FARNET: the European Fisheries Areas Network EYEMOUTH Scottish Borders Council December 10 2015

EYEMOUTH Scottish Borders Council - Europa · EYEMOUTH Scottish Borders Council ... Tony McManus, Euan McLennan. Delivery. Revival • Testing, planning and preparation 2014 • Construction:

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FARNET: the European Fisheries Areas Network

EYEMOUTHScottish Borders Council

December 10 2015


• Constructed around 1830’s as a warehouse

• Quickly became used for fishing trades, sail loft, chandlery, processing etc.

• Gained the nickname ‘Hippodrome’ around 1850

• Sold in 1987 to Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen

• Gutted and converted, with café, hostel, meeting rooms, chapel, superintendents flat

• Main activities closed 2011

• Sold 2012

• Hippodrome revived as an arts space 2015

Historic images

Historic images

Historic images

The “Mission”

Opportunity• Eyemouth reliant on a relatively declining industry

• Growing number of empty buildings on the harbour

• Slowly developing visitor economy

• Need for economic diversification

• Prominent building with long term community role

• Experience and skills of new owners

• Strategy and ambition of local authority

• Local involvement in FLAG Process

• Local support through Vision for Eyemouth


125 Monument

Herring Queen

Storytelling Weekend

Vision for Eyemouth

Seaweed Course

Pop-up Cafe


• Testing, planning and preparation 2014

• Pilot events: Pop-up café: Exhibitions

• Construction: January – May 2015

• Hippodrome revived as an arts space 2015

• Open June 2015

• Exhibitions: Herring Girls, Prints, Lost at Sea

• Theatre: A Cinema in South Georgia

• Music: Fraser Fifield, Freya Rae, Tony McManus, Euan




• Testing, planning and preparation 2014

• Construction: January – May 2015

• Hippodrome revived as an arts space 2015

• Open June 2015

Theatre: A Cinema in South Georgia

Exhibition: Prints

Exhibition: The Herring Girls

Exhibition: Lost at Sea

w w w . e y e m o u t h h i p p o d r o m e . o r g

27 August - 18 October

LOST AT SEAAn exhibi t ion

Drawings, sculpt ure and a boat inst al l at ion

by Thomas Hawson

“When I was a kid my dad worked at sea, so I

want ed t o go t o sea t oo. He recent ly died and now

I want t o go t o sea even more” T.H.


Exhibition: Lost at Sea

Exhibition: Lost at Sea


20 15

Tom Hawson


Friday 16 October 2015 : 6.00pm

The Meaning of Making

Herring Queen Festival

Pop-up Cafe


Freya Rae + Louis Bingham

Sat urday 28t h November

Live@t he Hippodrome

7:30 pm st artDoors open 7:0 0 pm

Th e H i p p o d r o m e

H a r b o u r Ro a d , Ey e m o u t h , TD 14 5 H T

Ticket s: £10f rom Eyemout h Hippodrome and online at

www.eyemout hhippodrome.org

Support from Eryn Rae on fid


l e

and Scott Turnbull on guitar

Debut album Curlicue

released October 2015

by Waulk Records.


Ticket s: £10

Sat urday 24t h Oct ober

‘A gorgeous, l i l t ing voice. So moving.’


Live@t he Hippodrome

7:30 pm st artDoors open 6:30 pm

f rom Eyemout h Hippodrome and online at

www.eyemout hhippodrome.org

‘Beaut ifully conceived and execut ed.

St ories St il l Unt old is his best work yet .’

Mart in Simpson

‘A st unning col l ect ion of songs which conf irms Ewan’s

name as one of t he br ight l ight s on t he f olk scene t oday.’

Br ight YoungFolk.com

Th e H i p p o d r o m e

H a r b o u r Ro a d , Ey e m o u t h , TD 14 5 H Tw w w . e y e m o u t h h i p p o d r o m e . o r g

Tony McManus

Sunday 8t h November

Live@t he Hippodrome

7:30 pm st artDoors open 6:30 pm

Th e H i p p o d r o m e

H a r b o u r Ro a d , Ey e m o u t h , TD 14 5 H T

Ticket s: £12f rom Eyemout h Hippodrome and online at

www.eyemout hhippodrome.org

“Round Trip” CD Release

featuring Beppe Gambet ta


Fraser Fifield and Graham



Freya Rae and Louis Bingham


• An arts space visible across the region and wider area

• Making the town and harbour widely known

• High quality exhibition and events

• Skill in making, whether art, design or music

• International collaborations

• Courses and Residencies

• Develop programme of “design and place” exhibitions

• Meetings, training, Community Events

Thank You!