Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva

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  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva


    Teshuva and The Modern Jew

    Study #2 - Innovative Repentance

    , 1

    [email protected]_______

    1. R. Nahman of Breslov (1772-1810),Likkutei MoHaRaN, no. 35 (ashrei ha-am yodei


    Know, that Teshuva means to return something to the place from which it was originally

    taken/removed/plucked what is that place? It is called Hokhmah (wisdom). This isbecause wisdom is the root of everything, as it is written: you have fashioned everything

    with wisdom. Therefore, each individual needs to protect themselves from outer wisdoms,

    which are also called the daughter of Pharaoh...

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  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva


    and when a person incorporates into his thoughts outside thoughts, which are these

    outside wisdoms, then the holiness of ones intellect is detracted from, as the outside

    wisdom occupies space dedicated for the holy intellect

    And renewal of the intellect, which is actually renewal of the soul, is done through sleep, as

    explained in the Zohar ha-Kadosh for when the minds are stressed, it is through this sleep

    that they become renewed, as is evident in actuality...

    And this is an/the aspect of the Tekiot on Rosh ha-Shana, because Rosh ha-Shana is itself an

    asepect of sleep, as is known, which itself is an aspect of dealing faithfully, an aspect of basic

    understandings of Torah and the Tekiot are a wake-up call from this sleep, which is a

    renewal of the minds...


  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva


    The nation who knows teruah: knows, in the sense of connection/intertwining, teruah,

    in the sense of breaking apart/shattering, for the sparks/lights are from the ultimate

    shattering of the vessels.

    ...This is all to receive a enlightenment, a renewal of the minds, a renewal of the soul, and

    through this we elevate all the sparks...

    2. R. Isaiah Horowitz (SheLaH ha-Kadosh, 1565-1630),Shnei Luhot ha-Berit(Helek

    Toledot ha-Adam, beit ha-Hokhmah tinyana), p. 72

    And this is repentance, that returns all things to their source and their root, that alludes to

    the emanation of Binah, which is called teshuva, within it included all the ten emanations

    which correspond/are called the 10 days of repentance - themselves the root and the source

    from which develop our entire year...

    3. R. Natan of Nemirov (1780-1844),Sihot ha-Ran, no. 5 ,

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  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva




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    4. R. Natan,Hayyei MoHaRaN, no. 407, 408, 409 [selections]






    ...and he forbade in the strictest terms from ever studying or looking in these books, God

    forbid. And he expressed in great severity the level of the prohibition, because they confuse

    the mind of man with strange ideas that do not agree with our holy Torah.




    Therefore, anyone who cares for themselves needs to stay far away from these books of the

    sciences/philosophy that some of our own early greats wrote



    Praiseworthy is the one who walks with God in simplicity.









  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva





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    And our Rabbi zl said that with regards to the Yad, in places where it speaks of Halakhic

    matters, it is good to follow it, but with regard to The Guide, God should forgive him for the

    perversions - without comparison - issued when speaking of the foundations of our holy





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    5. Franz Rosenzweig, The Star of Redemption(Wisconsin: 2005); pp. 120-121


  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva


    6. Maimonides,Hil. Teshuva(Fraenkel ed.)


  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva


    7. R. Abraham Isaac ha-Kohen Kook (1865-1935), Orot ha-Kodesh; 1:1

    Holy wisdom/Hokhmah is elevated beyond all other wisdoms, in that it

    affects/transforms/uproots/overturns the will and the very essence of the soul of those who

    study it, to bring them closer to that same loftiness that it derives its power from. This is not

    so with regard to all other worldly wisdoms, despite the fact that at times they speak of

    elevated, beautiful, and pleasing matters, they still do not retain this transformative, active

    element, which allows the very nature of them to be extended and develop upon the one wholearns/studies/meditates upon them...


  • 8/11/2019 Elul Studies #2 - Forbidden Wisdom, Innovative Teshuva


    8. R. Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (ShaGaR, 1949-2007), Torat Rabbeinu:Discourses of

    R. Shagar zl on selections of Likkutei Moharan for Rosh ha-Shana(Unpublished,

    2011); p. 27-28
