English 1_tahun 5

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  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    SULIT 014/1


    Kertas 1OKTOBER1 jam



    Kertas 1

    [Satu jam]


    1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan .

    2. Jawab semua soalan.

    3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu ,!, " dan #., !agisetiap soalan,

    pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapanobjekti$ %ang disediakan

    4. &ekiran%a anda hendak menukarkan jawapan, padamkan tanda %ang telahdibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan %ang baru.

    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak

    014/2 !ihatse"e#ah


    NAMA: ______________________________________________ _____

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya


    There are 40 $uesti%ns in this paper. Answer a !uesti"n. Ea#h!uesti"n is $" "we% &y $"ur p"ssi& e answers mar'e% &y A( B ( &(an% '( )"r ea#h !uesti"n #h""se %ne answer. &ir)#e y"ur answer

    y"u ha*e #h"sen "n y"ur !uesti"n paper.

    *uesti%ns 1 + 4+h""se the "est w"r% t" #"mp ete the senten#e.

    1( _____________ are a s" #a e% ,"ating h"uses.

    A Bunga "ws & Terra#es

    B B"ath"uses ' Apartments

    2( )ar"u' an% his $ather atten% prayers at the __________ "n )ri%aya$tern""ns.

    A s#h"" & sta%iumB m"s!ue ' restaurant

    ,( )ari%ah uses the "n ine ___________ t" -n% the meaning "$ w"r%s.

    A #a en%ar & %i#ti"naryB a%%ress &""' ' #a #u at"r

    4( The i"n %an#e an% %rag"n %an#e are $am"us am"ng the ___________ #"mmunity.

    A Ma ay & +hineseB In%ian ' P"rtuguese

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    *uesti%ns 5 + -/ea% the te0t an% #h""se the "est phrase $"r ea#h "$ the pi#turesgi*en.

    Last s#h"" h" i%ays( my # assmates an% I went t" the Nati"na

    Li&rary. There were a s" "ther ___________ .5

    *isiting the i&rary. They were a wa 'ing an% ___________ .

    happi y. There was a gui%e waiting $"r us at the

    entran#e. She smi e% an% ___________ .- t" the


    5( A gr"up "$ pupi sB team "$ p ayers& tru#' "$ s" %iers

    ' gr"up "$ #hi %ren

    ( A aughing at ea#h "therB te0ting with ea#h "ther& ta 'ing t" ea#h "ther' -ghting with ea#h "ther

    -( A put us

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    B sent us& pushe% us' we #"me% us

    *uesti%ns + 10+h""se the &est answer $"r ea#h "$ the pi#tures gi*en





    A Pa' 3a im is p anting a mang"tree.B Pa' 3a im is pi#'ing s"me "ranges& Pa' 3a im is ten%ing t" his mang"

    tree' Pa' 3a im is arranging s"me

    "ranges in a &as'et

    A She is g"ing t" sen% an e4mai t"her $rien%

    B 5ah ia is g"ing t" $a0 herassignment& The Internet is n"t w"r'ing' 5ah ia is printing her assignment

    A The ath ete is training $"r the6 ympi# 7ames.

    B A man is running away $r"m thep" i#e.

    & 5anie is &eing #hase% &y a%"g.' 8ames is j"gging at the par'.

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    *uesti%ns 11 + 15+h""se the "est answer t" -t the situati"n sh"wn in the pi#tures.





    A 5" y"u ha*e /M1 ?B 5" y"u ha*e a #re%it #ar% ?& +an I get anything e se $"r y"u ?' 5" y"u want t" &uy anythinge se ?

    A +an I ta'e y"ur "r%er ?B 5i% y"u "r%er $rie% n""% es ?& +an I get y"u s"mething t" %rin' ?' ;"u % y"u i'e t" "r%er s"me ri#e

    A /ita( #an I as' y"u a !uesti"n ?B 3e "( Mr Eng. May I stan%

    here ?& E0#use me( Puan Siti. May I g"t" the t"i et ?

    ' E0#use me( Miss ;"ng. +an I

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya



    *uesti%ns 1 + 20+h""se the "est answer t" #"mp ete the senten#e.

    1 ( +ats __________ rats #an ne*er &e $rien%s.A an%B &ut& "r' either

    1-( B"&"( my pet %"g &ar'e% __________ at my new neigh&"urs.


    A ;here are y"u g"ing ? B 5" y"u want t" wa ' here ? & 3e " ma%am. +an I he p y"u ? ' 3e " ma%am. P ease ta'e that


    A Ta'e y"ur #ap "

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    A s "w yB easi y& sa% y' "u% y

    1 ( My $ather &ui t the 'enne a &y ______________ .A themse *esB herse $ & himse $ ' "urse *es

    1 ( _______________ %i% y"u spea' t" ?A ;h"B ;hy& ;hen' ;here

    20( Ari$ wants t" p ay $""t&a _________ it is raining.A s"B &ut& &e#ause' an%

    *uesti%n 21+h""se the w"r% that has the %33%site meanin as the un%er ine%w"r%.

    21( My neigh&"urh""% is *ery !uiet.A &usy & " %B n"isy ' p""r

    *uesti%ns 22 + 2, +h""se the answer with the #"rre#t spe ing.


  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    22( )ather &"ught a new ______________ $"r the i*ing r""m.A( #a en%eB( #a en%er&( #a en%ar

    '( 'a en%ar

    2,( 7ran%$ather wears _______________ t" rea% the newspaper.A( spe#ta' eB( spe#ta# es&( spe#ta#e s'( spe'ta# es

    *uesti%ns 24 + 25+h""se the senten#e with the #"rre#t 3un)tuati%n(

    24( A( 5i% y"u #a the p um&er( )ari% ? B( 5i% y"u #a the p um&er. )ari% ? &( 5i% y"u #a the p um&er( )ari%?

    '( 5i% y"u #a the p um&er( )ari%.

    25( A( I *isite% the nati"na museum an% the petr"nas twint"wers.

    B( I *isite% the Nati"na Museum( an% the Petr"nas Twin T"wers.

    &( I *isite% the Nati"na museum an% the Petr"nas twint"wers?

    '( I *isite% the Nati"na Museum an% the Petr"nas Twin T"wers.

    *uesti%ns 2 + ,0


  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    Base% "n the pi#ture( #h""se the "est answer t" - in the & an's inthe passage that $" "ws.

    This is my neigh&"rh""% par'. A gr"up "$ &"ys is p aying ___________

    .2 . Tw" y"ung &"ys are wat#hing them ___________ .2- ( At the

    "ther en% "$ the par'( a gr"up "$ &"ys is p aying ___________ .2 (

    Tw" gir s are p aying ___________ .2 the swings. Their m"thers are

    sitting "n "ne "$ the ___________ .,0 near&y an% 'eeping an eye "ntheir #hi %ren.

    2 ( A tennis & &as'et&a B *" ey&a ' &a%mint"n

    2-( A p aying & %an#ing B singing ' running

    2 ( A g" $ & $""t&aB &as'et&a ' h"#'ey

    2 ( A in & &y B "n ' $"r

  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    ,0( A s"$as & st"" s B #hairs ' &en#hes

    *uesti%ns ,1 + ,5/ea% the p"ster an% answer the !uesti"ns that $" "w.


    ;hat is the main purp"se "$ the p"ster ?A In*ite pe"p e t" %"nate their use% itemsB In$"rm pe"p e a&"ut a #harity sa e& As' pe"p e t" &e 'in% t" anima s' As' pe"p e t" %"nate t" #harity

    ,2( ;here wi the #harity sa e &e he % ?A At the "" & At a s#h"" -e %B In Taman Mega ' In the Nature L"*ers + u&


  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    ,,( 3"w "ng is the #harity sa e ?A h"urs & = h"ursB 2 C h"urs ' C h"urs

    ,4( I$ y"u want t" %"nate t" the jum& e sa eA the items must &e " % & the items must &e e0pensi*eB y"u must "n y gi*e m"ney ' y"u must gi*e them t" Puan


    ,5( ;hi#h "$ the $" "wing is true a&"ut the sa e ?A It is in Mar#h & It is $"r "ne %ayB It is "n a Satur%ay ' It is "pen t" s#h"" #hi %ren

    "n y

    *uesti%ns , + 40/ea% the %ia "gue &e "w an% answer the !uesti"ns that $" "w.

    , ( Last year

    3ana &"ught herm"ther s"me ___________.

    A#arnati"ns & "r#hi%s

    B %aisies ' r"ses

    ,-( ;hat was I!&a p anning t" &uy $"r his m"ther ?A 6r#hi%s & )resh ,"wersB Per$ume ' A p ant


  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    , ( The phrase ar%un the )%rner in the %ia "gue means __________ .

    A #"ming s""n & $ar awayB #an &e seen ' n"t "ng ag"

    , ( )ina y I!&a an% 3ana %e#i%e% t" _______________.A &uy an "r#hi% p ant & #"m&ine their sa*ingsB &uy separate gi$ts ' sa*e up m"re m"ney

    40( )r"m the %ia "gue we 'n"w that I!&a an% 3anaDs m"ther i'es ____________ .A ,"wers & &"tt esB %resses ' $urniture


    1( B2( B,( &4( &

    5( A( &

    -( '( B

    ( '10( '

    11( A12( A

    1,( &14( &15( A1 ( A


  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris SK Bugaya

    1-( '1 ( &1 ( A20( B21( B

    22( &

    2,( B24( A25( '2 ( &2-( A

    2 ( &

    2 ( B,0( ',1( B,2( &,,( B

    ,4( '

    ,5( &, ( ',-( B, ( A, ( &

    40( A


  • 8/19/2019 English 1_tahun 5


    41(42(2 .