English Within 20 Minutes Spm

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PAGEPRACTICE 1 -Idioms in Context

2PRACTICE 2 -Idioms in Context

3PRACTICE 3 -Idioms in Context



PRACTICE 4 -Commonly Misspelt Word


PRACTICE 5 -Homophones


PRACTICE 6 -Writing Correct Sentences


PRACTICE 7 -Writing Cohesive Paragraphs



PRACTICE 8 -Negative Forms

16PRACTICE 9 -Antonyms

17PRACTICE 10 - Correction of Errors - Tenses



PRACTICE 11 - Writing Speeches

21PRACTICE 12 - Identification of Errors



PRACTICE 13 - Writing Better Sentences



PRACTICE 14 - Diffusing Words

35PRACTICE 15 - Matching Questions to Paragraphs

36PRACTICE 16 - Elaborating Topic Sentences




Activity 1

Read aloud the following idioms and their meanings.

Then copy the idioms and their meanings into your EW20 exercise book.

You are encouraged to use these idioms when writing sentences.

1. A bundle of nerves

To be very nervous.

2. At the crack of dawn

Very early in the morning

3. Foot the bill

To pay for something

4. Put (something) on the back burner

To delay.

5. Hit the nail on the head

To be absolutely accurate

6. Set ones heart on

To be very keen to get

7. Pluck up courage

To force oneself to do something.

8. A piece of cake

Very easy or simple

9. With flying colours

Very successfully

10. Grin from ear to ear

To smile broadly, to look very happy


Activity 1

Study the idioms and their meanings. Then, do the following activity.



1. give me a break1. give me a chance

2. face the music2. to meet and deal with the unpleasant results of ones actions

3. year in, year out3. occur every year

4. wash ones hands off4. to refuse to accept responsibility for something

5. jump the queue5. to go in front of others in a queue

6. make up ones mind6. decide what to do

7. keep an eye on7. to watch carefully

8. live from hand to mouth8. poor, having just enough to buy food

9. give and take9. be tolerant and cooperative

10. on the road10. travelling

11. keep an eye out for11. be on the lookout for

12. call it a day12. stop work for the day

13. break the ice13. to remove nervousness to make people feel comfortable with each other

14. burn the midnight oil14. study or work all night

Activity 2Rearrange the following words to form correct idioms. Write the idioms in the spaces provided. Refer to List A.


ice break thebreak the ice

1. midnight burn oil the ____________________________________________________

2. it a day call


3. the face music

____________________________________________________4. take give and


5. me a break give


6. the queue jump


7. eye on keep an


8. road on the

____________________________________________________Activity 3

Study the idioms and their meanings in List A (Activity 1).

Then, write the most suitable meanings in the spaces provided.


break the ice

Start something new

1. burn the midnight oil

2. call it a day

3. face the music

4. give and take

5. give me a break

6. jump the queue

7. keep an eye on

8. on the road

9. break the ice

10. wash ones hands off


Activity 1

1. Study the following sentences.

2. Identify the errors in the idioms.

3. Rearrange them and write the sentences in the spaces provided.

e.g. John solved the problem with his computer. It was cake a piece of. (very simple)

John solved the problem with his computer. It was a piece of cake.

1. It is time about that you complete your History project. (something that should have been done earlier)


2. Their love affair is an secret open. ( be known to many people)


3. The cobbler earns his and butter bread by mending shoes. (ones livelihood)


4. The repair to his lorry cost a him leg and arm an. (very expensive)


5. We must touch in keep with our friends. (to talk or write to someone)


6. Dr Faiz has his mind up made to marry after his trip to ISS. (decide what to do)

7. Krishnan was feeling the under weather yesterday, so he went to see the doctor. (sick)

8. My great grandmother is still at young heart. She enjoys parties and concerts. (still feeling and behaving young)

Activity 2

1. The following sentences contain idioms.

2. Read the sentences aloud for correct pronunciation and intonation.

3. Copy these sentences to form a paragraph into your EW20 exercise book.

4. Then read the written paragraph again.

1. Hanu Austin was on his way to take his driving test and he was a bundle of nerves.

2. He got up at the crack of dawn to read his manual once more.

3. He remembered what his father said, Its easier to move around if you can drive and Ill foot the bill for the lessons.

4. However, Hanu put the idea on the back burner for some time.

5. Then he discovered that his father had hit the nail on the head.

6. He decided to set his heart on getting his licence.

7. With a great deal of encouragement, he plucked up enough courage to enrol for driving lessons.

8. He thought learning to drive should be a piece of cake.

9. His driving instructor, Mr Wong, was sure that he would pass with flying colours.

10. Finally, as he came out of the test centre, he was grinning from ear to ear. He had passed.


Practice 2 Activity 21. burn the midnight oil

2. call it a day

3. face the music

4. give and take

5. give me a break

6. jump the queue

7. keep an eye on

8. on the road

Practice 2 Activity 3

1. study or work all night

2. stop work for the day

3. to meet and deal with the unpleasant results of ones actions

4. be tolerant and cooperative

5. give me a chance

6. to go in front of others in a queue

7. to watch carefully

8. travelling

9. to remove nervousness to make people feel comfortable with each other

10. to refuse to accept responsibility for something

Practice 3 Activity 1

1. about time

2. an open secret

3. bread and butter

4. cost him an arm and a leg

5. keep in touch

6. made up his mind

7. under the weather

8. young at heartPractice 3 Activity 2Hanu Austin was on his way to take his driving test and he was a bundle of nerves. He got up at the crack of dawn to read his manual once more. He remembered what his father said, Its easier to move around if you can drive and Ill foot the bill for the lessons. However, Hanu put the idea on the back burner for some time. When he left college and wanted to meet his friends, he could not drive. Then he discovered that his father had hit the nail on the head. He decided to set his heart on getting his licence. With a great deal of encouragement, he plucked up enough courage to enrol for driving lessons. He thought learning to drive should be a piece of cake. His driving instructor, Mr Wong, was sure that he would pass with flying colours. Finally, as he came out of the test centre, he was grinning from ear to ear. He had passed. PRACTICE 4 COMMONLY MISSPELT WORDS

Activity 1Here is a list of words which are often misspelt. Learn up the correct spelling.

Write the words with the correct spelling in the spaces provided.

e.g. because



1. until



2. freind



3. tomorrow



4. definition



5. bicycle



6. receive



7. sponsor



8. government



9. success



10. oppinion



11. suddenly



12. museum



13. competition



14. title



15. music



16. continue



17. oportunity



18. receipt



19. traditional



20. motorcycle



21. definitely



22. occupation



23. occasion



24. television



25. necessary



26. village



27. disappointed



28. curriculum



29. reference



30. pencil



31. artist



32. writing



33. environment



34. beginning



Activity 2

Read this passage about playing safety in the playground. Rearrange the jumbled up letters and write the words in the blanks.

Safety In The Playground

It is important to always obey school rules. Students __________1(braek) the rules daily, and are making the playground a dangerous __________ 2(palce).

Frequently students run on the paths __________3(wehn) they know they should __________4(wlak), especially if it has been raining overnight. These students __________5(sdloem) think of the __________6(sfeaty) of others even though the teachers __________7(rienmd) them about it at the assembly. Sometimes the __________8(tehcear) on duty catches a student disobeying and the student has to __________9(rporet) to the office fortnightly. However, __________10(otefn) they get away with it and __________11(smoe) students only remember briefly what the __________12(pripnical) tells them.

These students should never be allowed to endanger __________13(otreh) people. They should be made to sit outside the school office for a week and if they disobey __________14(aigan), they should be banned permanently __________15(fmro) the playground.

PRACTICE 5 HOMOPHONESChoose the correct word from the brackets to complete each of the sentences below. Write the word in the blank.

1. We made sandcastles at the __________ today.

(beech, beach)

2. My train __________ was very expensive.

(fare, fair)

3. I __________ a small donkey.

(road, rode)

4. __________ you like a cup of tea?

(would, wood)

5. He bought a __________ pair of shoes yesterday.

(knew, new)

6. You look awfully __________: are you all right?

(pale, pail)

7. My mother loves to eat __________:

(pears, pairs)

8. The strong wind __________ his papers away.

(blue, blew)

9. Vegetarians do not eat __________.

(meet, meat)

10. Mother uses __________ to bake bread.

(flour, flower)

11. The Prince of Wales is __________ to the throne.

(air, heir)

12. __________ is the book?

(wear, where)

13. Adlis children like to eat __________ for breakfast.(cereal, serial)

14. Please do not __________ your time.

(waste, waist)

15. The students will be going for the trip next __________.(weak, week)


Rearrange the following words to form meaningful sentences. Write the sentences in the spaces provided. Then, read the sentences aloud for pronunciation and intonation practice.

e.g.loves. to. school. he. walk. to

He loves to walk to school.

am - a - I - prefect - school


of - Jim - afraid - snakes - is


sing - Aileen - and - dance - can


fast - The - man - cannot - run - old


is - class - boy - tallest - the - Ali - in


to - fly - Elephants - are - able - not


teachers - obey - We - our - must


Shida - loves - skydiving, - Besides - also - swimming


the - wall - The - horse - jump - can - over


headmaster - spoke - assembly - The - school - at - the


train - the - at - The - arrived - station - on - time


national - flag - citizens - respect - must - the - All


sells - The - shop - various - of costumes - kind________________________________________________________________


Read and rearrange the following paragraphs in the correct order. Then, write them in your exercise books.


However, it must be understood that not all peer pressure is bad. There is also positive peer pressure. For example, when you learn from friends or when you decide to study together, then peer pressure is not bad. For example, if we learn from good examples shown by friends about acceptable behaviour, the peer pressure has positive effects. On the other hand, simply following the crowd when friends ask you to smoke , to cheat or lie to your parents is negative peer pressure.(2) All of us must have experienced peer pressure at one time or another in our lives. Who are our peers? They are people of the same rank or age. Therefore, peer pressure can be explained as the influence on a person by other people about the same age and probably in the same class. (3)

Therefore, it is important that we should be sensible enough to say no to negative peer pressure. We should also be sound enough to distinguish what is negative peer pressure from influences that can benefit us.(4)

There are many reasons why people give in to pressure. We want to be liked or be popular. So, we do what others tell us to do. We want to fit in and not be left out. So, we do what others are doing. Sometimes, it is curiosity that kills the cat. We are curious about what people are doing. Lastly, we tend to do what the others are doing simply because we have this follow the crowd mentality. We would feel lost if we did not follow what others are doing.ANSWER KEY

Practice 4 Activity 1

1. until

2. friend3. tomorrow

4. definition

5. bicycle

6. receive

7. sponsor

8. government

9. success

10. opinion

11. suddenly12. museum

13. competition

14. title

15. music

16. continue

17. opportunity

18. receipt

19. traditional

20. motorcycle

21. definitely

22. occupation23. occasion

24. television

25. necessary

26. village27. disappointed28. curriculum29. reference

30. pencil31. artist32. writing33. environment34. beginning

Practice 4 Activity 2

Safety In The Playground

It is important to always obey school rules. Students break 1(braek) the rules daily, and are making the playground a dangerous place 2(palce) to be.

Frequently students run on the paths when 3(wehn) they know they should walk 4(wlak), especially if it has been raining overnight. These students seldom 5(sdloem) think of safety 6(sfeaty) of others even though the teachers remind 7(rienmd) us weekly at our assembly. Sometimes the teacher 8(tehcear) on duty catches a student disobeying and the student has to report 9(rporet) to the office fortnightly. However, often 10(otefn) they get away with it and some11(smoe) students only remember briefly what the principal 12(pripnical) tells them.

These students should never be allowed to endanger other 13(otreh) people. They should be made to sit outside the school office for a week and if they disobey again 14(aigan), they should be banned permanently from 15(fmro) the playground.

Practice 5

1. beach2. fare3. rode4. would

5. sit6. cut

7. cute8. tap

9. meat

10. dinner11. fill

12. where13. cereal14. waste

15. weekPractice 6

1. I am a school prefect.

2. Jim is afraid of snakes.

3. Aileen can sing and dance. / Aileen can dance and sing.

4. The old man cannot run fast.

5. Ali is the tallest boy in class.

6. Elephants are not able to fly.

7. We must obey our teachers.

8. Besides skydiving, Shida also loves swimming

9. The horse can jump over the wall.

10. The headmaster spoke at the school assembly.

11. The train arrived at the station on time.

12. All citizens must respect the national flag.

13. The shop sells various kinds of costumes.

Practice 7

Paragraph 2, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 4, Paragraph 3PRACTICE 8 NEGATIVE FORMS

Read the following sentences. Circle the verbs in the sentences and change them into NEGATIVE forms. Rewrite the sentences in your EW20 exercise book.

e.g.He goes to school by bus.

He does not go to school by bus.

1) The fishermen brought in all kinds of fish.

2) One of Sallys friends reads the minutes of the meeting to the committee.

3) I will sit beside her at the football match.

4) The matron has reached the hospital.

5) We left for Penang by the night train.

6) Lara and Sara will teach English at the Teachers Training College.

7) These chairs and desks are damaged.

8) The king and queen were at the exhibition.

9) Dody likes to eat vegetables.

10) The young men drive their sports cars at top speed.


Read the following sentences. Give the ANTONYMS of the words in bold. Rewrite the sentences in yourEW20 exercise book.

e.g. The old lady cries after being informed about the bad news.

The young lady cries after being informed about the bad news.

1) He is a brave soldier.

2) The teachers voice is very soft.

3) The room is dirty and dull.

4) Lily has made a tasty lunch.

5) He is innocent.

6) The tourists arrived at 3.00 p.m.

7) The knives are blunt.

8) Mr. Jay is a generous and kind man.

9) The ballerina dances gracefully.

10) It is always cold in the morning.


Activity 1

1. Read the following paragraph.

2. Correct the tense of the words underlined.

3. Copy the paragraph into your EW20 exercise book.

Activity 2

Copy the paragraph in the box. Then, change the verbs underlined to the Simple Past Tense.


Practice 8

1. The fishermen did not bring in all kinds of fish.

2. One of Sallys friends does not read the minutes of the meeting to the committee.

3. I will not sit beside her at the football match.

4. The matron has not reached the hospital.

5. We did not leave for Penang by the night train.

6. Lara and Sara will not /teach English at the Teachers Training College.

7. These chairs and desks are not damaged.

8. The king and queen were not at the exhibition.

9. Dody does not / doesnt like to eat vegetables.

10. The young men do not drive their sports cars at top speed.

Practice 9

1. He is a timid soldier.

2. The teachers voice is very loud.

3. The room is clean and attractive / bright.

4. Lily has made a tasteless lunch.

5. He is guilty.

6. The tourists departed at 3.00 p.m.

7. The knives are sharp.

8. Mr. Jay is a selfish and cruel man.

9. The ballerina dances clumsily / awkwardly.

10. It is always hot in the evening.

Practice 10

Activity 1

Penang Island has a variety of attractions to offer its visitors whatever their preferences are. Popularly known as the Pearl of the Orient, the island is linked to the mainland by a 13.5km long bridge, reputedly the longest in Asia. If you choose to go to the mainland by ferry from Butterworth in the mainland, the ride takes you only ten minutes. You could disembark at the jetty. From the jetty, Georgetown is just within walking distance. Georgetown, the capital, is the seat of the state government and the commercial hub. It is a quaintly attractive town with modern sky scrappers existing side by side with older buildings.

Activity 2

My Aunt Esah had some very strange habits. She got up at 2 a.m. and cooked a huge breakfast for herself. It was always the same breakfast. She had eggs and sardines, and coffee. The first thing she did was, she boiled the water for the coffee. While it boiled, she started frying the eggs. While they were cooking in the pan, she took out her tin-opener and opened the tin of sardines. She had one special tin-opener which she treasured dearly. She also loved her frying-pan which she scrubbed and polished carefully until its copper bottom gleamed and she could see her face reflected in it. She loved it so much that she always talked to it as she cleaned it or cooked with it. She also talked to her tin-opener, of course, and also to her kettle and coffee pot, for that matter. They had all been with her since the day she was married.


Activity 1

Copy the following speech in your EW20 exercise book.

Good morning, Mr. Dewey Chan, the principal, teachers and fellow friends. I am Jana Lane. I am proud to have been chosen as the most outstanding SPM student this year. I must thank all the teachers who have helped me to achieve this. I am honoured to be invited to give a talk on Tips on Scoring in Exams.

The first tip is, you should have a good timetable so that you do not leave out any subject or topic when you are revising. You should allocate more time to your weaker subjects and less time to the subjects in which you are good. Therefore, you can study intelligently and systematically.

Secondly, you should start your revision early. Prepare for the examinations at least a month ahead so that you will be well-prepared. Put aside a few hours a day for your revision.

In addition, it is good to go over past years examination question papers. This will help you to familiarise yourselves with the topics for the exams. Remember, practice makes perfect.

Apart from this, you have to listen carefully and pay attention during lessons. This will enable you to understand better what is being taught.

Another good way of studying is having group discussions. A few heads are better than just one. By having group discussions, you will be able to discuss problems and exchange information as well as share opinions among the group members.

Finally, you must balance your time between studies and recreation. It should not be all work and no play. Do something different that diverts your mind from your studies. Make sure you have enough time for rest and recreation, for example, you can listen to music, play games, dance or exercise.

These are all the tips I can share with you. I hope they will be useful to you. Before I end, I would like to wish all of you, All the very best in your SPM examination. Thank you.

Activity 2

Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. Then, rewrite the introduction of this speech into your EW20 exercise book.


Good morning to _______(name of your principal), the principal, teachers and fellow friends. I am _____(your name). I am proud to have been chosen as the most outstanding SPM student this year. I must thank all the teachers who have helped me to achieve this. I am honoured to be invited to give a talk on _____(title of the speech).

Choose the better elaboration from the boxes for each of the point. Rewrite your choice in the space provided.


The first tip is you should have a good timetable so that you do not leave out any subject or topic when you are revising.



Secondly, you should start your revision early.



In addition, it is good to go over past years examination question papers.



Apart from this, you have to listen carefully and pay attention during lessons.



Another good way of studying is having group discussions.



Finally, you must balance your time between studies and recreation.



Rewrite the conclusion of the speech in your exercise book. Fill in the blank with a suitable answer.


These are all the tips I can share with you. I hope they will be useful. Before I end, I would like to wish all of you, All the very best in your SPM examination. _____(thanking the audience).

(Note: No Answer Key for Practice 11)PRACTICE 12 - IDENTIFICATION OF ERRORSActivity 1

Read the following paragraph

The effects of global warming can be seen in the vanishing corals and also in abnormal and intense storms. Global warming is caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases. We can help reduce the effects of global warming by appreciating and being aware of the issue as well as reading about it. We can also join voluntary organisations and encourage family and friends to join in too. Other ways are by cutting down or quitting smoking, using energy wisely, car pooling and maintaining our vehicles so that they do not emit foul exhaust fumes and using public transportation. We should not practise open burning and report such a practice to the relevant authorities if we happen to witness it.In each of the following groups of words, there is an error.

Write down these words into your exercise books, underline the error and correct it.

1. effects




2. globall



3. warmingwarmedwamr

4. volunteervoluntarivoluntarilyvolunteering

5. cause


6. four




7. use



8. smoke




9. relevancerelevantlyrelevanter

10. wisest




Activity 2

Copy the sentences below into your EW20 exercise book. Correct the underlined words.

e.g.The effects of global warming can be see in the vanishing corals.

The effects of global warming can be seen in the vanishing corals.

1. The effects of global warming can be seen in abnormally and intense storms.

2. Global warming is causes by the buildup of greenhouse gases.

3. We can help reduce the effects of global warming by appreciate the issue.

4. It can be reduce by being aware of the issue.

5. It also can be reduced by reading about the issue.

6. We can also joins voluntary organisations

7. We can encouraged our family and friends to join in too.

8. Other ways is by cutting down or quitting smoking and using energy wisely.

9. Other ways are by car pooling but maintaining our vehicles.

10. This is to ensure that them do not emit foul exhaust fumes.

11. Another way is before using public transportation.

12. We should not practise opens burning.

13. We should report to relevant authorities of we happen to witness such activity.

Activity 3:

Copy the sentences below into your EW20 exercise books. Each sentence has an error. Identify and correct it.

e.g.The effects of global warming can been seen in the vanishing corals.

The effects of global warming can be seen in the vanishing corals1. Global warming are caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases.

2. We can encouraging our family and friends to join in too.

3. The effects of global warming can be seeing in abnormal and intense storms.

4. We can help reducing the effects of global warming by appreciating the issue.

5. It can be reducing by being aware about the issue.

6. We can also joined voluntary organisations

7. It can also been reduced by reading about the issue.


Practice 12

Activity 1

1. afects affects

2. globall global

3. wamr warm

4. voluntari - voluntary

5. casuing - causing

6. faul foul

7. uesing using

8. somoking smoking

9. relevanter relevant

10. wies wise

Activity 2

1. The effects of global warming can be seen in abnormal and intense storms.

2. Global warming is caused by the build up of greenhouse gases.

3. We can help reduce the effects of global warming by appreciating the issue.

4. It can be reduced by being aware of the issue.

5. It can also be reduced by reading about the issue.

6. We can also join voluntary organisations

7. We can encourage our family and friends to join in too.

8. Other ways are by cutting down or quitting smoking and using energy wisely.

9. Other ways are by car pooling and maintaining our vehicles.

10. This is to ensure that they do not emit foul exhaust fumes.

11. Another way is by using public transportation.

12. We should not practise open burning.

13. We should report to relevant authorities if we happen to witness such activity.

Activity 3

1. Global warming is caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases.

2. We can encourage our family and friends to join in too.

3. The effects of global warming can be seen in abnormal and intense storms.

4. We can help reduce the effects of global warming by appreciating the issue.

5. It can be reduced by being aware about the issue.

6. We can also join voluntary organisations.

7. It can also be reduced by reading about the issue. PRACTICE 13 WRITING BETTER SENTENCESActivity 1

Read the following paragraph

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman. Initially, I had only wanted to spend a week there but I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week. The weather was bright and sunny and I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach. I also met a charming young man and we became close friends. He took me to his house in his sleek, shiny sports car. It was a very small but cozy house with a spacious garden. He took me to a posh restaurant which served some delicious, mouth-watering dishes. He also bought for me an attractive dress. Then we saw an interesting movie.

Complete the sentences below

1. I had a .........................................................................................................................

2. Initially, I had only....................................................................................................

3. I had such an enjoyable ..............................................................................................

4. The weather was..........................................................................................................

5. I had a marvellous .........................................................................................................

6. I also met a ...........................................................................................................

7. He took me ........................................................................................................

8. It was a .........................................................................................

9. He took me ....................................................................................................................

10. He also bought .................................................................................................................

Activity 2

Read the following paragraph

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman. Initially, I had only wanted to spend a week there but I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week. The weather was bright and sunny and I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach. I also met a charming young man and we became close friends. He took me to his house in his sleek, shiny sports car. It was a very small but cozy house with a spacious garden. He took me to a posh restaurant which served some delicious, mouth-watering dishes. He also bought for me an attractive dress. Then we saw an interesting movie.

Rewrite and complete the following sentences.

1. I had - holiday - Pulau Tioman


2. I - spend - a week - enjoyable time


3. weather - sunny - bright



4. I - met - charming - man - became close friends



5. he - bought - me - dress



Activity 3

Read the following paragraph.

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman. Initially, I had only wanted to spend a week there but I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week. The weather was bright and sunny and I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach. I also met a charming young man and we became close friends. He took me to his house in his sleek, shiny sports car. It was a very small but cozy house with a spacious garden. He took me to a posh restaurant which served some delicious, mouth-watering dishes. He also bought for me an attractive dress. Then we saw an interesting movie.

Combine each of the following groups of sentences into one sentence.


I had a wonderful holiday.

I had a holiday in Pulau Tioman.

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman.1. I had only wanted to spend a week there.

I had such a wonderful time.

I decided to extend my vacation for another week.



2. The weather was bright.

The weather was sunny.

I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach.



3. I also met a charming young man.

We became close friends.


4. His house was small. His house was beautiful.

His house has a spacious garden.



Activity 4

Read the following paragraph

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman. Initially, I had only wanted to spend a week there but I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week. The weather was bright and sunny and I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach. I also met a charming young man and we became close friends. He took me to his house in his sleek, shiny sports car. It was a very small but cozy house with a spacious garden. He took me to a posh restaurant which served some delicious, mouth-watering dishes. He also bought for me an attractive dress. Then we saw an interesting movie.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

1. I had a ___________ holiday in Pulau Tioman.

2. I had such an ___________ time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week.

3. The weather was ____________ and ____________.

4. I had _______________ weekend on the ______________ beach.

5. I also met a _______________ young man and we became __________ friends.

6. He took me to his house in his ______________, ________________ ____________ car.

7. It was a very _____________ but ____________ house with a _______________ garden.

8. He took me to a ___________ restaurant which served some ____________, ____________ dishes.

9. He also bought for me an _______________ dress.

10. Then we saw an _____________ movie.

Activity 5

Lengthen these sentences step by step. Add a word or phrase at each level.


I want a house

a. I want a big house.

b. I want to buy a big house

c. I want to buy a big house by the sea

d. I want to buy a big house by the sea when I grow up.

1. I had a holiday.

a. __________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________

c. __________________________________________________________________

d. __________________________________________________________________

2. I go to school.

a. __________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________

c. __________________________________________________________________

d. __________________________________________________________________

3. I like eating ice-cream

a. __________________________________________________________________

b. __________________________________________________________________

c. __________________________________________________________________

d. __________________________________________________________________


Practice 13

Activity 1

1. I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman.

2. Initially, I had only wanted to spend a week there.3. I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week.4. The weather was bright and sunny.5. I had a marvellous weekend.

6. I also met a charming young man.

7. He took me to his house in his sleek, shiny sports car.

8. It was a very small but cosy house with a spacious garden.9. He took me to a posh restaurant which served some delicious, mouth-watering dishes.10. He also bought for me an attractive dress.

Activity 2

1. I had - holiday - Pulau Tioman

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman 2. I - spend - a week - enjoyable time

I had only wanted to spend a week there but I had such an enjoyable time

3. weather - sunny - bright

The weather was bright and sunny

4. I - met - charming - man - became close friends

I also met a charming young man and we became close friends

5. he - bought - me - dress

He also bought for me an attractive dress.

Activity 3

1. I had a wonderful holiday. I had a holiday in Pulau Tioman.

I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman..

2. I had only wanted to spend a week there. I had such a wonderful time. I decided to extend my vacation for another week.

Initially, I had only wanted to spend a week there but I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week.

3. The weather was bright. The weather was sunny. I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach.

The weather was bright and sunny and I had amarvellous weekend on the beautiful beach

4. I also met a charming young man. We became close friends.

I also met a charming young man and we became close friends.

5. His house was small. His house was cosy. His house has a spacious garden.

His house was very small but cosy with a spacious garden

Activity 4

1. I had a wonderful holiday in Pulau Tioman.

2. I had such an enjoyable time that I decided to extend my vacation for another week.

3. The weather was bright and sunny.

4. I had a marvellous weekend on the beautiful beach.

5. I also met a charming young man and we became close friends.

6. He took me to his house in his sleek, shiny sports car.

7. It was a very small but cosy house with a spacious garden.

8. He took me to a posh _ restaurant which served some delicious, mouth-watering dishes.

9. He also bought for me an attractive dress.

10. Then we saw an interesting movie.

Note: No Answer Key for Activity 5PRACTICE 14 DIFFUSING WORDS

The words in the sentences below have been fused together. Break them up and write out the sentences correctly in your EW20 exercise book.

e.g.Juana,themainfemalecharacterinthenovel,ThePearl,playedaveryimportantroleinthestory.Juana, the main female character in the novel, The Pearl, played a very important role in the story.

1. Thecharacteradmiredthemostinthebook,ThePearl,isJuana,thewifeofThePearldiver,Kino.

2. ThecharacterwhomIdislikethemostinthenovel,ThePearl,isthedoctor.

3. Tome,themostimportanteventinthestory,ThePearl,isKinosfindingThePearl.

4. Thebook,ThePearl,hasaverysadortragicending.

5. Aneventinthestory,ThePearl,whichIconsiderahappyoneiswhenKinofoundthelargestpearlintheworld.

6. Inthenovel,ThePearl,thereisoneincidentwhichshowshowpeopleshouldnotbehavetowardsothers.

7. Inthenovel,ThePearl,Kinohadtomakeaverybigsacrifice.

8. Manyoftheimportanteventsinthestory,ThePearl,tookplaceinLaPaz.

9. AssoonasKinofoundThePearl,allsortsoftroublesfelluponhim.

10. Juanawasalsoawomanwhowasnotcrazyaboutwealth.

11. Apearldiver,Kino,hadaveryyoungson,Coyotito.

12. AnotherreasonIadmireJuanaisbecauseofherloveforherhusband.

13. Kinothoughtthatfortunewassmilingonhimwhenhefoundthebiggestpearlintheworld.

14. Inhumanity,hypocrisyandgreedarethenegativehumanqualitiesIhavefoundinthebook,ThePearl.


Activity 1

First, copy the paragraph below into your EW20 exercise book.

The important moral lesson I have learnt from the book, The Pearl, is wifely devotion. It is shown by Juana to her husband, Kino. This quality is clearly shown when she wanted to throw the pearl back into the sea because she saw how much trouble the pearl was causing them. The pearl was very valuable and when sold could help her to lead a life of ease. Yet, she was willing to sacrifice it so that her husband would no longer be troubled by those who wanted to steal the pearl. She was brutally beaten by her husband for attempting to throw the pearl back into the sea but she did not bear a grudge against him because she knew the pearl was supposed to hold all sorts of promises for him.

Now, choose a question that best matches the paragraph above and write it in your exercise books.

A. What is the happy event in the story that you have read?

B. What is the important event in the book that you have read?

C. What are the positive qualities of a character in the book you have read?

D. What important moral lesson have you learnt from the book you have read?

Activity 2

First, copy the paragraph below into your EW20 exercise book.

An event in the story, The Pearl, which I consider happy is when Kino found the largest pearl in the world. The finding of the pearl meant that now Kino could have his son treated by the doctor. The doctor had refused to treat Kinos son because he did not have the money to pay him. With the finding of the pearl, Kino could now hope for a better life for his family. He and Juana could be married in church. Previously, he and Juana were not able to do that. His son, Coyotito, would be able to go to school. Attending school was a luxury beyond the means of most of the people in the fishing village. With the money from the sale of the pearl, Kino and his family would be able to lead a more comfortable life. This event made me very happy because it gave Kino hope for a better life.

Now, choose a question that best matches the paragraph above and write it in your exercise booksA. What is the happy event in the story that you have read?

B. What is the important event in the book that you have read?

C. What are the positive qualities of a character in the book you have read?

D. What important moral lesson have you learnt from the book you have read?

Activity 3

First, copy the paragraph below into your EW20 exercise book.

In the novel, The Pearl, the climax is when Kino fought with the three men who had been following him. It is the most exciting part of the story. It was a matter of life and death for Kino. The fight was a very unequal and unfair one. Kino had to fight against three seasoned killers, one of whom was armed with a gun and the other two with other weapons. If Kino lost the fight, he and his family would be killed and his pearl taken away. If he won, he might be able to save his family. The fight was fast and furious. Kino managed to kill all the three evil men but his child was killed by a shot from the gun of one of the evil men. This part of the story is the climax to me because it is the most exciting part.

Now, choose a question that best matches the paragraph above and write it in your EW20 exercise book.A. What is the happy event in the story that you have read?

B. What is the most exciting part in the book that you have read?

C. What are the positive qualities of a character in the book you have read?

D. What important moral lesson have you learnt from the book you have read?


Copy the following essay into your EW20 exercise book. Leave five lines after each sentence as shown. Then, think of the possible elaborations for each point in the essay.You will be given the rest of the essay to be completd the following day.


English can be said to be the most important and the most useful language in the world today. There are many reasons why you should study the language properly.

The first reason is English will help you a lot when you further your studies.

(leave five lines)

The second reason you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a job.

(leave five lines)

A good command of English will also help you greatly in your job.

(leave five lines)

Good English will also help you when you travel.

(leave five lines)

Besides all these, a good command of the language will enable you to enjoy some of televisions best programmes.

(leave five lines)

Knowing English will also enable you to enjoy some of the worlds most beautiful literary works.

(leave five lines)

You now see the importance of studying English well. You can enjoy many advantages if you improve your English.

Activity 2

Copy these paragraphs into the essay you copied yesterday. Put them in the correct paragraphs.

If the company you work for is involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective customers in English. If your English is bad, you will not be able to get orders for your companys products. You will likely be dismissed.

Every country in the world studies English. Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English. At least, some of the people you meet on your travels in other countries can understand English. So, you will not have any communication problems when you travel to other countries if your English is good. Inevitably, English is one of the languages used in airport announcements. Knowing English will, therefore, make travelling overseas easier.

Many of the worlds best books, novels and poems are written in English. If you cannot read such great masterpieces of writing, you will have missed a lot in life.

We must admit that many of the best programmes are produced by American or British companies. So, if your English is not good, you will not be able to enjoy such programmes.

Almost all the books at the universities are written in English. So, if your English is poor, you are going to have a big problem studying there.

When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. If you cannot speak English well, your chances of getting the job are very slim.


Practice 14

1. The character I admire the most in the book, The Pearl, is Juana, the wife of the pearl diver, Kino.

2. The character whom I dislike the most in the novel, The Pearl, is the doctor.

3. To me, the most important event in the story, The Pearl, is Kinos finding the pearl.

4. The book, The Pearl, has a very sad or tragic ending.

5. An event in the story, The Pearl, which I consider a happy one is when Kino found the largest pearl in the world.

6. In the novel, The Pearl, there is one incident which shows how people should not behave towards others.

7. In the novel, The Pearl, Kino had to make a very big sacrifice.

8. Many of the important events in the story, The Pearl, took place in LaPaz.

9. As soon as Kino found the pearl, all sorts of troubles fell upon him.

10. Juana was also a woman who was not crazy about wealth.

11. A pearl diver, Kino, had a very young son, Coyotito.

12. Another reason I admire Juana is because of her love for her husband.

13. Kino thought that fortune was smiling on him when he found the biggest pearl in the world.

14. Inhumanity, hypocrisy and greed are the negative human qualities I have found in the book, The Pearl.

Practice 15

Activity 1

B. What is the important event in the book that you have read?

Activity 2

A. What is the happy event in the story that you have read?

Activity 3

B. What is the most exciting part in the book that you have read?

Practice 16

Activity 1 and 2


English can be said to be the most important and the most useful language in the world today. There are many reasons why you should study the language properly.

The first reason is English will help you a lot when you further your studies. Almost all the books at the universities are written in English. So, if your English is poor, you are going to have a big problem studying there.

The second reason you have to study English well is that it will help you to get a job. When you go for a job interview, the interviewer will surely talk to you in English. If you cannot speak English well, your chances of getting the job are very slim.

A good command of English will also help you greatly in your job. If the company you work for is involved in international trade, you have to speak to prospective customers in English. If your English is bad, you will not be able to get orders for your companys products. You will likely be dismissed.

Good English will also help you when you travel. Every country in the world studies English. Even the roadside stall-holders in China speak fairly good English. At least some of the people you meet on your travels in other countries can understand English. So, you will not have any communication problems when you travel to other countries if your English is good. Inevitably, English is one of the languages used in airport announcements. Knowing English will, therefore, make travelling overseas easier.

Besides all these, a good command of the language will enable you to enjoy some of televisions best programmes. We must admit that many of the best programmes are produced by American or British companies. So, if your English is not good, you will not be able to enjoy such programmes.

Knowing English will also enable you to enjoy some of the worlds most beautiful literary works. Many of the worlds best books, novels and poems are written in English. If you cannot read such great masterpieces of writing, you will have missed a lot in life.

You now see the importance of studying English well. You can enjoy many advantages if you improve your English.

Penang Island had a variety of attractions to offer its visitors whatever their preferences were. Popularly known as the Pearl of the Orient, the island was linked to the mainland by a 13.5km long bridge, reputedly the longest in Asia. If you chose to go to the mainland by ferry from Butterworth in the mainland, the ride took you only ten minutes. You could disembark at the jetty. From the jetty, Georgetown was just within walking distance. Georgetown, the capital, was the seat of the state government and the commercial hub. It was a quaintly attractive town with modern sky scrappers existing side by side with older buildings.

My Aunt Esah has some very strange habits. She gets up at 2 a.m. and cooks a huge breakfast for herself. It is always the same breakfast. She has eggs and sardines, and coffee. The first thing she does is, she boils the water for the coffee. While it boils, she starts frying the eggs. While they are cooking in the pan, she takes out her tin-opener and opens the tin of sardines. She has one special tin-opener which she treasures dearly. She also loves her frying-pan which she scrubs and polishes carefully until its copper bottom gleams and she can see her face reflected in it. She loves it so much that she always talks to it as she cleans it or cooks with it. She also talks to her tin-opener, of course, and also to her kettle and coffee pot, for that matter. They have all been with her since the day she was married.

You should not waste your time memorizing.

Therefore, you can study intelligently and systematically.

Prepare for the examinations at least a month ahead so that you will be well-prepared.

Good reference books will be helpful for your revision.

This will help you to familiarise yourselves with the topics for the exams.

You must not hesitate to ask your teachers.

Make sure your class is conducive for learning.

This will enable you to understand better what is being taught.

You should divide your time wisely.

By having group discussions, you will be able to discuss problems and exchange information as well as share opinions among the group members.

Make sure you have enough time for rest and recreation, for example, you can listen to music, play games, dance or exercise.

You have to make a list of your preferences.