ELECTRICITY JEOPARDY 2012 - 13 This sub-atomic particle is transferred allowing an object to become negatively or positively charged

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This sub-atomic particle is transferred allowing an object to become negatively or positively charged.

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ELECTRICITY JEOPARDY This sub-atomic particle is transferred allowing an object to become negatively or positively charged. Electrons Open or Closed? Series or Parallel? Open Series How does an object become positively charged? Loses Electrons What 3 factors effect the amount of electrical resistance an object will have? Temperature Diameter (width) Length Working or non-working series? Non-working (not all conductors/wires are connected to the battery/voltage difference. This type of material allows the flow of electrons or transfer of heat. A conductor. Pulling off a wool hat or shuffling across the carpet creates _________ electricity. Static These 2 factors effect the amount of electrical force between objects. Magnitude & distance A resister transforms electrical energy into what 2 types of energy? Heat (thermal) and Light (radiant) Open or Closed? Series or Parallel? Closed series This type of circuit is used in houses and other buildings are wired so if something goes out, the rest of the building/house remains on. Parallel circuit Whats missing in the diagram? Whats missing in the diagram? Pylon This part of a light bulb acts as a resistor. The filament. (tungsten metal) Open or closed Series or Parallel Open series circuit. This item would provide a voltage difference in a circuit. A battery An outlet A Generator Excess electrons cause _________ electricity. Static Electric current flows in this direction. Negative to positive. - to + Wire acts as a _________ in an electric circuit. Conductor The diagram below displays this type of circuit. Open or Closed Series or Parallel Closed parallel This would occur when a large voltage and a small resistor causes too much current to flow. A short circuit (blown fuse or popped breaker) Open or Closed? Series or Parallel? Open parallel According to Ohms Law, when you increase a voltage difference or decrease the resistance, this action would occur. An increase in electric current. Series or Parallel? Open or Closed? Closed Parallel Series or Parallel? Open or Closed? Closed Series How is the balloon sticking to the paper? The electrons have moved from the paper surface to the balloon surface causing a positive and negative electrical attractions. Series or Parallel? Open or Closed? Closed Series How did the metal in the 3 rd picture change its charge? The electrons moved from the rag to the metal leaving more positive protons behind and transferring electrons to the metal. Series or Parallel? Open or Closed? Closed Parallel Working or non-working parallel? Non-working because both resistors are not wired to the voltage difference. Tell 2 reasons why the bulbs in the first circuit is brighter than in the second circuit. Circuit #1 Circuit #2 The series circuit has more resistance than the parallel. And/or There is less electrical energy for the second bulb to use on a series circuit. Open or Closed? Series or Parallel? Closed Series Open or Closed? Series or Parallel? Closed Parallel GREAT JOB!!!! Test Tomorrow!! Test is NOT open note!