Exotic Mesons and Hadrons

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  • 8/12/2019 Exotic Mesons and Hadrons


    Exotic Mesons, Hadrons and the

    Electro-Strong Interaction

    Exotic Mesons and Hadrons are high energy states of Quark oscillations.

    Taking into account the Planck Distribution Law of the electromagnetic

    oscillators we can ex!lain the electron"!roton mass rate and the #eak and

    $trong %nteractions. Lattice Q&D gi'es the same results as the diffraction

    !a tterns of the el ect romag ne ti c osc il lators ex !l ai ni ng th e co lor confine me nt

    and the asym!totic freedom of the $trong %nteractions.

    ContentsHow a New Discovery in the World of Quarks Could Change Everything........................................ 2

    Digging Deeper........................................................................................................................ 3

    Asyetry in the interference occurrences of oscillators ............................................................3

    !pontaneously "roken syetry in the #lanck distri"ution law ....................................................$

    %he structure of the proton and deuteron ..................................................................................&

    Quarks in si'(packs) E'otic #article Confired *+, ....................................................................&

    %he weak interaction ...............................................................................................................-

    %he !trong .nteraction ( QCD ....................................................................................................+

    Confineent and Asyptotic /reedo ..................................................................................+

    0attice QCD .............................................................................................................................+

    QCD .......................................................................................................................................+

    Color Confineent .................................................................................................................1

    Electroagnetic inertia and ass .............................................................................................1

    Electroagnetic .nduction ...................................................................................................1

    %he freuency dependence of ass ......................................................................................1

    Electron 4 #roton ass rate .................................................................................................1

    %he potential of the diffraction pattern .................................................................................11

    E'otic 5esons and Hadrons .....................................................................................................12

    Conclusions ...........................................................................................................................12

    6eferences ............................................................................................................................12

  • 8/12/2019 Exotic Mesons and Hadrons


    Author) 7eorge 6a8na

    How a New Discovery in the World of Quarks Could Change Everything

    .n 2139 scientists announced the discovery of :c;3+ltiately9 uarks9 other than "eing part of our naesake9 are the infinitesially sall

    "uilding "locks of ost of the atter in the universe= #reviously we had no odels to descri"e this

    kind of particle9 so this new discovery was kind of a "id deal=

    !ince the initial announceent in 2139 the ?E!... colla"oration ( the tea responsi"le for the find 4

    has ade @a rapid string of related discoveries on the topic of four(uark particles= .n fact9 it sees

    that physicists are on the verge of having to create a new classification syste to e'plain how these

    e'otic particles fit into the euation9 especially now that the findings have "een confired=

    %his will likely reuire a lot of work= Bou see9 uarks have long "een known to pair together in groups

    of twos and threes= When we have two uark particles9 they are known as @esons9 and three

    uark particles are known as @"aryons= Bou are pro"a"ly rather failiar with the latter ;even if you

    dont realie it

  • 8/12/2019 Exotic Mesons and Hadrons


  • 8/12/2019 Exotic Mesons and Hadrons


    %his gives us the idea to origin the ass of proton fro the electroagnetic interactions "y the way

    interference occurrences of oscillators= %he uncertainty relation of Heisen"erg akes sure that the

    particles are oscillating=

    %he resultant intensity due to n eually spaced oscillators9 all of eual aplitude "ut different fro

    one another in phase9 either "ecause they are driven differently in phase or "ecause we are looking

    at the an angle such that there is a difference in tie delay)


  • 8/12/2019 Exotic Mesons and Hadrons


    /or e'aple


  • 8/12/2019 Exotic Mesons and Hadrons


    /igure 2= %he distri"ution law for di

    We see there are two different 1 a

    so that 1 d 2=

    We have any possi"ilities for suc

    configurations for any % teperatu

    configurations can e'ist together=

    syetrical= %he a'is changing "
