STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL April 2011 EMH Purchasing Team Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyers – Roles and Responsibilities

EMH Purchasing Team Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyers – Roles and Responsibilities

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EMH Purchasing Team Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyers – Roles and Responsibilities. April 2011. Agenda. Objectives Review Roles of 3SO EMH Buyers Discuss and develop an clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities Next steps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EMH Purchasing Team

Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyers – Roles and Responsibilities

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Review Roles of 3SO EMH Buyers

Discuss and develop an clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities

Next steps

Review of BPS Supply Chain Directives 25 Mandatory Requirements


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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer(s) =

EMH Purchasing Team

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Respects hospital policy, and follows government directives and guidelines pertaining to the Broader Public Sector (BPS), and best business practices

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Assists Contract and Procurement Specialist(s) in the development of cost containment, product standardization, vendor consolidation and other supply chain management strategies

Follows the BPS and 3SO guidelines for moving contract to 3SO

No contracts to be negotiated or committed to at the EMH level for in-scope materials and services, and Buyers to reinforce compliance with existing contracts.

May at times need to supply information for the competitive process, in conjunction with CPS and the end users This could include informal/formal requests for quote.

No contracts are managed at EMH level. The Buyer is responsible for day to day issues only i.e. late deliveries, non-deliveries, incorrect pricing, back orders, quality issues

Coaching in the competitive process will be provided by CPS to Buyer and EMH stakeholder, including templates and terms and conditions (T&C’s).

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Assists the Contract and Procurement Specialist(s) in the development of cost containment, product standardization, vendor consolidation and other supply chain management strategies (CONT’D)

<$5k EMH Buyers can proceed for quote using standard HSCN or 3SO forms. Before proceeding, a courtesy email will be sent to the CPS, notifying them of the purchase. A minimum of three quotes should be obtained when the procurement process does not impede the delivery. Selection is determined on technical specification and pricing.

>$5k to $25k EMH Buyers to notify appropriate CPS upon receipt of request. The CPS will decide if this is a hospital specific or regional contract. If the contract is hospital specific then the CPS will determine the appropriate process for the Buyer to follow. A minimum of three written quotes using the appropriate HSCN or 3SO forms, will be required, or a completed sole source document. The CPS is ultimately responsible for the contract. The Buyer will provide periodic written updates on the progress of the competitive process to the CPS and key stakeholders. The proposed competitive process will be forwarded to the CPS who in turn will present to Director Strategic Sourcing and Procurement for signature. If the contract is URGENT, with the approval of the Supply Chain Manager, then the EMH Buyer can proceed without securing quotes or notifying the CPS, prior to proceeding.

>$25K The end user to contact the appropriate CPS directly. The Buyer may be requested to collect information for the contract. A minimum of three written responses with response deadlines should be completed. An evaluation based on defined criteria i.e. specification, pricing, and delivery must be documented. The CPS is responsible for the management of the contract and competitive process.


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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Supports the Contract and Procurement Specialist within the procurement cycle on behalf of 3SO and its equity member hospitals. Collaborates with the Contract and Procurement Specialist while assisting in developing and executing the competitive bid process i.e. RFQ, RFI, etc. excluding RFPs (competitive process). Assists the Contract and Procurement Specialist(s) in implementing negotiated contracts, by entering the Purchase Orders in a timely and accurate manner

Buyers complete discreet PO’s.

Create PO’s from copy of contract, when required.

If item is ordered a number of times, then initiates the request to create a new material master. (Provide reports; PO being created without material numbers, when requested by SCM)

All PO’s to be initiated by a requisition

Buyer to send material master to the Procurement Analyst; copying the Procurement Specialist

Completes checklist for new material master

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Supports the Contract and Procurement Specialist in the development of contracts, through opportunity identification and analysis

Notifies CPS of any upcoming opportunities within the EMH, that they are aware of.

Review requests from stakeholders

Ask the appropriate questions

Assists the Contract and Procurement Specialist(s) with product and equipment trials and evaluation processes

Within EMH

EMH Buyer provides Purchase Order for samples and its direction to appropriate person

Coordinates, when required, the samples with the end user

In collaboration with CPS, orders samples, trials, collects information (contacts, processes) as required in support of the RFx development and assessment

Involvement will be on an and RFx by RFx basis, based on participation within the hospitals, <$25k purchase

Follow and comply with the BPS Supply Chain Directives

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Updates new contract specifications

End user should not be meeting with salesperson, unless CPS is aware of the meeting; CPS and Buyer should be aware of all meetings.

Directs salesperson to Contract and Procurement Specialist

Gatekeeper and stop direct departmental visits from vendors and competitors

Responsible for collecting information on product/service usage, vendor service, vendor performance, and in support of the overall EMH contract management process and adherence

Information only i.e. point of contact info, future usages, end users, etc.

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Manages product and equipment recalls and alerts at the site level.

Bringing in samples, trials, etc.

Determine criticality at EMH and communicate to CPS

(SCM) Coordinates with Stores Attendant.

Place PO for samples, etc.

Responsible for determining site specific subs

Manages back orders at EMH site

Reviews back order report daily and ensures any inventory items you do not have the substitutes for, are elevated to the CPS

Determines end user for product substitutions

Follows sub process as defined

Expedites orders and follows up on back-orders

Ensures dates and information are maintained in SAP

Escalates non-conformances to the CPS

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Executes a timely review and processing of requisitions using SAP either manually or through SRM

Monitors requisitions, on a daily basis, to ensure they are converted to a PO.

Executes processing of requisitions as required

Direct face-to-face, day-to-day client stakeholder interaction

Manages product returns/repairs with Stores Attendants/Receiver

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Works with vendors to resolve discrepancies on the PO

Pricing – verify last updates on pricing within SAP. Contacts CPS if contract pricing. Buyer is to telephone vendor to indicate contract pricing applies. If vendor indicates no, then this will be raised to the CPS.

Resolves vendor issues i.e. delivery, quality, and returns

Day to day issues, i.e. incorrect delivery if multiple/recurring issues contacts appropriate CPS

Communication of existing, new and changes to contracts

Resolves discrepancies with Accounts Payable when created by the Purchase Order

Determines if contract issue and brings to the CPS

Will need to fix the PO in all instances

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Equity Member Hospital (EMH) Buyer Roles and Responsibilities

Initiates material masters and vendor masters as required, using the 3SO forms provided

Additions to contracts must be discussed with CPS prior to issuing the Material Master

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3SO Contract and Procurement Specialist and EMH Buyer Next Steps

Communication Web site

Review Roles and Responsibilities with Buyers from all Equity Member Hospitals

Initiation of

– Material Master Team – Competitive Process Team – Recall Team

Completion of

– Substitute Product Process • Key Stakeholder Training

Training on BPS Directives

Training on Best Practice Purchasing/Procurement

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Ministry of Finance Ontario BuysBroader Public Sector

Supply Chain Directives 25 Mandatory Requirements

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements -Segregation of Duties and Approval Authority Levels

1. Segregation of Duties — BPS organizations must segregate at least three of the five functional roles. Responsibilities for these functions should lie with different departments or at a minimum with different individuals. In circumstances where it is not feasible to segregate three roles, as in the case with smaller organizations, adequate compensating controls approved by the external auditor will be acceptable. (Section

2. Approval Authority — BPS organizations must have a documented delegation of authority schedule that outlines the organization’s authority levels for each of the five functional roles described in the segregation of duties (Section and seek the necessary approval for all procurements prior to conducting the procurement. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements -Competitive vs. Non-Competitive Procurement

3. Competitive vs. Non-Competitive Procurement Process Determination — In accordance with the AIT, the Ontario-Quebec Procurement Agreement and the PPP’s principle of transparency, BPS organizations must conduct open competitive procurements where the estimated value of procurement of goods, services or construction1 is $100,000 or greater. (Section

Change April 2011 – All consultant procurements must be processed using an open or invitational bid process.

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements -Competitive Procurement

4. Information Gathering — A response to an RFI or RFEI must not pre-qualify a potential supplier and must not influence their chances of being the successful proponent on any subsequent opportunity. (Section and and

5. Pre-Qualification — BPS organizations must ensure that the terms and conditions built into the RFSQ contain specific language to disclaim any obligation on the part of the BPS organization tactually call on any supplier as a result of the pre-qualification to supply such materials or services (Section and

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Purchasing

6. Advertising and Posting Competitive Documents to Market — In accordance with the AIT, calls for competitive procurements shall be made through an electronic tendering system that is equally accessible to all Canadian suppliers.

Construction contracts between $100,000 and $250,000 are not subject to the requirements of the AIT. Calls for those competitive procurements can be made through an electronic tendering system and/or one or more of the following methods:

a. Publication in one or more predetermined daily newspapers that are easily accessible to all Canadian suppliers; or

b. The use of source lists, such as VORs or preferred suppliers lists. (Section

7. Timelines for Posting Competitive Procurements — Purchasing BPS organizations must provide suppliers a minimum response time of 15 calendar days for procurements valued at $100,000 or more. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Evaluation

8. Bid Receipt — BPS organizations must ensure that the closing date is set on a normal working day (Monday to Friday, excluding provincial and national holidays). Submissions that are delivered after the closing time must not be considered. (Section

9. Evaluation Criteria — Evaluation criteria should be developed, reviewed and approved before the competitive process begins. These criteria must be included in the competitive documents. The competitive documents must also identify those criteria that are considered mandatory and any technical standards that need to be met. The evaluation criteria cannot be changed or altered once the competitive process has begun. (Section

10. Evaluation Process — BPS organizations must fully disclose the evaluation methodology and process to be used in assessing a supplier’s submission. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Evaluation (cont’d)

11. Evaluation Team — Evaluation team members must be aware of the restrictions related to confidential information shared through the competitive process and refrain from engaging in activities that may create or appear to create a conflict of interest. BPS organizations must require team members to sign a conflict-of-interest declaration and non-disclosure agreement. (Section

12. Evaluation Matrix — BPS organizations must ensure that each member of the evaluation team has completed an evaluation matrix rating each of the proponents. Records of evaluation score must be auditable. Evaluators should be aware that everything they say or document must be fair, factual, fully defensible and may be subject to public scrutiny. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Evaluation (cont’d)

13. Selection Process — BPS organizations must select only the highest ranked submission(s) that have met all mandatory requirements set out in the related procurement document. In responding to procurement documents, suppliers may sometimes propose alternative strategies or solutions to the organization’s business needs. Unless expressly requested in the procurement documents, organizations must not consider alternative strategies or solutions proposed by a supplier. (Section

14. Tie-Score Process — The method to resolve a tie score must be identified in the evaluation criteria of the RFP, including weighting, if applicable. Tie-break criteria are also subject to the rules of non-discrimination defined in Section (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Evaluation (cont’d)

15. Non-Discrimination — In compliance with the AIT, BPS organizations must refrain from any discrimination or preferred treatment in awarding a contract to the preferred supplier from the competitive process, unless justifiable based on the circumstances described below. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Contract Award

16. Executing the Contract — The agreement between the purchasing BPS organization and the successful supplier must be defined formally in a signed written contract before the provision of the goods, services or construction commences. When executing the contract, the organization must obtain the supplier signatures before obtaining the designated organization’s signature. In situations where an immediate need exists for goods or services and the purchasing organization and the supplier are unable to finalize a contract, a letter of intent, memorandum of understanding (MOU) or interim purchase order may be used. This will allow for the immediate needs to be met, while final negotiations take place towards finalizing the contract. Section

17. Establishing the Contract — The contract must be finalized using the form of agreement/contract that was released with the procurement document. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Contract Award (cont’d)

18. Termination and Cancellation Clauses — All contracts must include appropriate cancellation or termination clauses and BPS organizations should seek appropriate legal advice on the development of these clauses. (Section

19. Contract Extensions — The term of the agreement and any options to extend the agreement must be set out in the procurement document. Changes to the term of the agreement may change the procurement value. Prior written approval by the appropriate approval authority is necessary before changing contract start and end dates. Extensions to the term of agreement beyond what is set out in the procurement document are considered non-competitive procurements and BPS organizations must seek appropriate approval authority prior to proceeding. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Contract Award (cont’d)

20. Award Notification — For purchases valued at $100,000 or greater, BPS organizations must post, in the same manner as the procurement documents were posted, the name(s) of the successful supplier(s). Contract award notification must occur only after the agreement between the successful supplier and the organization has been signed. The contract award notification must include the agreement start and end dates, including any options for extension and the total agreement value. (Section

21. Vendor Debriefing Notification — For purchases valued at $100,000 or greater, BPS organizations must inform all suppliers who participated in the procurement process of their entitlement to a debriefing. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Non-Competitive Procurement

22. Non-Competitive Procurement Documentation — When a BPS organization bypasses the competitive process for any of the situations identified in Section, formal documentation must be completed to support and justify the decision. This documentation must be completed and approved by the appropriate authority levels within the organization and may be used as supporting documentation in the case of a competitive dispute. (Section

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Procurement Documents and Records Retention

23. Records Retention — All procurement documents, as well as any other pertinent information for reporting and auditing purposes, must be maintained for a period of seven years and be in recoverable form if requested. (Section 5.3.11)

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Conflict of Interest

24. Conflict of Interest — BPS organizations must consider any conflicts of interest during procurement activities applicable to all employees, external consultants or suppliers. The organization must require any individual involved in supply chain-related activities to declare all actual or potential conflicts of interest. (Section 5.3.12)

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Ministry of Finance Ontario Buys – Supply Chain Directives List of 25 Mandatory Requirements - Bid Protest Procedures

25. Bid Protest Procedures — BPS organizations must communicate the bid protest procedures for suppliers in all competitive and procurement documents to ensure that any dispute is handled in a reasonable and timely fashion. BPS organizations must ensure that their process is compliant with the bid protest procedures as set out in the AIT and the Ontario-Quebec Procurement Agreement. (Section 5.3.13)