etvaabe oyBest Available Copy nBest Available Copy 40U WAVAIL~aIT NOTICS I~i~i~ rquestors may obtain copies of this d 4 Unt ^ftom DDC. This publicationi has been translated from the OPon literature and is available to the general public 4 . Non-DOD agencies may purchase this publication from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scfnif.gai41c and Technical Information, U. S. Departr~ent of Cowmerc., Springfield, Va.

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etvaabe oyBest Available Copy

nBest Available Copy


I~i~i~ rquestors may obtain copies of thisd4Unt ^ftom DDC.

This publicationi has been translated from theOPon literature and is available to the generalpublic4. Non-DOD agencies may purchase thispublication from the Clearinghouse for FederalScfnif.gai41c and Technical Information, U. S.Departr~ent of Cowmerc., Springfield, Va.

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U _ _ _ _

"m L U. 7 a.-C,'-.cL-e apla pr. -. ztz cC =6er-e Aof vg&

2Sa a~waniU t a: 1nCsi&t;.a con10 azn th31: &71~*

al ancosly w;!,t a zmbew of wb$Aza I hi~ tbe ot.;Lopert~c3 OAý Molou1.s &" =.nifestaG. At the PZ'3s*rt

* lny of tahe.;a P:14nwena have -boon Lta6S.4. surrfLeleat1ly~ rwida17 urad In vart.. senlsitive a alytleaL zst~ioda. SiOlafaamn. lzolude aoAo;1ou az~d er~ssioa of lie-t by As a~O8

* re6fracto:1a. of 1S.ý.t vr.ires doflo.otico 0: plume of p;14

tin ta tame~aica at ligaj.# Uhrouh a andbt~~* aa tners0 sipl kI 1aIt-3,?r*Ut1t*n zr. be pzrovided ocl? nth p,ýotru:;; there a aufaactae is relatively trarns:

He~~teia d~t;~ oubt =wre In:=zAtiozi about the pr~o UrSeo: tbA malecul-as imn.r study *an be obut.;ýaw by anA271ang the1r.&zýGeo of a.trong razonawjes abaoz'tion,, sm04 it Ise nualy here`ch-it the scrara of al.s.-ts Is foi1-d. AbsorAion in tkke v-isibleand ualtm-tiolat r&.n.as oZ -ba speota'w Is oondltlfan4 by theLIAt.i'aCt".On 0: taLd Vi~ aw with electrons wh~tiaire & foun Int;i. =~10cl;Ie; inp1ied rarbe tAO SO-CAlled. Vale=o e* tawidcku t.23 1A U1.2 fbaza~tlnof okt chaica1 bonds.

:zw puI:?,ojc ofC 16no pz'ocarzt woric Is t* bring th.S attention1- eL;tr. E.~c ara stud,1±fl; thc struc.t12xo of biopay~wre

to u~j !:oULz.U b ta., ~~~~;o ot v7A opic~al rpc~t~~~ :~~ hin t.C.1.3 rz.Cr of =1z abzordticn. of

~.~.urv~itirZz ~t... ~ ~ n cou~.7. 1A with1 this

~~ZMXv tth 3 Qtr ~ L~r.tg .

it~n~ Lot ~tk to.) t :ýr~aj and

4;rU.,z3. 0 Or COUrse ±0i ZOj-.i& t4 i,*;.-t r..A. t.4j.i bL34S9 Q1,0US

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In-z . ac-'o1:fr0a-z


=.f If'14, ~&~.*~ A, ?~ii~ of

We hOS3'v-3 st'z~:;r a ortAO.:. of .. i't in & vubsta2coe ¶'.h6 pýob-&O"I±ty 0., tzioa . unit of tize ' W a a =0100r.1

aissio01n Lf IS " ~~~~ ~.ro)JI iona~l to t.ý3 aqua'a o-'the tz'L *ir~~2~ te .~uo~-~ ,s 6 J(It 1 also cuZ.104t

USe Xar-- of taru.;3 !.t r ta t~ ~t elatr~cal.InUnsity of the &=dL &-s , d4a s3 4nfdv on thae dZ~rooof polO4,ztlon ý-, ta* h~a ot-voon rh;.cn tlw trimatsitor ="PlA.. P7. Dv-- La.' the' of a '-cul Wivth tc" he2p Of

s~t~o.o7for a,' 1- i;. ~o~tD 1m ow tbAt t.; 4.zr.. of&e1MtWci±8 opot.ýoar"-. :) tho vuu

0 W a. - =1 &AA,13 :-tve;-. ýhe viactor of =On c' -astoand v~otoar

In & phyalca £*;na* t;.-. imomet 0i' tra=1titfn :-"-resondz tothe ehwzgo of r.2e v-z-vor o: .1*octrica dipole rz-"4t dz'in.% the

$intransii Zas d.e;andaneo .3f abs orptiou ca the dr~toof polarizwt±lan of tnza elactr'-Oal vaozor o." th f2s =kaa itpeosibl. to dstarmlx. the Zpat"al dastA-iticra Or ±ýUV±I4alM~ip of atmen In the maoloule. For th-* It 13s r.0-Sr to

fimth d~jrstion of the -.c=t af t~.i±on in the a t~r=a '.2`

04 tWe lin~ir diabrotarn of ths oorm. v pr4lr ba.-W of abs or~tionolbs ~ In ta awa1 et1'ux of a band of abzc.-Alan efloots

th* &ta-ttht th. mcnt of the elvo .t rititon d-- not equal"- (widow t"e *s1.tian Ztit th~e yeatow of tzie Z'oldie is not~pennidoular to the ==mnt of tzmnsiticn); etCh A tr0Z&nItIOn is*&s&le allowed or active in the saect:- of absorjytion. la the

u~m*a" a of an amss-m~trU1 mlsau all trana'ationa A"

I%* SP**4 of L:Jit In a mti=u is 4±.Tfez'nt frm the ape"at lUg~z in a vaau~o rs&ching ext~re valuss close to z~soname

-Abamplacas ftih Is wrlf2*o im tbe &us . iltm CZ tatwet.'"$4i Ind= (A4. 2).

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t it



Fig. le Cz14n,33 In tba OotOefiaie- at absor~ption fatv~.1 f,, *oo1rficie-to of aircia1r -4iabxcia abaoritive~*

* optloal r.%t-aV-i 4L In t~a area Of &U ±aSlatod WA'. Oth &bSao-?ticxA(lda2.~ '+ -jiAsitSive Cot'-on affai.tf - w-~.ative

:At as tZabscr;tion eaoffioiant.. Vh. rcfr&*t&*iro Lndex 1i thacias .* &fa &xrdsotropia =413-1 takas vLO a Vau&3 A~OlfG various4ira'tlarts (dzibla rofraotioms),, the oo'zspor.-A-ng aifcerc.W*A n* j - r.,. 7 azz-r0 as a =e.as1ro Ot tha asr-imatry of mlecgules-Lý U~air r*3A-ivv to ;as dt.z d -Irctons & *Zatmeez V34 phanameriL of aisory-401oc iarde *persioaL 9: ul-A ?o6,i&.0tire inde. there is a =iquo bia =.kiz it posarcTlas ;z:et. oantz doeff;&cZm-v of "30v~tiOm, to ,Oiz zr.* depender-e of t"o

012e e the lfeq.7.c=ya erA verz.o1y- bcdl

nary~ praio iht.. is =orc Cccmo to~ =--Ax~* ,6 or

bactiit o.r Pc; taoro.t~o :i ý-% 72tnj~~o~~ar~~z~~0 .0 iteohe s~ ~o~ iiyI ,~azdl

refrctio), 1 .1("m -n on

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All~~~~~b tkeu~~.~ M1md~ .z iaro )resartod In ':able 1, tlbkl'*a I&o .Ina ara "Cor"oC t~. c.;..a ~o~ proj~zotles

A4 ratio;2

3.1 )u~ Naturen otof2 srocorti3 0) x.olrctiozwol ic


A mptass" 4U% -upea 41.woim 4ishoo wts eSo; a) &c Lreula4iýoAm orSw~ua Ut~se ebsoiptiolt ef efl±;n-thei

;) m rw etrav"omtj O)3frtO4. lincroot,'a

2Alama am= a** a) enub3A wefa~ic fte ;red c. C~~~~~~-e ofes Umnfe~ia ) tte of tsplane a," po2.ariu-

k)eol etl*U awvoxImbohttetsa. ml

re.t 3k5l1ui tneal*'latish'@ia* sp~eakn *oui&cala7 dt.hzoqu~~m s f te tatonof~ th Ureaxis of th eltilewA ftatreatin f aA3 -inofmo~tt±~ ime.w I'olart44zod

is Sotinb" ofe saa1 ""tames .pln .Lplai

Pour"" '10 @con.2r IntoY light both Is potls £',d manS-'clr

#jaatiiMA 00 Val th itSp.2te 2w.io fof 011tkic s 7lIn.VG ft ofwtayi Usth *Uptial O.2tae io.~a~n. ?aw.uailce

I tU m of~ Us el31pti~itm ?adm f b nStat rPeine) ins m.ofth bwthis ea"~ O2j~~ fy 0h Is opas~d ltjan.hrug.

4"am aoft"s orp~tion i to MrouoomO U"w cvookthat

(eweds 4h 'It GMta A oW the &bozpt*MU4 -'n s di

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oo~c: 7 ~ ~ . eOO zbIare-to t.ýie r Aatiarn

C! rt.a-ýfr ppeantt.-aula ratc it.e ac is pa osilev4

In~ =,sur!t a iza2.la dtcn-o1*is cn & 4 ro~'pbap or Ojptioaa rotatipacz~pa .za~es *~ p~a~ sqIvity ct ths absrt~o b*.rA.


a.-AM hij a"e tb* elt'ical hurA =&not?'. =M m .3 Of

.i'~,i~t~o:- carvenpon'ý.Ur417 Z inlicate' thazt It L.a ltoe.4SAr2'ta .ke tao e a;z o at h zoa4rr -,r~r~d= ot t.ioiQA l8

In Vi.* rakritv of caz.-e the pzcc!iot_.on of the force .'O lton bQa.7 rxt1 a ~t;.ti~va mlA". Ocwuu~±O

~2eaule h cix± exalzed by-h Zi6 £4%I o"L't..e 1_i~ht wave; in&aC~U.-a- ex~vczluon of Za0; 14 obtr.L._t.., q~jl;g 00=pý1=17 in the

ff-!!3 oxw cs~i becon* zcqu&L;czza":tii C9 tA tr~o-.-1 &7AuU11,n f UsI gore* rotal

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t ed i'

oC1OUSTO *"tam~ of ~-~,;-a( .2;.~*bow"I b~nd~s of CO =4i C:; haive a 11.~t

A.-A'~ A ,

7-14Z~r* -- ~ Ur4 thO al1g2 Siron O~;n

i tas pa±oa to.C i.,oVia 2tar2 ultarc.Q Sro3 Of t~ -6 .3;C±emloS1.s of~ £ ~tb Oystelactron aci.n Wtez th ci a

* ia... &S 10=6 waves of arcr,;4 0 -.M a~m La~ Ic not.rpp*thde absoptica~ and V. w=~ rot c z.4e.sdr It.

inur1. itvon *"V.MZt~ 6f &ano Ot a jpo,;tide Croup*~.# Ca f-b~a; (b) t-boM.

~eu a, a±3. vo7 ew ezpeacnt vfk an the dete~rml-atieaof ~ ~ ~ ~~ = Intt~ o azsto ha peptide grouip. Tbls Is ?'~o~ ~~34Pt~uL 4 dftftia~tSe 0.1 of pte 'cS*Oy I= tt~ej, t.

ta Tmw saam oveue It Is bnwn that with tr -'~switiorz (ttw.safts 1Mia""Ca mtatlos) the ZaUG1owi-4 band-a are connaeotd

* strong band s,'und 1.0 nm -

fte tiret two t"aMeition ars POaxs In16iaoo thoJA&I4 &o I=*e It SA Maair In this 'Piams %!Uaft passo*&to"e of 0.N Op and N tbAt redltriltc-a : th1e do= ty

k. -2tnn.ta.Uo plaa with th. g±ven *=ltaticno The l.ast'IsttonA Or =thtAlde o8otz'rMS (ft.) Ot t.11 2P,& -crbit 010 t:14a to=Mrso Wls ehU1~ psrpon4±IwAa'* hove-ter an .::;*inents stud'74.iA9 hatOia at te som'spapn4Ift band I* a Gojstai with1 a kno-21

stmatyw~e shoW6 that thow Is a Vy±.4e 3* rag 6ORPcr=ert di~t-thI Se 23 Ae of tb. peptift e pop. GI i sn"Ote4 with Induco-

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- JZ-;: ht .Cato

In via ~oz - ) o.,, p' fv= 180 m=~ jot, -. 11 tts :v -o bands of

r-z* -a o.: in aqu *US

3outo Oa'- .. 'x ~a 06

aulacr kw- Vzzo_,QL &G ~ o~~~i~moe

P't Ac.

I" -OV . 4

3 . tat2.t'o3..t spoc- ra of a! Cz~tIOz of pio% -17Z in*a&UO SiatW fqt,17~ Io~o .Q- a-ho.1~c, pa 10 S,

:oh ~ uzx urea &?,~Z : etratc2h.cQ - * *!l.ed Z . ~2w- jrroeuiarLZ ".a A eo'rraspond=4fl, &peat'.i1 cu.rve a zOoea.i

c~?o.zi,,, Tr, Gonzidzcble 1LSan of at D'pzI&.1 Inthe balLd. atmciatur £: O&11od the ý-:r-a a;ýa o 227and zefleat~s tn.. Le4ozwation 0: tAie ý;Q rQA;ý=t o.. tw~z7.3L.I;ouwIth athe, mmoizZas In ora case ?Iith a transiti.on ai. a2.azt o*;' %mve a'ound 1U0 =0 atz.tMo4 t0. n o Ipalesd~ipord. both a otia =ut~aual loa~nin oa-&a c t.A c-.xu,;unlo the tra==;~on.z aucde- cow darat,±on tn7!= plazo and *a t;;a

ros. of t__1 tMSi n ar.O &- talair f";eýnz o1t~ f wave),A' oalc2." o ' -0: 0"1-~ t!34t 0- %0

o-'our 0 t:.-.3 a-4hallm t-rpo -,*equ*A4 hL, ap;:zOXIt± 1 Li t0Sa=

T.G.7 assaiz3 that tha I in sca'Inn fr tAi..; £..allx In.z.s ra~gG of t--a=Itica Itltx a lert fr~ov u2 ~ -

era.-L-ni :7) isa con L..o4u ;L-. tbi k lcr S z rt);z~ by t.12ojz a barrouu of Intozz..Ity) u±:A a AI*:onC tm~nz-

t of a.ia~d 190 =-. Althose &;Oool'o Intorac~zx.z "--"xa~aa~d, two a consirabI2. ths in th. irreuir1 *ctof-=atAf.*%n

.;ae CeteoteJ dif.1oi'ences =y be iazol In pr'±.ni;I19 for aztd of t:o oonpi structure of olawCO ofc proteinsp*-ovsver~ r Lav Ai s necessaG1 to iztroduza coz'xcct-low for

L32rptar.ofdiffere.nt Wod Vouapa ofC aza~o &acid ra~dicals, thUvw.s msntionad above*


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"ata. from woe and7 a W rs.xtiI -electrical Teo*to:, of i " wVe z to .,ho4lr*WmeSo at orottm 2 paralloe1 ^= wo1 czaCimn&tr3D -0 Optic*4 density.

la aroi'ds atratues isnane intez'actS=o: c .xclted con-!, ,-dtjeM of Identical jp'ipS May lo.ad to V.13±tti±j of the

abspbl ba4 oa~o~u~in~to tbA Sivcei ti'Ans±t-lon, bho.ver'tbe eveza1 Intensit of all the eom~onaent of the bazA vs-:3ing emktlat * SUI a splittingsouub z~anifesto in -whostroew o~z of the a,-hoe1x 91. 2 m &ad easily observed inýthe pd1Lrt~on- sp8QaU= of G'iertod 1mLg 3ti 3O &pV~eW*n Pr iguie 4,&* Thes waudc t,.-- iion of around 220 nU aft spIfte Tz3 shart-owav coslpoflft of the at,--tx'anair.onSA a aeiuouls (the ooijAatG17 sy=Mttoula1 sai~llion of type A

I o 's &alns Use axiso ~oLlx ooir.sQaa to t~aMIA Aecamal transiii4@ns In '.-divTid1al ptugida Sroup--,

and the I=&amv'ma 4oupanons (twice the C 3gelOZatedi *saillationof type A is po2Arze3. aoe.'ss tho &7.:- of tba balls.) atot~wasaitiona with a PýIxvf 4iafewerie 2j'/,4, Whera M. theUMMb at MMOM~W unrits In meW VAMf of the. .LixL7,/. fi"Oiha'di ratio, oaloulsts& for the given transitic- In the

atwimi a:o tbe aO*bLixp Is tound in agweezent VIth experi-

o ca s.Lindye'6acids. The structurmal trame of*4 omitsor itogo baesof wotjpea - parioa aM

pypumIina, attsoba4 by abealoal bonds to a phoophioaaachswiee"4a ab ! s~ton of **njujmt~ed A-oecet-,ons In nitrogen bas*sis ~ebiao= d than In a peptil.e grou. . however, qualltflvlU48 sst em.. are very sinlua,: namely tbe a-m atma of nitromgsea oftfbonp war oxgen, In principle the saxa electron stnw-~

%up * eotnjugte p*orbits and umsh.are4 pairs of electrons,.000s5aEztly the :eeotra also L!Il2 hAvw an analot.i noretations L wmber of strong bands with mauiru of arojnd 190 andMO = 00 ej3)cnd to Ets*-tran~t,1onsp and weak [email protected] at

Mi eeOSCO or to n190-ta'ansitions with unshared ox-bit. roundft "Sri*f ;It=$e or aitrogenk or Mqgen Z.2g., An, &AMy17SI


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* "a



1~co -Aao. OZ~.w 2 - zo~z;I; 3 -~z4

All are po&.ariz4Ld In tb.I )lana of* ~bazas, a-2 ~ho fl -jnto... 2. :,penjioujar to this ýLaa*

Aaco0%lin to -"4 i.".on-COAi@1, rio-' a .-ýOlaoula a& i, in nativestate .:ýizLztz a.' t-!r ri,1ioal.- c~t~. ~ cz~.&I t'ozv~~ox7o,, and -.L p2.al~ o.- theS fitr-exnO &~ O f r~~~1A'to t~ia loc- axis of ý.r,719aul(do- v...rlouz aonrU;i.jz the azg41o f Izim-)~51I~ oftz~asa I~ treaai of the =Ie&oul. can chnn~e~a in tn"iCaac to 62..etron spectra Inz~ ta~ of l9O-203 tz showa14h-avre pal:.~~' risAltion., and the. woa~c bAOz aroim4-230 Paalel -. * .a' was in feat d~teated and tiu*Onfirm. i tZ3 ;OrprWUI, g- 0'.7 the planes ofWnIroj~er buzc43 in tAS L~ ~0.2 D" Th* bch.L.T10 ofsyntbez-.3 ,I.cýalatidea chLZ;n In a naaboi' of *&sea Is anal-oi~ou tý ~Cu,~ bobzAI&o~ of a =oleý;ula of I)L iEare 'the s?..;;twaof thz j1-.Q1cotiasa acre =.rs dist..nct and die, 2.o-izza Inor_'ante_. l.;o:'~ a m~nircstu.d =ore strongly. As an &MaAIP1luwe 4. b alums the polarizatima z.:eCtmZ' of AOyeytidy1ioacid AZ7. It "s ur~ato,)d tIt or-.rZes of cootitons, 01diItio11,; trhe &5vaopwent o: at~aar str~uera-L =oditiationap

* ire1.ot vary zb~rp4 on the dlobroism of the aCoritcan bandxo

D*-ri: traiz'Ion a: t~hs regu:Ar ctriacture into madoz tho:ýI,**-rvz of D" ahan&ez t". In-er.3ty of ;r;a !.i~ nr~~Sao L7OZ~romia C ZA2..t of the ;;tIv.e sttwu-fue G~ ?itions ".1 Cooaiitlozad bj thie st-kak-:arq a rn~ernnt o:bases L'. th-* -'uýI ::ao1ix ZeS8 27, 2§7; 1 A r.: I b uz ad a a

~a* hftali1ty Ini the&t~ of D.2*A or i.:A* Iz.rozartZ : tbj rL-t u-tranalion iz ti-* cdoiL;1 Lhollxp then :.

ry~ i3 cx~r.rescd coarný.;- t.,v Ainoruze I'a or,,tIla


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D1ifemren Interacotions of tralst.t*.c.n =o~ontsa ro zetl-ected In:,il optic" act~ivity 0: Ult'2V1OZ.St ý,z_-r~ien bands o zlsdoz'blyinon staong2r than in 1ne~~'~i - 4~s, ,ec'th

~tOM to ~iAZ .z'19SSn US S;i~ t=ý c 3

aswinl e%&nine the optical SL OTit t01.' 1Tt 16 I¶± On8;

ldkastI'O- dipole electr'ical =093-=; In a po-.al 0a-lthe optical Aot~xity conxiaita of the -,I ýZnz

1.::h~rat o OP%#.C.;2 &Ct!VitT 0.. m=flX31io ch ocoa'oa -a

&pe U&A group~ In ?rotains ".~ nitragen bases in maiai &*--s,2.Confo:..'Mtion Optical act!.vity, 4avelop.na &-. to t±.-l

C)tical activity of ebomonoh-os =~'y =maifest itself dllrinr.a stud? af Ic-I? zoG1ou2a1 cot~oiands The ourve of disp~ersion o.-optical activity or' circularh diaboism will havo te trorn 0:4 aou~e which, Isa lepioted In ?I&&Is 1. ;Aoh a da~endenas is nanzd

ý_the uILV.e Cotwom Offect.

fte type o: airouara aczivit7 faa' ,eular strucatures =ado upat Ide~ntical gs'oups Is aoosiderably m=ro complom,. bt&cid on taiaSwInciple tbAt In the electron spectr'm of tbo ab-corption bandO tese Is usally a splitting Into t-.o or' _-Lval components. Su.cha depndcnao is conranient4y call~ec -zha ooczplo Cctton street,!he for'ce of "'tations and consequently tJ~w centots' of tbhe bundaf circular' dichroismiC. cuvofd83?ilofOO& Iact.v4In these O&aSe 13 dat*=!:ned by thO Iz-oMct!.C4 o0si:o

m ts pse.mwSly eleotrival dipolo r~ns in d.ition to "heinhea'nt1 CAtkal actiVitY of ChOMOIZ-Or" C*=nPl p'Claodiv'e" calculations are. disoumsed in detail In "-o special theos'et

ocal paper's Ebi-nl. 29-30 We ar'e 1%inre4;t Qd ma.la7 In tha *amn-f~r~1.Qnoptical cativaty. Par' a qa .itIative exzposus'e of the

Ofecta used only by omfos'ztin optical Onotiv~.ty of stonabsozption b-nMs which are condiltioned by St~ ..-tarnsIt1ovs, it.Is Possible to assume tha oflowlng -.ondtions.

1.A mo~lecule Qf a pol7mot consists of identical additivd heiuical Grioups uith IC -.electrons 2.oc&24.ze4 within a group*This localization Is ulso prs'er~ved dur'ing excitation.

g. Tbe band of ahsorption oor'os~onding to t.e. individualhebrompore is not oapio'aly notiLye, I* 0.. ths masntio dipole

wil24.tourselvso tht absorpti-band w__a

.teps'opart:,s of al 1 the absorption bn- k iprino o.'

Uion close to at given band of 4U~borption is determined ma.~nly

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of -- h by -. :aisd b.Vai-r aA eZflg-

-P P

CA'*. aa I~A';!'&VO

Uave intsPZt- .,c

!:a-e 6t loaa-I.I l'o thass dtpc fa,=osntnz !-- Z,ý:; ana

~~I :L&n rp-a ble p., orec.-1UAv the ?Za3 a^ of eG&~ (aach k~ 02a;i~c24a arAc~ ciUa diýcis or,1

:~ ~ trd of1 - Czs t oat~.o4. and f~vcjuOr.* 0^i~;~~2)nis-At "Ino w~zlch z= t= t cn ;x ' P

efci qyel in ±t: to t'-. OLtX.Oa;- f11

cdoscribasz t.18 curive of rota, ion :Cr a, simple Gatt=. CC-*'c*(Fig. 1) .

Page 13: etvaabe oyBest Available Copy nBest Available Copy · 2018. 11. 9. · etvaabe oyBest Available Copy nBest Available Copy 40U WAVAIL~aIT NOTICS I~i~i~ rquestors may obtain copies

It turr zou&t tt I.. -;! 04'a-a sl of Otla

rhotation af polyw yb rdzm.bsdc Ier a

'It tbpj wesont tIz. A 4a~ e ;c1ct ty1*~~O thee O'~.O bo.i~cC;~tea btzflM

CUCONS3.. only :0.? ec2.o-1i~ho~a e ~~ all the Otor~as...l:i

cro Oz no less I.-z~'t.

DUirL-, USe AzzagO Of a~ 2li4EýLt ray'w~ .~vto-

wav with a heID&l mo2.zoule. MLOSO hi.- 40140-C'a Sah-c'-v144 17 n 24*6*.1r. ths girs- of tao Cie i,;n- of __;ý

0the l~ong uxls of theo Lale.e cdIn Z;: acanmpa~ndiclau2r In tbe firzt caso t.he elactaical vectorat O

WjVS gi Oita. onl-y the Arný.±U1ja? OOrawllatio=.. while inl te. se~orA both per& n4

1- otation f'or that's.z gasc aosoo.--ro ~ 'i.2 a aM y L, t& t n & _ m tot~l

petim a 4--~ -'M tr'±bA on of r.olsouls In a s olution

Pw a f~tbarti daetoarnimon of v&!wIs I.'mJ1 An4(~j.L it isOftinnt to vse we of the so-.oallad ='lea at COUzoavationp inap iatioc to our' oase It sal befmltda ollo-aa o sitthe woatIoun3 teav'. of w I ioIn an inellvidu2 : '~o~e~

Is ilto Ior* then thm total of rotatlzawl romaof a 1 llt*.nsti of .fhi; tnp*o wsulting fto to rmaom.ce lar-t.

~wI~I= will alsoA"mA wqwal to soao.*

b"" hesIt rollows that


~ t-the muzbor of ra4Scsls in the Pol~nar. Sw-_.tAonI-or k. is neoossiry sime ooach of the tao basic L.1.jcal lavels(A Unsi Z) Ua IV -41=64 deCOUSZit4l. In a'yi ott.tiou it ls pose ibis uithin the eactezt fo an ±n.apt olyzur

tooti b ;g&x

tol .v


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.n Z~z on a~ c't ~ h

- th' t"- *Ow.

tz;~. Q., -!1 o7.e. r.;) r".Ih

Lb -v .3 r- ;;.*l"Ca

~~~~~Y Un 'V~...h - ~bl-A .; 7).oa~ cumte

--- A z1-a h


~ *Ci~sat Q: r diek-o:A=and n~spe zzion. atojzic.14 i'"-,.otar *=,Zinn t h.a apeec t a aoomplaz CottonCatrect for a o1uzoc~i ZOO1704 trazait"oz *, U a k343 4am"

'A. - &.Cct fw 1:4Zt a2.on, t~. sx& r atý zof Zb li%#; 212*, A1±1nZ pa.lrgendicular vo, the a.%a of tr~o belix. The

ci'ves, 4ý:altr tlvaly r'ep--esar t~.. be2iaviorc, a frequerxcy dop.n-

cot'o6e1, -irA4. LSz at'o Un e~q:'a. to -% Uni~t". lcrz'dwsj3001f.ta cone.14omz thoss aef802 iezis 2:.ave a CMzoroa,, yilu..L2, a±i7. TZs case "21cte.~ In theb dxrav7i.j can C.,;aitcatlvej

&O'.4i14ty of "=AZet!.au rfl&.' 4 ' *-tran Zap .~l.ow intnsn.ity in~ zbo aboao r stctLx they.oontrbiozati In the &peotim at: circulari dlobro!L: .n4 rotation.


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00 OPUSS1 acUVtY ityO this trsit. or". 1z cre.;.to4 b- th3 st!.* ~~a !b.4 kVsge of the sopruaz' 1 4 Vz'-ups~Q24± tho --vo

uk- dueto the Intorat".Onal, t~.a .l4Qtr±_L;Q dirpo2.~ £8*flfl~C-tt~*ai~.o~s. theS tara -0..:7 play

Sho son "100e It Is iopatz. to noQV V.t£ ~ cn~'bInrt5 the optical acUtiit:P 09 an el t *--.ra, -:.z t i *

pp.Iovldad by the 1=1..c t%.vo cor.: c -:'o clat:,'.ca3fblestttm *-traiat~ cn lpa rl2. el to~ tý.

NOSWA0 5*te'aotion IS not p&Mto rt we~ft i osbto 4M~at Wa splittizng ct tbe wr*-tra'a1ait*A, :z; In tb.s

ANS&Su& ty of Us±inherent eleo:oc ir=aia ofseaes o Owd the peoc==7 of tbiAse staotureso

~~e~ thLa= of the ourves of ritaticm an~d ci'*oulaw 4±--bod I* 1t e tnofa 180-9W0 m wMb ialrn trdif

NOhaumaS st2'tui'O8 of tbr apphk mio nOM1v4phe"tz. the ~holIzo as~t. r61ae am

2he !&*. is in reamstohe nicaumf~kwa~naby* w~tAs,4 etvatb4'a foxims ot Acuble hel Ica

awe wbb=wAte" to a Liecoussica of expewrezatul resultsCB

___ iui 8 opta the Us pectra at absoaptica, e1cL a3r dioralami4 ~GSf of~ optS£. rotAtIon of&atbs~t"e~ do pt in

olsltxmthe to= oof an jLmgpla1 6"200 us .gdulo"304 I opt~ ac tiv Sty of tbese two farms is &appswent.

As ~ue~m cal ol Is ehexsotea'ize4 by a s4=0e Cotton *ff..t of002"twJIa s OcSu"*Do, £ndfs5 th"Is ctA4 td 2 msateOase o f yotation tbs'm*h s*eo *a with;1 themluj~I& ow at.ireo abs oaptias. Optical activity In the ir~rogular

fu am " have 4dfiaerent .zplanAt1ons On he am hAnd the~~pa* Ii n tbe parpnss stra'itly spoaking, is asprtaatal",

0*0 @.loAl GtrAeli if we co~nsSlr only atmwi£P6 onn intoe1 trne~ tho p'Apti £4.opS is RXo;4.- ile4U& Otoh NSeW hIt 13 Possible that thera are, two or three

~m~oes hich~eaa'vin an "Iri'Sglae eontamtion ameA&Mle aeffet4vO atrwtnro ~i4"hawcom st the optial &OUtivty

fteblial #k4;Wt correspOMd t* a 0=21M.e Cotton effect,otnta"iU"a"&S~ aw

Page 16: etvaabe oyBest Available Copy nBest Available Copy · 2018. 11. 9. · etvaabe oyBest Available Copy nBest Available Copy 40U WAVAIL~aIT NOTICS I~i~i~ rquestors may obtain copies

in cz- 0. -*ýOlr nn

i- Cl ozau .

tA~~~~. compon. ~~ ~ a~a

t.j; o 1t ",Z


oo =t_711

&j~p~rZ;LI of pla4' A)& n

Z 43), -- tb att,;cjouxvr t- il:ýrcm oo r~carmaf Ona2.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C .4Or;f1 aUVo QL .::t .t~ o;.fA. Oti~Ql (;i .3)

vl*Of8pecl.'I4 r~otl.tion *4-o nOt "itroduced. mlao~tClatOfZ"AtOt~±@o 47 - 83ca1.c± i'otAtloz"

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A 'r

so 0~


wift o". M Caliaate Dpotted lims~i0 &, #a-crsOd

*4Gmabta o" ihe tizuti@"I "jIt7 causoedtjo by reoa CaC t th =)4ot bOclltWo th1Cmrli o sa koe "At woid

-~-ilnne. of a stat-Is fisld. fh. length Of ave C: the TsIt*-tait1 Laboh oeeis takenam 1 and its in'e-sit7 Is

) dese . * dao~,'~;(b) Relative 8oabSOVIca 1A


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-~ j:~~


Ir '


Qb ý - f AsI hoav wa e ,ofI a 5n e tr t

~~"-~~Ck 02ýlca 4ot t ne tat", cotan b- tar DZ~~oot~a c 3)t±O of lusVars C'as.~~cno ~ rmc

fr~is~o~Spa= Cj oxmections fwo r'efr"ati.ve Index ofthe soluion~c Inz m..±al TA1U;- of SA.CifIa z'OV4-v! am notbra"&t .a

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j~ 'S-mA V

ir* th roovtz ,

se - 4-de th Ino of -" ,c'nJus;&Vzvo 08tan=- oow tiop -3 ! cl ha: =Oo"o ;U

atth sj).Otruag and also to kr.pi t. i

j, e1*Sttcal tie3A wh~Cic Is Cr'eated r_%nly by ze z a!imM&t& of the got~.- .&3 _ 1:,It~

''th~s at the pWO&OUn t". there Is 'ttifl. L~zL -,data anthe lr rnfw-2 at~ pc7ypet' a q :z=; .p

am fith the riU1su ,atO tbao ~ Ot!.oz.

F'~~' o~rd~i~pmsao of qiticizl rotation !ZC.) -a.

CZ Va i Co.-_%.

if, A D-z -AA

41A :a LAX IV, lo

le 1. * Caited Valr,22,cz 6.-Ar::-:Os s-ro pr*1liz-nary. Da1Zt1io~mm. follws: '3. he avsg4ia roato Of za~:izal, ass *

1 7- i~rc~orated, based anx'efractive

A* :1,.o zii fi'~:= a 4C; aecwosa a~.in of m- nl Valuesa"iv~en in ;ýaez~thssea OLiaC4 th&7 a"e obtainaid b7 exti'epolazion

a0 240;-; PS Mw.hsa value.s are a~ppoximat and 4o,.nd anfte iOam*1iton o: t1.e solvent.46. hol -L-a~utar~ic agL nmt14l,112

ST mzi;U)-lttle.

!h. ~param.etmrs for the ow-von of 4ispe~'ior of opticalietatiou an& cim'ula" diobrols- tar varicus cwozfoAt~icas of the

;AT"&. are presented In Table. W

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** ~ ~ ,....n ~ c~~Z ~ an

po' .ý!!Qi a i~ds iar oo-- rOr) s,6z~tr= 0: abzarp"

/ or v *nfo~ tla3r;Oe.r 1: o r- - - - . 1 t c c .-

tc a for ~ .h I.: z~ac-z.z t4-o z~'-.c Z:~ 4lOr t~hoi'.7 t~z I' " Zr., -~ u

Caro;.nd. clO !Z r=) oa~,c_-:od to `t-Ia zx !a the zsactx=of rozat...o= i 2511 an.' 233 rm4. a Li mrve of el-aiaZ_

Ath' r cý. n fr 2Z0 va fl zs-ao --r Q1- to*_s0,Z1 -Me Oft AOo

a.-,£' z (n 0.ýýZ -'-.z :fcs14%P!:e zhalar 1z oonsider-CJ17 --,,L; on 8 of tf, .aZxziyo one. It is

&L;~Zbla t~ this eonac wi ~th, zz:"staticn* Q2opt~ a~~V~¶? o tŽ~ r~tic, ~ ~z i.~~nof

Cl 4- C~r'o4 260 1!- -16:03 thi-- tht =oec. of" 0Q CliOa. CO~IG " r'dz~tlon to a o± oo.~;c. ti-.1ty St~oul2 dn~p ;ozsazz utlv~lt7 vL i5 -:.c_4:.ti onad by th~a =ti"a In~enh.*a: tb. ~-.:o baa_, ±'.o*-d 0--a~~s tL3 othor in %-3L'io= uz~ar'yLz.Ilmos, :t can ba --j. f'm 21 th~t th pa_',S thioh eon-_tai~n Z=ýn an~d oytcz~.n b;.va a rar-i IsaZ, pozit- !a peak at optS.-cal. wca~o,~ith a ra~r~of ar'ound Za0 m~ fb-q. F:Qa ;ýre Itis uO;ar.tnd*O1a rh7 t~ia cXZ~t or Otical f&at i7t7 at tis'-

:;:13 =10-als Ofthe c on-r1biu~t.ion to dmrs~a =:;-b~iit.~ w'hic~ nol .c~ tha cc.-.3spon±fl4S OIOZ n tke

ocarva of 02tri;io.o;icz-l act--.typ T.iis alivx.-tawoe m1yexpulan t'3 Soc-A 4.-Ze* t:',izo.2ot ar~to of trio optical2acotivity of tm ~f. rn-ci~tia fz,:;a a native state to donaV~wedoT~j &S2es3.4ton oft"~ n6,.UeesA nejZ~bQ'S In taeo dQO~~ st

ad-ta sA#Iue, of sy.nt!-"tiopl'z ~ l with I.~e~1c=r z:be,7 uq. Qh.1~ an : z4Ina act Soy-

c:~. oc.i&i;.~ziza tý.a d z;,:-.iin of oyzioa2. rc-: tom and alzr-culaw' di1.- hlazn o-^ r=uloi- aw-rzi4 oiv! Vir. v ofja tho fact4 tbhtnoacecla: og polymaoloo-id4os im a L=b o."' oazaL :.*-Vt a contco..?-t ion =-.IZo is Z~~io Z'Or. ths 01 XUS~ti~ o A a= nay-1

sia f t.froptcalactvit7 ~ z~o~l ~t~nion

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Th ~cl~ asoZec t M c1_md Is

(bho aTter dotte liCa sbz ch . of 4~ cconziserii ofa &cdbt1Z--

"Ativity of' dlmi's vitA a mýer_3ta-7 tisess, C-91 ted bTtha

psar" of tb& oaw;Us Z at~a ot from trcaic Z0$~.~

IZn Analjsfr. tUS can Optical. Pr~oKrplez or polrpept±d.s andO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A 0oo -c~ U-h~tes t~azAt A ~e~o the. or~jnat offfot.- In tb* aze. of &Ds" tion bands.* Onl.y thz .per'._nt2.1weaults for Ion& halloal moeua di4scu~zedod Ca,.ain pro-blem whicha &"a saaondoxi in l'C.:.e0t to t' i w %I oto-t Innuanoo of tAG6 Solven~t or =:m'fc sta%..n in t'3av. &"'asof the &pcz.r='i, were. tot toracawd u;;om $a kkei .... t i : OuahtheyU4ttCi h--78 &roat signizoleazae In znn1~t za l o-~Newtboluis ý%:6 t;"t an analys~is of di;ora.-'Cr c.-'" rotait-.3n

in theW vi ibo -I ,odueo s 1,ýArant- rý- In± cetion In an3h.7i c? .r.. of a ý:czajC67.v thC.,.:z at tih.3

oonsidn~a'-o a'o~ om ax'imsoi oZ thnoz-7 vx:4 z:'& n~tal dataSalo- 3h ai'e 16 ere~o 12 tL 17 V is ,*.-

in a q~jatit~IQZa pi'oblc-&rise$ 0:tA. accui'ay of t.%e s~eati'a. c-it.c used dur±mn*aloulation an the o~nb 2:.n4, "~ cons idexatia Q: "~ *ontx,'±.ý*San of varlous effects fa: a~@ adcam. ard f -~21n.js an the otbor. I


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z~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ."-.A ei iYL -%~bIA

U- 2v- X, id -s .i


At*l- o L.0 I Az-. --- w 7 4.n-. ; -"

I--I- Vr *. .P),3 .a*..'..:. -

:C. pet3u a. c L: .j mp2..c W.;.J T, I a-e. C7.x -Sac 7kC? --

7~~Y- 4za*,z a.U.2....L V'. N4- 1..5!#. :- ".:.

rl x~ c r W.d."G.U.cw I'.. 5 . A7. j I1-\,. aaLSc.V.S. ?

....- ~.. ores-

25. ii. it.. :.. -A Mir -ýo~ %.~ Txi bi.e. cu @1)3U ýp'

3c a.* P. Th.* vibaoalc K ~ u ro.L~ O. AZA. :

2 R kis~ A an.; 9a sh a M-T.L tea -1causitiim Ina-Rckiz ati#;* andE E.uzdt

Z. 1A~ w. ýi:97 ;u"1ue ad~~tdd.i~k~J

2s D c V~ afik an.: T iaa g, sL*. The browus of hAtcal ;slyiuwckc.Ie. J. AuL

AL ftq e ;:Te T. 5. a t a A. A, ComrW~ awr.crmý Anooivtwam

I Anw~l C, .- , aJ6I.

2~ % ~~u .. o~t~:tsary dispesak*2 at g=: ;ro:. MULL.4UA f ItW . D. mrS Xlk.o I -Ci3; ,wav

-'TTo iclPYA M ALA&Si .(,7


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55 44&~.. 4 .. 42

T ir.4. 1.MbS4

rid mwacpvita A.. Anaj.a .t 319 1

I Lwesi and Wt~da wr.J.A .~ . Ie~ SC..- 3: 3W. f,;l?-nozwt*Lh WA.. 2r.z W. 3 .. e; v Z. .

5 5C Att13! Q! L4 i

b Ia 14m-te efar *I. .1.Am.r krzif C". 4*3

3L tfg at.= OVMAiz G-C4 Zt. Clla'.' . 1:7

soaack* L 1h ~10. CA4U ujbC.. t.4.Al;-- 4f . .4

a I z w & rt is f-. G fAt 2 t r W.. wid Di a Ijz Y~ P d A ls-If ofr 31i. * oSc-

sat. W.21&5 Is4L 3 tb #I ImaI A. 0 Ie! P. Orgiadab Ca=Ci.c-w. 0t:.. h-"l u

I. <4. a Kp.7.214. IWL

rhadw. PW-@ NXsL Ua~Ad. Sc.. LL. .31L &A~..i4L Pysh ~.S.Tecakd.Mi 311tvie14 o$zcat pimpr.& ad pay L-peo-'- I =.i 11.

I agJ T, Optaic. AcLwivy of ..L A m CoiWe Cuiaformrm !a fth-it.s zaCj

47. Sammajima T.. Yaug I. T. Op~cal fobtary dia*wus led @- 3'S &.4J.?~amd~.am4 g3Imawnce &64s frum vrka asusms. I1 Wl"L C- 24g. 24s

4L 0 a. It abs a a. s~m a e rt aVI. . A smidy oviwa li of n3c-c 2d4- in4L3733... L. Clm4at dk~isima acd mblatry aira~iS ==f Lit beac.s. -LA-

aw $r Sac 0.N29. 126L

I. Ammer. Cgm. Sat. . 4TAB 196LX3 Utlahim I.0$icalacuUly and fte Aaa=aaca .a'e~3 d. Ow

a Shechlor F- Wou L 7- An sallyat of :e oica1 mraq dispu.9rsi- of -,*;Y-ggmd Pbaw.Pak N. s" ~S" .LS1.SII 7K6is"