This is a repository copy of Experimental investigation on the micro damage evolution of chemical corroded limestone subjected to cyclic loads. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/128677/ Version: Accepted Version Article: Li, H, Yang, D, Zhong, Z et al. (2 more authors) (2018) Experimental investigation on the micro damage evolution of chemical corroded limestone subjected to cyclic loads. International Journal of Fatigue, 113. pp. 23-32. ISSN 0142-1123 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2018.03.022 © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). [email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ Reuse This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) licence. This licence only allows you to download this work and share it with others as long as you credit the authors, but you can’t change the article in any way or use it commercially. More information and the full terms of the licence here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request.

Experimental investigation on the micro damage evolution

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Experimental investigation on the micro damage evolution of chemical corroded limestone subjected to cyclic loadsThis is a repository copy of Experimental investigation on the micro damage evolution of chemical corroded limestone subjected to cyclic loads.
White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/128677/
Version: Accepted Version
Li, H, Yang, D, Zhong, Z et al. (2 more authors) (2018) Experimental investigation on the micro damage evolution of chemical corroded limestone subjected to cyclic loads. International Journal of Fatigue, 113. pp. 23-32. ISSN 0142-1123
[email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/
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limestone subjected to cyclic loads
Hao Li a,b, Dongmin Yanga,*, Zuliang Zhongb, Yong Shenga, Xinrong Liub
a School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
b School of Civil Engineering, University of Chongqing, Chongqing, 400044, China
*corresponding author. Email address: [email protected]
Micro damage evolution in chemical corroded limestone samples subjected to cyclic loads is
investigated using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) system. Based on the experimental data of
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), T2 values and porosity, the micro damage evolution process is
visualized and analyzed. It is found that the porosity and micro cracking of the corroded limestone
samples increase with the cyclic loading, and the micro damage evolution process consists of three
distinct stages: micro crack emergence stage, micro damage development stage and damage
development accelerated stage. Chemical erosion is found to have a significant influence on the
propagation of micro cracks and accelerate the damage development of the limestone samples under
cyclic loading. With the same number of load cycles, the chemical corroded samples always have
lower peak strength than that of the water softened samples. Before the inflection point in the micro
damage-loading cycles curve, the main damage is caused by new micro cracks increase inside the
limestone; while after this point, the new micro crack emergence is being restrained, and the existed
micro cracks connect into rupture bands. A damage model is finally proposed to quantify the damage
evolution of the chemical corroded rocks subjected to cyclic loads.
Keywords: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR); T2 spectrum distribution; Micro damage; Chemical
erosion; Cyclic loading.
Underground construction excavation, such as tunnel and nuclear waste deposition, etc., leads to the
cyclic loads near the excavation surface and subsequent stress-induced instabilities [1, 2]. The
instability and failure of engineering rocks is closely related to the initiation and propagation of micro
cracks that are induced by cyclic loads [3]. Propagation of micro cracks inside rocks is determined by
the external loads as well as the surrounding environment. Engineering rocks are always surrounded
by water, which is a significant influential factor for the mechanical characteristics of rocks by
reducing their strength and even causing geological disasters during the excavation processes [4, 5].
This is because that the surrounding water often contains chemical icons [6, 7], which can react with
the mineral inside the rocks. Therefore, understanding the micro damage evolution of chemical
corroded engineering rocks under cyclic loading conditions is vital in order to reduce the risk of
causing potential engineering disasters during excavation.
Over the past few years, considerable efforts have been made to investigate the mechanical response
of intact rocks under cyclic loading. Results have shown that the fatigue properties of rock materials
are dependent on the maximum stress, loading frequency and amplitude, etc. Based on energy
dissipation, Liu et al. [8] established damage evolution equations for two typical rocks using the
uniaxial cyclic loading test results, and proposed a new damage constitutive model to describe the
behaviour of rocks under cyclic loading. The amended damage constitutive model can describe the
degree of compactness of rocks accurately. Shayea [9] reported that the dynamic elastic modulus and
Poisson's ratio increased with the confining pressure, and under cyclic loading their values during
unloading were slightly higher than those during loading. Ray et al. [10] concluded that failure strength
and elastic modulus of Chunar sandstone subjected to cyclic stress decreased with the increase of
strain rate, and the uniaxial compressive strength decreased with the increase of loading cycles.
Yoshinaka et al. [11-13] conducted cyclic loading tests to investigate the deformation behaviour of the
soft rocks, including Kobe mudstone, sandstone, Ohya tuff and Yokohama siltstone, and introduced
a procedure for strain correction, Young's modulus estimation and yield location. Bagde and Petros [14, 15] conducted cyclic loading tests on rock samples to investigate the relationship between loading
amplitude and frequency and the fatigue strength and deformation behaviour. It was found that fatigue
strength of the rock under dynamic cyclic loading is influenced by the micro structure of the rock
samples, the Young's modulus decreases when increasing the cyclic loading frequency and amplitude,
and there is no obvious relationship between the dynamic energy and the cyclic loading frequency.
Sun et al. [16] carried out cyclic loading tests at multi-level amplitudes on sandstone samples to
investigate the damage evolution law of the Chaboche and developed a multiaxial fatigue damage
model for damage accumulation.
Meanwhile, a few studies investigated the influence of environment, such as cyclic temperature and
freezing conditions, on the mechanical properties of rocks. Li et al. [17] conducted cyclic loading
experiments to investigate the mechanical properties of a jointed rock mass under freezing and cyclic
loading conditions, found that the original samples usually have a higher fatigue strength than the
frozen and water saturated samples, and thus proposed a dynamic, fatigue damage model for cracked,
frozen sandstones. Zhou et al. [18] conducted cyclic uniaxial stress-temperature tests on basalt rock
specimens to investigate the deformation characteristics of the samples subjected to cyclic uniaxial
stress and cyclic temperature. Results showed that the peak strain of damaged specimens undergoes
initial, steady and acceleration stages; the Youngs modulus decreases rapidly in the initial cycles, but
the declining rate decreases further in subsequent cycles. A damage model for rocks subjected only
to cyclic temperature was also proposed. Mahmutoglu [19] conducted several cyclic temperature tests
on sandstones, and found that there is an obvious decrease in the mechanical properties of the
sandstones after being treated with cyclic temperature.
Most studies of cyclically loaded rocks have focused on the changes of macro-mechanical properties.
However, under the effect of different external loading conditions, great changes could take place
inside the rock, such as micro-cracking [20, 21], which then cause the macro-mechanical degradation
of the rock [22]. However, experimental studies on chemical corroded rocks subjected to cyclic loads
are rarely reported, and the influence of cyclic loading coupled with chemical erosions on micro
damage evolution of rock still remains unclear. The micro-cracking inside the rock can be
investigated using computerized tomography (CT) technique [23-26] or Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
(NMR) System [27-30]. NMR has been widely applied in medical diagnosis, geotechnical engineering
and oil and gas exploration [31, 32]. It recently starts to be used in rock engineering for internal
microstructure imaging and characterization [30].
In this study, NMR and cyclic loading tests are carried out to investigate the micro damage evolution
of chemical corroded limestone samples subjected to cyclic loads. Through the analysis of the
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and T2 values, the micro damage of the limestones has been
visualized and calculated, and the relationship between peak strength degradation and micro damage
is investigated. A damage model for rocks subjected to cyclic loads coupled with chemical erosion is
established, which can be potentially used for predicting rock strength in practical design of
underground constructions, slops and dams and roads in water surrounded regions.
2 Rock samples and experimental tests
2.1 Sample preparation
The rock samples are limestone, taken from Jinyun Mountain Tunnel in Chongqing China. The Jinyun
Mountain Tunnel has two tunnels, each with a length of 7.379 km and have a maximum depth of 220
m. Limestone, a common sedimentary rock in southwest China and is the main rock of Jinyun
Mountain, is selected as the test samples in this experiment. All the samples are drilled from a single
block without macroscopic cracks and machined and finely ground into cylindrical shapes with a
length of 100 mm and a diameter of 50 mm, as shown in Figure 1. According to the X-ray diffraction
(XRD) analysis it is found that the limestone samples are composed of 92% calcspar and quartz and
1% accessory minerals. A typical microstructure of the limestone is shown in Figure 2.
Figure.1. Limestone samples
2.2 Chemical solutions
According to water sample analysis, the water samples collected from the Jinyun tunnel construction
site in Chongqing, has a pH value of 6.5 and the main icons are Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, S , Cl- and HCO-.
To simplify the experimental study, the complex ionic compositions of the water are replaced by
Na2SO4 solution, which is made by NaCl solution added with H2SO4. Three pH values (3, 5 and 7)
of the Na2SO4 solution are used in the tests and the initial concentration of the chemical solutions is
all 0.01 mol:L-1.
2.3 Test methodology and process
Figure.3 shows the NMR system, and a T2 spectrum. The NMR system measures the signal intensity
of hydrogen atoms, which depends on the number and size of pores inside the rock, in the fully-
saturated rock and outputs transverse relaxation time distribution (T2 spectrum), porosity and
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which can be used to investigate the pore size distribution and
micro structure damage of the rock.
All the mechanical tests are conducted using the Rock Testing System, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure.3. The NMR system and an example of its T2 spectrum.
Figure.4. The Rock Testing System
The test process is as follows:
(1) The samples are saturated using a vacuum saturation device. After saturation for 24h, all the
samples are warped with preservative film to prevent evaporation, and then putted into the test box
of the NMR machine. With the help of the industrial computer of the NMR machine, the initial T2
spectrum and the porosity of the limestone samples are obtained. After that, samples with similar
initial porosity and T2 spectrum distribution are selected for later experiments.
(2) The limestone samples are divided into four groups (Group A, Group B, Group C, Group D). Each
group has 8 samples and they are immersed in pH3, pH5, pH7 Na2SO4 solutions and distilled water
separately for 60 days.
(3) After reaching the designed erosion period, NMR tests are conducted to investigate the micro
structure changes of the rock sample. After that, regular uniaxial compression tests are conducted to
obtain the average uniaxial compression of the chemical corroded and water soft sample. Rock testing
system, which is shown in Fig 4, is employed to complete the compression test. A total of four samples
(each group is chosen one sample) are used for the uniaxial compression test, and the test result shows
the uniaxial compression strength (UCS) is 74.96 MPa (sample corroded by pH3 solution),
101.35MPa (sample corroded by pH5 solution), 119.09 MPa (sample corroded by pH7 solution),
134.89MPa (water soft sample).
(4) Cyclic loading tests are conducted at the same loading levels but with different cycle numbers.
Each cycle of uniaxial cyclic loading processes is as follows: the rock sample is loaded to 85% of its
UCS with loading rate of 0.01 mm/min. When the maximum load is reached, the stress of each sample
is then unloaded to zero with the same rates. Each test consists of 8 cyclic loading stages, with 10
loading cycles, 20 loading cycles, 30 loading cycles, 40 loading cycles, 50 loading cycles, 60 loading
cycles, 70 loading cycles, 80 loading cycles, respectively. These 8 stages are conducted on the
corresponding 8 samples in a group. Take Group A as an example: sample A-1 is suffered from 10
times cyclic loads, sample A-2 is suffered from 20 times cyclic loads…. sample A-8 is suffered from
80 times cyclic loads. The load-time curves during the cyclic loading for the water soft limestone
samples is shown in Fig 5 as an example.
Fig .5. The load-time curves during the cyclic loading for the limestone samples
(5) When a sample reaches the designed number of cycles, it is taken for the NMR test to obtain the
T2 spectrum, porosity and MRI. After the NMR test, the limestone sample is taken out of the NMR
machine and put into the pressure cell of the Rock 600-50 test system for compression test until it is
completely ruptured.
3.1 T2 spectrum distribution and MRI of the samples
Under the effect of cyclic loads, great changes including the micro damages could take place at micro
scale within rocks, which can cause changes of the macro-mechanical behaviors. In addition, when
coupled with chemical erosion, the relationship between micro damage and macro mechanical
properties of the rocks becomes more complex. To further explore the rock damage evolution law
under the cyclic loading, T2 spectrum distribution and MRI, which is the inner section images of the
chemical corroded samples treated with cyclic loading. MRI is taken only from the middle cross-
section of the sample, thus they are mainly used to visualize the damage evolution trend of the samples
under different loading cycles. While, the T2 spectrum, which is obtained by testing the whole sample,
can accurately reflect the microstructure changes in the whole sample after suffered different loading
cycles and chemical erosion.
Combine all the data obtained from NMR, the evolution of micro damage in the chemical corroded
limestones during the entire cyclic loading period can be investigated and analyzed. The NMR inner
section images of the samples are shown in Fig.6.
(a) Limestone samples immersed in pH3 solution
(b) Limestone samples immersed in distilled water
Fig .6. The NMR inner section images of the samples after cyclic loading. (‘A’ indicates smaller
pores, ‘B’ indicates connection of pores into cracks and ‘C’ indicates the macro rupture.)
The bright areas in the images correspond to pores inside the limestone samples. An increase of the
brightness and the number of white points indicates an increase of the porosity. It can be seen from
Fig.6 that image brightness of the limestone samples increase as the increase of number of load cycles.
While, the image of the water softened sample suffered 40 times of cyclic loads is blur and darker
than other images in this group, this is due to the heterogeneous distribution of the porosity inside the
rock. A quite significant increase of porosity occurs between the 10 times and 80 times of load cycles,
where the brightness of the images increases sharply. And there are macro cracks emerged in the
samples corroded by pH3 solution after 80 loading cycles, as shown in Fig 6 (a). In general, the
brightness and the number of white points in the images of the chemical corroded samples is higher
than that in distilled water, which confirms the micro damage of limestone in the chemical solutions
develop faster than in distilled water.
(a) Chemical corroded samples (PH=3)
(b) Water soft samples
Fig.7. T2 distributions of samples under cyclic loading conditions (Left: 10-40 cycles; Right: 50-80
Fig. 7 shows the T2 spectrum curves of the samples immersed in pH3 solution and distilled water
from 10 cycles to 80 cycles. The T2 spectrum curve is related to the porosity and pore size distribution
of the rock, i.e., the porosity increases with the T2 spectrum area and the peak point of the curve
increases when the pore size increase. The T2 spectrum curves for limestone sample in this test have
three peaks. The left and the middle peaks indicate the small pores and the right one indicates bigger
pores. With more load cycles, the T2 spectrum curve has shown higher peaks and changes in curve
shape, which means there are changes in porosity.
A few observations can be made from the test results: (1) after cyclic loading, the area under the T2
spectrum curves of the limestone samples have largely changed, indicating significant changes of
microstructure of the limestone samples. (2) From Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, of the evolution of damage in
the limestone samples (taking samples corroded by pH3 solution as an example) subjected to cyclic
loads show three distinctive stages: micro crack emergence stage, micro damage development stage
and damage acceleration stage. In the micro crack emergence stage, there is a slight increase of the
first peak of the T2 spectrum curve, which means there are newly emerged small pores inside the
limestone samples. After 30 to 60 cycles, the limestone sample enters into the micro damage
development stage, where the first and the second peaks of the T2 spectrum curve increase greatly,
which indicates the significant increase of porosity due to the emergency of new pores as well as the
convergence of existing pores. This is then followed by the damage acceleration stage which leads to
rupture. In this stage, the first and second peak decrease, while the third peak increases significantly,
indicating the initiation of new micro cracks is constrained, and the internal cracks of the specimen
are gradually converged and interconnected to form a shear band to cause the failure. (3) Compared
to water soft ones, the chemical corroded limestone samples are more sensitive to the cyclic loading:
the T2 spectrum area and peak point growth of the samples corroded by pH3 solution are more faster
and obvious than the water corroded ones, that indicates the porosity and micro cracking increase of
the chemical corroded samples are faster than that in distilled water.
3.2 Porosity
The porosity of corroded samples obtained by NMR is shown in Table 1, and the porosity increment-
loading cycles curve is shown in Fig. 8.
Table 1 Porosity of corroded samples after cyclic loads
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
pH3 Na2SO4 7.15 7.84 8.13 8.24 8.32 8.39 8.48 8.79 14.33
pH5 Na2SO4 6.44 7.03 7.21 7.33 7.42 7.47 7.58 7.78 8.12
pH7 Na2SO4 5.75 6.27 6.43 6.53 6.57 6.64 6.74 6.86 6.96
Distilled water 5.22 5.67 5.81 5.86 5.89 5.93 5.97 6.02 6.05
Fig. 8 Porosity increment rate vs number of loading cycles
It can be found that the porosity of the limestone samples increase with the increasing loading cycles,
which means the micro damage of the samples increase continuously. The porosity increment of
limestone samples corroded by pH3 solution are always greater than that in other pH values solution,
and develop faster than other group of samples. Due to the chemical ions exchange between the
solution and the rock [23], there is a slight increase of porosity of the samples corroded by pH7
solution, and the porosity growth is higher than that in distilled water, which porosity increment is
smallest among all the sample groups.
4 Damage model of corroded limestone under cyclic loading
4.1 Damage induced by cyclic loading and chemical erosion
Damage leads to the changes of mechanical properties of rocks, e.g. the elastic modulus, hardness,
strength and strain, etc. [33, 20]. In order to quantify the influence of damage on the mechanical
properties of rock, usually a damage variable must be defined and a fatigue cumulative damage model
must be established. The methods to define the damage variable vary, and the damage variable could
be elastic modulus, energy dissipation, maximum strain, residual strain or ultrasonic wave velocity,
etc. [34]. No matter what kind of variable is used, the damage evolution law must be consistent with
the initiation and propagation of micro cracks, and a reasonable damage variable must meet four basic
requirements: (1) it has a distinct physical meaning; (2) it can be measured easily and applied
conveniently in engineering; (3) its evolution law coincides well with the actual degradation process
of material; (4) it can take the initial damage into account [35-37].
In this paper, porosity is selected as the key parameter to form the damage variable D, which is tested
and obtained by using NMR system. A damage model is then developed using such damage variable.
The micro damage variable can be calculated as [38]: (1)
Where D is the damage variable, is the porosity of the intact sample, and is the porosity of the
sample after suffered external damage, such as chemical erosion or loads. The whole damage induced
by chemical erosion coupled cyclic loads is assumed to exist simultaneously and independently,
which can be expressed as: (2)
Where D is the whole damage of the test rock, is the variable of chemical erosion damage, is
the mechanical damage variable induced by cyclic loads, is the coupled damage variable, and
is the coupled damage induced by cyclic loads and chemical erosion.
The damage of the rock induced by cyclic loads can be divided into low-cycle fatigue and high-cycle
fatigue. Low-cycle fatigue means the rock can withstand less than 104 time of cyclic loads, while
high-cycle fatigue means the rock can withstand over 104 time of cyclic loads, and there is no obvious
plastic deformation or macro cracks occurs [18]. According to NMR and mechanical test results, the
limestone in belongs to low-cycle fatigue ones. Thus, the damage development rate can be expressed
as [39]: (3)
Where Y is the energy dissipation rate, p is the cumulative plastic strain rate, and q and Q are
D is the whole damage of the limestone samples in the one-dimensional condition, and the free energy
density function, , can be expressed as follows: (4)
Where j is the axial stress, p is the mass density, and K is an item unrelated to the rock damage. The
energy dissipation rate for the damage can be expressed as follows: (5)
When the rock is loaded, the equation for micro-plastic strain rate is as follows[40]: (6)
Where F is loads, is stress rate, N is the cycle times, f, a, c are parameters.
Based on formula (3), (5), (6), the following formula can be obtained as follows: (7)
Where a and B are parameters, and b=f+2q, B = (2EQ)qFf/ f.
The damage rate is assumed to be small and approximately constant in each fatigue cycle.
Moreover, the stress unloading is not considered to cause rock damage. Thus, when Eq. (12) is
integrated into a complete stress loading and unloading cycle, the damage factor induced by cyclic
loads can be expressed as follows:
Where and is the maximum load and minimum load during the whole cyclic loading
For the rock under cyclic loading, the boundary condition can be:
When N=0, D=0, while N=Nf, D=1.
So the damage factor of a rock subjected only to cyclic stress is as follows:
Eq. (9) has the same expression as the damage models proposed by Li et al. [41].
The limestone samples in this test are mainly composed of calcspar, which can easily react with acid
ions (e.g. H+), resulting an increase of the porosity. The following reactions are likely to occur in an
acidic solution: (10)
The reactions of the calcspar can be expressed as follows [42]: (11) (12)
Where Rate is the reaction rate of the calcspar, A is the reaction area of the sample, k is the chemical
reaction rate parameter, K is the corresponding equilibrium constant, is the solution saturation
index, m and n are parameters, and IAP is the is the normalized saturation ratio. It is found that the
effect of IAP on the overall behaviour of the chemical reaction system was relatively small, although
the same is not true for changes in the formulation of the growth rate [40].
The density of the calcspar inside the limestone sample can be expressed as: (13)
The porosity increment caused by chemical erosion can be expressed as follows: (14)
Where r is the chemical reaction equivalent parameter, Vc is the molar volume of the calcspar, t is
the erosion time. Therefore, from equation (1) and (13), the micro damage due to chemical erosion
can be calculated by: (15)
Where nt is the porosity of the sample after chemical erosion, is the porosity of the intact sample.
Combining equations (1), (9) and (14), the micro damage of limestone induced by cyclic loads
coupled with chemical erosion can be expressed as:
According to [42], the parameters of the fatigue damage model, Equation (16) can be obtained by
fitting with data of samples immersed in pH3 values solution, and are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Parameters for the proposed model
reaction area/m2 logK m n molar volume of the
calcspar/ g/mol
k/molm2s-1 Density of
4.2 Damage model
Considering the damaged part not subjected to external loads and the intact part subjected to external
loads, Rabotnov [41] proposed a damage model in terms of damage variable D: (16)
Where is the apparent stress and is the stress of the intact part. This model will be used as the
based damage model in this study.
The stress–strain relationship of the intact part agrees with Hooke’s law. In triaxial stress paths: (17)
Where is the axial , is the maximum stress and the minimum stress of the rocks respectively
strain, E is the elastic modulus, v is the Poisson ratio.
And the apparent strain in the damaged part and the strain in the intact part are in accordance with
Lemaitre equivalent strain theory as follows: (18)
Where is the intact strain, and is the apparent strain.
From Equation (16)-(18), we can have: (19)
When , Equation (19) can be used for uniaxial condition.
5 Discussions
5.1 Relationship between micro damage and peak strength degradation
After cyclic loading, the chemical corroded and the water soft samples are tested by Rock 600-50 test
system under compression until completely ruptured. The peak strength of the corroded samples after
treated with different numbers of cyclic loads is shown in Table 3. The stress–strain curves of
limestone samples after different loading cycles are shown in Fig 9 (a), (b) and (c). Attention is
focused on samples corroded by pH3 solution, because there is more significant degradation of
mechanical properties occurring in this sample group. The stress–strain curves of the water soft
sample are plotted in Fig 9 (d), (e) and (f) for comparisons.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Fig. 9 Stress–strain curves of limestone samples under compression.
Table 3 Peak strength of the corroded samples after cyclic loads (unit: MPa)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
pH3 Na2SO4 74.96 67.02 60.47 55.62 54.90 46.01 51.34 43.07 22.04
pH5 Na2SO4 101.35 95.68 86.18 84.43 82.85 77.98 80.05 76.50 70.64
pH7 Na2SO4 119.09 112.91 105.81 103.87 105.09 101.73 99.79 97.47 95.56
Distilled water 134.89 133.55 123.51 123.24 117.46 115.44 111.12 112.98 105.24
Peak strength of the limestone can be quantified by a strength degradation parameter (SDP), which
can be defined as the following: (20)
Where is the original peak strength which belongs to the intact limestone sample, and is the
peak strength of the damaged sample.
Fig.10 shows the relationship between micro damage and SDP of limestone samples after cyclic
loading, and the corresponding micro damage rates is calculated and shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Micro damage rates of the corroded samples after cyclic loads (unit: MPa)
Micro damage rates after number of load cycles
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
pH3 Na2SO4 0.0230 0.0303 0.0333 0.0345 0.0353 0.0360 0.0371 0.040 0.0451
pH5 Na2SO4 0.0155 0.0218 0.0239 0.0249 0.0259 0.0264 0.0276 0.0297 0.0332
pH7 Na2SO4 0.0083 0.0138 0.0155 0.0165 0.0169 0.0177 0.0187 0.0199 0.0210
Distilled water 0.0027 0.0074 0.0089 0.0095 0.0098 0.0102 0.0106 0.0111 0.0115
Fig.10 Strength degradation vs damage rate.
The observation from Fig.9, Fig.10, Table 3 and Table 4 is that: (1) SDP increases with the increasing
micro damage rate, until it is approximately more than 4.5% at which point rock should be broken.
(2) The chemical solutions have an impact on microstructure of limestone as well as the mechanical
properties, and the cyclic fatigue affects the mechanical properties more seriously for the chemical
corroded samples: with the same number of loading cycles, the peak strength of the chemical corroded
samples is degraded much more significantly than that of the water soft ones.
This is because that the chemical solutions, such as Na2SO4, influence the mechanical properties of
rock in two main ways [4-5]: (1) the chemical icons react with the mineral substance inside the
limestone samples, weak the bridging bonds between the rock elements or close to crack tips, thus
decrease the strength of the rock and facilitate micro crack growth and convergence at relative lower
stress levels than would otherwise be the case. (2) Under cyclic loading, the stresses are continuously
redistributed in the rock and the fracture toughness decreases allowing more subcritical crack to grow
which consequently leads to stress corrosion and mechanical properties degradation. Moreover, the
chemical erosion weakens the structure and cementing capability of the limestone samples, therefore
micro flaws or cracks would propagate and grow quickly under cyclic loading.
5.2 Micro damage evolution law
Fig. 11 Micro damage vs number of loading cycles
The damage rate evolution law of all the samples is shown in Fig 11. As it is talked in Chapter 3.1,
there are three damage evolution stages of the corroded sample treated with cyclic loads: micro crack
emergence stage, micro damage development stage and damage acceleration stage. These stages are
also plotted in Fig 11.
Combined with NMR test results, Fig 6 and Fig 7, it can be found that: (1) When the loading cycle is
low (taking samples corroded by pH3 solution as an example), around 20 cycles, the damage
evolution curve is obviously convex. Then the micro damage rise steadily with the increasing loading
cycles. After 60 loading cycles, the damage evolution curve becomes concave. The inflection point
in the micro damage-loading cycles curve is plotted (see Fig. 10).
(2) The inflection point in the micro damage-loading cycles curve is a turning point of the micro
damage evolution process: before this point, the main change of the T2 spectrum curves takes place
in the first and second peaks, which indicates the micro damage of limestone in this stage is caused
by sharp increase in number and size of micro cracks. While after this point, the third peak of the T2
spectrum curve increases rapidly, which indicates the micro cracks increasing is restrained, the micro
damage of limestone is caused by micro crack connection.
(3) The inflection point in the damage curve of the chemical corroded sample often emerge in lower
loading cycles compared to others, so that the ultimate loading cycles (until the sample rupture) of
the chemical corroded samples, is shorter than water soft ones. This is because after chemical erosion,
the rock structure of limestone samples becomes softer, that accelerates the convergence of the micro
crack as well as the rupture stage, and makes the damage evolution process become faster.
6 Conclusions
In this study NMR technique has been used to investigate the micro damage evolution of limestone
under chemical erosion coupled with cyclic loading. Based on the experimental results, some
conclusions can be drawn as below:
(1) By using NMR system, T2 spectrum curves and MRI of porosity are obtained. The micro damage
of the chemical corroded rock under cyclic loading is visualized. The results shed a light to better
understanding of micro damage evolution law and the microscopic mechanical behaviour of the
sedimentary rocks, limestone, via a non-destructive approach.
(2) According to MRI and T2 spectrum curves, the porosity and micro cracking of the corroded
limestone samples increase with the cyclic loading, and the micro damage development process has
shown three stages: micro crack compaction and emergence stage, micro damages development stage
and damage develop accelerated stage.
(3) There is a close relationship between chemical erosion and the micro damage developments:
micro damage, which includes the porosity and micro cracking, of the chemical corroded samples
under cyclic loading often develop faster than the water softened ones. The damage development
stage of the chemical corroded samples often shorter and less obvious compared to the water soft
(4) The inflection point in the micro damage-loading cycles curve is a turning point of the micro
damage evolution process: before this point, the main damage of the corroded sample under cyclic
loads is caused by new micro cracks increase inside the limestone; while after this point, the new
micro crack emergence is being restrained, and the existed micro cracks connect into rupture bond.
(5) After cyclic loading, the chemical corroded samples always have lower peak strength compared
with the water soft ones.
(6) Based on experimental data, a micro damage model is established to qualify the damage evolution
for the chemical corroded limestone under cyclic loading. The proposed damage model will be useful
for predicting rock strength in the design of underground constructions, slops and dams and roads in
water surrounded regions.
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