1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter [email protected] Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To Evangelize is to embody the enthusiasm of God’s affirmation, invitation, and mission in ministry to, with by and for the young church Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter [email protected] Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To

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Page 1: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Evangelization and Outreach

Mary Harrison - [email protected]

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Evangelization and Outreach

To Evangelize is to embody the enthusiasm of God’s affirmation, invitation, and mission in ministry to, with by and for the young church

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 2: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


The Origins of the New Evangelization

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Pope Paul VI

In 1974, Pope Paul VI convened a Synod of Bishops on Evangelization

In 1975, the landmark document Evangelization in the Modern World was promulgated

This introduced the language: “rooted in ...Pentecost a new period of evangelization.”Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 3: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


“Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to

the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to

evangelize, that is to say, in order to preach and teach, to

be the channel of the gift of grace.”

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Evangelization means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself. Pope Paul VI, On Evangelization in the Modern World, no. 18.

Evangelizing is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the Church, her deepest identity. She exists in order to evangelize…Pope Paul VI, On Evangelization in the Modern World, no. 14.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 4: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


John Paul II• In 1983, he called for a

new evangelization in the Americas

• In 1990, the encyclical Redemptoris Missio was promulgated and it called for a more comprehensive understanding of the new evangelization beyond the Americas

• This would set the course for his remaining pontificateSpring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Pope Benedict XVI

• June 28, 2010 renewed the Church’s call to the “New Evangelization.”

September 2010 established the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, and proposed that the New Evangelization be the focus of the next Synod of Bishops.

• October 2012 a synod on the New Evangelization began a Year of Faith

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 5: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Pope Francis

November 2013 – “Evangelii Gaudium”

“THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL” Pope Francis’s

pastoral vision comes from the writings of his predecessors, Benedict, John Paul II, and Paul VI.

However, the powerful personal synthesis and

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Pope Francis reflects not only on the content of the Gospel – but about the reediness of the Church to witness wholeheartedly to the Good news of salvation and about the contemporary social and economic situation in which the Gospel is preached! (264)

Everything in “Gospel of Joy” revolves around the Pope’s passionate desire to foster a joy-filled encounter with the crucified and Risen Jesus Christ.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 6: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


“The new evangelization is not a matter of merely passing on doctrine but rather of a personal and profound meeting with the Savior.”

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

The Three Marks of the New Evangelization…

(Pope John Paul II -1983, Port-au-Prince, Haiti),

New in Ardor

New in Methods

New in Expressions

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 7: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Evangelization The mission of the Church is the mission of

evangelization and building up the kingdom. Evangelization is not just the responsibility of the bishop, not just the responsibility of the planning office, not just the responsibility of pastors and parish life directors, but a joint responsibility that belongs to all us… our pastoral planning process must be focused not on structures, not on buildings, not on personal statistics, but on mission. Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, June 2006.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Reflect for a moment on your own journey of faith:

When you hear the word evangelization, what words, images, feelings, or experiences come tomind?

What has characterized your own transformation/conversion to Jesus Christ?

What difference has Jesus made in your life? How does Jesus continue to make a difference in your

life? With whom do you share your own story of

conversion/transformation? What do you do to grow in your own relationship with

Christ? What are some obstacles you find in your journey with

Christ? How can they be overcome or managed?

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 8: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Evangelization today demands an "ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred." The pope declares: "I dream of a 'missionary option,' that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self- preservation.”

Pope Francis- the Gospel of Joy

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

The Eight Components of RTV

The Ministry of Advocacy The Ministry of Catechesis The Ministry of Community

Life The Ministry of Evangelization The Ministry of Justice and

Service The Ministry of Leadership

Development The Ministry of Pastoral Care The Ministry of Prayer and


Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 9: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


The Goals of RTV

To empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today

To draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community

To foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

”The unique mission of Catholic education begins with the commitment to unlock the full intellectual, social and human potential of every student entrusted to its care while at the same time forming the student into the image of Jesus the Lord. This mission is intimately tied to the work of the New Evangelization because every Catholic school exists to foster a personal, living and ongoing encounter with the Lord in the life of its students and staff , through instruction, reflection, prayer and service. Realizing such a transformative encounter is what makes Catholic schools unique, irreplaceable and at the forefront of the Church’s evangelization efforts.”

Most Rev. Frank Caggiano

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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USCCB Secretariat of Catholic Education

As the Church re-imagines the role of Catholic schools in the third Millennium, we acknowledge their singular capacity to transmit the faith to new generations and to draw people to Christ.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Renewing the Vision…(p. 36)

Evangelization is the energizing core of all ministry with adolescents. All of the relationships, ministry components, and programs of comprehensive ministry with adolescents must proclaim the Good News.They must invite young people into a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus and empower them to live as his disciples.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 11: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Proclaiming the Good News…

Is about connecting the lives of people to the power of the Gospel by bridging their life story with the faith stories, relationships, and challenges of the Gospel.

Ultimately, this sharing is about putting people “in communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ”.

(GDC # 80)

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Evangelization has two directions:inward and outward

Inwardly – it calls for our continued receiving of the GospelOur ongoing conversion both individually and as a Church. It nurtures us, makes us grow and renews us in holiness as God’s people

Outwardly – it addresses those who have not heard the gospel or, having heard it, have stopped practicing their faith, and those who seek the fullness of faith.

Two fundamental meanings:The initial effort and ongoing witness of the faith community

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 12: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Foundations of Catholic Youth Evangelization

A: The message and Ministry of Jesus Central ThemeWord made flesh (John 1:14)Call to Metanoia/TransformationReign of God

B: The Story of Jesus and the Hungers of Young People

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Five Hungers of Young People

the hunger for meaning and purpose (make the world a better place)

the hunger for connection (engage in face to face communication)

the hunger for recognition ( to be listened to)

the hunger for justice (care for the oppressed, environment, equality)

the hunger for the holy (desire to connect faith with life, and science)

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 13: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


The Challenge of CatholicYouth Evangelization

The starting point for the ministry of evangelization is our recognition of the presence of God already in young people, their experiences, their families, and their culture… evangelization, therefore, enables young people to uncover and name the experience of God already active and present in their lives.”

(pp. 7-8 from The Challenge of Catholic Youth Evangelization (CCYE)


Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Foundational Principles

Starting point –

Evangelization enables youth to uncover and name the experience of God already active and present in their lives. God is experienced in the ordinary happenings of our lives. In the relationships of family; and in the rituals and traditions of culture

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 14: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Important to Know Gen Z’s

Effective Ministry is relational…

Each generational cohart is different. Understanding today’s Generation of young people can facilitate our response to meet the Challenge of Evangelizing Adolescents

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

so that the church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation.”

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 15: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


The Generational Cohorts

Greatest Generation – Born early 1900’s – 1922Silent Generation – 1925 - 1944Baby Boomers – Born 1945- 1964X Generation - 1965 – 1980Millennials – 1981 - 1994Gen Z – 1995 – 2010

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

The Z Generation:

The largest Cohort Yet! 26% of US populationBorn between (approx.) 1995-2005Basic Themes: Different from Millennials Need to communicate with them in their “language”

EngagementVisual more than Textual 2-way – must be sharableShort messageAuthenticity is the key characteristic

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 16: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Key Life Events for Gen Z

Terrorism has impacted this generation in ways almost unexplainable. With 9/11, Columbine, and ISIS, Gen Z is very conscious and security-minded, but also have a desire to change the world because of this: they see things and want to change them. They’ve never known a world without widespread terror:

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Gen Zers’ are…Synched with TechnologyDigitally integratedTechnology is essential for:Building relationshipsEngagement with community and the

worldLearningEngagement with faith (Bible app on


Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 17: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Eight Distinguishing Traits of the Z Gen

1. Expecting Access2. Desire In-Person Connection

Transforming Relationships3. Seeking to change the world4. Hungry for Experience of prayer, silence,

and mystery5. Anxiety6. Needing to connect faith and

science7. Exploring New Ways to Learn8. Tolerant and Diverse

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Gen Z – Ideally Situated to be Social Innovators!

They truly believe they can change the world…Some statistics that indicate the possibility they will...

26% of those aged 16-19 already volunteer.80% are aware of the human impact on the

environment78% are concerned about world hunger77% are worried about children around the

world who are dying of preventable diseases.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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Catechetical/EvangelizationImplications they are eager to start working they intend to change the world growing up during the Great Recession has made them

resourceful and industrious they learned that traditional choices don’t guarantee

success they are more inclusive and collaborative and worry

about the economy and the environment They are much more multi-racial and ethnically diverse

than previous generations and their social circles are global

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Traditional gender roles have been challenged They live in multi-generational homes They seek education and knowledge They use social media as a research tool Their attention spans are getting shorter They communicate with symbols and image They spend more time with computers

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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Developmental Characteristics

John Westerhoff’s Process of Faith Development: Experienced faith Affiliative faith Searching faith Owned faith

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Ministry Opportunities to ConnectYouth gifts with parish/school lifeConnect faith with scienceYouth’s hunger to learn with exploration

of faith Youth idealism with ongoing service and

challengesNewly confirmed youth with active faith

What evangelization/catechetical connections do you see for ministering to Generation Z?

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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Foundational Principles continued:

Evangelization effort support families

Responsibility of entire faith/school community

Richness of cultures

Recognizes the power of society to shape the values

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Parish Community

The Good News is best understood and proclaimed within the context of the faith community.

The community prepares the soil for the “seeds”...nurtures the seed…and allows for conversion – which is the outcome of evangelization.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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Remember…Young people go where they can:

experience identity and meaningdiscover instant friendships and

belongingfeel a sense of communityfind a source of energy and

enthusiasmT belong to a group with a mission

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

B: Operational Principles

Explicit Implicit InitialOngoingPresent Moments of hurt Disciples Integration

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• Outreach• Witness• Proclamation• Invitation• The Call to Discipleship• Transformation

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Tell the story and Be the story(Witness)

The Community not only proclaims the Good News intentionally, but is challenged to BE the Good News in it’s living out the Gospel Message!

“When we build a community that is characterized by love, involvement becomes irresistible. This is especially relevant to youth because most teens are operating with an affiliative faith – the faith of belonging.”

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Page 23: Evangelization and Outreach · 2018-05-21 · 1 Evangelization and Outreach Mary Harrison - Presenter mkids13@gmail.com Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07 Evangelization and Outreach To


Who is Jesus for me?

We need to know our story – we need to tell the Jesus story – not tell about the Jesus story.

The Jesus story must be integrated in all aspects of our ministry

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07


• How do we invite and welcome children/youth in the way they choose to be involved?

• Do we strive to look a faith formation differently? Do we involve them in the process?

• Are there opportunities for building relationships? (key to effective ministry)

• Do we foster participation and belonging…are youth included in pastoral and liturgical ministries? School and Parish

• Do we advocate for their needs and help identity and affirm their leadership skills? (Pastoral Councils?)

• Do we LISTEN to our youth and involve them in the process of presenting faith in a compelling way that speaks to their lives?

• What is the quality of our worship…is it alive and vibrant?

• How do we encourage, support and invite family involvement, along with ongoing family evangelization and catechesis?

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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Reminder to Connect

And build Personal Relationships – with caring adults and peers

Faith CommunityJesus

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

Five Challenges Proclaim the God News…again and

again…and LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN. Connect young people to the life of the

community. Challenge young people to become disciples

– to fall in love with God! Give young people the opportunity to serve.

To “change the world”. Create a parish/school where the Jesus dream

is realized and they desire to be fully involved.

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

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Test of Faithful Discipleship -Characteristics of the Reign of God

Are we more joyful? “I tell you this, so that my joy…”

more compassionate? “whatever you do to the least of…”

more loving? “the greatest commandment”…more peaceful? “My peace I give you”more courageous? “be not afraid, for I am with


Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07

How wonderful is the coming of those youbring the Good News!

What moved you?What challenged you?What brings you hope?

Spring Enrichment 2018 #J07