English Colonies English Colonies 1600-1700 1600-1700

English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

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Page 1: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

English ColoniesEnglish Colonies


Page 2: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

AP OutlineAP Outline2. 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-

16901690A.A. First European contacts with Native Americans First European contacts with Native Americans B.B. Spain's empire in North America Spain's empire in North America C.C. French colonization of Canada French colonization of Canada D.D. English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region,

and the South and the South E.E. From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake region From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake region F.F. Religious diversity in the American colonies Religious diversity in the American colonies G.G. Resistance to colonial authority: Bacon's Rebellion, the Glorious Resistance to colonial authority: Bacon's Rebellion, the Glorious

Revolution, and the Pueblo Revolt Revolution, and the Pueblo Revolt 3. Colonial North America, 1690-17543. Colonial North America, 1690-1754A.A. Population growth and immigration Population growth and immigration B.B. Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaports Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaports C.C. The eighteenth-century back country The eighteenth-century back country D.D. Growth of plantation economies and slave societies Growth of plantation economies and slave societies E.E. The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening F.F. Colonial governments and imperial policy in British North Colonial governments and imperial policy in British North

America America

Page 3: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Possible Essay QuestionsPossible Essay Questions

Compare the ways in which religion Compare the ways in which religion shaped the development of colonial shaped the development of colonial society (to 1740) in TWO of the society (to 1740) in TWO of the following regions:following regions:

New EnglandNew England ChesapeakeChesapeake Middle AtlanticMiddle Atlantic

““The English founded colonies to The English founded colonies to escape oppression in England.” escape oppression in England.”

Assess the validity of this statement.Assess the validity of this statement.

Page 4: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

““Geography was the primary factor Geography was the primary factor in shaping the development of the in shaping the development of the British colonies in North America”British colonies in North America” Assess the validity of this statement for Assess the validity of this statement for

the 1600’s.the 1600’s.

Page 5: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

English Exploration English Exploration

Cabot-(1497) explored for the Cabot-(1497) explored for the English, Newfoundland, looking for English, Newfoundland, looking for Northwest Passage, claimed Northwest Passage, claimed Northern portion of North America Northern portion of North America for Englishfor English

Page 6: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

English Empire= IrelandEnglish Empire= Ireland English began to invade English began to invade

and control Ireland in and control Ireland in the early 1400s.the early 1400s.

They found that it was They found that it was not possible to pacify the not possible to pacify the Irish readily and created Irish readily and created a pattern that was a pattern that was repeated in the New repeated in the New World.World.

Plantation-Plantation- different different than a large farm- really than a large farm- really a system of planting a system of planting settlers in a hostile settlers in a hostile territory in an effort to territory in an effort to hold the land.hold the land.

Pattern:Pattern: First try to negotiate First try to negotiate

for land and for land and allegianceallegiance

Expel the nativesExpel the natives Move in populationMove in population

Parallels to North Parallels to North American Indians and American Indians and Irish were clearIrish were clear

Page 7: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

TimelineTimeline -1607 Jamestown is Founded-1607 Jamestown is Founded -1620 Pilgrims Land in Plymouth-1620 Pilgrims Land in Plymouth -1639-1640 The Great Migration-1639-1640 The Great Migration -1634 Lord Baltimore Founds -1634 Lord Baltimore Founds

MarylandMaryland -1636 Thomas Hooker Founds -1636 Thomas Hooker Founds

ConnecticutConnecticut Puritans Found Harvard Puritans Found Harvard

UniversityUniversity 1639 Fundamental Orders Written 1639 Fundamental Orders Written

in Connecticut-in Connecticut- 1644 Roger Williams Established 1644 Roger Williams Established

Rhode IslandRhode Island -1663 The Carolinas are Founded-1663 The Carolinas are Founded 1664 The English Take New York 1664 The English Take New York

From the DutchFrom the Dutch

-1675 King Phillip’s War-1675 King Phillip’s War -1676 Bacon’s Rebellion-1676 Bacon’s Rebellion -1679 New Hampshire is -1679 New Hampshire is

EstablishedEstablished -1682 William Penn -1682 William Penn

Founds PennsylvaniaFounds Pennsylvania -1702 New Jersey Units -1702 New Jersey Units

Under a Royal CharterUnder a Royal Charter-1712 The Carolinas are -1712 The Carolinas are Divided Into North and Divided Into North and SouthSouth

-1732 Oglethorpe -1732 Oglethorpe Founds Georgia for Founds Georgia for DebtorsDebtors

Page 8: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans


Jamestown Jamestown (1584) Elizabeth I(1584) Elizabeth I began English monarch’s began English monarch’s

sponsorship of colonies in North Americasponsorship of colonies in North America Queen gave Gilbert a license, when he died Queen gave Gilbert a license, when he died

the, half brother – the, half brother – Walter RaleighWalter Raleigh the the license to start a colony in North America. license to start a colony in North America.

1585 Raleigh sent settlers to Roanoke, part 1585 Raleigh sent settlers to Roanoke, part of original of original Virginia-Virginia-

After a number of expeditions, settlers of After a number of expeditions, settlers of RoanokeRoanoke disappeared and they were never disappeared and they were never seen again, mysterious note of seen again, mysterious note of CroatoanCroatoan carved on a tree. (1590)carved on a tree. (1590)

Page 9: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans
Page 10: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Joint-Stock CompanyJoint-Stock Company Private investors bought shares in trading Private investors bought shares in trading

companies and sponsored colonies in companies and sponsored colonies in AmericaAmerica

Business Run Colony= reduced royal Business Run Colony= reduced royal controlcontrol

These companies contracted with the crown These companies contracted with the crown example:example:

The The Virginia Company of London Virginia Company of London (Southern (Southern land)land)16061606 sent 3 ships, 144 men established sent 3 ships, 144 men established JamestownJamestown- - ChesapeakeChesapeake area. area.

The The Virginia Company of Plymouth Virginia Company of Plymouth (Northern Land Grant)(Northern Land Grant)

Page 11: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

JamestownJamestown: First : First permanentpermanent English English

settlement in Americasettlement in America Named after Named after King James IKing James I Settlement was in bad location, low, Settlement was in bad location, low,

swampy land, malaria was commonswampy land, malaria was common Algonquian Chief Algonquian Chief Powhatan-Powhatan- daughter daughter

was Pocahontaswas Pocahontas Captain John SmithCaptain John Smith was one early was one early

officer of the colony- helped bring officer of the colony- helped bring order to the colony by creating strict order to the colony by creating strict rules to live by.rules to live by.

Page 12: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Jamestown: Social Jamestown: Social Early period, mostly males, “get rich quick” Early period, mostly males, “get rich quick”

single, 4-5 males to 1 femalesingle, 4-5 males to 1 female Few women,Few women, few families, hunting for gold few families, hunting for gold Life was difficult, starvation common early Life was difficult, starvation common early

“The Starving Time”“The Starving Time” Population was lured to Jamestown through Population was lured to Jamestown through

Indentured ServitudeIndentured Servitude, , passage to new passage to new world in exchange for working the land for world in exchange for working the land for a specific period of time. The hope was that a specific period of time. The hope was that after the period of servitude land would be after the period of servitude land would be obtained.obtained.

Very individualisticVery individualistic Headright- Headright- system, in an effort to system, in an effort to

encourage immigration to Virginia, land-encourage immigration to Virginia, land-grant of 50 acresgrant of 50 acres

Page 13: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Jamestown: Relationship Jamestown: Relationship with Indianswith Indians

At first the Indians tolerated the colonists and At first the Indians tolerated the colonists and even helped provide food, and agriculture even helped provide food, and agriculture techniques (John Smith- was captured and techniques (John Smith- was captured and released) released)

Later hostilities break out, open and periodic Later hostilities break out, open and periodic warfarewarfare

Indians and Anglo societies do not mix from Indians and Anglo societies do not mix from the beginning.the beginning.

Issues of land ownership, land use, pattern of Issues of land ownership, land use, pattern of living cause conflict- to last through till the living cause conflict- to last through till the 2020thth century century

Page 14: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Jamestown: EconomicJamestown: Economic First years were subsistence agriculture, First years were subsistence agriculture,

learning form Indians what crops to grow learning form Indians what crops to grow to liveto live

Later Later TobaccoTobacco economy develops as a economy develops as a cash cropcash crop for very lucrative trade. for very lucrative trade.

John RolfeJohn Rolfe is and example of tobacco is and example of tobacco entrepreneur (married entrepreneur (married PocahontasPocahontas))

As labor demands increase, African slaves As labor demands increase, African slaves begin to be imported in 1619begin to be imported in 1619

Other industriesOther industries develop to sustain the develop to sustain the colony: lumber, glassworks, ironworks…colony: lumber, glassworks, ironworks…

Page 15: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Jamestown: PoliticalJamestown: Political

1619, the Virginia Company created 1619, the Virginia Company created the first representative body in the first representative body in America, the America, the House of BurgessesHouse of Burgesses

Governor Governor appointed by the Crownappointed by the Crown

Page 16: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Royal ColonyRoyal Colony

A colony controlled directly by the A colony controlled directly by the Crown of England, not a private Crown of England, not a private companycompany

1624, James I revoked the charter of 1624, James I revoked the charter of the Virginia Company because of the Virginia Company because of debtsdebts

Page 17: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Maryland 1632Maryland 1632

Charles I, divided Virginia and gave part to Charles I, divided Virginia and gave part to George Calvert or Lord Baltimore-George Calvert or Lord Baltimore-

Proprietary Colony-Proprietary Colony- colony under the control colony under the control of a single owner- but loyal to the Crownof a single owner- but loyal to the Crown

Calvert was a catholic- allowed Catholics to Calvert was a catholic- allowed Catholics to move, “move, “Catholic RefugeCatholic Refuge” but still a minority, ” but still a minority, mostly protestants.mostly protestants.

1649, 1649, Act of TolerationAct of Toleration or or “Act Concerning “Act Concerning Religion”Religion” the Calverts persuaded the the Calverts persuaded the Assembly to adopt a law of religious Assembly to adopt a law of religious toleration- but only for Christians toleration- but only for Christians

Page 18: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Maryland:Maryland: Strong control by Strong control by

Proprietor, Lord Proprietor, Lord BaltimoreBaltimore

Tobacco EconomyTobacco Economy Large plantationsLarge plantations Slave laborSlave labor Headright SystemHeadright System Refuge for Refuge for

CatholicsCatholics Indentured Indentured


Page 19: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Which Colony would Which Colony would appreciate this poem most?appreciate this poem most?

They cry, they roar for anguish They cry, they roar for anguish sore,sore,

And gnaw their tongues for And gnaw their tongues for horrour. But get awayhorrour. But get away

Without delay,Without delay,

Christ pitties not your cry:Christ pitties not your cry:

Depart to Hell, there may you yell,Depart to Hell, there may you yell,

And roar Eternally.And roar Eternally.

Page 20: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

New England Colonies:New England Colonies:Religious Motives v. MoneyReligious Motives v. Money

PuritansPuritans or English or English Calvinists- rejected Calvinists- rejected Catholicism and were critical Catholicism and were critical of English King James- some of English King James- some left and were known as left and were known as Separatists Separatists also knownalso known as as Pilgrims.Pilgrims.

Virginia Company of Virginia Company of Plymouth- allowed Pilgrims Plymouth- allowed Pilgrims to settle- to settle- Mayflower-Mayflower- 102 102 people, ½ Pilgrimspeople, ½ Pilgrims

1620- Established Plymouth 1620- Established Plymouth Colony Colony

Not Sanctioned by crown till Not Sanctioned by crown till later when merged with later when merged with Mass BayMass Bay

Page 21: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Mayflower CompactMayflower Compact

Before Pilgrims Before Pilgrims stepped ashore in stepped ashore in America they America they created an created an covenant covenant or contract-or contract- to abide to abide by the laws of the by the laws of the community and to community and to create a create a government- (this government- (this was not a was not a constitution)constitution)

Page 22: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Plymouth:Plymouth: Social AspectsSocial Aspects Traveled in families- Traveled in families-

tight communitytight community Very religious- Very religious-

intolerant of intolerant of differencesdifferences

Small population, Small population, grows to 300 after 10 grows to 300 after 10 yearsyears

Some cooperation Some cooperation with Indians at first with Indians at first later conflicts occurlater conflicts occur

Literacy importantLiteracy important

EconomicEconomic Aspects Aspects No large No large

plantationsplantations Small landholdingsSmall landholdings Traded Traded fur, fish, fur, fish,

lumberlumber Strong work ethicStrong work ethic

PoliticalPolitical Male dominatedMale dominated Election of Election of

governor- governor- William William Bradford-Bradford- served served for 30 yearsfor 30 years

Page 23: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans
Page 24: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Massachusetts BayMassachusetts Bay

The Second colony to be founded in the The Second colony to be founded in the North North

Charter from King, Massachusetts Bay Charter from King, Massachusetts Bay Company- Joint Stock CompanyCompany- Joint Stock Company

Share holders elected Share holders elected John WinthropJohn Winthrop as Governoras Governor

1630- 1000 settlers came- no control by 1630- 1000 settlers came- no control by owners in Englandowners in England

Boston area and Eastern MassachusettsBoston area and Eastern Massachusetts

Page 25: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Massachusetts Bay Massachusetts Bay ColonyColony

Very religious community/Very religious community/PuritansPuritans WinthropWinthrop wanted to create the a holy model wanted to create the a holy model

of purity- “City upon a hill” as an example to of purity- “City upon a hill” as an example to allall

John Cotton- was a prominent John Cotton- was a prominent clergyman/community leader urged religious clergyman/community leader urged religious pietypiety

All All adult free menadult free men, part of a , part of a Puritan Puritan congregationcongregation could vote could vote

Town hall meetingsTown hall meetings used to discuss and vote used to discuss and vote on local matterson local matters

** one significant factor, no religious leader ** one significant factor, no religious leader could hold office.could hold office.

Page 26: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Great MigrationGreat Migration

1630s during the English Civil War 1630s during the English Civil War 15,000, many puritans move to 15,000, many puritans move to Massachusetts BayMassachusetts Bay..

More people moved to New England than More people moved to New England than in Virginiain Virginia

1696- 87,000 pop (NE)1696- 87,000 pop (NE) 17001700

Massachusetts = 56,000 -Virginia 42,000Massachusetts = 56,000 -Virginia 42,000

Page 27: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

New England: Mixed New England: Mixed EconomyEconomy

Individual farmersIndividual farmers No large cash cropNo large cash crop TradedTraded: lumber, ships stores, ship : lumber, ships stores, ship

building, sawmills, fish, livestock, building, sawmills, fish, livestock, participated in slave trade-participated in slave trade- to the to the West Indies (Caribbean) West Indies (Caribbean)

Page 28: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Protestant Work EthicProtestant Work Ethic

One of the most influential One of the most influential contributions the Puritan culture contributions the Puritan culture offered and continues through today offered and continues through today is the idea of hard work.is the idea of hard work.

Puritans believed hard work was the Puritans believed hard work was the way to salvation. way to salvation.

Page 29: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

1636 Harvard1636 Harvard and the and the PuritansPuritans

Puritans created the first Puritans created the first universities in British colonies-universities in British colonies-

To educate the clergy.To educate the clergy.

Page 30: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Anne HutchinsonAnne Hutchinson

Out-spoken woman of Mass BayOut-spoken woman of Mass Bay Believed and stated many clergy Believed and stated many clergy

were not part of the “elect” and were not part of the “elect” and should not have authorityshould not have authority

Known as the Known as the AntinomianAntinomian heresy. heresy. Was banished from Mass Bay went Was banished from Mass Bay went

to Rhode Islandto Rhode Island

Page 31: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Rhode IslandRhode Island Roger Williams -- minister from SalemRoger Williams -- minister from Salem

a. Extreme Separatist who challenged legality of Plymouth and a. Extreme Separatist who challenged legality of Plymouth and Bay Colony charters because land belonged to Indians and was Bay Colony charters because land belonged to Indians and was not the king’s land to grant. not the king’s land to grant. -- -- Claimed colony took land from Indians w/o fair compensation Claimed colony took land from Indians w/o fair compensation

b. " b. "liberty of conscience"liberty of conscience" i. i. Williams denied authority of civil gov't to regulate religious Williams denied authority of civil gov't to regulate religious behaviorbehavior. . -- Stated gov’t could only punish civil crimes while the church -- Stated gov’t could only punish civil crimes while the church alone had responsibility for religious discipline. alone had responsibility for religious discipline. -- --

Stated that no man should be forced to go to church. Stated that no man should be forced to go to church. -- In effect, challenged the basis of the Massachusetts Bay -- In effect, challenged the basis of the Massachusetts Bay government. government.

c. c. General Court banishedGeneral Court banished him from colony in October, 1635 him from colony in October, 1635 and Williams fled in winter of 1636 to Narragansett Bay; and Williams fled in winter of 1636 to Narragansett Bay; sheltered by Indian friends. sheltered by Indian friends. d. He purchased lands from Indians and founded the community d. He purchased lands from Indians and founded the community of Providence, of Providence, accepting all settlers regardless of their accepting all settlers regardless of their beliefsbeliefs. . Rhode IslandRhode Island

Page 32: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Connecticut 1635Connecticut 1635

Thomas Hooker-Thomas Hooker- from Massachusetts from Massachusetts BayBay

Led a group of Puritans west to establish Led a group of Puritans west to establish Hartford (Fertile Land) Hartford (Fertile Land)

Fundamental Orders of ConnecticutFundamental Orders of Connecticut: : created an independent colony of similar created an independent colony of similar to Mass. Bay;to Mass. Bay;

Was the Was the firstfirst modern modern Constitution in Constitution in AmericaAmerica

Page 33: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

CarolinasCarolinas Proprietary colony (8 Proprietary colony (8

owners)- Mixed population- owners)- Mixed population- many from other colonies- many from other colonies- Virginia and BarbadosVirginia and Barbados

Headrights-Headrights- Brought slaves with them, Brought slaves with them,

large % of population large % of population slavesslaves

Fundamental Fundamental Constitution of Constitution of Carolina-Carolina- provide order- provide order- division of land, Freedom division of land, Freedom of Conscious (religion) of Conscious (religion) Never was fully enactedNever was fully enacted

Tobacco economy, but Tobacco economy, but included rice, indigo, included rice, indigo, cotton, cotton,

North Carolina- 1700- North Carolina- 1700- 4-5000 people4-5000 people

Tobacco was Tobacco was paramountparamount

1700 south Carolina 1700 south Carolina had 10,000 people, had 10,000 people, majority blackmajority black

Split and Royal colony Split and Royal colony after 1729after 1729

Page 34: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

New York and New JerseyNew York and New Jersey

Proprietary coloniesProprietary colonies Taken from the Dutch by force (1664)Taken from the Dutch by force (1664) King Charles II sends troops and fleet to King Charles II sends troops and fleet to

take and given to James II.take and given to James II. Freedom of religion to all ChristiansFreedom of religion to all Christians Some participatory government Some participatory government

(assembly)(assembly) Changes to Royal colony in 1685Changes to Royal colony in 1685 Trade important- Trade important- farming importantfarming important

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Page 37: English Colonies 1600-1700. AP Outline 2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 A. First European contacts with Native Americans

Pennsylvania (1681)Pennsylvania (1681) Proprietary Colony-Proprietary Colony-

William Penn given William Penn given ownership- debts owed ownership- debts owed by Crown to his family.by Crown to his family.

Refuge for Quakers: Refuge for Quakers: “Society of Friends”“Society of Friends”

BeliefsBeliefs: equality : equality (including gender), no (including gender), no kneeling, no oaths, kneeling, no oaths, pacifists, anti-violence, pacifists, anti-violence, plain clothes plain clothes

Large colonyLarge colony

Freedom of Freedom of worshipworship Diverse population-Diverse population-

German, Swedes, FinsGerman, Swedes, Fins Political: Political: PennPenn held held

much much power (nearly power (nearly absolute)absolute)

Elected Elected assembly-assembly- to to help governhelp govern

English- held power of English- held power of legal reviewlegal review and and regulated traderegulated trade

FriendlyFriendly relations with relations with IndiansIndians

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