U G E Wh.t may watUelnto the ..... 1 fo tm 10 oor Admit. no frnlt of all our lo!'B ena .. or No fs.me--wteathe orown we woro No garner6d 101'6 at we bear boyond the uoknotm por tall no galo. ill our tolling m the life unmort No hoa.rded wealth mamB No gilds nor stams Naked from out that flU' &byes behind us We entered hore t d us No word came from our comm g d What wondroUS wad. w No hope no fear Into the silent starless mght before UB Nakod we glide e us No h!md4as mapped the constell LODS r No comrade at our sIde No chart no gmds l:ot fearles8 toward that mldnigh black a.n hollow bar footsteps fare TI 0 lu:wkoniDg ot .. Pather shand wo 10 RiB lote alone II there No curse no care BY SEVENTH DA ES'l'ERLY, R Those hern-g.ods whose mIghty 8'l"ly Would f have bamed the wa:ves- o fi.a.shed therr bl.a.des 'Wltb tiger zeal To msko world of sla.ves--o Who though tbelI' kindred barr d therr pa.th Still fiercely waded on- where.ball ba tlieir lory by The BIde of Washington No car of tnnmJ?h bore hIm tf.'ou Ctty filled Wlth gnaf o gros.w.ng captIve at the wheels b..iI:Jl Victor chief He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links en he had crush d the ChBlll Be sayed his land but did not I His soldier tru.ppmga down To change them for the vest And don" kingly crown ame wa.s too earnest m he, jay- Too proud of sucb & son- To let 8. robe and tItle mask A noble Washington England.my heart ,. trnlv thine- My laV!d;' my natIve €1mb ,_ ..0. The la.nd that holds a mole Pl!:ve d ga.ve that mother l . .t-l "!. Ob keenly •• 11 "onld be I ",. Tha.t thruat meYrom thy re d f.altenng breath th mg d « Fa.r 11 tar everm.,re' B1lt did I meet anch lot I would not seok to dWell Where older heroes wrotlifit the deeds For-H.omer 8 SQllg to telL Away ougaJlantsWpl ,e An be&!" me Uyon nut bear me from y OWU fm land To ot of W •• hingt$i"-EllZa CookiJ I the wa.y IS shining cle&rer As we JOllI'Dey ver DBa-rer To the everla.stmg home Comudes who aWBJ.t our Ian g Friends who round the throne W BalU yon., -.nd we come . . " T.E.Il:MB--lI>2 50 A AD AlOE. men thell' tim 1 f t

ES'l'ERLY, R - Amazon S3Vol+27+(1871)/… · He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links en he had crush d the ChBlll Be sayed his land

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Page 1: ES'l'ERLY, R - Amazon S3Vol+27+(1871)/… · He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links en he had crush d the ChBlll Be sayed his land


Wh.t may watUelnto the ..... 1 fo tm 10 oor

Admit. no frnlt of all our lo!'B ena .. or No fs.me--wteathe orown we woro No garner6d 101'6

at we bear boyond the uoknotm por tall

No~d no galo. ill our tolling m the life unmort

No hoa.rded wealth mamB No gilds nor stams

Naked from out that flU' &byes behind us We entered hore t d us

No word came from our commgd o~e::r What wondroUS wad. w

No hope no fear

Into the silent starless mght before UB Nakod we glide e us

No h!md4as mapped the constell LODS r No comrade at our sIde No chart no gmds

l:ot fearles8 toward that mldnigh black a.n hollow

bar footsteps fare TI 0 lu:wkoniDg ot .. Pather shand wo 10

RiB lote alone II there No curse no care



Those hern-g.ods whose mIghty 8'l"ly Would f have bamed the wa:ves­

o fi.a.shed therr bl.a.des 'Wltb tiger zeal To msko world of sla.ves--o

Who though tbelI' kindred barr d therr pa.th Still fiercely waded on-O~ where.ball ba tlieir lory by

The BIde of Washington

No car of tnnmJ?h bore hIm tf.'ou Ctty filled Wlth gnaf

o gros.w.ng captIve at the wheels ~oels.irned b..iI:Jl Victor chief

He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links

en he had crush d the ChBlll

Be sayed his land but did not I His soldier tru.ppmga down

To change them for the reg~ vest And don" kingly crown ame wa.s too earnest m he, jay­Too proud of sucb & son-

To let 8. robe and tItle mask A noble Washington

England.my heart ,. trnlv thine­My laV!d;' my natIve €1mb ,_ ..0.

The la.nd that holds a mole Pl!:ve d ga.ve that mother l . .t-l "!.

Ob keenly •• 11 "onld be I ",. Tha.t thruat meYrom thy re d f.altenng breath th mg d

« Fa.r 11 tar everm.,re'

B1lt did I meet anch a.d:Vet'B~ lot I would not seok to dWell

Where older heroes wrotlifit the deeds For-H.omer 8 SQllg to telL Away ougaJlantsWpl ,e

An be&!" me Uyon nut bear me from y OWU fm land

To ot of W •• hingt$i"-EllZa CookiJ

I the wa.y IS shining cle&rer As we JOllI'Dey ver DBa-rer

To the everla.stmg home Comudes who aWBJ.t our Ian g Friends who round the throne

W BalU yon., -.nd we come . . "

T.E.Il:MB--lI>2 50 A AD AlOE.

men thell'



f t

Page 2: ES'l'ERLY, R - Amazon S3Vol+27+(1871)/… · He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links en he had crush d the ChBlll Be sayed his land

_1 IL LEWI.,

Agcnl 0' IIw .Am<TIcaa Sabbath. 7rDa,.']t'&rtme;;i To whom all ma.tters tor this

Mould be addr... ~ Alfred

a ve mentioned p posIti IFor ~ countenancmg 8lld supporting, e and abet-tu)g, e a ,e fratern lZlDg mth and feUowshipmg of Sah­ba~ breaker by Sabb~ kee ers, Rlld ill ery many way , proceeds

e admisslOn that these S h­breakers are smners, or, if Ie riQt to be regarded an at-

as sUch, and especially for he reas that they are smeere m theIr S daykeepmg


been saId ill t of the RE(JOR1~ER.

b&ie~l~M~ie~jm~~ili~,Ba~ tists represent line of Sabbath-keepm ha a been kept smce Ohrist, preserv and 'I>1"UWIU

truth, that thEl> com whe Sabba~ Re,foljlrn espemal wo k.

2 The st essential !l~'lparation

Total rece,pts tor Quart.r

By cash p&ld a8 f' WH o A. H Lems, fer iraveling expens-es a.dvertlsmg,pt:Umng, postage, &0 $298 1

To A LeWl8, sa1arv1or quarter end .. mg March 31st l~ 250

o L dated Nov 11th, • . M !&r1for quarter end-

109 Mar 200 00 James Bailev, tra.velingexpenses to

Southern Dlin0l8 52 40 Postage, Revenue Stamps, & Exch ge 3 25

otal expenditures $825 32 E E M W 8r JOHN, easur


Est.t., ,"',.u-!,;weJI.Le DeRn er Shiloh Ch ch, monthly coLWchon A1bert]I Clarke ClaynU. N Y 2<1 Alfr Church by Ezra. Pottilr West Edmeston Cburch

1266 45 G D UTTlm, Treasurer

wmg action was then tters presented m

corres ndence .

COIning sesmon the

L. A PUTTS, Sec' NEW 1rJ.nur, N , April 26, 1B7l

the governm BtoU

from Pans, G dB taken

In an week, :Mrs Laura Fan- was nVIC ad of murde:r, for which she probabl b hung, ess she suc­cee COI1lIll1tting SUlcid which she has tried to d The N Y Tri

U Resolt'ed, Tha.t we 6jOIOO in e fidelity of the M&seaehusetts LeglSlature the the(). ry and pr&et.ice of our Fa.lhera, ill refnsmg to BADction the ope~ of public libranes npon the &bbath beliav)[] a.e we do tbat the Pubhc Lib bill was a pretext of the com. bmed meligion &nil. infidelity of the day to unebNtwnz6 the ~Dlmonwealth, stulhfy her hlstoryl and 8ubstitute a.t.hel8m for Chris.. t t1 as tne b&818 0 our politiCAl, ednca.hoD

&nll clvillllStitutiOns

• • • "ION IN OmNA.-A dispatch

Shanghai, China, Ap 2th, the Jmpenal governmpnt

has me.de a dem811d upon the fqrel Ambassadors that s~hools for th education of females be abolish ed, that te to e male sub-Jects of empIre of all doctrines

h"ne tells t sta and pomtB t se those of OonfuCIus be lesson of her lif s foUo rt"dden; that mlSSlonaneB COli

\ 1~~~~:~~~~r~;~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;_1~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~:t~~~tl~~~~~~~~~~~~il~s~Idared Ohillese subjecis, and timt

I Bson from ~e career of B women Bhall t be ernntted access del~on.ma- £J...- ..... -r - ~ -r--- Tho bassadors ru-e aleo notified that

attendance of worn upo re

LeWIS, Cnssewag , Pa., 2, 18'71, first quarte y re­port of lab t church, from No 2,1870

7 From J M. Todd, B 0

NY, Jan 5, 1871, declining, ill health

From Levi Creek, Ritehie questing a renu

14: Fro D

, TrelUfUrer 1

In account WIth the AM S T or Soc J C For the Quarkr endzns March 31st, 1 71


ed ta call of the Secretary S V STILLMAN, Bee Sec

ual seSSIOn m sc 01 lU Berlin, N

y, May 31, 1871, o

gIons se ces was one of the occa­ons for the recent massacres of

foreIgners, and that, though those events cannot but be deplored by the Imperial government, penBa­tio for he OlllIIllBBlon IS ahB()­lu Iy refused.


egraph gs us Slffi taneo s adVIces, that

Italy has resolved to reslize fo Wlth the dream of estest mad ern statesman, "A church m a free te, and that China has de termmed (m t) arrest Wlthin her b undaries the propa"ooation of Ohristianity Rlld the education of grr s, allomng no mcu1cations whi contravene the precepts of har great est philosopher and Bage, caned b us ConfuCIUs, wh lived d taugh nearly twenty five h ed years a In othe words, servatiBm has reasserted Its power ill the gov ernmg councils of the Flowery L d, whose Ignorant and barbaro S mil lions ce more gIve law to r reJa.

vely mtelligen but and cowardly magnates China sinks agrun to the darkness w nce she seemed to have emerged nuder the enlighten co sels <ff lingame

Page 3: ES'l'ERLY, R - Amazon S3Vol+27+(1871)/… · He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links en he had crush d the ChBlll Be sayed his land

1.9x.J~0E.~-It s hard, <says the that unporiant

11;;.; •• • .. ,.;\"". be distmJlsed WIth !l:E,xnihiti".l of mtolerance upon

other Thus, 'Nlth the New ~gland

Conferenc~ recently m 1~'Il1iJjOstoD,.nlld a pertect nght ~~:rfdis:reg,ard of the Lo~d 8

nght to PM8 Wilig iill-t,empeJ,ed resolution

:IJEW! .... ....:~·ne telegraph !1ii"!im.illlta,nea,u8 adVlceS, that \iJ~j~~B()lveld to rewe forth '~,'9~e_am of her greatest mod !l!~!')1Ilq,'" A free church ill a

that China has de-­lit(fu'Ertlect)to arrest WIthin

prop"'oont on of the education of

lTri,ViYl"'I,i> mc Ilcations which

1~1~rpf:~lP!: of her great-,J! called by taught

• •


Thnrs la:r April 27th a tram from I ]ainficld N J for New York, slrt ck dne of Barnum B ClICU8 wa­gons Dear Cmnfo d N J killing II ee men outright, and dangerons I) InJunng two others, while a s"'~

as slightly Injured All belonge t the CIrCUS The wagon was load ",1 WIth dishes proVIs ons, etc and ~aB totally demoli8hed. Two m lle8 were earned over two h Indred feet,

d killed. The driver s body "as t:und seventy 1lve yards froIn hthe crosSIng It seems that the s ow had been open at PaterBon the prr

o 8 day aud the company trave all rught, reached the New Jer­

Ul Central Road at Cranford abo t Y n a lock m the mornmg There

e e the a"on five were 8 x men n 0

were a leep In the renI of t and the anver the s th waS also asleep Oll I s box At Cranio d th~e IS a

1I"n grade. weh gtves great un ( s (0. tram mOVlDg onward to

~ ey depot The mstant the WB­n was roIling over the first rail,

1I"h stle of the approaching tram wtled one of the slumberers He ,ped to rus feet, lind operung the

slid III I e door of the wagon saw e tmiil COmIng bnt was pnrnJyzed

11\ h i lU" and stood a silent specta Before he could warn his

frJ nds of the danger the engme ts tram of carnnges, came

hm mto the ill fated wagon. !Qe m the ren.r of the

er wtilre tMfrliiiiFs were ! I cattereil along the blood

ame I track The driver was liter ally c t to pees as were two horses On y one man rVIved to tell how he acc dent rr W a It of the negli ~ence of t 11 er The wounds of his er n ~ e so fearful that lit­tel P ( h" recovery was enter

• • I


MORlllNnUN OUTRAGES are rBloOlt-1 SOBAMYL, the captive Warnor ed by telegram from Santa Fee, dnt- Prophet of the I,OalucBsUE," IS dead ed April 28th. A stage coach was Thi8 :re'lIIlll,knlblql man was born m

strMll!RY or ~a The rotizens of Lexmgton, Mass eelebrated the 96th ll11niversa.ry of the Revolutionary 1lght m that town, by dedicating !I Memorial Hall The ceremomes embraced a. military and ClVlC proce8810n, an 'address by the Hon. Charles Hudson, a dinner lind

In a cemetery m the little

found h1ll"lled m the rond between the village of jUllt north of

There were some fearful scenes when the Nebraska State Insane Asylum, m Lincoln, was burned by nn mcendinry fire, on the rught of April 16 Dunng the early stage of the Dre one of the mmntes selZed a

of Wyocena, m Columblll collIitvl WISCOnBlll, there 18 rather epItaph. It IS as follows

La IIfessilla and Tucson. The body the CaucllSns, m year 1797 und teen yenrs !I mlllden one wife two months a mother of the driver was hombly mntilated, became when 30 years of agE!,

mth his breast laid open, the the leader of a half took her life club and tlrrentened to kill all the Department WOmen nud children. Two manne The Secretary of the Treasury !.preIlllI.£iijns to send "e',el'lU.' remove" split, lind placed npon the religtons lind he

u, cbm th te headed m a the da-

a ball The

face. ]four ran en on e rou at San Pedro were killed. Also SlX Illlillons of great object

fr T t of his te'A~~~~~~f~~h was to effect

men had been conilned m an upper has gtven: directions for the sale of meet the RusSlall fleet WIth room nud when the Wl!.tchmnn re-- the mnterials of the I\lllrnle hospttal CzaroWltch on board, m Jnne leased them and endeavored to get building at San FranClBco which Admirnl Porter will command e1lllgrants COmIng am ucson 0 t

New Menco Some of the captured the Cancas nu8 of them out, they mB18ted upon return was shaken by the shoek of nu earth reception fleet mail waS' found WIth the checks cut those of the Cas- mg to therr rooms agam. They qunke m 1868 SJrul8 that time t Mrs. Mary L Putnam of B.08ton,

ished m the lIames. has been nnoccup ed. The gronnd has gtven to the Soldiers A case of much unportnnce to will not be sold. Dayton, Ohio (recently de,dicatetI;)

busmess men was recently deCIded A spmtna! medium m Cinc1l11lati 4 000 volumes m memory of her

to p ~c nud was bronght mto establish a Illl-Mes8 one of the condnctors s~~c~~::~r)m~;~'Ir.)fIb:le of reSIst-The In a few days ago killed a of Rnsma. two'Mencans linda Germnnat Lone Mountam, and wounded an Amen = near Silver C ty Fourteen per­sons were killed and one wounded as reported by mail

DANGERS OF THE RA I.-A report of railroad lIcC dents Just made to the Secretary of the State tJ MllJIle shows that ill that State last year 4 persons were killed 8 Injured on the Atlantic and 8t Lawrence road 29 mJured on the Boston and MlWle road 1 killed on the North Amencnn road 4 killed and 16 mJured on the Portland and Kennebeo road 1 killed and 9 n Jured on the Portland and Rochester road and 3 killed and 9 mJured on the J?ortland nud Saco road. Total 13 '!persons killed, and 51 :Jur!!(!; The only satisfaction which we get m reading this melancholy report S' m the information that

most of these ca&ualties were tit> result of Jarelessness and conilned to employeea of the roads.

! ~..

m the U S CIrCUIt Court at Phila has discovered that SaJrnon P Chase who lost his life at Ball s Bluff. delphia. The Stark MiJlg haVIng will be the next Pre81dent, and be established a repntat on for serun elected by the Democrney He less bags of their prodnction the8e makes the revelation to save the were nvaled by another concern, trouble nud expense Df electioneer­which took the name of Star Mills mg caucu8es and conventions. and closely umtated the trade-mark A fanatic m Philadelphia, who of the former except that Star re- {l8]]s himself the Jeans o~ Isola­placed Stark The Court held this tion pllIlldes the streets upon lin an infringement on llIl established old horse his red hlllr strelLDllIlg trade-mark and amerced the Star lind carnes a b=ermth II strange Mills m $6 032 damages deVice His real llllUle 18 Komg

tural precept, In the disastrous gale of April2d, macher the waters, for on George s Banks, forty ... ne lives The present Chancellor of the Ex after many days were lost The Oape Ann Adver chequer rendered himsiM q11lte pop-as many days tUler SllyS that thirteen of the men n!ar a few years ago by limiting the years lost were roamed, leaVIng thirteen number of pens COllll11med m the

mdows and thirt;y 1lve children. The English government omce!!; but A DREAM Berk total number of lives sacrificed on this Item alone he hn8 reduced the

shire Connty papers men the George s thns far thi8 season, expenses about $4,OOOFI¥illy tion a smgnlar of a amounts to scrty four the gales prEr" A recent Alex"!,. ~per dream. Charles SI~Eldrrtan, of the viI VlOUS to the 2d haVlDg been very de- Bllya that there was II!){ II ""mm.1

structive among the1lshermen The case on the docket of tbe Fairfax lage of Tyrm,gn!l~n, dreamed three result of these 108ses s twenty four county Va. court at this term, and rughts m that his little Wldows and ilfty fatherless children. no busmess for the grand Jury nOr boy had 'been A Toronto di~atch 8tates that an 8 there a criririnnl m the Jail from HaVlDg lost t h b cl d d b the connty much dist--bed IIgreemen a8 een can u e e-

~ tween the Great Western and Michi Prmce Napoleon has gtven $100 ed as a wnrrung gnn Central Railroad Compames for 000 for a house at Lancaster Gate s ble pruns to II penod of 20 years, under which London for which, Wlth JndiClous ty In sIllte alI1iPI'ec!>utio.,s, how the entire through enrrnngs are pnt forethougt, he contrived to save the

George A. Patterson, a clerk, years old, COIIltrlltted S11lC de prnsmc llCld, m II Broadway store April 28th m consequence disappomtment m love. • Two little gtrl8 s steIs Robmson, attemptmg to cross prnme near Council Bluft"s,·rel,entLy, dunng a VIOlent storm, lost way and penshed.

The Supreme Court of Sonth olina has lately unanImonsly de<:id<ld m favor of the validity of ""IltnL<)~S m which slaves were the C01181(le11'1-' tion.

P ttsburg philosophers calCnlate that there 8 eno)lgh thrnc te coal m the bowels of continent to YIeld an annna!

20 000 000 tons for 600 years A Western wnter gtves t

belief that if as much attention pat.d to unproVIng corn as IS grapes a hundred million bnJlhE,l~ I lDlght be added to the annna!

England now pemuts seven cent of the rank and me of her who have served seven years earned a good conduct badge, take a wife ever the boy weeks after the mto a Jomt purse and then diVided. cho cest furniture, p ctures, and ob-

dream fell mto tub of scalding compllllle8 also bmd themselves Jects of art that once glittered at CalifoIlllll s mtrodncmg one water and died few hours not to mterchange traffic Wlth nuy Meudon and the Palnis Royal. tlrree nud 1lve cent p eces for the

PECULllR PEoPI~i--M[as'lac:ltuEjett;B 18 noted for pe,euJ1:ar and conserva­

new line8 across Ca.nada or Michi Fish shooting s a favonte amuse- timha ebm hethr histo.?,' Hit ~:~ a gnn. This VIrtually consolidate8 the ment m W sconsm. A short time seen e smu.ues c_e lines and makes them one for smce a mItn at Fond du Lac shot 1\ Brooklyn clergyman says through traffic between Chicago 195 p ckerel m two days ten of which a good deal of truth, that II mruj Bnffalo nud Sn~enmon Bndge we ghed 115 pounds, und killed sev IS no better than the newspaper h~

M. Emile Aubertin, an Alsa.tinn, en at one shot. hab tually reads.

lt~~~. Apn 30 h 187I,. by Be Gao .T Mr Hm.-ny G .t'IERCE of Be

and Miss JULU A. SPICER of

A S~POX PATIENT created great commotion m Long Island C ty a few days I\go His llllUle was ShRf fer "nd ht had been ruck some two week8 when he became- delirious, Jumped h'om the bed knocked his wife doWJI and leaVlng her senseless rushed from the house His face covered WIth 80res was suffi.Clent to warn those n the streets and they all avo d~ him. This seemed to madde't liun, and he rushed mto a numberof1a!oons stores and houses,

r\\sidelnt of Essex, has sleptm the

for 59 years,

WBV~~~~~:,~\~~~~~,:~~~or~ wntes to The London 'l,meB to say 1lhe colored members of the House A Fort Wayne landlord didn t I: ~~~~~~~~~h~~~~ that his fellow-countrymen, at Drst, of Representative8 have Nl taken have a clean table cloth on for Wil.ll'

llim,n-Ile OCCUpOOltS fleemg as he entered. a; has been mame,d wedding hllS bnda! bed. She one of tlr& 90 her nnptitde

smceher occup ed her

sDrVlved every who attended

were exceedingly unwilling to aban seats near together on the left of liam Travers nud Wi1linm smashern don their 1l'rench allegumce bnt the Speaker and the locntion IS al SlXty dollars worth of crockery tJ:te mad domgs m Pans have q11lte ready known as Africa by the The Nathan house m New York! length ~he serVIces of Mr Mnnn,

who had Cj1JU"ge of the small pox pa­tients und~ the old Health Board, was secure:d, and Shafl'er was carned by mam strength to his home lind sec Irely ti~d to his bed

reconciled them to the change Pa- Radical members stands ready for nuy tenant who n8 he Bays homd Pans has The great cnnvas tabernacle WIth bear to hear groans and l!hlostly! -done as much to make DB all cleave New Jersey New York and Wash screeches to our new allegtance as France did mgton reVIvalists was opened m Bmghamton, N Y announces

establish German uruty by go- Sacramento on a recent Sunday In pasSllge tlrrough that town of II SANOUINAEY TEAc~lIN(}.--l\lr_ Bald mg to war to prevent t. the everung 10000 people were pre- load of coolics, bound for the


s s Just now the most un name ~oken by politic ans

Weekly for May 6th has a p bre of a man bearIng that name and a compames t Wlt\l the follow III etter-flress statement

Orange S WlIllUlS of Chau tanque County was elected by the R publicans a representative to the ~ 11" York Assembly m 1870 He \j) d mtlt: his parly until toward h end of the sessIOn, when Mr Inill a Democratic Assemblyman II m New York, aSSllnlted Mr "Slll1th L 11 eed a Democrat from Clinton

an I es gned, leaVlDg the Democrats \I1thout a maJonty Thereupon Mr TImlllls WIth the other Republicans

!!11 d lID agre'lllenf not to support III .sures which Dad been mtroduced by he Democrats for thmr own ad

ta"e After he had done so Mr 'ill DS states m a card, that he n ded to watch developments

and leve opments per8uai:led him td e 1I1th the DemoCl"llts Thus by

th md of the representative of one he most thoronghly Republican

di!iricts m the State elected as a R p blican, the Tammany Ring ac­COll1plished ts purpose

• I "

SECBETARY SEWASn appears to have a mce time m India. The fol

from cone~ondence of the 1'. mea shows hoW" It was

Ur Seward nud his two dllugh len adopted daughters, I believe) k Calcutta on the 13th March for &na es They will also 1'1S t Alla­Imbed, Agrll, Delhi nud se'Vernl 'h plllCes op therr way to Bombay IUd v.ilJ ill all cases be met by the n .... 0 representatives of the heads of lhl rnments. At .Allahabad, Ibey ni1l be the guests of the Lieu enant Governor of the Northwest­~ P OVInces at Bombay of the

mor oHhzr,t- Provixice: Dnrtn:g he lllam part of his stay here Mr S'WlIrd was the guest of the G<lvem

Gen<ll'lll, and I believe that every WllS taken to add to his com

and, aPllrt from pnblic ~lays, him honor There Wll8 no dis­of nny kind, but Mr Seward not nuy the less lin honored of the V ceroy He left Cal

a ~ecia! carna(l'e placed by Ie G,lVetnor Genew lit his dispo-

the Journey to be cut oft" the train when or where he

Everything was qUIetly but I believe that Mr Seward

:~,j~~~;~£:,,~~:~ Wlth his kindly .~I welcome • • I

!..oaTAliT DECIS ONS. About ~. the Supreme Court decIded "t the Legal Tender act was not ~g as to contracts made before :Usage m 1862. The deCl810n

e by a fnll Bench, aftsr argument and mature de­

af the AssoClSte Jus­ef'lIlg WIth Chief-Justice the plain and apparently

lla declaration, thai obliga-~ lIl&cUrred when gold and silver

e • legal tenders of the coun not be pwd m a detenornt­

created and legalized to the conclnmon of the

same court, different-'vu'lltute.J. haVlDg DlDe members


B shop cO'lIlmoJt1y known a8 Dew Jack, a notonous rnlllsn nud horse stealer m Arizona, was selZed by a mob recently tned, and sentenced to be hangM He succeeded, how ever m e8liapIng from the clntches of Judge Lynch but was found two days after hangmg to the limb of • a tree WIth lID ill spelled scrap of pa­per on the trunk to the effect that, as he knew he could not live long m the Ternto;-y he had detennmed by SUlC de to cheat his enelll1es of the satisfaction of cooking his goose for him. Ite s swd to have killed rune or ten :men but IPs chief of fense out tIlere was that he conld not let other people s horses alone

wm Hay U S at Jaffa m a Major Powell the Colorado ex Sent. regtons • lecture at Boston, a plorer left Normal, ill last week LOUI8 Napoleon t s stated, owed A little boy m Ohio built a Dre

on his second Journey He goes Panmnu tradesmen abont 800000 a chicken-r.oop to wann the smce told rather a under the ausp Cles of the SInlth80n frllnCS when he declnred war nud ens It stood near a livery stable Sheik who 1llD Institnte there bemg nu appro- has mformed them that therr bills nud the horses got WllI1Iled. edncated at the of $24 000 for the expedi will her pwd promptly on presenta- A hen s egg WIth a SlX mch .snal!:e He sllld m The parly are well supplied tion at Chiselhurst. mS de s a recent Iowa donation to

Do what yon WIth mstruments, boats and all that An Englishumn, llllUle concealed, the genera! snake eXCltement of the all the skin oft" hi~ s necessary for a complets and ac gtves tlrree qnnrters of a million dol season. a good boy as th~ curntesurveyandexploration. They lars for a 111I1lltic asylnm for the AlittlednughterofJohnW Prnun teache8 only mtend making a stay of two year8 pOOl' and means to spend a8 much of Wethersfield, Conn. fell lUto a and I shall be Arthur Merrill (oolored,) a rem money m this and like charities as bonfire, and was so badly burned

dent of Galesh rrg TIl s an appli George Peabody did. that she died ill II few hours CUllED OF V ... NITY - =t for" peus on, lind seems to de- A blind mnn who lives m Cam Rev L S Kalloch has termt1llLted

PU.ckler-:Mulfldu,w, who has 8erve one. Born a slave m Mary brid "U_* aI tak lightsd his connect on Wlth the Lawrence cmCKERING & SONS GRAND land, he took part m Fort McHenry ge -""",s. ways as a 0 ha *~'d his Square and Upngb Pi&nos reoe ed the nud other battles m 1812 Taken lantern out WIth him when he goes (Kansas) Joun at VIng 0U1 rt~\iw :;.o"JP:Eilil'b 0 en "i!.ru m18~ o~o~ Pnsoner by the Bntish and forced mto the street at mght. People who mterest to T Dwight Thacher .tan y n hand &Ild 10 .a. by to act as pilot on one of their ves cnu see are thus kept from 1"1Ulll1llg Charles Green, the Sheriff of Pa- BL.um '" MAXBO!l Bol. Agen s

I • • the rocks, swam ashore nud regmn H while collecting was mnrdered and PIAlSO cons ontly on hand" and fo sal.

u _______ J,.[~~ -A ~"""~-H""-·,.;",tr

sels, he sncceeded m l"111llllng t npon mto him. ~;;~;~~~;I cme County \\aBhington Terntory THE CELEBRATED B 0 URN E

ed his fredom. .-t-t;j~8~~-V;lIt~~6iti~~~ _ "")'::lm 1p BLAKE & MAXSON "". Agen

The StrlUJbo ~q Yazette publishes an Gar er Spnng J r a welllmown THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN perwnter ~eaking of Gen. Humpq rey Marsha!! says he now wetghs nbt far from 400 pounds and that, not­WIthstanding his enormous we ght,he s a very haid worker and able to en

dure more Hours of labor than any man of his acquamtance The se cret of his endurauce s explained by the statement that Marshall refresh es himself e"ery few mInntes by I t tle naps durmg which he loses na­thing of wliat s gomg on, though seelll1ng wholly unconsc ous In trying an arduous caBe m court he will be asleep half the time yet his senses appea1r constantly awake and no fact of mterest to his client seems to escape his attentlOn

, . .

a list of French officers who accord shearers, was shot The mur lawyer son of Rev Dr Spnng died b. m"" reliahle 0 gan n use m bon derer unmediately leaped on a horse dd ul t hi d N "".eptioni,'fiE'nd ""d fa sa e by mg to the eVidence of pnsoners are su e y a s res ence m ew B & MAXSO!l Bole Agen s

supposed to be dead. It contains and escaped to the mountains. York, April 28th. Ii :;""'m;~;;:';~';;:::;;:~i::i';~~;i);; compllIlltively few ruunes b It there Dnu el Fredenck Bateman, Track laymg on the Northern Pa-s a..Becond list of those officers who Fredorua, now m his llOth year s erne Railroad IS advancmg at the Ii c.,Ie.br.i',d

CONGREGAT ONAL are Ill1SSIng and this s ternbly long stated to be the only snrvlVlng sol rate of one mile per day Cars are gregationalists of It mclndes the ruunes of 8 Generals dier of the Revolution m New York 1"1Ulll1llg two miles beyond BrlWlerd. ty have lllI1sed one of D VImons 17 Generals of BrIgade State He s still strong enough to The U S Snpreme Court ha8111JiOrJN~m:;am:TA:RS1mioolS thousand dollars 77 Colonels 54, Lieutennut Colonels draw his penman regn!nrly affirmed the con8titutionality of the

Jjie8('O;~ street, to be and 63 Commanders of Battalions. The oldest naval officer on the re- Legal Tender act tired list IS Rear Adnrira! Shubnck f I

nommntion and gat ona! Home lnrs add tion bnilding purposes.

H OR WATER WIth the levees

of that de- The Ene Railway Company can A profess ona! wnter a ove let-temn10te bUIlding a branch rOlld who has been 66 years m the serVICe, ters makes a good thing of It m IIliJ the Congre­

thousand dol be ra sed for

.,... nud the oldest active officer s Rear- wa--'-ee. from Hancock or Depos t, on the Admiral Goldsborough, who has Wi

Delaware D ViS on and s making been m the navy 59 years. A Western paper s responmble for prellIlll11llIJ surveys The des ~ s the statement that a Missounan has to mtersect the Albany and Susque A mnu nnmed Bradley reSldingm the name of Severe Frost. harurn Railroad at Afton and to pa8S B tler County Kentncky IS so very W th all the t tIes cleared away throngh Coventry Greene SlDlth poor that he s compelled to do men the Prmcess Lomse s Il11I1ply Mrs Ville Wjllett, and llfarathon, to Cart- ia! offices haVing nothing else to live John CampbelL IImd, and thence to Auburn and 08 upon but the repntation of beIng the

THE JOCIT HIGH COllMIBSION has 10Ilg reaches of completed ta labors, according to a at Bonnet Carre was

","""dson of Patrick H.","" John Chmamon bemg a8ked to wego .,-- --:.> take a drink Sllld, No whisky make The Barn8tsble Palnot says the The Indians lately attacked a par Chinaman one Drst-rate fool

Washington )etter of April 26 It s At last acconnts the farther stated, that the members will

and the meet on the 3d of May to cons der l-fr'''Won,ut!;o'f New Orleans some mInor matter8 preparatory to

ed safe 1lnal dissolution as a comlll1ss on. ----.... "cc--The resnlt of the COIDlDl8S1on s la bors has not been formally turned over to the State Depa tment bnt every thing will be fullshed lind ready for cons deration at the Cabmet meeting on Friday lIfay 5 at which tune all the l1lembers are expected to be presen!> The members of the Comnuss on refuse to ndicate any of the pomts of the treaty

, , . . AN I:NCIDEN!r OF SUVEBY -A Nash

Ville JOurnal says that a Southern planter went to Brazil WIth his fa­mily after the close of the Rebellion became a naturallZed CltlZen and entered mto b1181Dees Failing m his enterpnses lind contracting debts he conld not discharge two of his dnughterBj educated lind OOIIIely gIrls, carefully reared m Tennessee, were, accorafitg to the laws of the country selZed and sold as slaves They are valued at $1 200 and some friends of the unfortnnate father are abont to redeem the gtrla from thelX bondage

---+.'-'.~I---FISH CULT1l1lE -A movement IS

now on foot tci stock the Delaware Rver WIth salmon, as the gill net 1lshermen have virtually extennumt­ed the shad. The yon eggs are to be brought from Cnnndn to Dut­chess County JIf "'i where they will be hatched. The young will then be placed ih the Delaware. The mtention s to mtroduce 10 000 of the young fisli ProhibItory laws are to be asked from the Legtslatures of New York, New Jersey and PennsylvlLllla, IlJ1d heavy penalties infficted for 1lshing for the salmon under 1l ve years from the time they are placed m the stream

I ••

D SMTBOUS EFFECTS OF LIGll'rIIING -An explomon took place at the east end of the Hoosae Tunnel, April 21 mstantly killing John S Mason, SUI?erintel1del1t ;::Frel~.R<)beJis, blast-

ATTlBE.--M.pllbish,op Man

York, lec­last week. money Dr

Aru,erica:: lltas a larger portion of cultivated godly mm sters than any other while the

stnndm-d of snpport IS IQwer than m other co~\ntries.

system of by means and back discover

of New beenm

rapd to JUS


bnsmess of trout l"lllsmg 8 carned ty of rune white men, sUty miles on qUIte exten81vely at West Barn west of Fort Buford, nnd killed The chaplain of the Kansa8 State stable Mass The establishment Charles Hawkins and Charles Har Pnson s an old lady of seventy years, was started by some Boston gentle- nngton of Omaha;, lind wo,unde(ll Mrs Lydia Sexton. men three years ago Last year WiJIism R Re gnolds of Indiana. Mi8s Ella Knapp, of Clinton, W s. about 50 000 trout were l"lllsed and acc dentally shot herself recently

Moses S Bench for a long time d di d '--tl this Yonr the number of young trout h d of mL '" an ems""" y ~ publ s er an propneto~ .H.6 ",un m the hatching house IS estunated newspaper has purchased; for his fu There are over 500 000 000 paper at 80 000 and, of all ages nud SlZe8 ture hornstead, abont SO acres of collnrs mnnufactured m this country there are about 160 000 lund adjommg the property of the every year

It s a cunons fact, that different Rev Henry Ward Beechill' An extens ve rolling mill at Rome, localities use different SIZes of hats A gtrl ten years old lwi~ arrest- N Y has been burned loss, $l€iO and caps as standard SlZes Bostcn ed m London, Eng stealirig!bab es 000 and Eastern States use the smaliest She made B prllCtice, after'~ting A 1lght between negroes and sl2es, New York and the M ddle the children of sttipp ug aban whites has occurred m North Cara-States use the medium to the largest dOlling them sellirig thSll' thes!ina, two of the latter bemg killed. SIZes and Chicago lind the Western to go to the theatre w th A former Mayor of Cleveland, States reqUIre the largest 812es The The town of Wmthrop lItIDne Ohio s reP9rted to be a conVlct m Southerners USe a 8hape pecnJinr to bemg now one hundred ye8i'i):Jlld, the State Pnson of Tennes8ee themselves and of large SlZe the Han. Robert C WmtlrroJii for A U1l1ted States Deputy Marshal

Finlay second officer of steamer whose father the town was 1l!'1lled, has been mortally wounded m So th Europa, s to rece ve a $10 000 U S has been asked to deliver the oration Cnrolii>l bond aB a testimorual of the ability at the centenninl celebration. A substitute for the Match tax has recently displayed by him m bnng How much did he leave' m been mtroduced m the Bntish Honse mg the Europa mto port, after her qUITed a gentleman of a wsg on of Commons captain nud mate had been washed leanung the death of a wealthy mti The total popnlation of the Uruted overbonrd m a storm. Two thons- zen. Everyth.ing .. ".r~ded the Ststes ,,,,-38 547 534. and dollars will a!so be distribnted wag He didn t t&It~ Wlth S xty illict distillenes have been nmong the crew as nu acknowledg him. G d Fl an. ment of their ski1l and energy m ae- snppressed m eorgm an on

James Green of Holyoke Mass J M. M "-nfed te msting Fin!a:y ames a80n, ex"" era (sailor) recently receIved £190 from u'-'*te to Eng'--d, 18 dvma' The stenmer Lumberman made a JIUWtj r .uw ,,--0 Great Bntain for unpnrtiIfg such m ha b han d b ..... p from Oshkosh, W s. to P~'-e h "L*d d f th Two negroes ve een ge y '" .~. formation as e "" game 0 e ill T

du Chien, Vlll the Fov llIld W scan-, A d h the Ku 11X m ennessee. ~ Inlssmg Ear. of ber een, w a Wl!.S sm Rivers m 60 hours. She fonnd for some time his shipmate The New York Legtslature dunng good water the whole ronte Shonld ItS recent seBmon, passed 1 300 bills The use of the organ m the Bap-cnnal commurucation be opened to tist church 11\ Jacksonville, Flonda, A cool summer IS predicted by the the Lakes, this will form an Import- 8 dispensed Wlth, It bemg nn ob weather prophets ant water commurucation from the bl '-'- t to f A young Englishman has been Jectionn e mswcwuen some a Misslsmppl RIver east the Illembers nned for kissmg a mamed woman.

The Montpelier Watchman says Dartmonth Coti~ge has been pre-The maple sngar crop of Vermont f $10000 b

will be larger this year than for any sented Wlth the ~ 0 y d EW Stouglrton; of New Ya.k c ty

one year dunng the past 20 an to found a l\Iuse1Ull; of pathologtcal will be a very Important tem m the to th dica! d~.'" t prodnction of the State, even at the nna my m e Ille l"'- .men the low pnce engar bnngs now-the A telegraphio mesSllgj! was recent best bemg from 8 to 10 cents a Iy senl WIth perfect faaility and poun.d. WIthout any retranS11llBSlon, from

The people of Buffalo recently ex London to Bombay a distance of over 6 000 miles penenced a thrill of tenor m COli

sequence of a report that the great In Ina;,., the home government railroad suspenmoll bndge, two miles has determmed to adopt narrow below Nillgara Falls had gtven way gauge railways altogether excepting and that II passenger train, COUBlSt- ouly one mam line nud s~veral of mg of SIX conches, had been prec I" these roads will soon be bnilding ltated mto the abyss below For The· French style of betting 18 tunntely the story was false. q11lte novel. H the lady loses she

The St Albans (Vt.) .J)a,ly Mea- gtvesthegentleman what she chases senge" m attempting to unpress if the gentleman loses, he gtves what­hab ts of thrift and saVlng upon ItS ever she asks for readers urges them to remember Dartmouth College has been pre­that a penny a day 1B nearly $4 a sented Wlth $10000 by E. W year It wouldn t take long to pay Stoughtoll; Esq of New York, to oft" the national debt by that spemes found a Museum of Pathologtcal

nntbmetic,-wonld It • Anatomy m the Medica! Department.


~ A CoUGH CoLD OR BoBE THBOAT ra­qU1I"6S unmedia e a tentien as neg e t of eu respUslD an. ill urab e Lung D18ea.se

B.a.OWN B BRONOBliL Tll.ocJnt.s

will most mvana.bly g va ms ant Telief B onohitiB As hma Ca arr4 CODSUJD.P OD e.nd Throat DlBea8e8 they ha e a sooth4tg eJfect.

8ING_ a.ni\ Pum.lc ~ US(! til"", to e ea.r and stretlgthen the va e

Owing to \be good reptlt&tiOll ... d~~IP~~:1 ty of the Troches ma.ny worthless _: •• _. __ , IIlltationa are ofrered whiQh

thing Ilo S1ll'O to ohtaln the

mstea,rf· of e ght as then, are new to the Bench

from long und sncceSsfn!l~w~er~e~~m~~~~;~~~:~~~~,; before the tribuna! npon from a Mw. 81t, has just ,..., ....... _·1


A Western editor m response to a An encampment of Gul'lIn:s ristmb<lll V~irtI8~ihE,b (c'om-<:I'ellibllQriber who grumbles that his Santiago de 01tb&, was runruled.

was mtolernbly damp few by because there iIf /lO


Of dI. far Highe Cla.es than 8.11y 0 her pro­pne s.ry medicme of he d,(l,y S 8.11da


.And for this reason It is II.ll exam ounter pm ot one of he mas va. u&b e na.tural medi mes lD the wo d We efe to the grea.t Se ze Spnng of Germa.:ny to whi h thou !:lands of the dyspep the bilious he heu mati and he VI l.llUI o( vena.! dif.ea8ee &0-s rt a.nnuBlly a.nd e urn. 0 hell" homes con

4lescen 0 ured The Ar.nent s one of he first and by far the mas ,sn Besful of all he eirorts made to ep oduce In a. porta.b e

form he p pula. mmeraJ. wa.tera of Europe See ha.t y n pur haae only he genmne &rt




F OR $1 PER LINE We will msert an ad ertisement

ONE MONTH Ih Nme First-cla.ss


We efc 0 he publisher 01 his pa.pa whom our reeporuiibility 18 well known.






Tho building of theNorthern l'aoUIo lI&Il rOad) (begun July I .. t ) Ie being pnsh.d for WIotU Wit1i gre&t energy from 110 Jj edremitieB of thellne Be e al-thoua&n.d men aft .... P. oyed m ldinn .. ot. a-nd on the Paei/lc .... t rhe grade fI nea.r y omp eted 266 milee ..,..t­WBI'd trom Lake Bupeno trains &r& ~ o e 130 miles of 1i.nieh8d road a.nd tracJi I&ymg is rapidly'p og .ssln.!! loword the ... t em 1)0 de of Da.kota lncludimr ita ~ chl88 of the at. Paul &- Pa.ciflo &ad th. Northem Pacific Oompany DOW' hal 418 Jnilee of cdmpleted roa.d and by 8e~mbet nen lill. Will be Increased to at I.ast 1!80

A GOOD INVESTMENT .rayOook.&Oo are DOW sell.ing. &nd unhesit .. tingly re om mend &8 & Pro1lta.ble a.nd perfeotly B&fe i.D

estment \be Flrsl Mortgag. Land OTani Go d Bonds of the Northe .... P .. lfto n.u.oad Oompony They ha • 30 YO"'" to run, bear Be en and Thre&-Tenthsr,r ceDt. go d )l1ter cst (more tha.n 8 per cen urrency) &Ild are se ured by ftral And only mortgage on he Xl(

nom A.ND TB EQUlf'JIEN'I'B and alao ~8 f .. 1 .. lh.Boad Ie completed on

23 000 ACIlES OF LAND to .... ry mil. of track a 600 Acre. for .1Icit $1 000 Bond The:r are exemp from U B r.,1t.,. Principal and Interest ore p&yob e In Go d. JJIIllomln&-

ona Ooupons ,,100 to '1 000 negli: -ared ,100 10 $10.000

LANDS FOR BONDS North.m P .. fto 7 30 s are a.t oJl llDes ace ab fJ a 'BN PEn CEh""T ABOVE PAll) in ex hange.for the Compa.­ny s Lands &. hell' lowest c&I:Ih pnce. This

enders them p &eti aJIy OiUIlUT BUIlL"CU L4NJ) w","""""

SINKING FUND The proceeds of all ,alee of Landa are reqUll'ed to be de oted to tha re-purohaae a.nd cancellat onof the Fll1!I Mon.. gage Bonds of the Compa.ny The Land Grallt of the Road excaeds F'lfty :Million Ac es This munellBe Sinking Fund will un doubtedly oanoe the pnnclp&1 of the CoD:lP~ ny's bonded debl beto. it, t.u. duo With berr B.JDple seonnty and .-.rate of interee~

there 18 no m estment ~bI&~.Jhe peo­P !J whi h 18 more PB01'I1'J.BLI: Oli~

"XCIIANGING U S nvE-T\VENTIEII. The success of the New: Government :; per oen Loan will ompe the ear y 8lll't&nde of Um ad B a. es 6 pe en II MIIoDY holden of F e Twen 68 are now eXilhr.ngmg them for Northern Pac fi Se en Thirties thus relLliz mg 110 handeome p oB abd graa y mcrellBlDg bell" yeM' y lD ome

OTHER BECUBITIEB - All m&rkelablo 8 ocks BJld DOnds 'Will be re e ad at their highes urren pnC& in ex bange for North e n Pacifio Seven Tbirt ee Express chArges on Money or 130ndB race ed and on Seven '1'hirt es sen n return will be paid by the Fi utn al Agen 8 FiiiI mform&t on UlAp8 pa.ruphIets e can be ob awed on appliClr­t n at any agency 0 f om the undel'8lgned

Fo •• e by JAY COOKE '" 00 PU1LADZLpuu, NEW YORK, W.a.smxGTON

Fin&ncial Agents Northern Pooifio R. R Go lljI BANKS and BANKERS _a IIlhrflNgh

au tM cowntrv roB s.u.. liT

National N anti B.nk W •• erly Na onal Phenn Bank Pawea u k Na anal Bank: P&wca n k

OORNE '" JAMES Qen8l'al Agen s 10 C nn ana Rhode Ie and






The pa.at and present genera. ODS of War­rens of MasB&chuse B were ~d are wonder­fully endowed w th cura e and surgI 11.1 powers tounders of hOSPItals asylums &:c a name synonymons w h 'pnbli benet&etors The wo cl s largely mdebted 0 0 d D Ja­ob WarreD (long sm e gone to his reward)

fo his c. eb .ted ROOT AND HEIlB BIT TEBB TheBe Bitters ELl'8 compounded at Roots &.nd Herbs among which are 8W1Japa-: rilla Yellow Dock Dandelion -Gsntian W1ld Cherry Anise IUld Jumper Berr 68 They r.re free f om all polSonous drugs or mmerals &re perfectly sa.fe lD thel!' ope a on and can be gl en 0 hildrcn 0 pOrHons of the mos' dcli ate hllob 6 Wl hou he cilat ruk a m

onvemen e They c eana8 And pur,~y. the b ood dri:nng aJl humora.lrom the eiJatem The "&Ie sure to enxe all the compla.in:te a.ri.8 ng from an lDlpnre I!I ate of the stomach.; snoh

B8 Jaundice Nervous Compla.ints Wea.kneall ot the S oma.ch a.nd .Bowels Loss ot Appetite Bilious Comp a.iD.ts LoTJncaa of Sw ta Drow amess Sinking Sensa on At the FJ omaeh H adrr.che Sour 8 oma.ch Dyspeps a. Ha.b n Al COB enes and Piles

Peas ad tho followmg toliltUDOny which no 0 he medicme can show gen men n

all of whom &re of the


We the unde s gned.) de&lers 10 ProVidence h rful re mmena OLD DR W AHREN'S

ROOT AND\ HEIlB BITrEIIS As • punly ng and strengthening mcdi neJ !le th nk it ~ no rqua. Ool cue arnot'S .fu:.I.a all ha t 18 re ommended A GllE.\.T BLooD lJu.lunEn



Bead Prof Ha e. (of Boston) report to Gene aJ Brodhee.d 8 ate COmIPlSil anor M. Ba huse s







!lew York to CinolnDat 860 Mil .. New Yo k to C. elAnd 625 Mil ..

New Yo k to Dunkirk 4IiO Mile.

Now Yo k to Bulblo 423 Miles



745A..M 945 515P M and645P. M

From 2Sd Streel Depot

800 and lo.00A..1L 580 and 7 00 P 1L

From Chambers Street Depot.

G'P_ bySOUND BTEAlllmSland • Ohambora Streel Depot thoae na llAIL are delivered within a tew 8qa&re. of 28d Street Depo

P .... ngen ""d Baggage tn.norerred FREE

Palatial DrJl.1ring Boom ond Sleeping Oo&ch ea oonilimmg every model'll lDlprovement .... ompany all _ OIl tbi& llaiIway

20 SrArE STBEEl' Botton

1 A. BBODREAD Eeq S a e CommlBS 9D-e Mus

S A so.mp e of 0 d Dr WflJTone Roo, and iIe" b 0 Quaker Bitters 1 om Flint & Co ProVldEUl B R I hIS been an.J.Yl~ lI'lth he folloWIng' results TPie 18 not a bever~

no an mtoXlcatmg liqnor but e.n oftlciaJ medi .. cwaJ preparation; contlWllllg-e:r;tractB of Boot& and Her:bs

r S f ee from ioJurloUB substance! &nd m&y be used &8 directed by persona requiring a medicine of this kind.

Very Beepeetf1lJly L-B DANA.H..l1'D

Btate Aooayor and 0b.mIst

Wo a.ro rece vmg tes imolliaJs every day ot the wonderful cur&. VEl ell'ects of 0 d Dr Warren s Root and Herb or Quaker BJ ten but ha. e publlabed enough at thiI time to con m e the most sceptical.



e 7& 100 125 180

Senl by m&ll postp&ld on recelpt ot ;t p.r ce A diSC01lD.t of 20 pet cent on au ilBltI WIth the money for llot lOBS thin half .. dozen.

Th. books may also be obtained of the tol 10WlIlg agenla

W B. Gill.ttel,~::!oh" N, I {J D Polter • I.leIItor N Y A. M: West 'r:;onardsvl1lo N Y Luke Green <I: Bon AI1red OOnte!> N Y 8 0 Burdiok AI1red OOntor l!I x. L. T Boge,. West Milton 'IV," PrOf ton F l\t.ndolpb. N.w SiJelll w: V .. 0b&rIe0 ABurdillk W .. I ~



Page 4: ES'l'ERLY, R - Amazon S3Vol+27+(1871)/… · He broke the gyves 01 sla..veIJ WIth 8tO g and high diBdam d cast n sceptre from the links en he had crush d the ChBlll Be sayed his land



Ma.r boro-J 0 Bowen New Mork.t-Jaoob 11. Tits orth Plainfield Eth&n Lanph •• Shiloh W&!ter B Gille 1

P>:mtsn,VANU. D


Lo.t 0 •• k:-Wm Kennedy ew Mil on-'J" F Raildolph

White O&k Z Bee New Salem Pre. on F Be.nd ph.

Oha.r e. A. B di k

7 In Higher D&-

1000 eao 00 40 00 8000600 300 600

00 to 300

$60 OR $6S



the aame Underfeed as 8 GER ond HOWE ond AME

the BINGER o.nd WEED

mpro.emen. USED ON NO OHINE

tRA11<'rF:n FAR SUPE lOR



$60 or e75


o L





And 80 d Cheap



T o H

&etured by the

E ery ~hape and dec

oom tor

ha.m system w <:h