the air is soft everything is perfect

Everything is perfect

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Text artbook (some dreams)

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Page 1: Everything is perfect

the air is softeverything is perfect

Page 2: Everything is perfect
Page 3: Everything is perfect

Charline Giffard

the air is softeverything is perfect

Page 4: Everything is perfect
Page 5: Everything is perfect


I am in Iceland, walking in these hostile, cold, yet oh so beautifull

scenaries, taking pictures. I see people, sparse, not too many. They

all seem very special. The sun starts to get low. The sky gives a

real spectacle of colors. I feel good.

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I am into a small and long undersea tunnel, walking deeper. I get

into a small room with a technician there. I put on a scaphander

suite. I have to go under the water to map the seafloor. I go in two

different presurized rooms before going in the water, but I don't

know how the diving equipment works and suddenly I can't breathe

because I have no oxygen. I knock on the wall (window) but the

technician can't do anything for me.

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I am cross-country skiing in the field behind our house. The sun

is bright, the snow is perfect. I go fast, the sky and the field are

so big, they are swallowing me. I am so little. I am one with the

universe. This is one of my energy spot. The sun is there just for me.

I breathe, drink water and eat an orange. I am so alive.

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I am sleeping in the train. You are just looking at me sleeping.

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I am having dinner in a room with other people. Suddenly we are

asked to escape by the basement. We get ouside. There is absolutly

nothing left. It is the apocalypse.

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I go see my high school phys. ed. teacher and I tell him what I

really think of him.

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I am in a tourist residence. My friend Jonatan is looking for

something. I tell him if he needs toilet paper, I have some.

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I walk on the rocks after Peggy's Cove. I get to another of my

energy spot. I meditate. I am completly serein.

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I open a studio with all the equipment to produce the projects I

want to do. I quit my job and start my own business. I am insecure.

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I am in the car. We drive. We have an accident.

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I am in a canoe on a lake. There is an island, we reach it. We

have a picnic and a soft blanket. We eat and rest. The air is soft.

Everything is perfect.

Page 16: Everything is perfect


I am in a room with people. Four dominant female hienes agressive and

hungry get into the room and are trying to intimidate and scare people

off. The people first look at them. The hienes continue to be imposing,

loud and scarry. The people still look at them with absolutly no fear

or any emotion. The hienes starts to get louder and noisier and nastier.

The people ignore them and start getting back to whatever they were

doing or continue their previous conversations. The hienes do not like

that. They feel insecure, they don't know what to do. Suddenly all four

female hienes starts shrinking, and shrinking, and shrinkng to the size of

a cigaret botch. And oups! someone steps on them and crash them alive

without noticing. As if the only thing that made these four hienes exist

was the power they were trying to have on people by intimidating them,

or the power that the people were willing to let them.

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I go to St-Martin College of Arts in London for a short course on


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I walk on the beach in my village. I am sad and anxious.

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I get a new home. I decorate it the way I want. The living room

walls are gold with delicate flowery line art decorations in some

places. The couach is big and comfy and beige. There is a nice, big

and heavy wooden coffee table with lovely books on it. There is a

huge plant by the window facing south. There is a wall bookshelf

with all my favourite books. The is a beautifull comfortable

armchair with the antique reading lampost my parents gave me

on its side. The floor is made of old wide pine panels. There is a

stone fireplace. There are not too many objects, but all of them are

carefully chosen and placed and have a personal value. This place is


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I go swimming in the ocean in big waves. I have so much fun.

Everything is happy.

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I walk with my daugther. She gets hit by a car. I loose my mind

right there.

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I have a new job in my hometown. I invite you over for dinner and

we'll go to the movie later. I am anxious to see you. You finally

get here. I am happy. We are happy. Just simply happy. A glass of

wine, laughs, a good meal... Then we leave for the theater. We decide

to walk the night is beautifull. We walk downtown holding arms,

talking naturally, being ourselves. We see a few stars in the sky. I

see a beautifull dress in a boutique window. Hummm. We get there.

We wait in line looking at the movie posters, talking and laughing. I

see people I know that I haven't seen for a long time. We say "Hello"

and chat for a while. I introduce you. It is strange a little bit.

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I have a gypsy caravane in my garden. It is whimsical. It is the

perfect place to be lazy. It is my place.

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I am 43. We are invaded by the developing countries organised

by China and India. A war. We espace in the woods. We bring all

kinds of surviving things. I bring my vegetable seeds. We build a

hideaway. We live there for a long time.

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I am 35. All human come to a point where they make peace within

themselves and with their life and with everything. There is no

more fear or anger or suffering. People's awareness and mindfullness

is at its peak and love and positive vibration is high. All social,

political and economical problems get solved naturally. There is

finally peace and happyness among humans.

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I get home, you're not there. Ther is a note on the table: "our

bedroom". I go to our bedroom. I see a beautifull dress on a hanger

on a hook. A label says "make yourself pretty." I take a shower, put

on the dress, make myself pretty. The door rings, a taxi is waiting

for me. A note on the passanger seat says: "See you in a bit". The

driver leaves me at that fancy restaurant I always wanted to go

to. You are there, waiting for me with dozens of roses and the most

intense and loving eyes I have ever seen.

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I am in my summer house in Coin-du-Banc, Gaspé. Sitting outside on

the patio, drinking my long espresso, reading, dreaming. It is sunny

and a little windy. A cat comes for a visit. He jumps on the bench

and swirles up againts my leg saying: "Pet me!... please..." He is so

soft. We are good friends. A car pulls in the driveway. It is my

aunt and uncle coming to visit. They bring me wild strawberries my

uncle picked and pastries from the village. I offer them a coffee. We

sit on the patio, eat strawberries and drink coffee. My uncle gets

up to go visit my neighbour, a friend of him. My aunt and I go for

a walk on the beach. The cat follows us. We talk about cultivating

happyness, and then about my grand-mother, Marie. Then we try to

find rocks that are shaped like a heart.

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I feel vulnerable. You know it, you are so strong. You come to me,

give me the most gentle and reassuring hug. Just what I needed.

With you, I feel safe. Anything could happened, I just feel safe.

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I am on a boat with my parents and my brother. I fall in the cold

and agitated waters. My parents and my brother look at me saddly

but do nothing to save me or help me. I finally swim to the shore

where my good friend helps me get out of the water. I never ever

get dry.

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I am with my boss. She is crying. She says she trusted me but I have

disapointed her. She says I betrayed her. I don't know what to say.

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I am weeding my vegetable garden. It is so luscious this year. The

weather is perfect this summer. I get my basket to pick up some

tomatoes that are just so ready. I also pick some lettuce, peas and

beans. Someone is here. It is my cousin and his wife with their two

sons. A surprise visit. I like that. I show them the garden. We eat

some raspberries and some ground cherries. We walk around the

land. Then we sit on the patio for cokctail. There's a beautifull

sunset. We'll make a fire later.

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