--~--" = .... -. .. ; . , ¯ . ~ . , _ . - . " "__Z--" _ .:../’_:L~ ." .... __ ._, . ........ .. ...... ?-7" ’ . ’. ~ : -~-:--__ ¯ . r_. :T - .,:ff . - . t ¯ . - .¯.. D~XflT_ED_TO~.THEINTEB£STS-~~d~~DMAK41~GMONE¥.~.+: ~ ...... :" ,~L=:’y=z:’-"--’--~ ........... ......... last week’s paper, but ~"--F ~ho ~S~ issue ot tho .Demdera¢ contains another article, favoring the use of luger. Iti0oly shows that, no matter how bad a habit cue may have, he can manufacture an’excuse for it. A man may drink mid _’:_ eatwhat helikes,proviJin~ ther~ is nobody ..... ~h-’ffi~- Ki~"o w~-6-b~-b-ut "w h ~m - w enr e ....... told, lager, or ady other arti~cial de~etion, or ........... termen~tion.- or -eve~iu mndesato_dos~s._it.~.~ay!U ~) and of no use to man : but to say they can be druul~without stint derange th0 lawsof health, - all experience has, thousands upon thou- sands of " t0 tb s: : .. -7of every mau’s ~inmon sense, the: health del~eudsupdo the rarity of the food we eat, the llqu;d we~tri"l~i ..a--~ mr’~ br~lf these a=e tainted with pois- onous substaoeos, the effeot ganism must and will be iniurious, and cahoot be orbs¯rinse: oerat of toxieating beverages bvlsgislatibn. While it admits that the "Sons".and "Good Templai~s" ~havc-:dd~ie-’much g6od; and hopes, tlaeYmay,do, more, it Would ha~e them so Ledged about t~at they shall" as- _ e-mplish nothing, but ;et overybody~ell h~a-~y!iko..-~er:~.?sh ould - bo-u o rate to those ,,more temperate than them- selves,, "what they shall or shall not courts and th~ lawmakers in their be- - " half?’ l~b~/-w’e arpsorw to ~o-suohscn- .timentspromulgate~l aa are contained the art,sis referred to, io so good -as’t]te-Demobrat,-torcertaiu!y such teach- ingcannot but bebaleful io its influenoa, and thewriter kuowe that these organi- . , . ..¯. ¯ . ~ -._. structivop,rg~nsities. Itbrutallzesmun, rather than tbkl!ioda~gertl.ltt!myeome and i’ts.c~’uiinu0usand excessive use’pre- Itemthese impurities, oven should,he ctut~s idiocy. ~’et with -all these facts haveno apprehend6h from thdr intoxi- staring u~ in the face, we must not, lor caring qualitms.""And yet it shouldnot .humaniry’.s sake,’ interfere withcourts or be d is~uiscd ~hata]lmah liqu0rzdo con- law mtikers to stop the v~-nding ot so sub- rain suflleicnt alcohol to.vroduee drunken- -Ohf luors,. .w.o.ipc_]_ttd9 all kinds of porter, ate, &c., produce abe w~st~-eb-iesi)f dru~ik= :in add,lids to tho iiRbxicating 8ome nOZIOU~ uaually added, for the purpose of pr0sei;v. ing them, a~d givhik~h-e~-botter=ttmte7 -- "The effects of moltliquors on the body, if not so immod’i~ti~ly rapid aS th0soof ardent spirits, are more stulJifying, as well tst have-somethir water to drink, But, thanksto Oood Templars-andSonscand other-temperaoca organizations, thereis a host who think being tell, and whose influence will kind of legislation that will yet classthe aaleof alcoholicbeverage poison in the same category ¯withstrieh- nine and arsenic. Surely theymust exert influence when in’the Sthtes of’ ~ew York, Ohio,! la~vs can on their statutc, damages done by infuriated aruukards .... and cripph0d children, whether this is not just? Ask them-whether hW.ma~er~ should notframe taws toy their preteetion mnke~. -The ~ of’woo have done The greaterportion of the artlel~ is nn effort to show that the temperance people 9t the county have donee wrong in ,uu- ing their influence with ¯the court, to pre- vent the sa]e of ald0hblio:-lii]uo/s accord- ing to l~w, and presenting the old cxplod- cannot like trimming a tree, but it will soon re- veal the fact, if ithas not already done to kill its branches, and the root of the tree, and destroy i~ root and branch, This wilfbo the final result. Therefore the efforts Ofthe "not to be despised" temperance army, of which, handful, are now ma~shullicg their banner of Good Tomplars, but many other organ~zatiom,_~lieered by’tucn_.Fho cannot bedismayed by any form of alcohol-~teo0- ed specimens ~f those wearing the humnn body, and’are ea~or lor the lrav i and 9uclt articles as the enorelcrred to is on y.cal- are brought on by¯spidt.~, bu’t dr~tnke,t. hess from ma]t .liqueUrs is mos~ suadcfi]y There is no liquid .onecandrink"with- outs tin~’¯’%vlthout ,i,ju:y: exee~Jt water, and there is nothing .that-~ill-tak6 its O; ~g.,,~n .r ¯ " ....... ~°.~4..~orth~eoor ...LlnLt/oa~/~do,e--lqne.- _.~ ........ . ’. A ¯ SPECI/kLT Y,~ attoutien paid to M.t~o~:c3i~u~s at,c| ctublems of ;’.!l kiud. IOllN ttCULI, IN~ AGENT F011, ..... eranberr ¯ . . .~ ¯ t S._." ’ ? . demaod, notade 0tiono, no.,oussu . Wheeler & Wllson’s th-e~ tsno seen in our county " :: :" "~" P It~ean boobtained fr0m " = ¯ .... ;’ " " "’:~L": ~::’~[ ~ ~o0d pu~e water. Ha, mmonton, N. -J~. ~ILLvIr,~,~________ N. ~r. - :. . wells, of it can., be.g~ther’cd iu cisterns, drigk, and contains no Needles and aM ~en~s ’for M~ohlneo AsSerts ~alv’l;’lS7~t, ¯ IIVFOIIOwlI. the Ve~ ., . euppli~d: ....... ." ’" PREMIIJ~NdTI~ J,,’ ’ :" ~ .~ ~I192~,9110 . germs of lever oraguei.or any otlle: dis- Prompt attontlon, glven to: repairing Ha= CASH AB~ET~S, " .2, ±I[4B.’.I~I$ ........ eases, andonly.thosil’:~who love thn"char chines of the abovn makh. " -49-/! .-~ .... --~ ........ ; " -- ~ ; :; IM& ¯ , - ..... ¯ _=... = .~. J.J:. and must"have, snme -excuse, =dr a habit, and,reminds.us of an oldman, who after hearing numerous individuals urk e P _÷’ ¯ ~. l!smmonton Improvement L Assoeiatio~a ...... Tixcso,]a~ds arc amen~, t J3emt in.---the-StaCe.~-L---. -:-- = " " , - ""ImriD~-¯ll l’a-ofl|t|e~-f~ :.. :.. ". ’" ADM~fR~BLy.:: LOOATI~, l;r COMPA~T ~r.INDIVIDUAL PURI~0SES Lands SllOWU froc.~ ti0n’g|von by : - G. F. ~£1LLE/~. ~r~LI,:~VE ~V~.,. n,~ _cold,...bohc01ie, .&¢...................... said, "I want a glass of rtmt, no~ because B,e).ot anythinz is the matter with me, but be- market. They are of uul- eauso I love it" form eizo and wet -~~ abld at ¯bout --AtteFs°me-ldfil°s°phieanalysis-°~-th~- .a,’y truol: baskets For changes’which havooccurred in th-. soeial oale in lnrgo ted small and industrial conditions ef the popula ....... ’ quantities by .. t;on or 3[assaehu,~otts since the ¯ No. 4 ArchSt., Phtla. Webster nn/t his cotemporaries, the At- N.’IL--A}s.., 5~r sale, a~l kinds of Poaoh sad ~nJE~31",-~7~/"gives this fi,c por,raiturc Tru(~k I]asket~,’,,t low l~ti,ee. of Gen. ]latlcr, who is looked upon as 17.30 "tl~o hard’ el M,s.~achusotts : 1Lmi,min~, a~ a latvycr ot low rc - r~erm of’.CEN Ye/trs T I~ ~ AGAmS~ L0SS r~. ~d Lie-hilling ;

eranberr - Atlantic County Library · T~n Year~ ofl~Dublle ¯ Providence Tool Co., "ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.test him nroved Dr.L’rook’m Prov/danee, R. ]. .. Sugar of Milk. [LACTIN.]

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Page 1: eranberr - Atlantic County Library · T~n Year~ ofl~Dublle ¯ Providence Tool Co., "ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.test him nroved Dr.L’rook’m Prov/danee, R. ]. .. Sugar of Milk. [LACTIN.]

¯ .qwhie/i i~ duo to lnerlte


us,nS:" the o .


............ and.dandru~, and

i,stronger. In

I, restores the caiJiliary~lands t their normal Vigor, and.will e~eato a ] h, except in

Lmgst ee~

as it ifires

[ consider it the BEST~TZO~ :for its intended purposes:’ ficulturist, says that 1"~u ~ .~ ~.-~’~n.~ of-G~a ano-isTequ slate 33--Tons

~x~_e 3~mr. .... of bam~yard-mmim’e.~u0kinghl~ln’s Dye, We have on hand a small l~t: of

=TOR~-w~s.~/~i~=R~newer ~in. many= cases- .

a dine, andtoo, to re~tore gray. or fadedwe have .prept

’ rub nor wash off.-

I~.-ii~’ HALL~ i &"COq

- 7--- mid’-

.I.]~’Or ............

;~ntYata :-- " ......liobt~;L.;L..;7, ................... 13A7Ihd~ of Amm,nta ........... .....L..H.

Jii’stt~ ...... . ...........; ......,II.05:af Lime., ................. ..;dl&lt

¯ eouttol’them.. The teMlmouy of our best::~nam Of 131 Oiliest ~tabllshes t|to ,fact, I.I1,11"Cn2~/.UY p¢~ronM.’wnl nnd does relieve nnd~m the afflicting tlttordere of the Throat and"Lungs beyoml anT other mcdlrlne. The mo,g

~g~ous ffections,ot the Pulmonary Orgeffeyield to Its power,¢lon, cdmd by this prepemtl0n, nroly knowo, Im l’mnarkl0~te us Imrdly totlowd proycn beyond dispute¯

mayrely for ihlt protection. II¥the forernnnem of tooro ~rlous dhe~o, it ~¯ve-Jmanumitted lives. ¯nd Oil nmonnt or pofferlngnot to be computed. It chtqh’nges trial, cud Con-

- ....... ~’ln~l tile mt~t’.seal~tleol, l’~ycry fsndly thould.!’ keep It on h~nd hs a protecth,n against thoear}y] and uuper~tvod’ attack of l’ulu,oa~ry Allbetlons,

wtdchare easily met o| llrlt, but which h~colu,~nqnmble. nud to* ol~,’,o fatal, It nogh,ctcd. Tcn.dcr lungs nt~d this dcftmco; aud It 1~ unwise to

............. leO.e0-- few two - of

val~ to ~ ’ - -

l~tual ~nmdy for all drill .ten days before plant.d[~nts~ of tim Throat |OK. H-rrow itln. 32-1ynod Lung~." - A- vet . ~. .trlld of Its Hrloe~, . ,, ~ - ..throughout and ¯"other " " " -



Sugar of 2d~ilk.


By the peculi~ proces~ i¯ which this propar-etlou In medo, all the flesh forming constituents--Eanrtw and/~ALI~I 101omonis nf tl)O gratearc retained with none of tile /~TAnon, all ofwhich being converted into Dxxrt ~s~. fc ten-taint hit tile Ltuz, ~vbvazn, Pnospnouo

.. ." - .-=

........ "= r. ¯., ¯

_.~ Th~Sl!ay; Jane 12, 1S73, .

, " .........DOWN ~-x-~s. ...........yr~t ~ ~om Atom

tit. Wharf...;. a I OO t 18 8 I~II | t 30 8IS

...... ;..., ......~; 9~,, ;341448 40


t0 5 ~ 0315 16Atco,;..~ ....... ,.. ll¯l ~ I0 5 23

11 ~ t ~I!2i55~14~I1 3 171 ~ 40 7 49

12 3 102125 , 10t513

-1-~~SJ I12,2 2 t,~ 3 57i

--~--" = .... -. .. ; . ,¯

. ~ . , _ . - .

" "__Z--" _ .:../’_:L~ .".... __ ._, . ........ ..

...... ?-7 " ’ . ’. ~ : -~-:--__

¯ . r_. :T- .,:ff . - .


¯ . - .¯..

D~XflT_ED_TO~.THEINTEB£STS-~~d~~DMAK41~GMONE¥.~.+: ~ ...... :"

Water ford_ ......

/k:/~l~Per for the ~l~nmlos I .... :Wol’th Its. Weight In Gold ! I - D¯Costa ........... -7 ........ L ......

=::-=-:--L3~Fol~llnl~-l.U~e-lt-ln ¯tho-Wol*Id IIl Rlw°°d ..............Z~tre~ every reader Ix n~azv ~ vo ~ Umm i~ ~L ~ - ¯ .. H~bor ......

sam Id ~uK~e¢il~ for Ih~.A~vi~. .~e~ever-sldo~u orki~il It in sure t~ take a firm hold on¯ tstrt’nsls ra~u~ as t

hl~ made, and ls¯thalrJog fc, r 14 a elrculhtloo and repntat/~n Uuparaneled to the history of Jou~

.......... -]’GIVES-YOU ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE: ----- - " .mtoamax~er~o~apedal~mdge~emt~tlere~tfouodln~_~jo~alin~.

A ]~agni~oent $5,00 Off 6q~romo, TKE L0~-BAB~, :~o loll6, moeuted, r~dy I~ llr~me, B prmentod t~ every ymrly ~mh~d’ser .......

¯ - Sub~rlpflo~ prlo~ ~.00 per year. la mlva~eo¯ Bingle t~pieti re¯ ceat~

Abseoon .... .....Atlantio ar~’ve..: ._..., .......

"-LIt’V’-A.M.,A f.l,OONlP..Atlaafio..;.....~. ...... ; ........ "

[~ 0112 0014 ~Abseeon., ...... ¯ ..........;;..; 8) 1235.]45~l’omens 11 0015 ~s.............. :,, ......... P.Bgg Harbor ............ ~; .... a 6[ 2015 g8]llwoo~d.-.-.......... ..... - 17 7} 4315~8DaCost¯ .............. "" "’~’~~mo~o~ ......... :’ZL *~ ’/ 00Is ~s

~OO}7 ~/ ]4~5#7 Witislow ...... . ....... fi1017 21 ~Ol F 05- a’oe Imoecnpled l-~rllory le lho United 8tlte~ and Oonsds.

llnums am,aM , with but little labor, Oar agents ere making I~ to t540 p~ I~y. Writedesired¯

- : a ....


preeiseley , mad-,tag a perfe~ Machine. They have

¯ brought¯ out ¯n" eutirely NEW..... WRl2VOlg~-whloa_they_~lLt~e_..,L

"PROVIDENCE,,, 3VED -Family sewing Machines,

. l,O, ~.14!

~?alZ~-&~tT- ~---&tgt 5-31 ....~dal8 ~I ~ ~4i6 39

Whltoltone ................. |5818 51 41011152 ....Ashl,md ......... ...,,.w.r.;:-. r 0418) -420 6 5~~laddoefleld ................... ~1618 t 448705

ink ...... ..,..... ~ _rt’,ls ~t b.s~lT~~ ....

’ Haddnfield Aoeommodatqox-Leaves Vh~eSt.Wharf 9 O0 u mrS00, 0

) IDa.




!I wri~

quality afWhite Rubber, re all secured te theshafts in the must l~ermanent manner by theMoultonProcesas’m’akinffthebest rolle~, in theWerld,


1%-ff;/ersoy 8outlieru R,il~W UOUYM ItaTWlIlM

¯ NEIV-YOIU£1. PIBilLAIbELPHi& .... -oldy-LdLt~t ~’out~. between NewYoak

¯ Bridgeton~M¯y, and all ~ast~a ~d

Unique, Simple and l~ra~tl,~able. Summer Arraugemout Adepted ,Tune 2, 1873.¯ " ¯ Leave New York from Pier-~8, foot Murr¯y St.

¯ Loug ?ranoh.9 40 " ’, ’ Philad, lpl is North,s" Riv ~

Ph ~ IBank~. . ’el

Leaves North Hammontonfor’New York


9 I}8 a m for Vineland~ Greenwich, Brid~n~to%


. :. er Jt’hUlaelpnl~,-vim Wl~s]ow,JtmeUn. - ..Tid#ml~.l~llilm~,fdlrl~l~,~md.~mtm ~’rir,it l~orlhll---mraioa .

I* 4T a It,l~,Wlm|l.w. Vlaelmtdi ~rldl~od’

Over Halls Mfllionnow in Use,~O

[The wofathe ri fun ~oon wear, nnd the cflt- 80£D Off THE IN~TALME~¥T ,I~LAN..-ties cy of,he Wrlngorls thereby greotly reduce/-"

8d; The DOUBLE SPIRAL O0~us6do Wary’anted for throoyenrs bythis wrin=er give the utmost ease and eteadino , .:l¯-werl~i/;~,whilothcdnuhh stop preven’sthem PE’TERS’_ON &; CAItP]gNTER,¯(~OI~}i A ~tS.

We furulsh either sJegle or double geared Prey ....donee os desired.

~r otrR vg~ 6~A~t~ John ~eullin, --

~r theeI making perfect futteulnw0odon pegs or rubber straps on thlsClamp, lFl’lx.r~ulor,~on, ]~’. ,~,,5,h. SIMPLICFr_Y, STRENOTHond/IEAU. ee6-1ysw

TY are c~mhlned in this m~ohlne, with all therequisites,of grst et’~,s wringer. DIL CROOK’S WI2(R OF T/all

T~n Year~ ofl~Dublletest him nroved Dr.L’rook’m¯ Providence Tool Co.,"ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.

Prov/danee, R. ]. ..

Sugar of Milk.[LACTIN.]

Is ¯ crysl¯llltod sugar, obtained from the wheyof ©ow’s milk by nveporntlun. It te m¯nu~©.toyed lar£ol3 I¯ Bwlteerlend and the DaYar[an

. I, 13r!age!nuLong Brnnch for New York, }’ O0

744,800¯nd10i8,¯m, 234and 613 pro.Leave Long Branch for North Hammouton~-

Vinel¯a~l, Brldgetou aed Bays,fie. at 1] 30am.~I. W. SEItAT, ~-~-(#]IN F. COLE,


,~L=:’y=z:’-"--’--~ ...........

......... last week’s paper, but~"--F ~ho ~S~ issue ot tho .Demdera¢ contains

another article, favoring the use of luger.Iti0oly shows that, no matter how bad ahabit cue may have, he can manufacturean’excuse for it. A man may drink mid

_’:_ eatwhat helikes,proviJin~ ther~ is nobody

..... ~h-’ffi~- Ki~"o w~-6-b~-b-ut "w h ~m - w enr e

....... told,lager, or ady other arti~cial de~etion, or

........... termen~tion.- or-eve~iu mndesato_dos~s._it.~.~ay!U~)

and of no use to man : but to say theycan be druul~without stintderange th0 lawsof health,

- all experience has, thousands upon thou-sands of " t0 tb s:

: .. -7of every mau’s ~inmon sense, the: healthdel~eudsupdo the rarity of the food weeat, the llqu;d we ~tri"l~i ..a--~ mr’~br~lf these a=e tainted with pois-onous substaoeos, the effeotganism must and will be iniurious, andcahoot be orbs¯rinse:

oerat of

toxieating beverages bv lsgislatibn. Whileit admits that the "Sons".and "GoodTemplai~s" ~havc-:dd~ie-’much g6od; andhopes, tlaeY may,do, more, it Would ha~ethem so Ledged about t~at they shall" as-

_ e-mplish nothing, but ;et overybody~ell

h~a-~y!iko..-~er:~.?sh ould - bo-u o

rate to those ,,more temperate than them-selves,, "what they shall or shall not

courts and th~ lawmakers in their be-- " half?’ l~b~/-w’e arpsorw to ~o-suohscn-

.timents promulgate~l aa are containedthe art,sis referred to, io so good

-as’t]te-Demobrat,-torcertaiu!y such teach-ing cannot but be baleful io its influenoa,

and thewriter kuowe that these organi-

. , . ..¯. ¯ . ~ -._.

structivop,rg~nsities. Itbrutallzesmun, rather than tbkl!ioda~ger tl.ltt!myeomeand i’ts.c~’uiinu0us and excessive use’pre- Item these impurities, oven should, hectut~s idiocy. ~’et with -all these facts have no apprehend6h from thdr intoxi-staring u~ in the face, we must not, lor caring qualitms." "And yet it should not.humaniry’.s sake,’ interfere with courts or be d is~uiscd ~hat a]lmah liqu0rz do con-law mtikers to stop the v~-nding ot so sub- rain suflleicnt alcohol to.vroduee drunken-


luors,..w.o.ipc_]_ttd9 all kinds of porter, ate,

&c., produce abe w~st~-eb-iesi)f dru~ik=:in add,lids to tho iiRbxicating8ome nOZIOU~

uaually added, for the purpose of pr0sei;v.ing them, a~d givhik~h-e~-botter=ttmte7 --"The effects of moltliquors on the body,if not so immod’i~ti~ly rapid aS th0so ofardent spirits, are more stulJifying, as well

tst have-somethirwater to drink, But, thanks to OoodTemplars-andSonscand other-temperaocaorganizations, there is a host who think

being tell, and whose influence willkind of legislation that

will yet class the aaleof alcoholicbeveragepoison in the same category ¯with strieh-nine and arsenic. Surely they must exert

influence when in’the Sthtes of’ ~ewYork, Ohio,! la~vs can

on their statutc,

damages done by infuriated aruukards ....

and cripph0d children, whether this is notjust? Ask them-whether hW. ma~er~should not frame taws toy their preteetion

mnke~. -The ~ of’woohave done

The greater portion of the artlel~ is nneffort to show that the temperance people9t the county have donee wrong in ,uu-ing their influence with ¯the court, to pre-

vent the sa]e of ald0hblio:-lii]uo/s accord-ing to l~w, and presenting the old cxplod-


like trimming a tree, but it will soon re-veal the fact, if ithas not already done

to killits branches, and

the root of the tree, and destroy i~ rootand branch, This wilfbo the final result.Therefore the efforts Of the "not to bedespised" temperance army, of which,

handful, are now ma~shullicg their

banner of Good Tomplars, but many otherorgan~zatiom,_~lieered by’tucn_.Fho cannotbe dismayed by any form of alcohol-~teo0-ed specimens ~f those wearing the humnnbody, and’are ea~or lor the lrav i and 9ucltarticles as the enorelcrred to is on y.cal-

are brought on by spidt.~, bu’t dr~tnke,t.hess from ma]t .liqueUrs is mos~ suadcfi]y

There is no liquid .one can drink "with-out s tin~’¯’ %vlthout ,i,ju:y: exee~Jt water,and there is nothing .that-~ill-tak6 its

O; ~g.,,~n.r "

....... ~°.~4..~orth~eoor.. .LlnLt/oa~/~do,e--lqne.-

_.~ ........ . ’.

A¯ SPECI/kLT Y,~attoutien paid to M.t~o~:c 3i~u~s

at,c| ctublems of ;’.!l kiud.




¯ . . .~

¯ t

S._." ’ ? .

demaod, notade 0tiono, no.,oussu . Wheeler & Wllson’sth-e~ tsnoseen in our county " ’ :: :" "~"

PIt~eanboobtained fr0m " = ¯ .... ;’ " " "’:~L": ~::’~[~ ~o0d pu~e water.

Ha, mmonton, N. -J~. ~ILLvIr,~,~________ N. ~r. - :. .wells, of it can., be.g~ther’cd iu cisterns,

drigk, and contains noNeedles and aM ~en~s ’for M~ohlneo AsSerts ~alv’l;’lS7~t, ¯ IIVFOIIOwlI.

the Ve~ ., . euppli~d: ....... ." ’" PREMIIJ~NdTI~ J,,’ ’ :" ~ .~ ~I192~,9110 .germs of lever oraguei.or any otlle: dis- Prompt attontlon, glven to: repairing Ha= CASH AB~ET~S, ’ " .2, ±I[4B.’.I~I$ ........eases, and only.thosil’:~who love thn"char chines of the abovn makh. " -49-/! .- ~ .... --~ ........; "

-- ~ ; :; IM&¯ , - ..... ¯ _=... = .~. J.J:.

and must"have, snme -excuse, =dr ahabit, and,reminds.us of an oldman, whoafter hearing numerous individuals urk e

P _÷’ ¯

~. l!smmontonImprovement L Assoeiatio~a

...... Tixcso,]a~ds arc amen~, tJ3emt in.---the-StaCe.~-L---. -:-- =

" " , - "" ImriD~-¯ll l’a-ofl|t|e~-f~ :.. :.. ". ’ "


Lands SllOWU froc.~ti0n’g|von by : -

G. F. ~£1LLE/~.

~r~LI,:~VE ~V~.,. n,~

_cold,...boh c01ie, .&¢ ......................said, "I want a glass of rtmt, no~ because

B,e).otanythinz is the matter with me, but be- market. They are of uul-eauso I love it" form eizo and wet

-~~ abld at ¯bout--AtteFs°me-ldfil°s°phieanalysis-°~-th~- .a,’y truol: baskets Forchanges’which havooccurred in th-. soeial oale in lnrgo ted smalland industrial conditions ef the popula ....... ’ quantities by ..t;on or 3[assaehu,~otts since the

¯ No. 4 Arch St., Phtla.Webster nn/t his cotemporaries, the At-N.’IL--A}s.., 5~r sale, a~l kinds of Poaoh sad~nJE~31",-~7~/"gives this fi,c por,raiturc Tru(~k I]asket~,’,,t low l~ti,ee.

of Gen. ]latlcr, who is looked upon as 17.30"tl~o hard’ el M,s.~achusotts :

1Lmi,min~, a~ a latvycr ot low rc

- r~erm of’.CEN Ye/trsT I~ ~ AGAmS~ L0SS r~.

~d Lie-hilling ;

Page 2: eranberr - Atlantic County Library · T~n Year~ ofl~Dublle ¯ Providence Tool Co., "ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.test him nroved Dr.L’rook’m Prov/danee, R. ]. .. Sugar of Milk. [LACTIN.]

¯_ .... . ¯ ¯ " Caldwell of Sprlusflel~._ _~,w_:;am_ -,~L~_~ S 0"


1 _ . on the risht .~ad here

.7 rlm & waII-~ - "¯ ,You may d~ ~hmlud Yon~ turn ups I~U.

flowers blowPretty muds as they dianinety:thr~years agoNothi~_ momd]d.-l-na~

¯ " " Of Caldmdl the parson, who enos=preached" " " " ’ - --" -. WOW ." " ¯ " " " " - "

..... ’ ..... 72Lu the~e~, ,~:t~:~ th~ gava him

gorge-.......................... 1eorh¢

¯ , George ! . " "" ¯ He had cause, you m~bt osy: When the Hen-

on thoffwsy . ¯ "¯ ". At the "Farms," whore his wife, livith a child

. . in her arms,

..................... know ...... " ...............

---Wire fired the Shot ! .Enough !~there_ehe_lAnd Ctldwell, the chaplain, her huebknd, away

~]Did be prosch_-,did he p_~y_?_’._T_hi~ ~of him as........ =: .......... you stand ¯ ..... ~ ..........

. o

so hard ....I And if ;,. to be ~it’last

very good to me."Ann she "~-d4d ndt know you an hour i~ and Variety resomess, the, ’

of hag productions and the ,’ of her climate. A.small butward :~nd vei7 agany oj ~

romanceuneontroll~blegrieL ................-’ ......

.such ~arrow as liftedherbe-: " State, which-mustand remorse" of his her futu~

~, and when her child, a thin He felt kindly for ~orpretty and ordered 3Irs~ Macon to pay . the

¯ ’ ~he-co~ld-be-madethe informed the From State we-

thoughtwomani drunk ~sconsm.. Tti~-ans~r-of

sank ,]~ but I was bf.into th6 selfish enos ter ¯ " romother .....

.... -. man,- are in the

as before_it, game mansion, nnd within it the which the Manassaswas no safer after Ralph and Luke white death. ~ " md no means Michigan,part ofhadbeen traflsported. The fact races- A small cottage and aboutthree hu ~ whereupon arrived. ~or is tl~is (anoiled the Judge to what he haft done; for dred dollars a yearwas left to Lizzie, Chaste said: of the S~ate foundwhile Elizabeth lay’ at death’s d0orwith ~nd the same to ~rs. Mason. " The two ~(tho old-established law publishers,) rthern familie~i who ap-br~in Tever, he had felt something velT women made their hom~ together, and select yourbooks, and refer them tomenear akin-to remorse. " ." fdr many years Lizziellved n life so full as your security." :Elated b.y t!fis r.e- itiod and and wh~)ss rein.

did not die, though of sweet and helpful deeds,_ that I have newed mark of his esteem, ne ~ain in tions with the the St~te are of

-formerset~--Att-her- fre shrswc~.’~f~mes=]i~s~W~/ff s-h’g~ll~d -es~if "~red ld took the list back to the great comers, for the most

occupy--an-impS)trent position~Sn-their raiser legal catalogue, new’homes. , - ’ ’, i

sorrow, her name..It Was dur- own hand_avery muc]Lincreasedeollec- ~±~0ris-th~.=alL A=!arge:;~tfiiount ofFor.~little-while every one -and ~ho=-was tii~fi~-iiin6~btingtb’some $~,000 or ~5,- ginveste-~-~

but friendshi is of v~orh~whbs-e- 000, adding: "With those=tools- State. ~ - "-c call out .before someth~n8 llke effective ,citizens.~f:

poor womanhigher." stiles, but, as bad

stealing had treated her as’ a by one of the dangerous fevers of thecrtminal,-~insteadof-as~ country.-- Of-c0urse

she her the note when it fell due, but Mr.his credit./ at the time, but he hastened at once

been seen there for several months ; .sohe=sought her at.her sister’s, whd livedat a little fishing village three reliesdistant.

He never regretted the journ,

saw the weary, wet messenger, with theletter in his hands; she turned her face

tear~ns-.she hadnot shed since her-

. that bandOf m£1itaut ploughboysl see the smoke and this truth soon enough.

- =-- th~ hen--iV--==-r ..... ~ -.= ...... Three years-after Luke’s deOf that reckless Mvance--of that letterfr-om him came to the clergyman

retreat! who hsA stood.his friend in all his dis_-_. Keep the ghost of that wife, foully nlain, in and trouble. It was raining heavi-

comfort, but little she mindedsir/’ she said solemnly,

~o~-view.-i~ . " And what could y6~x--whetehoilld ~o~n, Whs~

li Why, Just what/~ dldl They wore left in th~-:;. lurch

¯ ~or tho waut of mere wadding¯: He ran to the

-]Broke the door, stripped the pews, and dashedout in the ro~l

With his

- ~ ~ _’ on abets all the"~dshots, .

Bang his voice--"Put W~tts into ’em--Boy~,give ’era Watts l"

And ~ did. That is alL Grasses! flowers blow

:Prst~ much as they did ninety-thros year~ ego.-You may d~But not always a hero’_like this--and that’s MI.


sm~ w[~a R~0~S~."I tell

am very

through theme. I feel as if I knew better nowwhat God’s pity for mc mus~ be like."

And for my part I think it was thebest sermon he over preached.

It might bc or more-af~er Eliz-abeth’s death one eve-

into a small garden tobrinflue linen and laces,

Something in the wretched little facetouched the woman’s heart, and shemade no alarm.

are stealing,

a man’.w~ho dismisses a diengrecamo~ab~eot~

"Iu your capacity, Judge, you only~ee thn worst of them. ]?his Ralph]ffnret,. for instance,: ~hom you only]mOW ~"

and a would.be murderer--"


lands inother

and the., $ of:

It i that "has

Suppose -shehad sent her to prison, instead eL giv- hc~ltlx he the law, who recently

hera home.--Let those-who~dare , par~

v 0u this supp0sitioa ; for’ me, I timeearned securities was also

and when I consider how his obligation ; ~t.~motcd to investigate the mineral andlittle children as life last~ Isball manufacturing capabilities of’tile State.

the name Of Rufus Choate, and I would There can scarcely be a doubt:as to the

because there is no one toserve any of his kith or kin.--_~rora of

resourcesfof--V-irglnia.--It Js "~earcely _

The latest French-made dresses are

~ith-thc_/earfully absence

of the back


the same otyle.-~e fashions demand revolvin

destals and what-danc¢/s

l be taken on its owner2s-bs~k--in--a

the Yams of a Human.Belug.eentu-

come. ¯ ~ ’- "atthe ¯With these

and with

stomach, that of the ~asfueion of thea sheep into th0 veins of a human be-

of Virgi’nia is only a ques-

it is int.. The subject of the operation washer mineral re-

end. is a man named Wentley, who was admit:almost untouched.

the entire figure, ted ~to the hospital Some time since. ~n the Kanawha Valley the deposits ofdrapery streams out a two- His disease baffled the skill of the best splint coal are especially -vMfiablc and

Out-~o0r costumes are medical talent in the city, as they were extensive. ’ Th~ c0al ~ derlv6s ’its nameunable to detern~ine the : nature from the Character of the fragments or¯

.Its f~e-

resident of the hospital~s of strength ~endersit es


andOf course, corsets, tomsOf hfi doctors ~ble

, ¢ ¯ articles of under- tioncd deemed the op~rati0n that they, the very b~

- I theseined the only

.... then defilcrinated by Dr. Wilson, Eight $ P ¯ , .. . .band and san, and the soberest fisher - " -’’I ~mso hun pirOe;tion latel3

was procur~ and sell it ate profit of .from $8

...... = -- ........ man- on-the coast."--:~ ............ ......child said. Then putting out her arms

: "Parson, I am astonishedat youl ina blind, nucertain way, she reeled held their arms like trussed fowls, to ounces of the blood were then injected -to 12 er ton against $22 . for English

. 3~hy I have had four-gamekeepers andfeel.-.:.- .

prevent the silk and lace suspenders into tho left arm. An immediateand cannel. Thts coal ~s by nomeaushmxt’~

the adjacent valleys and in the entire’flogged in less than three.years ; and I

The good woman put downthe linen, that did duty as dress.waists from fal- perceptible change for the better was ed to the Kanawha, but is found in allnoticed, and the be of the pulse region. This ooal is virtually imbedded

_ _~_ have-hardly dared, for three times and lifted the child..She carri~a nor ling offtheirshonlders. Thesamobri-wbie~e~Y!b~!a~

~i¯ ~ . -t~eo, to cMl-a-feather or-a fo)t of

into--her-own-clean room and dal carry were, to the number of a

game on the Jeffcott estate my Own,nursed her until strong ~li)~en,-phbtographed, and ifI were to

in strata of iron ore, the whole char-

well¯ In the intervali.s~e had discover- Send a copy up to C~nneeticut, I’d noti acter of the mineral formations estab-

~ransportation is too for such od that her name wa~ ’" Lizzie," and only be prayed for in ~ho churches as in lishing the conclusion thatnature her-

-~meale~ -sue-los ,t~-but-I-’d-bo-t~’nble=toindiotmontself has de,tined the two

laws--" Elizabeth Dayton. Then some good for sending indecent pictures by mail.~ g, although still very weak, lm"Don’t say it, Judge ; you know you ....

¯would not; I acknowledge Ralphhas angel-put|t~utoHarr|et Masonshcart

_ " " wasinat~uchbettcreondition than in the iron industry not only of the

given you great provocation ; but what to keep and tritin the child in tlm way occupations and Products.the mvrningp~eviousto the performing United States, but al’so of the entire

about Luke Dayton? It is his first she should go. "If I tell the Judge,". of the operation. It is not expects continent.

1mows .offence, and he swears he never she argued. "he will send her to s~me The ~tockholder hasbeen overhaulinfthat the patient Will recover,

lifted a gun against a fellow-creature." reformatory prison ; and if I turn her the Census volumes to some effect, an/there is a strong probability of End of the Cholera Season at Nashville.

"And vray what does he call my loose, she will noon be fit for dothini~ has made a careful examination of theevent.--Louisvillc Paper. A dispatch from Nashville says :

]lares an~plleasants ? And what rigl~t else ; I will c’cn try and make a goes statistics of labor. It gives the follow- . "The Robertson Association, which.... has done.much toward the relief of the

have such men as he with guns at at;? woman of her~" -table of the persor sem] ] Cattle In the Indian Country.

And-what-do-those great ls~y hounds No particular effort was made to hideper head in al , Before the war the Indians of the In- indigent sick, mot re eolared

mean, sleeping all day long under his Lizzie. ’Th~’~h-~t~r-s~w-l|cr weedln’g inmining, and t : dian Territory~ the Chorokoes,.&c~,wero that uw~tho eholer~

~itehen nettle ?"rich in stock, and it was not uncommon from- Nashville its


--. the garden and busy about the ]muse, the United.States:. . e~,~., Pr,~,~t4| ’ "Luke has had a hard time this win- and, perhaps, sometimes thought that . ~,,#o~. r,r ~’e,.~,. fore well-to-do stock-raiser to possess fulfilled. It recommended that all its

A~r|OUlttlr~. . .... .¯.¯¯....¯..¯, 5 ’tar, Judge. His mother is blind and Mrs. Mason had been fortunate in her.. ~,0~ ~t tn.~ fifteen thotmand head of cattle. John members return to their respective

feeble, hm wife and eldld have knownlittle hand-maiden. ’ mnt~,~f~nut~cture~qu~ro’lnS, .................ae ..........

~,0. S,~]~t,~S * e~S*9 Ross, chief of the tribe., owned over avocations, to the and that not only

or " It is true that Lizzie’s ~q,~orl~ ....................... . ~o,~ot ~s~ sixty thousand header cattleandhorses, bimy but other citizens might affordboth sold bud hung .

"Well, sir. you have done your dutyhad pecdcd ~’ot~l net l)roduet ............ :: ...... ...$t,3~9,~14~406 while it was a very poorand woe-begoneemployment to "those in need of it.

now. We will consider the anbjeottimes her ] ad almost regret- Averaseprodu©t|’erhcad|n~|pur’u|t~ ~J°’ Indian, indeed, who did nnt possess at Since June 2t it has extended aid to

elosed~ if you please, rFiR your.gins%_ ted the char she had assumed ; some- In his spcceh at the Cobden Club, in least twenty. ’. All the labor necessary five ]mndrod and forty-eight families in

" No, thank you, Judge. Luke lind times eheh ~ot-weary of the girl’s England. the otlier day, Mr. Wells ~aid then, as now, was the branding of the the city, of which 413 were colored and

name hopes, and I must now tell himlying and pill nn~, and felt inclined to that if the production of t|m country beasts; and theygrazed u~harmcd over 185 white, and to over 100 families out-,

that theyare false. Be~idca I must ace wonder if the poor were really’~sinners was divided among the people, the aver. the unbounded lands. But when the side of it. Judge Fcrris, of tim Probate

Elizabeth, who is almost beside herself above all others." I~ut the reward ago per head would not exceed $175. war came, the total destruction of this Court, dismissed six physicians cm-

~ith grief and anger" " promised to tl~,osc who do "not weary The ,Wockholdcr infers, from the vsri- stock o~suod ! Hundreds of thousands ploycd to wait upon Om poor of the

Anger? Woll, Iliknthat. Why, I m well.doing came. First aeompon- sun figures it gives, that taking into of the beasts were stolen, and run into oouutry nttaeked with cholel% their

o~ght to have givan him fourteen years, sating love sprang up between the old consideration the cost of living, capital the neighboringStates ; botharmies fed services being no longer necessary. It

and I maffn it seven,/or hor sake." woman and the youngono. Good as. employed, cost of supcrint~donoe, and off the herds ; and so great was the is expected that the Mayor Will dis-

"Seven years means/orcver to Eliza- tions brought what they always do--- all other elements, agricultural labor is consequent decline of pmsp0rity, and charge all physicians employed by the

beth Dayton. She will break her heart both thanks and usage, and whcu Liz- more productive than any other in the so were the cattle thinned out’ that the city, iu consequence of the abatement

before they are over," zic wan sixteen there was no daintier ~. It also regards labor tn more United States Governmout was obliged of the disease, which is considered b~yl~haw I She has too much sense cook and no nester housemaid in the blo in this country than in any to supply many head of cattle to the the physicians to be about at an ena,

to have an much oeutiment. However, parish, tort of the world, tubes m order that they misht start with ver~ few now eases appearing.Mr& Mason foil sick ~ith

anew. They have now soinereased that "Business has been resumed to aI am $orr~ enough for her ; and tim Indiau Territory ie again noted for great extent, and it is anticipated thatcan help her, use my means ~ fever, and before she was out , ~lon0y 0rdors.

¯ and the Judge took out his purse danger the Judge took it. To the its immense herds, cvorythiug will be runnin~ ac smoothly

offered the clergyman n aovarci , invalids Lizzie was eve~ Few persons are aware d the groat as if we had never bean waited by the

her. I think she fully repaid, convenience to the publiod the Money T]to lleggars~ Bridge. " prevailing epidemic. A good many

A piece of gold for n broken hoart l hard throe months, the kindness Order office. Among the mo~t recent Several centuries a~o, a cortainGrand counLry people who have been alarmed

However, her friend took it, and then had sheltered her. improvements ~t m our Duke of Florence bu|lt a bride0 with- xranee of the disease in theirtint pay~ ~tato. J|o issued a localities are now coming

..... : 0vening~ ’when the Judge was ar’ town. A dreary rain was dropping on beginning-toi]ofioe-Wil i-~- ~li~d*a-~g-- i~ that beggar who

the cottage, whioh had a lonely,sorrow- ernoss all the incidents of his daily life solf-snpporting ; but tl~ Money Orderful loeflk. Something more than self- again~ he asked Lisaio her name, and 0/Iloo nots an annual p~ofltof over one

~t the its ravages.gusted lands in Mi Tcnnessee are dis.

tude brooded over it ; for asored is the loarmng it, he continued the cateo] dam hnndred thousand do)are. It ia only vtded with a now suit of clot oouraging. Out of a negro populationplace, however humble° in which n until a’ho wondered. After a short eight years old, yet ~ transmits fifty cost. At tim appo/lltcd hour the of two hundred in New Bethel, twomighty grief sits down. silen¢ e which she was busy millions a year in aura, averaging about tars of the city assembled, wh~ miles zouth of Nashville, one hundred

Elixtbeth reml with love’s quick in- dmwin and lighting the eighteenddllareeach. And hem moneys the officers eanecd each avenue tr left. .mtlncttheverdiot in hisheeitating step lamp,, and yet in a mtd are sent over all tlisc~.)ntr~, Great publiosquaro to be one of theand ailentfaoe. Shewaswalking rapidly voice : Britain, Germany ant S ~lt .erie ~d~ and oompolhd tho beggars to ht uponup and down the earthen floor, but she "Lizzie, do you know that it was I throush Switz, ~rtandow ,r ~ ~.arl~ ~tLt ate- old clothes, and gave tontopL~x! suddeuly, and gave him one father over the sea ~" iliaed Eta ore for 3wiLze lain ia the~ording to promise, a new suit. In the several parsons recently present ..at.a

central ban~i|~g hmee of the world’s old clothes enough money was found wedding.party in the daytime, by tue~rsnatching, imploring look. He shook being kept in a sloes room, and almosthis heal, and thenput out his hand to what do you think of me ?" money orders. " - concealed to buil~ a beautiful bridge suffocated, in order that, through .thetake hera~ but abe l~ung it pm~onatoly " Nothing hard now, air. Perhaps I over the Arno, which is still known by aid of artificial light, the 0ecaaion m~gn,&w~y. , did once, but Mrs. Mason has made me A proiected dud between two the name of the Besgare’ Oridge.

seen~ more ’ brilhant."Don t speak r’ she cried. "I know sea that if had not. done it both sent citizens of Vflkinsou ooun!’ - "

have been N.H.,--~ now a little more ---A~Mmm~hu~4te---Stato-e~Jddm--


r /

.... : . ::j ...... . __ ..... :

" ~: and Pleasures.

the anecdotewho were

he wO-uldears of t~or

take me


,_which he

.sommeh-ehas"the ineome,-tho rents of. all hislargo -~ve--or --six- hundred-

and ship~for thefound, an,,d you.can make nothing elseou~ of it~ .... ¯

" If a rich man wishes to~ays Sir Williamlike~ poor one..that there on

¯ ’ " i¢lr|ft on:i~Re-:~r-le.:=-- :=:7= ch~mged- ¯rescue, and they were saved.

i --~= .... ~ ~ pen ~o~t..~--~e D~-g~ --Somewere~ble to .gqt~ ~hoard al’ of ~ehUng~ ~ and aoms_had._to._b_e .lifted up.~Th~

ed to be .thd:~ch~6-nerA.One Bunda Cleveland ~ F.E.

DudleyO. and took

rover, and the day beingto avail himself of a

:and hired

m~31e of down--==on

only pby thelo~sof"Do yofl re~harles Lamb, with a tender tetras

i]::em:~ar as,

; . ,. .... , . , ,,.....

iii fd~ ~ninutes: the b’reez~ffeShen’.and i tl~e:

’ to the :sterffbeing no proper ~ .

took near.two hour~.~Thus

_=:==:=? .......;Tne.Oerksh!p-..Manla~= =:.:.::,. .......... :j.:.__~.: :.:

-’--~a-amu-singincident-ocourredr~en~’ : A few days since a genticman iu ~ " :’,:

earof ~(~, C. ann ~. Western cRy hadinseHed in the Morn; .rcws an advertisement for "A clerk, ’ " :

city: A Woman with r moderate," and the silme day re-tercd the car just ,n for, the~ ,;." " .

r : the dog . thewerewill back o! another


were picked up’they were ~nmo compamon

miles below Cleveland, and in mon’opolized tw0 entire seats. . ..:oLthe_Canadashore.~(Yleveland Appearances seemed to indicate that

¯ ’: ~ ’-=-~-~ -the=carwas one-exclusiVe]

maid’ foolish .thia~.

_and~Ah0 _wo_rkings. ofd~es

~the old :mai~d~ts-~is-~n3"-Icss.heau~iful than .the maidens who.pout at her. The girls who’ are jixst

budding into ma!~urity are vcr~, lovely,as half-blown rosesarel and thc~r.brigh~-eyes~ changeful-bloom, and unaffected~erriment, are a delight to all behold--e~s. ~ They have. the swift,.-cager enthu~

and their world wearsmornmg..

mr course had gdrifted far out, the ..... eing~ff!and the’women, who have left

increasing. hind ~them, and w~then some eight

land havebeen ’disc ip~ned 1clouds massing in-hugo blackThe boat could not be made vicissituder~ of life¯

further ~ cnecz may have: lost some 6f i~s~ou~d~d’~ontoui., aiid: tho-l~-p~

gave-the~helm smile-so_frequently,, bat.to use auex,to G. R. Benjamin, with his brother, pressive colloquialimn, thee is more to

~w D._.D.,_tosssiat.hinij~ne ~an was to ~tho.older_thnu to the " woman;

Mammon ashe sits down bail, and the two ethersand Mr.=Cozad If she bee matron,he sails, effort was from

~le repasts which~ titilat- Cleveland, when itwas found that noth- which is the unspoken assumption onhis palate when hc was veer. The ing better could bc done, but she son- the part of her critics, she wears her

rent railway king, Hudsc)n, feasted tinual]y fell off, and.Mr¯~Cozad expres- maiden name, sheis voted insipid and

withdukesg and duchcss.es m. .....their’" big seal his certain belief that. the night tiresome, old.fashioned or absurd, by

house at Albert Gate, looked back with must be spent on the water, and that as little shits who cannot compare with he.y it might i~o their last, they. had better in real.worth. Whenc.oriscs this feel

nlHe placed boot of their own class share ?

of York. .his money in tlm-0the~,~nd made~" ~lemen

the circumstances- in i~ theirst~wed that away esteem, and they consider an elegant,

............... t aal-woman~baautfful inher-to many persons nothing ismore. difficult. It seems~ not be made, the attention of all wa~, fortieth as she:was-in -her twentieth

ust sufltoient to0nly an ; d~iring :

:nu0h. ,l~vo: ....

,.. r . j.

r.thd Conductor, whoi a’scat in another~

~.ar,---inf0rminR: her-at .that’the-accommodati0ns in ~ha~’ theseats in the Other coael~es W~re;

ishe insisLed on remainir

six~-wha~ does=a-clerkshipmean.~--To ~ :-~car from and be brief, it m0a~2always a clerk, undo: - ..... ’

~uontly ~ no discomfort never a. principhl:~: ’The best way is,,to .~obacco fl Long" before th9 start right in y0ur career with the World . ’ : : ~’

train reached the city, however, a ten- ’~to commenc0 by aoqdiring a’k’uowl -~ ;"’" : -

tleman s~ttmg d~rectly m front of he of omo business in which you "

produced, his case, and position of honor mad in- . . ::

from a cigar, Enter into it with an am- : ....

in a manner the determination to make,a = ’ ’

andmovement she wrested

mouth and throw it out St aud most useful invert- ¯¯ ind

is anything..I_d~_ hate, is tobacco mechanic. "_smoke:" ¯ . ~- , -~

The passengers who. had witnessed the generalfato o~ ¯ =-the affair X~’~re ( " or-an-of--

’whatever -emotions ;:may-~have. closef0r expression in wo~ds or

~r, lie may bc able to command ou-same ~mp ~and or t welve-hundred-doilars-a-year,characterizedhim frem Calm- Whether im receives five hundred or a

from =LlfSimahd-dollarS=a’Yeaxmskesu°diff°x~’ ’- ~,indow nearest him, i onco,~s a~h-6Val rule, in-the-amount -~

md reaching over the seat he saves. He must "ke~p upappear- . :took that womau’spoodle dog and.threw !ances," and as he advances inhm poax .........it out of the window as far beyond ties, he finds that his personal expenses ipossible, at th’o same time saying, ar~) also increasing.- l~inally, after year~there is anything I do hate, it’s ’ and oftentimes of faithful, - "

The scene which followed "Business ¯

and as ~the-h

’~vhich there-are- hun-pplicants. This is ~he ~imoar. You make_a great incident to the loss

without a thou ; clear Of the water. The ,sto~r-woman~flve,-ten,¯ at the nnex- hohas

down, and the boat kept before the! A~e is you look at ed finale of the affair.~Cincinnafl ed atrade." He sees, now, th~t--lmy~er " " expert workman, among the trades, re- " =

- .Tlie .sky was inky blackness, save ~ithTexas Pacific Railroad." oeivedas~_clark~m~d_hesides is Jude-¯ Novel Way tb Raise tile Wind, when lighted by the vivid flashes Of the

~: .... ¯ ¯ - . - It is announced that Col. Thoma-s-A.- uendent. If he ~ssober and induStri--~ : ~ -A prominent c~hzen of Detrmt ~s the lightnlng,’.thunder rolled like incessant ’ nearest"and dearest friend

¯ father o~ two mischievous lads, aged cannonading, the waters were lashed there i~ hardly an "old maid" anywhere ~~-_ °Y6--Eur~p~-f°r~; ~m- ~’-=Hi~-. -- m .......about twelve and six years. -The boys into foam, the--r~iff was dffviiig down who has not bee~ courted, and soughtl purpose of closing the negotiations mr expenses are only half as much as thos~ ....had emb axked in some speoulati0n or in floods u them, the waves grew and admired bvgentlemen, who are now a loan of from $70,0001.000 to $75,000,000- era clerk, and he saves money to begin ¯

frolic, and to complete their -arrange- md and dashed frequent- staid- and comfortable fathers oi fatal- .for the Texas Pa0iflo Railroad Company, for himself in a few years, ill a business " ¯ " "" of which he isPresident; It is under- Such ’

cents was : made ap: ~came" a necessary occupatibn every and=in ...... a man-is ca_the high road to pr0sp6x4ty.moment~and so’Aosse&about~vas_the~-’ -sho-ref{~sed them ..... ----~ Texas Pacific has ___Young menL~ho have not. Capital t~ --" ........ --

but were not sucees little craft that the ba~ers had to hold ~of the Buffalo.

invest in a line-0f b~in~ss’ifi ~whiO -’t . .the req~

¯ ~hey set ’,thei~ wits ether. ¯ l~Ir. Cozad. had instructed each It will afford every well-balanced the Trans-eontinental knowledge of the business to fit, them " "

tional currency they must hav~,..and to person to fasten a bit of rope. to mind some satisfaction t0 learn that the the Receiver, John A. C. for the voaition Q.f :proprietor, should -

~ raise it this novel expedien~ was hit up- boat~~ so that in ease she went men Who have been doing their best to ~ Within a few days’ signed avoid clerkships a~ a delusion ands ......ofholdi~ extorminate thc buffalo from onr West- final mrs transferring all these snare¯ Learn a Lo~ayoid tempts-

In duo the water and to keep her adecided fall in the pries of giving him authority to =: =_ ~ -

apparrel ~ado:his- appearance.-~ :--The. ~d.- Had she swuug broadside into is estim’atcd that. at least The property tlms transforred’comprise~ Gcn. C~ss and John G|ly."~ounge.r h01~ful:was speedily disp0~ed ~ trough of the sea, she could not 200,000 bfiffalocswero slaughtered last 8,000,000 acrcs of agricultund hinds in

m the sack, th.~m.outh tied, and this .have survived a motnent; but the year, pri~miually for their skins alone.Texas, granted by that State to the’ Guy I)ore a striking resemblance to "

bundle of animated rags being, duly helmsman "knew his’business " and The herds lmvo been driven by the ex- l~Iemphis and El Paso line. These Gem ’Lewis Cass, and while he was pro-

weighed.was dispnsed of.f0r the sum of sat firm and without shift of position tension of railroad ;into a comparatively lands, withthe distinct grants made to printer of the National Hotel in Wash-

sixtyeents. Buthoroone oftl~os’oiiC: livelonl~nig .t, and, as sailors would .restricted distriet,where gaugsof her- thoTexas Paeifio will, even at $2 an mgton, the Michigan S0fiat0r wag --

cidents that alw~yawill h~p0n at the "~ the I,oat lid not get away_ from der mnrksmon can get them in a corner it isestimated, dMray the cost of among hLs.fav0rcd guests, Guy dressed

marred, the ~holo ,". but was held stern .to the sea. and butcher them w ...... tl-m-road The eireot of tlicso like Cuss, and alth0ugh--n-~taSportly; --¯

) of the meu mona droves of these animals is to uidato the claims including the wart, was -

’ ¯ " " ’ in ha French . _u hl ttohodmto the unk dealers dur g .... - " "

re g y pr ........ ~ ............. : .... tribes as a means c,f sustenance- have the ~)reuosterous proceedings against ousc came ~n afar a long .1 I~S la II 11~ came In eon~ao~ ~Uelr l~llue~ ILl uuu -- . a ,- " ¯ ’

wagon’ ~ ..... a -- ¯ ....... ~ b thusbeen ~onned and shot down While Oon Fremont Mr Scott has agreed ride, dusty and t|red, and, walking up¯ a icco 01- olct 11"on. ~uuuomy marKeu ~ouuu-ot .L ’ 1" ._ ..... . .’ ¯ ’ " ’ --- ¯ ’ ~ ~

~xthtnoro wasp a serammc .............aau ~’ ~U’’~’’ ’~1 "~:"r t’~ ’~~’’~’’’~" "’"~" v-,v"~"er in such. Limes, as the United-StatesGovernment has seen either to give Mr. Gray, as the repro- to the olllc.o.,, en0oun.~.erea" uon. - ~ass¯

."ss d from the’ interior of the s’sek, the~o, and tho others assenting. About paying enormous prices for beef to be sentativo of the French %ondholdcrs, who was qmtoly stanamg ~uero¯ mm-~~Ueoi

~o" .~o-~,~ ....n . ~’~ ~,.~.^’a^- -,~’~ ~,;n,.;.l.~.~,.,.~ .. the Cleveland li,,ht~ , whiehmsued, to our. Indian pensioners, tens of the first choice of a largo sectmn’ of land! taking" htm" for Guy, he s!app.ed h~m" o a . .~v . y p~n ........ ., ......... ..’.:~" ~ .,~ u.~ ~;th qm course of the wavcs th0usands of buffalo carcasseshavcbeen or to redeem the French bonds at about the shoulder, ann exm~moa:, wou~

seam orefIOUWIHl 1118 /11- obuult ~l~xtt a,~ttt uuo.~, ~.. . . . ¯ ., ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ "

xl; Pl~. ra mau m hot tfrsuit Th~ their only guido, disappeared, and they r0ttmg on the plains, slaughtered 3n 75 conLs on the dollar, whmh m more old follow, hero I am ; .zne tas~ ~mo J.w" h o g- " - -.P - ,- ".-- ,,-- ¯ .~ ~..~. ~,...~.. t|,.;~ ].....m~n~;a order that’ these irregular butchers than they cost the holders, whohavcall hnng my hat np in.your shanty, onoofmane was recov~re(J~ ~rto: Ja~.’ In [nO ICI[ .,~ .................................. , .... .... . ¯ ’ " " O

ned forth ~him dri~l)0-uth]-s ~-mlthoirdangcr. Andw~terbegim to m~ght" make a profl~ by. taking thetr assignedthe~rehumsteMonroo-&-Co, yourclorkssentmo-tothofourtha~ ry ..... = ........~aok. s., " ¯ " P g. - ¯ "...oh. ¢.~ A|! ~.;.. n ..... ,t ;. skins ’ A voar a~o the vrice of buffah) of Paris, and Dunean, Sherman & Co. out now that Ihavo got hold of, you, I . .

¯ .prtuses;.mu m,.~n_v¢~o_.so_n.~a.rty;esc~Ee;a.~os¢~.~ ~.~j..;~d,~,~ "~’~ilh~(’~ hidds"in-tl~o:W~trangod=fr0m four to Of Now Yorl¢, iu’-trnst for collection.- i11sist’upon a lower room,"-::7 = -. .....................ooing the ,vlettm.arovo.o]k; ~-~., ~.: ~ .:~ ~’~r’:~:"~,~’,’,’~’,l" ,~-~.~h;’~,.~’~.-~((-~(.tlfive dollars for a cow sh-in, and from six This settlement was made with the up-’ The General, a most dignl.liea person] - ~’ -retil, oa, no--aouo~ mcatta~xng on ~,,, ~,~ ..... ?Y ~ ...... ,~.~ --~:" ~-~--;" ¯ ........ A.11.~o ¢,.~ n h,.ll ulr/n ~’"’~ a ..... ,,,1 ~¢ tl,- ~arnuis do 0h0mbrun. a-o takon aback by the star¢lmg sa~

oot’s rovorb" "Tho best laid O. D, Bon]amm, preparm mmsmz mr ~,,y .................. ----- ........... ~ ............. ~ . ¯ ~ , . , - ,,P hemesPof mine and men and be s the worst, had taken off hTs pautaloons skmthat~ouhlhavo broughtfivodollars counsel for the French Legatmn at Lute, coldly rephed: You have oom- . .leo .. , ! ,, ¯ ...... ( Y ) .,.^-~--..,, t .... Im TTnv|n~ h~.n with. n Tear and a half ago will Searcoly sell Washingt~m, who has been in commu- mitted a mistake, sir, I am. ~ot:Mr~ . ,gang axr, agxeo. ’ "" ~"~7"-:~-~=";’-:=-~-;:=i"t~’~i,’[’~’~~ f(~r a dollar aud ~(half Tho glut nieation with Mr 0ray on tho subject. Guy ; I am Gonera! Cass, O~lO~nlgan,(

’ ’ I ou~ m®a_~_~y,,,~,.,~.~.-~.;,=...:~ ..".7= buffalo hides has bccom’e so ~reat that Ju,l~c Blank, ro~lusel for Gem Fremont,aml augrily turned away. The wes~rnIeJ~ moro ~OYUEt’&,y¯ A,LI. v~t/a~lttt |t|&tt t,ltsa u ~ ’ . .The 0anada Pacific Railway. [ .,~... ¯ ...... ,,,. i ..... s ~o~e ~oasick they havebcon exported in largo qusn- says he is merely wa~t|ng to have t!m mau was shocked at the Unconsoiou~

The Board of D~reotors at Montreal i and sue san well imagiue that it took I txtms to Euroi)o, Almost.every day In whole matter concluded before matitu outrage he had committee ; out oetoro

havo aceep tod tho torms of SirHugh fall tho "pluck "oaoh ono could muster I t!m stroo.tsof New York: WO ,o.o, l,~f,~ tmg proceod~?gs. :dlU~,e::~IIm:~OoU~ ~,eoe ha~re:o~ve~oedh.~m..u~aa~oa?oiufln~t¯’~)~

Allenforthoqons~ruotionofthouanaaaltokeep up tindorsuch trying eircum- stringao~ araysma~tea aownwm~ ~, Frcvor-xon~ o]u g . j,- . t,{m, ua ,w .-p . ¯ ..........

Pacific Railway. Assuming that this [ stancco ’ hides of these animals. In’ Frafice and [ fault against Gen. Fremont in the office, confronted him again, when,’ a¯

contract means busindss, wo shall have Just "before da~ the wind began to Belgium army 0ontrlictors arebuying[ French Courts. The result of this ira- see0nd time mistaking him for Guy, howithin a few years four traus-contiacn- [ hi11 Bailey had l~ooome exhans~d and them np at the present Io~ rates in [ portent transaction will be ~o fully vin- [ fac0d him and enid: "Hare you arc at

tel railroads north of our Mexieanboan- ~ lav’heluless in the bottom of the boat large quantities for the purpose of mak-] ~icate GemFrsmont, and to rees!ablfsh [ last. I hayc just made tt devilof a mis,

d.ary--tho Canadiani znd our Northern, I L~ght l~ogan to break in the east, an~i [ing them into ..all ki!,is..of .military VAmeriean ercdlt in France and Europa[ take; I met old Oa.ss aud to(~k .h_im fog.Unmu 0astral, and Southern Pacific | fifteen sail wore discovered. ......some not i equipments, such as slraps; corns, nar- I goncralty. ’ I yOU, anti £ am alram,, ~ne mmx,,8~-uwroads. Aad.flmro willbo scope andl far. o . A air of antaloons woro[ness, audthohkc. Atthepr6sentthno[ ~-- ~-.w vr-"eorres"ondontof the has ~one off mad. . WhatGcnoral.Cass

ver o enot~ IX for them all for each of if" rom ~ , lo aPd all ko t u a tho averago prieb in Chioago for buffalo [ ru~"~’~l~b:~o write~/. "S-cakin- [ wou~d have said may woll bo ~magined~thcge~lincs~ac far sopara~d from the :oa, Vt~tnl:Jd shonliOng: b,it with~l~t ,~ail]hid~range’ifroiifoiie,do,~’r~nda!!alf]~:~’o~,~r’d’~yfloaeeuth~mm ~;ell a~"]if the r2’.~! G.uy hadnot~ppro_~@o_~ ~n?noxt that each will have a groat seotion| --tho vessels all kepb on their conrse, i to two dollars aud a natr. a~eauetlngt ..... :--ted with mlb[{o men oatha sub- | resouoa ~ao lnnocen~ on0auvr .ore. ?..of ths oountry to itself between tholon.| and werc soon far aw~v. No land wss [ commissions an,1 expeaso~, a bnffalo~ ~ec.~!’~:"~’~... .’heir, ~-aoitv. al~’d habits of [ twice.as,ailed apdtw|ee-ang~refl..~ta~a’"gitudinal lino, of the Miseiasippi River.~ m" sight., and hoo l)~ ~n to ebb. In hunter, realizes ab0ut,,1)o dollar, for oaoh| .......,..~., ........I,,. ~o,uar~ed that the hardest J man.--16"om Anccdotea, o? ~ouo ~¢nand the P~btflo Ocean, and each wdl the mnantimo, a~out ~aybreak, ’it b,..] skin that ho s011s. If the selhng vahm|.worke, ha had ever known was Caleb l’by ~/,~)orm~7.have its own settlements and trade to ce ssarv to relicvn G P Bonia| could Im redu~e~’a grrat deal more itl .... ~ "us~-in TMt~Id --- imformant | . . --~ ..... ----------77-7-.... .

oamo 11 , ,0 _ " " " " " " O" tho countUllS[llng. u tt K ~" A ~I~W J’#NOLANDEn, ~1~ IS a Iacu no5

. ". Pg [ rain at fl , " i ..... ...... i] Omt, for tweaty-llvc years, ~h~ ha ds~on ] gmmrallv known tha~ Bnrnwell Rh~t,bulld u cnr0ut~ and soma advents oe m hahn and h~s brothor took wouhl bo a good thing f r ry ) t

ot its own on the Pacific Coast. | his lace The former had sat, without. [ Wlmn zno ncx~ uot~gres, ~seemmes ,x~] s,,vel~teen out of every twen~y.mur | ~[. ~,l;t~.~f thaW,,w {)rleanSl~lcauutl~.The Uniou Central Pacific the io ttPn (’)ff the seat from the tame ha could not do anything wltio|x woul(l ........ re-din o,,~ .......................... ~ .....

..... , .P, "[go g ’ . | ............. rlh,,ursinintell°°tuall’ursuita--.~, ~’iwhokilled Judge Cooleyinr duellas~neor line, IS aoing a DUSlnes8 wnleJi| ......took tho holm thQ ovoniug heforo our../meet, witu.,more .p°pu’ar. .."l)Pm"auu.. . _ .’/ o.--:.,.e,’*"a"; ....~.- _,ffiritin~.o--.fdvin~o nimsell l/weeK" iaoI" .r~OW" -~"j~nglan(| .....u, es0en~; aug aought to pay handaomoly.;tho Northornlimr lke ~Ju~lo ni.-ht---acmcf 12 hours-- [ than enao~tng a_ mw nor ~no oneo~ua~ : hut. saven hours for rest an~¢¢r~tigp, the Adam~tt~ .Rlmtt.l, aa.................................. ~ ................ . ......... [ ......... . : relative of .................:Pamfio~ ou-’n--flm c~’[crn Jxvtston, ts in [an’~was so shff t]mt l~o-hail to bo h|t~d] prosorvatmn oFUI~ bnf~ tOr~ Cushimr has au extracrd|nary constltu-/ ¢~,norl~ editor of the Charleston Mer-?per~o,n to Bls ma~k, fax up tlm.Mls.;| up, a~ ~o had no l)OWOr to move. / B]cl;;fhlg at the hose. -- tion an~ the most vigorous health, .and~ c~’ry, an original and bitter seeasaion-.aourt ~,tvor, aria.on mo wes~.rn a|uo,l~| Within hm minutea after O. D. took| Thiz is oommonly a uarmtoas anna- reeeivoa snob pleaauro xrom aDacr.~mg 1st, and a .on of the disn.ion a~itator .....m maamg gooa nenaway, "t’ne ~onm-/.~.~ ~,.~ ,h,, ~udder -avo awa~ and/tion althon~h individaa,s nave repeat- mental ocenpatioa thst it has by long ~h~. nnmn he beara. It seems that

i osaihili ; o, it, i od, ,’i,ocn k ow,, to habit becon e se0on n ture. ,.h. m, of Rhctt. Jr.. a.... ~; ._ pr ~an.~y oe nntl~uo.a | Uofortunatoly, too, the wind seemed to| In cidldhood and early y It .. I s m - He is now seventy at leash ann st lain 8mitl’h and a brother of the wife ofcetera cue ~ortnern £’aOlnO or wltn|n e deot u )ou settee con c8 i re ularl em 1o et~ as a ¯..... , _ . I be freshening, but it ,lid not last long./pathio, d pan . 1 . . g ~ years, be ng g Y P Y . John Adams He, removed to South~o next.terse yea.re. .~h.°.,.¢’J~nsaian I and all were happy. Etrange as it may[ ties. In ohl ago itis aympto.matio..ant1 sort cf Oovcn~ment .]aw~or. upon .in- Carolina, wil"cro he had a chance tom a~-yc.,we muat walt .tin t~my ac~ aocm, tho courago of alL had revived,| the rosnlt of passive qoog~uon, w~an ternational ea~s at Waan|ng,~n, he,has eomo into poeaession of valuablo pro-~ua.y ureaz grounu upon ~t cetera w~ and some broke out into singing. Thei habitual, it~ susponston oebogena ttts- taken lifo morn easily,,, as wctt ne mlga~ perry yb elmng gia his nwno.can onrer mm any oonjooturos as to tho ¯ ................. 1 nnd thn afb~rnoon was| oaso or dnnner Varioas meaas are at his adwmeed ago ¯probable tlmo of as eompletian. We on the wano, whcu a aail hovc in sight| a,lol, t~d fur its contro!-~ra!~lng ¯both . _ - ..... ,--7:-. ~ , ____. "h:cam, -,olitc.ess ie thns de-totednave no UOUD~, hOWever, gnat.l~ir llugu v...+ th..., nl.~t thn (]a,,adn shnr,~ nn / arms over tim head anti noising Lucia ~k Kroy lnall lUlVerttso~ ’ tile Iflrs~.n~ , ~-~,, ¯ ~ 1~ ,,-~ , ¯ .1..~:~ tl,~,Allen is iu earnest and moans to build ~.".,~:..;"~’~,h’~t~l~’i’,’l ti~"m~nti’m’~- h-a’~il for a time. i. usually successful. The assortment cf i),,yu’ piatols in. the !,y trio ~os~ : our rag uog.u,?j..~:~the road. |’~:’"..~_’;" .C.’,’~-..’Z.~=_.-~,";I.^ -’:_- i i..¯., .,...,:i. when it e,m be obtained, market " Ina~nmoh as the merchant true 8entwmau. may.us rcoosn,zea .t~

---- Decn /lO|S[(’(i, Itl,tt uJ I~tutttl~ ut ,tlU O,.’f ,,~". ,’"""J, ¯ ¯ , ,,. .," , ’....~ .,..,.-.’..~, ........ ,... .;,1,, m ahto|’itv wits wnlen 11o iziYes nlaA Portland. Me,. fruibdcaler reooivod alo oar on b,mrd th. boat waa kept be. I is a buaeh of oommoa ta~e umu to tao n~ .~ u.,~v. ........ -~v _’~?_ .",":. ",’~.u. !1 .., .¯- ,s.,,’. ...... |,!,, of " str~’t’t ear to’

" " "" mama~tIU t]l~ttrl~’llJk~!~ (,glll|U anti a t~llr~t~Oll B UIIIUO Oii t,,t, nt’,t~ ,,~a ~a’V u~.,*.j .....

n,,strils." llow it acts wc ~t-h’i.~,~f.-l~:i~ii’h,~.in a bunch of bananas. Tho when it eeetned a, if tim vessel w~ but wt~ aro cerhua-i~V-2t~t-6~-th-6--ffo~-

¯ otmdwmtv,’ry painful, butuot/ataL ing off without noticing thorn, egho. ¯blocd.--Exchanpc. I virate l)~rtu~t,hip, shady platform tar a smoke."

Page 3: eranberr - Atlantic County Library · T~n Year~ ofl~Dublle ¯ Providence Tool Co., "ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.test him nroved Dr.L’rook’m Prov/danee, R. ]. .. Sugar of Milk. [LACTIN.]


. ... ... ¯ ............ ~ . . .

handqiwah-sueh"wol~--to-bre~,k-~v-~ 6 s4 ¯ l.,oca] A¯dvert~ements ..failed eral of his ~;ozics. A market ’w~gon at aggee,’Charles.; ..... ’. .............; .......... 4 5e,/ .... . ¯ cis cith~ F6rk s ]’,aadmg, ~¢hic~.waS, S~an~ling b.,,/llan~d~’Jk..L.,. ,..,..,., ....... ... 54 1~ .,,L" -~ ...~ ~. " ,,

.... , - ,C.D. .................... . ............ 2 28. . E. BOWLES, M.D., Es:ron A Pnm.’n er an imbecile, or an igno- °

¯ ramus, aronowseokin him as thc’PenshawkettCreek;a shortdistance Milt,r, Abrahdm.¯~.....;. ........ ’ ............ 3,1, ...,,iv’rMaddox, j. B; .................. . ....... ......;...¯ 3991] "¯ west of ~loSreslOw was struck "crane, Mi~e S, S ..... : .........., .......... 34 20 .... .LPOIM I

Is- "]~d~O~)~; A.~O 00.. ~’o ,]’. 8umcs that Grant is to stieeeed Grant in hun(Ircd feet until it was eompleto;y du- vinelaud CrS,t,e, ry Cn .......... ......... ~ .... 9

" . " - Voorbiee,.A udre~ ............................... 5 70 Idlcw the Jmportgnt fast’to esoapa ~our tala¢la ¯__ _~ ulial chair as l~n~:ns molished. :A_mun named William Lfp- Zelg|er, A. J" ......... : ................ .........¯.. t ’/2 ~:~.tha pli~-t~’-b~y HARIYWAR ,~h--’U

-:- ~-- m-to-re-eleot,-hi -piheott4vLa-~: - - Pre-’.seY,-Mrs.,E~tatd:’--~.;-~; ....... .;=:=,.;,-~7--le - -AI~bOR-&COOK STOV.ES-ot~ Sll-ltyleslzt~l "towhl relhse to Vacate it ,tefeated. :gun ~hen :~e vehicle was Struck by the l~obbin~, Fred. S .............................. @ -’~A~o~Irf~-lI-l~L~J)~-~--STII2L~DWA~~:" ~"everal:leadjug joarual& in different Mow, there is positively n’ot even tl:ewind and upset: Thee occupant was ~eri-

~ogern, Ransom..; ........... A ............. ;... 1 ol~e.thiogb Which youRoxby, James ................................ .. "il MECHANICS’ TOOLS, and s thousand alMl"~ecd~n~ of the.country, have spokes out shadow o! a foundati~q ca Which to as- ously injured. 5 .’~

I, re~ any fear re0elvlng_In-,ruination for a third term. We find’the- exp..n~io~ strengest and loudest

¯ .£ti,~ cry, not because there is the least :ca-~,n, bul; t¯s Gee’dog ha:ks b~ause he~h,.ars ~nother--tiiat Grant e’n~e’partythai has supported him are a’~ious’ togive him a’third term in tho Presidential

,ei~alr. ¯ ¯

]]) .,s~ "that all in;mensc ma-jor vyof~the~xm eri~.an~peot,, .: he third term ol Grant in the Presiden-

~.~ t--ce,’~ t r o[s-th e--organ izatioo_ot_hlwhich int’,,-:..v, " ffeDia-s become e:sential-

can command the nomination as certainly~.-- t hat h o-shatlX,xy-fvr-it.~ .... ¯

,No one wlmse wishes arc not father tohtvcould--lor-a--m~m~

party~ and that~Grant intends :ohi; nominatimK--~-~Not.onl~ai~ an immc~se

u,~jofity of thc-Americaa~)oople opposed

to ~ho third term for Grant. or aa im-ntunse majority of the l~dpub]icar:, party.

e..t. But i. ~ there are any who fay.or such,, lit:vg, tbc:. are fik~l;.fcw and

" or as tricky andc: n. eie~oeless aS those whd~cribblo such

~ioundle,~ ns:ertions as the Argus aud

c c.*~wthis-sut~u doubt to create a panic in the domi-

t party,-by’ placing before, theme--the

imperious as Czesar, with ambition to be¯ n perpetual ruler. Grant, in the first

entertain any.such idea, and has too muchsagacity vnd-wisdom-to think that tileida would¯ be Seconded by a cozporal’s

¯ guard o~ party, or anybody else; except a portion¯ of the DoinG,oratic party, wh0 have, for years, shown

a.teeling" for, ~ind a strong /nctiaati.on t~-:

]y the Southern wlng oI, the party.=--A)~d-

tltis cry el C~emt’[sni :s genii, coming fromtmcha /.,)urea. ’Tis purely sensational,I,,’urilc, .ll=raidle, and will have no tno:’oell’~et Ulmit the minds of tliinking sic:l,~han thousands nLothor-~things..oLa sen~~uon:~l character, that ha~o emanated

e.oc’eitcd promulgations,wit,ly commis-~i ,ns, bumbastic announcements, and ego-u~tic ddehtrations, that should have nonauru weight or influence than Grub streetor billingsgate.

A~ for amending the Constitution, as

...... the Portland Arguaptoposo~,limiting the.oBoo to one term, there is no. nece~lity~

..... and thOoii0 term-cry was raised fora slit;cial purpose, hoping to have its effect,last fall, in favor of Horaco Gro~ldyt butladed. Now, for .%at Grant may be againelecte,~., the amendment must ba urged toan immediate passage on the a~emblingof Congress. The 0onstttution is wolcno,:gh as it is, on tlsatpoint, and we

-have.no lease ota third term,-whilo a se-cond term~is sometimes advisable andbe~t, unless the party cttlled Democraticshn¢ld-get into pow,r;-forwith all thecorruption of the Republican party, it ispurity itselt soap,red with the part# it

’.displaced, and the immense meJority of¯/he American people are not anxious tosee it restored, ~nd if it should be, thenit might be the safest plan to have everyeenstitut!onal cheek posalblo, ~.s thereis no pos~.bllity of such a change, howev.er, tbr a while at learnt, we can afford to]cave it alone. "

On this smbjeet of "1~arlem," the

~crantou (Pa,) t?qntbNcan ,peaks thus:

the United 8tulsa.~ver-ex-

a ~ew subject to our. in direst opposi’.i0n.

ot a third term for Pre~ident:Gram

der ofthe French armand ~ehurz, and it willnot be any moresu~ees~ftii in impressing the people Ot thecountry¯ The "~m~arhm" sensdtlontakes well with tha Demo~ra’tic p/tpers,but not with~he people..

We s.fse ~.~rse the, sentiments oftheRichmond (I~.) State Journal: "

G,ant i8 trying-to-do-his_duty_laithlnll

no one will deny, but the country is ex-periencing-a-great senseofrelief-from-~he-a.xi~ties of the.past. Everybody iecls

art what. we sorely

gress and growth. Attentionturned to

the pt~oph; we arc all heartily dis

which ha~ wasted our ~trcv,.,th tadadd lghC usof-~d--passi6~h~ and: em

hands. General Grant has ceasedthe ~’epre,~entati-vc-oI’- a-party. Every-thin~g shows that he has thrown aside theparnsaa, and is President 0f the wholecountry. He duscrves atnil hands a’loyal

a.csitalingly declare ourstdvesneaHaati,.)o fi)r ~ third

a~-do"iFt~thb-i, aro ithuts sad ttowers.Tho storm a ho reached ~fas~ Mount

Holly, where tt did eoMiderable damage.H ............. 7 98 ;’bout In the HARDWARR LrNE, 1~ at tl~


Regatta at Springfield, blasa,, ~a the Walker, Mrs ....... . ....... .’, ..................;..+ 2 57 cur. BOO. HARBOR.ROAD.& ’16.th, andYale was happy. ;. ¯ Weeks, Win. H..¯.. ............................. 4 ~6 "aELLEVUE AVE¯; (soeoad door from atatie~

Watson.,R.M...,...;.~..¯. ....................... .. ~156 WaaroofferlnE " .Cholera Stili prevails in the Wcsc’, but Wor~lit, Oaando ................................. a )~Weymouth Farm lot..... ................. .. ,t 58 ¯ " " ""has almost entirel~ disappeared from the White, Ss~al~ A ........... . ............~.¯.;:~.~. lS08 ¯S.mthern cities¯ It is creating eonsterea- H.W. LORINO, pJties in 5]i~ouri. One case-occurred in

STATE Colioelor..~ . .~. . .f!’ .

,~been sent_there undcrseate~ -~0hoo1B~_ ~gO~K~.~, FELId928 ...... . -~- ....lmpr~sonuwn~ Trenton, New dorsey,him frp_nt tl~e :~eptc_n_.¢e_ofthe_Court,____’_ __-7.0TAL_.CIIAROJ~S._ia_ tho_’._N’ORMAL kinds, aud TI~rlt,’A~. Don’t beliece ,-

excursi, been made from Duc- SClI00L, Gootlemou’e ~all, $100 a year ; in -" ....... " ......................................

gnne well aud witbout accident stneo

along as a good¯Samaritan. He ’sawhgree run¯ and:a-man ho~ dragged ittho dirt, and- ~tw him rlse covered withdirt and dust, but did act at first recog-


TAKE lq0TIOE. "him, but immodia,o y went "o h,s as- w. or. now ord ,, for OAL. to Lobk. Out

" delivered fretathe Car~. Persons Using Coal 0R00Isistance. The Doctor was at flint unable wm consult their interest~ by calling on ml be- .~8".

pe:aneemsn-~but~with-Mr~Jaek~on’e a~_ contracts will "be subject

shtanee the lior~e was ~oeured, the wreck deliver S. ~erms Cash. -

U/ " = " . = . r

10al~:ly ]I][AMM0~.~0N, N. ~.

SATURDAY, ’JULY:~31. t873.


5.35: ’ Retu~ing,


,r ~ll’~~s ~"- R. J. WOOLE¥ has ~a ITEH He thinkawhon ho gogs out riding againat:his new, stand. Pnreon| wishin it will not be after a blind horse, He

8tesdman, Lorensa H ............. . ...... ]1 SSRomprb~) Charles ........................... 9 i2 " .St~l~m,_-7~-~l-i~.:;:..;..;.;...;;...;;..,’L 9 ]~ ...... ~- =: ~ Dogdaye~ ~ . ..... blind. .

God ...................................... 4 00 ............. -"a ~’i ........ i~"Sprff-ee’Beerat:Hill%.=:~=’~’:=- ~=-~=-"-""- ==-:-- =~:==-~!~, _-:Riding =0n the-train,

Total charges in the ~l.odel Sshool, $2n0 a

Full Term wilt open SEPTEMBER 9th.

I~ Cream Nectar at Packer’s.Market

tions we should ’~’ith- all ~osssible energ.Lany ........ To of 88 milesattempt .nominate ’him .aim Our reasocs are the present route, and short,yen minutes¯ It is

~l,’antin~e, "new route

are confident

limited’ to t},os~ whoso desire tor 0fficc)arsenal relation:

)hanLic_aud fuel-ish io their condu~t.

The Storm of Friday, ’the’]Sth, which

¯ its Sores along tile ,Dclawhi’-~- river, doingreat damage.- -It-Waq a-storm of-]ight~

man violence, ~,nd the damage done tobuildings," trees, ’and crops will amount toover $150.000. The section in

god from- the .camc, r~~ton countywcst ns

-[ar~tsthe -ccrJtt’d b[~ Ctni~d6ti -i~ohntyvatwhich point its violenco secms to bare b-’-"comc e~.hausted. The’eountr~ and regionarou,,d Mo0rc:-:o~-n~ aho.r twenty mii~’s,, " .t(ant trom (,ant lc:u; appears tO ’have ~u[-fared morc-t hun- any-o, her-scction-hem.d~

from yet. 1, !nuses nnd hams ~t’tndif~the path ofthu t"Yclono w,,rol,utlcd ’.oground, at,d ihe frag,,~ent’s carried fbr

-hundreds of feet bY the artery blasts"Tr,~es and shrubbery, were torn up by theroots and carried a~va-y for-yards by tlicfiere~ wind currents, while’the growingcrops of corn, oats, and vogetables wcroprostratodand utterly/uiued ..........

t:omondous and extraordinary fall ofh-~il aceompa~i’ed th0 stb-rm~ and ido Stonera~ Inrg0 as hen’s eggs Cdiild bO gathorcdand picked up in the track of the hurri.o,mc by the bushel. ’].’he storm movedfrom east to wont and passea ovor Phila-doh)hlawithout any markctdemonstrationofvlohneo. A hcavy fallot rain, ho~’ever,flooded tho streets i, many parts ,of thocity; ands tew houses on the out~ki.-tswore struck by lightning. As ~oon ns theheavy cicada had eros.~ed the Delawarethe wind, wluch has been apparentlyreserving its /orce, burst forth attd made

havoc with everything i~ cnconntorcd.The trail of thu storm, which fortunately

raked but about thirty minutes, is markedwith general dovastation. Tho crops arcentirely ruined. The fruit crop i~ utterlydosttoyed, and crohards iu many seetionaare torn up and tho trc,~s carried off. Agrand display of elootrieity accompauiudtho storm, and tho reports t,’f thunderwo;c doalcnit:g anti tho lightning ~trokcsblinding..... Inthcvithce-~t-M~.rc.t~vrn.-ritnn~ed-on th,~ line .l th,~ Lhxrlington t~ouuty 1haillb,ad, .~o,1~. twco~-:ive, mihrs fr.m l’hila-tb’11d,ia, C,th:,~h.ruh!e daltnl;,, v:.t, ,],m,r.’l’l.,v,’in,I and h,M :,ttu,’k Ihu {’ath.lict"*tllh’h alibi ~lltl,lat~, d it t,, :t r,,u,[,iulahh’c’z~.’t,:. Tw,, ,~!’.’ r chtlr,.h t,diticv.~ i. I}mt.’,~’l, td.~ .’nil’, r,d r. ~, xr ~ J’’ 1 ~’, The hi|el i.

Camden and &tlant|~ lh.lro-ul;tSe-6th*rday, we ~mm pleas.od,to see, the OrOl~co "king_~_wel,:tnu the~Iower part 9[ our

II1~ ’1~ Anderson & Bro’s doe J tvtCof ee.

tl~ Keep your~fountaiu iced, ~eorge, apple orchards we pa~.d, looked well.for uow Is the timu to qtfaff that delicious The t~ees, mauy. of them apparently notSoda Water,

morethan three years old, were loadedwith fruit, and this no~withstaudlng~,~hc

II~P. S. Tilton is selling off his stock of

-tha~-seotion ot the ~unty.

Jl~" Blackberr!es have sold well, and .... HOW to Build .... U. Hammonton."ought to cow.:nue to sell well until the Let every Church-memberiu Iq[ammon-tast rif-Peaehes-ai’e~as_sh raisin f~L~ds

are here. .’nts to .advertise it as

.. " t ,P "~ .J , r ": ..... ": ~ = . r ~ ¯ . . =

For Your Best¯Interests- ’JLND DE2LL WITH,



eau hsrdl~---be found than we’eaw. The ~- Reslden6e ua.Centzsl Avenue,_inAhe.grapo viceyards look wed ale0. Several h°use f°rmerly eccupled by Dr. Bowlel. . -


3 Fay’S:Blb0k, H 0iit0n; N:J. ..... "--.


Grain, Flour, Seeds and Feed,_/ : : ,:OASK ........

Orders promptlyattended to and delivered free of charge "

Maohine, had better eah~ at Anderson & Church members more than other peoplei. ~d-high prlees. Th%re lsaa .... ~ro’sTaad examine Weed’s.-Samuel An- engage in this work. For two .g035_rea-:

dersgn,, the a.gen_t~ p fferL-g9od/induee2~ sons. 1st. To do good, As has often beenmeets, and the payments are accommo- amusements,dating. ~i fln’~ral-and-inst ruetive~ nes-aro-notqur--

. I~" The heat is intense, and Tla-ocury is almost out oi sight. This mak~.s be, to thejnjury of the rising gen,bne sweaty, stioky and’~ uncomfortable¯ Protestant sects have sadly neglected thisonlyas he gets in the way ot thc Jersey matter, as their most enlightened and far-¯ " seeing memb.~rs begin to realize. It is7re.

I~" We have to chronicle a c,se of nish abundance of moral and ~se/ul en-. ~u~ns;.~ke~n Hammmntfffi--YeS-fe~d-ay a~ lertaina.euts’fgr the people_ bet thd


HAMM0 TON HOUSE; ANDERSON BROil wouid re spehtruii ;invite tl e- att riti a ......-J£hosabaeriber-hav/ngdeased_tbe.llammonton of_f~eTublie_to_£heixStoek otIIouse,ut llammonton, N’J. nnd furnlshod i{in the beet order;/s prepared- to give excellent .............. - ..........

TRAVELEI~S ass BoARffERS,~tt reasonablo rate~.

Good 8tabling for horses.

J R;.CAROTI[-P R-q;---

y A =J-K-I-NG, ............ATTOR~NEY AT LAW

¯¯ " AND

~ID I, ICITOig IN. .CIIA, NC~ R ~’

HAS oPENED AN OFFICEbear his dwelling in ]TAMMONT.Off~, N.

givsn to CON’-

Its will also act.as agent for tho SALE-AND- Liberty. street;~and employed by. our this matrcr;.:and it will surely succcedi if ’KENTIN/9--OF-L~AND~V~Tid¯ thc’pay’tneut~ of

nei,..hb6"r, A~G: Cla~k-.-Wa~-fdlled by.the wisely managed. But, it the desire lode TAXES. Prompt attention paidto COLLEC-TIONS, /4-if

excessive heat; and was taken home ia good is not a sultieienc inducement- to do

the-work, then enlighten od sel:.intete,,tut~o.°s are

s~-nor-as~musical,~buLthero_ ulation is too small to easily sustaiu halthuo change in. their way ot doing bust- oprbspeot--ass. -Natives and acolimate~ate uo~ troubled much. but they have au Ch~hS-wSieh--eo~d=be-~vell sus~aine.d-

¯ uneo~querabl-, liking Jor s’.rangcrs, and with half the effort i~ costs to p~orly sus-~hey go tar them, unlcss they have too tain our halt dozen different societies.

Now let al, who find it hard t(~ pay their

The undersigned has oponed a Barber 8hop on

Beiievue X~ ......

in the best manner¯.... A (?lean Touml to ~ver!l Man! ......Open every day. On Sunday from 7 to 10 inthe-morning.

i~ammonton, Mayi-.’72.~ ............ 15-


and Shoes,&L-Ld.JnotQUALITYof the’ woll-I vari~,TllhSTS]~L’L T//F]M. Tit~GOo’d-s are OPE.FOR INSPF.CTIO,~. and SEI, h ON TIIEIRMERITS. Partleulara~tention.givnn t. CUS-TOM W 0 [~.K. 4:l-t f

well satarated wittt._.these _noxious.cle..ments-.they..havc no haukdring after

- which is grooving co some of our l’armslOne seldom .sees finer, ,:nd -this is the

.%. ..more surprising w.en wo c~astder how

¯ titus. The potatoes are suffuriag, act-only tro-fit d-rt/ug, dh biit.troui Oil: "potatoworm. Iu s{,mc fields we tmvc.’noticod,thc/eavesare entirely destroyed. Almostevcrything bat potatoes’10ok well, and bid

hold of this mat,er..-et up entertaiu-


will find it easy to. sustain their dfff,,ren~organizations. What-we need in Ham-

ti~;ze~ it~ prc.-cnt3etation.~to-sustaia_our_Italf .~

cjetiea_with_.ease... _.N o.w_ let._ all_ talk _~u,this subject, take hold o! it in earno,-t,and wcsl|all soon haee four ttme,~ oarpresent pooulatitm. BEt~ P~.:/olc;.i.

.it contait,s fi;ur a~es. It i~ a mod~tl lot.eahi,ution and for berries. The vari0~yis ’d’ihoa’e. Last year the field nettedhim about $200 to tho acre. It cnrtainly~a,not, fall short, of it this year¯ Hc hasshipped as high as 800 quarts in a day

lCrom the/our aeros. Hc’has a new fieldof t0ur acre~,-sot o~tt, last sbrihg~-iooking

-£nely, .and-when. the.two.fields are;he,hipt~uit, it will make a nico litllo bushtcss.lie has also several acres of’ 8trawborries,

The steamer Ohio, soeontl vessel of thePhihdelphia’.artd pool .SteatnMfil~

t~ t t ’ ’tap nn lnesbo. ,3h. ~’as hailed 20 .:i~esoff Atlantic City on Wodncsday. and ap.peared to be doing well.

The New Jersey Commissmn to pro-pose amondmcnt~ to the State Consthu¯tion met iu Trenton on ’~,ixosday.

iitat come in bearing next spring, and ~ltcvines are Iookiog finely. It will do saran-gets good to visit such l)laocs in fruittime.

11~ Thc wife at one of our good me-,:hastes, whi!o on a shopping nx0ursionia town on Wednem}ay, utlssed hcr packetbook, t~nntaining snmn ten dollars. Ahortt VSi~ settrt~il t,)r it, hhe t)fft~red a rewardot fihy et~rtttt for its recovery, a, d wentbolus ~nd it not wise. On reachiog homeshe Iold her husband what mistbrtune hadbehllen hnr, and tAG reward she had of.tared. %Vide a quiet nhuckht, tot ~hichh0 ia nu:ed, he took the ,nisAng calf-d:in from hie pocket, saying, "i’ll takethat fifiy come." Bhe paid it, i,,t s,ysdec will he even with-him yet. Ho cawher lay the pocks t b~ck ~n the ceunter ofone ~d" our t~tercs, and quietly put Jt in


- .President-Grant has sigaed the com.mission of Paul Dahlgr0u aa Consul Gen-

ai ~ Romo. ......... ---: ............... L ....

OUR. BOOK TABLE., liAItPzn’~ MAOAZlN~ far August Caner,leaeontribathms fren, Clmrles L. Brec~, ElizabethBtuart Phelps, Jalaee. Frosman Clurke, Jahobsvuge, 0harles ltcade, (Jhsrlcs Nordb,,ff,Mrs..sofa G. Runklc, Whilom Blailtie, Ben.son J. I,osslng, Aogusta I,arned, .i.’amet Bay.t rd Tay or. Emilio Cnstelar~ Mrq. S. 1M B.

tl lath l)ootor SIttuuel O~gootl, and I raf. S|~n.ear F, l|alrd; It"is’illuatrstedwitheighty.el;;ht.~arothlly oxenuted ~llgrstvlags~ bcsh/,s twenty-eight I’ao.shnliee of pttrt[ons, of letters wrhtuul.y the signora of the /h~nluratlon ot Ioth~pnml.nl)e~. The luadhlg artinlo, by Charles h, l|rt, e,./tS lul inture~tl.g and nlaetl.lle.dnd ex .)sure .ftle overwerh ng f little children in N~w T¢,rkCity. The illustrationsare boau*lfut and cher.aeterlstle. A eo,,l,rnhm*,ire paper Is conh[b.uted on "The Telagraph," oovoriogevory phase.of the sul,juct~ and Illustrated with forty ozeol-)tat engra¢;~gs. Atnong the lliu~trstlonlao-oo.npar.ying Jr, are ru,,ruuentatlnns ef pletur~eaml autographs transmll|od by mo~ns of lbotelegraph. There It un article, Caldtally tllus-Irntcd, on tbn Saodwleb Isle.ntis¯ tn be eontln-ued. ’£he pentry of tAG Number ie fnrnlshed by]he utnal ta)ontt, d e,,ntrlbutor)~, and the Edl-tdrlal Departments era tLmely and ontertaln-Ing, full of lnfornmthm, suggestion, and amuse-Inellt,

Staple ey

A iid .... 1M’otiOns. .......... -¯ . . .... ..,


" B00TS AND! ....

Ca]land examine our Goods _before pnrchasing elsewhere

-. ,-

....... ¯ . ~p q._

NEAR OLD ]iAMSION’£ON ..... . .......4’u~tom ~Work Pr(,mptly’atiended to

DE~LEK IN .....

Watvhes, Cl~kt~ dk Jewelry.Repairing of all kinds, In ble Ilue, dons withneatnea~ and dlspat,k¯ Sati~fm:thm giren andprl0os a. yqasot~gb!e_a~ nt any o!ber place.

~’pao[al atee.rta, fl,’veo f,, repi,;r~,t 7 Fl’neWA ’l’t’.t~E,~i Ala. ,l:,at.r It,

]I OO K N ,t’, ,%’7’,I TI O ArI~’I~ I"

of ~tll kind,.TOYS, NOTIONS, F^N(3Y AItTICI,Ee,

IlO~IF, IIY. OI’,OV~:S, &,.. at his

OLD STAND,Beulhoest shlo nt Del}evuo A re.

Wlmelwrights & Undertakerm(]. V.icnttoe ha~ taken Sumucl Dtapc~as

part’,~w, t,I llIO




f the late~t ~tylea, always om hand.

The Grocery Departmentreosi~’ee speolai atCentl~a, end Is gt all ~hans well ’,tocked wlih every art/¢lc for fsmlll~

All tho different vurlclies and gr,de~ by the pound: hundredweight or barrel,

(~,lgOCqKEIt~’ AND E&lg~HENWAlgE.

Pcrsans can ohtaln cvnr.ytb[nx In thl! line from a evmp]elo sot to a single arUahh

Doing a STRICTLY CAAI! IIUS1NESFI I am able to seLl my goods at asmall prollL ¯who wish to bay for hath and get the bottom figaro% arc Invited to cell.at the

I, AR( E STONE STORE, next the Railroad Station. q


..... [ ..........

~[s,ts¢ 3 1 st rl,~s.~t.,?.,,. lh.’,lc~u. ,.,I ’.!d 3i,-

:tt,’l T(~A’, I’L.II.,’/’(,L’I(

Page 4: eranberr - Atlantic County Library · T~n Year~ ofl~Dublle ¯ Providence Tool Co., "ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.test him nroved Dr.L’rook’m Prov/danee, R. ]. .. Sugar of Milk. [LACTIN.]

a matter of course, affect the health, of the brain. -~M,:~cn,

upon shall be in n¯ : way. for deciding., if we flnd~

.~ the views..thns ..~rrived at. There :evidem

than the ~greemont: of’Dr"

Journal: The En

society is

at St. James’s Hall

are the

~es, Wag

dn the course of1~. d in at .a ealoonrlvsrm9 n werethem was atrom his

’kho mostchances .usual steaml~o~t:lmun~ tothethe town. " ~, ........ i .....

Jed. tr~ted~ti~ ~Ml~es-and h m-self to ale, and in paying for the samehe not only exposed his Yankee accent,but also exposed a gobacks. Our River Ti

friends owner of Uncle Sani’spromtses to pay:.? ~ ’ " "

...... Jed. was wiUifignot refuse to cirink With

mt-.voieed citizen. From word

Th6 Tiger th9theme very kindly and ly,at a proibeF ti~e,-Ver re:that he could perform certain trickswith cards which no other n£~n could

- -, ~Fo~-~kt a~,,S-said- heV,,, iupack of cards with which these

.. men have been playing. Youthem, and shu~e .them as y(

" thou lay the pack upon the tawill cut the cards four times

will undog" of cards is elm-

at the-

that is, it.he could haveof shuffling

hnrhe-coutd-dodt.Jed. picked uiYtl~e Cards nnd

them carefttlly over. - -."You can take another

keeper will let you have a new pack."No.," ~fitumed Sod., atoning

cards over ~ii" the while, "these’Itwell’s . wanted to be surc’t

"It,s all fairdec

table,~I will cut them fourat each’time ddt a jack."¯ " .Wal," said Jed. ’the cardsintoupon the

~~n Fv

The Tiger covered Jed.’s" "Naow mind, old hess, only

and witl/ them you’re to cut the fourjacks ?"

"Exactly." . ....."~_~l~:’"Stand back/ " said

eyes opou.

Thus/"And he drew from its sheath under his

vest a bowie-knife, and applied theedge to the pack of cards upon tile thetable. ~he blade was keen and sharp,and it went through the pile 0f.paste-boards in’a twinkling. And he did thisfour times.

"There,". I

"~hefour cuts. Did I not cut a Jac~each time ?" . " ’ -

"Guess not, old hess," nodded Jed.,With a genial twinkle, at the same timeproducing four card, s’from the pocketof his flowing blouffe. - "You couldnlt’ave cut whatwasn’t ill the pack. Hero sthe f0ur jaoks,--t~ey was tn ,ny pockotall the ante,’: ¯I[~it’a all the same toyou I’ll t~ko this

this as on other mints, as thei ¯there ibt: nearly

of moredmpo~anee than -part of farmerSNowWhiebone ,hasthere was

The Ldncasave :.

training zs i milhl oF califcrnia. The- Chinese~ancc~f-ne t worn by-a;most everytgs,. and- C a ~e onl the Pacific coast...The first Chi;easantt0 find ~ naman tried his hand at cigar.makingidence collect 1 r~L~n Francisco in 1860, and now there(ihtC~ti~g" ~ are n~rly six? thousand=of t~emfwho:

University On_re," that, in the opinion monopolize this ~iadustty .exclnslvely~of all, or almostall wh0have pursued They Operate and. " sewing-ma-rowing with more-ardor’than as-a mere chines of eel c and there"amusement, no injurious effects.can be are now 10~

men have been ofinformation t As launderers

domestic_servantswho rowed i-n the first i] barbers, and laborers.race in 1829 are still livin

th~ need-~.ot-:break down-hie:health

, S t60st.iit~ble’to o~,er~v0rklThe ~rmei: s v~ifd isgeneralIy’the greatSufferer. Eve~y-ff6y. ifi’~the ! yd~ar~ UU~

not excepted~ ~h6~as.innch to do:re is as mTIch required of her

" -. AS

the result of hdalth islost, and she etthbr dies ’long beforeher time, or lives Only to suffer the-#enalties of thc laws she has’ trans-

No worn’anoUght to-workand unman’iS

i iiso. He "ought tofu her withhousehold machines, an.d, if/her health

of as any letiti0n .......of Englishmen who row, the of this.d, .~that~white-afi,~ ~er of men have ~ their nu

injury from rowing, many e m some oecuthe benefits they have rece: 1870.- According t0-the-eensus-®f that-in-~healthv-strength~-and-~ -~ear ~] ere-were 296Chineseshoem ker~doubt there are ~ome mex m San Francisco ~ now thereare 3 700.1.~ unfit to e~er iht6 afi]-b0-mpctition of The butchers have increased frSm iAtothe kind. The sti~in of all .exertion 100 ; the tailors have multiplied from 8falls primarily on the heart and lungs, to 128, and,the cigar-makers have rolledand in a secondary degree on the brain, up from 1,657 to 5,020. In all employ-As soon as the muscles contract, the monte wherein

rcq~occasions a quicker current and seems to gain ground inevitably.

All that--has- been-said about the

and, for a few moments-breathing .m expermnced.. Soon,

whiuh -s0:do, for the sake of laying up ala~ -w] deli -they:n ~¢er=e: :pect~-to~use~

~h the_ ~cannot c~ ’1"3, with themwhqn they die, is a mlsel a-b~~--tioiz as far im~Vdfit-and losearecon:~r nLuL~xaxt~inf a~ s ha m e f ul ¯ thingfor any man to do. .

Want of sleepis one of-t]~ie-fcauses of much of the pbysical and men-tal trouble of farmers and their fami-lies. season, ~hen i

mornlnand Works until 6 or 7than eats his supper, does his chores,andsits upan hour o~ two later to read

, of thick creamill- the lumps ; _~tir _in aS~ ’u=.

.cain.as will lie on a ismd throw-~ltW/lb-~6h-~lSY6g ..... ....... ’are

6doi. :: Have ~bn;,the) "~ . ifihalatibn, of:

’time.- -In a r - " .-: In natural and in extreme_’ eases~ paler.of ,the c~,n; ;~ .Pou¯ i~ In such instnnecs the deficient color of’into an bai~t ! . ~;"::lot’i~ " -. -. ’ - the blood is communicated to the bodyeo~l’;lay a’eov.’er on, and put zt m a coot ": .... " . " . alto~ etler rendering the external, sur-place. When~eeded for.!zse, take .ou~ ..-.~ ¯

- face V lo~ e, and mfl :. T]k’po’rti0h and soften it ~ith Warmwaf~er. " ~-’ - .:. : bloc 1,1 ei~ ~ls0. exl des if: .~elPaste thus madb will las~ twelve moliths; ~ and acu bleeds for a loz

Cure for Self-~[llkers. " ".

cow from suckin

in the form of a jewsharp g =-both ends of the wire several inche~s~long,__Jnscrt:bVth ends of the wirethrough her. nos0--~d--form- ~ng-~f~the two ends similar-to the one already

or drinldng, ._ ::-her head. I think it the best plan of

-lie-re-seen-or heard-of~lZiram’Yates Co., .N’; Z--: ; ~. _~ .

The Use ot Lime as l~Ianure.

It is_ said by the best farmers inEastern Pennsylvania tlmt-limcistho- :_ -.-life-of--the red clover plant, arid that -.the fertility of the s0il cannot’Be kepf;

without cloverand’the liberal use of ’at every rotation With plenty of "

matter in the soil: Clover

England, lint wlio ever heard of a clover-sick field in the Unite~states ?

that the people of California or vigor. The evil consequences of his I do n0t_like pork~s_~n articlq of "look with jealously upon their course may not be apparent for many diet, but ass means of promoting an

invasion of tlxe industry of the State. sooner or later they will have no hesitaneym recom- -

Little little it de-or

the hourswhich should

are’often kel~t aw~’kehaustion tensed by (

ing and fretting of childrendtest year by

owned the )articular pii

an insaneman" would be around, with a

who gwas everfound out about ,t that the pigbelonged to one of the neighbors. Oneof the neighbors ought to be: ashamed

sane. asylum or the grave. --It is slow knew what that:pig wanted around ourbut certain suicide to curtail the hours He seemed to "-be-flopk[mg fdr ......of sleep, "something m the fiower~ beds._among __ _meed-expecrtozlong-contiuue-in-goodhealth without taking the fnllest amount once he walked the frontof.quietrest.~Workingl~armer. doo~.. Hewas lookin for something, and

he -I should think,the ; but he still

fence ought to be.fixedto do sbmetlling to sal ~, I .wentout the next mo~ning- and colle6ted allthe broken boards and things I Couldfind and fixed the fence, and after it


not know where he got in, and he didnot know, but I m~that

-l~i~l’~Iaco. .tie was wnl~e.nongh to look foi it, and I chased himover the currant buslmsand over a tableel otii spread out to bleach, and in amonffithe dalqjas and over the onions, andeverywl]ere else, but he didn’t find thehole he clinic in .at, nor did L How-ever, I had an appetite for my break-fast.

[ onthe back stops, like a"and issued orders andproolf m and.gmteral direot~ans with tlic rapidity ofchain lightning, and, with a beautifuland implicit trust in Providence, threwfire-bricks and coal-shovels and sad-irons and stove-wenches and brokencrockery with her left hand, and if herright hand knew what the left was doingit know a pile more than I could heel~

) anfl

- lttaxtme nor the Fnrnter.

reasonable as-surancebetter earn wages of someneighbor, than work for so poor. a pay-master as he is certein to prove himself.

2. Tile farmer is proved bycoiatiou of his

virgin soil; -tile good farlndr.owe good crops at. first, and;tl-bettor-ever-af forward-

3. It is far easierto maintain the pro-duetive capacity of a farm than to re-store it. To exhaust its fcmmdity, andthen attempt its restoration by buyinzcostly commereml fertihzere, zs waste-ful and irratioaal.

4. The good farmer sells mainly suchproductsas are least exhaustive. Ne-ccssitymay_¢onstrain him for the first

to.will soon send off his suppliesmainly in the form of eotton, or wool,or meat, or butter and cheese, or seine-thing else that returns to the soil nearlyall that is taken~rom it. A bank ac-count daily drawn upon, while nothingis depusited to its credit, must soon re-spend, "no fends." So with a farmsimilarly treated,

5. Rotation is at least negative fortili-

the left heart is filled Francisco are vcryfar superior to theLmerous

circulation is restore~ and the ’secoud in Calif~ are-wind’ i~btMne~ From~m z’gff~fff6rth- in~ ~el~~-d

man of aboutwork is~onlylimited 000 they ¯ almostmuseularpower. Chinese trade of the country, and as

this trade increases they must continuegr?w in .wealth and influence.

in Ilia,lungs, s~bjectofneed fear nc ger .m a boat race. For- American laborer, and the question ha~

gen~ra-lly be6iiexordise; easy to see ¯what the-country by-making thilmust be.the effect of such conditions to for the tastes of the few Pacific Celes-a man with unsouud hutgs or heart. It tials who have been imported to dis-matters little which is at fault ; the re- lace white labor. But itia evident thatsult is nearly the same~. In either:ease, Chinese feel nncomfortably crowd-whether:tho heart bd feeble

be inadequatoto encofmter in settling the nnoc-ou-piedvohtmo of blood forced into them by a lamls of the Pacific Coastand of Centralvigorous heart, the first active move and South America. Nor is it improb-ments gorge the light cardiac cavities, able that thoSouthern negroes will in aand, as. these cannot have to contend against

It I,iall CO Ill

and genehtl distress are tlm immediate uestion of supplying the place ofnonces that, if re with the Chinaman was wide-

tko effort be persistetCin, may some yearslead to cardiac dilatation and mid wlten ~tho Sonthera Pacifictendant evils, or, in an extreme case, to ad shall be completed the wayrapture of the walls of the heart, or to will be open for a praetmal trial of theeerebro hemorrhage ; or, on the other experiment. ? Wheth0r the negroia everhmtd, should the hlngs be veryserions- displaced by the Chiuose or not, itly affected, and the heart possess fair would still be an easy matter to doubleenergy, to pulmonary hemorrhage." the cottonerop by accessions of C~inese


Papers before books.is the rule, now- Tim Proposed Balloon ¥oyage to. Eu-a-days, with most readers. The time / rone. " ¯

for reading is so brief and so uneerhtin,?he ~ow "x’ork f)ai~y (Haphto hasthe character of the book so remote

from the ever.varying ectivitioe of theth. following annouucement:

hour that the eye eearch0s for the pie-In response to many inquiries ¯ela-

turn of passing events, or the light,tire to thoballoon voyage to Earopo by

spicy article of the lively periodical,Prof. Wise and party, under the anspi-

rather than the solid matter of thecos of lho Dailg ~ra~p/,ie, wc have tosay :

to.~qu0te his. graphic without a swallow-tailed:’. =d~ientifi~ eminence entitles ’his ~avat- not then until

-tovers of-the wee~ must coat and a,hld-sixpdnce to-a-hag wh-5 tuttis

of a box. Go where this pettyis. , ? Becausd

’time and may continfic to bleed incon-even’i’~ opposition to~ reme-

~qoat in myriads.Jn..thc blood, and are’-hnown as the red -These

." " rid


of inThe~absorp-

. tics nes of tobacco- necessarily : changes in

them-;:=thb~.-]¯ " they become oval and irregular--~-edges,_~nd instead of having a--mutual

¯ ; attraction- for~eaoh Othdi and=-running

they he ~cose~y scattered before theye, andindicate to the learned observeras clearly as though they spoke to him,¯ ’ ~md said the words, that the man from


- -- modifies-the c as

not exercise some influence upon. ~aec~s~f thought."

A Bit of Romance.

brother whom he supposed


County, .. story, is thus toldby the St.T,ouis Democrat" -

"In’18~6, l~lr. while on awhere he

formerly resided,_to_ok, theand ]Sined Capt: (3ofley s company- oz

, v~-te~6r~fa~try, bound=for-the_-seatr in ~oxico. .

C~z he wasto bear

removal, houseof a"As

sard of at the dosewashis -warrant issued to his father,who erected a monument to his memoryin the family in Frank-liu however, did

lady ~ whose house he was left, andwhen, after many months of anffering,

healed, he found himself a captive tbthe charms of hie beautiful nurse, andhe married her and settled in Vera Cruz’.

"T[is-lctte¯g to ’hisrelatives having mis-Carried, and some one informing himthathis familyhad removed from Frank-lin County, he ceased writing to them.In 1840 he wont to California, and after-ward scttled in Texas. Several years

Franklin County heard rumorsAlexander was still living, and agentswere sent to California and to bfexico,but failed to learn any t~dings of. him,and hc was given up |or lost. A abbottime ago Mr. It. ZL Boatw~ight happen-ed to see a letter written by his broths¯to an old friend in I~ranklinand recognizing the name, wasto find that his brother who

of Jefferson, l~aine,’

bytho USO of JO~n.~Ou’,;.Litti~t.:ore,: ....... : ....... : .............

living bc , for " C~m~I"P~u HX~s; face, rough skin," l~imples, ring-worm, aalt-rhonm,/and other

cutaneous affoctiom~ cured; and tl~6 skin made.if.hedoes .~ou -soft and smooth by truing the/Ju.~]Ph’R T~n

he feels proud of him~ SOAP; m~lo byC~s~=~ :IIxz~u~ & Co.. Newof his vocation, andof hie:country:" York. ~ Be cez.tnitt ~o g6ttho J~m~per .T~rSoup,’made by us. as there are many)mitations made

r bar-maid ~windled me. out of with common tar which are wbrthloss.--Cmiz.


ona on, all scale.

, sir’ he.

rhc cares, anxiht~¢s and miefor t3u, es of life hawax much to do.wtt h ahorteni:,S tt sh’¢ieeaae. ~heyarena:fact the j~llrce.of mauy admb’nts sod physi-

affectl~t,¢og t h’~ 1 P~lw.~turbaneee of thebowela,

hcaduches, hypochoud,ia aud monomaula are

"]~ don’t-; wbat do they b~St?’r -R~dn,rather melodramaticMly, he said: "Twoand eightp~Yn~."=-When I had-eatenthe oysters and paid him the moneyrhorang ~t on the counter, and could hardlyrealize that the transaction was genuine.

of Bunyan’s Christian, though it couldn’tbar his.way to Truth. We canthizc,with the Pilgrim~ for DouEbesets us when we are asked to

when heard, somethat a


h~tvc- had testing theand ar0 free to

what we have knowin

VImm~ Ba=z==a. That this

oppressed ~ith heavy budne|a respontibUtt]q’e,or harul|ed by family t~’oubles, or exerted by ap0e-ulalion, or porplcxod bF a muliipncity of en~.gz~prise, or lu uny way overtaxed or overwqrk~d,should keeP up their |t&miuu by the dally UlO Cf awholclome tonic. ~housands (f p0rsnna thne clr-cumstaneed are enabled to hear up aEatnat the difn-eunlcLi~whlch theyare iuvolved, an~ to retain*~-’-’~*’~-ffth" haalthnnd mcIltut eleurnesl, b

eases which are prone to ~ttack th0 body whendebtUtutcd and broken down by over-much bruin-work, or exhausting physical labor~ are kept atbeyby the.resistant ]power ~’hteh this incompara-hle ,onto endowl the nervoul system and the vtt ~1

tn a the elements cf strength from every pore, aninvigorant i~ absoitttoly essential to the tafety nndcomffftt of the public, and Ismore ~olmet tf ,hey desire to keep lhn[r atheletic

Aet|er’a Bitters l~ p.a.Tt Ik:u/~rl~ ua e ful thisof the yearease a~out ia the sultry atmosphero~lt is trio mostpatnt~t tr MI preventive medtcln~, and far all com- "~.w~, aiut| wh,ch affect th~ etomsch, thn li~er and thebow ell,and iute~ fera "~ilh lke perfect dlge|I/on and-aastmUaflon of faod,dt-|| Ihe ata,,dard~remedy.

~z~.ag~ 84mChtl ty ; T~ g T~ gST 0¥ n ~’~k~T ~

Fees¯ andSere


be a.matter beyond the eontro-

statements of friends, inveracity and ihtelligenco we have fullconfidence, corroborated by our own

, c, ]el ~s to dd-the prepara~

A Western traveler suggests, a newwhich shallpro-

from extracting, a passon-dished boots from under.hls

The"m~stlcompre~el aud "va]Usble tellwork e~or~ublished~smily Bible, t ~00ture ||luatrutlo~s~ and Dr.

i Bible¯

¯ the beet a.d .chea

’ Bittern aremade

nia, the medicinal properties of which- are extracted therefrom ~thout the useof Alcohol. ¯ The questl0n is_ almos~daily ask0d, ~What is.tho’c~di~d~ofthouffparMleled s~ceess of VX~Z~AR. ~-TE~S f" Our answer Is, that they removethe cause of diseasel and,thd.paflent re,,covers his health. They ate ~e great

|tie bssm~r




and ethel


¯ thls remedF commences "~lSand ineeeode Ii,

vdU be


PAIN I PAIN I I PAIN I ! I ~rhbhdocsnotdryupa¢oughundleaveth°¢auae¯ ,

~olfln but loosens IL cleanses t he lungt and allaYSWUERn IS TnY RELIEVRnt /r~t~on, thusrepzovL~gtho~u~ofthecomp~nt"aeadera, you wUl find it ]u that l~avortte Some

........... aemedr ............ CONSUMPTIONCAN BE’CUllED

PERRY DAVI~ "TAIN-KILL~R. ’ by a.timelyre~ort to thle standard reined%a’is~roved b~" hundreds o ft~sthnonlnll It has r~¢h’t’d.ithasbeontcstod]nevoryvurlotrofonmate and q’hno~ntdnelesllmed "l. Butte"ca thowm~pcr,

by ulmnet every natton known to AmerlCal~|. It ts ......... othe atmeet constant companion and ,Jl~stlmable

ISET][ W. b’OWL’~ & 80NS,-P~oralg’r0~/~o~

rrtend ef the missloaarrand’traYclerjq,sseuand ~cox, M~t~. ~ok~byde.z6er~gcacr~y0In,| d, and nO one Ihould franc| OB oBr ~(lgo@ Or rfwromttbout it.


~It is not a quack nostrum.lC ingredients ere imbliahedI eacJ~ boLtlo of lmedicine. It

s used and recommended bywherever., it. has

introduced. ’ It will

mLxod wilsilk

bon~tmt de

~mor of 19 Years’ Growth ~ed by..... Rttdway’s Resolvent,



of the Bmmuch !~ervouaD aeaecs

d all 1)oruilgsted to effect a pe|lttVa care.

contalanl s nO mercury,

mvteml "resulting fromset

book.. Go into any family and you willman of pluck and , _,aud did not ~~-th--~fr-g-m-tlVo--o-ld--grar~dmothcr that -~-~/r~t--’It’is-not-ou’zdeem it expedient to contend, For etili reads with her epeotaoles, ¢o the any exhibitiou of the balloon previous farm: it willonce, at loast~ he .had boon beaten at little boy or girl who Call spell out the to its departure It is now in process poae its impoverishment. .Hehis 0WXi faforit6gam0 of cutting jacks: words iu easy reading, it istha paper or .of oonat’ruotion’ by the Domc~ti~]0w- grows whtmt, after _whdat._corn _Mtcr

magazine that is flrat wanted and first ing Machine Compauy, aud as/40011 as ecru, for twenty years, will need to emi-read. Look in the cars, the parloror it is reedy the party will sail without grate before the term ie fulfilled. The

Gspsy Child.Stealers, auy othcrplaee, and you will dis0ovcr unnooosary publicity. ’ aaron farm cannot supporf. (or endure)

The gypsies, says~tho SpringJleld the same fll0t---thc pacpr or periodical ,~’ccond--As the Graphic Company him longer than thltt. All our great

l~epublloan, have a pretty extensivc first, tholmoknoxt. What then should furniches the moans requisit~ for car- ~ltt-growing sections of fifty years

reputation n~ Rulsances through Now the Press do but supply this great and tying cut this remarkable, enterprise, ~ itro wheat.growing no longsr, avltilo

’ England, and the farMei has learned to rowing want ; what should the friends those who may wish to eontrihuto for I gruwa largo crops thereof on

look up his barn a~d he yonng and old dohut encourage that purpose may make donations to , fields that fed the armies of

loot hmfoals as are fitted Prof. Wise am1 his companions, so as and William the Con-

to reimburse them to seine extent for queror, l~otatiun preserved these, astheir time and tile risks they enconnter, the lack of it ruin0d thee0.

TA/rd--The bltUoon will carry a Home-Made XVtnd-Mlil.Red number of letters and sunsll

and virtu-when a vagabhalts in his nmgborhood. But the

~io~s ?

sy’s dovredadlon~-hereabouta dogenerally cx-t~hd beyond fowls, garden k Dog Story,prodaoo, and miso011ancona small arti. ’Au excellent dt~ std~ now atoleo, and here and there a horse. Downin Pennsylvania there is just now con- hand. A New. Ygr~ 6ot~O~Mt has at

his couutry-s~t a ~air.ot ~pe Bootcheiderable exoiteme~t.ove~ .k] 66/-i/6 u ndlL--Ot[e~ -o f ~tkem~ qpayiug acla~s of crimes bythese We~_dorers, be-ln~ nothinghsa them the kidnapping of casual visit to a neighbor’s Wm f0r~i-

children. Ia the neutral part of the ously em~aulted by & Wastiff m~d badl~Brats several children hay6 diasppeared wouuded in the breast." ~o fetuses air

help from surgery, but dug a hoD, intowithipaa~’6rt’ ime, undoroiroumstanoes whmh his breast juut fitted on’ the

borders st ¯ lake on his mtmtersHome~ The~e he ettahll~hod’his Iron-to a the earth taeatmeut mooncommittee is about to Then he tad hiz ecru-in hud. It is a pity that the committeecan t extend its operations throush the panton "went for" that m~: ’Steal

{ng upon hls scours hour they atkckedcountry and suppreM a chum of thiov- him witl~ the floreone~ of revenge, anding vtsabonde whose only claim toexistence ie aoertMn atmoaphers of re. did not leave him till they had tommanes which poets and novelists have him limb from limb. ][ore wan muchexhibited, but it wM a0com-laz . a~ren m, fu L eFfrit-unbeeomi~g~

~an csl~mathe 8’yimiest nod tea pro~,nait~ to wl~ich

T~t~ne ou,inibtm ~l|mh |rm t

writer~ of fiction are imh, bted f6P’ Ute .,Tills ia dog Latin, to. be sure, butplot~ o/innumerable thrilling romances, non° th° less apl’r°P rials f°r that’

stepped on amamlto of the old hen, who blamed mefor tlm whole affair aud acted ’according-ly; and then the pig-got-into- the eornand refused to come out under any cir-eamstahcea, although I had given’ upthe idea of finding whore he came in,Itnd had opened the gate and lot downthe bars. Mllria went into the housefor s01no furniture to throw, and I triedto set the dog on the pig. The dog iladleltrned to regard the pign?e;~C of tmhofamily, and could not u 1 anl yallusions, and finally got out of patiencnand inserted.a fine ~ot of naturat teeth

Ito did not got. th0 wr0sgbutit amonnted to the

ages. Those who wislt to avail Farmers slid oLhors cau, in many

selves of the oPl)ortuuityto send lot- cases, construct wind-mills for a tithe as I was concerned.

tern or packages to frimlda in Europe of the Coat of the patented plans, that, Maria came out with a hrooln, and ex-

shmtld make early application, f.r cerhdn purposes, would suit th61n plainod the situaLion to the dog, attd

Folirth-’Plle balloon wilt ltavo seat’- b, tterr .because easily kept ;in rcpi!tr, the dog went into the corn after the

rying ealmoity of several tons, us that tiers is the sugRestion of a plan whicli pig, tutti earns back in thirty soooilds a ....

as manyas eightor tenpereons call tMtn can be constructed for $5, besides the bankrupt community. I ]tad appetite

passage in the oar, without inconvoui- nlateriM tlio farmer can find on his farm enough for a we0k. Finally I Imrrowed

tnco or overweighting, each leading and his own labor, excepting also tile two boys from a neighbor, and the gro-

journals as would like to eend ropreson- sails which properly belong to the cer’sman, and we drove the pig out,

retires an. the voyage will do well to maiuteaemee. Iu order to obtain sUch after ]to had trsmpod down all the corn,

apply immediately... As the list will a .result. all .’, improvemt, nt8" must attd ha made for a pl~o in the picket

soon be filled up, thin pro~)oaitiou .willbe ruled out. It cousista of ullright fbaco where therehadnoverbeana hole,

remain o Oil for ten da~fe, In order that posts ~uplmrting an upright shaft, hay. and made o~e mu| got out. My’appe-P - _

~ournals at a dlstmicc may b~ heardinga hub oittopearryiugthreohorinon- tits would have juutifind ]no ia eatingtel arras, to each of which are hinged that nig I hut circumstances would not


In conclusion, we maystate that, a|-light ~eetangular frames eovored with allow’, there used to he some puetry

though the balloon will~ba the largestlteavy muslin or light.’canvaes,regulatetl about "Whuis my neighbor?" and thst~

cvcr untdn, wn txl~,et to have overythiugto swing in one direction only, from what I want toknow~theneighbo¯who

e_~.d~.for the btart’ before the "0th ofhorisonhd to perpendicttlgr. The sails owns thatpig.

Itnd return A news nlorc any

Some melt ar,l fot~d of tltt ir spc<ies, two fttet at the top, sit aa t~t ~llorten I vettt ,,f the l,laoe, and yt~[ it rcoot]fea ’,

but all molt are fond of their ~peeit’.connccti~h of the Ul,pcr box with it." tl~mdiy the lco~t patronage.

aBliving." ~ tt produce

the stomach Is veryThe June DroughL tr cold watnr" Perhaps an bot~-ridoa of th6" pl~ii; na0v e~h spasm." rot,no*rants te

,,. meet has ourad manr |evsra and obenJaate Ca 8el o

tiful lack of water m certain portions this d/seasthof the 0ountry can be derived than au,~ "oao~a’-’~" a=~z~rfrom a refcrenoo to the rain fall of for. ~, ,t z~. ~cl r. £ zmer years. Thus, at’ Albany, for eight It Is aa ~zternel adtdl,leri,al aemedy. ~or Sum-

years before this year, the average rain mer Complaint or lu~y,aher form 0t bOwel d,|easetn ehildrsu or aduitl, tt le an almo0t eertatu core,

fall for June has been just short of and hu wlth0ut doubt, b0e,t mere m, oceeaful tnthe various kinds of Cl[OLal~k than

eight inches, w]tilo this year it was hut or the m[,|t sk|l|ful1.4~2. In the eight years named,the-amount of rain rea0hcd as high as,’~,.~in 1870, and was 3.04 in 1865. In ~unoof l~at year in New York city the :miufall was 4 {}4 This year it was but 1~28:For all thts century, thin last month it~was the dryest June, and its fe~trt~!l’ tro~and ta every

marks are left all over the .~Mlddlo and IoSndtrlstPers°"e OofthtrtNow England elates. Hay is almost a stands

’S it0 oil.|nell 0vat the wtde Weald............... zmin. Oats and rye are Dli.eetl0nfteM~Pa~yeaennotUe. ~and light, and corn is unable prtee~eti,,~Octa,,and|t perl~otU~ i .....expresuion to it~ feelings under :~t rsaar D~vts a S---’~N, rropn.~r.,present deprivation pf water. ProVidence, R,L " ’~

bole.g,od nave me untel Iyou, then I willam very tirde and wlcare of your self. give my love tofolks, your love Jamic I~irke. dir~et

......... 4a .dimie-birkci


Page 5: eranberr - Atlantic County Library · T~n Year~ ofl~Dublle ¯ Providence Tool Co., "ffi’---~..to~vo,.o~.test him nroved Dr.L’rook’m Prov/danee, R. ]. .. Sugar of Milk. [LACTIN.]

. . .. . .~ . ~ .. . ...~ - _ . ~. , -¯.:

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- . .- " ’ =" ~’ "- --- ’, -.: ~-:~" "’ " " ; ’ ~’~’~-"~"~ ....... ’ " " -" ~" %~,’~D~ " "

-,r.. ¯ ,-Advertisements Steam Mill and I,umber Advertisement. O~den ~Athmtio

~ ~ ’. - "/-- ..,i ........... : ....z .; < ~: ~.: :::... =’~-_ . .._ |7, - - ..... ¯ ’

$, Yrsht MJdl &*tom Ae~,A. S_l_2

i" ~ ¯ ’ .~t " " " ........I " ~ ~; J" ’ : "’: " : : "’: " : :

¢-. j


¯ . : ¯ ¯

....-A dres~inz ._qrlt~d’Ik’T’r~M~i’~ is a~ k,,7¢mM~

health .......... .¯ ;ffeetual f o r

ilalr, ./’-t soo2~

ze~:orc~ faded~P ~"I’y ,IZalil"

re its" orfg~za~.... ¢O~r~ WiH~ t~o

~fr is tlde~ened, falleu hair checl~ed,and baldness often,, though no~ alwayss

._~othin_ can restore

tlroycd, or the glands atrol..decayed; but such :m remain can bet~ved by this appllcat~oh, and sfimu-


meat, RIt~ occasional use will proves

" - f~om-turnin falling off, and

z~mration ires to "tile"tealp arrestsfion_of dandruff, whicl~ is ofteh so ui:-

" cleanly .~ndToiih~ ve.~F~~ ~i-tl~deleterious ~ub~taam~a.~wL~ch ~ ~al:o_-

~" "~.’m~’16~parafi0vsdangerous and inju-et’~tl

benefit but nog harm it. Ifzd~dy for a HAIR DRESSING,

_ _ nothing else can be fo’aud so’desirable.Oon~ining_noifl~er oil nor

-long on:the-hair " "kmt~o, and a grateful perfume.

Make___tbe most of your land,byusing, thee__ " " -

Nesbit, the great Chemical Ag-

A l=~iim~e for the ~s t."~i~Vorth lt,~ Weight in Gold ! ! "

l~lotlx~i~ £12~e It: in th~ World Z ~ !

Ereey O~///~t citizen, profmudonld, or no~pr~r~dm~d, mechanic ~ laborer in She whole~ountry, hould aab~ovibe for the Adm~toe¯ Whor~’ shown or seen it is ~urv to tare a firm hold outko community, ml I~ i~g~’~ ~ am a

¯ 3~YS~T~SS _~D ~Z~,~ ~=~Dl~!kmJ m~de, au~l Lt making for ~; a circulatloo and r~pnmtfom umparaHeled le the hktory of Jourx~d~’

....... It" Is a Pr,4vrrt~.,A@rMm,. fJ~-¢ot,VlOt, I~r~P.~ Wa~z~r" " t’mAvlt" l.a.#,IT GIVES YOU ALL YOUti LEGAL AOVEE FflEEI ...... ............

~ .0~..’~ D.t.f¢~ ~’~r togaed, ~a.~a~, ~oeja~, *ad eotm’~r ~a.srvra/cts, a~ a ~t Pemnua ........................no. of imxormatJen ou mat~r~ of specl~ an~ g~eral i~tere~t fou~*d in ~ ctlw.r Journal in t~¢ ~oWffr~.]~gg Harbor¯ ....~ ............. .

PERMANENT AGENTSWANTEDthe Uult~l gt~ttt and U~nad~


.-r ............

IA. M. p.]ir, iM.

)£_LV~. ~ ~_9511 83444~1641

Aehland ....................... I00}J 8424’58

Ateo ...... " ....................... 11 III 9 I0 5 23 7 3g.Watorford ........... ; .........~ 11 $11 922 535 74~Aneora ......... .......... .~.... 11 3 II 9 27 5 40 74~

......... Wtns~lew;~:~.-*~.;.~.;~.~ 11~5 )I-@44 ~49 7-55-1~1 iV9 42 5 57 8 04~-"

DaCoata ........................ 123 II 9 48 ~ 02Elwood ........ . ................ 125~1100O 613Bgg Harbor ......... , ........ -12~10]a 827

Abandon .......... ~ ........... 22 lllO 4.~1557 ___Atlantic a~Tivs ............. I 25 l[l100 i 714


~]f 12004362~ 112 $5 4 5~,

~41 1005126 56 1 20 525

Elwood ............. : ........... 707 J 43 5~$

Winslow ........................ 610 732 2~6 605Aneora....~ ...................... 6]7 738 244 611Waterford ..................... 6-22 7 42 2 55 6 19hteo .............................. 632 75b 319631

6-40 8-0~ .~,-8,t

~--0~ a-,~ -4.S,OHuddonfldd¯ 715 8344487 Ig

g.¯~------~ooper’a Point ............... 742852525724VinaSt., ..................... 757907 5407

- = ,-2_00,_6:40_and~ll

of barn¯ ard manure . ¯ ~-~ " ]o o0.v ~. - .- ~Y~a~- - * ’ nave had unusual opportnultle~ of ~-seertaiaing,Wehave-on hand-aSmall lotof .,rn~isotey’h~tl, w~.t~a,.nd Of p,’o,iue-WTT l wJ; -- : ................. ,=:=:=::...ms. ho, sve .... r oy t 0i, ....

¯ ought-oat ,n nutiroly .,V~iV "W db’tL~[t~a]~-L~" "~1~ .... ..... ~’~

, ~w n~r~ nr~-gs~ERLVGI~4t which they call the

- IR r, r"Jrl r~l iv" J’~ NE~ YORK ~k PIBII[L£1@EILpIiIIIIand the oniy direct rotfte between lgcW York

:, Manehester~ Toms Riyer, Barnegat,Family Sewing aohinca, Aaaatio city, Vinoi.n Br dgeton,.mad

- Are the BEST, being y.

6.45- A.-M.-For-Loag-Braneh~9 40 " ". ,:¯ ._ ,, PhHadelnh;~ lqorth

- _ - Hammonton, Vinelend, Toms--’" - -r--~,Rivet, Red Bank.

. : ...... ) ) ,

,. .,,,


- HAMMONTON, N:J., S --/-- -" - .............................................. ~=--:7--":"- "7-- ................ ~---.-~ " " ~’-"" " " ’ "

A "SoRe " -.. " our.army, stationed at~-~brt--Laramie, m nominees elected .by thp Society. " ,. .- .¯ "The rcp6rts as follows wore m-a-de by Man.~ tended.for the last ’paper, but was usa- very strong the olher way, and it would . ~. :-: _ "~’~--’~Op-a.Tt::’~ i.lt~at.t£" ~

’’Wyoming Territory, writes as fellowh:,--~, gers in pur~uunoe of.a resolution of last year~ voidable postpofied :," .

b~ very remarkable if ,’ontioued-funeHon-"Bei.gon my return from theEast, at al.derangemet,t did notultimately lead to

DYSPEPTICCuH , !-"’7, l~.orth Pi~tte, three hundred’ miles west toregarding’thepay off the rai:ingdebt of°ftht~m°neYsocietyby:eubscripti°n’. . I will j0in.my thread where I stoi~ped: chronic derangement’of the organs; that ’): ¯(of’Omaha, ! wan converting with some Wm. Moore, Jr., for Hamilton township, re-, ¯before, and spin on ~ few yards longer, it eause~, functional disturbance, no one ," 2

friends in tho reecptiOmroem of the rail- po, todthe folIowlng as.having given one dol- Can you or any ofyour readers tell me" dreams o!’-lenying; indbed,..it has I~den~’.U~FiES-’r-lqE:IffV~RVREO~L3.~fI~ ; .....road hotel, when a geotlbmah entered the lur e~ch : Roy. A. IL Brown, Wm. Mo~ro, Sr¯,

room,and addressin~ one of the matrons capt. T¯.D. Endicott, S¯ I]antbor~, C.N.Rnpc, why any’one who is easily duped is Called remarked that no habitual smoker can bo . Aff1’Z0N OF THB HEART IMPAI~S ,Aslid tO have a perfect day’s health." ¯ " . HEALTHy TONI~ TOTHR BLOOD, ..

D E. Iszard, H A Iszard, J 2~ P Abbo’t a ¯ ’ ¯ ¯ ." l’hevoom- M’.V,B. Me0re,"s. iLDuvinney Dr’DB In’ agull? " " Excessive smoking ts unquest|onably " .~LEAWSES TlII~ STOMACH;

.... And_e~en_ the_smallest ~ " THUS AIDING DIGBS.TION, ’ ~.~.

The %on~ baltid’ i: James Clark, Roy. L;Somers ~. men who take ~n cvcrything without dis- ten years ,sing avit: - Wm¯ .M.oore~, Jr. Tolal, $2100 ....Enoch Cordery, far Absecon, reported: Mrs. crimiaatlon, are calleii ~ulls, or are men .which is--nearly as big as himself

THB LOST OHILDE SORe BALLID. E.O. Christine, Mrs, )hine ......... " unpleasant spectacle, and it

did not print the smoker:

$11 $0. Making in all $2260."tn what bears on

in.th~ rieighbor.h~od A Round wise.gers are requested to do like

of a fraud. 1= have no doubt the cardA Little 0hilde Boat 2 ye~.re old Rot. A. H. Brown, one of the committee to draws in numb’ere wh~will pay largely ¯to S~]~ ~OR~ T~.~*iorted that he had "

locaL-aociety:-ie in a-pros.-others of thdrmoney.----- .... warrant issued by F.-So n~ lliad Been toldo- :J~w~s in the fall.timeof the year Sir. Brown wan a Some have said that nutod land~ and on land by porsnne

pay their tax intho’TmTn of Hnnun0nten, .-its Parents th6y witre So Distrdssed of the Presbyterian Church at Atlanticwhy might not a persou, by fixing the County of AIlaatie, the subscriber, one of the

~,~" Concerning of their Childe The Finance Committe~ was subsecSaying shorely if it isn’t Ded structed to look after them~ lu:nd’ on some other subject with a strong Collectors of said Oounty, will-on .............. - -

its Certaina going wilde . On motion of Mr..Wight the Finance Corn- effort of will, forg-~t-]i~-pain? Does not the 19th day ol A.ugnst,littce was made n standin committee to audit

,the ~ from fare and near " " .... .. - ’¯ year.Ofllco. soil the timber, woad, herb~ andA huntiug Every way ~_ . Itwas roeolved that the ne~tannual meeting b~wecn persons suffering~from the and o~her vendible propor-ty fouud~on-the pre-therowas nc more Soode Of the Lhtlo Childo bc held at Absccon, snd that the Pastors of Ab-

_-~Jn til[_Lhu_Yv_enthDay _~o~x,.Dr. Sheldon- and the _President am operations? I throw.out the~e c miens, taxed to the uudors[gned persons, to ~4~ ~orth Sebond Strnbt, / ....’ - to-- their re- :one earning tha Re turned at Late rotary be a 0ommittee of Arrangements.

)ective names, with Costs and "l~l°~-V~--~ustaBout th~lothessfDUy " On motion the Financo:-Co~mltteo were " "from hunting of th~

pains or trials arenol in eneh ~ ever~v c~me- --T-he-Auditing-Committuo~’~pc --Will bG $8-eeNt1~-~

~hey saw th~ Buzzards flying Up xoasure~ and Depositories correct. --~gDown :__ hearsi~g the sad tttlo in:the ear of some WARRANT MENTIONED.


_ ...... ~ : . ~ . :


, _ - _ ’-.o.

¯ o-

r- . " Is widelyImo~n’ as o[ie of the most

eifcctual remediesever discovered fi~l"cleansing th(


)’ears, with a con-stant}y growb~g rep-ut:ttion, based on It.~ ’

intrinsic vlr|t|cs, and sus[aine’d ]4Y its n’-xq~kahle ct:.=’.°s. $o mild :ts to bc safh alicl

aS to effectually p~u’go, out the great cor-o(tlm-b]6o(l~ sttch h3 the (~erofu]mts


or diseases thatfor veal% toou yield to th[a power~l "anti.doto and disappear. Ilence its.wo.~Merlhlcures,many of ~vhleh nr~ publlc|y Knowlhof SoroL’tlla~ attcl all ~ero(nl()ns. dlseases,I.Tlccra, Eruptions, attd erupti~’o d[:l-orders of the skin, rI’|[lllOi’.~, ]ilolcrlo.~)~o|ls, ]~implet% P ~tule,% ~4ort’s, St ¯Antholly’8 1,’ire, l~oso or

]~[ll*~’tvoi"l|. Ctlld |lltol’ll*d Ul-..... eera~lon’~’ ot the U tertt~, ;-~txmiach

~,ut[ Livtw. l/, nho e[u’~ other-plaintb to whi~:h it WOll]tl Itgt; 6t’t’tll t’:pCCi-

ally :via )ted, pttoh p.1 l)rop,%~,, Dy,~[ic[;-t~|lt ,1"1 t ~, .=qot I r:t lght, It tm r£ Di: ease,J0’ciua[,s W<ullcllc3;*~ DobIli/,v~,aadIat:.tt",;,’;’:’.,.’.t, v,~:Ll~ t,wy rro W,;::::I~’:t:~-t|o!l*; t)[" |h’t st:;’*,f’.lhP, l I po[’~011P,

-. - l~ll iUl ~.’X~’cl[(;i,c.rrSlaror.(R health Dltl|iIv I’l.’ll(l~V~ll’.’ [’,t~

appetib! aml ~,i..~,w c’f Ilmit dl :+llmt,’~ th. d.pr,,~.h~11 and II~t[,. ~, hm-g11or Of the ,~on",(~11. |]votl when I~ dl,.ordor

tl,.o hl.,M. ’|’h,’ ~y;m!m m.w,,~~,I| w[Ih I’~ll.~¢tl v[~ur stud ,t new ]ca’.t~ of,.re, I

I’i:I:I’,11 ~.1~:) 1"1 1"

Or, J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Nass,,}’rtteHe~|t c,O,I .l~*rtl!ltie,,| (?l,e~,*i#ts,

BOLD ltY AIA, I)l~t:G(;tii’r~ KVERYWII~ItIL

"r~u’,J~" *2L’rJ~ m~l~l


STYIJUgSIZII$ & I’tlrC~ ~, bb:~ ~-’,r~.~P~o p~v~ ~m~ I~m~l ~ ,,~,t

. Salte of Ammonia ........................ 30. l’t ~qnves L~bor. It ,~aecs t]~eatter ..................... .....:22.08.

)bate of L~...-~2. 3;08 :]i will ~ace itb Oost

100.00 it wrings Faster than by Hand,We consider the Providenao superior to all

othsrs for the following reasons:cadre;

let. The/tOotLERS, of large size and beat

¯ .~ag 12t,!(o.~ domuch medlclne;cat bcitcrfood I


~ugar of 1M~flk.Patented July 2~, 1872.


the peculiar process in whleh IMs proper- TY are comhined I~ this mocMno, with all tl~e ..........

--EAItTav nntl. Al, lttl~ Lho graia-nro-rutuined--with-a~w~-~t’-tlm-~:r,tncn .......... Providenco ~ooI_~o.,whloh bclng o~;nvorlodinto Dza’rvsstt. It eo,~ .........taina all tho Lt’at’, ~tYl,l°nl~u, l’nool.nuaous, 1)’rot~’({c/le;t R. [non attd ~[ANOANaSE for I||e ani,,u[ ju[cos,

n thor and-~ew-cn-


m’~st-Meu|ton Process, making the rouor xn ,uo ~illion now tn Use,WorM, -" o~-

Yd. The PATE.V~ J;E~A~ JOURNAL They huve stood the te~t of twenty’-yeurs’ uec’ wear u~on the journals, and itis no experimeut to purc’hase one,

which the iron shufteON TIIE I¯V~ TA LME,~’T PLA~V.

3d. The DO~r~r.F, ~PIRYlE--~O~usede.-- ~-’=---Wurranted for throe y~:,r.~ l,y "this wrlnztr glee the utmost eeso and steadine

from bottoming or being thrown e of gear..We furnleb ehhor #ingle Or double geared Preydeuoe ~s desired,4th. TheADdU,.~TABL.EOUI~V.~’D6LAMf. Jo]lll ~e~|l~x~,

rea,hl 2 adjusts thin maohlne =o tubs of aay ~lzo " "Dr thc esbku , making a perfect faatenhog No Traveling Agent,

wooden pbgs or ruhbor straps on this Clamp. ItR’X~;OI~[ on, lq’. J.



itntl tt un and Fzt, t~eA "t’~r rospirat[cn and fitltytl~tc0~ wRh the prohdno mmq~ouuda (th.~;r g.~,

t~o,)’ t,pm ~hich nerve nnd lan~ch~

tl~cucn aru I’ur:fl¢(|.,g

It ia bel|cvod hy the most loiclligent ,ann"{hat fi/uoh uf |]h #t~JJ’erh~lt~ #iskue## aud m.rtull.

I r,~coable torJtluu. ’J.’o |he same caU¯O any

s!gned the ftcqnout d[saplmhUmcnt el p yh St-cluus |u the result, f li*o actluu of the most ’tp.

prevud romedLne,__ t|’o foul ¯uro that this atti.elu will supply the d~fit:l~ey. ....

Sugar of Milk." [’LACTIN,J

Is a qr~stsilhed |uKnr, ohlalned from thn wheyef cow a lailk by o~nporallou. It Is mnuufae.tured largely iu BwLttorland and thn BavarianAIps as an artlete nf food and fur medical ~urpue,s. ]t hue been used eunslderahly in Eng.|and aa~ noa.nltrogcnoua artiolo of diet in

Agoncy.ll W nrronStreotN Y City



and Chc p. The best

@hw’tho Icnst money. AltonH,~ [s c~peolMly lutlted toBlat.chley_~- Pat ~n t_l U!l!r 9 v~dBrooket uud 2{~JW Drop Choc|*Y,Iv% whlolt can ho v,l|h eat*ba Withdrawn ,r|thcul rc,nSvtag |hu Putnp or db|urhine

~ Ihajoln~t, AIs% Iho COlq.erChatahcr wlehlmvcrertteht~tr sea|oS, nCwd.outles| any oth,,r, l"~= ~tby I)oaler evcr$where, t~cntl [cr eata|.V, ue ~ad prlae.lilt,

C*las. tt. BrAT0[|’~¯t’Vt M’fr,bt~6 Commerce btrcet~ Philads., I’~

¢o. ##

Leaves North nammoncon

River~ Whitiag’a Jnncfiob, and Jarrets r,n

9 08-a m- for~Vihela~-d/0reeiiwieb,¯ " av.d-~ay~ida. - - " -2 25 p re’for’Vine]and, " ,,

and Baystde,620 p m Whitin and Atsion, also

Arrive at North Hammcnton

and Baysid .~- - =908 a m from’Whitings, also Atlantic Ci~

225 p’m from New YorkY~ong Branch andWay Stations,

620 p m from "¢~ins]ow Vineland, .B;:idgetonand BaysidoLeave Long Brnneh for NeW 7 0~

Vinoland, Brtdgctou’and Bay~i,h,. ntll ~0 nm.M. W. SERAT, "JOJlN F. COLE,Superiuteudent. ’aen’l Fr’t k Pas Agont-

Long Branch, Juno 23; i i, 7:;

BOO[<, --A



Hartford, O0nn,

os.on,,r,o. and or,,. i,,s.^..,, t IEW YORK PIAN0.FORTE


GqvEN A It%’ AY.

A Fine German Chromo.

It iu rich Inaal ¢iualttic~of

Tar, and ua~nu|o41 (ordk’w~teot~ of Lhe ’a’h rooflt ~ltLts nlgtq, pcrforining themeal rctnnrkable t:u re~ It

y ctzrt, o nl I (?oughaILJ~m.~ cnrod ~o

euses or- Aaehmt[h*t

~po~| |ll ttioHn ©ore- ready f,*r frlllll [,I if, trt, t~ ftt (?V(.P.V n~, hi.plod*ttt~ ] O,rain tlsollrt.a.~t~ ~IU,~ de lin,,ko A(}l,;h"rs WANTI’:I’ I"Oltq’~r~vt, I or l[hlnr

.ry Orgo*t. Jbt*st)diet’o UND[ GI 0UND~r a~q,’ Liver ~’omphtl**ttthussto,’, ual. OR ¯

. ’ ~se.ts~eua j~t@t~ya[s*nl, - . DY ’[ i[t)~{. ~lr. ]{~’(JX,R~mt~t,~q~t~Wealtan,ll~l, llllase,t, 912 Pages O~t,vu, 130 Fine L’ngravings.~on~ she WOOd So |t/It~,~ov~’l~yapep~l~ ~std |l|ltt~’qtlol|,. P, elateS Inehl ’.s nml Aevhlcnt~ i.,ymld I|,~IPNvmtm H,tl~tr|olmn Itover~.,t~tW~ q@l~@ ~dlvd*qr~.lr,l¢~[n ]*lgill nr Day’: :-tartlil~ Advvlaur ~ Jn eLI....................... i.~rl, of th~ ~’, ~,| .: Mi.ea aml ]’dud,, .! Work-

h~g thcln ; lil~der, ul’rol*l~ cte, I’[e|y ’ {~lllnh][ng

~"’~"~’u~wu ~-""~’"’~’~"~P"~ ..... ’ ~’’ h.,r,,,r,; t’,,,. ..........l,ho~r ~,.,’, ,’,l,~.I’h*~ IL*rh: Wn3 s uf t.~ ~,l,,,,htc. , ; i’rl~’,,u.~ slid

Avietum nn the G~ound : t tit New York. - "-was no one Roy. One. B, Wight wa~ r

nor Boindo its Little.head thn next aueual sermon..L’,ct-. E. ~. Metre wus tress. Ahrens, Cornelle ................................ 11 ~lO3

_ _ i_t_m_a~_°_ "_-ii~DYing Bed Oa motion of Roy. W. W. Christine a vote of .th,nks-was tendered tO Rev. A;H. Brawn, for class in society who are the first to invest


---~o-I~vrd-yeu-know-wber the infant-Lay-- -- -hia’~ice-~-~siSecretary and Trea~ftter or thisinnow inventionsand Pritent Medioiues, Bdden,=,:. It. ......... :..,[~i~:::’.’.’.~.~’~-6=~. - ....... -=--..-~--- -- -’~.=- ....... _ -iand toock:it~Rreuth ~,’Way ....

S6eioty for the last twenty years. Bickley, L. W... ......... ........................~l 2O ~ ~-~IPECLtk’LTye ~V : ’1" make no doubt but it will shoutDr. Sheldon spoke briefly and feolinglyin re- and to listen to new¯ideas. :They some: Bronson~ S. N ................................... . 342 , . ,.in o-o Eternal Day." .

P,rtleitlar attent|on paid to MASdki0 ~l~"its Bid Sin and So’rr0w all a Due g~rd to the services of Mr. Brown during sis times find a hook in the bait which causes Beaumont. J~mes..., ........................... 1 ~2

its Pedo the Debt it l~ad:to Pay ~re--d~-~b~’ii-oth~rs B~~Yv.Barst°n’ J. M ....... ............................

.__..._~£~.~ ~and nmblome .....o£all Mud.’ ............

--~...... -’the-JusLly-Dobt:itowd,. ............. ita infancy,.had p~sa#d to their see them and - - .,’’

_, Thoma N ......... ; .................... 1372"~ir~#2~. ............ their, faeea ¯ - ’ - - | !Har~ev’# MontTdg_ . f_o~ ~uga~t. . ~:oore, Atwood npp wsre each not very sharp"l The# oft~ get a fat 2 ~S

.... ~ o-m-~. ~ramptonr-E~n ................................. 2-2~..~I~U~T, ~]~T’~G ~) ~aP0"P.-T 0~ of thanks was tenderod ¯ Cobper.-Rnlph. ............ ;....~...... ......... :. ¯ 40’ ]

Chriatine for his eloquont sermon in the morn- Now tha ku|ls_ have some qualities D~na. N. B ............. ................ ........... 1~8Emery, Rebo, t ................ . .......... 1 ~4 NEW ~&~II,Y-’ [’

~K~ ATI~NTI0 C0. BIB~ ~00I~TY, ing; aster which the Society adjourned with which are Very desirable. They have large ~-’ng; Hennah A .............; ...... ...........3 42. ~ -. )tonxisn session. - Doxology and Benediction by Mr. Wight~ to ,.

" meoi in thu evening at 8 o’clock, curiosity and a desire for improvement,Field,David ....... ;. - ¯

turo nothing have" ~pirit. ........,sport, which was delayed byDr. SheldOn ptmathod in the evenlng, hut the Gant, John .......................................| 46 l:ramamonton, N. :I.2"eport and that of the Dop0sitorioa not being

Secretary not being present, an aouount of the ORentimes there may seem to be a hok Oraves, Joshuo, Jr .............................. 100 "xeeeived in time : . ,

Tha ~lst Annual Mooting of the Atlantic so-men cannot be given. Charles ................................. .q 42 ¯A committee of three, c’onaiat|ng of Roy. G. of COOl, Clear judgment, but. if the world (paid $4,) 386.d ............. 784 Needles and all attaohment~ for M~htnes ~:~Younty Bible Society was held June 20thWight~ Wm. Moore, Jr., and L. W. Hum- had hothingbesids8 this latter conaerva- Wm ...................................... 228

After the opening the Jane1, R ...... ~mpt nttentlon ;]praa0hedtho~lmnual-sormon- from~ ni~n-ts~h~publlsh-~d~ nffi-t~ec~.VpaPere. state-

opklas, Marmaduke ......................... 4 56 49-tf~’Your 0od and the Cod of your fathora hat/ ,

~ ’" treaaure in your aaoka." The Society th~n adjourned. "~ vanguard ofthe arm’," that is to con IIeeton, Warner ..................... .5 .......... I 14

an ~Io~-iR s~--’~/~n, caumng us ~at:~-g ~tm~’s-~.w~a~r_ -the-etrongho]ds-0f0]d-fogyism-and-,~u]larrold, I[onry .................................. 1 00 ~H]E&IP TI{UOK II&~KET !......................... 2’q-~- Wu desire to eMl the atiention of Furmer~ and

those feqiconolasldnhOW ver~d’,l|nd~of the sermon(~°d haSthodOnepresldontfOr uS.tookAtThe Treasurer, Rot’." A. H. Brown, reported stition. ......... ]Taws, Oeorgo,.: ...........................v .....

I 50 Truekora to.¯ as follows: They aretho radioalswhogetaglimpso |tawe, Antrim F ................................. 56Whittlesey~the chair, Wllenaud’praycrtho. busiuu~eWUS offeredof the SociotybY ReV.wa~ECash on hand Juno 18, 1872,

$3190 II nines, David I[ ................................. 342|aken up. r0e’d oz’]lammonton Presbyterian Of. some new idea, and fly towards it, dis-

l[ulncs,il°]den~ IsoaeF’ll’ Bst,~tu ................................ .............................~ .... ..~ fi0" T Z-I EThere were present the officers and tuemhcrs Church, 100 cuss its merits, and determine its valuu

ll.rblnson & Co .................................. 2 28 1|ns follows: .... ]Hay’s Landing DepoM- Will]Presi4ont--D. E.I.zard¯ ,, f, |,3ry, :5 00 before the more cautious birds come n~ar lira, ~Uchard ....................................., ,4 ams Diamond Basket"l[onnum, Wm .................................. 13 fi~Vlo~ President--Roy. W. Cannon.

" " FrlondshipBargaint°’n M.E.do.Church~ 2050000it. Our rcformem and men ot progress

lhnmunt, 1’hlllp It ...... ........................ 662 Tl|o CIIEAPEST and Bast

Troasuzor~A. It. Brown......... ~’f.ffn’ffg~r-(-~-~R~i/.-P. ~L flapl~/Wml M96~-% ...... ~’ ...... ~ ........ Port. hepub]lo-----do.- ....... 8-00 ot-publioopinion, bravin~ ridicu;o and op, llusLo|h.Bnnjam[n ............ : .................... 7..9 of’uni.

" ,]ohast,n~Joseph C .............................. 1 46 Tdr-m-~[zb~t|d’Wo]gI~g~-eat-" Jr.. and b. Rlal6y2 " " ¯ Atlantic.City , do. .2a co positi0n,-till -time I|as approved oflheir3ones, Even E ................ .-, .................. 1 72 strength ahd . durab|lity~~, " Salem do. 7 o0 correct judgment. - Utld can be sold ut abo~t

Members--Keys. (]enrgo Sheldon, D. D., W. ,,~V? Chrl~tinc~ ~.. F..M~oro, E. Whltileaoy, A.

" W. Moorc.Jr.,eolleetlons Kh|g, Foster, It ..................................~l 8.int May’s La,|ding, 21 00 I may possibly carry out in some future Kcl/ey, Simon .................................... 24 one-third the pried of or’d[.

Atwoou anu Lt. ~, Wtght. ~’ " nary truck baskets. ForThe mlnutee ’of the last Snooting wore road J.C. Abbott, 1 0~ papers other points of re~omblanou bu- KS,hint, Joseph ................................. 3 42and approved. " o* S. Wheaten, 2 00 tWOOl| Utlll| and the brute c~oation. Kendall, ,~tephon .......... , ..................... " 57 enid in |argo ’arid ~mall

On’mot|on Revs. A. JI. Bdwnand G.B. " " C.E,P. Meyhew,onaco’t 31eooaglttnot to be so much afrai~ l,eote, J.P ......................................... 342 quantlt|e~byLlpplncolt, Nntbaa ........... ~ .................. 1 14 WOODRUFF & BR0,,Wight ware appo{nted a eummltteo ta arrange of sales,

__3 35 thcro is a hook in overy thing that is nowMe(~une, Owen ............ ~k ................... l 72- for the afternoon ’seaside ; enid session ,to be

~otM. $108 00 .A. ~AY. Micholhuugb, Frederick ....................... 2 93 Not 4 Arch St,, Fh|l,,.

dunittaa hla report uud also Cash-p Myers, Mrs, Cordelia, (paid 5,00,) 3,1d.. 8 14 Iff. ll,--~AIs,; for sale, a~! kinds of Peach andthe Dopositury tel)erie .f of freight, $5 02 M’~’,-7~.-C~fi-d.~-7.--. ....~, E. P, Mahew, Rufurrud Do Wa]ler~ and ......................,, ~. Waiters, do., ¯ 2 :~ used ii: n~oderatiu~ i~ n~t hurlfl M.g~ec, Chnrles ................................. 4 5~ . 17.$0Committeu

the AudLting ". A|uurican ]liblo Secret)’, lt)O 69 sy~,tont; but the iinlnodttato ttso ot it Matl,*ok, C. D ..................................... 2 28 -" - ’RevSA. II~B~~e~i~..ii~rt kn~i-ao~ ’7 ......................... cxtremely-so.---,Ou-this-eubjeot we. give M.ttack, ]iannah D ............................ 5,1 I~

..-- -----. t:...._|..... _.... __. ~M Bl~,-Ah-r a|iam ................................. 3 42 ............ t: ................¯uuut of llsntmonton Dept~sit. ~, showing a" " Total° $108 O6 th~ tollowing rem~rka trom the l~otndar Ma,ldoz, J. B .....................................

:10 9{Idefiolen0y [u amount ef books i ," that depo~l. RsPunv~ or ngl’oHiron’lss. ~Sc~’¢nce Mouthb.I. We recommend then| Nlvers,m/Miss S. S ............... . ............ $4 20


tary; the supposition ia that, they m~tt hayoO, E. P. Mayhaw, of May’s Lending Del~sl- to the consideration of ~moker~: Osborne, John .................................... SOboca g{rtm away. Tl~e dnRole,,.,., umountlug

tory, reported: Tobacco belong8 to the ola~ ot narcotic Pressey Mrs., ]lltato ......................... 17 10&o $7 ~1 was on motion oonald,.,,d ad donated.To amount of at~0k ae per |nveutnry~ attd exciting ~uDstanoos, and has no toed l’leree, Oaleb ...................................... 4 38

Rnhblns, Fred, 8 ................................. 9 1~0a motinn Roy, O, ,B. Wight, Win. Mo,r~,

~’unn 18, 18’2, $18t.S2vMuo. Stimumtion mcana abstracted, Roxhy;James ....................................0 lfl

3r., and L. W, ~umphmys wet, appoint~d’By books sold, $3 R5a oommlllvo or thr6o tn e.ndlt thn m~eoun~ of ,, grhn~od, ~020 not added torco. R involvee t||o lmleotio Rogers, Ransom .................................

172¯ sTreuurerand~otoofthoDepodtorlee. Bystookonh~d, 1~077--$184~ paral~sisofaportionofthotunetion,%the ltogor,,MlssJ. W .............................. 22~ PION RBTIlMPPIII RMasers. A. Atwood, 1~, Whlttle~ey, W.W. aet|vlty of whtofi is essential to healthy Rublnesm, CAntles .............................. 57o~hrlsUns, D. B, Someta and .q.R. Devinncy Tbe books were donnt~d aa follows :..war~ on motion eppolated a oommltt~ of five To I,. lie M, ’ (vu!ve) *0 d0 lif°,;it Roblneoa, B, ![ .................................. 1 14 IItvlngre~grved ths’rl[ht to mnnufuoturt andto nomh|ato ofllosr~ andjIologute~ fur the nn- Schoon,,r , ,~ I0 will be said that (ohaeoo so0theB fltead|nan, I,erenso l[ .......................... 11 6| nell tMe Faeor(te MaoA¢~ta In the oountlaa ofsuing year. . 4|ood ’.l’nmplars al E]wood, " 4 00

and cheers tlto wcury toi]er, nnd ~olacc~ ~cmorhy, Chorlee ................................ 9 12 Camdan, Burlington, Oou~a~Atlaut[o and 0spSteehuan+ Jerotuh|lt.,/~ ......................... 9 12 May, I heruby give not|eu that Inm prepnrudTht ao’m[ttss of arrangement~ for the at. Sehr Sally M. titan:mane ¯ 3 4O the overworked brain. ~uoh may be its BostierKood ..........

~ ........................... 4 00 to fill ordora at following retestternona reported that they had s,leered aa John P. Kolsey~ 315 momentary effects, but tha m~quel ~anaot 81mpklns, Patle~s..’. ........................... 175NO. 1 MAt~HINM, . - ~8~.00.

a~oskar~ l{ove. ~. F. Meor,, A. Atwnod and 2. W. Towaasnd, 3 00 be ignored. All auoh expedlent~ aro lal- B©hneldor, Philip ................................ i 20 NO | " . ~.~@,P. II. Onpp) and Dr. flheldon to pr0a0h Ja the John O. Wright, 8 00 lacious. When a certain amount of brain- Bpealcman, Mra.Char)otte II ................. 7 98

.... Om.moUon-th. Bo~ietyadJoum~l f~rdlnnsr. . ........ Total, - $~o~o work or haud-work huboen Imrlormed, Tuylor, Robsrt .................................... ,’141 TAsaeM~oMus, ora Wawunls41oSsl~’BEl~.nature mobs -haye"epaoo--to-’-reooDerat~’ Vin*l’mdOrtmbesry Cu .......... .~ ...... 9.iX " 4~ I~ marksm .

Voorhlsa, Andrew ............................... 5 70 -’-~or partlnulsrt e*ad for olr~fltt.&t, Tsasoox slmato~. D; Wsllers, ofAbsoenn’ Dapoeltory, reparted: and all devioos tor osa~ping from tbia no.

Wulverlon, A. H ................................. ~t ~8 ~1. W, PR]I$~]I¥, *.Uponves*e~mblleg tbn saeslunwaa np*aed To atoek es per Inventory, ’ ~ossi|ywlll fail. It te bad . polloy to set Walker, Mrs ....................................... 2 57 h*mmonton~ N, J, Inv,~tor&Mu’uf’r.wtmpm~rbyJt~,,--p.H. Qapp. .......... ,hme18,181~ ~4744 th~hou~oon tim towarmour hande by W~ka, Wm. 1[ .................................. 4 58 ~0.ff _ " ¯ - ..- .= ; -The nom|natlag,ommittN r*pnrted h*vln| To 100 Bibles reaelved from ,’

the bhas. hot It, then, bo o!e|rly under-Watsou. R. M .....................................~ 58 ....ma4S¥orthOprl~Mu~t_.itev./nUowL~lf n°mlaat[°naW. Oaunon.t book room, ~8 75 --0~8:11~teod that the t~mporm’y v~oRoment i~r~- Worhlll, Orlnndo ................................. 1 14 ’ ~k’~O~ ~. ~. ~o~t# ~,~ D*"Vi~, Pr**Id~*-*.WL Moor** Jr. B~ bo~ke grnnt*d, $1"~’~ " ’ duomt by tolmooo i~ gain.~l hJ~ the d~trn~. Woymnnth P&rm Jot .......................... 4 58

B~otet~ry--O.~,. p.M~l~w. Ey eto~kouhaud, ~88 -48,:11 tiou o! vitM f0roe, audtaatit~ontdneab-Whlt~,B~’~hA ................................. 10 05 T~’DXSMASgSOF THB LUMGB, aa4Trm~nr, r--D, ~, Imrd. Th, be.ks w.r~ gnmtd sa fallows | , H, W. LORINO, *dl ~UROIVIO AFFg~[O~B.

Blbha for oaa.tblrd ofeolluotlon to Port tbo tJ~|~oa or the body. " " OoU~tor. I~LI~OTRIOrTY lel~tl|ot~iy ~pll~l.~ ~urtr---b. Walton. ~olute:y nolhin| wb|eh etn b~ 0f mm to

&thutlo 01~, O. Umrr~ HnT.ti~pabile, . Sit tl Tolm*m~ sdds no potential mtrel~gth Io ~ ~ OFFIOg, lt0~ Om,a lit., PldlmTh* s--n to Salem, , :t tho hum~ framo~ It ’ P~ver and Ague Remedy, --¯ br*in or feeb,e arm to

Ponflive~Yl~*~.~litbi~.,.r, H, Oappl Tot& $1~ S~ a ~hort time, but i[a work is d~mtruetive. ~ kladJ ~,,dt(,~b,]m’J’~,~hr~lIH.,~,,,,,,~.way, Jo*eph , D, B. Sonars; -- , not oonstruo6ve. It cannot add 0rio me D~lhsr~l fr~ to any ~ld~s on r~oelpt or t]l e.r,d by, AB~O~p~JOIf, without P#aa

"llsm|ltnn, S. It; D Baltimore was the euffertr from ioon]e Io tbe of wlffeh our bo- |tl~. ~auget, e~s ~r l~mt~lt~t~ b~ :

it a ItWa/moutb, Een~amln W*tflh~by. s~ f~totor~ O~ ~ atrt~t~Vhlto’* Io slater Seelstl~--R, re, O.D.Wl~ht vital |oroo. Addr~s .n erdmm ~ (

trod ~. F, 2Joule. part ot {he city, oonsum j. jO~’~O.~l, Br,t ~ R,$’,r,,~e It("’ te per,o~ ~’~&’’td~urohoe and runny ’serve and £t turn becu donicd that tobnooo ]nds =;.1!

~n, #’~’ro~ arrant, .,,mR’ =’¢r~.z $.1

to. a