Evaluation Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation Q2

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Evaluation Q2.How does your media product represent

particular social groups?

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What different social groups are represented?

For my magazine, I represented young male and female youth who were either 16 or 17. These were typical teenagers who attended Priestley College. As this magazine is aimed at late teens, I wanted to use people for my photo shoot who are of the same age. To pick the same age range for the reader as well as the particular person on my media product meant they would have to share similar interests and act in a way that is relevant and relatable to them. As my magazine is acoustic based, this meant I had a wide choice when deciding who I wanted to star in my magazine. Looking at all acoustic genres I found a range of people who looked similar but could portray different genres of music. For example, Shannen (image 1) is very country acoustic based. Ross (image 2) is very indie/pop based, and Jess and Martha (image 3) bring the pop-rock element to the genre. However, I made sure there was no major differences between each person, to ensure none of them looked out of place.

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What particular way is the main photo-shoot model represented?

Shannen who is the main image on my cover page looks directly at the camera; this was aimed to show confidence to address the reader more personally. She looks very friendly but serious at the same time, showing a half smile. This is to imply she is serious about her work. The friendly, sweet element is portrayed more in the double page spread as the photo shoot is more playful and fun. This is a personality trait that I wanted to show, so the reader can form a positive connection with her. Also, she appears quite naturally beautiful rather than glamorous and blingy. I did this in the purpose of showing she was a down to earth girl, and is new to the music industry. This also avoided showing cockiness that could sometimes be portrayed. Images on the double page spread and contents page show Shannen looking away from the camera smiling and laughing. This shows the fun side to her and shows she enjoys her music.

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What particular way is the other photo shoot models represented?

On the contents page, Martha, Jess and Ross are all posing in a particular way. This shows professionalism and also shows that they are serious about their music career. Jess and Martha are stood together posing against all wall, looking serious into the camera. Ross is in mid-play on his guitar, this action shot gives an insight again on the genre and also the passion for his music. The way they are portrayed follow the stereotypes of magazines as they are all very professional and all the images appear to be organised and well connected. The fact they are shown as either serious (with intent to show they are passionate about their music) or smiling (with intent to show they are friendly and nice people), and can act as role models to the reader. This relates to teenagers who would probably act in a similar way when asked to take photos, especially those that are interested in the certain types of acoustic music that is shown. It conforms to the youth stereotype by the way they pose and show facial expression, however it challenges it by the fact you can tell it is posed, and obviously not all teenagers act in this way on a normal day to day basis. However, i ensured that none of the photos looked over the top as this is not what the majority of teenagers are like, and took more of a calm and relaxed view.

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How is this shown? (Main Photshoot)

The images of Shannen demonstrate the cinematography, very professionally. Again it shows she is serious about her work, and the photo shoot is fun, but in an organised way. The mise-en-scene was created very carefully; her hair is down, loose and wavy. It isn’t neatly positioned to show the country edge, making sure she didn’t look to primped up. Her pastel make-up which is not heavy at all shows the pureness of her personality and the white dress i went for in all the photo shoot shows her elegant style that fits well in country acoustic. The set for the photo shoot is outside, where she is posing on walls and next to trees which again reflects the acoustic country genre. In most the photos Shannen is also holding a guitar again linking to the acoustic genre, and then the reader can also recognise that the guitar is part of her overall style. Shannen’s body language is very loose and fun, which portrays the friendly personality that i wanted. When Shannen is serious in a photo she is normally holding a guitar which shows the concentration, and is taken as if it is an action shot of her playing. The quotes in the double page spread, reflect Shannen being a down to earth normal girl where she says that fame will definitely not change her, for example ‘’i know everyone will stick by me and nothing will change the real me’’. This shows she is genuine and honest, which is something else i wanted to add to ensure that the reader forms a positive connection with her.

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How is this shown? (Main Photshoot)

The mise-en-scene on this photshoot includes Ross on the contents page where he is holding a guitar and is looking down as if he is playing it. This action shot is posed but looks like he is mid-play. He has ginger hair which is in resemblance to another acoustic artist (Ed Sheeran) and is dressed in a cardigan and denim jacket which reflects the indie pop type of style. The body language he is showing is serious and professional, which reflects the passion he has for his music. It also shows that he has real potential to go far, without looking too cocky and confident which could appear quite negative. Lastly, the photo on the contents page with Jess and Martha is another professional photshoot. They are dressed in matching denim jackets to show they are part of the same group. This photshoot shoot is used more for the cause of their styling so the reader can get ideas on how to dress in this pop-rock fashion. Martha has a bow headband in her hair, and jess has her hood up and their body language where they are holding their collars up shows confidence. Readers will look at this and maybe take ideas from their type and fashion and copy it in their own way. Again, they have quite natural looking make-up which portrays the elegant acoustic genre i was going for

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Why is each social group represented in this way?

Each social group is represented in this way to ensure the reader has a positive attitude about them, if they come across negatively people are less likely to be interested in them or what their purpose is. I made sure they were well dressed but not over the top so reader could get ideas on fashion from them, which is a feature in most magazines that are out there already. As the social group is a main part of the target audience i had to make sure that they were relatable to real life to form that connection with the reader and make sure that their interests are took into account as well.