Entrada: ¿Te gusta o no te gusta? (Entrance: Do you like it or dislike it?) Copy the date and title, and log this entry in your table of contents. Then complete the sentences below. Español 1 El 6 de septiembre de 2013

Entrada: ¿Te gusta o no te gusta? (Entrance: Do you like it or dislike it?) Copy the date and title, and log this entry in your table of contents. Then

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Entrada: ¿Te gusta o no te gusta? (Entrance: Do you like it or dislike it?)Copy the date and title, and log this entry in your table of contents. Then complete the sentences below.

Español 1El 6 de septiembre de 2013

Español 1El 6 de septiembre de 2013

• 4-3-2-1 scale

Written Response Rubric

Score Grade Rationale

4 95 Stays on topicUses content specific vocabularyUses complete sentences

3 85 Stays on topic generallyUses some content specific vocabularySome sentence issues

2 75 Includes information or details that do not relate to topicUses vocabulary that does not relate to topicSeveral sentence issues

1 65 Does not address the topicDoes not include any content specific vocabularyDoes not use complete sentences

Lectura: ¿Qué te gusta hacer? p. 40-41 (Reading: What do you like to do?)

Read the notes from Marisol, Daniel, Silvia & Pablo.

Write a paragraph in English to answer the following questions:• What do the students have in common with one another?• What differences do you see between them?• Of the four students, with whom do you think you would get

along best? Explain why.

Make sure to stay on topic and answer all of the questions. Write your paragraph in complete sentences, using appropriate grammar and vocabulary. This assignment will be graded using the Written Response Rubric for the JISD Writing Initiative.

Español 1El 6 de septiembre de 2013