Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes Bruce Newbold October 29, 2014 800-266-1832 | www.ktdrr.org Copyright ©2014 by SEDL. All rights reserved. Funded by NIDRR, US Department of Education, PR# H133A120012. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from SEDL (4700 Mueller Blvd., Austin, TX 78723), or by submitting an online copyright request form at www.sedl.org/ about/copyright_request.html. Users may need to secure additional permissions from copyright holders whose work SEDL included after obtaining permission as noted to reproduce or adapt for this presentation.

Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness ... · Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes Bruce Newbold, PhD School of Geography

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Page 1: Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness ... · Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes Bruce Newbold, PhD School of Geography

Engaging Communities Through Social Media:

Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes

Bruce Newbold October 29, 2014

800-266-1832 | www.ktdrr.org

Copyright ©2014 by SEDL. All rights reserved. Funded by NIDRR, US Department of Education, PR# H133A120012. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy,

recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from SEDL (4700 Mueller Blvd., Austin, TX 78723), or by submitting an online copyright request form at www.sedl.org/about/copyright_request.html. Users may need to secure additional permissions from copyright holders whose work SEDL included after obtaining permission as noted to reproduce or adapt for this presentation.

Page 2: Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness ... · Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes Bruce Newbold, PhD School of Geography

Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact,

and Outcomes

Bruce Newbold, PhD School of Geography & Earth Sciences

McMaster University Hamilton, ON

[email protected] 905.525.9140 x27948

October 2014

Page 3: Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness ... · Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes Bruce Newbold, PhD School of Geography

Social  Media:  The  ‘Big’  Ques5ons  

• What  is  the  effec5veness  of  social  media  for  messaging?    

• What  is  the  impact  of  social  media?    •  Does  the  use  of  social  media  address  inequali5es?  


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•  What  is  Social  Media?  •  Using  Social  Media  for  Dissemina5ng  Informa5on  •  Who  uses  Social  Media?    •  Barriers  to  use  of  Social  Media  

–  America’s  ‘Digital  Divide’  –  Disabled  use  

•  What  is  the  Effec5veness  of  Social  Media?  •  Using  Social  Media:  Prac5cali5es  •  Concluding  Thoughts  


Page 5: Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness ... · Engaging Communities Through Social Media: Effectiveness, Impact, and Outcomes Bruce Newbold, PhD School of Geography

The  medium  is  the  message    (Marshall  McLuhan,  1964)  

•  Medium  as  anything  from  which  change  emerges  (i.e.,  social  media),  but  shapes/controls  ac5on  

•  Message  as  change  of  pace/paTern  •  Social  media  as  a  medium  which  can  drive  change  through  message,  but  message  must  also  have  best  condi5ons  for  growth  



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What  is  social  media?  

•  TwiTer,  Facebook,  YouTube,  and  Blog  sites  –  ‘Web  2.0’:  Defined  by  interac5ve  user  environments  enabling  users  to  contribute  content    


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Using  Social  Media  for  Dissemina5ng  Informa5on  (1)  •  Used  to  keep  in  touch  with  family,  friends,  engage  in  conversa5ons,  disseminate  informa5on,  and  to  learn  

•  Social  media  as  a  news  source  •  Users  link  or  share  informa5on  (i.e.,  from  news  websites)  


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Using  Social  Media  for  Dissemina5ng  Informa5on  (2)  •  Benefits  of  using  social  media  include:  

–  Real  5me  informa5on  –  Informa5on  can  be  conveyed  in  different  forms  (i.e.,  video,  text)  and  bring  informa5on  to  people  with  special  needs  

–  Increased  number  of  interac5ons  –  Shared  and  tailored  informa5on  


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Using  Social  Media  for  Dissemina5ng  Informa5on  (3)  

–  Increased  number  of  sources  of  informa5on  –  Spaces  where  issues  can  be  shared  and  discussed  by  different  audiences  

–  Provision  of  peer,  social,  and  emo5onal  support  for  the  public.  

–  Poten5al  to  increase  the  accessibility  and  depth  of  informa5on  available  to  various  groups,  regardless  of  socioeconomic  status,  age,  race,  ethnicity  or  loca5on  


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Who  uses  Social  Media?  

•  Type  of  social  media  applica5on  can  cater  to  a  different  demographic  –  Youth  more  likely  to  use  social  media,  but  elderly  are  increasingly  likely  to  use  social  media  

– Dissemina5on  by  Government  /  service  providers  /  community  groups  /  individuals:  • hTps://twiTer.com/Disabilitygov    • hTps://twiTer.com/WHOdisability       10

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Barriers  to  use  of  Social  Media  

•  Loca5on  /  access  to  internet  •  Knowledge  of  compu5ng  (eHealth  literacy)  •  Socio-­‐demographic:  Low  educa5on,  low  income  (‘digital  divide’),  language  ability/literacy,  and  physical  ability  

•  Impact  of  disability:  Lower  income,  older,  and  lower  levels  of  educa5on  


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America’s  ‘Digital  Divide’  

12 Source:  Rainie,  L.  2013.  Digital  Divides.  Pew  Research  Center  hTp://www.pewinternet.org/2013/11/05/the-­‐state-­‐of-­‐digital-­‐divides-­‐video-­‐slides/      

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Use  of  Social  Media  (1)  

•  54%  of  adults  with  a  disability  use  the  internet  (vs.  81%  of  adults  with  no  disability)  –  Share  same  barriers  to  use  as  broader  popula5on:  

–  But,  disability  may  create  an  addi5onal  disadvantage  in  that  individuals  with  disability  may  be  further  isolated  from  society.    


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Use  of  Social  Media  (2)  

•  No  broadband  at  home  equals:  – Disadvantage  in  finding  job  opportuni5es  or  learning  career  skills.  

– Disadvantage  in  geing  health  informa5on.  Source:  Fox  S.  2011.  Americans  living  with  disability  and  their  technology  profile.  Pew  Research  Center.  hTp://www.pewinternet.org/files/old-­‐media/Files/Reports/2011/PIP_Disability.pdf      


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Use  of  Social  Media  (3)  

•  Broadband  at  home  means:  – Greater  likelihood  of  accessing  health  informa5on  in  online  forums  and  discussion  groups,  and  more  likely  to  post  their  own  experiences  

–  ‘Deeper’  connec5on  to  online  world  

Source:  Fox  S.  2011.  Americans  living  with  disability  and  their  technology  profile.  Pew  Research  Center.  hTp://www.pewinternet.org/files/old-­‐media/Files/Reports/2011/PIP_Disability.pdf    


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Use  of  Social  Media  (4)  

•  Social  Media  may  improve  connec5ons  with  peers  and  health  providers.    

•  Adap5ve  technology  devices  will  help  to  facilitate  access  


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What  is  the  Effec5veness  of  Social  Media?  (1)  •  Complements  tradi5onal  (print,  broadcast)  media  –  Social  media  less  objec5ve  than  tradi5onal  media    

–  Social  media  lacks  the  same  controls  and  oversight  of  tradi5onal  media,  it  may  undermine  public  health  recommenda5ons.  

–  Reliability,  volume,  and  inaccuracy  of  content  


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What  is  the  Effec5veness  of  Social  Media?  (2)  •  Effec5veness  of  social  media  remains  ques5onable  –  Responses  will  vary  based  on  individual  values,  peers,  social,  demographic,  socioeconomic,  and  cultural  situa5ons  

–  Few  studies  report  behavioral  change:  Mixed  or  modest  impact  

– Users  may  not  know  how  to  apply  informa5on,  and  it  may  preclude  users  from  consul5ng  health  professionals   18

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Using  Social  Media:  Prac5cali5es  

•  US  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Preven5on  (CDC)  lists  the  ‘Three  P’s’  of  social  media:    personaliza5on,  presenta5on  and  par5cipa5on  

•  CDC:  Developed  a  set  of  best  prac5ces  documents  and  a  toolkit:  –  hTp://www.cdc.gov/SocialMedia/Tools/guidelines/    


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Using  Social  Media:  Prac5cali5es  (2)  

•  CDC  recommends:    – Developing  clear  objec5ves  for  social  media  campaigns  

–  Iden5fy  target  audience  –  Iden5fy  resources:  

• Staff:  who  posts,  content  checking,  frequency  of  pos5ng  Policy  on  use  


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Concluding  Thoughts  

•  Social  Media  is  rapidly  changing:  – How  we  communicate  –  Reach  

•  But,  one  size  does  not  fit  all!  •  Know  what  you  are  going  to  do:  Have  a  game  plan  


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•  Thank  you!  


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Useful  References:  

•  Centers  for  Disease  Control  and  Preven5on.  (2010).  The  Health  Communicator’s  Social  Media  Toolkit.  Atlanta,  GA.  Retrieved  from:  hTp://www.cdc.gov/SocialMedia/Tools/guidelines/    

 •  Kontos,  E.  Z.,  Emmons,  K.  M.,  Puleo,  E.,  &  Viswanath,  K.  (2010).  

Communica5on  inequali5es  and  public  health  implica5ons  of  adult  social  networking  site  use  in  the  United  States.  Journal  of  Health  Communica@on,  15,  216-­‐35.  

•  Madden,  M.  (2010).  Older  adults  and  social  media.  Pew  Internet  &  the  American  Life  Project.  Retrieved  from:  hTp://www.pewinternet.org/2010/08/27/older-­‐adults-­‐and-­‐social-­‐media/    


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Useful  References  (2):  •  Mahar,  C.  A.,  Lewis,  L.  K.,  Ferrar,  K.,  Marshall,  S.,  De  Bourdeaudhuij,  I.,  &  

VandelanoTe,  C.  (2014).  Are  Health  Behavior  Change  Interven5ons  That  Use  Online  Social  Networks  Effec5ve?  A  Systema5c  Review.  Journal  of  Medical  Internet  Research,  16(2),  e40.  doi:  10.2196/jmir.2952  

•  Moorhead,  S.  A.,  HazleT,  D.  E.,  Harrison,  L.,  Carroll,  J.  K.,  Irwin,  A.,  &  Hoving,  C.  (2013).  A  New  Dimension  of  Health  Care:  Systema5c  Review  of  the  Uses,  Benefits,  and  Limita5ons  of  Social  Media  for  Health  Communica5on.    Journal  of  Medical  Internet  Research,  15(4).  doi:  10.2196/jmir.1933  

•  Newbold,  K.B.  &  Campos,  S.  2011.  Media  and  Social  Media  in  Public  Health  Messages:  A  Systema@c  Review.  Available  at:  hTp://www.mcmaster.ca/mieh/research/publica5ons.html  

 •  Newbold,  K.B.  2014.  Social  Media  in  Public  Health.  Report  prepared  for  

Na5onal  Collabora5ng  Centre  for  Healthy  Public  Policy,  (Forthcoming)                  hTp://www.ncchpp.ca/en/      


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Useful  References  (3)  

•  Norman,  C.  D.  &  Skinner,  H.  A.  (2006).  eHealth  Literacy:  Essen5al  Skills  for  Consumer  Health  in  a  Networked  World.  Journal  of  Medical  Internet  Research,  8(2),  e9.  doi:  10.2196/jmir.8.2.e9  

•  Ziebland  S  and  Wyke  S.  2012.  Health  and  Illness  in  a  Connected  World:  How  Might  Sharing  Experiences  on  the  Internet  Affect  People’s  Health?  The  Millbank  Quarterly,  90(2):  219–249.  


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Disclaimer This presentation was developed for grant number H133A120012 from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.