Ending the War and Reconstruction

Ending the War and Reconstruction

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Ending the War and Reconstruction. Future Plans- Mobilizing. Lincoln’s Plan. Radical Republican Plan. Prevent Confederates form returning to power Republican party dominate the South Achieve political equality for African-Americans/voting rights in the South . Amnesty and Reconstruction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ending the War and Reconstruction

Ending the War and Reconstruction

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Future Plans- Mobilizing

Lincoln’s Plan• Amnesty and

Reconstruction• Pardon all Southern who

takes oath of loyalty and excepts proclamation on slavery

• 10% of a state voters had to oath=could organize a state government.

Radical Republican Plan• Prevent Confederates form

returning to power• Republican party dominate

the South• Achieve political equality for

African-Americans/voting rights in the South

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Future Plans- Mobilizing

Moderate Republican• Wade-Davis Plan• South needs to be punished

for starting the war.• 50% of voters have to swear an

“ironclad oath” of allegiance to the Union.

• Each state’s constitution had to include the abolition of slavery.

• No Confederate officials or officer could vote or hold office

Timeline• Wade-Davis bill passes, but

Lincoln uses pocket-veto.• Lincoln is Reelected in 1865• Ended slavery by amending the

Constitution• Added 13th amendment-

banned slavery in U.S.• Lee surrenders to Grant at

Appomattox (April 9, 1865) Terms: Confederates soldiers would

not be prosecuted for treason.

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Assassination• Took place on Good Friday, April 14, 1865, as the American Civil War was drawing to a

close. The assassination occurred five days after the commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, General Robert E. Lee, surrendered to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant.

• Lincoln was the first American president to be assassinated.• Carried out by the well-known stage actor John Wilkes Booth, as part of a larger conspiracy

in a bid to revive the Confederate cause. • Booth's co-conspirators were Lewis Powell and David Herold, who were assigned to kill

Secretary of State William H. Seward, and George Atzerodt who was to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson. By simultaneously eliminating the top three people in the administration, Booth and his co-conspirators hoped to sever the continuity of the United States government.

• Lincoln was shot while watching the play Our American Cousin with his wife Mary Todd Lincoln at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. on the night of April 14, 1865. He died early the next morning.

• The rest of the conspirators' plot failed; Powell only managed to wound Seward, while Atzerodt, Johnson's would-be assassin, lost his nerve and fled Washington.

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The Assassination

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The Assassin

John Wilkes Booth

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Now He Belongs to the Ages!

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The Execution

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Freedman's Bureau

– After Union wins, many former slaves head to the North

– Freed African Americans (freedman)– South’s economy is devastated– Offered assistance to freed slaves– Provided work, clothing, medical aid, and


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Johnson’s Plan

• Andrew Johnson- agreed with moderate policy and Lincoln

• Pardon all former Confed. citizens if they take oath.

• Excluded Confed. officers from holding office. (But many managed to be elected to Congress)

• Each state had to ratify the Thirteenth amendment.

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Black Codes

• New Southern govt. created laws limiting African Americans’ rights.

• Had to enter/complete a labor contract or be placed in jail/servitude

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Civil Rights Act 1866

• Gave citizenship to all persons born in US, except Native Americans.

• Rights to property and equally in court.• 14th amendment- due process “equal

protection under the law

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Reconstruction Act of 1867 (Radical Republicans in Congress)

• Goal: Rebuild the governments of the Southern states in the Northern mold and ensure the civil rights of the freed blacks.

• State governments in the South were placed under the military rule of the U.S. Army.

• No one who had supported the Confederate government was allowed to vote or hold political office.

• State governments were controlled by scalawags (southern white Republicans), carpetbaggers (Northerners who had migrated to the South after the Civil War), and the military rulers of the Radical Republican Congress.

• 200,000 U.S. soldiers were stationed throughout the South Lasted 10 years.

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• Johnson is impeached, refusing to require approval of Senate to remove a govt. official.

• Grant becomes president• 15th amendment passes- right to vote (African

Americans)• KKK- forms as a way to rebel against Northern policy,

terrorized supporters of Republicans (white or black)• 1870- Congress pass Enforcement Acts (activities of

KKK was illegal.

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New South Arises

• Pres. Hayes pulls troops out of South• South works on having a strong industrial

economy• New alliances between Northern and

Southern financers• Railroads rebuilt and new routes added• Many African Americans were working as

tenant framers