Eminent Personality.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 Eminent Personality.docx


    Good Afternoon to one and all present here. I am Kunal Patel; roll number 12065 and I will be

    explaining the personality traits of Mr. Ratan Tata

    Ratan Tata is a Visionary. Not that world knew of already, He is a Dreamer and such people can not only

    envision future but also think far beyond in the future than anyone else's imagination. His life has manysuch instances which reflect this side of him. He has this rare ability of thinking big and at the same time

    not loses the sight of whats needed at the grassroots levels. This explains why the Tata Group pick up

    the luxurious Pierre Hotel in New York, while Tata is also driving the launch of the budget Ginger hotels

    in India. He was no taken all that seriously when he first coined the concept of a "Rupees One Lakh" car

    (which eventually came to known as "Tata Nano"). He had to face a lot of opposition to even sell that

    dream to his own organization. Finally, he persisted. Even the dream of rolling out Tata Indica was a sort

    of first in the market which was dominated by Maruti in the Small car segment. Its said that People

    literally wrote him off when Tata brought the idea of building a passenger car with "the Zen's size, the

    Ambassador's internal dimensions and the price of a Maruti 800". The result is now for everyone to see

    with Tata Indica being so successful on Indian roads (sold more than a million Passenger cars since 1998


    He has a fierce Determination and Persistence in his personality. This is a deadly combination of traits

    that partly explains why Ratan Tata has not left the business scene despite being subject to sort of

    problems that could potentially destroy lesser mortals. He has faced innumerable adverse situations and

    times in life but never ever given-up. This sure is a sign of a great man. He had a Shaky start to his career

    and despite that because of his persistence and determination; he has emerged as a legend that he is

    regarded now. Some context to this below-

    Ratan Tata got his first Independent assignment as a Director of National Radio and Electronics (Nelco),

    in 1971 (which again is an example of persistence as he had started working in Tata group since 1962).

    Nelco was in dire straits when Ratan came on board- losses of 40% and barely 2% share of the consumer

    electronics. Because of his persistence and determination, he did managed to turn around Nelco but by

    then Emergency was declared, which affected the results.

    Even the Singur episode when the Political power did not allow is Nano plant to function, it was only his

    Persistence and determination which saw him shift the Operations at the last minute.

    Ratan Tata has Pride and Dignity in his personality. Pride is a spur to achievement. Pride says "You

    must think well of me too". At the start of his career, Tata faced opposition from several lot of peers

  • 8/14/2019 Eminent Personality.docx


    who thought that he was best suited for the job of the Chairman of Tata group. Of course, his

    persistence and determination helped but it was his Pride that also played a big role in overcoming

    opposition and move ahead with his head taller. The Pride aspect shows in some of his business

    decisions as well.

    The Corus deal is proof of the kind of goodwill the Tata Group has created for itself across the world, not

    just within the country. Unlike the Mittal Steel bid for Arcelor, which created a huge furor, the Tata

    faced little opposition. Although the Anglo-Dutch company had several plants in the United Kingdom,

    there was little attempt to stop the deal by either political parties or trade unions. The Corus

    management was happy to support the deal, placing its faith in the group's reassurance that there

    would be no layoffs and that pension shortfalls would be taken care off.

    Ratan Tata is quite an Emotional Person, with a broad range of emotions from extreme highs to lows.He is a person with High Emotional Intensity and feels situations In-depth, quite Intensely. He can very

    easily relate to other people's problems. Some of his business deals reflect this aspect of his personality.

    Regarding owning LandRover (Jaguar) brand, Ratan's father Naval was one of five people in India who

    took delivery of a new Jaguar XK120 in the late 1940s. What Tata did for 26/11 victims of Mumbai

    attacks is not much documented

    He has Perfectionism in his personality. He is a kind of person who takes time putting everything in

    place and reviews work thoroughly in order to make it precise.

    He is usually quite cautious in his approach. A Cautious person is inclined to be careful in order to

    minimize risk and reduce any impulsive behavior. Cautiousness is quite an understood trait for a person

    heading such a huge business empire. This aspect of his personality prevents him from blindly trusting
