Engage Curriculum Lesson1

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  • 8/12/2019 Engage Curriculum Lesson1



    All of history follows the arc of Gods story. The original creabut Christ made it his mission to restore humanity to himMuslims is part of his overarching plan to rescue the creatio

    At the end of this lesson:

    1The Cosmic Drama

  • 8/12/2019 Engage Curriculum Lesson1


    2 Copyright Horizons International: The EngaCopyright Horizons International: The Engage Course



    Two Views of History

    1. Mans view is man-centered.

    Man is in charge. God serves man.

    Humanity has the nal authority.

    2. Gods view is God-centered.

    God is in charge. Man serves God.

    God reveals his Word to humanity.

    Act I: Creation

    God created humans in his image to be th

    intimate relationship and fellowship with t

    put natural laws in place over the universe.

    Three Characteristics of Creation:

    Act II: Corruption

    Corruption entered history through sin an

    dysfunction between heaven and earth an

    vertically and horizontally. Humans continu

    gap between them and God by their own eff

    This chapter will reorient you with the flow ofGods cosmic creating, intervening, redeem-ing, restoring, and reuniting of fractured,fallen humanity and creation.

    God is at war. Satan is the ob

    to many. False religion, cults,

    strategies of Satan. One of th

    and less conspicuous is the c


    It will ground you condently in the mission of the Church from Godsview of culture, mankind, and history instead of mans view, as seenthrough sociology, anthropology, and science.

    It will lead you through the Bible f rom Genesis to Revelation, covenantsto the cross, demonstrating the relentless missionary nature of God andhow the Church is to bear witness to what Christ has already providedfor alienated, lost people.

    It will tell the epic story of Satans war against God and humanity, Christsvictory over death and sin on the cross, and Satans sure and nal defeat.

    Everythinwas goo

    or contaminnocent

    2.PUREEverything wasuseful for man and

    had a good purpose.

    1. USEFUL:


    The Plot

    Its a love story between God and his bride, the human race, whom he created in his

    image to have an intimate fellowship with him. Satan, Gods enemy, kidnapped Gods

    bride, with her consent and cooperation.

    God plans a rescue operation and promises to bring his bride back if she is willing.

    God fullls his promise and embarks on the dangerous mission. The bride is rescued,

    restored, and prepared for the great wedding. Their relationship is fully restored, and

    the enemy is utterly defeated.

    The Flow of History

    Old Testament: Old Covenant New Testament: New Covenant


  • 8/12/2019 Engage Curriculum Lesson1


    4 Copyright Horizons International: The EngaCopyright Horizons International: The Engage Course



    Three Major Crises in Human History:

    Act III: Covenants

    God forges a series of covenants to reverse the effects of corruption and to restore his

    broken relationship with humanity. He takes it on himself to help humans recover

    from the effects of corruption in their minds and hearts. The drama takes centuries of

    revelations, during which God raises up a series of emissaries to call people to return to

    him. Humans continue to rebel and prove that all human efforts to get rid of corruption

    are futile. At the appropriate time, God takes on human form and rescues his bride from

    the enemy who had kidnapped his beloved (Hebrews 1:1-3).

    Old Covenant: The calling of Abraham to bring the nations back to God

    Gods Part: Promise of Blessing

    1. Personal:

    I will bless you; I will make your name great... (Genesis 12:2)

    2. National:

    I will make you into a great nation you will be a blessing. (Genesis 12:2)

    3. International:

    All peoples on earth will be blessed through you. (Genesis 12:3)

    God is at war. Satan is the obvious enemy. How he worksis not as obvious to many. False religion, cults, idolatry anddeception are some of the obvious strategies of Satan. Oneof the most destructive strategies that is more sly and less

    conspicuous is the conspiracy of the nations.

    Georges Houssney, Conspiracy of the Nations

    Mans Part

    1. Obedien

    2. Trust (G

    God Confrm


    1. The Phys

    A. Isaa

    B. Jaco

    C. Mos

    D. Josh

    E. Dav

    F. Solo

    G. Isai

    H. Dan

    I. Mica

    2. The Spi

    man is a Je

    A. Mat

    B. Joh

    C. Gala



    Man-centeredsolutions and aconspiracy againstGod(Genesis11:1- 9)

    Contamination bysin, leading to evilhearts and minds(Genesis 5:6).

    Separation betweenGod and man, manand his fellow man(Cain and Abel,Genesis 3-4)

    2 Kings 23:1- 4

    Isaiah 44:22

    Jeremiah 31:31-34

    Luke 1:68, 3:6, 22:2

    Romans 3:24

    Galatians 3:13-14

    Ephesians 1:7-10

    Colossians 1:14

    Hebrews 8:7-10


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    Act IV: Redemption

    The New Covenant comes through Abrahams physical branch, Jesus, who brings

    redemption by his blood sacrice. Human original sin is cancelled. Jesus is the substitute

    that satises Gods justice and love. Jesus is the messenger of the New Covenant (Malachi

    3:1), which brings salvation, forgiveness of sins, and justication before God.

    For this reason Christ is the mediator of a New Covenant, that those who are called may

    receive the promised eternal inheritance now that he has died as a ransom (redemption

    in Greek) to set them free from the sins committed under the Old Covenant.


    Act V: Re-creation/Restoration

    The work of redemption is to reverse the curs

    man according to the original purpose and

    supernatural regeneration by the Spirit of G

    Children born not of natural descent... but

    See also:

    John 3:3

    2 Corinthians 5:17

    1 Peter 1:23

    God brings redeemed mankind through a tra

    his image within corrupted humans.

    And we, who with unveiled faces all reec

    into his likeness with ever-increasing glor


    2 Corinthians 3:18

    He must remain in heaven until the time c

    promised long ago through his holy prophe

    Acts 3:21

    After this I will return and rebuild David

    will restore it, that the remnant of men m

    bear my name, says the Lord, who does the

    Acts 15:16-18

  • 8/12/2019 Engage Curriculum Lesson1


    8 Copyright Horizons International: The EngaCopyright Horizons International: The Engage Course



    Putting It All Together

    I have set before you l ife and death... now choosDeuteronomy 30:19

    The great celebration in heaven: After this I loocould number, from every nation, from all tribes athrone and before the Lamb, clothed in white robRevelation 7:9

    The triumph of Gods kingdom: The kingdom ofand of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ev

    Revelation 11:15


    Image of God







    God Alone










    ...the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

    Colossians 3:10

    Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly

    we are being renewed day by day.

    2 Corinthians 4:16

    Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the rst heaven and the rst earth had

    passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

    Revelation 21:1

    He who was seated on the throne said, I am making everything new!

    Revelation 21:5

    Act VI: Reunion/Gathering the Nations

    Our role in Gods cosmic drama is to be gatherers of Gods sheep from all nations. In

    the end, Gods kingdom will triumph and all the elect will glorify the King of kings and

    Lord of lords. A great feast will be celebrated, and the Bride of Christ will be gathered

    to her husband.

    I have other sheep I must bring them also.

    John 10:16

    Jesus reconciled us, and we reconcile others to him.

    2 Corinthians 5: 17-20

    But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be

    my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.

    Acts 1:8



    1. What were the characteristics of th

    in it? How did corruption come into th

    consequences for humanity?

    2. How does the New Covenant diff

    role in it, and what is mans role? How

    3. How are you a part of the cosmic d

    part of it?

  • 8/12/2019 Engage Curriculum Lesson1


    Copyright Horizons International: The Enga

    God saw avery good. Awas mornin

    There is an innate inexplicable ache for the re

    God and man, man and the creatures over wh

    one to another.

    Consider this staggering reality: God came

    fellowship and conversations with Adam a

    discuss? Did they laugh? Did the man and wo

    Did God survey his work for Adam and Eve

    There is an ordering of creation that calls us

    been restored to God through Christ and ha

    Lord in the cool of the evening. In addition

    discipline of cool of the evening devotions

    The Lord of the Universe is always communic

    Be still, watch, and listen. Reect back to G

    day. Put all to rest because God is in control

    tomorrow will ow out of your rest today in

    10 Copyright Horizons International: The Engage Course


    Why It Matters...

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a lacus ac lacus iaculis

    auctor. Integer tincidunt nisi in lectus elementum porta. Nullam blandit lacus ut viverra

    tempor. Phasellus eu dolor non odio commodo viverra quis ut nunc. Morbi sit amet

    erat nec eros facilisis auctor ut a mi. Integer auctor, ipsum id auctor sagittis, lacus odio

    dictum dolor, sit amet sagittis purus quam non urna.

    Vivamus ac metus placerat, adipiscing turpis vel, aliquam eros. Pellentesque habitant

    morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam bibendum

    urna sit amet faucibus gravida. Proin luctus libero in augue ultrices cursus. Nullam

    gravida mattis sapien, eu viverra nisl viverra sed.

    Nunc eget ante eu leo congue congue. Aliquam arcu erat, sollicitudin nec turpis at,

    convallis lobortis mauris. Aliquam id dolor sed libero imperdiet feugiat. Cras euismod

    sem orci, id porttitor sapien porttitor eget. Sed sed malesuada nunc. Donec sollicitudin

    a purus a tempus. Nulla eget ornare tortor, et vulputate leo. Integer non velit consequat,

    eleifend elit eu, pulvinar magna. Nullam porttitor sed justo vitae dictum. Etiam et

    suscipit lorem, in tristique sem. Cras eget sollicitudin ipsum.


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