Exposition of Lance Martin by Universal Medicine Lance Martin is a businessman who runs Hotels2Go, an online hotel booking service. His numerous company name changes appear to hide a wake of dis-satisfied customers. After the demise of his second marriage he became enraged about his wife’s departure and embarked on a crusade fuelled by ignorance and vengeance. In early 2012 Lance Martin’s second marriage had come to an end. His former wife Anna Douglass recounts how he seemed unable to neither ‘move on’ nor look to anything in himself that may have contributed to the final marriage breakdown. Lance Martin’s response was common: seek to exact vengeance on the one he perceived, to be the cause of his loss. In Lance Martin’s case this was Serge Benhayon and the teachings presented via Universal Medicine. It appears that Lance Martin’s crusade to ‘bring down’ Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine had its genesis in his inability to take any responsibility for his own failures and misfortunes. As Lance Martin’s crusade has failed to reach fruition he has gone from courting the media and the self proclaimed ‘cult experts’ to being an anonymous cyber bully languishing on Esther Rocket’s two repetitive hate blogs going by various pseudonyms including, “Concerned Partner”, “You Know Who”, “You know Who’s Brother”, various other versions of the “You know Who” theme and more recently “Lord of Form”.  Lance Martin’s wife had attended Universal Medicine events, workshops and courses for several years prior to 2012. In fact his wife reports that Lance Martin had a number of personal sessions with Serge Benhayon during the previous 5 year period, he regularly attended upon an accredited Esoteric Chakra- puncturist during this same period and he attended one workshop. If there was no benefit experienced from the esoteric therapies, why did he keep returning to have more sessions? It was not until towards the end of the marriage that Lance Martin had any issue with Universal Medicine and this appears to be as a result of him looking for a scapegoat to blame for his marriage falling apart. Lance Martin’s second wife had in fact left him several times during their 16 year relationship and thus the cracks in the marriage were evident long before his wife attended any Universal Medicine course or met Serge Benhayon. Lance Martin has failed to publicly let this fact be

Exposing of Lance Martin by Universal medicine

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  • Exposition of Lance Martin by Universal Medicine

    Lance Martin is a businessman who runs Hotels2Go, an online hotel booking service. His numerous

    company name changes appear to hide a wake of dis-satisfied customers. After the demise of his

    second marriage he became enraged about his wifes departure and embarked on a crusade fuelled by

    ignorance and vengeance.

    In early 2012 Lance Martins second marriage had come to an end. His former wife Anna

    Douglass recounts how he seemed unable to neither move on nor look to anything in himself that may

    have contributed to the final marriage breakdown. Lance Martins response was common: seek to exact

    vengeance on the one he perceived, to be the cause of his loss. In Lance Martins case this was Serge

    Benhayon and the teachings presented via Universal Medicine.

    It appears that Lance Martins crusade to bring down Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine had its

    genesis in his inability to take any responsibility for his own failures and misfortunes. As Lance Martins

    crusade has failed to reach fruition he has gone from courting the media and the self proclaimed cult

    experts to being an anonymous cyber bully languishing on Esther Rockets two repetitive hate blogs

    going by various pseudonyms including, Concerned Partner, You Know Who, You know Whos

    Brother, various other versions of the You know Who theme and more recently Lord of Form.

    Lance Martins wife had attended Universal Medicine events, workshops and courses for several years

    prior to 2012. In fact his wife reports that Lance Martin had a number of personal sessions with Serge

    Benhayon during the previous 5 year period, he regularly attended upon an accredited Esoteric Chakra-

    puncturist during this same period and he attended one workshop. If there was no benefit experienced

    from the esoteric therapies, why did he keep returning to have more sessions?

    It was not until towards the end of the marriage that Lance Martin had any issue with Universal

    Medicine and this appears to be as a result of him looking for a scapegoat to blame for his marriage

    falling apart. Lance Martins second wife had in fact left him several times during their 16 year

    relationship and thus the cracks in the marriage were evident long before his wife attended any

    Universal Medicine course or met Serge Benhayon. Lance Martin has failed to publicly let this fact be

  • known, asserting that his marriage was rosy before his wife became associated with Universal

    Medicine. The facts simply do not support this view.

    In April 2012 Lance Martin joined a group of men on the Rick Ross anti-cult forum, established by the

    self promoted (and controversial) cult expert, Rick Ross. Posting under the pseudonym Concerned

    Partner, Lance Martin discovered a small handful of others who, like him, felt aggrieved by the simple

    fact that their partners had wanted something more than what they were being offered in their

    relationships. In order to gain traction in his campaign against Universal Medicine (and perhaps win his

    wife back) Lance Martin courted the media with a story about his failed marriage this alone would not

    have brought any press interest however, it was transformed into a salacious cult conspiracy story,

    with Lance Martin at the centre as the helpless victim of an evil cult that had taken over his wifes life. It

    appears that he simply could not accept that his wife left him.

    In peddling his false narrative of a cult causing the demise of his marriage, Lance Martin not only

    appeared to fail to tell of the many prior separations in the relationship, he most certainly did not tell

    anyone that his wife is a highly accomplished and experienced professional who for many years stood

    by him through ongoing business troubles. These facts would not have supported the portrayal of his

    wife as weak, vulnerable, brainwashed and in need of saving; a portrayal necessary to support his

    false narrative.

    Lance Martin has deceptively posed as a journalist to extricate information from persons who had

    previously known Serge Benhayon. He targeted and pursued partners of those associated with Universal

    Medicine trying to get them to join his crusade, often causing discord in relationships where none

    previously existed.

  • In what amounts to a massive waste of tax-payer resources we know that Lance Martin has made

    numerous complaints about Serge Benhayon including to the ATO, ASIC, ACCC ASQA and to the

    Australian Customs and Border Protection. These complaints have gone nowhere but that does not stop

    Lance Martin continuing his online rants about dodgy business dealings, tax evasion and money

    laundering. This includes the constant ridiculous claim that Serge Benhayon only takes cash for courses

    and events conveniently ignoring the facts that there is an online payment facility on the Universal

    Medicine study website and that there are 2 electronic funds transfer machines in regular use at all

    courses and events. The truth is that Universal Medicine undertakes scrupulous accounting procedures,

    conducting its business with the utmost integrity in all its dealings.

    Lance Martin displays an almost obsession interest in Serge Benhayons business dealings. It would

    seem that Serge Benhayons business success has attracted the ire of Lance Martin in the wake of Lance

    Martins own financial difficulties. Perhaps it is jealously then that has led to his attempts to paint Serge

    Benhayon as being less than honest in business. Lance Martins delusion in this regard may well be a

    projection of his own way of doing business, since scores of online reviews of Lance Martins current and

    past businesses show that it is clearly the opinion of some that Lance Martin is a conman.

    In September 2012 Lance Martin met Esther Rockett on the Rick Ross forum. Since then Lance Martin

    has worked closely with Esther Rockett in their mutual cyber-bully crusade against Universal Medicine.

    Together Lance Martin and Esther Rockett penned a defamatory document titled, Universal Medicine

    Cult and Serge Benhayon Press Kit which they disseminate to the media, government agencies and even

    employers of people associated with Universal Medicine. There are 2 versions of this Press Kit both of

    which have been passed to Serge Benhayon via employers of Universal Medicine students after these

    employers saw the documents for what they were. It seems that Lance Martin and Esther Rockett fail to

    consider that in most cases employers can immediately see that the portrayal of their employees as cult

    recruiters and brainwashed cult followers is ridiculous.

    In the early version of their Press Kit, it is confirmed that:

    Esther has received much of her information from Lance Martin, who has liaised with journalists from

    the outset of media exposure of Universal Medicine, and has single handedly uncovered most of the

    evidence of Universal Medicines harms.

    The harms presented in this press kit document are the same litany of lies and more that appear in

    Esther Rocketts blogs. Lance Martin has been happy (it seems) for Esther Rockett to be the

    mouthpiece of the crusade while he stays somewhat behind the scenes, much like a puppet master

    and his puppet. He no doubt revels in Esthers ability to spew forth endless pages of vitriol on Serge

    Benhayon and Universal Medicine and associated others based on false harms that are no more than

    a figment of Lance Martins imagination.

    The extent of the false claims about Serge Benhayon are revealing of the man who has made them.

    None more so than Lance Martins obsession with Serge Benhayons marriage to Miranda Benhayon and

    his sordid commentaries in this regard making completely false allegations relating to sexual grooming

  • of teenage girls and implying pedophilia, amongst other things. Lance Martin himself has acknowledged

    that what you think of others is usually what is going on in your own mind and on Esther Rocketts blogs

    he has commented:

    We should also learn the basic rule that what people talk about can ONLY be what is inside their heads

    So it has to be asked what is going on in Lance Martins own mind when he is in the company of teenage

    girls? Whatever he is fantasising about Serge Benhayon is not true, however, is there a reason for

    concern in respect to Lance Martin and teenage girls given his malignant preoccupations?

    Another point of reflection is that internet trolls exhibit the Dark Triad of personality traits this dark

    triad reflects sub-clinical narcissism, Machiavellianism and subclinical sociopathy (Buckels, Trapnell and

    Paulhus, 2014). In respect of Lance Martins conduct, which appears fuelled by revenge for his wife

    leaving him, he appears to be exhibiting sociopathic traits since telling such extreme lies (accusations of

    paedophilia, sexual grooming, money laundering, fraud) with no regard to the impact this may have

    upon others, appears resonant with subclinical sociopathy. The increased intensity of the lies Lance

    Martin is willing to tell may be indicative of underlying problems of this nature.

    Media interest in Lance Martins hate crusade has waned, and the emptiness of his and Esther Rocketts

    cyberbully threats have become obvious. The prediction that they would bring down Universal Medicine

    by the end of 2012 has instead been met with a greater interest and support in the work of Serge

    Benhayon and Universal Medicine across the globe. Lance Martin continues to declare that Serge will

    soon be brought to account, however there is a palpable degree of impotence in Lance Martins ongoing

    rage, reflected in the following statement from Lance Martin:

    Just let it be know that the sting may have gone, but the resolve hasnt. Bringing you down is a

    commitment and it will happen.

    Exposition of Lance Martin by Universal Medicine