Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out

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  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Intelligent segmentation helps lenders identiyand target new opportunities

    Evaluating frst-time deaulters

    From the inside out

    Deloitte Center or Financial Services

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Contents1 Foreword

    2 Identiying frst-time deaulters A potentially valuable segment

    3 Diamonds in the rough Using analytics to tap into opportunity

    6 Intelligent segmentation approach: Putting it into practice

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Deron Weston


    Deloitte Consulting LLP

    Nearly six months ago, we unveiled the results o a national consumer study that identifed

    a growing customer segment known as frst-time deaulters. As the industry began to

    look at this new customer, banks began asking how and what could be done to address

    these particular customers needs while making them a proftable contributor to the

    organizations revenues.

    This paper aims to shed light on ways bank can interact with frst-time deaulters. In

    particular, it ocuses on how banks and lenders can use data analytics to identiy and

    retain these nuanced customers to build proftable, long-term relationships.

    Applying a predictive modeling approach to current and prospective customers can give

    fnancial institutions tools to defne customer needs and risk. Like the general population

    o banking customers, frst-time deaulters can be evaluated across the customer

    development liecycle but with implied dierences involving customer acquisition,

    customer servicing, cross- and up-selling, and custome retention.

    Once frst-time deaulters have been identifed, banks may create oers that improve

    short- and long-term proftability by using an approach based on collecting, ormatting

    and manipulating data, identiying customer segments, and defning value propositions

    or each identifed segment.

    Using these enhanced capabilities may allow banks and lenders to eectively target,acquire and retain liquidity-seeking frst-time deaulters in a challenging market.


    Andrew Freeman

    Executive Director

    Deloitte Center or Financial Services


  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Since the most recent economic crisis, many US consumers

    have experienced signifcant fnancial hardship. Many

    Americans have ound themselves without a job, behind

    on their mortgage or unable to keep up with credit card

    payments. Some o these individuals, previously with a

    good credit standing, became delinquent or deaulted on

    their debt obligations or the frst time. According to a

    survey conducted by the Deloitte Center or Financial

    Services, ully 22% o Americans with bank accountsexperienced a serious negative credit situation during the

    last two years, hal o them or the frst time in their credit


    Financial institutions and their customers appear to be

    gradually recovering rom the recession, and the

    contraction in the retail credit markets appears to be

    easing. Lenders have begun to look or new ways to

    revitalize their lending businesses. Oers to riskier

    borrowers have been increasing,2 as fnancial institutions

    may have realized that a larger-than-normal portion o the

    credit-challenged population may not have been reckless

    borrowers, even i they did experience a negative creditsituation. Over time, these indiv iduals may continue to

    improve their fnancial standing and seek to avoid uture

    credit problems by deleveraging, limiting excess

    consumption, and increasing their savings. This is the

    segment we reer to as frst-time deaulters.

    Who are the frst-time deaulters?

    Those who had a negative credit experience, such as a

    delinquency, oreclosure, bankruptcy, and/or charge-o,

    or the frst time since September 2008.3

    Those who were more likely to miss their credit

    obligations as a result o macroeconomic conditions

    (such as unemployment and reduced income) than poor

    decision-making or a lack o fnancial discipline.

    Those with a greater propensity to seek out loans in the

    uture. In need o credit, frst-time deaulters were more

    likely to obtain loan products than their prime

    counterparts, possibly making them a source o

    much-needed revenue or lenders in the uture.

    Some leading-practice banks employ various degrees o

    sophistication related to data analytics, but in general

    there are many opportunities or the industry to adopt

    these practices. Specifcally, i banks can identiy frst-time

    deaulters in their customer base, a particular opportunity

    exists to acquire long-term customers with avorable risk/return characteristics. For example, one large fnancial

    institution is testing a targeted credit card oering,

    designed or customers whose credit was damaged during

    the recession. Borrowers are required to link their credit

    card account to a checking, savings, or brokerage account

    so that the fnancial institution can withdraw money rom

    that source i a payment is missed. Meanwhile, use o the

    card helps the customer to rebuild his or her credit score.

    Also, in the third quarter o 2010, there was a signifcant

    increase rom 7% o total oers in 2009 to 17% in 2010 in the

    number o credit card oers to previously prime customers

    with blemished credit.4 This share is expected to increase

    urther during 2011. Additionally, banks reported an

    increased willingness to make consumer installment loans.5

    As used in this document, Deloitte means Deloitte Services LP and Deloitte Consulting LLP, which are separate subsidiaries o Deloitte LLP.

    Please see www.deloitte.com/us/about or a detailed description o the legal structure o Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries. Certain services may

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    Identiying frst-time deaulters A potentially valuable segment

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    How can fnancial institutions take advantage o this

    market opportunity? Advanced data analytics can be used

    to identiy, acquire, solicit, and retain frst-time

    deaulters who have the potential to become valuable

    long-term banking customers. Advanced analytics is the

    process o converting a wealth o data into actionable

    insights through statistical and mathematical models.

    Using a predictive modeling approach that ocuses oncurrent and prospective customers, internal data can be

    supplemented with a variety o external data sets, giving

    organizations the tools to defne customer needs and risk.

    This can be particularly eective in segmenting potential

    customers who may appear to have similar characteristics.

    Some members o this population may in act have specifc

    characteristics that help identiy them as candidates to

    become good long-term customers with high value to the

    organization. For example, among a group o apparently

    similar 22 to 32 year olds who are in deault, an individual

    whose characteristics include a certain career feld,

    education level, or geographic location might have the

    potential to become a valuable customer.

    How can these diamonds in the rough be uncovered?

    For existing customers, data rom traditional internal

    sources, such as historical account activity and payment

    perormance, can be combined with nontraditional

    external individual or household-level data sources, such

    as liestyle data (e.g., interest in health, sports preerences,

    magazine or newspaper subscriptions, type o work, etc.),

    retail purchase patterns (e.g., average likely market basket,

    eating-out spend, etc.), social media (i.e., personal datagenerated rom social media/networks used to create

    more personalized products), U.S. Census data, etc.

    For potential new customers, banks can also make use o

    credit bureau data, looking at individual borrowing

    records, the trajectory o their credit score, and the

    number o bureau inquiries among other metrics. Armed

    with this inormation, organizations can unlock new

    insights into customer populations by using analytics to

    apply a customer lietime value model to create and

    evaluate variables, develop predictive models, and score

    individual profles (Exhibit 1).

    Exhibit 1

    Using analytics to unlock insights into customer populations

    Innovativedata sources



    Customer acquisition

    Customer retention

    Cross- and up-selling

    Customer servicing

    Data aggregation

    and data cleansing

    Predictive analytics

    Evaluate and

    create variables




    Score individual


    Nontraditional data unlock new insights into

    customer populations

    Traditionalinternal data


    Nontraditionalexternal individual orhousehold-level data









    Source: Deloitte Consulting LLP

    Evaluating frst-time deaulters From the inside out 3

    Diamonds in the rough Using analytics to tap into opportunity

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out



    Customer acquisition

    Data analytics can help fnancial organizations to move

    beyond traditional likely to buy marketing models to

    identiy customers who have a specifc need. Improved

    customer segmentation acilitates more eective targeting

    and acquisition eorts. This insight can allow banks to

    ocus their resources on customers who oer the most

    signifcant long-term potential to the organization.

    When evaluating frst-time deaulters or potential

    acquisition, fnancial institutions can use analytics to

    identiy those with solid potential by leveraging data in new

    ways. For example, fnancial institutions can consider

    credit-score change and degradation in conjunction with

    worsening employment indicators or a certain proession

    in a certain geography and changes in purchase patterns

    (e.g., journal or magazine subscription cancellations), as

    well as the specifc products that experience delinquency,

    such as a credit card or an adjustable rate mortgage.

    Ater identiying those customers who present the most

    avorable profles, banks can use traditionalcommunications and direct marketing activities such as

    mail, direct mail, or online promotions to attract these

    potential customers more eectively. As an additional

    beneft, data analytics may be used to determine a measure

    o return on marketing investment and help banks most

    eectively allocate their marketing budget spend.

    Early adopters can capitalize on the demand rom frst-time

    deaulters who are looking or fnancial products, whether

    credit cards, savings and checking accounts, or home or car

    loans, at well above average pricing (within regulatory

    limits6). There is little evidence in the market that lenders

    are currently targeting frst-time deaulters.

    Customer servicing

    Data analytics may provide a deeper understanding o the

    behavioral and fnancial characteristics o current and

    uture customers. Financial institutions can now improve

    day-to-day management o existing accounts and address

    needs that are particular to frst-time deaulters. Through

    predictive statistical models, fnancial institutions could

    potentially anticipate specifc needs, proactively meet those

    needs, and potentially improve customer retention.

    Delivering customer service eectively improves the lietime

    value o the customer, whether this service includes

    providing a single point o contact or waiving account ees.

    As expected, customer satisaction among individuals with

    recent credit problems is very low,7 as many banks are

    trying to end or have ended their relationships with

    customers in this segment. However, as the economy

    recovers and jobs rebound, the fnancial situation o theseindividuals may also begin to improve, and with it their

    need to have access to credit cards, home loans, mutual

    unds, certifcates o deposit, and more.

    For example, a frst-time deaulter with a low credit score

    may have a desire to rebuild a positive credit history. He or

    she may value the opportunity to learn more about saving

    and budgeting, setting up automatic debit or recurring

    expenses, or signing up or electronic spending alerts. Over

    time, as creditworthiness improves, card limits may be

    increased, rates lowered, and additional opportunities may

    be presented.

    Cross- and up-selling

    Once a fnancial institution has identifed frst-time

    deaulters with the potential to become high-value,

    long-term customers, analytics could then be used to

    determine eective and proftable ways o expanding high

    potential relationships through models that predict lietime

    customer value and likelihood o attrition or potential and

    intent to buy additional products. Integrated customer

    behavior, demographic, and attitudinal data can help banks

    to understand customer needs and make the right oers.

    The recovering frst-time deaulters specifc needs may

    drive fnancial institutions account targeting and new

    design oerings. Once a positive credit history has been

    reestablished and the customer is on a more solid fnancial

    ooting, he or she may be looking or new car or home

    loans, IRAs, or fnancial instruments with higher yields.

    By disseminating predictive analytics results throughout the

    enterprise, lenders can provide a more consistent customer

    experience across various channels and can seek to improve

    customer value.

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Evaluating frst-time deaulters From the inside out 5

    Customer retention

    Sophisticated data analytics such as evolutionary

    segmentation solutions that account or customer

    demographics, attitudes, buying patterns, etc. can help

    fnancial institutions to identiy customers who are most

    likely to move their accounts to other institutions. Armed

    with this inormation, fnancial organizations can develop

    customer-specifc retention tactics that are consistent

    with current and expected lietime value. For example,lenders might oer lower rates or higher credit limits to

    those customers who have improved their fnancial

    standing, or communicate additional product and service

    oerings that address the individuals needs as his

    fnancial situation improves.

    Although many frst-time deaulters may recover and

    resolve the personal situations that resulted in credit issues,

    a subset may become repeat deaulters, making them

    unproftable customers. Predictive analytics can help

    enable banks to identiy those customers who remain at

    risk and take necessary corrective actions to help prevent

    charge-os. Credit policies and models may need to beupdated with application data variables that isolate the

    one-time deaulter rom the ongoing bad credit risk, such

    as job history, employment industry, personal liquidity, and

    product types that may have caused problems (such as

    adjustable-rate mortgages). This may result in a shit

    towards more undamental underwriting that considers a

    number o actors in addition to a credit bureau score.

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Exhibit 2

    Customer segmentation approach

    Source: Deloitte Consulting LLP

    Propensity to buy,retention/churn



    Development of


    based on the

    aggregation of data

    provided and

    models developed.

    Internal data may be

    enhanced withexternal information,

    which lets the

    expanded dataset

    speak and helps

    create segments

    based on value,

    propensity to buy, and

    other factors.

    3. Define value propositions

    for each identified segment

    ProfitabilityPropensity to buy Segment profile 1

    Business model description A

    Value proposition ASegment 1

    2. Identify customer segments1. Collect, format, and manipulate data

    ProfitabilityPropensity to buy

    Segment profile 1Business model description A

    Value proposition BSegment 2

    ProfitabilityPropensity to buy

    Segment profile 1Business model description A

    Value proposition XSegment N


    demographics andpsychographicsdata

    Historical account,product, and


    Test /control pilots to refine models and maximize

    predictive performance


    Intelligent segmentation approach Putting it into practice

    One approach to acquiring, cross-selling, and up-selling

    frst-time deaulters uses intelligent segmentation methods

    to identiy and evaluate frst-time deaulter prospects. The

    more eective the segmentation, the more eective the

    analytics may be at targeting a quality customer. Many

    variables can be considered or segmentation, including

    home-loan balance, income, and situation that caused the

    deault. Ater the frst-time deaulters have been identifed,

    the next step is to create oers or these prospects that canimprove the fnancial institutions short- and long-term

    proftability and market share.

    This approach is based on three steps (Exhibit 2):

    1. Collect, ormat, and manipulate data. Gather historical

    account, product and customer data, external

    demographics, and psychographics data and evaluate as

    it relates to pre-underwriting/proftability model and

    propensity to buy models. This segmentation helps to

    confrm that prospective customers have a high likelihood

    o wanting to buy products or open an account and are

    within the fnancial institutions risk tolerances.

    2. Identiy customer segments. Develop customer

    clusters based on the preliminary risk profle along with

    potential proftability and propensity to buy using

    unbiased, assumption-ree analytical methods.

    3. Defne value propositions or each identifedsegment. Target the customer segments identifed as

    potentially proftable with customized oerings that they

    are likely to buy and may become proftable to the bank.

    Several well-known banks and other fnancial institutions

    have leveraged the benefts o analytics in identiying likely

    prospects or credit cards or other fnancial products and

    oering an opportunity to add proftable long-term


  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Evaluating frst-time deaulters From the inside out 7

    Example: Growing a proftable credit card market

    A credit card issuer was trying to grow proftability in the

    low-income segment in Latin America, but risk

    management challenges, such as poor collection

    perormance and high credit losses, had inhibited results.

    The card issuer wanted to provide tools to its card-issuing

    banks to help them identiy the most avorable customers.

    The card issuer developed predictive models to help creditcard issuers and processors improve their collection

    perormance. The card bank wanted to be able to identiy

    and classiy frst-time deaulters based on their probability

    o reestablishing a sound fnancial ooting or accepting

    repayment agreements, as well as to improve its collections


    Predictive classifcation models helped the issuer to

    separate frst-time deaulters rom chronic deaulters.

    Several scoring models were created to predict the

    probability o a given customer moving rom delinquency

    to a positive credit standing. A predictive model was

    created that orecast the likelihood o a delinquentcustomer to accept a repayment agreement and delivered a

    decision-tree optimization tool that helps increase the

    eectiveness o a collection strategy. The eectiveness o

    the issuers collections process rose signifcantly ater the

    application o these models.

    Example: International bank improves value o

    customer contacts

    The marketing policy o a large international bank limited

    the number o customer contacts that could be made

    each year. As a result, prime customers oten received

    marketing communications rom the most timely product

    group, but not or products that were the most relevant

    and proftable. For example, they might receive a series o

    oers during the frst part o the year, instead opromotions targeted to the specifc interests o a prime

    customer, such as special rates on second homes, premium

    credit card oerings, or mutual unds.

    The bank needed a way to analyze customer behavior to

    determine the next desirable product oer or a specifc

    segment based on their current situation. The bank had

    very large amounts o data to be mined, including more

    than 1,000 attributes and variables or more than 9 million


    By using data analytics, the banks customers were scored

    and assigned to oer clusters. More than 3 millionprioritized-oer candidates were identifed and submitted,

    and 40 cluster segments were developed.

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out




    As the economic climate evolves, banks and other fnancial institutions have an

    opportunity to identiy customers among a unique segment o the market known as

    frst-time deaulters. Data analytics provide a valuable tool to help identiy and target

    the individuals who oer the most likelihood o long-term potential as proftable

    customers, in addition to providing insight regarding the most eective products and

    services to oer them. By applying data analysis to existing fnancial and third-party data,

    fnancial institut ions may be able to maximize potential and minimize risk in approaching

    this market segment.

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


    Evaluating frst-time deaulters From the inside out 9


    Andrew Freeman

    Executive Director

    Deloitte Center or Financial Services

    +1 212 436 4676

    [email protected]

    Deron Weston


    Deloitte Consulting LLP

    +1 404 631 3519

    [email protected]

    Omer Sohail


    Deloitte Consulting LLP

    +1 214 840 7220

    [email protected]

    Leandro Dalle Mule

    Senior Manager

    Deloitte Consulting LLP

    +1 617 437 3449

    [email protected]

    End notes1 Deloitte Center or Financial Services, First-Time Deaulters: An underappreciated customer segment or

    lenders? February 2011.


    More Card O ers or Consumers w ith Lower Credit Scores, credit.com, Dec. 16, 2010.

    3 For the purpose o this discussion, a deault reers to one or more o the ollowing events: three or more

    times late on a mortgage, three or more times late on a loan other than a mortgage, three or more times

    late on a credit card bill, bankruptcy, oreclosure, being contacted by a collections agency, been delinquent

    on child support, delinquent on taxes, delinquent on medical bills, legal judgments, or charge-os.

    4 More Card O ers or Consumers w ith Lower Credit Scores, credit.com, Dec. 16, 2010.

    5Senior Loan Ofcer Opinion Survey on Bank Lending Practices, Federal Reserve, January 2011.

    6 Subject to the regulations defned by the CARD Act o 2009 and the Dodd-Frank Act.

    7 First-time deaulter s: Changes on the hor izon, Deloitte Center or Financial Ser vices, July 2011.

  • 8/3/2019 Evaluating First Time Defaulters From the Inside Out


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