl'fan Chu rd1 " lt>t•att•d Ill 6905 Grt•f'nbl'it Rond. For Information, cull :!45-[Jlll or 47·1-9200


Thur~Uil-'. Decendx'r 22, 1977


1 9etiJ 1/Mtdad ~ I a I fL. I 1 7 I

r 'P~-za "'~ 1ttt~ I ~ From Pan American Society of Grt'{'nbelt J I to Pach & all 1

··--~~--------------------~ Children still need an example IF worship of God is to be important •••••••

Let YOUR exomij leod the WAYII


!Wile S&ud7 for all~ (Sua) 11:44-&mda.J Worship 11:00 am II 7:01 pm ftDd·week J>rotrram IWftdl 1:01 pm

For bus transportation, call church offic,. 9 a.m. - t p.m. wPekdaye

Greenbelt Community Church < Unltl'd Chureh of Christl

lllll•i<il' und ('ri'Mt'l'llt Houd• - l'honl' H~l71 l~lornlng•l

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service Sp.m.

<Nurs.·ry ut FPIIowship l't•ntt•rl

Christmas Day Worship Service 6:30p.m.

INurst•ry ut 2-B Hlllsid<•J

HPv. Sh,.rr.,· Tn.l·lut und u .. v. Harr~· Tuylor, ('o--putol'll

Sr. Hu~h's farholic Church 1:1.' ('rt'Mt'f'flt ltd., lirt't'n.btolt, ~Jd. 20770 474--48%2

it mort• with lowPt-ineom'' mt•m b<•rs."

Tiw starr's fo:I'!H·ral conn•pt is that thr grant mont•y would bt· placPd in an t'scrow Sl'count to Sl'rVt• as an lntett•st-tret• Joan sourct> tor l'llg1bh· GHI mt•mbPrs. ~'or t•lCampk, it a membN wt•rt· r!'tjulred to pny $30 per month in payments on n rt·ha­bllltation Joan. this amount would be drawn from the escrow account, and would bt· regardt•d as an in­ten.>st-!rl't' loan to bP repaid upon aale of tht• member's home. Prt· sumably, the value ot the homt• af­ter rehabilitation would bt• sulfk­it!Dtly increased to relmburst• th .. eac:row fund. The starr further t•n 'ri&agt•s that money remaining in the es•·row fund, after full amor­tiutlon 1 repaymentJ of rehabilita­tion loans, would bt• uvailabit• to Gm for use in future similar pro (r&rnll.

Plmse, do' not regard this <·om­munkation as an Jdlt• wish of an org-anization \\'tih nothing bc-ttt'r to do. our mo•mbt•rshlp and rh .. l'om­muruty that our activt· eivit· lt·uJt>r.s n·prt'St'nt attach I'Xtrl'mt• impor tanct· to this transportation facility and tht• positivi' impact it will huv•· on nurthPrn Princt• GPorgPs County 111 tht• yt•ars to ~.·omP. Your positi\'t· r•·sponst• ns a supporlt•r of full :O.tetro Rail St•rvkt• to nortlu·rn Prrnct• G"orgPs County utilizing th•· E-Max AltrrnatiVI' will b" apprt•<'l>l t<·d.


On the subject of "Refueling", ~ starr has come up with quite a bold alternative to fossil fuel loi!J, namely the use of compactccl trash as a tuf'l to be burned in hlgh-lt·m­peraturt· ovcruJ. The main inct)n­tift tor considering ~uch a changt• appears to be thl' tact that GHI's p,.e.pnt baaic heating system is a­bout forty yPars old and may hav•· only tt•n years of useful lift• left. Furtber advantages would be free­dom from fluctuating fuel oil co.sts and shortagl's, and a centralized, euily maintained system as rom JIIU"'d to tht· "tar-nung" hPatlng .,atem now in use. The stal'f quo-lied an estimate from a curf'f>nt de­llfcn!'r of such wast.. compaction/ !ncineratlori systems that GHI could •ve about $1100,000 per ypar in fuel ofl costs at today's prlci'B.

Ot course, searching questions and some criticism met this some­what startling prop01111l at the meet­ill&. a natural reaction from thoac carrying responsibility tor the cor·­poration's future. It is interestlnoj' to note, however, that the concept 1l'U listened to lntenUy and ap­panmUy given ~erlou.t oonalderaUon w everJQne prHent. This may be a _.ure ot bow far we have come tlnrUd openm. our minda to new IOiuUo11.1 for the loq-•tandlnr prob­(llu.

('hurl!., 1;. Sokol, l'r•·•ldt•nl

THANKS To tJie FAilor:

Now that I am homt• aftt•r m1· >tay in tht• hospital and convah·s­•·t•nt homt• dut• to inJUrit'S from a fall last August. I would again likt• to thank everyone who contribut!'d to my recovery with kind thoughts cards, visits and prayl'rs. A very Merry Christmas, and prospt•rous :>lew Year to u!l. my many good trit•nds.

01'~de Turpen

Rabbi Kt•nrwth Bl'rgl'r of Mlsh­kan Torah will dlst·uss lht• Jll'obll'm< of J••ws in Qtl!'bl't' on Friday, Dt•c 23, nt X p.m. Intt>Tt>!'C'ttod fH'rHons nn· invitPd.

"Ask thl' Rabbi" will bt• tht• topio· of discussion at t hi' Mishkan Tor­ah on ~'ri., Dt•<·. :!0, at 8 p.m. Rabb1 Kt•nneth Bt•rgl'r will tlt'ld tht• quPs­tlons. lnl!'r!'sted pt•rsons art• In­vited.

MOWATT MEMORIAL United Me&bocllst Chiii'OII

t:hurcb School 11:80-10:341 a.m. MominJr Worahlp II a.m.

sn:u.;sT R.:C.O<lSITJO:\ SliNDA\'

St-rrnon: "God'N Hl't'aiRtJt (lift" Rev. Cllrton D. CunntncU..

Putor 474--3381 oW Rldp RcL 47.....ut

Shouldn't your~be anc


swt¥ l'tttllliMLl•A 3 ... _

ANNA PO Uti: M.ia GC&•; ......... ...



Dt•t·t•m ber 24 • 6:00 P.M. (Children's Liturgy)

i::!O P.M. (Quiet Mass)

!2:00 Midnight

Dt•t•t•mber 25 - !1:00 AM .. 9·:!0 AM, 11:00 A.M., 12::JO P.M.

CONFESSIONS Dt•t·t•mber 2:1 - 7::10 P.M. lo 9:00 P.M.

Dt·<·embt•r 2-1 • 11:00 A.M. tu 12 Noon

3:00PM - 5:00PM.

NEW YEAR'S DAY MASSES Den•mbt•r 31 - 6:00 P.M.

January 1 - 9::!0 A.M., II :00 A.M. 12:30 PM .. 6:00 P.M

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~ I J I Christmas J I ~· ! I at I I Holy Cross Lutheran Church ~ I_

905 lf

1 , 6 Greeenbelt Rd. j

fSa ..... ~Y· .,.,. 24 I 9:30 p.m. Pre-Service Music ~

10:00 p.m. The ~raditional Cand1e!ighting Service with~ choirs and congregational smginl( (the ser-~ vice will be interpreted for the deaf) I

I lundoy, Oec. 25

8:30 and 11:15 a.m. The Christmas Jo'estival services Holy Communion

with~ 9:50 a.m. Sunday School. The movie "A Miracle

Toyland" whl be shown. in~ I

Come and C!'lebrate the holy ·days and the holidays of Chnstmas ~ w>th yo"'''''"" arnt ""'""bo". I

Edward H- Blmer, Putor Pboae ~111, .,._.... ~

I I WWW I a I I WI a I ••1 • I P VP

~ursday, December 22. 1977 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW Pare ll

Gree•helters Explore Demographic Study, Alternatives with 1. Kreimer

L 1

. by Barbara Likowski . •

Council Respends To Possible Closing Of North End School

lASH INC. REALTORS·I Compute~ Multipl. Usting Service

Educ e~ ey Kreimer, z:nember of Prince Georges County Board of with ~~IOn from Distnct 2 (including Greenbelt) met informally over terested Citizens ~n Saturday morning, December 10 to talk

proposed changes m the school board's busing policy Be-~:~sef the News Review had incorrectly listed December 10 .as th~ in e .or her meet mg. Kreimer agreed to go ahead with the meet­Shge as I!st~d In the paper even though just a handful showed up. D also spoke on Fnday morning December 16 and Saturdav ~cember 17 so that more than 50 people were reached.· - ·

ra prakmg br~elfy a~out thl' D~mo- city school so that thPy would not fh phlr Study, Kreimer t•xplained ,ff'<'l alirnat~d from th(' communitY _ at the study had bPPn made to If an ovPrpass is built ovrr th~

Councilman Gil Weldenfeld asked other members ot Council at Its December 12 meeting to eonsid~r what response they wishpd to make to thf' proposal to close :'ll'orth End School. The proposal, part of the Demographic Alt~rnatives Study, was prr>rnt~d to t~e Board of Education Cor constderation on Derrmbrr I5.

345-2151 JtLANNrNe TO IUY A HOM!? ACT NpW!

·Kash Inr. says that· a Christmas wish is always worth repeating. Happy Holidays, everyone!

REINDEER? It doesn't matter rain or snow; you'll be cozy in this beautiful and well located :i bedroom (I large) all brick colonial 'V ~Carole Highlands (near Langley Park); quiet secluded, wooded area, full basem~t, very large rear screened porch, fireplsce, corner lawn; if you are now in an apartment, this home will be a d.-Jightful step up, and reasonable on the monthly pavment: only $45,950 on all tenris, includin~ no down to vet. Call 345-21.51.

>;<>!' whrtiH·r changing rnrollm('nt Baltimore-Washington Parkway ~altPrns could bP the basis fnr lt·-s many of thrsp child.rPn would b; h~~.~lg. Smre mor<• cnmmunitl·'s within the onP mile walking dis-

\\'('idrnfdd, who had placed the •·mergPncy item on thP agenda. ask­•·t! whl'thPr council wished to 1:" on r.·eord immediatPiy as' opposing thr closing of :>Jorth End. The pro­posal, he said, was not entirely new as it had been discussed by the School Closings Task Force span. sored by the Board of Education last Y''•"· Ht• nott•J thl' expanding population of GrePnbriar, Glen Oaks and Windsor Green. Under the new study students from these arc118

would attend a school outside the city 'limits - Magnolia. Why was it, Weldenfeld wondered, that coun­ty agenci~s such fL'! the school board or the dl'ctions board did not think of Greenbelt as 11 community? He suggested all Greenbrlt children should attend Greenbrlt schools. Such a plnn would reduct• busing and !t·nd inrPntlvr to dmw tht• new­er intt•gratt•d neighborhoods Into the who!t• community. He askl'd wh<'ther it wouldn't bP possible to shift stud••nts within the commun-

b!'come llltPgrat('d 1t was hop tancr proposed as a guidelln~. I'd that most chlidr~n would be able Because thl' Greenbriar and Glen to attrnd the closest sch?ol to their Oaks childr~n come from an Jnte hom('s or, In cases of ov!'rcrowding'. grated d('velopment thPy would add thP nPlCt nParl'st. At the samp time, to the racial integration of Conter It schools are slatPd to b!' closed, School. lllcluding North End. According to Kreimer, the staff would likf' to see the whole package accepted.

Those GrcrnbeltPrs prrs!'nt fell that there W!'rc two prob!Pms to be looked at - the proposal to end bus­ing and th" proposal to clasP North End school. They should not neces sarily have to be considered as on<'. There was concPrn PlCprrssPd that the school board actually did nnt have a policy for intPgraling th" school systPm. &vPral pPople Crlt that should such a poli•·y h" sPt Co"lh aftN- North F.nd school " do."·d, GrPt•nbelt would not only haw lost n school but might still have its children bused out of the communily.

Snrth t:nd , Do•sprte obvious nrgatil'l' fl'f'Jing.~

about tlw plnn to elose North F·:nd s~hnol, thosp pres!'nt trit•d to look car<'fully at the problems and SI'Pk out po>Sibl<' alternntivP solutions. ThPrl' was agrrPment that thPs!' were community problt•ms and should be JookPd at by th<' com­munity as a whole.

A suggPstion tllllt North End might bP UsPd ns a middle school was ofY<•rt•d. It WIL" poinlt•d out that If grades 6, 7, and 8 II'Prl' nt North End, then Centf'r, without 6th gmdP, would have more room. c .. ntf'r, presently slut!'d to be filled to 97.7 pPrct•nl of capacily, would b!'romP owrcrowdrd should a num­b<'r of students decide tn return· from private sPhools. Sint'l' thor" arr alrPady 9th graders in the trch nology program of Eleanor Roos­evelt high school, it was trlt that 9th graders could probably be sent thert'.

Boxwood The proposed on!' mile walking

limit might not include parts of BolCwood and Lakcsidl' North, said a concerned BolCwood parent who didn't want to be elCcludrd. Box. wood parents mentioned that Box wood is an inlrgraled communily

·I according to Board of Education Pupil Accounting! and so should

· nol hal'r to be bused tor intPgra­tion puri?OS!'s as is done nt presenl.

One El'olCwood parrnl told the group that nit hough she believed in thP principlt• of integration, .<he had tal<••n hl'r young child out of pub/it· school and rnroll"d him in a private school bPcnus" sh!' Celt that the long ride to John Carroll plus tht• half hour wait lherr before school started made thr school day too long Cor him. 1 Th" children now arriw elos!'r to starting tim!'.) Now that hr is sf'tllcd, sliP did nol want to mol'!' him ar,ain but it the prn posPd plan were lmplt'm<'ntcd, she would havp to dPcidt• where to send lwr youngPr child when thai tim!' camf'.

Sun·•·y Aecord1ng to the survt•y madP by

thP Greenbelt Citizen's l'ommitll'" on School Closings, thPrl' were ap­proximatrly 278 GrePnbPlt ehlldr<'n of r!Pmrntnry school age attPndinl: private schools as of early 1977, ~l

ity if sam<' schools art' OI'Pr enrol­led nnd sam" art• underenrolled

Wclt!l'nC"Jd mndr note ot thf' fnC'! that if council waits to m<'f't with its cltlzPn commltt<•o• on schools, nrtlon could be dPiayrd ont• to two months. Was round! willing to walt or should somp action bt· taken lmmedlntrly, he asktod.

C'oundlman Thomas Whit" said ~ .. thought this year's proposal for t·l•"ln~: North F.nd school wns a liltle ditfrrPnt from last yt•ar's. Th•· purposP Jas-t yPnr wns Pconomic. This year tht• board has ndtkd thl' rPduction of bu.<ing and resurrt•r­tlon of thP neighborhood school. "It is a mort' comp/Px situation," ho• sold and u rgrd caution. ''I'm not so surt• n slrnng city motion at this timt• opposing the closing of Norlh End would bP taken with a grPat deal of crPdibility" by lhe sehoul board. "What's realy ne!'df'd," he• contlnu<'d, "is some h~ad knocking.

CHRISTMAS BELLS will ring for you in this spacious 4 bedroom home in Mt. Rainier with full basement and small garal'(e; already VA appraised at$ 38,000; we can put a veteran into this home with absolutely NO CASH. Also this home is ideal for renting the upstairs out; do yourself a favor and &ee this nice home! Call 927-1221.

YULE be amazed at what we have to offer in Capitol Heights. We are completely redecorating this vacant 4 bed­room, 2 bath all brick rambler with hardwood fioors. full basement with large L-shaped rec. room. It also features off street parking, large covered patio, baseboard heat, and .com­pletely chain-link fenced lawn. Priced to sell fast at only $42,750 on all terms, and seller will help with closing eo&ts. Call 345-2151.

JOY TO THE WORLD, we have just listed a large 4 bed­room brick Cape Cod in the hard-to-get Lakeside section of Greenbelt. It features a breezeway, garage, full basement with rec. room, and lovely lawn. This section consists of all custom built homes, and presents an opportunity seldom seen. Se~ il now, priced to move in the 70's. Call 345-:1151.

SLEIGH BELLS RING-Our phones will, too, on this very convenient!~· located and very nice home in Hyattsville propa-, near everything. 3 bedrooms, sep. dining room, full basement. Priced to seU NOW at only $39,750, and seller will pay all allowable closine costs Call quick, 9:17-1221

WANT A GIFT? You won't find another like it. A one of a kind, 3 bedrm end townhouse in the 9 court of Southway, that has large addition with full bath and walk-in closet, also large chain link fence, end yard with woods in back. Owner trans­ferred and wants fast settlement.

We also have another of these bargains in Palmer Park, a 3 bedroom masonry semi-detached rambler, vacant; a veteran can move in with nothing and pay only about $290.00 a month totaL You really shouldn't pay that rent any longer. Remember, all this property is going up in value and you only benefit if you buy something. Call 927-1221.

CHRISTMAS PACKAGE-Low priced home in a nice area of Seabrook. A 3 bedroom home with sep. din. room, carpeting, and vacant for quick possession. Priced right at only $37,500. Call 927-U21. Kreimer PXplainrd that bf'causl'

ot larger Pnrollment in the counly high schools, thNc would not be space for 9th graders at present.

Another suggestion for use of North End was a center Cor handi­cappl'd children but it was pointed out that the school was not archi tecturally dPsigned Cor handicapped liS ar<' all new buildings. A spl'cinl cent!'r of another kind might hP !easibl!': h~aring, special !Parnins­problems, l'tc.

Wc have an exlremrly good rl'port from our citizen's school committee. We need to get that report on th<• table, evaluate it, and study wh~t course the city should take."

Councilman Charles Schwan, who agreed with White, mowd to havP

Feclings 1\'t'r!' dividPd among th" partil'ipants in lhe discussion about whelher many of thi'S<' children would relurn to public schools •c busing long distances were dls­continuPd. However, it even part of lhese returned, Center school would be opNatlng above capacity. SumP (Pit this might nrcl'ssllate k<'eplng North F.nd open, especially it chi! dren from other new areas of tht• city, such as Windsor Green, were also added to city schools. Windsor Green students now walk lo Mng nolia Elementary. ./ouncil mPet with the school com­

mittee in q work sPsswn aftPr Jan­uary I. The council, ht• snid. ran try to rt•solve what might be tht• bPst cours~ of action and how to go about it. ThP molion passl'd unanimously.

OthNs fpJt that the board's pro posal might lead to a return of seg rPgatrd schooiH much a.• thpy wer<' bPfore busing. A suggeslion was made that those communities which had become integrated since b\Js­ing might b!' given n bonus in the Corm of permitting the children in

DEAR SANTA: Please bring me a nice home in a nice, con­v.-nient area, near shopping, transportation, schools, etc. Ho, Ho, Ho, here's just what you need. A very attractive 3 bedroom rambler with family room near Capit~l Plaza. Priced right at only $41,500 and orner will make you a closing cost preaent. Call 345-:!151. -

Kreimer pointed out that if citi­zens decided to appeal lo the board to keep North End open, data would be nePded to support their casp. People seem!'d to feel that another up~to-date· community survey might possibly be II!'Pd~d.

Center St>hool Center school's problems wrrP al

so look I'd at. The pupils in the hl'aring program havP bccomt• n real part of thP school. Basi<· sir,n Jangung!' hns IJI'I'Il taught to all pupils at CPnt<•r and so thP hear­Ing and non !waring nre able I o rommuniC'atP with Pnch otiH'r. 'fh~> hParing program is to br cont irliH'd; It was hop••d that ovPrernwding would nol push it out. CentPr would also I asP most of its rooms for Pxtrn services. It was askPd whPlhPr temporary buildings pould bo· used to add more space.

Hrt•t•nhriur ChilrlrPn from Grr<•nbriar and

\Glen Oaks havP Ul'\'11 addPd lo Cent<•r for thl' first tim!' this yt•ar and have bPenmr an intPgral part of the school. Thn~c from Cent!'r at the meeting expressed dismay th,1t these children were to be sent to yet another school (making it 3 schools In as many years). Also since they are Greenbelters it was hoped that thry might remain in a

those communities to slay in their Il!'ighborhood schools. Prf'dominan­tly white and black schools might b!' pa.ired to achieve....racial baiaJU'e.

Springhill LnkP was S!'<'n by all prP.srnt to hnvt• ft~w prnbiPm.s undPr t hi' proposed plan.


CITY NOTES Thf' gf'nPrnl crrw ha~ brf'n doin;~

a vari<'ty of ·odd jobs this \\'f'rl\, 111rluding rl'ic,..ating slnff within thP Municipal Building and mDving Gn·,.nb!'it CARJ•;S from lhP Ridg•· Road CcnlPr.

T}w building cn•w .SJH'IIl timP 1lt

the Ridge Road Center building u:;­sisting in the CARF.S mow and d!'nning for thP ground brPaklng­c!'rPmoniPs. One dny wns spPnt at tlw Municipal Building opPrnting the portable grnPralor to supply ,.J .. rtridty for thP rndio us tlw pow­Pr wus switehed over to tlw JH'\V

addition. Work was rPquirrd in "' routing the gas line at the tww ad

1 dltion tn the Municipal Buildinr,. Wires were pulled In the conduit at the Springhill Lake Recreation center.

The leaf vacuum has bePn out as well as the chipper.

Pelice Blotter Cpl. Jlfisi<Pll rerol't'rl'd Ifll automo­

bile thnt ha'! hP<:n rt•Jmrtl'd sto):n on DPr. 9 tn the PrmcP Georgt•'•, < "ounty Polir'f'. HP also obs,~n·pd :t

I'Phirl!' at BPIIway Pla7.a lhat had brPn stolen from Springhill Lnl<" two dnys pn•viously. As hi' an­prPhPndPd tlw Vf'hit'lf• two :-;ubjrris fled from it. Shortly (/wn·afiPr till' twP Wf'f(' apprdwndPd by PI1~('

Lann and OtlicPr Craddtll'k on t/11· hill to thP rt•ar of thP Plaza. Both wPrP chnrgrd with unauthorizrd :1';1'

of a Vf'hiclc, nnreoties violations and OlH' was ehargPd with a rmu·paJPd W('apon. Both W('l"t' in('arel'ratc•cl in lieu of llond. •

AftPr r('cPiving 11 complaint frorn llw manllg<'r of tlu• A&P Storl', Officer WHtkins chnrgPtl n t6 Y<''lr old youth from Lanham with shop lifting. JuvPniiP CIJllrl adion i..:: pending. · A 14 y<·ar old f•·rnnk from Waldorf and a l'!i Yt'llr old fl' male residt•nt of Grf'l'nbf'it Road turned themselves In to hrudqunr ters after lookouts had been issued for them as runaways. from a hom" In Baltimore. Both were turned over to Juvenile Services. A total of 15 other juvenile complaints were handled during the week. ·

HO, HO, HO, WHO WOULDN'T GO, $47.,950 on this <"Jt· tremely atlraC'tivP 3 bedroom 11,2 bath rambler in Landover 8ti­tates near Capital Plaza. It features carpeting, cent. a/c. full basement with rec. room and bar, and many extras. See it now. by calling 345-2151.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS will begin in a beautiful 3 bedroom, Z bath Colonial with dining room, full basement with rec. room,· snd manv extras in attractive Landover Hills. A real bargain at only $.42,000, all terms, and '5eller will add a present toward your closing costs. Call 927-1221 for the full carol.

If you want to CURRIER' favor. IVES never seen a better way to do it than; by showing her this absolutely fabulous all brick 3 bedroom Colonial in College Park (Berwyn). It features the most beautiful of recreation rooms, a fireplace in the living room; front porch and a back lawn that goe,; on forever. Let us show it to ~·ou: we promise you'll lovf' it, and its modest price. Call 345-2151.

The SEASONS GREETINGS to all our young friends, just getting started' Start out right by owning ,;n absolute!~· beau­tiful 2 bedroom frame· Greenbelt townhouse; many extras in­cluding a covered patio, 8'xl5'; and extra a)J!)liances. $16,500 is the very reasonable price, and the winning number ~45-2151.



i i jl

Page 3:  · Election Supervisors ·Hear Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The

Council, Citizens Not Happy . With Co1aty ~neral Plan Amendment

by Elaine Skolnik The Greenbelt Ctty Council, at tts regular meeting on Dt:l'L'lll­

bec !!. voiced its di;pleasure with many aspect.; <Jf the Propo,:ed Amendment to the County's General Plan. Council direckd that a litak'ment be prepa:-L•d f,;r the publtc he;mm: at F.i{'JnL•r Rnosewlt High SchC',,l on De('cmbcr !~that would tnelude thr \·iews cxp:·(';­it'd by council and stat! .:::d the :\dvJ::,•t' Planning Board ( :\I'B)

<.hJnc:l a!~~.l fcl! th,tt .t r. p<lrt writtf':-: by tlw r.l'\'Jftl:,r~·, •· ..

Study Group of :ht• co:r1~yw:Jt· Ct~.­U'ns Ad\"'l~~.lrv l 'ommi:tt•t• .m th Ckn<'ral Plan. should be bcn:11.ht ; , .. tht" &ttf'ntion of tht• L .. oun:v l\Hdl·

dl and thf' Mary:and :"\a:,.;,ul (',. pltal Park and Pl.""''"!' t'omm ...

:don IW:CPPCl.

li~:t::ll~: ,~f lawn:-:. t ~,•t!:H :!mf'n Thnm:t...;; \\'h:tt' Rnd

t 'harJ,., &:hw:-tn tht)ug-ht tht' cnv1r nnmt·a::d , n'ptlrt tmpn•:-:..:;\'•'. .Sch\\'an ba~d. "It ra: ..... t'S Qllt'.< :nn ..... whtch shuuiJ .uki must ~ an:;wt'r­t'd" \\''hilt' llt)tN th~~ the find"'!:'' of tht' APB Wt'r'' s:Jpport,•d nrl'J backt•d by "h:wl c'ata" m tht• r.· port TIM> &:,era! Plan wa; prt·part•d

b)' tb~ :1-1:"\t'PP\.' >:niT w:th th• I!IS.81S.tanC'l' nf tht' ('!tJ7.t'll' Ctlffimi~

tN". Tht" .tmt"ndmt>n:. :! A.d.)p~Pl~.

will !l('f\'1' a.< a guide fnr lnng range policy and growth in th~ county for thf' n<'xt !X) to 30 yt•ars.

.A.Ixording to thl" plan n<'rs. t ht• 'PfOPOS<'d plan is mon• or !e>S n modiJkation of thl" J~ wedge; and corridors plan othl' Y··ar ~.000 plan>. That plan proposl'd dt•wlopm<'nt along transportat:on ruutt\s in Cllf­

rtdors radiating from th~ D:stri,·: '->f Cotumbta. BNwf'f'n tht"' corn­d(\rs tht'rt"' Wf'rt' wt'dgrs of opt•n •,.an•. In ~ hf' nrw :'lan t ~w corri· · dors art· wtdt•r and morP l'nmpal ~ anJ ll\ll fnr lower Jt·n~t!it•s. All dt•\ f:(lpm"!lt IS :1ot nt>n·ssnr:!y l'On fiat d ~ll ~h.-. t•,,rndor:-> and prr•-:t"'r \"S.twn ,·( land 1s not t•n:ut'ly r£'­

~:r.•!i'tl to tht.' wN:Jgt•s

""t;ro\11h ('rnt .. ,.,. .. l'"Jcr thr proposal, m.,,;; rrg;onal

j:ruwth , •. ,.,JJd talw plan· 111 >[ll'<.'i:ll ··gft)\\'!h c(•ntt•rs" \':hrrr publt .. · st"r­v.c.·, ~ nmiJ bt• pr~wtdt•t! P'~":wmicnl· ly. Th( . .;•· t't'!ltf':-:-. \.\'nu;u support tht· n·g:un's llf'R\'Y tn\'t'stmPn:s 1n tr~tn;:t and hdp ,·onsrn·<' ttw 1"1"·

g:t•:J's t'!a·rgy rt·., ,,;:-n·~. Plan:ters t>Xp•·ct :hat pnlluti,:n !' y,.~,. woa:J p.~,.;,ab;y Ut• lllwt•; th~! 1 c":n•n:!y

Tht· rc\"i:o:t·d plan do···i :~~~: h 1'."•'

J\ :am••tabk f~,: gro\··~~1 "" ,;,.! th · '"\\·ar Z'I)(IO Plan." H will lJC' r :tr

r:{'-{1 o·tt Ill thrr.-. stagf's. w: • h "f"•adl )l'vd r•·qutring: tht• solutio:1 to n·r t:tu~ .~nvironmf'ntnl ! :-an~portntlo!l,

or public !'if'n'irP rwt'd:: in o:-(:•·r :" pn ><.'f>f'<f 1..,(n t hP ~~··xt :t•Vd of growth." Tht• t•arlif·r p~·\lt da'! nut

t'\k' .!LO uccmm~ ndpqua:l"' Pll\'lr!Hl

m".::r.: t·onsid~ratiuns.

sta::rd Orowth Thf• ~ir!'t s:RgP or the propo:-=t•d

I~ 1.1 pr";,..,.t.,. ti~P C'o'.l~ty' ... popula­t.•'.: il~ 7'l),l).')(), u;1 fto~n t~\1' f''lt:ffi'l· ~··<~ .;~-~.:· "t) :lt p .. f'St·:tt. D .. vf'!npmt·nt ·" :".l~c··f·f·n in th('- cPn~rnl ann. w::h :-•tmt• addttion"ll t:!•Vt'lupmt nt tn tht•

L~\ :J r• I art• a.

\\'hltf', tn t'•)mr.1e·~~::1g on th~"'

plan, w:"-" J'!\rt:cul1lrly t·o:H't•rntkt w1th the adwr.<e dTt'l'l on thr quar 1ty of lifo• if th•• tr:u»p,>rtntion ele­ml'nts of tht' G·•neral Pia~ wt•l"f' rralizrd. "A plan sUt·h ns thi< i-< a foot in tht' door," he sa1d. H<' pmn­ted to plans for an Outer Beltway 1 Inl('rt'I>Unty ronrwrtion •. an f'Xtf'n

drd and wident'd Kl"nilworth A\'e­nul", and all t'Kpandt•d Baltimore \Va.,hington Parkway. "~{any of thrs" r•>ads are ju;: in thr ft•asibll· 1ty stagt•." h•' said. "ThP phl!l would almest put tht•m in corwrt'tt>." Couru·•I nnJ .\PI3 haw oppost•J tht'='•' proptHaL~ Ill ttw past.

\\'h1te a!<o ft•lt that thr p:~n "sho,ld b·· <JH':lklng strongly .,f al!t•r:t:ltt.' SUlll'\"t'S of :-:olid \\'RS!t' t!J po<al."

.\ Slt•p R<l<'kw!\J'd.ol :· hwun thought that thr polwy

o~ hen·~·'~ Xlt'f of 1.!1 Of'\\' houstng: singl<' family uruts would bP ·1 .. _,[f·J' bnekwnrd-;" sinet• "a lnrgf' numbt•r ,:f t•Xrt•rn:tl st•rvicf's \\'nuJ,! 1 ... n•cJuir~d .... \\'p aren't c-oinc to h3\'t' tll:t! kind of c•rwr~y :rJ wor:t with ;,J:-(•\'t•:· ... Oruo n~ t ht~""

day'> \\'P will c·nmt> tn a p01nt whPn 1! will b<· n·quiro·d publlc p~h·y to ~,r,Hn:JtP multi family to\':nhnu.,.,•

; !ll ro;HlmnimUnl dl'\'t'lopnlt'llt [tJ

lt'Jl:H'I"\'t· uur t'Jlt·TJ.:Y rt•sourn•,

!:kh\\'!Ul Wil' d•agrJnl'd th:~t tht• ~~·nt·!'"nl plan mndt• no rl'f£-rt•rH'" to ~unil·lpal g~J\'t·rnnH·nts and ignorrc mun~t.'iflal boundar!Ps by divid1ng Grt•.-nbPlt 1nto two E-trt•as t :-R

G~·'Nlb"lt :tnd ilt•rwyn H<•ipht.< anti =1 Crt•t•nbf'lt.t

('onrPr~ \\'ith lion!. T:t,. APB wa.s c•tmrrrnf'<l about

:··,, t~rdt•r m whic·h tht• J{o:ds wc-r•· ~~·t forth 1:1 t ~lf' C:c•rwral Plan. APB ff'<.•ls thil! rrnphasts should ll" .,::l•'Pd n:l g-:1a~'> ".'HH'h as P~Pc

::v•· l.~!li;.ati'lll of Jll\tural and N t·rg\' J·,·sou:-n·., prlltf'diun of I'll

:r,>nmt·~1~ an.! I'll'·· ·ovrm{'nts i!l th·· r::!''.!:•y llf n•·;v,hborhood!'l" rathPr ,·,,.!1 ;-:o!t!.; ''stwh rL-; improvin~ th•· ~ulhty pf tle\·~Inpmrnt, thr nN•d to put;· a r•llf' !!1 rPr,-:on:ll drvf'lopmt'll, .tnd :!ts· ~, •! of j.:·,J\'Idil1g a favor­ahi•· ~-~Jm;t··· f,n· lJ·h.rH·.>s, indu.•trv

APB ;1}..1\ f l'.'on~d thP ci~y·s h:1 1'·

iJll{ .t "df't·t..;:r'n making author;ty" l \<1• ttw:· [ trldnnd shoUJ1J U<'

.1:1·.! 1:1 :It'\\'! uhdivision!; \\'lth

:n .· · bqr,;~·r :, cr altPrnativp:; Ht lt';J:• d Ill l!Pu of dPdtcution.

~~-~J.:'' il ::;pt.-.; :1. population ltmt~ ·<' ~-iX".l:VJ pc:,plP and will be:• markPd t-:; dt•\'t'lop:.wnt u.l!->o in Ow Lnrgo~ g., .. \·.r a:~<! I...nun•l an·as. Stngf' III .--·:·~·!.:io!!.S 1.2 million p()pulation a:' ;;, .. "dt,ig;, capacity." tha: is. t!w ~ .• x:mum n111nh<'r tiJat ef-l.n bt' 111"­

c<>::>modatc'J This is Ies,; than th•· l;it:m.atf' 1.6 million peoplP prt'\'iou·. !y pif'<!:•!P11 ~or thP t'0\1!1!)'. Th·· prnpn. td pin;, plRt'l't> a strong ,.:n ph~~·=' on bulldi!lg more singlf' fa­rr.liy rather than multi-family un· ::". and on attracting more com" mrrcial dcvrlopment with suppor• 1:1;; pablic facilities.

. ERHS AnnoDDCeS National Honor Society lndodees

('itill'll, Connril Critkb•mH ,;amf's Ca."~els, a member of tlw

muntywide Citizens Advisory Com· mit:r•·. spoJ;e on bl'half of En ,·ironmrntal Study Group. Cassrh told council, "We feel that envir· onmentally the county is not ready , for expansion." He thought that thf' Gl'neral Plan rave too optlmL·· tic an aasessment of the environ ml'ntal eft'ects of the st•ed popula,

. tion increase. · His croup's concern, and that o!

APB. was whether there were adt•· quntr wat<'r suppi!Ps and stomg.• facilitil's to me<'t long range nrr<ls. Cassels also pointed out that If the dHu~nt from sf'wage tr!'ntment piP.:::·' is to ml'l't tt.e high~>st stand­!lrds thrre would be additional r•~·t~ to \hi' taxpayers. He sugges­trd that (I) alternat~ methods of J:~nd'ing effluent should be studied, su(' ~ oa land treatment, ( 2 l there nl.'<'drd to be more consideration givrn to w&tl'r quality problem• rominc from non-point sources lll't'h u parl<ing lot,., farms, fertl-

Twe)vp seniors at Eleanor R.oosf' vclt H1gh School were induct<'d in­to thr National Honor Soci~ty on Friday, o~c~mbcr 2. The 12 arP thr chartt•r ml'mbrrs of Roosrvt"l!'s chapter of the• National Honor So cicty.

At a special assrmbly studrnts were honorl'd by the pr!'srncr of guest spenhr Congrt"sswoman Gladys Sprllman. Studl'nt.• from Frederick Dou&las High School <·on(lucted the induction ceremony.

New mrmbers were selected on thr basis of having demonstrnt,,<! thl'ir abilities in scholarship, ll'ader ship, character, and sl"rVi<'l'. A grade point average of 3.4 or above for the past 3 years wa.• rrquirrd for considl'!"ation. Qualillcations in thf' other 3 nrPas were t"qually high.

New membel'!l ar~: Kay Davis, Sarah Kelley, Jal\l!t Lf'wi.,, and Jennifer Nisenhotr all of Grrl'nbelt, and Kim Moran, Kim Maughn, Lynne Davis, Mlchad Julius, Nan cy Hembree, Scott Vallcnti, Pam Querry, and Tina Whit-e.

1977 \\',J..; a ye~n of :--l;..:nuic.l! .. ' i'\'t'nt" f,)!' (;: .. ··:~·~ll'lt. }ughl!.~ . .!iltt'd by tlH' cckb!atl~·n nf nur ,. •·:·., fortteth btrthda\' and culr111natC'd b\· the .~round-brl'akmg for the rww hou,tng f<•:· th~ "Ide' I i\· faCJ!Jt.\·-Gree~bl'lt's larg('st publt~ proJl'd to date.

Whtic we look back w1th ~md(' at our accompliohments. the City Counc1l, the 41 cttizen members of Greenbelt's ad\'ison· boards ;mel cornmtt!('l'S. and the 143 full and part tJme ot::r rmployt'l'.' cnntmue to look to the future and the solution of problems that remam unresoi'f'ed or which may develop. The support and assistance of the many fine citizens that make G~­b{'lt a special community is, as alway~, greatly appreciated.

To all, a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthful and prosperous New Year.

CITY l'Ol!:"\CIL

Ru·hartl R Pilski, Mayor

~;.1 \\'l"idenfPid, Mayor Pro Te•

Th.>m11.-< X. Whitf'

R1chard J. Ca.•taldi

l 'harles F. &·hwl\n. Jr.

.\D\'I.SORY PLAI\."NJ)l(;


Donald \'olk, Ch&irau

.t.f&ry F. Clarki'

Ronald Colton

J pff rry R. GallaA'h@t'

F'rf'dl"rirk A. M<'C&rthy

P.liern Turnt'r

Jt'lln Vrrbos

t 'O:O.!~fl'NITY RELA TION!'l


Darw1n L. Beck, Chairmll•

!~··"· Etlward H. Birner

.\lfr<'d F. l'ous:n

f:.,.,. l\!;gr. \~illlam O'llonn<'ll

R1d< Ransom

E~!PU lYE!·; ru:LAT!ONS


AIIH•rt K l!t-rl:n;:, ( 'h;urmnll

l !1!J.:h D. Ja:-;court

Bt·njamln ~ost·nzwt·Ig

!'.\HI\ AXIl I:r:nu-:ATJON

AD\' iSCl!! \' PLAN:'\! Xl;


P.'mald A. On. (. 'hatrm:l:l

.\ntoiiH'tt<' l\1. Bram

HI~V. 1\P:!IIf'th C. Htrlif'l'

n.mna Flu!<t>

·;·hl)lllf\S \'. UtTf'I'

J<>st"ph R. GrPig

J. Laun·nct> ~m·l. Jr.

D1nl Sil\·l"r"

\\'ayn•• Spong, .Jr.

Ar.wld L Thoma>

.:~~a11na ~1. Volk

J"'<'J'h Jo:. \\'liklllSOn

c 'IJI:;..;, 'IL OF G0\'1-:RNMENTS



.It rs. Rh<'a Cohen

Dr. BPrnard Ke'"lrr

John Mondrjar

Alan D'Appollto

.Janws ( "a'>sPis


AD\'I~;(JRY C'OMM!Tn;r;

.lost" H. Morall's, Chairma•

JamPs Cassels

Robrrt Dov!'

Madeline Grren

Maur.een H. McCleary

ConniP McKncw

Irma Tetzloff

Ottilie Van Allen



JamPs K. Gics<', City Mnnagrr

j)pnni!i E. Piendak.

Assistant City MnnagPr

Emmt'tt H. Nannn, City Solieitor

';•uJ:un H. Mills, City Clerk

narhara Hnveko•t. Statr Assistant

D'm>thy L:nlbcr, S..<·rt'I!HY


HP!rn )..f'r

Dorothy St111r

l'tlL!( ·;.; DEPARTitr::'IT

\\'lll1am T. l..a!H'. Chief

John ( • Krob, Llf•U!Pnant

~hrshall Z<>"lln<'r. Lit•utrnant

.Julia Boon!', &crPtary

Edwartl D. Blakr

Pauline Borda.•

Ernt•st \\'. Brumlry

Ralph J. Cancr!D<I!'

Thomas M. Ct'Ccar~llt

Plnlir R. C'oomb<'•

Alary E. Coultl'r

Mu·had D. Craddock

Jamt"s R. Craze

Sydn•·y Jnnl' D'Appolit•

Paul C. Duprat

ll••rb•·rt l'. Faulconer

Cynthia A. J.'n·~<·h

Da\'ld !"<. Fulgham

Hymwl (;t't·smt

Jnhn A. Lann

l'oildy :'l!d(llf'\'.'

Fr•·d E. :'lbrray

Th>ma> !'. O'Nt•ll

~lt:whd S, J!H'lhTI

~d liT J) ~.tpp.ng1r1n

l.::uia 1:. St·nrlntn

l\Pnlwth L. Sta1r

< 'harlP:o: \'. \\'atl<1ns

I' I: JlLH' \\'ORKS


Albrrt S. AttiC'k, Du·••ctor

J. !'au! \\'1lhams. As:·w·;tant Director

Dt'llni.s 1 >oorru•knmp, Parks Sup .. rint<•ndt•nt

LllHla Sm1th. SPcrPinry

Karl J. Ahr<,:.rlS

Johnlllt' \\'. All1son

Donald /-:, Baldauf

John L. Uall

Carl K Barttwlow

. John W. Bt'lm•ns

.John J\1. Bond

('cell E. BrP<'d<'ll

Roy T. Brown

William E. Brown

('armt>n J. Da•;mo

David C'. Downs

·Jam,.,· L. Filulro-ner

Keruwth R. Hall

Danit•l .J. 'Himmf'!farb

Norman L. Lo<'kPrman

J o.<Pph K !~Hwsky

Robrrt B. Lush

;\!fred L. Marl<ell

Hubrrt E. Michael

ll!11rk P. MiPdzinskl

Richard L. Kills

.Rogrr D. Ovrrstrl'et

Nnrman F'. PnwPll

Gordon Reynolds

LorPnzn 0. Rnbl'rts

.John k Shlrld"

Gordon R. Silver

Teddy ( '. Stnplrs

ltaymond II. Viteh

Jsmes P. Weiss

Harry C. Jn•1ng. Olrt'•·tor

Hury .Jame3, A~.!\Jstant Dtrf"«er

Gt>orgr P. Rogala,

ArrR Rf'crratum Sup~rV1!•

JoAnn RowP. Rf'crf'attnn Assi•a•

Betty R. I.Rhman. Srcrt('ft•

Kathnine J. Ad!Pr

J().'l<'ph A. B1stany

Anthony J Bo<1kn1ght

Vary M. Br-

Ro"rm"ry ll. Br<'en

lllary 1<'. Burch1ck

Haz<'l ~!. Cl\llahan

Linda M. Callnh!l!l

Drnnis M. Cantwt'll

David W. Clayton

KathNinr F.. Cole.

Robt'rt \\'. Dav1'

Jnhn A. Del H•>mnlt'

Tlwr<'s!t A. J)obhlll

Mlldr<'<l.Don Uulhan

J '"''Ph E. Dmwllan

!to:ulld P, Ernst

Ri~-:~anl < '. Fat:~l'llrt•tt<'t'

Patri' lt li. tlan:t•.i

J.)ll<'l I!, t; ddlu•r;:

1\.:~J:t'll Ann liol btP\1\

Ellt•n t'hure Gould

Hulwrt B. (; rov(·~

Hidmcd ( '. I JoppPI

Larry P. JsalH'~

l!o!..H'r! !.. l{t•at

Lynn ~1. l...:lhu1<as

Pavhl H. L• hm.:n

.\!tdult'l R l.uftman

:.t .. ·h:wl \\'. Ludn•gan

1\an•n ,Jo Lynch

1'<'1'1")' E. Mangum

.Jant:-; ~lcFarland

· \Vdham K M<'Laughlin

J"F" ll!t•Pkin:;

Lt•nnnrd !\.lodt·lt•\\'slu

Jt)hn L. Morn . .;

Patricia J. Myt•l·s

ElizabPth M. Osbnrn~

JosPph S. Pl'rzP!Ia

&·ott T, PowPII

.Larkin E. Prvston-

HPtty B. QuigiPy

GrPgg V. :Ckhrilwl

KlmbPrlt•y 'Sl'lwibel

S. Hannah Schornbach

~l'lry 1(. Shannon

Dt•an ( ·. Shitflrlt

Arlis A. f,owPrs

Roderick M. StotJpr

liwlan S. 'l'aTIOI' Charll's H. TomJJI<in>

Donna L. Townsend

.Kennl'th 0. \'oight

Andrea M. WatPrs

Chri,tinr Ann Whit!'


Carol Leventhal, [)jrr, tor

Barbara Lawson

Jeft'rl'y S. Katz

Joanm• M. Rnmundo



[(1] I (;11J II tg tJ • A COOPERATIVE OPEN aJUp




__ _. __ 8_E.ER._&.WINE ~ _ _._BAKERY.___ _ ____ _


Large Platter OUR REGULAR DISCOUNT PRICE ............... 14.99 IIEATURED ITEM REDUCTION ........................ 3.00




Fresh Broccoli Jibs. $1 .ALIF.

Navel Oranges ea. 10c

Co-op Butter 1-lb. qtrs, 1.20

IMPEHIAL lb. qtrs.

Margarine SSe !'1~1ALn~s1' qunrt ctn.

EggNog 78c



12-gal. ctn. 1.48 BIRD:>En: SMALL lb., ·I·OZ. pkg.

Whole Onions. 58c I

lb,, 10 oz. pkg . .M:RB. SMITH'S

Pumpkin Custard Pie 97.::

Health & Beauty Aids

Close•Up Toothpaste GREEN OR RED 64·••· tube 1.08

100-ct. btl.

Co-op Aspirin 28c VASF,LINE- REG.&: HEJR'BAL 10-oz. btl.

Intensive Care Lotion 1.20

While They Last


18-lbs. & up



Standing Rib Roast lb. 1.78 SHANK PORTION

Fully Cooked Ham lb. 89c BUTT PORTION lb. 99c


Cooked Ham lb.l.S8 U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF

Boneless Chuck Steak lb. 1.18 90'; LEAN, !O"e~'AT

Prem. Ground Beef lb.l.17 KRAKUS

S-Ib. Canned Ham ea. 12.69 GWALTNEY PORK lb. pkg.

Sausage Meat 79c

Coca Cola Tab, Sprite &Fresca

6 1-pint n.r. btls. 1.08

DEL MONTE lb, 1-oz. can

Sweet Peas JOe CO OP WHOLE OH .!lo:I.LIJ.:D 1-lb. can

Cranberry Sauce J1c SCHMIDT 24-ct. pkg .

Dainty Dinner Rolls 48c CO-OP WHOLI•; liN SYRlJPI 1 ·lb .. 7 oz. ('!Ill

Sweet Potatoes SSe

Health Foods m:TTER FOOD6

Seven Grain ~

S-Ib. bag

Ce.real 1.30 BETIER FOODS l·lb. pkg.

Raw Wheat Germ 9Jc BETIER FOODS 2-lb. pkg.

. Sesame Seeds I.SO HAIN quart btl.

M~;;h;ash 12

-ogs~l _ S_un_ft_o_w_e_r_Oil_· _____ 2_._40_

PRICES EFFECTIV~ DECEMBER'21'- 27, 1977 We reserve the right to limlt sale items to 3 uillllpw C111dcJmer,


Page 5

We will Close at 7 p.m. Sat. DECEMBER 24

Closed Sunday & Monday DECEMBER 25 & 26



12 oz cans Case of 24 ,~~


Sirloin Tip


Roast 1.36 lb. CO-OP GRADE A


ANY SIZE lb. 63C

~-------------------, : SAVE $1.00 WITH THIS COUPON 1 . I

:Maxwell House :

:coffee 6 95: I ALL GRINDS • : I 2-lb. can 1 I •co OP Etrective 0ec. 21-21. 1m1 1 • Umit - One per FamilY I ··-------------------·· I SAVE 59c ON 3 WITH THIS COUPON :

: ~,·.,;~r.-;;.,_ BIRDSEYE . ·~~,:).:.I'D: : Orange Plus : I I

:1 3 SJ .~~· 6-oz. cans

I I Eff<'CtivP [)(oc. 21 27, 19771 I CO•OP Umit - Onr per Family 1

·--------------------· I SAVE 16c 0 ITH T COUPON 1 I I I I I I

:Cut, Corn or Peas : l 3 lk•. pkgo.J.28 : 1 Effi'Ctlve Dec. 21-27, 1977l I CO•OP Umit - One p<'r ~'amily :

···-------------------·· I SAVE 1 Sc WITH THIS COUPON I I I I MR. MUSCLE 1 I I

: Oven Cfeaner : I I

:1 f3C :1 8-oz. can

I I I Co Op Effi'Ct!Ve Dec. 21-27, 1977 ,

• Limit - One p<'r Family I

~-------------------~ 121 CENTERWAY Open Daily 9-9, Sunday 10-fi

........ §1 ............................. , ............................................................................... --~~~--~~4~··

Page 4:  · Election Supervisors ·Hear Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The

GREENBELT mw5 !tEVIEW Thursday, December 2Z, 19'7'T

• 111

~Federal ~ns Its Greenbelt office. Loyola Federal has come to the Greenbelt -College Park - Berwyn Herghts area' Mary­land's largest savrngs and loan assocratron. established in 1879. wrth assets of over $940 million and reserves exceedrng $65 mrllron. believes in the growth and vrtality of the Green­belt area' That's why we've opened our new offrce at 6329 Greenbelt Road, right in front of the new Sir Waner Raletgh Inn.

And now. through Lucky Fnday. January 13. 1978. Loyola Federalrs celebratrng rts Grand Opening'

AI Loyola's newest oHrce. area resrdents can enjoy a complete range of savrngs and loan set'\IICeS. Monday through Fnday 9AM -3PM. and 5-8 PM Friday evenrngs.

Stop rn our new Greenbelt offrce and let our savrngs personnel tell you about Loyola Federal's "Great Rates" on certrfrcates of de­posit ... you can earn as much as 7'1.% rnterest per annum on a 6 year rnvestment certrficate 1or as low as $1 ,(XX)' The effective annual yreld builds to 8.1)6%.

Other Loyola Federal savings opportunrtres you should know about·

Savings Certificate Plans Interest Compounded Dally

ANNUAL EFFECTIVE RATE ANNUAL YIELD TERMS n.% 8.06% 7'12% 7.79% 63!.% 6.98% • 6'h% 6.72% 531•% 5.92%

6 Yrs. 4 Vrs.

2' .. ; Yrs 1 Yr

3Mos S 1 ,CXXJ Minimums

Regular Savings Accounts 5 'I•% 5.39% Darly


Interest compounded darly from day of deposrt to day of wrthdrawal.

: ... ~·.·~ ... -·;r/'1""'"1 V· .,-,;., .. I ·'!~·· r, .. j'"' .~ (,,.,, ... '!'-;- "' lit!,_,.,,,,, t'> j 'o•: ,. ' o• I' r, 1\, •j't to IV.ol tIt", I \ '" ~ .fo~l,tr•' ,jl r<rlt·rt•<.f r•f'rt,llf f

Loyola Federal's new oH1ce rn Greenbelt rs Ideally located for both drrve-rn bankrng and park and walk-rn service So come on in, nerghbor1

Big Weekly Door Prizes Just come in and say hello and enter the weekly drawings for va1uable door prizes. A winner will be drawn from entries every Friday, beginning Friday, ljecember 16, through Lucky Friday. January 131

First Wftk'e DrtWinO s.-.cl WMI<'t Drowtng Thord Week's Drowing Fourth Week'o Drawing Filth Week's Drawing

The hnr door pnte ro tw Yor11 Sr.-reo ..,.,, otven•••~••llbe'IT•p~n rTot1~9'"'fmtl~of~ !! ... ;r Mtet(hJIP"Itte Overt jOtiWif· rng IO M held 0tc 161

J..(Qh4;>11., <l!)(l),jf11'''

CAS..r r, tw}.r" ,,.,,rlo· I,

No transaction is necessary to enter the weekly door prize drawings; sorry, cash equivalency cannot be given on prizes.

Colnejoin in on all

Ti!jlf'.l,., P1,1.r.")W,\VI' (}vf'n

ro flr> i • "'' ., .. J~ '·'" '11


You can oPen a free . ~when you open or Mid to an account. Make a deposit of $100 or more to a new or existing account and you may choose one of the following quality gifts:

Brunch bag (Vmyl "dem1n"look. w1th thermos)

Flashlight/Blinker · ·carrymg case) forcar · emergency use Light timer

C. omblnallon .Glengary blanket (C.mes m

---~ (turns home l1ghls ~ .:E on/off when yo.u're ;...-.,.,.... ,. ~···~~-·· ~-· '"""""'""' ,, " ' ' '::.. z~~~~b~:~pop-open

Pitcher & Tumbler set

Ci2:, Family Game ·,

Chorce or One Prece from Wicker Basket Bull•t Set

~ I' I I

L.·~ .~! Stop:f~;m (F::·under ~: · ' door; sounds an I alarm if door os . , , opened) 0

(B1 iklllydrstlc~ clllfarruu~ - 31/l'~> !lfiSft•d rn tJ.rskt>ls

lrll Hit' !.rhlt•l

-..... Travel alarm


the funl FREE First Aid Kits, Oven Mitts, Sponges, and other "freebies"

c for everyone.

>- and Llan Association f~'''!!.~ __ 6329 Greenbelt Road ~~,, • ~

·--~Berwyn Heights, Maryland 20740 (301) 345-8448 : · ·· · · '· ·


CLASSIFIED SL:,(I for a 10 word minimum. IOc """h audltional word. Submit ads In Wflting, act'ompanied by cash r•YmPnt to tht• .SPW8 Rt'\'lew of· !let• at 15 Parkway before 10 p.m. of ,tht· Tuesday preceding publlca­tlon, or to the Twin Pines Savings and Loan otfice before 4 p.m. Tues· days. ThPre is no charge for ad­vt•rtising items that are found.

CALDWELL'S WASHER SF!RV­ICE. All makes expertly repaired. AuthorizPd Whirlpool deafer. GR 4-Ml5.

PIANO TUNING AND REPAiR . Experr and Reliable Piano SE-rvice to Gret>nbelt since 1960. Benjamin &rkofsky 474-6894.


TROMBONE TRUMPET and VOICE LESSONS. Prof~>ssionaf musician with degree. 474-~945.

«MARIE'S POODLE GROOMINGl make your appointments today. l'all 474-32!9.

TYPEWRITER REPAIR · Electric, ltandard. nnd portable. Call 474-0694.

PIANO L~;SSONS: Pt•abody Con· 1ervatury Graduate. Beginners· Advann•d. 474 9222.


Library Introduces Fines fo'lnt'> for ovNdUt• ltbrary hook>

wtll b~ 1ntroduceu on Janu'HY by t ht· Prince Georges County l\f<•mor ·.:11 Ltbrary System, accord1ng ~" D1rrrtor William R Gordon. Font•s Will be charged for adult and young adult catalogued books and library materials beginning with those ttems cht'cked out the first week of January. due Jan. 28, 1978. Tht• tin~ will be 10c per item per day tht• library is open <excluding Sun days and library holidays) up to a max1mum of $5 per 1tPm. Then• will bt· a three-day gract• pertod beyond the due date during which nu tint's will b<• charged. Fines will not be charged for children's .Jr

uncatalogued materials. The fine 0f $1 pN day per 11 em, nut to cxce•••f the prier of the film, for an overdu~ framed pwturc or film w1fl r<'main unchanged.

A fint• of 25c per ltt•m, per stut . w1ll bt• charged for adult and young adult catalogued material returned to Bookmobile.s Maximum fine is $5 per 1tem. TherP is a fine of $1 for 11 lost Date Computt>r Tran' u"t•tion Card.

Coopt•ration in returning book> 11nd library materials on time would be appreciated as another patron may be waiting to use them

Recreation Review O!Jf'n Gym•

Following 1s a bl'ht'du!f· of <)~IH·r

opt•n gyms tn the area: Greenbelt Junior High School · Sundays 2-6 p.m. Eleanor Roosevt•lt SE-nior High School Sundays 6·10 p.m. \' outh ('t'nl#r and SilL Holiday lloun

Due to th•• Christmas Holiday, the Greenbelt Recreation Cent~r will extend their hours to the pub lie. Facilities will be open on the following schedule: Dec. 23. 24 12 noon · 11 p.m .. Dec. 25, 26. 27. 28. 29 · 12 noon · 10 p.m .. Dec. 30 12 noo:~

11 pm .. Dec. 31 9 a.m. · 6 p.m . Jan. I and 2 12 noon · 10 p.m. Tt't'n Topic•

The KAVA Teen Club will h1gh· light the C"hristmas holidays with a Ski Trip to Ski Liberty Ill Fairfield, Pa. on Thurs .. Dec. 29. Deadlin•· for registration will be Tues .. 0<.-<·. 27. The bus will leave the Youth Center parking lot promptly at ·I p.m. and n•turn at approximately midnight. All interested teens arr invited and can sign up at tho· Youth Center. A tee will be chargPd For further fee information. contact the Recreation Dept. at 474·6878. TO ALL


PAINTING . Int!'Tior, exterior. 20 years PXJl. Do my own work. caoiaT.u---.-"L ...... ----------Bub N••nl 776-.'\461. 1 Q RS



UGHT HAULING. wl pick-up Truck. Call Mike after 4:30, 474· 11401.

LAMPS REPAIRED - Floor and table typPS. EvPnlngs, 474-MJO.

VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR -All brands and types. Call ev('n· lnrs 474-~.


HOUSE DOCTOR ltspen eraftlman wlll nopJa. bntbD wtD4ow .................. trlral Jo ... wall ~. _.. an.JC' til<!, ek!. "-nble llaeda anol Yard dutl,.., c.JJ e\l'ralnp.


PAINTING · lrlt('rlor, exterior wallpupt'rlng nnd light carpentry abo. t:ood Gr~~nbelt references, ex­•·•·lft·nt workmanship. Frank Go­mez. 474·3814.

At'l'l.tANct: tud•AIR - Washers, dryt>rs, dlshwashl'rs, garbage dis­posals, trash rompacton, etc. WEAVER APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE. M2-lll9.

HANSEN PLUMBING & HEAT ING 14C Hillside Rd., Gr<'en· belt. 346-5837. Bonded, llrensed, small home jobs.

Starter Homes \'A •fo'HA no-muncy-down loans. Include BowietLanham area In your search for the BEST HOME VALUJ<: in PG County. Call ROBBIE MILBERG at 249-5592, CENTURY 21 Award Real­ty at 262·5600.

NOW Is the bt'st time to find that lovely, precious. unforgettable gift for those whom you love < includ· ing yourself'). Do not hesitate to li.Sk us tor advice; that's what we are known for. UNIVERSITY BOUTIQUE INTERNATIONAL · Th~ Indo -European boutique with cosmopo!ltan fashions and Individ­ually designed jewelry. 1420 Baltf· more Ave., College Park. Open 10-6. Thurs. until 7. 277-mi21.

PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOM­ING in your homl'. Poodles avail· able now. All brf'Pds available Jan.

1. H4-0990. RESPONSIBLE PERSON wanted to car~ for infnnt Wl'ekdays 7 30 5:30 starting mid-January. Our home prl'f.,rred. I Transportation provided) or yours. 474 9224.

FOR SALE - Capri '71, 2000 cc. dl'­cor group, stereo, Michelin radials. snows, good condl Uon. $980. 345 0884. After Christmas. MIOROWAVE TAPPAN OVEN Nevet used model 116·3!165, adver tlsed $499, want $32~. 474-7824.

8200 Balto. Blvd. f1Wfll (aext to McDonald'e In CoUep

Park> We have the largest aelectloD ot Wines from around the wor14. Special prices on cue purclluft

Order EariJ

Any questions about wtnn welcome4


All Our Friends I I lnG- ~

I A Joyous Holiday Season I

The Loutsch Family ! Ls-flll'IA!'YIIBIIS'I:I!Slfii(!IIIIIAI!EGJ

NEW Y£o:AR'S EV£o; PARTY· Why travt•l'! Spend Nt•w Year's Eve In your own back yard. Berwyn Ht•ights Community Center. Ll:t• Band, champagnP, noisemakers. and much more! Just $20 pt•r roll· piP. B.Y.O.B. For rest•rvations call 751 8387 or 350 1615.

2 BR by Owner Looking for prlcP? Still want

a nice house!? PriC414i ltelow

nppraisnl. Capitalize gn eWDe-

er's dire situation. $13,Mt. Why

pay more? 345-6667.

SAiee • 8entM lll:xpert antenna lUll wtll

lnetall aew/repa1r ut.u ror

Attic or Outdoors £'ftllblp


1 The Howard Savage's

extend to all their

friends In Greenbelt

tor a

Ytelta .,_Wt t llay• eaela week.

V Alwaya ~ wJOaiD IK v Al_,a eAIIJ Wen \l'lallllqr

v Werka Mme llf&btl a we*· tllllll

V Top rated wl~ ce.,_ JI'OIIpe·

v PrealpC, 'fair - u '"' ...,.._ eDOII -lie ..... ,

v M~ repAin okae Ia yeu ··-GIFTS ... GIFfS ... GifTS


We have gifts for everybody from 1 to 1 00 . . Come and see our large selection of handcrafted toys ... our designer fashions ... our l{ourmet kitchenware ... all bought with you in mind .. .


do your Chri~tmas Shopping at the

nook.& cranny 121 Centerway

Greenbelt, Ma,Yiand 20770 345-9417

uader the oanopy at the Co-op - In 'old town' Greenbelt.

------------------1 Need Home i



Rebel Rock Shop

Call John

Jewelry. Gems. Lapidary -Jew­elry-maklnf Suppll~•. Book:;,

Ce.rvings and many oth~r Un­usual Gi!ta.

~ialldllc Ill c..-M TMe ...

~ ,..., Shlew&lb. p,.,_ ~ Indian z....ne

1 betwt't'n Rhode Ia!and Av~. & RL ll .

Collese Park, Kd. , .... Drl\1'~ .... Ooll ....

345-7497 474-0189


nook & cranny Sa&anlaJlWP.M. , ....... ---------------·~ I Creenbel!f!i~sr:~·· . s•·· !

I I 1 and ! I HAPPY NEW YEAR I I I 1 Call Greenbelt Piua - Sub Shop right now 1 I for top quality food I L!:.;=:!~; ............... :! ..... _,. ~

New Year's Eve Dance Featuring the Regis Noel Quartet

9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Dec. 31 -Jan. 1

Door Prizes Table favors Set-ups

MENt I: RoM& Beet, Hua. ltallaa ~ " Peppen, Poaae- O'llrte.. 8Mu. ToMM ~ Hot Rolla

Urenoble Hall

st. HU«h'• Churdl

Call Brenda Cooley • 345·1388 t'or .werva&loaa aDd latormMkla


Twi1 Pines Savinp & Lo11 Alii.' I 6._, RAil ON



figured from day of deposit




Ask about our sa~ings certificate plans: &%~ per ~~onnum for a $1000 minimum depoalt when held

unOII one year maturi'Y.

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CLOSED .Dec. 24, 26, 31,

and Jan. 2.


I Maryland Savings-Sha,. Insurance Corporation (An ~cy of the State ol )bryland>

Insu1'8 .aeh a~count to $40.000 011 ----

Page 5:  · Election Supervisors ·Hear Christmas Wrap-Up Pa~·------·----------~G~R~E~,E~N~B~E~L~T~N~E~W--S_R~F_.~ __ r.w __ Citizen Views on Precincts b)· Janet Jamt'S The

~ .


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bq.;:n at ~ p.m. ::1 ~h·· l';:.:,!rt :1

Pr\'C!"' tm Room.

Recommendations Sought On Water and Sewage Plan

i'· .. ,, .. . ·-1:• .. ·~·: , •· \! ! ~. ;,~ .T.

. :--'' :· i' :-· j~:t :-: !1 ::

\'." •: • ; :l'':! ·' \' t ; l~c·

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f.'or Insurance CaJI:

Don W. Taulelle !l'?Oe F .. dmoM&on Rd nreeo!X'It, l\ltL 2t770

474-5007 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.

~:.1:" Far111 Insurance Companl£>s He• me Olic~s: Bloomington, TIL

State Farm

Greetings and best wishes lor the Holiday Season

to each and all. From the staff ol

Greenbelt Homes Inc. I ~~~~-.~~ef\~~~ I

• toll. r'

j I L ,,_

Q)rcttthrJt II!EEHJElT, MCYL.~.; 2Cll4

Jews Review ·Preliminary Plan Is Approved for New Commercial Complex

by Elaine Skolnik The Prince Georges County Planning Board on December 1

approved with conditions· a preliminary plan for subdivision

~~~~~~~~~A~N~~~~~E~P:E~N~D~E~N~T~N!~~~S~P~A~P!E!R~~~~~~~~~~~ ~rGre~b~tE~t.furmeriyllie&hromAk~rt. Pro~disa Volume 41, Number 6 (commercial complex - 220,000 square feet of retail c:ommercial

( ~ GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, December 29, 197i tthd 200,000 square feet of office buildings. The 24-acre com-

mNcially zoned tract is located along Greenbelt Road in front of the Goddard Space Village and Hunting Ridge Apartments, just "ast of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway.

GHI R fr) R h b •1• • GREENBELT LAKE PARK equesrs e a 1 1faf1on ICE SKATING POLICY Subsidy • Loolc.s at Boilers

by Sid Kastner

belt A couple of innovattve suggesttons from the >tafT of Gn•en-. Homes, for financmg and for heatmg, wt>re among the subjecb

The GrN•nb(olt Lake is open for J<'(' skating when weather condi

a prelimmuy plan of tlw unz.>nNI property to b(o submitted in CJrder for such a r1ght of-way to b(o dedi eated and t3l whethPr it was now incorporated as part of the Green­b(olt East plan.

Har:o·; .. P :"·.;·.•. . • .• · '!;, .:· _.:__l__'_c.:..:_:f_.::_~~~-_:~~:_"_:c.·:.'':_; -J---....J..-----------+------------=-~~~;--;-;~~;;;~;-----------jr------Ba,hcL·:· ·: ,..:,,, ... -. •'· ~,, · ~, .. ,., ·' · .:·,: To: G.H.I. MEMBERS

dtscussed by the GHI board of directors at its first regular meeting In December. These and others (consultant's report on rehabilita­hon, member complaints) pronded plenty nf rnatenal fnr difTer­mg Vtewpomts !'lCpressed durin.~ a lively threC' hours.

t 10ns arc favorable. In order to pro\'idc 11 whol('s~mc. saf~ activity. lh<' rity dc\'doped guidf'lin£>s thBt should bf' followed. During cold weather, persons lnt£>rt'sted in a'­,.,.rt:tining the conditions of th(' icf' at thl' IRk(' should call the Gr£>en­bdt Policf' 0Ppartmrnt, 471-.)151. It Js 1mpo:-;:-.:ibiP to c·ontinually tPst ict· thi<"knf•ss ovf'r all arPa.~ of thf• lnkt•, -.;o slo\tmg- will always bP at thP rislc of thf' partll'Ipant. Rf~cnmmrndrd :tft'Hs of skating arP th<' short• 11!11'"· ;llld nw hay around ttw JH'· nin..,ula. Tlw lakt· art·n around th,. dam and -'Pitlway should d<'fimtt•ly IJ 1• a\'t:ldf•d, a-. flJlf'!\ W;t~Pr IS tiStJiiJ

Th,. Gr('!'nbclt <'1ty Council op­P<>>I'd tho· plan based on the ad ditional traffic burd£>ns that the proposf'd complex would gcnPra•e at lhP nearby Baltimore-Washing­ton Parkway int£>rchangc and the :ntcrscetlon at K£>nilworth and r;rf'cnbclt Roads. Additionally, "ounc1l fPit thPr(' was a nPPd for rP<olving matters of road acc .. ss in to the project· and road spPcitka t '"'" and design.

With r('spect to the rf'(jutrf'm<'nt by the Planning Board that Hann­Vf'r Parkway b(o ronstructf'd to 4-·

!ant's, Gi•·sc noted that the city, not thP Board. has jurisdiction in thP matter and would. thrrf'forP, 1nsist on all of its rf'Quirements b<>mg met. That portion of Hanov...­Parkway leading to the rommen:ull property IS 11ithin the eity's boun daries. However. thr city will not IX'n('fit from t h(' commercial c<'nter since it is l•l<'Rl<'d outside the r1•y limits.

the t·:~;\'• ; ... ·y ->:" ~r ;··~: ~·:(1 L'~··· }g,

FriUh:l. .. \·:. \\'!1:t1· \\ ho l ;: rently ( '11a:rma:1 u:" Pt; l'nur~:::

Council. \\.L.." (': .. , :tt! .1 .. r l't' ~~: ::1· Vk£> Prt's:d<'n'.> ,f CO<:;.

lll l E .. ~:~ ·.~!.• L), ,,., . ·;·a~.·:: ··) Lt· :t'r • h 1:• P•'L :· 1 ~!.:177.

F .. : .\,:,: ::•1::a: .1\(lll'~-1.':. ··:.Colli

tact :~!t· l'··p.lnmt·n~ of P: '.;ram Pla·;r.J!:g :wd Enmonllt n. rdnrr­mf'll~ a~ 9~)2 ~4 W fnr .t:-...::: .... ~<l!ll'l',

City Staleateat oa a Preposed Ameadment To the General Plan for Prince George's Co.

Mr. Chairman. Membf'rs of th~ Maryland-National Cap1tal Park and Plannmg Commission and thf' Prine£> George's County.....I2!.::.tnrt Council:

111•' Gre••nbo•lt l'tty C.runc·ll and Its AJ\'tSory Plann>ng Board hll\'l' receivPd and discus.£>d the proposed Amendment to the <knNal Plan. This 1s, how£>\'er, a \'NY •·xtcnsl\'e documl'nt and tht> amount of limP tor rf'\'i£>w b(otwPf'n thP !ImP th~ plan document wa> n•lf'ased and this public hearing has b(ocn m1nimal.

Our r~vit•w mdicatc-.> that th.-ro• an• m.wy aspt'<'ts of thf' plan that ar<> c•au,;,• for concern. \\'\• arc particularly eont·£>rrwd that adoption of thl" plnn will rr,ult :n ,;w,.rplllg do•c1s1ons atlcrttng th•· futun• of th1s l'ounty b•·tng onad" without mmt resido•nts and Pl<·•·tcd utlieHII' r£>ally undt·~•tandlng :h•· tmpal"! of tht• con:•·n:.; of th•· platl.

An .-x~mp1t· of th~~ Jmpact rPsulttn; !rom adopting th1s plan can bt> <'R.·'Ily st•rn by r<·admg paragraph 9 and pag" Ht wh1ch b('g1ns with the .<tatPm<·nt that: "It b propost•d that th•· highway and mpld transtl rN·ommrndatlons shown in thP Propo,f'd AmPndm<'nl supert'Pdo• all prt·vious plans r~latcd to these functions."

By adopting this plan, therefore, the Outer Beltway or lntNcounty Connector which is presently undergoing a feasibility analysis once again becom('s an entrenched plan and the Baltlmor,._Washington Parkw.1y becomes a possibility for widening to eight lanes when lesser Improvements are now receiving thP mo.st s••r1ous consideration. The plan also providPs for the extensiOn of Kenilworth AvenuP as :1

four to RIX lane major highway from the Beltway to Sandy Spring Road, a proposal the necPssity for which the City Council has qu£>stioned in the past without r('celving satisfactory answers.

The City Council has also revirwed the Report of th•• Environmental Study Group of the Citizens Advisory Commlttet•. We urgP your careful review of this Pxtensive report which raises a number of ques­tions relating to how the proposed Gt'neral Amt>ndmcnt drals with cnviranmental· quality matters. Water, energy supplil'S and environ­mental prot£>ction are impOrtant £>l£>ments in any future plans for this County. We applaud that action of the Plan whkh points to thf' need for df'veloping both expandf'd water suppJips and nPw technology for controlling and reducing pPr capita consumption.

How<'v<'r, less definitive strategies arc pt1t forth !or t•n•·rgy •·on Sf'rvation and aJternativf's to ~olid wa.'ltf' dispo~al. A rP-f•xaminn~wn

of thPsf' Issues st•ems to bP warranted and might. f.>r •·xampiP, lt•11d to a different conclusion than trying to bt•<·om<' the ('qual of ~'airfax and :\l<>l1tgomery C'ount11•.s by having 111•; of all new housing in tlw County roqstructed as Ningle family units. Surh horn,ts arc th•· mo•:t energy inelficif'nt, utilizing mor~ Pncrgy eonsumption for heating. for transportation, for construction, etc. In looking tn thP fl!tun·. -otlwr housing fonns may be superior.

Another concern is the manner in which goals arP sPt forth at t hf' beginning of the docume'nt. They imply a greatt•r <'onc('rtl with the plllllning for growth and developmPnt to IPVPls of 725,000, 900.000 and 1.2 million people than with the quality of liff'. ~'or ••xamplf. goals such &s improving the quality of developfuent, the nf't'd to play n role In rt'gional development and the providing of a favombh• dimate for busineBB, industry and agriculture precf'de goal• for th ... ••tlef'live util. lzation of natural and energy resources, the protection of thf' Pnviron m!'nt and the improvement of the quality of nf'ighborhoo<ls.

Therefore, we urge extensive, careful and thorQugh consideration of this many-faceted plannlng document prior to any actionR of ap­pronl bell!lr taken.

The City Council is also mo.•t distressed to find that municipalities do not exist In this proposal. They are not mentloned. The plan sets up arbitrary communities that ignore the l't'alitif'fl of existing, estab­lished communities- The document even goes so far as to list all members of the Council of GovNnmenl• e_xcept Maryland munidpall­tlea. We can Ms'ure you that Greenb(olt and other municipalities are a part of the future of PrincP George's County and the Ignoring of theae entitles In the General Plan will not makP thPm disappear.

With the printed capleR of these comments WI' arf' including copies at our Citizen Advlaory Planning Board report nn thP General Plan Amendment. It makes a number oC.. other co'lll'mPnl.• rorH'('rning the plan which we endorsf' as worth~ of conRidcration.

The City Council applauds the undertaking of this pffr>rl "to look toward the futtu£> of our County. With due con::idcration 11.1111 full undersl:andlng of the proposals made, we look forward tn the adoption of a comprehensive new plan that will ~erve the prPscnt 11nd future citizens of the County WPIJ' and heip,to bring a new quality of lif,. to the County. /

f :· , ..

!:t•port = :14 - ('olll'dt••l (;\':\I A Deferral Rt'pa~ nu·nt Fw•d.;

in ft•nplt•, St•t·urity Bank

~""-·~ JlurnJun a:tt.l S<·l

Looking for Something Special?

Tell us -We'll look for you.

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10805 Lanham-Severn Rd.

Seabrook. Md 20801


Hours: 11-6 datly

• l'"lll'clt•rl tlmt l97ti [1"11111 :\J,·n~bt•t..; Charge·.,

19i7 Collections ( 11 month.<)

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Cert tlkates of Depos.t

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!'aynll'nt!< to GNMA on Dt•terral

Decembel' 20, 19i7 James R. Foster Treasurer









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Greenbelt Feder1l Credit U·nion




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. --

"ltl:gf• .... tl'd by thP ;-;tntf. W•·n· ~1\'cn

In ln.o.,t Wf•••k'..; :-.. . ..:ut· of th•· ~f'\\'o lfe\'if'\1,

In September thP :'\faryland-!1: 1 !tonal ('apitnl Park and Plnnnint:

Gill has rl't"t'ntly rPquc.,tcd 11

$500,00) 'llb.>tdy from tho· ,.,,.lilly

und(•r •lll f'Xist 1ng ( •ommuruty l>t·­

\'f'lopmPnl Bloc)< nrnnt ((·nne J

Progrum. ll\'1 r a pt•r;nd , J( ~ hr1 1


yt·ar."i, 111 rPdiJt'l' I ht· amount :hat

will Of'(•d to lw lotUlt>d fnr rl'habtiJ"'

IRtlorl , .. ,,r 1: ,,:1 honw~. TIJ,. ,.,,'!ll!'.'

ho\\'1'\'t·r 1:-> nbJI'd in~ 1 n r ht· rl! ~ th:tt ln\\'('1'-mt·oml' fnmll:~'" 1n t;Hf

will h·• Pil.\'lllJ.: a di:--prnr'o!"f!•Jfl:lk :--hart· f,". · nvh ht~nl!• anprovt·ltlt'lll-.

and :-.' fur rtu. and ,,,h,·r ,.,.l·nn ... thro :;tntT h:t" fltl\\ propo..;1•d !hat tl11· :-.IJhsJdy !J,· dJ ... iJur "''d Ill 1 l11· form of Jnt••rp·.t t 1•·1· ln.u1s t" •·l.g- 1bl•· mPrnbl'rs for tf'hal.Hlltation \\'nr)< 011 tht•Jr hunH':;; tht•sp loans would b•· p:lid bad~ upon salt• of tlw honw

! ., c·· -l"\1 · ~ :1,11 '.'. Jt lt t ht· rdJ.ti.ttiJ' ' 1•: r• ., ·r· \'.'h ch lu~ h··~·n :alun!~

'~LIJfl' !llrcHI~h a -~~·ru.; of bcnrd an,! 1 ' :nm!rt••,. "l'"'ln'l...., w:fh ( 'fl .111

I lilt .... it <!11• ·!111t: ·tn :··:-: 11'· t 1 h·H'' r. 1

I ,lr:Jfl;lflli.·,d•• 1: ~o tilt• t~~t·ndJt•.-..;hJ'I

af~··r th· tin tl \'•T··IIJil h l!ltd,. 11;1

't~mt·!tmr· :n .:·lltll:try, di:·1·1·!or 1),:1-·tld \.~',:< ..,,1~.1-:!"t•·d n1 ... 1 ••;'Jntl'l;;

th1· , . ...,.;,·:::!!'! p.trh l)f :1~t· l't'flcll:. and ~! h ... 111 \\.1, !:! f.t\'1ll' , ·f J't',!l:.

If!~~ ''J1'1J~·~~ 1 IIJI!I , [O!' ,\:I f!}t pl~h'l, 1abo11t :!!1\)0J lkf. :·,, t:L--. po1n! 1.

r• ndt!'d, ltn\'.'1'\'t'f, a c.t1llJ!>llHt":

1:-o· fnu:HI ::1 tht•st· an•a:-. ~1::\tPr:--·

shnuld also avotd gatlu•rmg m grnup .... Dll I lw Jt'l'. :-.lo fin•s wrll b•• allo\\'Pd :tt tht> lak .. t·Xt·r·pt tho-;r· prnvid••d by lhf' C'tty, bPt':tiJst• nf th•' ·o~•·tn·J!y of fir('\\'Ofld :tnd daUg'l'l' ft•lm b:·1:"h fir{'s.

C',Jmmi..;..;!nn ~tafT rrcommf'ndf'd that th,. dl'l·dopm1•nt be l:mited : .. 1 ~ 11 f'()i) ·fJll;'lft' ff'('t of tC"tad ('Otr.·

mrrl'inl and tno.ono squnrf• ff'f•t n! t·nmrnt·;ci:\J offil'P sp~l<'f' bf'CflU!-if' of advr•r··p tra'~k tmpnc t. SJnf'P tht•n t ho• t r:t I lie mnsultant for the :!ppli ~"!'tilt h:H ofT,·n"d rH·w tratn\· cnnsJ­tkr.lllons nnd thP dt·vrlopPr h,t"' 111-';l'l't'd lo t·t·rt.1in road imp to\, ..

mPnh .and r1gh~s-of way. lln·· t•d tl/1 !hr•-.r• factors, th1 o.;IHff

Plans for Ur.·t>ntwlt Jo:ast lllt'lud,.

onP or r \\'•) discoun! dPpartment 'itOf('S, a food storP and variou.~

..;mallf'r :-.hop:-;:, nnd t\'iO otficf' build­ing . .;, f':~dt ap~roximatl"!y !00.000 'I'} IJarP (f't•[,

l•'ull d•·:;uh of th1s ('h:trg-~' d•·f1·:.

rnl program wtuch would som 1·­

what n·:-:t•mblf• thP prl':-il'llt ~~ u·or <"H17.1'!1\ monthly char~P c!Pfl'ITHI

program havr• 1\VidPntly not hr••·n workPd ont yd, al'cording to n•pllf".' !rom thP stHJf to qw·~·tion" b~· ht~:u··l r.1r rnh• r. wh., 11~l~r I .. hrJill 1 ;igihllt·

r~· ,.,.lfl'rla. and ulluut "IH·I !:r·J r hr Ju·.,graru would bf• t r:msft·rrl'd fror 11

~PIIIIIJ~ nwrnbt·rs to JllnJOtlll!! tlll'fll· bt·r~. ('hill rman .I 1m ~~nll t h dr··:

cl'!bf'd t ht· prog-ram n.o.; .\ loan wllrt·il \\'tlU!d b·lp to n·p·tir <;IIJ honw:-. nnw, fH'fn:r· •nrlatron f'HJ~t·d f'Oll

strur·~ion <'ll·:t..; furtlwr. Wllh1111t ll•l·

cluly b·rrdt''!lnf! lnf'rtlhf'J'..; li'lil71('11tllv . .-\ Jnt)(itHI foil :npl f)H' Jt.l"u)(rilm I r,·, .. :..ubmh ... ion lo lht• I'Ollll(,Y) wa" pao.;­

!"''<1. With d:n•r 'or· 1\.f:try ('larlu• dr..; ,"it'lltlllg

Word \\'!-IS I'Xfll'f'S".I',J by f{ ~~~·!f<-;•';1 Wh.o \'I,J{'c•d SOn)f' diS.'\H!JSfl\t'!hHl

\\!!11 thl' 1'1)1\;·mltant'..; r··rf.lrnt.t:lfl'

:tnt/ l'llliiJ:,I·IIIdtll~ of (;f-{f':i Olh'I'H

t1nt1, .~!-. <!Jd :-on11• utl:i•r lw:trd ntf'"ll

hi·r··. .II· •. -....t•\·r·r:tl of t ht• board

. .:t•d tb, ,v ,,·,·n· mtp:·<'''l'd by th" "t·x, 1·!! ·n! t•dtJl':ttiun prot'l'->·." tlwt h:td ~::ltt'/l p!.tl'f' Ht tht• t'cl!'lnl:!lt't' "'' ·.,Jti!l · 0:1 t ht• draft n•pt.ll'l, all I n.••.•· :" ~··.f :1!111 f11rlh~>t' '·IF·h ... , ... "'O!b t '' 1l1·Jd (II Jln)l...,h ilfl 1 h•• 1'1

petri \c·t ord!llt.:!)', Sm·~!i prHpq·;•·d holdiJn; ~Ill' II '.t'.'is.on" on .Janu:tn l tfld tJI ;, t flt) :tt !loll will In• t:d\1';1

Ill! tilt• dJ"IIff fi'JIII/'t dliflf\g :h1· J't'

lrlalnllJ)-: P'trl of }),., f'tnht·(l

Early 111 th1· utt't'ltnJ:. t m· !.!I•,·J

('Otlpit· ltHl).!t'd •t'\'t'J'III I o):n~d.\J!l'' ahotr: \\h;J: lht·.\ I 'tiiSJt!r·rr·tl ft) Ut• 1l•·.-tr11 d il.t'.lf'•l· .:.!d ·.tr\h'ltrr:!l .:, ;, , .. , ••.• 111 r lwtr 1:.•mt· whu·l! tht') ll't' 'thii\J! tl) ... ,.,1. '1'!11• fl:'J!!•'­

pal 'omplu11t \';a·: th~t~ .t .1; 1l':\ ·~~~­zar<IPXJst•·d Ill lht· l<.!t'l\, .. 1, :tJtl :il'l' II s!Jtff c·if•ct!Jc'L'I/1 h:t.J do·t i1111 d ,,,

!:;... ~h, proiJIPrn. Sm·~h •!•· . .-rth.·d fh1• ( •t!IHJ!'il(IOfl'S l't'SJI•J!Jo.;'hT/.:.\' ,t:

, . .t\'c !'tJ:•: tllll,\' hotht' Wll':ll!-:, r:•l! Ill

tt-rn . .l :tpp!J:tnt't' \'.'J:'diJ~. J.n ·h·· to!-

The> P.t'ITt'H~I•HI Dt·p.trtm• nt w·l! .t:t•·mpt tn prt•\·~oJP a.•: .... l:-.!arw•• a:

1 h•· hl''' dunng- \\'Pt'J' dnv ..... from I p.m 11'11 il dar I< and on holtday'. ~Ht. and ~lln. from 9 a.m. to dark. Xo :dwt tnj:; \\"Ill O<' alloii"Pd on t h•· lalw aftt•r dark.

All ... ~<:lltl!'"i lllld JlHl'l'/1! .. ""lllild

)<('t'p 111 m1ud th1· dang-t·r..; Hl\'oiVt·d

:n n··· -"'JHll'h. Parrnt...: ·.Jwnld .11··

('nmpany young: ,·htldrt'H A ru·r;on whn faJJ-.: through lht• li'fl ts 111

.Jnnr:•'l' of drowning and frPt•zing if "t)' l I ••d ",p' 1''1}">1 ,!"t't'J\'

P•Jb!1c Forum on Metro P"l'' 't' I ;,.,lrgt '.'i f'rtll'll.v'~ t'n'TI

tlr~r T.1 ;1: F11rt·r·. a fJH!tf'! pf lr.w·:­Ptl:·f.l''n•t p!:t~l'~,·~·. 'm~; , hr·t!tll ,I 1'.1 '1) l'1:iJ 1

:1 f·r!"ttn:~: 1'1 flt~r'h•·rn ., .. ,,

:-nll' h1·n· Pr 1!1··· f :1 1r,rrr·'·: tl'l J•,.·.­!n 1\:l!"l'r'"' -:·} llo~·dh/f' rl'f~ •1'1"1 ··nm­

lt•nat.••l]" ·fl ~t~·trnr•til alct·frJ'I~.\'t•·.

In th!l't J':r·:c·rrt•d npti•lf:->. :\I; ""

lht• 7~ r•·1: ot'Htl pJ PlS ha•.1• ,tfl 1 !1•''·:

0'1 ll\1' f 'llilflf_v's (;l'f't'IIIJt'll ;m.f r:r:•n· iJ \\'t'llttr• ntJ:Itf''L Thr· /ltlf'·

1111 'rtl Jntbl!c' fnr11m I'\ ~dtt·dukd fo,· .r 'll'IHI'Y '1. :; :1'l p m .. :t: tht· B~ It·. \'tilt· Af:r.c·Jt!t 'J!'al HI':->Pardt 1 ·,·Jll"'r'

:J:tdJ!orl!llH. Th~· lllldt!nntllll 1, ,Jl

I fH' ~1:1111 .\dmJrtJ-...f 1':1! IIIII ]~ltlidJ!!!; ,,n tilt· wt·:t .,,J.. of r· ~ Hc)oltf' t. qu·utt-r 11111,. norlh of tlu· Br·l!wav

illt~ ('lt:u1~;f'd 1t..; rPrommf'rlll:ttio~ 1 : and ll"tll lH'rmit 11 maximum .. ~ 220.000 square fcPt. of rPtad rom. mPrt·tal nnd 200,000 sqw\rfl !f'Pt of ntlit'l' huildmg~. as origmully rf·· qu('st,.d by thf' dl'vrloper.

With ro•spPl't to the Grt•l'nbdt noad [(t•uil\vorth A\'t'nUP in~f'rSPI' lion. lh<' MNCPPC Tran,portation D1visio11, whilt· nwarP of thP prot,. IPms at ttw intrrsretinn, ~:·d thP11·

was no anuly:;is unUPrtnk<•n, A spoJtpsmnn for the divi..;iou s:ud I h•lt :! \\'a-: ditlit·tllt to mak1· r:.···:•r ,,,. I' II I,,. :t' fq Lf)l.l.' 'Ullt'h t":\•

1'1' :r 1\ .. •!lln·: t') nnd from nrl'('/l•

h•·!t E:a,t \\'I)Uhl t':ld nP :1' r,,. f(1 • 1tJl\\'clrfh i'lft'ro;f'('1ion ..

l'r•·Hl :JtlJlo.; ntt:u·h,·d to t•u· pt.,:, fill''~ n,)'IJ'd'.: :•p'll'ft\"tl ·dsn l='diJrl,.

1 'I ,.,HI..,!!'Uf'tion of IInnovPr P:t!":{ 1 1\' 'IHIIh .,., a 1 l•m" dJ\'Hit·li

rn:tt!w::y frl)m C:ri'Pflbl'lt Rond t,)

!h•• l'lllll'nf rdaJ propPrty, 1:,!1 df'(h·

t'HIIil'' 1rf tl· .. l!l'f'l":.··nry r ·?ht nf· \\':t)' for wtd"l1!!'~ Grt'~"l'bl'l~ Rq:td. f1l H);rPt'nll'nt w:th thP Sta~t· Hif"'l•· , •. .,.\' A1lMin!'.trnt1on or i\.lt!ol'l''~ P 1r!c ~~~·n•k'r !f) Pono.;trurt nddi tin•utJ width on thr BaJ•imort•. "·ll· ..;lt:'J/~:~~·1 Pnrln\':ty f'ff ra~np tn nrr·rnhc-lt Road :tnd • 11 'It. phl't rf'\'ii'W.

...; ., .

Applications Available For State Scholarships

S.·nntor Edward T. Conroy ha.' announe••d that the finn! tiling dlltl' for Maryland Stat•' SPhohtrshlp Ap phentions i< F<•bruary 15, 1978. Thi> Y<'ar th•• Scholarship Board l'f'QUir­••s that t ht• FAF' ( Finanl'ial Aid Form 1 mt"r b•• til~d with thP .Stat•· ~d1nhr"h1p BtJ.lrd hy January 3n. Th1·· Hlt'ilJI ... 1 hat ! ht· !nrm must bl' -.If''!' ~~~ Pnn('f'ton, ~~·\~· .fpr'!"t')' on

11!' Hl>u~:r J,u:u:ary 15, 191R.

Any ~~thl• '1! who 1:-: a sr•JJ:tlr 111

l~:g-h .r l·nol ,,r ;':-•"t'JII!y attt·!Hll!l~

.I t·o~J··R•' \'."l' ':til tbP SUit•· nf ~fury

!.1n : 1 .. ,.::'!•l>:t· : , .tpply. Th•• npp)J. 1"t''n:1 i; ~··kaf.!'l':--' an• no•\· H\'!lllabJ, 'I( lht• (:PtdHIIt'l' ()!JilTS Ht thP hlJ:h

-.dwoJ:.; and the· l•,imuwial AHJ Of 1:!'1"; ;t~ : 1,,, ( • ,:!'').;'1 ..;, Thn I' Jll pr: ·::ttt· dJ··~~J. ,~111 ... t ~ ,nt.u·· :h· s,-~Jfl!·

,tJ S}'l!l B l:lf'd f't'qll!''~:;·(!' ! h ,, l~,.::

h•• "''ll~ 1 ht• app!11 ~~~i·m. \\.hf'n ti: }lng' n::t tllf• :tpplll':tti•l=t (or !ht·

~~l.ttP ~chohr ... h:p J!oard, b•· .,Jr,~ tn

\\'1th fl'g;~r·:] tn (;Iff'·; S(t':J«Iy JPI!'

:->lid of t·o.,t-~"·vinsr in if·; fH•·tfln~: ~yskm. a ,·,d!:d''llii'lfHt hl'f\t·I'I',J ,\..,.

:--:1-;tnnt 1-.f·riJagPI' J\Pnrwl h J\ 1p .11 'I

;lWJ ,JJr,·t·tor· "'H\'IH' \\"diJ·tm" n· :tri

(,·d m a lltJ\'1'] sng-gr.stion tha• !b1·

l'nrporntion !no'< into f'l'pl:winr:- tl·~· rn•st·'l' ,o..;',··;t,·m of lf\0 .SI'PlltPtf' btJi/

t•r plnnr·:. hv ·1 ,-,•ntraltzf'd "wn"''' l'nmpar!tnn int'lflt•rn.tion" s~·-.;tr·m

J(npst<>in ""ltd that pn•liminary , ... .;. tima!t•, ''Hfkak that Slh'h a o..;yo.;­

t"m t·ntdd pav for Jht•lf in ahnnl fonr yP:u·s. in rf'dw·pd fupJ oil cost!-.,

Rnd nl~o f'f'dlH't' mninlt•nnJH'P costs prPsPntly ms•l('i 1\!Pd wllh a dislrib tltPd )O)'SII'm.

··Jowl!.;: ,;I·l·u .... J,I!I 1! \'. t" •·l··ar tht~'

\\'dhtttll fllr!lwl' 111\'t·:.:lf,il:rr,n lhr

o.;o'll'f'f· c•f lilt· ·,iJnt'k h:tz.trd l'lltJ! l 'Ill! Jw Jlllljl•' n:t·d. il' lh•• •, tl!ll' ~ llll'

rl1n'1: 11' ( 'l:trl<r· \'11:,·1·d llr·r· f1·•·',·lf: : ! I . ' : ' ' It ' I : I 1 ! I' I ' I ; Ill ', ' I 1 I ' ' I ' ~ , I t • 1 11 • , ', , •

)t 11 fi.,. hoJll(' \' 1' 1:olt: d• 1Jl!• ',:It

Tht· ....,,.,."11d fontm wJ!I 1~,· llf'I,J .Jann·!:)' !~). 7 :·n p rn., .tt l'r'll';sltnr/

Si'Jll••l" Jh:h ~dwol Ul1~lr1 JHlfJHr .~·

r l:lfll. i;:1111 Tr·rnplt• 11!11, Ho:td.

~r .,. , •. ,.,. p .. ,.,., .... ,. ·r·;

~~··•!'l':tlt.J dnr'." .,, •' •n·n,·.d·· : n t h~· ,. lfl'~nr·r·· · 1 .. ,., 1'1 ··' ..

· ;. r• • 1, '\'• lop• r 1"'11! ~' :1, 'll' t: ,., • • ,. • C' 1: ·

. lf~\'" 1 ,\' f•',Hll t 1•t• conHTlt'l'!';H! !'r'

dlf'C'ii: in tht' .lf'Jll'''iJi 1:\f1 h•1\ ~ht· St·n:t'•J•·i:tl !".·h··Lu·-.!tip :1· ',\f'l! a ... ! ;lt' ~Lt~~· ~. hnl.tr..-lllp. "\•:,. h 't\'1'

("t;,;J,J ! 11 lh• '•· t t'IJ1'!, 1•• •r' _\'f'i.IT"

'h~L~ lll.lll)' ~tt:dt·nt-.; \\ht) :!jlpl,v fn ..

tht· ~r·!1a:n. :·d ,,r P !q.!.'tl' a·.·:.nd-.

~; :.tnt··.tl w·t'd." ~~atcd f\mrn~·

('nnta'l ('onrny'·, o•!k·· t' ._,t;:.' . !111)11 f,ll' .ttl,!·t !ona~ Jnt•JI'Ill:tllll':

Th1" 1:r•n•·ra! propn:-.111, t'(lllitkd \\'Jth a "fll'c'Jfit' l't'<JIH'SI for $!)000 f·l

rnrry nut a c·onsultant stud,\', brought many prn and t*OII Hl""g'n

ntf'nts. Dirrctc~r Vtrgmi:l '-fo,·ynd" qw•st inned whl'l fwr sJJ\'It a part it­uiA.I' sys!r·m t.;hnuld lw singli•d 1)111

for spPcial favor wlwn othrr sys­

tems were being eon~i~ered as w(']l In the forth<'nming rPhnbHitntioll ~tudy: and dirf'ctnr ClarJr,. wa-; wnry nf the 11"11<'1< lr:~ili" thnt migh: f'nSIIP. On tlw ollwr hand dirf'do!' Margnret Hogen.'"" fa1·or••d sneh a study ns "ab:-;nlutC'Iy vital" lJPI'I\11-"''

GHT should "plan ahPad of timt• to meet 11 dmllengt• in tlw fn'nrt•;" Instead of what sht• lt•rnu'd GHI'.< "wnml latr Pxcitf'rl n•:u·tirPJ to an

~mPrgf'nr·y". HPr viPw wus si1Jlpor tPd by dir1'r·tnrs VlJ!Iinms and N n· man Wt•yl'i. and also by ( 'harl<'s Srhwnn and Nat :::ihindPrmnn from tlH' floor, liH' lattPr nu·mbrrs how­ever agr<'eing- wilh Moryadns that final d(•ci!>lions should 111)1 bP mnd"

haHtily. No nl'lion wa~ takPn tJI!

the funding rf'qucRt for <'onsult :wt study, p!'nding furthf'r <'nnsitkr::­tion by the boB rd.

<Som(' othN detail' of tlw prop~>·· ~ charge deferral program, and of the waste-burning heating Rystem

; !J, il ~~ ! '' l'l'dli( I' {Itt i•,l '

\''1' 1' 1't'"Jl('t'l ltl ~~~her , >J~:l-ph: "t ~ l•v r lw -.;auw lllf'ntb": \', h·: d~l tl·, •·•· Wh m:..,>..;:n~~ h·t l'},,,·u,l

r•11rl 1""' I•· ,·.,,JI~ h·•' 1•1 '•h q,.Hn·. 'tnd t :·pfh' ! •· I' 1\:' '.\'}1rt h 11]''" ... :1."~ I'!h•' I

In ltln' ,, I!I~Ju'l'! nn prr;J'c•dprf·, lh•· hn·"·1l :H1d TYJ''711\CTI•f' (lf'r•idl•fl In fir-;:

(" l ··~1 1 :, 1, \•.l•·rt tJ1" f•tt•l: \''"1'1' IJ1 · fnr,, r-~~:ng- fqrlll,f'r

inP," tlw rrlf'l'l.w• !lJ'I\' h:r"" :n1 jro,

pnrtnnt h~":1rinrr fl" t lw ni!(H't iotl nf

how tn rf'fitl''Tl''" t~HT h~·~nf•.o..: -~r~,. .. thf' f:-NMJ\ morfc·a~;t• i-; lif!f•d .. T}w

statc-opcratJ·d 1\fnr>·land lloll"'""' F'unrl i~ in tlw prorf'sS of f'nnf'ting­an insurnnC"r progrnm for roonf'ra. five 0.CJ!tlty lonns (P.g., Twin Pint'.~

lollnR); regulations for 'tWh n pro

gram hrwc been drawn up nnd will

become efTcrtlvc during Frbrunry.

197~. "If no ll.tlV<''"~' cnmmcntR art' rf'rf'iVPd''. finch an PQllity insur

nnrr program :;:houlrl !1-irl JHP.SPnt

mcmb<>rs in r<'flnnnring f'QUit:v

loans, and a~Rist nf'w members to

get loans at lntf'rcRt rat!'s pPrhnp·;

as low as llrRt mortgagt• inter!'st


' ' I '1 1 p :-:It I' If ~~ "·

t',,J' •..

l''t''ltk I

: n· ,,

< ·,IIIIH II w11 h 1 hr~··· rP('om­

, 1'/'HI:J'J! opt IIIllS tlll .Janu­.\ foun 1t op!Jci!J that rou

:··1t· 1" '' .;J !·1· •ar::.•c! forth :1 :h•·

\::I , " I I'\''''· \ '1'1 1\·-.1. '•' 01(('1 d"' th• 'd•'Pit··· l'··~~~~·wl S_\',lt·~n (:\·

1~'~1, l''·"''"rl'lll\' !In· nriJ~Ill'tl prnpo•,

:d !!J!' :h~· 1( 1/J.f'J']'• l"'Jlirl f":lli ·0,••tr~

T'1•' • ,.,,.!!lf ·~ n: · ·· l-;1· ·c ·•! PIP/''.

•IJ'.\IIt!l1/'l, dt•f,\'111\l 1 1}1' 7:! •)!!! [Oil

\' 1l! h.· ,t'".\ • !:•IJ!•· fr,rm t lw ''11ll'J1 y

n,·par•lntl'lil or Prng-rnm Pll!lllllfl'F nnd J•:,·olhltllll' DPVI•]rrpnwnl

!lw ( 't11lllf}' Council.


'.''11\:!FJl:l'•·h· tl):) f,T~ o.;n11'!1 of C .. f'Pn· ),,,Jt p,,.,.j (,•J\• \f'ltl'\):!1'!' J·tr'f1P'>

K ~~···' • '1'1': '''" tlqf a ri~ht-nr \\':\\· :•: ! lt•lf 1. H' 1 ! j,,~ ,,.;!J f' ·.;;r"lt i·11Jy

'l 1tf ill h:ilf 1hP llfi.,OTll'd ~mifh

1•:',\'!!\J' !l!'o\fl' rl \' whir·h • 1 1 "l' .,1

'' 1th11~ Cn•~<nlwlt'.•; hnllfltl·tJ'ii'S.

Git•;f' raist'' mlf''>~Hl .... :1·: !n 'I· w}wihl•r tl11• -PI·nlninP" Bn·q·d ,,-, · nnt in f'ffrct nnl\n:r~ 11 ., i·;P'l'-' :rf ft•,·tiru: thc- d1''.'1•lr1plnt"~lt :i:••' ''tl'llll'~

of !hi" ~mith-E\\'~flg' Jl''(IJlf'rh· wit\1 nut thnt propPrty ht•Jn:.,; !!11' o.;rJ!•­

jPf't of fhf' prt"JiminHI',\• phn f~'l

w}wt lwr it Wm!ld br nrcP~·sary for


!JtH' to the upcomin~: New Year's holirla~·. tlw fnllnw1n.•~ chan~····

will be m;HlP 111 lht• rdusP collection sclwduh··

~1onday. January 2

Tuesday, January :1

WC'dnesday, January 4

Thursday . .January 5

Friday, January 6

Saturday, January 7

C<o enlll'<'l to>n

Mon- Wt'd.-Frt Tlnttk

Tul's·-Thurs.-S;II. Tloutl'

Pnper collection " Doth routl•s

Regular collect~

Regular colledions

PG Community College Ext. Ctrs. to Hold Registration

Tht• Pnnr, <;•·or!_!t-' ... \ '.unm.:n ·~

1 '.dlq.:'· :::.·· 'I·l•r,J (',·n~l!·.., Ur~Tct·

·.~l)l h'7!d •I:T·t'lfllj'il: ,fl -;,~·:·:--.ro" :···~:.·I 1'.1 1 '1•'1 fr•',! h•• -.)III" •: '''fl'

ol(:'·o tlUJlil, 1 qj', ..!'

''ll ,f;tllll''!',\ q .\·.

H:g-h !--il'lldO!. fi ';(I.

.; ::11 p /H. an·l •Ill .hll. 11 ,It H,\(1-.o

,.t 1! Jf1gh .~,hot~!, li.;:n ·"" :lll p.m

Fo~· :?1 hu11r n·g-i:·dratHIIl l:lf•)rmil­t;oq ·•bon: Cllllr'-'''-" h.-.glllr1 1 T11-!' .Jan. :!1. cn!l :t;)()-"::'.19. Aftl'r Jan. R. ('a/! :;'Hi-fil100 ••\:! 11~.

Summer Youth Program Tt't'llagt•rs ~,-, to IH arr• ••llgJbiP In

apply for tlw statr's Youth Con.'-'t'r

vat,Krn program for t hr• Summt•r. TliPrP will lH' ~t'\'f'IIIPI'II work lnt·a lions throughout tlw statP. for (hnst

:HTt•ptrn. The wt>rk J, , '""'Prnt•il with t•t•nlogy and t'llVlf'IITlfllf'llt.\J

quality. Tht•rt' will '"' ro•-.idt·nlial and non-re~idf'nl ial l'Hntfb op,•ra­ting, rno.st' la.sting R WC'f'll:..... AppJi rants will b(~ Sl'iPl'tf'd nt rHndnm, but lhP numbPr nf posit iPn" I" ltml­tf'd.

IniPrPsfl•d studf'nt..;; can , all 2~

!000. 9 r, Mon.-~'rl. to gd furthl'r 1nformation.
