ESTEEM INTEGRATED TOTAL SOLUTION STRUCTURAL PACKAGE Esteem 8 Installation Copyright © 1994-2011 Check out our website http://www.esteemsoft.com Support email: [email protected]

Esteem 8 Installation Guide.pdf

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    Esteem 8 InstallationCopyright 1994-2011

    Check out our websitehttp://www.esteemsoft.comSupport email: [email protected]

  • p2

    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011


    System Requirements

    Notes : Since Esteem 8 is a full 64 bit application, it can fully utilize 64 bit PC using all availableRAM. Therefore, it is recommended and necessary to use 64 bit PC with 8 GB RAM for jobs whichrequire available RAM memory greater than 1 GB. Unlike 32 bit application which can only use amaximum of less than 2GB of memory for application, 64 bit application running on 64 bit Windows isable to tap into all available memory installed in the system. Therefore, Esteem 8 in 64 bit Windowswill be able to run building of any size. Esteem 8 installer will install 64 bit Esteem 8 on 64 bitWindows automatically.

    Recommended Hardware System Requirements:

    1. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (64 bit) Professional Edition or higher.2. Processor Intel Core i5 or higher.3. Display card NVidia 8500* or better.4. 8 GB of RAM or higher.

    Notes :*If NVidia is not available, 2nd choice is ATI Radeon HD4870 series or better.

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    Esteem 8 Installation Guide

    Step by Step Guide for Installation

    1. Double click on Setup Esteem8 (Ver.). exe

    2. Click on Next to check which prerequisites that need to be installed. If your PC has all theprerequisites installed, it will go directly to Step 17.

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    3. There are four pre-requisites program components need to be installed

    Note : If any Action is skipped in the Prerequisites wizard, it means that your computer alreadyhave that prerequisite installed.

    For this example:

    i) Senselock 32 bit and Windows Installer 3.1 had already exist in the computer. However,.Net Framework 3.5 and vdraw convertor not yet being installed.

    ii) Click on Next> button to continue.

    iii) During the installation, the software will automatically search and install the programcomponent that needed in the prerequisite folder. In case the prerequisites are notinstalled successfully, the prerequisite wizard will appear again. Then, user needs toinstall manually by going to Prerequisites folder. User may find .Net Framework 3.5and vdraw convertor in that folder.

    iv) If all the prerequisites already been installed in the computer, user can proceedwith the Step No.17 that is Esteem 8 setup wizard will appear.

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    4. The .Net Framework 3.5 is being installed automatically. Click Run to install.

    5. Please wait while the setup is extracting the files.

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    6. Please wait while the setup is loading the installation components.

    7. Click on radio button "I have read and ACCEPT the terms of the License Agreement" afteryou have read the License Agreement. Click Install to proceed.

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    8. Please wait while the Download and Install is in progress.

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    9. When the installation for .Net Framework 3.5 is finished, click Exit.

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    10. The setup will proceed installing the other prerequisites.

    Notes :

    o Go to Pre-requisites Folder to install the prerequisites manually if some programcomponents have not been installed successfully or automatically. Then proceed with Step17.

    o In case if dotnetfx35.exe doesnt work, you can also download it from Microsoft websitehttp://download.microsoft.com/download/6/0/f/60fc5854-3cb8-4892-b6db-bd4f42510f28/dotnetfx35.exe

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    11. After finish installed all the prerequisites, click on Setup Esteem8 (Ver.).exe again to startinstall Esteem 8 software.

    12. The Esteem 8 setup wizard should appear if you have all prerequisites installed. Follow the step by step instructions provided on the screen. Click on Next button.

    13. End-User License Agreement form appears. By selecting the "I accept the terms in the LicenseAgreement" button, you have agreed to oblige to the terms and conditions applicable to thesoftware. Click the Next button to proceed to the read me file and Next again.Warning: please read the license agreement carefully because it has a legal bindingeffect. Don't continue if you can't agree with it.

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    14. Installation Folder form. By default, Esteem 8 will be installed to "C:\Program Files\Esteem\...", otherwise press the browse button to select your preferred destination. If you have input anon-existing folder, Setup Wizard automatically creates a folder in your specified location. Clickthe Next button to continue.

    15. Upgrade Older Versions form. Select the option desired. You can choose to rem ove older versionsor to install the versions side by side. (Choosing to do the former, the installation process will

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    remove any previous versions shortcuts on the desktop and application data folder in thedocuments and settings.) Click Next after selection of option. Click Install to proceed or Back to review your settings.

    16. Installation progress starts. Esteem 8 is copying to your computer. This might take a few minutesdepending on your system.

    17. The VectorDraw wizard will be shown, click on Next button to begin installation

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    18. Choose I Agree and then click on Next button

    19. Click on Next button

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    20. Click Close button when the VectorDraw has been successfully installed.

    21. Click on Next button to proceed. Please wait while the installation is in progress.

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    22. Click Finish for completion of the setup. After you have restarted your computer, Esteem 8 isready to run.

    Reminder : Please ensure that you always have the eLock attached to your computer when using Esteem 8.Esteem 8 will not function effectively without the eLock (projects cannot be saved and run).

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    Network Installation Guide

    Notes : The 64-bit system does not support the Network dongle. Thus the eLock must always beattached to the computer when using Esteem 8. Go directly to topic: "How do I install eLock Driveron a 64-bit system?" to install driver for the locally attached eLock.

    Step Guide for Network Installation

    1. Install the Esteem 8 application on the server computer and make sure all the prerequisites forEsteem 8 have been installed successfully. (Please refer to Esteem 8 Installation Guide)

    2. Make sure the senselock driver has been installed in the computer. Usually it will be installedautomatically during the installation of Esteem 8. If it is not installed, user can install it manuallyby going to the Prerequisite > Senselock Folder.

    3. Plug the network dongle into the server

    4. Copy the Network Manager folder that contains these two fileso "NetServerV20.exe"o "sense4.dll"

    from the installation CD (same folder as program setup) onto the server desktop (or anywhere elsein the server hard-disk).

    5. Click on NetServerV20.exe, in the characters field, type in 55132171.

    6. You will see that the dongle is attached, with the total license number.

    7. The NetServerV20.exe must always be on for you to use the network dongle. As it is needed tobe activated again once you restart the server computer again.

    8. Get the IP address of the server by clicking start->run->cmd, type in ipconfig, find the IPAddress (it always start with 192.168.*.*), mark down this number and it is server IP address.

    9. Go the the directory where Esteem7.exe is located, for example "C:\ProgramFiles\Esteem\Esteem7 C", find the Client.ini file.

    10. Right click on the file, choose open with notepad, change the value that is associated withTCPHOST. In current release, the value of TCPHOST may be "", so you may change itwith the server IP address. After that, close this file.

    11. To test run, click on Esteem8, it should launch with no errors.

    12. Repeat the Step 9 to Step 11 for other computers that connected to the server computer.

    Troubleshooting Guide

    1. Lock not found after the installation-- Check whether the NetServerV20.exe on the server is onor not. Make sure you manually start this application if the server reboots. If lock is still notfound, check the Client.ini file and see whether the TCPHOST contains the correct IPaddress for the server or not.

    2. How to know how many licenses have been occupied? -- In the NetServerV20.exeapplication, you can see who is accessing the network dongle.

    3. The .Net framework 3.5 installation fails! ( error 1603)

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    a) Go to Control Panel, uninstall all .net 2.0, net 3.0 and .net 3.5 and all its hotfixes.

    b) Reinstall .Net framework 3.5.

    4. When click on Esteem8 the Esteem8 does not appear

    a) First check the network connection to the server, is the client computer ( meaning, thecomputer with Esteem8) is connected to the server

    b) If it is, go to the Program Folder, find the client.ini file, look for the line"TCPHOST=". Make sure that TCPHOST is pointed to the correct serverlocation

    5. TCP Communication Failed--- If you see this when you are trying to log into network manager,then

    a) please go to other computers ( other than the server) and try to ping the IP address. Ifyou can't ping, then it's the problem of the network connection. Please ask your networkadmin to help.

    b) If you can successfully ping the IP address, but still you are getting the above error, thenyou might want to change the port of the TCP. To do this, start your Network Manager. Goto Management->Configuration, change the TCP/IP Protocol's Port from 8000 to ( say)1200.

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    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

    Installation on Microsoft Windows Vista O/S

    Installation for


    1. Installation running smooth, untill the final step, the process rolls back.

    Possible Cause: The application needs to add assemblies to the GAC (Global Assembly Cache), and Windows Vistadisallows such adding unless you turn off the UAC control.

    For window Vista (OS), at default, the User Account Control (UAC) is activated to protect the systemfrom damage of uncertified software. Standard users are prohibited from installing most programs,changing system settings, and performing other task that are the province of administrator. Hence,the user has to switch off the UAC control in order to install Esteem 8.

    Notes : We shall not be responsible in any manner for any damage(s) associated with thechanging of the User Account (UAC) setting on the computer.

    How do I know if the User Account Control (UAC) is activated in my computer?When you see this pop up (or any pop up which enquire administrator perminssion to install), beforethe installation file continues, that means your computer is UAC-activated.

    You might be facing problem as below:-

    The application installs successfully until the last part. A DOS program pops up and suddenlyI got this "cannot install message"

    When you encountered this problem, the installation will stop at the screenshots as below:

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    Then, followed by a pop-up message as below :-

    The system will then perform rolling back process (meaning the software is not installed).


    To locate your UAC control, go to Start ->Control Panel->User Account:

    Go for " Turn User Account Control on or off", click it. A new window pop up as below will appear.

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    If the option "UAC to help protect your computer" is checked, uncheck it.Repeat the installation guide for Esteem7 Installation.

    CAUTION:After turning User Account Control (UAC) off, the system will request for restart yourcomputer. Please ensure all your working applications are saved before restart thecomputer.

    2. Installation for .Net Framework 1.1 failure on Vista System.

    Error Message:

    Note : Process id may differ because it is not a fixed string.

    Clicking "OK" will lead u to the screenshot below.

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    When you see this message, it is the time for some special steps to carried on to bypass the .NETrestriction command.

    Please ensure all ur unsaved works are being saved.

    Close all not relevent programs (MS WORDS, Window Media Player etc. Leave the error message onand remain untouched)


    Note: It may take you quite a long time for shut down your computer in this way. Please waitpatiently to wait everything restart. DO NOT mannually turn off the power supply switch or reset thecomputer.

    When your windows restarted, the installation wizard will pop out automatically as the screetshotbelow.

    Choose "Next"

    For options to installation component, only check the box under .NET Framework.

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    Please uncheck other components for this time, except .NET Framework.

    Then, click "Next".

    You will see a Extracting process is carrying on. (It takes quite a long time, too)

    Follow by that, you will be notified that the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 is installed in your computer

    After that, Esteem8 installation Wizard will pop up, install it and the program is ready to use.

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    Possible Cause:

    Vista has newer Version of Microsoft.NET , namely V2 or V3. For our Esteem8, it requiresMicrosoft.NET 1.1 (only) to run the program. Under normal circumstances, Vista will not allow olderversion of .NET component to be installed. However, we can bypass the restricting permission bytrying the following step.

    3. On Windows Vista, I ran across an error in "RegisteringSystem.EnterpriseServices.dll" when installing .net 1.1. The program then popped up amessage saying that "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled".

    Try one or more or all of the following steps:o Disable the Distributed Transaction Coordinator.

    Click on Start, choose All Program, click on Accessories, choose run and typeservices.msc

    Locate the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, right-click on it andchoose Properties

    In the startup type drop-down, select Disabled If the service status is currently listed as running, click on the button to stop the

    service Close the services control panel and try to install .Net 1.1 again

    o Disable the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Click on Start, choose All Program, then Accessories, right click on the

    Command Prompt item and choose Run as administrator Click Continue to grant permission to launch a cmd prompt with admin privileges. type in the command bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff After running it, you should see a message saying that the operation completed

    successfully Restart the computer

    o Change the language settings to English (US)o Run Windows Installer Cleanup Utility

    Yes, this is needed because the installation can fail due to previous failed attempts.Running this utility will eliminate any residual installation data.

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    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

    Installation on Microsoft Windows 7 O/S

    eLock Driver Installation Problem

    Elock was not found even after the driver is successfully installed.User might encounter an error message "Lock Not Found" when eLock is plugged in although thedriver (Senselock Sense IV v2.x) has been installed successfully. User might also get a warning sayingthe the 'device was not installed properly". To solve this problem, user may try to update the driversoftware. Go to Start > Right-click on Computer > and select Manage. Then select Device Managerand find the 'Senselock Sense IV v2.x' and Double-click on it.

    In the 'Senselock Sense IV v2.x' properties, select 'Details' tab. Click 'Update Driver..'. Choose "Searchautomatically for updated driver software" so that it automatically search for the updates over theInternet (please make sure the PC is connected to the internet). The driver will be updatedsuccessfully. The eLock can now be detected and the application can be launched.

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    Prerequisites Installation Problem

    Problem:Prerequisites installation for 64-bit machine might encounter an error of prerequisites are still missingafter installation and require user to return back to the prerequisites list again.

    Reason:This happens because Senselock driver could not be properly detected in 64-bit machine.

    Solution:To solve this, simply click "Back" button followed by "Finish" button. This actions will skip theprerequisites installation and proceed with Esteem 8 installation.

    1. Click "Back" to return to prerequisites list.

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    2. Click "Finish" to skip the prerequisites installations.

    3. Proceed with Esteem 8 Installation.

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    Lock Not Found! The program will now exit!!

    Problem:User might encounter an error message "Lock Not Found! The program will now exit!!" when runningEsteem 8.

    Reason:There are 3 known issues listed down below:1. The eLock is not plugged in properly2. Senselock driver is not properly installed (eLock not recognized by System)3. Current User Account does not have Administrative rights

    Solution:Here's the steps to solve this problem:1. Check if the eLock is plugged in an USB port, if already plugged in, try to change to different USB

    port.2. Open Device Manager and look for SenseIV2.0/Senselock EliteIV v2.x.

    Notes: To open Device Manager: Click Start button , in the search box, type Device Manager, and then, inthe list of results, click Device Manager. Alternatively, go to Start, right-click on Computer, selectManage, and then in the list, click Device Manager.

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    3. Check if SenseIV2.x is found under Other devices with an icon like this , you may need toupdate the device driver (refer step 4).

    Else, if Senselock EliteIV v2.x is found under Smart card readers with an icon like this , thedevice driver is properly installed, you may skip step 4 and continue with step 5

    Senselock driver is not installed properly, refer Step 4

    Senselock driver is installed properly, skip to Step 5

    4. To update device drive, right click on SenseIV2.x, select Update Driver Software..., and thenchoose "Search automatically for updated driver software" so that it automatically search forthe updates over the Internet (please make sure the PC is connected to the internet).

    Alternatively, you may choose "Browse my computer for driver software" to manually locatethe driver in Prerequisites folder.

    The driver will be updated successfully and the eLock can now be detected by the Systemproperly. Please check if the program can be launched successfully. If the message still persist,kindly proceed to next step.

    5. Current User Account do not have the Administrative permission to run the program. To run theprogram, right-click on Esteem 8, select Run as administrator.

    If the above method does not solve the problem, kindly contact our Technical Support [email protected].

    mailto:[email protected]
  • p34

    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

    How do I install the eLock Driver on a 64-bit system?

    The 64-bit eLock Driver Installation Guide

    After installing Esteem 8 on a 64-bit Windows XP, the software might not be able to find the eLock and thus cannotbe started. Additional steps need to be done to resolve the problem.

    1. Install Esteem 8 as usual.

    2. Plug in eLock. If it is already connected to the USB port, unplug it and then plug in again.

    3. You will see the following dialog. Select Yes and then click Next.

    4. You will then see the following dialog. Choose Install the software automatically and then press Next.

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    5. Then the system starts to search for relevant drivers on the computer. This may take a while.

    6. After that a Hardware Installation dialog appears. Just click Continue Anyway to proceed.

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    7. You will come to the final dialog which indicates that the driver has been properly installed. Click Finish tocomplete the installation process.

    8. Test the eLock. Plug in the eLock into a USB port. The eLock driver is successfully installed when themessage on the taskbar is able to detect the hardlock.

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    9. Then double-click on Esteem8 icon to launch. If the program does not able to launch, it mightnot be able to detect the eLock on that USB port. Unplug the eLock and try on every other USB port.

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    1. When I double-click on Esteem application, the program is not launched. The eLock might not be detected on the current USB port. Unplug the eLock and try on another USBport.

    2. When I click on an Esteem application, an error message pops up saying that "hard lockcannot be found"

    First, check whether your hardlock is attached to your pc or not, if not, then attached the correct hardlock.

    If the problem presists, then perhaps your hard lock is not connected properly to your USB port. Tryreconnecting it again.

    3. When I click on an Esteem application, an error message pops up saying that "Class notregistered".

    This problem is due to the fact that one of the components the application uses is not properlyregistered. During the installation time all due components should have been installed and fullyregistered. However, it remains a distant possibility that some components are not properly installed.

    To solve this problem, first try to restart your PC and click on the application again. If the problempresists, than it is likely that the vdpro.ocx is at fault. Thus you need to manually register this class by Going to start->run Type in regsvr32 . For example, regsvr32 "C:\Program


    4. An error message saying that ELock version is not compatible with the software.

    This means that your hardlock is outdated already. In order to use the latest application, pleaseexchange the old hardlock with us or get the hardlock an update from us.

    5. There are two identical icons with the name of "Setup", which one should I click?

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    Click the one which has a smaller size. To check the size of a file, right click on that file, chooseproperties->general. Look for the size.

    6. Wait, during the install time I don't have two identical icons with the name "Setup",instead, I have a "Setup" with your application icon on it, and another file with the name"%AppName% %versionNumber% %releaseType%" with the normal Windows Installericon on it. Which one should I click?

    The installation icons were enhanced. To setup your application, click on "Setup". Doing this willensure that you install properly the application and all the prerequisites. If you click on "%AppName%versionNumber% %releaseType%", you will only install the application without installing theprerequisites.

    7. Why do I encounter this error message when attempting to install Esteem 7?Error 1931:The Windows Installer service cannot update the system file...

    This error occurs because another application on your computer is preventing our installer fromcopying the required files to your computer. The installer is "well behaved" in that it will not makemodifications to your computer if it appears that the modifications could damage programs that arealready installed.

    Most commonly, this error occurs if you have other programs running while attempting to installEsteem application. Rebooting the computer and attempting the installation again usually resolves theproblem.

    If rebooting does not resolve the problem, there may be hidden programs running on your computer,or your computer's configuration could be damaged. In either event, a more serious configurationissue exists that must be resolved prior to attempting to install Esteem application again. Thisproblem is independent of Esteem software, and our customer support staff will be unable to furtherassist you until the issue has been resolved. You should seek assistance from someone who iscompentent in troubleshooting computer configuration issues.

    It should be noted that you can just click ok to the box and there will be no harm of it.

    8. When I start your application, a dialog box with the string "Directory doesn't exist" popup.

    Sometimes when you click on an Esteem application, a series of unexpected dialog box will pop up inthe following sequences (left to right):

    This is because of the ELock driver problem. To solve this problem, unplug all the hardlocks and plugback only the one that is needed for running the application.

    If you find that you must have all your hardlock plugged at your USB port at a time, email us and wewill send you a new ELock driver. Note that the new driver is still under testing and it may not bestable.

    9. How can I tell if Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 is installed on mymachine?

    Installing .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 doesnt add an entry to your Add/Remove Programsdialog. If you dont see Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Hotfix (KB886903) in the Add/RemovePrograms dialog, the only way to tell if the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1(NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe) is installed on the machine is to check the following registry settingin the Registry Editor:

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    Key Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v1.1.4322

    Value: SP

    Data type: REG_DWORD

    The data in the SP value tells you which service pack is installed for .NET Framework 1.1. Forexample, if the value of SP is 0, no service pack is installed for .NET Framework 1.1. If the value is 1,Service Pack 1 for .NET Framework 1.1 is installed.

    10. I got an nVidia OpenGL driver error which seems unrelated to the real problem!When you click on Esteem applications, the following message pops up:

    To solve this problem, you must install the latest version of nVidia driver which is used by yourgraphic card on your pc. It is unclear why such problem occurs.

    11. I installed your prerequisites successfully, and yet when I wanted to install my mainapplication, a message like "prerequisites missing" still occur. How to solve thisproblem?

    The reason you got this error may be due to the fact that the "missing" prerequisites may have beeninstalled on your pc-albelt of different versions. As a result, the windows installer may refer to thewrong prerequisites when it installs the main application.

    To solve this problem, uninstall all the versions of the prerequisites and reinstall the application again.To uninstall the prerequisites, go to Control Panel->Add/ Remove Program, remove all theprerequisites.

    Note: You may want to check whether other applications depend on the different versions ofprerequisites.

    12. What should I do if the information I need cannot be found here?Contact us. Read Contact Esteem for further details.

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  • p42

    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

    Inteference from Avira antivirus software

    Users of Avira AntiVir who has done updates recently (February 2009) may have a problem runningand Esteem software product. This is due to Avira mis-identifying the DLL files of the Esteem softwareas a Trojan virus.

    When Avira ask "What should happen with the file?", you have to choose "Ignore". Not doing this mayresult in the Esteem software files being deleted in which case you will have to re-install the Esteemsoftware.

    Proposed solution:

    1. Create an exception for Esteem software

    Open the Avira application.

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    Click "Configuration".

    Tick a check box named Expert mode, then click on ExceptionBrowse for the relevant Esteem software folder, then click Add.When it is done, click OK to exit.

    2. Deactivate Avira AntiVir Guard

    On the Avira "Overview" page, click "Deactivate" for "AntiVir Guard" setting.

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  • p45

    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

    Printing error for vista

    LAN Printing problems for

    1.0 Accessing LAN printer, required install printer driver. Cannot find LAN printer whenprinting.


    Printer driver installed, but not complete. Error message pop up as below :-

    (For vista, most properbly the installation process stopped due to the system halt on printer spooler.)

    While on the other hand, we try to see wheather the printer driver is working or not, we try to printfrom a .doc file. Another error message pop up as below:-

    Why it happens?

    If you see this message, the possibility for printer spooler mulfunctioning is very high.Actually the spooler is not stopped, (if you check from the service list, It is stucked, probably.)


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    So now we need to restart the print spooler.Go for Start--> type "run" in the start search.Type " services.msc " .

    Click "OK" then a new window pops up as below:-

    Browse for Print Spooler, Stop the service first, then Start it again.

    Below is the screetshot while the spooler is getting started.

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    After that, close the service window.

    Try to locate your printer again in your word processing program.Find the printer and the LAN printer is now in your printing list.

    The printer shall be visible and working.Enjoy your printing ^^


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    Contact Esteem

    Esteem Innovation Headquarters

    Esteem Innovation is the leading provider of reinforced concrete structure design solutions inMalaysia. Engineers, consultants and even government department turn to Esteem Innovation forstate-of-the-art Esteem software for design and detailing reinforced concrete structures solutions.

    Corporate Headquarters



    Esteem Innovation,

    7A-C, Jalan Kenari 10,

    Bandar Puchong Jaya,

    47100 Puchong,



    Telephone : +60-03-8076 2788

    Fax : +60-03-8076 2677

    Rimman International / UBD Kuala Lumpur & Klang Valley Street Directory 3rd Ed Map 426Ref


    Esteem Innovation Pte Ltd (200008042C)

    20 Maxwell Road #09-17,

    Maxwell House,

    Singapore 069113.

    Telephone : 6408 9667

    Fax : 6399 3699

    World Wide Web : www.esteemsoft.com

    Support email : [email protected]

    Office Hours : Monday to Friday 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. GMT

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    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011


    Esteem Innovation professional sales staff is ready to answer your sales questions Monday to Fridayfrom 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M GMT.

    Contact your sales representative to hear about the latest products, training, upgrade options andprices, and more. If you have a technical question or problem, please contact Technical Support.

    Contacting your Esteem Sales Representative


    Tel : 012-216 9507 (Sales Manager, Mr Richard Ting)

    Sales Email : [email protected]


    Tel : +65 9338 8092 (Miss Zen Tan)

    When sending email, please include your company name, city, state and contact number to ensureyour request is handled promptly.

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    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

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    Esteem Innovation Sdn Bhd, 2011

    Technical Support

    At Esteem, we work hard to provide you with intuitive technical products. Additionally, we try toprovide superior online and print documentation to enable you to work independently. If you have atechnical question that you cannot find the answer with the provided tools, please contact ourTechnical Support department. All of our Technical Support representatives are eager to answer yourquestions and help you create the best Help systems possible.

    Note: You must be a registered user to access our web based support services on our website. EsteemInnovations support services are subject to the prices, terms, and conditions in place at the time theservice is used.

    Esteem Innovations Technical Support services includes email, telephone, and Web-based support onour Web site.

    Information To ProvideWhen contacting Technical Support via phone or email, please provide the following information forthe fastest possible service:

    Your name, company name, and phone number Exact version number Type of operating system (e.g., Windows XP Service Pack 2) Complete description of the issue, including steps to reproduce it if possible Exact wording of any messages displayed when you encountered the problem (a screenshot would

    be helpful)

    Steps taken to resolve the problem All previous email threads with Esteem about the issue, if any Please also email us the following folder, if they can be found:

    o "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Esteem\Esteem ULOCK\Error"Example:

    For Esteem8 version, the folder that you should give us into is

    "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Esteem\Esteem ULOCK\Error"

    Modes Of SupportYou can get our supports, list of FAQs, price quotation and etc at

    Web site www.esteemsoft.com.my or, email us at [email protected] for Esteem8, or email us at [email protected] for EsteemPlus and other modules Call us at 03-80762788

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • ESTEEM INNOVATION SDN BHD, 2011w w w .esteemsoft.com

    InstallationSystem RequirementsEsteem 8 Installation GuideNetwork Installation GuideInstallation on Microsoft Windows Vista O/SInstallation on Microsoft Windows 7 O/SeLock Driver Installation ProblemPrerequisites Installation ProblemLock Not Found! The program will now exit!!How do I install the eLock Driver on a 64-bit system?FAQInstallationInteference from Avira antivirus softwarePrinting error for vistaContact EsteemEsteem Innovation HeadquartersSalesTechnical Support