\' OLL':\IE XXL BOZEi\lAN, l\f ONTANA, TUESDAY . APRIL 29, 1930 N 'l\ rBF 29 HIGH SCHOOL CONFERENCE OPENS THIS WEEK PLANS COMPLETED FOR I BOYS' AND GIRLS' MEET I :-; QTI CE FR ES ll)JE:-; WQ)IE:-; NrW rlUB TO BE \1 ·"lrL·s CC1"rERS li NOMINATIONS FOR SENATE f[O R MlJ f 0 0 N HI ll i 1, 1 ELECTIONS NEXT TUESDAY !' t ar tin g :\l ay 1s t. campu !' lt'oking ni rr "-O that we Th eo:;;t:> ta ms be \\ Urn th e can be proud or it. a nd "C' m ust e ntir e da'.\ "henc' er on th e a ll co o1>e rat e i.o do th i<s. lfo I pus. fr om 8 o'c loch in th e morn- I ca reful at th e co rn er "' not to I Ga rdin e r a nd Rutl ed ge , \r e C hairm e n. l\l e etin g Held at 8. A. E. I ing until af ter the o'c loc k - stt p on th e grass to .Announcement Ma de B.v Pres . Bernard Bro\\ n, Offi ces to Be boll h·is 1 ir in th e c c in g S ecreta ri al Stud en ts Seek De- 1 ·o id goi n" st f ti F ' ll Hou se. Co n fe ren ce Will Be Combined Th is Y ea r. Co mmittees Work in g in Conj un cti on With Each Othe r. M os t Delegate ; Will _ \r rhe Before Thursd ay. Vi s ito rs to Be G iven P asses Th c--=-e. do not h a ,.; · partment Orga iiza tion. Meet- j!'rass :tt I ed Ar e. Pres id e. nt. Vice Pres ident. Treas ur er, Co mn1i ssion- may obta in s lips fe r :;oc fr om in g H e ld April W e ll .\t· ner is tra mped d u" n. It is just ers of Publi ca t io n s, At hl e ti cs, Music, Fo re ns ic s . D e mon s tr:i - the f: iw r' "ho "ill be slationetl as easy to walk on the s id ewalk . \ lion s, Dra matics a nd Yell King. El e ction s Will B e H e ld On in the corridor of :\lontana Ha ll tend ed Do not cut acros!'l th e pl ot of a ll cl ay \Yedn esda) , April 30th. gr ass of th e :\l ath building. I 13 to '"S un Vp" \\' ith th ese slips you may bu y FA CULTY l\' lUf- 'T ·' HPROVE have heen doing this on at Hnuse man and '.\lc C' all's. .---u I the way to the , m \I Do not fo r the S purs ar c pl ease do not loaf .. ::-\ominations for sprint:? I dent president. and the three presi- Elizabeth G:n-diner an<l Hart :\I1klich, Hden Schultz, and :\Iary t:.ikin" note of a ll th ose who do .. r .·is". uutsi·cle •> f . 'l ontana he held Tuesday mormng, :\l ay 6. dents of the upper classes . Ruth.· :J?e, chailman of the Girls' and Lowney for registration: II a ze l no t \t' e ar tams Hank s worth an d Ch ris tenson H a ll."' '' · 1 at a asseryiblr, announ .. t.d . A. ommittee to check the present <;ys' \ .. o.atiunnl respec- 1hompson for anang-ements; :'\orma .Actin g Officers. Has :Many HELEN sot·nERS, f:ctnaru Brown, president of the asso- <hsu1bution, was appointed by Presi- i\'l..lY. met with their on Beck, :\lary O'L,ary, :\lartha Flynn, Hi gh Ideals Yi ce Pr es id ent ciat{._{1 Rtude_ nts at the A. S. '.\1. S. C. dent B1own. "Cat" Thomp- ues(.ay night at the Sigma Alpha Beth Pope, Choate, and sen.ate meetrng la!<..t week. At this time !'Oil was appointt.d chairman, with hou!'e to complete plan!'i for Esther Bowman tor re_eption; Eliza- o v E N s IS PLEDGE t t11cers J or the .nme vacant positions Hen1 y Eatrl1.:: and Htrbert. Zwisler he <·onf ren1.:es. to he held F11day and I beth Seitz for Alic<.' \·an- A meeting of all st' l'tarial students the s:..natc will be nom. completing the committee. aturcla>. )la)· 2 and :J, at )luntana Len hook for entei tarnment; and )Jar- was cal.cd la•t Wed »day, April 2:J, :-; OTI( E TO Tll E l' OETS rnatcd. The senate a''o voted to send the State ('olleg-e. ga!f t Souder::; for :\lr. Ru[- OF MILITARY FRAT at 5 p. m. for the pu pose of discuss- _ will be Tuesday, :\lay 1a.; president of the associated students Smee lhe \"otatlonal Confe1ence::;l Jed'!e':s. <:on:11111ttee consi:s.ts of Jack I ing the proposed pl of organizing- The Society oi Cont emporary \ otmj?' will be, as in pa::st year:5, ·n and the pre:-icknt-elect to the com·en- re to be la1irely combrned thb year, :\lartm, and a Sc .. il.'tarml Club al ;\lontana State J \" erse plannin g an an tholog) of hall. F 1 om all in :ications the tion of the Pacifk Coast n cont! ast. to the separate confer- \\ 11me1 for teg1st1 at1on, Sam \\ 11111, I Collqre. r.·oet ry- n hi ch has hithe rto not fight for !>;t nate seats is going to be of student pres nts. This IH.°!!S of pre\wus:. the two con.1- Helland. F'iank Ralph, and )lax The me.ting- was \\l.l attended ancll bec ngiYe n 1 ; rof esional publ ication. harder than any past year. -:\one of will be in Seattle ).1av 2:) and :l4. mttcC"- rn arc \;01th111gton lor 1eccpt1on; Clar:nce Sca b bard a nd Bl ade Honors O\er by Hawksworth, Onl y the bes t manuscr ipts \\ 11 be the off-ices are expected to go uncon- Repo1ts from the College org-aniza- ·onJunctwn wnh c:me an?thci. Ccnnell ror arran.c-ements; Jake\\ ent- Cadet Of f" . Is 0 f Bes t tempotarv hairman. and Kenneth included. t and mo.:-:.t of them. will probab 1 y lions student money were ,ardine 's ermtnnttee m.ludes Jo worth fo1· \'i\·i(nne ( .. ICe l. ne O IChiisthwti, temporary :-;l.'crc:tary. The Ru les of Competition ha;,e three or four candidates. ple!'ented bY T•·.asurer "Duke" Rich- ' Boulwait.> for m ... :-->IC. The I L€aders chainnan tailed for discussion from Pol nt S be t,·ne \Hit n an d or.rices to be nominated for are: a1·cls. Routi1le matters took up the re- Mo N N t t --.-. I mainder of the senate meeting. m mL"etmg the ttams. James O\·ens, a JUn10r, was ple-dgeJ was read and with a [t:w alterations cont est. .Jun e J. 1!130. Jications, athletics. musi.' AG BALL TS HELD AT :o the by Sc.:abbard and Blade, honorary mil- was as. it \\a. . OF and yelt \\ 11. _ha\c at 11\ed bj :$uaj to itary fraternity, Thu ts :ay . April .?-l. The. that ·'this YER SE king- . The s. nate is composed of the BAXTER HOTEL FRIDAY pa1t m the :.-.tate ht!!h si.:hool .. . . . or:ranizntion shall bP calle.l the Se.:- I Bex :J28 Jt haea, :'\. Y. fir:st nine. the associated women stu- 0 BE S -1 0 ... conte:-ts. Thubday nh.!'ht t.he Onns ts one of the out:-.tan<ling cadet rclaria} Club of l\1011· :,na Stale Col-1 ---------- -- ------------------ ":m be iriven to .of the battallion, a.nd •how• lcge". I t. states th ohject• of the "SUN UP" PROMISES ENTERTAINMENT OF .:sun-lJp. l•riday mormng_ the frne ability as a :-:;aid the ol- club as fo:lows: "Fu··t, to develop a ( with a JO!Ot ficers of Scabbard and Blade. lit.! d partmcntal constio second, to m the The s£s- 1 an ks as a second litutenant. in Com- stimulate g1 eater i?otl·rest in secre- ditor L'ri;es _\ IJ Who Des i re Pos iti ons to Ha nd In A ppli ca- ti ons joint and :-.eparte. will continue tarial and busines::; adivities; third . HlfiH QUALITY TO AUDIENCE AT EMERSON until afte1noon. pany B. to tstablish a fellowship be- .Be>1dts the <ollege professors who Lieutenant Oven• is well known '"' tween u1>per and lower lassmen; and speak at the conftrenc:e, the sen·- the campus and has been ,·e:y promin- fc..u1th, to t•stablish <l dosC'r fellowship of. two Hry competent cnt. in col l eg-e acti\ and especially with our graduaLs as go out into --- I of nat10nal note have been enlisted. in diamati.s, whtre his work in the the business and profL·s_:o:ional worJ,J. 11 All persons to wo:k 011 the )Ils. .. ia __ f>·. Shelton .. t!raduate .?f ha5l.. gained for original impetu for. Play Ts S uμerior. Tormentors N oted for Hi gh Cl ass . \chieve- me nt. Bert B. Han s on ls Director. C haracte rs Carefully T ic k e t ,; Will Be 0 11 S ale at Hau s., man -:'l lc Calr s On of the most enjoyable so. ial functions . of the year. the Ag Ball, was helJ Friday evening at the Hotel Baxter. Chaperones for the evening were and :\!rs. Clyde ).lcKe and )Ir. and :\If'. Robert B. Tootell. was bv Gustine 1 5: orchestra . 'The dance was ·well attended . The Ag Ball has become an annual affair at :\l. S. C. Committees are pointed by th Ag Club to make ar- ranczements for affairs of thi!' sort . I £> 1'lartinell wag in charge of the <lance thb yea··. 9 3 1 )fontanan. on either the editorial ?-ish1_ngton, "_111 1 htm _the of the st ... dub was the !·e..:ult of a 1_11eetmg r ··iwuld turu in .!..J\."' -..PJI " n lll"P'r'Jt•r .. , .... i · He me:nbcr of S1gm ... oi d,t: tw1.hu ::-e111• l'1.:1elar1al u- ritttn a) to Editor Frank- has had a i:ather ,·aned I Chi frate1111ty. . . I dents a few '"·eeks The mechng- D . IP. . t.\ k Thi ca• ee1. She ::-pent some tune o\·erseas Scabba..: d and Blade dec1dt:d this followed a luncheon g1,·en for the sen- I with t_he Red Cross. ince her return year to pledge out.st.anding students in io1 s by Connell, head of "Sun-Uy'', Tormentors' spring 1 plays he has produ ea are p< rhaps the ma<lc · veibal ap ii'cation. A 1 _ France :;;:,, ...,a_ .... been in th .. ''?Ca: b,oth the winter and sprinJr the dq>a1tment. ::in<l :\li!'s s._how __ wh1l'h :vill_ be p1,o.-iuc:cd at the testimony to his nbil_itr as a di· p R M R KS lications. mav be plac«f in the t_wnal. cle-partme-nt charge of girls pledges are on a Della ) _c.unrr •. prof:ssor _of I \\ ednesday and rector. Hc.;wevcr, the opmton of t.he :a nan contribUtion box near the front work. J . n .. Jewel. clean of vt leadership, secretarrnl. Science. The dis-! Thu1 e\ cmnt;s. 1s o1:1e- of .the best p1.:1 suns who have wo. ked under him nt•ance of :\lontana hall. \OCat10nal ed:.ica ional. school at anrl prof1t1t.n..:y m military work. 'fh1::; cussed then: plans for thE:> l'Ollllllg- year lntuta1.nment!'i to. trinn m .Boze- m. thos.e ... also be3:r ' AccordinCT to tentativ Jlans. 'l 01q:wn State colle)!e, is another year st'.!ve-n men have been pledged. (Continued on par,e T°'ivo ) this year . This 1s the unan1111ous weight. 1he1r op1111cn is that he li ght rear;a , of aniJ He has at the las; T'1 t f t 11 r 0 ., t( -- - ------ ?P11110n who ha,·e seen the play :-.ul'cessf?l be.ausc he gets plare··g GO EO p R 0 J E GT ' ties of m the P.,.taff will be t"o of the tate Teachers spi1 ct 111 rtheatsal.. . . to do thrngs that. they nevt::r nnagmed - tade. The - 1 for this .-\sso. Jahon. . for M s ( TOR of pro<luc.uon they could do. . . ( moie nel a F th .. · u. On Saturday afternoon, follow111g a All 1 beg-ms wt th the play tbelf. It is a :\fr. n casts his plav-s m an \\. 1 1 ·r= tl e t the Fanirs and Spurs the ... · • , omedy t ill<'d with c:eYE r sayings and unusual way which is on his umber of ti ies:a;ed will a tour of the. campus, SEC ONO I MEET c:hatacters. traged:.· ability to get the best in acting per-I ).I a n' Co ntributions Be ing l\lade h f ··t s. ts ·s after which. the delegates w11l be en- t 1 and patho!<. are not Jackrngo, an.i the:::e to1mant.'e out of anvone. Rather thaa · . . Y t 0 P= 0 Y - 1 ttrtain .. d at tea by the Asso.ia_ted sen-e to give the play human intere:-;t picking a cast of pei·sons who are we!l Campu s Organ 1zat 10ns and ( r 11 cncc " Been Re named. Othe rs .. · .· d" t r" . 1 s: for the scholar:hip will be the play _one will plea::.e of the c.-haracte:s he is choosing. ot n' d e \ito: made. after which the dub will I lnd an J F aris Att end. any k111cl of . ··The Hous:" an_i ··)[ary Rose·• E'itit::nce of keen intere5t in the t b • . a h b . :q.onsor a dance for the ,.1,1tors Over U \"C r Coaches who ·The Doll'z; n1e suff1c1ent testimony to the proposed his Gardens , the eons_truc - .n :-. es1des . ; tograp ic, u:st- 50 studen are u;:pccted atte;td the !ec-imc: House" or ":\Ian· Ro:-:e" will recall of the plan. 'Sun -Uμ'' wil prO\e e\'en tion of whi.h is being spon:iored by eAss 11 anptois·i"t' . 1 ' 1 ', "n'". ' .(!"'a,,p 111 c bs:afffs 1 . 1 · 1 e.' thi·.::: ..: cnfe· enc:e and contests. [leg cha1 that the :rormenlo:s ha\·e set a ton.-lush.·ely that I.Jansen the Associated Women is .. · Th ' t f ct· 1 , \\'. I'. Brewer and Benjamin stan<la··d m dramatics at )I. S. C. this " a pert1culaily able ,Mtmg director. fast accumulating in the form of num- h . eb1 1 I n_lto de. ito1_1f .a:- hm·e return l ·d from the Sixth year. This reputation will be entirely The story of "Sun-Up" is that. of a €rous contributions of money by vari - 1. a_nl c n (: . e 111 0 .H.et 0 ATHLETl r COUNrlL DEC IDES u N NEW :\leeting of the Rocky ":\loun- upheld in "Sun-lJp". The fact that the Xo1th Carolinan who went to war. In ous .ampus org-anization::; and in - e 1 Ja, ... f J.:r p desirmJ? [O l: l.; 0 atorieal held al the plav is a come.!y has not hindered it the lives and characteristic::; of th dh·iduals. TT a J!';n <> 1. .1 e hget rlof 1 ;ty of rtah, Lake City thein in making it a great artistic :\Jlcg-haney s are played One <la\• ,-..-eek Dean Henick < t 1 rl l 11 "' t. a unng- be SPORTS MANAfiERS "M" A 1 I 2:lth and :?ilth. 1\lr. Raskopf success. The sets us£d in ":\Iary Ro:-;e" up to the fullest extent. These people came into he-r office and founJ on her e r 5 -' I ta :!'il::;Lants may e . WAR VOTED ond plan• in the oratorical will always be \ i,·id in the m.emori('s a1 e cne of thL most peculiar raci;s in t l'=--k an envelope containinJ? 15 one (Contmu e<l 0 I age Two ) .. Ile 1111 the subject ''A of the who that play. Tht• an:.· part of the United States. In dollar bills, a statin.£!' Lif< li('nl'y Helland and Tormentors' ::;pring produl'tion is like-I "Sun-Gp" their directing impulses. t.hat the money was a from Ol\IE E ·o. 'J\W CS CLUB Yaris o atte nded the con- wisl' going- to ha\·e new stage settin..!'S their spirit. and their actions have 'loyal :rnpportt?rs" to the lr1s Garden ELE ' T V OFFI CERS [nt e rcolJ eg ia te Golf Favored. of in Ba ... -.;l,..ethall L 'c at Sa City but have dcsigncu especially for it. bun so eapture<l that every charactl"rjiun<l. very "." ·elc?me durnNl n et. They participalefl Be.rt B. Hansen. who diredecl both !is true to type. It is th.ir ignorance .. ancnymous g1tt. hberal contnbutlon.; S wimmin g. \Vrestling. Rifle Team and Succes."'ful .:\lanager- i1 •. Hri/ham Youn!! Uni- the Tormentors previous productions thL ; .. interesting and strang-e customs. ha,·e. be.en made by the follo:'ting : At a mee ting of th<: Home Econom- ship Are Announced. Rules for Swinl ming· Reward to Be \'ersity al Pro,·o. L"tah on Monday this year, is also dir ding- ''Sun· Up''. an<l their whkh $et-Ye- to l rc:-1dent und Mrs. Alfred ·s Club held Thursday in t.he cngi- evening·. ).Ir. came here this year with produce the humor in "Sun-Up'' nnd Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Art building the following of- Codified At the mcetin){ it was decided to an re!lutation . and during the to make it particular,!ly fine and un- Club, Spur Alumnae, Acti\'e Sp urs. icers were elected : Haztl Thompson, rename the l'Onfcn.•1 1c e. The conft•r· vear ht> has onh" aided to it. The us.al amusement. It is their feuds anti Phi Upsilon Omic!"on. Sigma . .\l pha resident; Ernaline Gould, ,·ice-p1esi- encP will ht•nceforth he know as ' 'The · · their utt,.r disrespe.t for 1 Epsilon. Chi Omega, :Kappa Delt a. Pi ent; Lillian ":\labry. secretaryi )Jar- At a meeting of the athletfr counc:t e\·er, a motion for intercollegiate golf Rockv :\ l ountain F on •nsi(' Conference" ED 0 EL CT CALLS 1he law. and their lack of knowledi:re Kappa Alpha. Ddta Tau, Ome.£!'a Beta, aret Choate . Elizabeth held April 2-l, awards were voted to matches was passed favorably. and year will int·lude extempo1·- IT R- 1 E of tur--ent C\'Cllt:" whi h provide the I Alpha Gamma Delta. and the Asso - ;riffith, pt:.blicity chairmani Virginia var ious nun belonging to ba sketball. Baskttball "M's" were voted to aneou:s speaking and debat ing. There situations and furnish thelciatej ·w omen Students. \ 'arner, social chairman . and Eunice wrestling, swimminK, or rifle teams. Thompson. 0. \Yard, F. \Vaid, \\ '01th- will be no limitalions as to sex. FOR ANNUAL SNAPS al'tien of the play. In onter to complete the fund. 150 :ampbell. 1efreshment chairman. Also the managers for next mi.rton . R. Buzzt.tt1, A110 and both men and wunw1 1 will be allowt·d )Ir. Hansen l.as picked the more is needed. Howe-\er. \'\;th Miss Anne )1. Richardson was to year were decided upon. '.\ t anager Brown. I to parti('ipate. Thcr·- ha\'e been pre· tcrs by tf.c method h used 111 mon.y now at hand, the- eonstructton a\·e Jti,•en an address at this time, Dolan re.que,tcd to To Erkilla, L. Lee, and Laitenen \'ioush' only fiw• of the -- I the othc1· tf the Gardens will start immediately. ut l'alle-d home on account of the I co:Iity. umfo1 m rules for govern- went swimming awards. hut ·it will inereased to six Pictures Make .. \nnual De pi ct I 'tiller. who takes the part of The sun dial will be ereded at the eath of her mothe1·. Jfiss Richard· 1rng swmumng awards. One of the de- Awa1ds for were Je(·om- for lll'Xt vc>ar . Till' pres nt member-; .., . . " . . · - :, . the '"\Yi.Jow Ca!?le'' fits the part ex- point which will mark the 1..enter of on is a very prominent woman in the -.isiom; of the <.:?Uncil was. to the mended for K S Wagoner, G of the H.o.tk\' :\lount in F arc nsic L'onM Crunpus Life. Be:s t laken Jn ul'tly. 8te-rn nnd dominant, yet with a the finished Gardens : the stone walk ield of Economics in the feet lhat no mtercollegrnt.c tenms Ma1kin, B )lu ll , C. Fiec:-.e, B. Thi ail- forente Culoi tdo Agricultural S prin g reculiar so·t of nath·e humor, the lea )inJr from the sun dial to the walk ·nited States . 1 woul<l be attempted this year. How- kil. E. Et.ow, E. c. Grebl.', B. College. l'nh·ersity ( Co lorado, ;\Ion- ··widow" ii'- the central figul'e in the t<nn.ctin!! Henirk and H amilton ! ----------------------------- __ (Reed and F. SeJ.,.ruira. Utah. and the Cni ersity of Yyo- It can be i:-aid that the mo:o:t :\liller charntterizes the halls will be laid; and the blue 1 and A L d arr s ,.. , h. ·. Upon by the mil- tana Colleg:1· Un iversity of important. part of a annual pa1t perfectly. ··Ruff Cae:le". the g"olcl iris nnd the wi l be "'I. viatwn ea er 11 er s c , rs lps min)!. i• the pictmes that it contain>. Amon)! .. book I T th B S h [ {A t to J. Nev ins, P. Ehman R Eib C these the snapshots rank fir•t of all. l 0 e 0ezng C 00 0 erOnaU lCS Holst, L. Johnson, F. Daiey L. Jl ">; IOR S ! -ii life on the campus as it (Cont inued on Page Two) Tllc Hl:H )lontanan will luwe a :.Iontana State College students in- I ::;thola::;tic. standing to classify them Don "t forget ) our du es must laq.rer Blue and Gold si..ction than uesltd in a. ronautics will ha\e an in the upper onc-U::rd of their class J AGGIE EDUCATORS WILL he in a!-. soon as \\' ith· pre,·iou:sly. that have Whiteman-Old Gold Orchestra Nea r End of Radio Broadcast Engagement >portunity to LOmpete for four schol- for the entire period of their enroll- oul \ OUr du C's. tht 1>rom cann ot 1,1<.viously bc.n placed in other 1 ships with a total tuition value of nu .. :nt. The can:iiclale .nust write an be ,;<:c laimed a 1wr fect success. cf the book will be l'Oml..iincd in i ,100 offered by \V. E. Boeing, an on one of the following CONVENE AT PHOENIX Th e ommi ttc<· ha,·ing dif- this sedion, which ()(•pi.ts stucll'nl Radio list<>ners throughout the- I mnn-Old Gold hroadl'ast in reponse tstanding fig-ure in Amelie;an a\·ia- ".Aviation's Contribution to Int· rna- fi cult'' in coiled the du l's life. For this l'l.'nson it is will recei•.c with genJ- on. Xotice of the establishment of "The Dclevoμment of Air n hid; ar <; be fore com- that more be ne"t me rt'gr.et thl' that I vC'rsit:.· men and the colle .... e publi.:a- ese scholarship!<-., which are effe<::t- Trans.portation anci it.s Possibilities", the minult· 11lans for the \'t..:a'" than evrr before. In this s.n:-;e it p J \ Vh 11 I I r. e at the Boeing- School of Aero- or "'The of Safety Fea- Suther land and Border 'Viii At - bi g-ges t sc•c ial t'Yent of th e ) ea r. inight said that. ('\ery student in au nm ns 1n·11 uear- tion::; throuc-hout the tountry. In an a utics at Oakland, California, iures on Establ ished Air Transport ten d Meet. Eleven " 'est er n Pica se he JJr om1•t in cooper· :-;l'hcol is a member of the ing- the <'nd of broa'!:..·asting l'n- e-ffort to furnish the number.:; en re:.:eived by the administ.rative atin g. staff. Thcsl• snapshots t·•rnnot be fur- gag-Pmcnt:s. for which the radio fans had t•xprcs- rficiah; of Montana 'late College. The essays which must. rea. h the States ReJ>res ented and St"iiors be pr e- by a group so small as the The Whit.eman-Old Gold orth"'$"trn. sed 3 prefrn•nc·e. ":\[ r. \\'hit<'man read- T he first award, E. Boeing Boeing- School by June 9, wi ll '- -· .fodg- ftared to !': l ate )tHl r choice of iegular :;taff. Thl:'y must present a which for tht' past yl•m· an1l .1 half ily to include melody il ot Ground 'chool and Flying cd by a ward, the ludn wonwn for Prom cross. :;,clion of campus life, and ha:-; been one of the stellar nttr:.\d1c1ns in his Old Gold packag-t! of holarship, is a nine months' course ccmpo!'ied of p1ominent. educators and The teacher trainers and supervisors Qu een . l\lay ith . therefore must depil'l all group:> and 0 '·er the Columbia net.wor1 ·\':ill olay lie has personnlly 1 1 repared a special vering 203 hours of flying an I 122-t leaders in the aeronautica l industry. of ag-f"ic:ult.ural education are lo hold \'otin g n ill ta kl• 1>la ec as usual a ll its conduding- rndio com•1•rt rhn the arrang-emcnt of thC' numlwr, designed urs of ground school instruction. The Boeing- chool of Aeronautics is their itnnua l 111(eting in Phoenix, in th e corri dor of \ lontana llall The logoical Lime to take pitlures is nig-ht of Ttll'sday. Gth .. · e fra- to aceentuat.c e\·ery note of the lilt- :ond award is I.he Boeing associated with tl1(_> Roeing aeronaut.i- Arizona . this year. s. s. Suthel'hrn<l, and the poll s \ \ill he o p('ll from in the ;.;prinl!'. T hc_.n :student acti,·ity tlll'L' of thC' rs·og:nlrn re ing melody and to thL· infectu- Lchanic course, of nine <:al companies. including the Boeing of tht college, and :\fr. Border, state R a. m. to ;; p. m Th e Qu een is at its height, and th( L'ampus looks Uw rendition of •· he · kin Son,.( tie nus swing- of tht" famous olcl tune ont.hs of instruction. The third awa rd Airplane Company at Seatt le and the sup<·nisor of agricultul'a l education, must be a S<' nior ,, Oman. its be:$t. Tlll'refore th(' :\lontanan nwlody detll'<•st to the heaits. of th<' whit·h for many years has inspir- the Boeing :\fa!'.ter P ilot Ground Boeing SystClll. operator::; oft.he- Seat- intend lo drive down, leaving here I wishes to make a pl a to all students and alumni of the eniv<'r..-ity ed and thrilled the of ch ool course. with nine months of tle-Los ancl San Franei!'co- 2. At·co:-dinsc to Prof . 8utherlancl . \II u1111e rcl as..,me n a re to take lots of pLtu•·es this spring. of :\Iainc. This will lw thL' first tii'l(' :\Jaine stmi(•nt:- anil the old grads as 1 struction; and the fourth awa rd is Chicago air mail, exprl'Ss and pas- the <:onvention will convene on i\[ ay 10 attend th e cl :IJH't' . lunio r r 1 jj of an>· phase of s<:hool or thil" famous old number has ever bet•n Wl•ll. c- Boein,g- P rivate P ilot course. r e- routes . fi nncl contin ue until tht" 9t.h . Rcpr t>- C<' ipt s and seni or hi s nr e .1 cnmpus life are desirNL These iiwluded on the \Yhiteman-Olcl Gold i\Ir. \Yhitl•tnan':s elosim! J'l'll!:!Tam uiri nit' from two to four mont hs of F ull deta ils of the Boeing se n tativcs of eleven we-stern :stntcs th al ar e re quir ('(I for e ntran rc . mar bt• h:uuied in thi:-: if de- and it is a lso p('lrhaps thl! will he> ?roa<ka:st to United rot:nd flight in!'tr uction. c.-ompetilion ma).r be- obtained expected, indil.'ating the import- B..\XTEH llOTEL! 'IA y 10'1'1£ sired. Next fall a call for them will be l111·sl tmw thtj hold songf Ri!!IJai.:t•nt o\•er station An\• undergraduate student, inl'lud- from the administrative offices or ante.- oft.he g-atheri ng. The last con- PE(aL\:\I 'S QR( IIE TR .\ ..:ent out and ('lither n g-atin•s or wen pre:-entc( ran orl' estrn ° t <.> \\ .\ ' and tht- 0 umbia he- t he rnao gradu a ti ng class, is e li g- frcm the Boeing School of Aer vention met. in Por tland. Oregon, an<l \\ ' llAT ? .J l ' N'lOR PRO:\l will be wekomed. Let's go! proportions of the group. I tw(·L'n thL• lwurs of nine and t"n o'cloek ile as a candida te. nautLs. Oak la nd Air port, Oak lan cl 1 it will probab ly be held in Montana Franklin Dewey, e.!itor-elect l9:H J h "The Stein wa) J!1c u on dayli,fht time . on t..e Candid ates mu st have mai nt ain ed a Califo rn ia . next year. ' ;l[o nt a nan . t e progra m o t e cone uc mg ite- e\•en mg of uesc ay, Ma) 6t h.

f ONTANA, TUESDAYNC. APRIL E 29, 1930 OPENS THIS WEEKarc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-021-29-001-004.pdf · .~xpon:cnt high \'oll':\i e xx l school confere bozei\l a n

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Page 1: f ONTANA, TUESDAYNC. APRIL E 29, 1930 OPENS THIS WEEKarc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-021-29-001-004.pdf · .~xpon:cnt high \'oll':\i e xx l school confere bozei\l a n

.~xpon:cnt \'OLL':\IE XXL BOZEi\lAN, l\fONTANA, TUESDAY. APRIL 29, 1930 N ' l\rBF 29


BOYS' AND GIRLS' MEET I :-; QTI CE FR ES ll)JE:-; WQ)IE:-; NrW rlUB TO BE \1 ~onrn. ·"lrL·s CC1"rERS liNOMINATIONS FOR SENATE :~~:;.i .£rrs ~:~~:~ ~;~,~{J"'.~~~~~~ f[O R MlJ f 0 0 N HI ll i ~;, ·;.i~T ~·~, I~~:~ c~rt\[1:~: t:~~ 1, 1 ELECTIONS NEXT TUESDAY !'tar tin g Thur~da ~ . :\l ay 1s t. campu!' lt'oking ni rr "-O that we Th eo:;;t:> ta ms mu~ l be \\ Urn the can be proud or it. a nd "C' m ust entire da'.\ "henc' er on th e cam ~ a ll coo1>e rate i.o do th i<s. lfo I pus. from 8 o'c loch in the morn- I care ful a t the co rne r"' not to I

G a rdine r a nd Rutl e d ge ,\re C hairme n. l\l eeting Held at 8. A. E.

I ing until afte r the fiH~ o'c loc k - carcl e~s l y s t t p on th e grass to .Announcement Made B.v Pres. Bernard Bro\\ n, Offices to Be boll h·is 1 ir in th e c c in g S ecreta ri al Studen t s Seek De- 1 ·oid goi n" st f ti F ' ll

H o use. Con fe r e n ce Will B e Combined T h is Y ear. Co mmittees W o r k in g in Conj unction With E a c h O t h e r. M os t D e legate ; Will _\rrhe Before T h u r s d ay. Vis ito rs to Be G iven P asses

Thc--=-e. ~' h~u do no t ha ,.; · ~am ~ partment Orga iiza tion. Mee t- ~f,h e j!'rass :tt ~~~1 0.~ te~\(~:;. ~~ ~~ I ed Are . Presid e.nt. Vice President. Treasurer, Comn1ission-may obta in s lips fe r :;oc from ing H e ld April 2 ~. W e ll .\t· ner is tra mped du" n. It is j ust e r s of Publica t io ns, A t hle ti cs, Mus ic, F o ren s ics . D e mons tr:i -the f: iw r' "ho "ill be s la tionetl as easy to walk on th e s idewalk . \ lions , Dra matics a nd Yell King. El ections Will B e H e ld O n in the corridor of :\lontana Ha ll tended Do not cut acros!'l the pl ot of a ll cl ay \Yednesda) , April 30th. g rass Ea~t of the :\l a th building. I ~lay 13 t o '"S un Vp" \\' ith these slips you may bu y FACULTY l\'lUf-'T ·' HPROVE Man~ have heen doing th is on t a m ~ at Hnuse man and '.\lcC'all 's. ~J .---u I the way to the , m \I Do no t fo r~e t. fo r the Spurs arc please do not loaf ~.;ro;rnd' ~~ .. ::-\ominations for sprint:? election~ I dent president. and the three presi-:\ti~..- Elizabeth G:n-diner an<l Hart :\I1klich, Hden Schultz, and :\Iary t:.ikin " note of a ll those who do ~th_• .. r .·is". uutsi·cle •> f .'l onta na \~Ill he held Tuesday mormng, :\lay 6. dents of the upper classes. Ruth.· :J?e, chailman of the Girls' and Lowney for registration: II a ze l no t \t'ear t ams 'l a ~ l ~t. Hanksworth an d Christenson Ha ll."' '' ·


at a ~eneral asseryiblr, announ .. t.d . A. ommittee to check the present <;ys' \ .. o.atiunnl Confe~cm:es respec- 1hompson for anang-ements; :'\orma .Acting Officers. Has :Many HELEN sot·nERS, f:ctnaru Brown, president of the asso- <hsu1bution, was appointed by Presi-i\'l..lY. met with their committee~ on Beck, :\lary O'L,ary, :\lartha Flynn, High Idea ls Yi ce Presid ent ciat{._{1 Rtude_nts at the A. S. '.\1. S. C. dent B1own. Ashwo~·th "Cat" Thomp-ues(.ay night at the Sigma Alpha Beth Pope, ~laq.ra1et Choate, and sen.ate meetrng la!<..t week. At this time !'Oil was appointt.d chairman, with p~i)(!ll hou!'e to complete plan!'i for Esther Bowman tor re_eption; Eliza- o v E N s IS PLEDGE t t11cers J or the .nme vacant positions Hen1 y Eatrl1.:: and Htrbert. Zwisler he <·onf ~ ren1.:es. to he held F11day and I beth Seitz for public1t~; Alic<.' \·an- A meeting of all st' l'tarial students ~,n the rn:~o-w:n s:..natc will be nom. completing the committee. aturcla>. )la)· 2 and :J, at )luntana Len hook for entei tarnment; and )Jar- was cal.cd la•t Wed »day, April 2:J, :-; OT I( E TO Tll E l' OETS rnatcd. The senate a''o voted to send the State ('olleg-e. ga!f t Souder::; for mu~1c. :\lr. Ru[- OF MILITARY FRAT at 5 p. m. for the pu pose of discuss- _ E_lec:tio1~s will be Tuesday, :\lay 1a.; president of the associated students Smee lhe \"otatlonal Confe1ence::;l Jed'!e':s. <:on:11111ttee consi:s.ts of Jack I ing the proposed pl of organizing- The Society oi Contemporary \ otmj?' will be, as in pa::st year:5, ·n and the pre:-icknt-elect to the com·en-re to be la1irely combrned thb year, B~1tlctt.. ~axon :\lartm, and ~aul a Sc .. il.'tarml Club al ;\lontana State J \"erse i ~ pla nnin g an an t holog) of :\~ontana hall. F 1 om all in :ications the tion of the Pacifk Coast asso~iation n cont! ast. to the separate confer- \\ 11me1 for teg1st1 at1on, Sam \\ 11111, I Collqre. r.·oet ry- n hi ch has hithe rto not fight for !>;t nate seats is going to be of a~~oc:iated student pres id~ nts. This IH.°!!S of pre\wus:. ar~. the two con.1- H;111~ Helland. F'iank Ralph, and )lax The me.ting- was \\l.l attended ancll bec n g iYe n 1; rofes iona l publ icat ion. harder than any past year. -:\one of will be in Seattle ).1av 2:) and :l4. mttcC"- rn ch~11te arc \\O'~lllg 1~ \;01th111gton lor 1eccpt1on; Clar:nce Scab bard a nd Blade Honors r1 1ed.~ed O\er by ~la1thu Hawksworth, Onl y the best man uscripts \\ 11 be the off-ices are expected to go uncon- Repo1ts from the College org-aniza-·onJunctwn wnh c:me an?thci. 31J:.~ Ccnnell ror arran.c-ements; Jake\\ ent- Cadet Off" . Is 0 f Bes t tempotarv hairman. and Kenneth incl uded. t ~te<l and mo.:-:.t of them. will probab1y lions rc·.eivin~ student money were ,ardine 's ermtnnttee m.ludes Jo worth fo1· enterca11~ment; an~ \'i\·i(nne ( .. ICe l . ne O IChiisthwti, temporary :-;l.'crc:tary. The Ru les of Competition ha;,e three or four candidates. ple!'ented bY T•·.asurer "Duke" Rich-


Boulwait.> for m ... :-->IC. The fang~ an~i I L€aders chainnan tailed for discussion from Pol ntS mu ~t be t,·ne \Hit t£ n and or.rices to be nominated for are: a1·cls. Routi1le matters took up the re-

Mo NT~ N ~ N ST~ t t ~~~~~~ ~:21alle~~ssi~:1 s t~~J c~\~~t'~~si~~ --.-. ~~::c~-e;~fa~~as~ 1~:~~~~i\: ~~n~~ftu~:~~ I ~cr~~,~~~11~ ~ed v~~)~t~~~'i~~hj~_,·eli~: ;,~·~;,1~~~~s~~-~.: ~~,;~~~1 i:~i~~e;·-~e~f~~~ ~ mainder of the senate meeting. m mL"etmg the ttams. James O\·ens, a JUn10r, was ple-dgeJ was read and with a [t:w alterations contest. clo~es .June J. 1!130. Jications, athletics. musi.' forenic~, AG BALL TS HELD AT ..\los~. ~t Lh~ ~e!~~ates :o the ~on~er- by Sc.:abbard and Blade, honorary mil- was acceptec~ as. it \\a. pre~entecl. . ~OC tETY OF CO:\TE:\IP OR~\RY ·emcn~traticns . dramatic~. and yelt L.n~~ \\ 11. _ha\c at 11\ed bj Tl~u1 :$uaj to itary fraternity, Thu ts :ay . April .?-l. The. to!"lstit~tion ::.~ate~ that ·'this YE R SE king-. The s. nate is composed of the BAXTER HOTE L FRIDAY t~1kc pa1t m the :.-.tate ht!!h si.:hool .. . . . or:ranizntion shall bP calle.l the Se.:- I Bex :J28 Jthaea, :'\ . Y. fir:st nine. the associated women stu-

0 BE S-1 ~RTE 0 si.:hola~ti ... conte:-ts. Thubday nh.!'ht t.he Onns ts one of the out:-.tan<ling cadet rclaria} Club of l\1011· :,na Stale Col-1 ------------------------------

~·-l«ea~e~. ":m be iriven pa>•e~ to officer~ .of the battallion, a.nd •how• lcge". It. states th ohject• of the "SUN UP" PROMISES ENTERTAINMENT OF .:sun-lJp. l•riday mormng_ the \ _o~a- frne ability as a l~ader,'' :-:;aid the ol- club as fo:lows: "Fu··t, to develop a t1011~1l ( ~:mference op~n.s with a JO!Ot ficers of Scabbard and Blade. lit.! d partmcntal constio 1sne~s; second, to s~:-;,..1011 m the g-ymna~mm. The s£s- 1 an ks as a second litutenant. in Com- stimulate g1 eater i?otl·rest in secre-

d i t o r L'ri;es _\ IJ Who Desire Positio n s to H a nd I n A pplica­tio n s

s1c1~s. joint and :-.eparte. will continue tarial and busines::; adivities; third . HlfiH QUALITY TO AUDIENCE AT EMERSON until ~atunlay afte1noon. pany B. to tstablish a .Jo~er fellowship be-. Be>1dts the <ollege professors who Lieutenant Oven• is well known '"' tween u1>per and lower lassmen; and

~nil speak at the conftrenc:e, the sen·- the campus and has been ,·e:y promin- fc..u1th, to t•stablish <l dosC'r fellowship 11.:e~ of. two Hry competent spe~kets cnt. in col leg-e acti\ itie~. and especially with our graduaLs as ~hey go out into --- I of nat10nal note have been enlisted. in diamati.s, whtre his work in the the business and profL·s_:o:ional worJ,J. 11

All persons dc.~irinc- to wo:k 011

the )Ils. n~ .. ia __ f>·. Shelton .. ~ t!raduate .?f ~otcr:s' pro~i.:et_ions ha5l.. gained for ~I'he original impetu for. oq~·aniz!nj!' Play Ts S uµerior. Tormentors N oted for Hig h Class .\chieve -

m e nt. Ber t B. Hans on l s Director. C harac t e rs Carefully C' ho~cn. T ick e t ,; Will Be 0 11 S ale a t Haus.,man-:'l lcCalrs

On of the most enjoyable so. ial functions . of the year. the Ag Ball, was helJ Friday evening at the Hotel Baxter. Chaperones for the evening were :\I~·. and :\!rs. Clyde ).lcKe and )Ir. and :\If'. Robert B. Tootell. ~!usic was furni~hed bv Gustine 15: orchestra . 'The dance was ·well attended .

The Ag Ball has become an annual affair at :\l. S. C. Committees are ap ~ pointed by th Ag Club to make ar­ranczements for affairs of thi!' sort. I £> 1'lartinell wag in charge of the <lance thb yea··.

931 )fontanan. on either the editorial ti~~ Unl\.et~1t~ ~f. ~\ ?-ish1_ngton, "_111 1 htm _the ad~mrat1on of the st ... ~dcnt t~1s dub was the !·e..:ult of a 1_11eetmg r bu~iness ~t;..i.ff ··iwuld turu in .!..J\."' ~ -..PJI " n lll"P'r'Jt•r .. , .... i t:-tl~.c:. "':>,~· · He I?~ me:nbcr of th~ S1gm ... oi d,t: tw1.hu ::-e111• l'1.:1elar1al ~. u­ritttn a) ILation~ to Editor Frank- ~11~. ~helton has had a i:ather ,·aned I Chi frate1111ty. . . I dents a few '"·eeks a~o . The mechng-D . IP. . t.\ ~t k Thi ca• ee1. She ::-pent some tune o\·erseas Scabba..: d and Blade dec1dt:d this followed a luncheon g1,·en for the sen- I ~pli~:v ~~~~~.n~o ~~e~se~~ "~~ho· hav~ with t_he Red Cross. ince her return year to pledge out.st.anding students in io1 s by :\li~s Jes~ie Connell, head of "Sun-Uy'', t~e Tormentors' spring

1 plays he has produ ea are p< rhaps the lrcad~· ma<lc · veibal ap ii'cation. A 1_ f~·cm France :;;:,, ...,a_ .... been in th .. ''?Ca: b,oth the winter and sprinJr quarter~. the see1~etarial dq>a1tment. ::in<l :\li!'s s._how __ wh1l'h :vill_ be p1,o.-iuc:cd at the be~t testimony to his nbil_itr as a di· p R ~GRESS M ~ R KS lications. mav be plac«f in the )lo~- t_wnal. cle-partme-nt l~ charge of girls 1~c pledges are selec~ed on a ba~1s Della ) _c.unrr •. as~1sw.nt. prof:ssor _of I Eme~:"~n au~It?rium. \\ ednesday and rector. Hc.;wevcr, the opmton of t.he :a nan contribUtion box near the front 'O'~at10nal. work. J . n .. Jewel. clean of vt chara.c~er. p~rson_a.hty, leadership, secretarrnl. Science. The sen~ors dis-! Thu1 ~a~y e\ cmnt;s. 1s o1:1e- of .the best p1.:1 suns who have wo. ked under him nt•ance of :\lontana hall. tr~ \OCat10nal ed:.ica ional. school at anrl prof1t1t.n..:y m military work. 'fh1::; cussed then: plans for thE:> l'Ollllllg- year lntuta1.nment!'i to. b~ trinn m .Boze- m. thos.e .Pl~y:s .s~o ... lc~ also be3:r ' AccordinCT to tentativ Jlans. 'l 01q:wn State colle)!e, is another year st'.!ve-n men have been pledged. (Continued on par,e T°'ivo) m~n. this year. This 1s the unan1111ous weight. 1he1r op1111cn is that he 1~ light rear;a , of ~sit'ion:; aniJ !;p~aket~·-· He has spo~en at the las; T'1 t f t 11 • r0 ., t( --- ------ ?P11110n ~~all who ha,·e seen the play :-.ul'cessf?l be.ausc he gets th~ plare··g GO EO p R 0 J E GT 'ties of m the P.,.taff will be t"o ~.es~1ons of the tate Teachers spi1 ct 111 rtheatsal.. . . to do thrngs that. they nevt::r nnagmed -tade. The -

1 NtsO~ for this i~ .-\sso. Jahon. . for M s ( TOR T~e super10~·1ty of ~he pro<luc.uon they could do. . . ( moie nela F th .. · u. On Saturday afternoon, follow111g a All ~'J 1 beg-ms wt th the play tbelf. It is a :\fr. Han~~ n casts his plav-s m an sition~ \\.

1 1 ·r= tl e ~ ~'. ~'\. ~ ~·he· t ~e~sion. the Fanirs and Spurs the ... • · • , omedy t ill<'d with c:eYE r sayings and unusual way which is ba~ed on his umber of ti

1 10i~ts 1~ ies:a;ed will con~h.;ct a tour of the. campus, ar~ SECONO I MEET a.mu~inJ.t c:hatacters. Ho,~·e\er, traged:.· ability to get the best in acting per-I ).Ian'.· Contributions Being l\lade h f ··t s. ts ·s after which. the delegates w11l be en- t 1 and patho!<. are not Jackrngo, an.i the:::e to1mant.'e out of anvone. Rather thaa · . . Y t 0 P =0 e<l 1 n. 1 ~ 1 Y point -~). -1ttrtain .. d at tea by the Asso.ia_ted sen-e to give the play human intere:-;t picking a cast of pei·sons who are we!l B~ Campus Organ1zat 10ns and

:~~~~r~;~:~ ~ " th:C,n~~I~~~·~· P~~~ ~i~ukrl~:\\ i"r~h~:~r:;.~~~~;0~h~ ~~--~.·er~ ( r 11 cncc " Been R e named. ~,~-~ :l~~~;·~t,,T~~~~,\~bi~~;lio~r~~.~~~ ~},'~~~~' ~~:»o~;~e:::hoa~~i~~gfita~~~t~~r~~ Others .. · .· d" t r" ~\. . 1 asdi·~'1:1. 1 s~ s: for the scholar:hip contest~ will be make~ the play _one ,~·hkh will plea::.e of the c.-haracte:s he is choosing. i1~;:~~~ ~n1u ot n' d e \ito: ~noln~\.si~t- made. after which the "~I''. dub will I lnd an J Faris Attend. any k111cl of audtenc~. . ··The D~ll.'~ Hous:" an_i ··)[ary Rose·• E'itit::nce of keen intere5t in the t b • . a h h~ b . :q.onsor a dance for the ,.1,1tors Over U \"C r Coaches Person~ who ~aw ·The Doll'z; n1e suff1c1ent testimony to the succe~s proposed his Gardens, the eons_truc-.n :-. es1des th~ . ; tograp ic, u:st- 50 studen are u;:pccted t~ atte;td the !ec-im c: House" or ":\Ian· Ro:-:e" will recall of the plan. 'Sun-Uµ'' wil prO\e e\'en tion of whi.h is being spon:iored by eAss



111 c bs:afffs

1.1·1e.' thi·.::: ..: cnfe· enc:e and contests. [leg cha1 that the :rormenlo:s ha\·e set a ne~v ~nore ton.-lush.·ely that ~.Ir . I.Jansen the Associated Women ""'tud~nts, is .. · Th ' t f ct· :~

1 , \\'. I'. Brewer and Benjamin stan<la··d m dramatics at )I. S. C. this " a pert1culaily able ,Mtmg director. fast accumulating in the form of num-~tmgt h . eb1 1 I • n_lto de. ito1_1f .a:- hm·e returnl·d from the Sixth year. This reputation will be entirely The story of "Sun-Up" is that. of a €rous contributions of money by vari-1. a_nl a~ c n (: . e 111 0.H.et 0 ATHLETlr COUNrlL DECIDES u N NEW :\leeting of the Rocky ":\loun- upheld in "Sun-lJp". The fact that the Xo1th Carolinan who went to war. In ous .ampus org-anization::; and in-r~\"H e 1 Ja, ... f J.:r p rs~ns desirmJ? [O l: l.; 0 atorieal Lea~uc held al the plav is a come.!y has not hindered it the lives and characteristic::; of th dh·iduals. TT a J!';n <> 1. .1 1 •~\·. e hget rlof .ann~~J ~ 1 ;ty of rtah, ~all Lake City thein in making it a great artistic :\Jlcg-haney mot:ntainee~ s are played One <la\• la~t ,-..-eek Dean Henick

< ~ 11~1;e t 1 rl l 11"' t. a unng- be SPORTS MANAfiERS "M" A 1 I 2:lth and :?ilth. 1\lr. Raskopf success. The sets us£d in ":\Iary Ro:-;e" up to the fullest extent. These people came into he-r office and founJ on her e r 5 -' ~ I ta :!'il::;Lants may e . • WAR VOTED ond plan• in the oratorical will always be \ i,·id in the m.emori('s a1 e cne of thL most peculiar raci;s in t l'=--k an envelope containinJ? 15 one (Contmue<l 0 I age Two ) .. Ile spok t.~ 1111 the subject ''A of the on'e~ who ~aw that play. Tht• an:.· part of the United States. I n dollar bills, a typw~·itten not.~ statin.£!' Lif< li('nl'y Helland and Tormentors' ::;pring produl'tion is like-I "Sun-Gp" their directing impulses. t.hat the money was a ~ft from Ol\IE E ·o. 'J\W CS CLUB Yaris o attended the con- wisl' going- to ha\·e new stage settin..!'S their spirit. and their actions have 'loyal :rnpportt?rs" to the lr1s Garden ELE ' T V OFFICERS [ntercolJegia te Golf Favored. Recei\"er~ of \ward~ in Ba ... -.;l,..ethall L'c at Sa Ln~Y City but have dcsigncu especially for it. bun so eapture<l that every charactl"rjiun<l. Besid~~ t~is very "."·elc?me ~ durnNl n et. They participalefl Be.rt B. Hansen. who diredecl both !is true to type. It is th.ir ignorance .. ancnymous g1tt. hberal contnbutlon.; S wimming. \Vres tling. Rifle Team and Succes."'ful .:\lanager- i1 •. Hri/ham Youn!! Uni- the Tormentors previous productions thL ; .. interesting and strang-e customs. ha,·e. be.en made by the follo:' ting : At a meeting of th<: Home Econom - s hip Are Announced. Rules for Swinl ming· Reward to Be \'ersity al Pro,·o. L"tah on Monday this year, is also dir ding- ''Sun· Up''. an<l their peculiaritie~ whkh $et-Ye- to l rc:-1dent und Mrs. Alfred Atk~nsor.. ·s Club held Thursday in t.he cngi- evening·. ).Ir. llan~en came here this year with produce the humor in "Sun-Up'' nnd Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Art eerin~ building the following of- Codified At the mcetin){ it was decided to an em·iabl~ re!lutation. and during the to make it particular,!ly fine and un- Club, Spur Alumnae, Acti\'e Spurs. icers were elected : Haztl Thompson, rename the l'Onfcn.•11ce. The conft•r· vear ht> has onh" aided to it. The us.al amusement. It is their feuds anti Phi Upsilon Omic!"on. Sigma . .\lpha resident; Ernaline Gould, ,·ice-p1esi- encP will ht•nceforth he know as ' 'The · · l"iYalrie-~. their utt,.r disrespe.t for 1 Epsilon. Chi Omega, :Kappa Delta. Pi ent; Lillian ":\labry. secretaryi )Jar- At a meeting of the athletfr counc:t e\·er, a motion for intercollegiate golf Rockv :\lountain F on•nsi(' Conference" ED 0 EL CT CALLS 1he law. and their lack of knowledi:re Kappa Alpha. Ddta Tau, Ome.£!'a Beta, aret Choate . treasure.~·; Elizabeth held April 2-l, awards were voted to matches was passed favorably. and ~ext year will int·lude extempo1·- IT R- 1 E of tur--ent C\'Cllt:" whi h provide the I Alpha Gamma Delta. and the Asso-;riffith, pt:.blicity chairmani Virginia various nun belonging to ba sketball. Baskttball "M's" were voted to aneou:s speaking and debat ing. There i11ti·iguin~ situations and furnish thelciatej ·w omen Students. \'arner, social chairman. and Eunice wrestling, swimminK, or rifle teams. Thompson. 0. \Yard, F. \Vaid, \ \'01th- will be no limitalions as to sex. a~ FOR ANNUAL SNAPS al'tien of the play. I n onter to complete the fund. 150 :ampbell. 1efreshment chairman. Also the sport~ managers for next mi.rton . R. Buzzt.tt1, A110 and l\ l ~rnage1 both men and wunw1 1 will be allowt·d )Ir. Hansen l.as picked the chara~- more is needed. Howe-\er. \'\;th ~he Miss Anne )1. Richardson was to year were decided upon. '.\ tanager Brown. I to parti('ipate. Thcr·- ha\'e been pre· • tcrs by tf.c saml~ method h used 111 mon.y now at hand, the- eonstructton a\·e Jti,•en an address at this time, Dolan '~~s re.que,tcd to mve:sti~att! To Erkilla, L. Lee, and Laitenen \'ioush' only fiw• n ~c>mhers of the -- I the othc1· Tormentor·~ production~. tf the Gardens will start immediately. ut wa~ l'alle-d home on account of the I ~n.i co:Iity. umfo1 m rules for govern- went swimming awards. Leag-u~c hut ·it will inereased to six Pictures Make .. \nnual D e pic t I norf~thY 'tiller. who takes the part of The sun dial will be ereded at the eath of her mothe1·. Jfiss Richard· 1rng swmumng awards. One of the de- Awa1ds for wi·e~thng were Je(·om- for lll'Xt vc>ar. Till' pres nt member-; .., . . " . . · - ~ :, . the '"\Yi.Jow Ca!?le'' fits the part ex- point which will mark the 1..enter of on is a very prominent woman in the -.isiom; of the <.:?Uncil was. to the c~- mended for K Fi ee~e. S Wagoner, G of the H.o.tk\' :\lount in F arcnsic L'onM Crunpus Life. Be:s t laken Jn ul'tly. 8te-rn nnd dominant, yet with a the finished Gardens : the stone walk ield of Hom~ Economics in the feet lhat no mtercollegrnt.c tenms Ma1kin, B )lu ll , C. Fiec:-.e, B. Thi ail- forente ~we·: Culoi tdo Agricultural Spring reculiar so·t of nath·e humor, the lea )inJr from the sun dial to the walk ·nited States. 1 woul<l be attempted this year. How- kil. E. Et.ow, E. Pepp~l\ c. Grebl.', B. College . l'nh·ersity ( Colorado, ;\Ion- ··widow" ii'- the central figul'e in the t<nn.ctin!! Henirk and Hamilton !----------------------------- __ (Reed and F . SeJ.,.ruira. Utah. and the Cni ersity of Yyo- It can ·afL~l.r be i:-aid that the mo:o:t rla~·. ::\(is~ :\liller charntterizes the halls will be laid; and the blue1 and A • • L d arr s ,.. , h. ·. Upon recomm~ndation by the mil- tana ~tate Colleg:1· University of important. part of a coll~ge annual pa1t perfectly. ··Ruff Cae:le". the g"olcl iris nnd the ~hrubbe'"y wi l be "'I. viatwn ea er 11 er s c , rs lps ~\,"~·;:.~\~P'}~ti'n~m~ pt~·~;:;·~~~!~ :;..a'~~~:i min)!. i• the pictmes that it contain>. Amon)! wiclo\\;·c.;~~~n::·~ ~':'~~";~~~) .. book I plante,d~;:;~~~:.';i°'~~l~~:.,n~~~fessor

T th B • S h [ {A t • to J . Nev ins, P. Ehman R E ib C these the snapshots rank fir•t of all. l 0 e 0ezng C 00 0 erOnaU lCS Holst, L. Johnson, F. Daiey ,· L. K~ur: ,-----~;; Jl ">; IOR S ! -ii ;~~~lv '\~picL life on the campus as it (Cont inued on Page Two) Tllc Hl:H )lontanan will luwe a

:.Iontana State College students in- I ::;thola::;tic. standing to classify them Don"t forget ) our dues mus t laq.rer Blue and Gold si..ction than uesltd in a. ronautics will ha\e an in the upper onc-U::rd of their class JAGGIE EDUCATORS WILL he in a!-. soon as po~~ihlc. \\' it h· pre,·iou:sly. ~lany feature~ that have

Whiteman-Old Gold Orchestra Near End of Radio Broadcast Engagement

>portunity to LOmpete for four schol- for the entire period of their enroll- oul \ OU r du C's. tht 1>rom cannot 1,1<.viously bc.n placed in other ~ec-1ships with a total tuition value of nu .. :nt. The can:iiclale .nust write an be ,;<:c laim ed a 1wrfect s uccess. tion~ cf the book will be l'Oml..iincd in i ,100 offered by \V. E. Boeing, an es~·ay on one of the following subject~ : CONVENE AT PHOENIX Th e i·ommi ttc<· ;~ ha,·ing dif- this sedion, which ()(•pi.ts stucll'nl Radio list<>ners throughout the- I mnn-Old Gold hroadl'ast in reponse tstanding fig-ure in Amelie;an a\·ia- ".Aviation's Contribution to I nt· rna- fi cult'' in coiled in~ th e du l's life. For this l'l.'nson it is neCLs~iny ~'nited StntL~~ will recei•.c with genJ- ~~n~~~i~~ 11~,~1~fl~.;; ~=~~ee:s}~0~~r t~~= ~~1i_ on. Xotice of the establishment of tivnali~m", "The Dclevoµment of Air n hid; ar <; n ece~sary before com- that more ~naps.hots be furni~hed ne"t me rt'gr.et thl' ann.oun~1•twmt that I vC'rsit:.· men and the colle .... e publi.:a-ese scholarship!<-., which are effe<::t- Trans.portation anci it.s Possibilities", pl etin~ the minult· 11lans for the \'t..:a'" than evrr before. I n this s.n:-;e it p J \Vh 11 I I r. e at the Boeing- School of Aero- or "'The DeH~lopment of Safety Fea- Sutherland and Border 'Viii At - bi g-ges t sc•c ial t'Yent of th e ) ea r. inight bt~ said that. ('\ery student in au it~mnn nm ns 1n·11 ar~ uear- tion::; throuc-hout the tountry. In an autics at Oakland, California, ha~ iures on Establ ished Air Transport tend Meet. E leven " ' es tern Picase he JJrom1•t in cooper · :-;l'hcol is a member of the ~Iontannn ing- the <'nd of th~ir broa'!:..·asting l'n- e-ffort to furnish ju~t the number.:; en re:.:eived by the administ.rative ·~inc:-s." ating . staff. Thcsl• snapshots t·•rnnot be fur- gag-Pmcnt:s. for which the radio fans had t•xprcs-rficiah; of Montana 'late College. The essays which must. rea. h the States ReJ>res ented .Junio r~ and St"iiors be pre- ni~hed by a group so small as the The Whit.eman-Old Gold orth"'$"trn. sed 3

prefrn•nc·e. ":\[ r. \\'hit<'man read-The first award, the~·. E. Boeing Boeing- School by June 9, wi ll '- -· .fodg- ftared to !': late ) tHl r ch oice of iegular :;taff. Thl:'y must present a which for tht' past yl•m· an1l .1 half ily con~~nted to include th~ melody ilot Ground 'chool and Flying cd by a ~ational Committee~ ward, the ludn wonwn for Prom cross. :;,clion of campus life, and ha:-; been one of the stellar nttr:.\d1c1ns in his Old Gold packag-t! of r~worites. holarship, is a nine months' course ccmpo!'ied of p1ominent. educators and The teacher trainers and supervisors Qu een . \\'ecln~bday, l\lay ith . therefore must depil'l all group:> and 0 '·er the Columbia net.wor1 ·\':ill olay lie has personnlly 11repared a special vering 203 hours of flying an I 122-t leaders in the aeronautical industry. of ag-f"ic:ult.ural education are lo hold \'oting n ill ta kl• 1>laec as us ual a ll per~ons . its conduding- rndio com•1•rt rhn the arrang-emcnt of thC' numlwr, designed urs of ground school instruction. The Boeing- chool of Aeronautics is their itnnua l 111(eting in Phoenix, in the corrido r of \ lontana llall The logoical Lime to take pitlures is nig-ht of Ttll'sday. ~ l ay Gth .. · e fra- to aceentuat.c e\·ery note of the lilt-:ond award is I.he Boeing ~laster associated with tl1(_> Roeing aeronaut.i- Arizona . this year. s. s. Suthel'hrn<l, and the poll s \\ill he o p('ll from in the ;.;prinl!'. T hc_.n :student acti,·ity tlll'L' of thC' fal'C\\~ll rs·og:nlrn wi~l re ing melody and to ~h'l':S$ thL· infectu-Lchanic course, ton~isting of nine <:al companies. including the Boeing of tht college, and :\fr. Border, state R a. m. to ;; p. m The Qu een is at its height, and th( L'ampus looks Uw rendition of •· he · kin Son,.( tie nus swing- of tht" famous olcl tune ont.hs of instruction. The third awa rd Airplane Company at Seattle and the sup<·nisor of agricultul'a l education, mus t be a S<'nior ,, Oman. its be:$t. Tlll'refore th(' :\lontanan nwlody detll'<•st to the heaits. of th<' whit·h for ~o many years has inspir-the Boeing :\fa!'.ter P ilot Ground Boeing SystClll. operator::; oft.he- Seat- intend lo drive down , leaving here I wishes to make a pl a to all ~tudent..- students and alumni of the eniv<'r..-ity ed and thrilled the llniv~·r:--ity of chool course. with nine months of tle-Los An_g-ele~ ancl San Franei!'co- ~fay 2. At·co:-dinsc to Prof. 8utherlancl .\II u1111ercl as..,men a re ur~N to take lots of pLtu•·es this spring. of :\Iainc. This will lw thL' first tii'l(' :\Jaine stmi(•nt:- anil the old grads as 1struction; and the fourth awa rd is Chicago air mail, exprl'Ss and pas- the <:onvention will convene on i\[ay 10 attend the cl :IJH't'. lunior r1jj Snnp~hots of an>· phase of s<:hool or thil" famous old number has ever bet•n Wl•ll. c- Boein,g- P rivate P ilot course. re- scn~er routes. fi nncl contin ue unti l tht" 9t.h. Rcpr t>- C<' ipt s and seni or hi s nre .1 cnmpus life are desirNL These snap~ iiwluded on the \Yhiteman-Olcl Gold i\Ir. \Yhitl•tnan':s elosim! J'l'll!:!Tam uiri nit' from two to four months of F ull deta ils of the Boeing ~cho l ar- sentativcs of eleven we-stern :stntcs tha l are requir ('(I for e ntran rc. mar bt• h:uuied in thi:-: ~pring if de- 1~.rogra!ll, and it is a lso p('lrhaps thl! will he> ?roa<ka:st to t~e United Sta~cs rot:nd flight in!'t ruction. ship~ c.-ompetilion ma).r be- obtained an~ expected, indil.'ating the import- B..\XTE H llOTE L! 'IA y 10'1'1£ sired. Next fall a call for them will be l111·sl tmw thtj hold collc~e songf h~!<. ~, ~u!d Ri!!IJai.:t•nt t·o~nltne~. o\•er station An\• undergraduate student, inl'lud- from the administrative offices or ante.- oft.he g-atheri ng. The last con- PE(aL\:\I 'S QR( IIE TR .\ ..:ent out and ('lither n g-atin•s or wen pre:-entc( ran orl' estrn ° t <.> \\ . \ ' and tht-

0 umbia s'·~tem he-1~ the rnao graduati ng class, is e lig - frcm the Boeing School of Aero· vention met. in Por tland. Oregon, an<l \\' llAT ? .J l ' N'lOR PRO:\l ~wints will be wekomed. Let's go! proportions of the \Vhitt>1~1a~ group. I tw(·L'n thL• lwurs of nine and t"n o'cloek ile as a candida te. nautLs. Oakla nd Air port, Oaklan cl

1 it will probably be held in Montana Franklin Dewey, e.!itor-elect l9:H J h "The Stein ~o~g · · wa) J!1c u W~· on P·

11 ~·· dayli,fht ~a,·in!! time. on t..e Candid ates must have maintained a Califo rnia . next year. ' ;l[ontanan . t e program o t e cone uc mg ite- e\•enmg of uesc ay , Ma) 6th.

Page 2: f ONTANA, TUESDAYNC. APRIL E 29, 1930 OPENS THIS WEEKarc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-021-29-001-004.pdf · .~xpon:cnt high \'oll':\i e xx l school confere bozei\l a n


Cb¢ W¢¢kly Expon¢nf r __ ,,_,, MATIE R[ 'GL!;~°rJ~ ~~:s~ AND THERE I Established 1910 +---------- ------------.. --- ---+

This current is very. small but may be amplified by n gnd glo''." tube to cnnble it to operate commcrcrnl relays as \Ya::; preYiously shown. . ..

Up to this lime the "clectnc eye has made po~~iblc numerous ope_ra­tit1ns previously thought. to be .1m­practical. The field f.or. its apphca­t.ion :seems almoRt unhm1tecl. It l.rn~ aided in the perfection of talkm.g

Continuance of the .:\Ionthly Exponent, Established 1895 Probably Grt.>at-partlon, we menn Grac€'-Scott got her inspiration fro~n the military suib at as:::.L•mbly. ;\o <loubt she thought she was bnck m Published e\·ery Tuesdalor of the college year by the :::taff chosen from the Frawncc.

Associated Students of i\Iontana State College at Boz.eman, Montana

S ubscrip tion R a te S2.0-0 per school year motion picture~. teledsion . automatic

\\"e WC'l'C so inspired nftt•r F'riclay's assembly that we went nrou1:d to t~w smoke detection. an<l many other ac-

Accepted for mailing at special rate of poslage pro,·i<led for in Section llOJ, Act. of October 3, 1927, authorized February 17, 1919

,·arious cnmpus notables and g'Ot their views. on " \ Vhnt the Ameru::an girl co!j\l11!is;l~1~~~~=jcctric cell may be ap-i:;hC\uld be.'' Quoting- : plied to initiate innumcrnble opera-

C..:h:irlc~ Brush "ThC' . .\mericnn girl l"'SJWcinlly the Colora<lo Ynriety tions hy menns oI \'ariations in the is ideal." intensit·v of li~ht on the cell . This

Tele phone: 1 fi-Ask for Expon1.>nt. On 1\londaJ S after 5 :00 P . l\I. 80

Editor-in-Chief ..... Business )lnnager ........... .

....... Leonard A. \Ying, '31 .... Louis Urbach

News Sta ff llanaging Editor .. . •. .. ...... . --~lichael Dct•v-y ABsistant Editor ............... - ..... - .................................. ,_ ....................... Ruth Platt Associate Editor . Armin Hill Sports Editor ....................... - .... - .............. _ ........................... _ .......... George Ilnrt A..ssi~tants, "'allace Jlan-ity, Harold Greiner, Ch~t Huntley. Clarence Connell

Feature Editor ..... ··--···-·-··········-·-···········-·-·- --···-· ·--·····-·······.l\lary Hakala Won1en's Sports ·········--······-···-··-··--·············-···············-··-- Dorothy Garrett

Assistant Frances Fogler Society Editor ....... ---·----·······-······-········· ········-··········-···· .Alice \ ·andenhook

Assistants, Elizabeth Seitz, Bernice Norris, Gretchen Lehrkind, l\lildred • 'evin, Helen Oli\·er, Tert'."sa O'Donnell, JosC>phine )1iklid1, Emma Baldwin. Typing .. Elizabeth Seitz, }frlen Souders, Elizabeth Graham Sarah Barringer .\rilitary Editor ............ Charles Ille

Business Staff Advertising Manager ... .... ·· ··· ··-··················-···· ....................... Al Greiner

Assistants: Earle Hansen, Bob Jones Husiness Assistant ···--··········- ---················· ·············· ............. Frank l\lacCormick

James 1Yaters Circulation Manager ... ___ --······· ······· ····-························· ...................... Jack Erkkila


Earl Rudberg, Margaret Bowman, Franklin Dewey, Lorr'aine Thompson, Virgil Hurlburt, Gladys Elliott, Arthur Sheldon. Clara W'hite, Kay RiYcrs, Peggy Scott, Kathryn KC'llet, Doris Kuhns, Ru::::--ell Freeman, Leona Rut· ledge, Elsa Hendrickson, Helen Eagfo, >:onm\ B<'ck, Yera Ann O'Xeil. Calendar ·-··-·---·····-·-- ......... . .. Florn Da,·is Proof Reader ......................... . ........ ·-·-·· -··· .......... John Norlin

Courlu Print BOl.eman, Montana


l · f h · l l American girl, nrc the girls nt Jig-ht m8I be either direct or r~fleded. Prof. ~le('~\ 1-.. Typicnl o t c t( ea l"or example, a puff of cigarette .:\L S. C. pul'c and simple" smoke between a Jig-ht source and the

Jake "·t,ntwurth-":\Jis~ t-il'l\tt (•xpn .. •g:--ed i-ny opinion exactly.'' photo·clectric cell or even t.hc reflec-A fow tif the hom'~t 111\l':-:- : b it 1 elc:;.:-.ary to quote them? tion of light by different shades of

color arc ~ufficient to be indi<:atcd by

'Ye h1t•k for a ~rC'al moral rt'fr1nn on the c::unpus.

It is estimutcd that 16.-V~ of tht:' pL'oplt.> who attemptecd to ::;ec the eclip8 e of thC' sun I\lonclny were wholly or partblly hlincled. - \ml after all our lcdUn:'s nbtmt not looking u1i.

l.J1.·dr \-c! Hear '.'t·e! A bi1'!' lir1.'ak for the campus Jimmy Oven~ is soliciting a name· for hb ;1ew (? J car, nnd requests that we c: ,nalul't the contl·~t. Send your cognomen in to this office in l'arc of this co1 1m~. A P:iz~ wi~l bo awarded -and the winnC'r will l~e nnnNmced two week':' irom tl11s 1ssUL'. >:ow this is sniou:s-really.

the t't•ll. To clarify the possibilities of this device and perhaps suggest other applications a few of its uses nrc gh·en below.

Sorting material according to colr1

size. ~hape, etc. - <"OUnting- items "here ma!:'-s production r('quires speed, where 1u·odm.•ts such as hot ingots. would rapidly wear out a mcchnnic1l eount<'r. Initiating operations such :i~ ringing an alarm on a printing mnehin1.• when breaks occur in thl• paper. Starting- and reversing auto-matically sheet or bar mills from the pogilion of the bar. Lighting control

"~c umkrstnnd thut Ronnie and his Bobl'ats had a bi!: time ~\t

Tnu party .

the Delta for turning on and off artificial li~hr<; at the approad1 of darkness. Smoke

I dctec.•ting for fire protection. Positi)n

- - - indicator, safety deYice 1 indicating -To :-ay nothiuir tif what \\IJ had O\"t.'r the \\eek-end tnoti~·c we d.idn't the_ po~iti?1~ of door~: such. as ~leva-

... , k) .\n<l "'Un: likl' KL'niw \\"heat and :\lonk Cashmorl' LE1\VE Dillon. tor~. 10~1t1011 of movm_g cms_tluou~h ::;a~ "ca · · ~ · · dang-C'rous places. Light mtens1ty :\Ierc.r, mercy. meter for mca~uring intensity of light

Atter thoug-ht -this SC('lllS to lw mid-quarter roundup.

Stew \fag"nC'r is g~ttingo \\or~('. He ~tarted out on ~1 moonlight picnh: during- .. he cclipst:.

foi· photogn1phy, mo\•ing and stil l. Sl·anning material to detect flaws or defects. Ultra·dolet ray meter for reconling- the quantity of ultra-violet ligoht. Used with a capti,·e balloon iri cl('terming fog height necessary for safe airplnne tran:ol. Or it can g-uard

\\"c wc.ndcr \\ho tht~ ''mnrblc minds'' in the prize winning song r('fors buildinj!s an<l snfcs a!!ainst burg-Jars: 10 __ ~·:n·ulty l\l' studellt . ;·~~:~~~e;c·1~ 1;dr~~~1~~~ ~[C!t~l~~l :~~-blast

Dircdvr Bert Hansen e\·itlently intends to have a trO\\'d at "Sun Up''--1le is mnk ing nil 1111.•mbers of h1::.-:. dassc::3 attend.

Repn. :-;ntath·e Thump~on, Athll:'l\c IE I t • E w · 11 ;\la nag< rs Ralph, C-0ey. )fo xey' 1'. e c r I c ye I Brown, Delnncy.

.'OTlCE -

There \\ i ll be a rc-gula r Spu r meet ing in t he orga ni zat ion r oom of Jl cr rkk Hall , th is evenin g a t 5 o"c lock.

Is the grading system in colleges justifiable'? Is there a "SUN llP" __ P_R_O_i\_IIS_E_S_ Stop Prison Escape correlation between a high college a,·erage and succes in later ENTERT.\.J N!\IENT OF HIGH

H t"lcn Souders. ,~ i ce preside nt.

l':\' lTEU ST.\TES C'l\'!L SEln'ICE E X.\ ~!IX ATlON business life? Is the "grind" wasting his time, or is he best Q ,\.LITY AT E MERSOr 1

preparing himself for the conditions he will be forced to meet, Is Based on Princip le 01 Photo- The l'nited States Civil Serh·ce (ConttnueJ ! rom :page One) s t a tic Bulb. Has m a ny Uses Commbs.ion announces the following

when he leaye the uniYersity? lcarnin'," i:;; played by Dale Bohurt. open lOmpetith·e examination: In an attempt to ans"·er some of these questions, an American 1111agine EYerett Best as "l'ap Farmer (irriga l'on)

f 800 d t f tl Todd'', a typical mo~ntaineer '~',ho oc- .-\ model of a prisoner crept up a Application for farmer (irrigation) college recently concluded a study O l gra ua es, or le casi,mally runs "agm the Jaw. The model prison wall 1·ecentlr and as it must be on file with the Ch·il Senice dasses of 18b2 to 1912. Two alun1ni con1mittees were appointed part 01 his d:n:ghtcr, .. Emmy To~J" i~ C':lm<.• within the n111g-e of Yision of an Commi~sion at \\'ashington, D. c.

1 not

t h · l h · ht b tak~n by .\la.ry Frances Spam, a .. electric eye" a l"L' \ "Oh-cr trained on later than :;\lay 9. to determine the gradua es of t e Yanous C atises '" O mig e striking contrast in swe<tness to old the prisoner was fired and a bell on The examination is to fill vacancies di tinguished ns outstanding scholars, and tho e who might be' "Pap''. "Ruff" is in lo'e with "IC111my" the prison wall sounded a general in the Indian Service. and in positions conceded to haYe achieYed success. but he is tOnh'sted by "Sheriff alarm. It might hll\"C turned on a requiring- simlar qualifications. At

·we('k:;;"'. played by John C0t·y . system of flood lights and set off a pre:sent two vn.cances cxisit at Crow Out of 13 of the classes, picked at random and including 679 Harold Greiner takes the part of battery of machi, guns or ewn as- Agency. ~!ont.ana.

!======:::~-.. :m ••• :1:..:=nmmm-.::nn:::=

I Shrubbery--- I ll ll H We h;we man~· varieties suitable for ;\ lontana a :i M. ~ I "" M~~ngohr, F/~:'.!.t I t:-.::W=i:r.r.i-..i:.-====°:l==m=•11 11111111 II 1111

,...Ill 11111111111111111111 11111111 111111111111 11111

A new sh ipment o f Louisville lugge rs Bats

To make our tock of Bats complete

Just Received As you break your old ba ts


Hauseman&McCall 11111111111111111, 1111111111111 11111 ILllll'll'llf

YOUR PICTURE The finest Gift of a ll for Mother on Mother's Day



Knickers, Golf Hose, Pull Overs and Flannel

ohe HUB


Walk-Over S hoes

Ed and Lou Howard

Stet son Hats Nobby Caps

• 1111 111 111 1n 1 111 n 111 111 1 111111 1u 11t 11 l !l l UI Ul ll l TU IU 'tl It ll ll t II 111 1 '" I I I I I I I • II I I I I I • • ' I I I I I I ·~ . . i H B.McCAY -;; ;; ~ Hardware

i Dinnerwal'e, Glassware. Oriental Gift Goods . i 11 1n 1 11 !~ 1 11 1 111 11 t i t I Ul l ll ,11 1111 I 11 111 1 1 11 11 1 ~' 1 11 1 11 ll 1!1 11 1111 I I I I I 1 1 1 I ! I I I 1 11, 1111 11 11 1!..I · I I g raduates, 112 students were rated as high scholar 5. Of these, "Bud" the half-wittu<l son of "Pap" phyxiatPd the v·ictim or Yict.im~ with The entrance .salary i~ .. 1,560 a yt>ar.

and does it ,·ery wl'.'ll. The part o( the a barrage of tl'ai· gas. The protcctiYe Higher-salat iej po:::itions are fille<l +-------150 were also declared to ha\·e achieYed success . On I,- 12 of the "Strat1.<!<r", a ru1"1"·ar who pursues field arnilable is unlimited, it now 1 throui<h promotion. j FOR A ' ICE HAIR CUT !


• remaining 567 students with lO\V a\"erages were 011 the successful him b acte<l by Robert O'Brien. only neces:sary tiJ select the severity


1 The duties are to have char~c. unde r ! );Q better l'x:imp;e of' the pe1fc·-tion of the method to be used. the superinkndent's direction, of ir- B A R B E R s H 0 p '

list. with which the cast has been picked This was th. first demonstration of rig"ation farmipg nnd agrieultural op- j B A x T E R I Tested with "Who's " 'ho" a a basis for judging success, the can be giYen than Frnnk \\'ard. As a how sciente rnay thus stop the e\'er- orations on farms connected with the , . i,

JonJ?, gangling-, backwoods preacher, frequent pri!-a r~ hreaks and was gi,·en Yariou:<. fn<lian :::.. hool~. to g-i\"e instruc- I results were e\'en more convincing. Eighteen names in '' " 'ho's tobacco chewi 11g and hard-Iisted, he by Edwin 11 \'odder of the Westing- tion in practical agri ulture in th>Se i Phone 1067 I \\'ho" were found in the list of 28 high scholars. Only (\yo names has no parallel. house Eleelr ' and ;\Janufocturinir institutions, and lo do extension and +·----- ---·--------- -------·-+

Tkkl'ts for the play will be on sale Company bt'f{ ·€ the Illuminating En- inst.ructionnl work in. practical agri- ~:::;:::;:::;:::;=====:....::.-------------:----:--:--:-~-:-:-:-WPre found an1ong the 172 students with lower grades. at liauseman-:\kC'al11s Tuesday eH- g-incering- ::::. icty of Boston. The culture amon~ adult Indian..:::. ·.~11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 , 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 11 , 11 1 1111 1 11, 1 11 11 11 , 1,,. , , , • • • • • • , , , • • • • • • • • • • ·~.-

Grades in each separate subject are not neces'"arily indicative ning- and \\'ednesday until 6:00 p. m. nwc.:hanism in ul \"t~d for the prison dt:>- Competitor~ will not be requircj to - STOUT IMPLEMENT co = Th" u--ual 2.=; t·ent reduction on $1.00 monstration 1 relativelr simple. At report for examination at any place, • OLIVER • of the worth and potentiality of the indi\'idual. lfowe,·er, the seuts "ill be allowed students. one end paro 11, 1 to the prison wall but wH! he rated on their training and ~ • , ~

sun·ev would tend to pro,·e that college courH'S are well adapted ?'''E'\' CLllB TO BE and near the · "' a small and scarcely expenence. ' ,, noticeable beam of light shone •lead- Full information may be obtained ~ S helf and Heavy Hardware i to fit men and women for practical l ife. FORMED ON HILL ilv into the "ele<·tric eYe" which was from the United St'1tes CiYil Ser\'ice - 26 W M · -

A graduate does not succeed because he has obtained a large n;ounted at the other 'end. Any in- Commission. Washington. D. <\. or ~ Phone 182 · am ~ terruption to this beam thou~h e\·er from the; .secret~ry of the S mted Fi1 111 11 1111 1 1 1 1 • , , 11 , , , , , , , , , , 1 , , 11 • • • 11 ••· u u • 11 1t 11 1 • • 1111 • • • 111 1 • • • • • ' " ' • • number of grade points and hence is classed in the upper section (Continued frm» Page Oae) "''slight cm"'"' the above sequence of States Cl\'ll Sernce ~oard of Exam-

of his class, but because he possesses superior ability, initiatiYe and commente,i. on the lack of a!ly eYents tu occur with lightning like men~ ~t the i:iost oftice or custom­and ambition nece" arv alike in undergraduate work and in the I organization within . the Secretanal, rapidity. At the moment of inter- house 111 any city.

_ ::i .i department to keep 1 n toud1 with ruption, the flow of current throug-!1 --------1.Ju ~mess world. 1 g-1nduat s and students. Committee::; the "electric t•ye'' ceases and the irn- Patronize Exponent Advertisers

:'\10;'\TAl'A;\ STAFF


(L-ontinueJ from page One) pronwtl.:'d to more specific positions on the staff,

Po~1liuns on tlie bu~.ness staff wiil 'be dt:c1ded by Horace 130,ster, who has l-t:en appointc·d busiu.e~s manager o.f tho lJ :1 ~lontanan.

In applying for any po~ition, .ap­plit:ants should .":>late \\hat position the) wish to apply 1or and gi' their previous experfonce. 1t :should :>e dearly understood. ho\\e\•er, that tx­perienl'e alone will not go\ t:rn the tho·, e of staff member~. lndividua1~ will b chosen on a basis of known ability, originality and willingness t.o work and cooperate. Experience will of course only affect the first of the e. Originality will be one of the ~reatcst requisites. and applit·ants wouhl state any icleas that they have for the u1:.1 :\lontanan. This is lllUJe <le::.irablu than n1:ccssary, however.

The• primary f~atures of the book h:.1vc alreatlv been planned, the t:n­g1uving contiact has been given and everythi11;t is in readiness to he.t?in work as soon as the staff has been or­i:anized.

One t)f th(' new f(atures of the book is t.ie student art staff. )lu~h of the work in de:signing the book, which ha:-. previou~l~· be(·n done by the e;ngraver, will be done by students next yenr. Thh• !':.hould add grEatly to int'"rst in the book.

lt i<.: ck·~ired to ha,·e as g-reat a number of students apply as pos:-.ib1e. The ~taff \\ill h<' madL> jnst a!'; lnrj!·e ns J>O!> ible>: ".:ithont it ht'l"omin~ dif­ficult to manave and dirt.:ct.

Wl:'re appointed to ~t..'t about :;;tartfog pul:-:.c thu~ created is amplified in a such an oJ'ganization. )la rt ha Hawk'. {!rid glow tube. which operates t'1c

P ROGRESS 1\fARKS worth wns made chairman o fthe com- relays. The:-:e in turn pull t he triC?ger CO-ED PROJECT mittee on the constitution and Kenneth of the reYolver and set off the ele tric

I Chri~ti:--on \\as ~1ppointccl to draw up bell or whnt<.•n•r other devices ha,-c a petition to be prc:senttd to the fnc- heen installed.

(Continued from PaP:'c On~) ulty. The influence of such a meehani~m. Harrington, ha,;ng- completed their The pc~ition lo form this dub anJ in the opinion of !\1r. Vedder, sho11ltl plan::;, are ready to start the con~trut•- thE> constitution were handed in to lhe proYe n powerful deterran t to pri5011-tion. The bt..nche::;, lamp posts. tables fac:ult)~ on Saturday, April 26. It is erg attcmptin~ to escnpe. and other accessories will be ndd~U as Jffl1bable that action will be taken by The "electric eye'' is a photo-t•l<"i..:-soon as the 150 to complete the fund the petition within a week. tric cell , and purely a light sensiti·.·e Lo.; received. 1t h:. the plan to admit to member- device. J( voltage is nppliecl nnd



ship in th(.) St:crctarial Club, all stu- light made to fnll upon it a cunent dents re_g-ularly enrolled in the sec- passes by nwans of electronic emis­n:·tarial course at ~lontana State Col· sion from the cathode to the anodC'. lt•g-e. It is probable that after the

·~I"' A W ARDS VOTED duh is firmly organize!, it may peti­tion tu form an honorary organiza­tion for up11er cla~smen. munbership

(Continued from Pa<re One) man, H. Fallmnn, };. Guiding<.•r, O':\leetra.

in whLh mu~t b earned bv grades and cfo•tinetve achi@nment ill secretarial

\\'. 'uhjects.

For ~uc·cl ssful manager~hip, awards W Ert' ma:<, to Joe Delancy. intra­mural'. and Jol·k Coer. minor sports.

Dtl'lsion as to manageri:tl positions for next year wa.s made as follows:

A~ i-oon us the faculty has passed on the petition of the Secl'etarial Club, a meeting- will bC' called for the pur· }Jose of nominating- officers. Election of of firer~ will be two WC' ks after nomination. After the C'lub is org-an­iZ('tl and offk<.>rs elC' led regult\1 monthly meetinf?'s will be held, prob­abl~· on the ~C'Cond Thur!'.day of each month.

1f fll'l'sent plans _t:O rig-ht we may expect to lrnve the organization of the ~l'C'l'C>tarial Club of i\fc.,ntana Rtate Colle~e t•ompleted by about the middle of ~la)'.

For Cootb:i.ll, manag-er, F'. Ralph; as­•-istant managC'r, Lane; ~ophomore as­sistants, \ enzt·y an<l Parker. For basketball, ma11ag-c1·, Cunnin.l!ham; a~sistant managtr, II. Adam:-::; sopho­more a:--~ist.ants, Good . Emmett and Stokan. For intramural, mamigt.'t", H. Breiner; a%btant manag-t·r. Pettihone. For tra k. mana~er, ""ah!; assi:dant nrnnager, Fc-rkin; sophomore a~sist­ant~ . llaulcl . Petc1 sen. )Ji nor sport.,, mnnager, lf Lund, ass1:-:.tant manager, I ~~~~~~~~~.-. H Erwm EquipnH.mt manag-cr (a new A : .,ffkel Shelton V Yo u can ne\'er be well

Those 111:e'"(•nt at the met·trng w re 6 "C r es e d with a di r tv pa ir Profs. f'wmg-le, Therkelson, Dyche,, , · ' G1.1duate \Ianag-t•r Jlnlnn .\lumni A o f s hoes A Representath·e Jack TaYlor, Stu 1ent f V

L et Us Renew You r Sig ht

Renew· to make ove r, to rel'tif~ to ret'Onstruct. A happy chnn1~l, from had ~ight to comfuitublc new sight.

LESLIE E. GAGE Opt.omelrist and JI! fg. Optician

Broken Lenses Replace<! the Same Day

20 S. Black ,\ ve. Phone 842-J

~Ul ll l ll l ll J ll l ll l ll l U I 1Ulll l l! I U I U l ll l l1 1 11 1 tl 1 11 1 U I U l l1 1 11 1 ,1 1 1 1~!

I ~ ;; The Park

· A So g et a s hine when you f m=====================ffl f ge t dressed f I


Fountain Drinks

1 Set Cen t ury E ncyc lo1>edia - $95.00 value, perfec t f f condition wi t h t able stand for $19.00 f - - :- - f



Snooker Tables Bi lliards Smokes




~ ---:---

An\' Fellow who is wide awake '~ ill know these values a re

· real ones


$24.50 Co1nc in a nd g-et yo urs now

Wagner Bros. Bozeman's Lea.ding Men's and

Boys' Store : Eag~~p~tart!~rks : f 35 W . Main P hone 233 f I; 9 EA.ST MAIN i iiiiiiiiiiiii .-.~~~~- - .-..~ h.111 11111 1u 1 111 111 111 111 11 1111 u 111 1111 11 1 111 111 111 11 1n 1 111 11 1u 111 111 1ui

ex t lo l\Ionlana P ower Co.

Hotel Baxter NEW - l\IODER.!'1' - FIREPROOF

Popu Jar Priced



CANDY Supplies it in a light. easily di ges ted form

It is one of our Yery best sources o f

quick - energy

, \JI your fa\'orite kinds are here

Page 3: f ONTANA, TUESDAYNC. APRIL E 29, 1930 OPENS THIS WEEKarc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-021-29-001-004.pdf · .~xpon:cnt high \'oll':\i e xx l school confere bozei\l a n

e Outstanding- (!\-'('nt of the pa~t week \n•re the Kappa Sigma fi1~eside d the Delta Tau formal dinm·r dance. The former wa:s held at the Kappa

·g'ma house. The latter was hc:ld at the Baxter Hotel wi_th Ronnie and ~ Bobcats funii:.hing the mu:-;k. The tables were attractively decorated ith ... wC'ct peas, t:nch lady rel..'ti\'insc a cor:-ag-e of many colored sweet pea~ . Saturday \\;th it" ~ pring weather attracted many to the g-olf course. The nnis {·ourt throu~hout the day brou;.:ht Lhe u~unl number of tennis players d onlookers fot·th . fn looking ahead we enthusiasLi<.-ally await the Tormentor play •·Sun Up"

n April 30 an<l )lay I. "Sun l"p" is the talk of the campus and it is bclie\'ed at Loth night:-; tlwn: will bt> a large nowJ. Th(•n, too, Boys and G ·r~ Ym atitlnal Confcn.·ncc is s«hcduled for the ht, d, and :.Jn.I of )lay, al which timt' t·ampus ndi\'it) is t·entered around the

•f!nts of the confon·nce.


MEMBERS OF STOCK JUDlilNfi TEAMS f .. --~::::::~s~~~~,~~;i!~;~~::;~--~ WILL fi ET THIRTY ACTIVITY POINTS ~ HER D.\Y - M.\ y llTH

·ou IL

\\'c<lne:sdny, April :JO-Torn1ento1's Play.

ThUr:-day, :\ lay !-Tormentor's P lay.

I Yrida~-, ~Jay 9-Pi Kap pa Alpha

Fireside. . aturday, ~lay 10-Junior Prom. Friday. ) lay 16-..\.lpha Chi Sigma

Part.y. Saturda y, l\lay 1 7 - h.appa Ddta

Par ty; Alpha 0. P art)·; Chi Omega Party.

System Now Effe<:ts Every Department o( College. To Aid ! Employers in Choosing Students For Pos itions. Montana State Now Facing Problem Which E\·ery Large In titution Has i\lct ~

The Bungalow Cara Edwards, Ann Harrington. Lois 'Vells, Lois Sm ith, ~\lary Lowney, ._..,,._._._._._. .... _. ... _._.~_..,,._...-.-..._.......,._..._,.~......,._..._..~.~·u•u·~~•A"_A-~·u•u·~ Clara Rout, Betty Mc.."\ei l, Ethel i\lc- :'\.1embers of :\l. S. C. stock judging Kehy. \ Tirg-inia Ke~·es, Helen Shaw, team:. \\Ill rccdve 30 pornts each on T\.ay Yuug'hn, Pearl Hirsn, Dorothy the proposc-J point system. This peti­Richar...:f', Gtetchen Yan Yoast Ruth 1 lion was npprO\td by the senate last Lowe. )Jarj!t11et 'Yinten•, and' Ruth

1 we~k. Bradbury. The systc-m now effects ~\·ery activ-

1 ai.;l .Judge, Ellsworth :\el son, and ity and rlr!pa1 tment in the co~lc.g_e. 1t .Jack Aiton, Kappa Sigmas from wi ll ket>p a rel'Ord of t.he actIV1L1es vf ~ I is~oula, WC'l(' wct:k end f.,"Uests. all students so t hat _employer~ !11:1y

Stuart Stt.>1 ling was a \Vednesday know th ? extra-curn rula_r. a, tiv1t1~s dinner J!U<!st. 1 etitionin2 !'tudents participated m

Sunday dinner g-ue!;ts were Loi!; durin~ their college caret.. r . \\·ells , Lois mith, Clara Roa t anti As ('ollcl!'t..~.., tJuoug-h out. the country ~fan· Lown<')'· have grown they have fa<.:ed the prob-

, k~m of di:::tributinp: sludc:nt honors to Sij.!"ma .\I r. ha E psilon. as 1.nany of the . incrcasingl_y c.apa~1le

. . . . !'Lu·1 .. nts a~ possible. lly cltstnhution Artht~'" Longp1 ~" f10.1:1. :\Iontana better < fficicnc~· in le:1ding the or­

members and student lenders have -----------------------------­foun<l t hat office1·s are mu~tefiicient 1~~~'")il3ii: when cone -ntratin~ their efforts on < fewC"r activities than has been the J.rn.ctic:e in the past.

The point ~yst.cm will remedy these .tmci i tion~ he1e. l t will spread. the stu­cl(•nt honors and ofifces to more stu­dC'nts and will increa~e the efficiency ~~ 11\l~~~~o~~~Jent~ in leading their or -

Barringer Is Winner Of Swimming Medal





Beta ot S .. ..\ .. E . ~m . :\hs~oula . S:rn' I ganizations is obta ined. Ea.l!le and Louis Spam of ~oze:n~m ...;: h i!-\ the aim of the proposed were d111m:1· gue.sts al the !::i . A . E. point sy-stem here. It. will go befon .. \Viii Receive Award on \Vomen's hou-s.e on \Yednci-.clay. . the· ~tuclents fo!· t heir approval or re- IF YOU WANT QUALITY BUY FROM :\I 1~s .Tuh~ Power wa!'> a_. drnne 1

• jcction >Iay l~. Day. l\1onroe Is Second and . ~e::;t of St~ma Alpha Epsil on on A~ )Jontana State grows it is being . , · .

) Jau·cllu Rawson, and Ann Hanmg- ~unJa~-. . .. j faced with the ~ame -,tu<lcnt pr ob- Boyd 1.:hnd 1 i Bt.·ta P hi. THE

ton. I )l.ontana Alpha ot Si~rnla .Alpha 11·ms that ha\'e faced · ie older and --

WEST SIDE fiROCERY :\lb:-cs Dot ·Jlhy :\lillcr, Dorothy

ord, .\lary Lyman, rrnJ. .\la1y :San<le ere dinner gue:;ts of Pi Beta Phi on redne.sdav. Pi Bt•ta· Phi entcrtnine<l the Pi Phi oth r:;; and pal1vn·~s:>e:; at. an in­t m~11 dinner at th· hapter house

l Thur~day e\'cning. A color :--chcme

F!a111 t>s Pcten;~n :-pent the ".·eek EJ?~nlon anno~nces ~~1~e phdgrng of I larger collc~c:; and uni· p1·sitie5' of the A.fter the l'Oll.l Jldio. n of the th r ee-end at her home in Tht'le Fork~.. :\l1t..·ha<:!l Dt:>e\')'., of ;:\lissoula. country. It i~ not 1ikt the old days I cla~ 1 ace last wc~k l\ii:-;s Saruh J ane :i.rr:-. Graham ft om Butte Vl!'Jtcd --- when just a han<l full o students par- B . ,. . l . b ' { '1 • d th win

with hC>r ~au!!hter: Dcth an<l had \ l ~ ha :-an!mn . R.ho. . . . .· t~-·~p?-te<l. in the extra- unicul~r. ~c- n:: 1 ~fg:hc 1~~; 111~~~n~ e~1~~l~l wl~i::h i~ Staple and Fancy Groceries IunLh(•on with _her ~a.turday._ )-fr. ~ - K. B~o!nson, ndltonul Pll~I- tn·tb('~. 1hl' number of 1e~e ac:llnttes to be awarJed on \Voman's Dav. . . Leona )farnn v1~1teJ with Ruth <l nt. was a \1,;.1to r at the Alpha have gTOWn and the ·~ ponsibilities 1 .. 11 . ·h , th ·, er Pnces Right 410 W. Curtiss ~cllow and white prevailed in Lhe

·orations and men~, and co\er were id for the 2.l g-ucsts, thE members. of e chaptl•r, and )L! s . D. E. Evans, .uo:c {haperon.

Bradht:ry Sunday. Leona li,es at Gamma Rho hou~e la4 week. and dutitis attached rl each have f }mf;1 ~ _on,t.oe, d J° '~:s : r\\dn~hel Phone 266 Butte und. was a former student ~1t Ed Peter~on and. Charles Blakley


multii~ l iccl many time" ~ont~:t \hl~ s .~~er ac~i~i~~,. e~u~ eahead )fontana State Colleg·. :--1>t>nt the .we<>k.end m ~'.l:t~.. . \\-ith this L!Towth in \\'Ok has come of a i~

0t her closeslhcompetitor:-:.. '~~...,.....,._~~~~~~~ Al1~ha Gamma ,.fZ~o "ish~s t?: a i~- a !!Teater numb~:· of sl <'nts w~~ a re Iler ~~ore this yea .. for participation I "m••••m•m:;::s•m:m1111:;::;::•cl:l!l1E::;:as::a•c:::::a•m•llil~

)lontana . .\Jpha oi Pi Bet_a Phi c.el­rate11 founde1s' Day. Aprtl ~'.'-..with coClk\·-shmc at the chapter house,

·tin·:;· nlumna.e and pledges attend­K· .:\. f~aturc- of the dinne_r wa~ a r)!e arrow-~hapl:j cHke w1th wine d blue c.:an<llcs. ...\. prog-r:\m appro­

·iatt:- to the ol·cas1011 followed the nn1.. r, and the i c:-hmen ga\'e a

~~1r~~ :\Iarjorie Little il·ft Thursday r Cascade, whcr :-.he attended the nLral of her grandfather, an,l re­rn€'d to Bozeman Sunday night .

i Omega. Caroline Cochran spent the week J at ho: home in Butte. ~liss ~1arielouisc Leipheimer of t te "as a Sunday d;nner gue:-.t at

e Chi Omega ho'l'se . Chi Omeg-a entei tained Dean Ber­k, )lr'."-, Haertel, )-lbs Julia Ri~er, izabeth Gardiner, Lois Cobiei.e:h1 th Dudley. \"irg-inia )fills, >Iary Leary. Gladys Elliot, Judith Beldon d • ·or ma Beck at luncheon last c--..da\'.

\ lµha Omicron Pi. .\lpha Omic on Pi had as their Sun-

:1y dint~Pr ~"'1le:..ts Dean IIcrrL-k, Elizabeth Gardmer. Esther Bowman, I iene !'-=cil. Dorothy Hannah, Lillian Tubb. JuJtth Belden. Ruth Du<lley, Gra1:e Cre ... ap. :'llrs. Graham and Elizabt.Jth Graham.

).Iiss \'i,·Lnne Boulware motored to ~er home m Butte on·r the week end.

Kap1:a Bella . Kapiia De.ta entertained at. a formal

dinner Tht rs .ay night for President and )Ir;;;, Atkinson.

Kappa. De.ta held ~ccond deg-ree ~unoay for l'lara Roate of Butte, Ruth B1adhui y of 'Yillow Cruk, and Thcrma Oswald of Bozeman.

.\l pha Gamma Delta. Ali.e )l~lc Carr spent the week end

at her home in Li\ ingston.

nounce the t·l?~lgm.., o_f !ie1 l \\ 1ldn- f'?nrnbl(' of ho1ding- ti L' pos1t1o~s . in one meet was 90. Sarah Baningl r P muth of _.\mk~, )lont~ma. The-\· all shoul l h~ \'C l opportumty cam_ next with a sco1·e of 84, and )fay .\mi ~o.

Ami)!o held formal initiation Sun-1 day fo .. Keimit Birning-ham of Glas­gow. K. nm th Eiasou of Deer Lodge, Kenneth BaFke of Waltham. Ral1>h I "·nscn of Columbus, and Ralph Hosig of ,,~yoming.

ln hold th<.·~l~ offices. But. faculty Boyd next with l)8 points. I :\OTTC'E

The re~ults ol the thrl'e-da~· rac·~ were as follows: Barringer :i37 yds .1

:\[onroe 2R4 ychi., and Boyd 261 ycls ., in a total of six minute:-;.. The first day

.\n:lk a t iuns for no .... itions on thev swam one rninult, the second t he t !l:J t 'l onta na n qafT must be twc; minutes and the third, th r ee fikd t h i~ \\ eek. Plac<' nnplica t.rons minutes. in the '1 ontm1!tn cont ributions box Those who are interested in winning

P i 1\a 1>pa .\l11ha. in 'l ontana ha ll. their Bobcat ~wimming suits this Pi Kappa Alpha announces the


Franklin Dewey. c.-d itor. ~pring are to. rem.ember th.at :\l a.y 10 t;leilging- of Howard :\eh•on. is the dead line ior checkinj?' pomts

Ed Cal iwetld from the School of It is also to be r_ membered that this ?f!~~~ At~h~. week '·nd ~est of Pi STATE COOPERATION I ~v;,f\~; ~;~~!0~,~\1 ~~~~fbr:n~;e~'·;~~v Clark States Ideas AIDED PROHIBITION I ;:~1~1 /~~·!I ~;~::::pt on Tuesday I

~lontana records ::'>. \\ that the

Relatl.ve Hell-Week slate rn-01wration in t. enforcement of prohibition greatly le ~ens dr-aths from alcoholi~m anJ n du es prison

Delta Ta u. population Delta Tau entertainc-d at a formal '.\Jany J\1en Injured. T hought \luch ha, b<en said • 1 '~ntten hi

Frei: hmen will not get their a n­nuals until th ey haYe paid the class du~ of i'iOc each to eithe r D on cilz or &I Breeden .

Ed Breeden, clas s president. dinner dance Saturday evening at the r · r If f tho"e \\ho ale antaJ! "tic to thi<> E t Ad t" · p

BOZEMAN MEAT MARKET We specialize in the best of Dressed Meats, Poultry

and Fish

We Cater to F raternities and Sororities

Phone 167 435 E . Main Four Deliveries Daily



7 S. Tracy Baxter Hotel Baltimore Hotel Mr. S. W. Bird of Butte entertaine l e membc>rs of Chi Ome!!:'a at dinner

B yron'!'- Cafo la~t week .

Hotel Baxter. ~Iusk was supplied by Necessary for \\ e are O eh~-htcenth amtndment ancl the lav.s I xponen ver lStng ays


. Ronnit! and his Bobcati:;. Chaperonc'I F raternity By :\1any I for its nforcement, a..>out crime c_on- __ w .. re Dean and :\-lrs. J. ~I. Hamilton, d1tion.-.. and death::; from alcohoh~rn -Dean anJ. )!rs. J . )1. Hamilton. Prof. --- smce th!' adoption , the prohib1t1on I~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and )lrs. R. E. Kirk, and Prof. and 4 \t an institution "ith "hich 1 have I policy of handling- th1 l_1quor r:oblem. , S! I= )Lr~. H. C. Cheever. sonie ~1cquamtance the last 1mtrnt ion Jn ... ~nnNt10n. \\tth thi,s suh~>ect,. a GOOD EATS ~!l "'.-l:H:>l:H:llX!-!l!l'(l(H:>lX!-!l!l!l!l~H:>l. H:>lX!-!l!l'lXH:>lX!-X!-®H:>l:H:llX!-!l!l'(l(H:>lX!-X!-ll!l'lXX> amil ton H a ll.

The April birthrlay dinner was heir! 'e<lne lav E'Yenin:,..r. The ~est::'> were 'lOnta' Ferris. Frank Stermit1, ">bcrt Gjul 1 udc "·indecker.

The i e - Era To ic

AS EF r E( '.:. TE ON THUR DAl AS A.'Y


B Z II 10-000

Guests \Vere President and ) l rs . ..;eason ~aw one man with blood pois- stu I~ of statJ .. t1cs tf tt rng a _O-yea1 iJ Alfred Atkinson. )lrs. Adele ::\icCray, cning- 1 ~:-;ulung ft om careless branJ- period, taken ~rom l '1e record~ o( the Dr. Louis :\eyman, )lrs. Olga Ro~s mg on the chest, 3 .... econd m the his- ~tate penitentiary anJ the boa:d or PRICES l\10DER \TE 1 Hannon, Prof. and )lrs. H. E . ::\lorns, pital.· with a nf"r.·on~ hrPakdown after health of :\Iontana. at not only mter-1 , )lis:;e:s Alire Yandenhook, Doroth y goin· 1 · and · formnlive but mig-ht I Hanson, :\Iargaret Cre.:;t, Kathuine Un .1 I a the cr owded __ .--Bohr.: t • .:'lfar~aret Rowe, Irene Leach1 ~ho ... • n lT .sting at our - rar:rarf't Ander::,on, Helen Zortman, I ~\'h; niten E_dna . elman. C<.thleen Henkel. Irm' fron: 10-y< houl<l be di- Electric Coffee Shoppe I! ;.;,,I.et, ..\.Jykn .. Houghton .. Lela Gil- othe o f "10-1918 rep- 1 i man, Ruth Riddell, Edith Pasha, ed f, he ' open saloon J o K ext to Electric Bakery I Elizabeth Fransham, J e~~ne L e e, 1 e~ a• r licensed pe r- $ L ma Swanson, )-.l ild_red ' Vhite, Kath- b~sii b •nc clr~t proh1bi-~ ryn Cochrane, Bes:ste Eyre. Dorothy the 1 L' when doctors Ga1 rc:tt, Ve. a Ann O'~eil, El izabt th row pPr mitt l ·) pre<:.cribe nor Br~in , .~1l~ne Keene. Ruth \Yoodward . c:en ri perm~t: I to sell alcoholic Ahce Smith. Leona R utledge, :\lar- of th r medicinal purposes; 1921-,raret Smal l, ~atalie Se\'al:-, :\-l abel I Th. ~ l 11e1·iod during which )lon-Smith. ) Iary Pattee, P egg:r Scott, b ;

1 n vnn! gc: c ilh a "la te pr11hibition law in

Loreta Rothe , F ay Cowan, 1\iarrdla r:at t 1 v lead r t an y with tlw .'ederal prohibi-littlefield, Elizabeth Paine. 1\lessrs. t . ht Yt::a fh known as te \ "ol;;;tea cl law. Bernard Brown, Eed Rowe, James. th~ c · frau.: 1is time liq1 n· for medicinul \Yattcrs, Alton ::\ lcllhatton . LeRoy :\°e\, f cli.:;;.tl· -wa... permitted; 1027-192£) , Lau;;;on. Dexter )-lose ... , HaroLi Lee, t.: tt, n Jaw re." a l ptriod. Xo .Joe Delan.~r. Herbert Dowell, Albert dis<. t:l l'Ontrolli t!' intoxicati ng

~'l!'I Greiner. ~-~1~ state' or Montana refus-;E'J .;.rr. George E\'ans of S uffolk spent t th· fed ral govC'rnment


''The Duncan S is ters " -in-It's a Great Life


Glenn Tryon -in-

"S ki n ner S teps Out"


Douglas Fairba nks and Mary Pickford

-in-"Taming of The Shrew"


Ramon Kovarro -in-

"DeYil May Care"


Ronald Coleman and Ann Harding

-in­"CON DEl\1 ED"

the week end \'.-"ilh his son, Claude. mo 1rce1 the eiJ,!h teenth The\- recently returned from Califor- inp- rncnt to t ( .stitut.ion of the r.;a. · wh<>re Claude wa s call Ed because :--io! I State~. of the death of his mother. and ld• n

I\ a1)pa S ig ma. Delta Lambda of Kappa Sigma en-

! te1 taincil at a fireside Saturday eve­ning-. The chaperones were Profes:-or and ~lrs. Eric T herkelsen, Prof: ssor and '.\l • 5' . E. R. Dye. T he guests wer e Bernice Hall , Lois P atterson . Eliza­beth Leathers. ~ra ri(aret Lord , Bee :\elscn. T helma 'Wil~on, Doris Kuhn~.

: Jus t Receh·ed Our S pring


of the

Official Girl

Scout Shoe

In all S izes


world, the n.:prc.-t: n n

Tlw r l' will be a in Her r ick Hall tonight . It is ' tha t every memht 1>l a ns for lli J{h ~rl he discu ssed.

ang :\1 eetin~ 5:00 o'docli.

y important he pre~ent as ·ol Week "ill

.I rt luckle) , Duhe

th·e chapters who were present and listened to the arguments advanced went batk to the ir deliberations and voil'erl sPntiments almost cliametric-al­ly opposed to those expre~sed by their eldt>rs, if not their betters. I They seemed to feel, th<>se represen­ta t ives of t he organi£ed wisdom of t he pre~ent college generation, t hat in gi\' ing up Hell 'Week, they were g i\'ing up something prl'tious, some-1 thing vital to the life of the fraterni- ~!l-::>!l~<K> ty.

"The fres hman ex11ect s~>methin!!.'' STYLE. PERS NALITY ha \'C been told nul.n\' times , "and .

it would clbappoin t them if the trn- AND BE U IY ditional roui;h-house practices were IHRES IS'I BLE eh m maiecl. r hey han:~ h1.:a1·d (in an extrava srantly exaggerated form) th<> stor ies of what t he act i\'e rnen have suffered before they wer :. allowed lo wea r the pin, a nd they are eager fo r the same experience. \Ve went thru t he experi<.: n c:e and arc sure that it did us no harm ; why s hould n' t he'! Besides, we c:an not gj\-e ou r fell ow~ less than our ne ig hbon:; do."

There is something in this no doubt, but 1 learned year s ago that the most effetli\'e thing I can do in my associ­ations with people is to give them \\.'hat they arc not expecting. One is alway8 prcparecl for whnt. he expects, and being pr('parcd the e ffects is materia ll y minimized. Ii would be much bctte l' to surprise the initiate by gi\'ing him something he was not looking for .

:'>.O"l ICE EL T!O UE LPll!A:'\ S

Th e rt' \\ill be a \ e ry 'mport.a nt meeting of Eurode l1,h iaru;, \\' ed ­nc!oiday oening, ~\pril 30. at 7:30 p. m,, a t the home of !\lrs . R. E. Brm\n , 20 1 South \\-ill !-'on.

.\II mc-mbtrs arc request~ to be 1}r t.--su1t si nce there will be an inlercast.f n~ program and import­ant bu...;ine$S.

l\ athqn Kellett, prc~ ide nt.

One of our many Attractive Spring Models

in Pumps priced at

$5.00 Ask to st Our

Full Fashioned Hos iery


$1.00 --:--

Brown-hilt Shoe Store Bozeman, ~lontana

Patronize Exponent Advertisers ~


Had Solo1non lived in our day and sent the royal robes to us regularly for dry cleaning ... he would have had the lilies of the field backed off the map wne 1 it came to resplendent raiment.

For Solomon W S3 wise . . .

When shall we call for you..· listless suits?




"Send Your Dry Cleaning W it h Your L a undry"

i I



An up-to-date Repair Department in Connection Satisfaction Guaran teed

DH BUDD CO Plumbing, Heating, Electrical , Sheet Metal

30 W. J\1ain Phone 300


Everyone Likes to Laugh

The Story of the War- faring J\1ountaineer

Etnerson Auditorium


!st 18 rows

Directed By BERT B. H_\, ' SE?<\


Remainder first floo r and balcony Rus h seats

. $1.00 .75 .50

A d iscount of t wcnt\·-fi,·e cents will be allowed to college students on $1.00 sea ts .




Humor Pathos ¥.illlllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~

Page 4: f ONTANA, TUESDAYNC. APRIL E 29, 1930 OPENS THIS WEEKarc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-021-29-001-004.pdf · .~xpon:cnt high \'oll':\i e xx l school confere bozei\l a n


I :-olc rif,?ht to end or po:stpone a game because of rain or darkness.

.-Postponement of a irame for reasons other than stated nbo,·e fol­lows onh· throug-h the unanimous agrcemcn°l of club mnnal?'ers concern­ed and the intr~tmural m::rnage r.

Extra sd1edules may be obtained from the manager-Phone 26.


'COURTS WILL BE 'Amigo and D. T. Win l::'\!TED ST.\ TE CI \' IL ' ElffICE EXAMl:'\ .\TIO:'\

READY BY FALL Opening Of Baseball The C nited Stat.cs .ivil Service Commission i.rnnounce::. the followin,i:t open competithe exnrnination:

)lade of DisintergTa(ed Granite. Schedu le For Mural Series Is fmprO\·e With .\ ~·e and Use. Gi1·en. Will End May 2 1 \\'i II Be fenced

Entornulogi.st ( Insect El'olog)) .4.pplications for t:ntomologist (in­

sect. ecology) must. be on file wit.h t.he Ci\·il Sen·ice Commission at. " 'ashing-­ton. 0. l' .. not later than .:\lay 28. l!l30. Looks Promising in .\II Departments. Harrell Henn l s Capta in .

'·Phal" Senuningsen Hopes lo Beller Shot Hecord. \"aluable )laterial Contribu ted By Fro~h. Squad Has Dernled )luch Time to Practice

The examination is to fill vaeande$ Th~ lhn•e TlC'~nis eourts that The int.ram.urn! l.iasebrill lcn.g-u~ in the Bureau of EntomoloJry, Depart-arl' being- built east of the gnnna::-ium cpcned last. m~h.t with the :.\m1g-oj ment of Agriculture. for duty in the will be rl:.'a.h- fol· use next f<lil. a.:co:d-1 defN1ting- the P~ ha1_1pa A ~pha h-~I: anc field. ing to Co<le.h Drchc. Delta Tau winmnj!' from ~\..appn .~1J!'rn~1 1 he C'ntrane<.' salari1.:s range from

Thl'\' arc- m:ide of tli~intenrrate<l .J-:~ after 10 inningos of pl?Y· . ~.h~ .,8.800 to $4,400 a year. lli~her-sal­granit«:! t.hat harden:;; as it ag-cs ~rnd ~chc<lulc and key o.f ~he lfJ,~0 ~1 ;es arieU positions are filled through prl)-.:\lontana State will put one of the I Hanel! Renn. ~tt.'llar :'printer since

i-tront;t:':::;t trat·k tcnm::; in their hi::.t1~ry hb entrance ~lt . the school. Re1~n on the iid<l when they open thl:ir comes from Jlanultnn wh~rc he ~ltd st.•a:;cm against thl.'.' l"nin·r:'ity < n the/ his fir:-;.t trnl'k wurk. Ile is runn!ng' JU th of. hn. A great de:ll of intt.•rc::-t th1: 100. :!:!O :rnd luw. hurdles lcunng is being taken in track thi.., yt!ar and hb 4 JO to the n .. •$l oJ the speedstl'r!:'-.

will become bl•tter the older iL 1{1:.'b. is as folluws: 1 \' ~- ~-· fi--0 c ~n m?f'1~~n.cluties are to nlan and <"Ol'lduct Thcv arc- of th~ snnw trp1..· :1s the Tau. ~-B. E .. -1-. · · ·· • - ... : ~·· IH.llC°cl llanitl' t•ouits. .· 6-S_. A~ E., 7-Jnrl~pendcTnl~-0"=. ~~;~h~~ import.ant ecological invest.ig-ations of

there i::: a l:Onstant fight for 1,Jan:-:-; ··Phat" ScnuninH·n la~t Yt>Al's <.:<Ip-

They will be fence-cl this ::;umnur '.l~K. ~ .. J•0-,.-\1~~1~~.; 1

, ... 10

., ''S. in~ects affecting truck crops, includ­and open to sLu~ient a:~e when l:'t:hool 1:-. :\londa::.. Ap111 -("!. "· , - in,g the sugar-beet leaf-hopper. with ~t:1 rt:-. next fall. n Tuc~day, :-\p1ul 29, a\~ ~. 4 \"S 7, a vilw to dt\'elopinp: means for their

Ther is :\ g-:eat mon~mcnt towai:d \\"C'dnl•s:day, Ap11l .~o. :'l \'~ ti. 1 \'.:;, 9, tontrnl. on the squad. tain is a)!ain bi:t{·k in the ficlcl and Jn past years the Btlbcat trm hster.:; lo1,1ks g-ood to rais1..• his shot re<:ord.

have heen weak in the tr.al' 1{ C'\ 1·11ts .Scmmin)!~cn slwuld also nwke an ex­

and strong in the fil1ld but this )'<.:!tr L"cllent showing- in the nmfercnce meet it JooKs promising in all depnrt.nicnts at Boultiel' the :!~nd. ~~{rd and 2<!th and if t.hc weather hold:::; out for prac- o! Jlay. tke outside the men should goi\'e an Other Yeterans from former years

rdic f from the O\·er-crowcled tenn1::' Thur:::;day. i\lay 1. ~ YS. 8 . :l \'~. 'i; Competit.ori> will not. be required to .


t'(IUJts that are in u::;. nt present ar~d Fridav 1\lay 2. 4 vs. G. 5 vs. 10: rc-pol'L for examination at any place much nuli~ is due to the ~\thlet1~ ~atur~l;y, l\


fov :L :~ Ys. ~l. 2 vs. 7: 1 but will be rated on their edUL'ation Counl'il in 5 pon~oring- the building' of .Monda~-. i\lay· ;,, -t \'S. R, 5 \'S. i: 1 and Pxpcrience, and on n publicatiun I the rww t·outts. Tuc!'.'cla\', i\lay 6, 1 \'S. ti, 2 \'S.. 10; or thesis .

\\"C'dne~dar. :\Ia\· i. ;3 \'S. 6. <1 \"S. 5: Full information may be obtained t•xccllcnt a1..TounL of thcmseh·es. are F. \\"nrd in the hig-h jump and

This years team i:::; captainl'd Uy shot put: Dc\"rics in the mile and two

T llE TYl'OGJL\PHIC Ell lWH mile; Smart in the 100, :!20 and hur­dle:>; Griffin in the ·1-10; Bruner 100, ::!20. 4-10; nrazid1 in the 100 and :?20; \\'elling-ton and Bennion in the hurd­

\\rhn you\·e wol'ktd your \'Cry harclc:st le~. tv r1..'ad all rour 1>roofs with c:nc Considerable new matC'l'ial has been

New Washer Used In Gym

Till you're sure there's not ~rn error unco\'cred from the: Frosh in the ln-or a bonehead any-where. tramural meet nnd lettermt>n non-

An<l you really feel quite C'hc;.;ty and l t H 'kk'I I Id f disposed to put your bean t~~l~l~~itc~\.~~~~d· in tfi~· j~\~1eJi~~ w~;~ be

Cos t Sl.500. Holds Fi ft~· Pounds Dry Linen. Will Launder All Eq ui1imen t As ,)·ou say, "$~1e. may ?"' empt,~: but sorl'ly mi:'-si.::d but 0. Wnrd is hea\ring

111 tell the \\Odd ~hes. clean. . the ~p1..·ar thru the air fo1· good yard-But wht.>n the sheet. is punted and :s I a~e. llurd b in :school but i~ inellig-

o~t upon the mail, . . . ible in the pole Yault and :'lh1x~1m is .·\. rn;w towel wa:::hing- plant. has been On JI.$ way t~ the. :--uhs~nbe-rs. I ha\C out of :;chool but the Buzzetti bro- im;talletl in t.he !!Ylllna!)ium which will

ne\"C'l" "een 1t fall- . the-r:s are clearin,i:t the bar in good tut down the exp1..•n::.t of washing the In th~ cent~r. of t~e front page, rn a shape and Ed. is sho\\•ing well .i,n the athletic equipment. ., mo:::.t :on~1~icu~u~ ~l.ac.e,_ .... · -~ brnad jump along with ··reek :\le· The plant consist.$ of a SimJ)lex Soi_nc ~~po~iaphi~ enoi !alli.) kick:::; Farland. Coey was kept out last year \rasher, n rotary barrel whith i~

.) ou rn the face· due to :111 operatitm for appendi<.'itb 36 by 4:! inchl•$ and has a capacity of For the l\.•pogrnphic error is 3 ::dip· but is ~ht1wing well in the 440. Hixson Jifty pot.nd$ oi dry linen. This will

pro\·ed to be a find in the hig-h jump be- used to wash all equipmu1t form­y l!~~r~~nth~~~t a;rn ~-l~~ are dizzy, but a

11nd. i::; a

1 n able ~~$bt·t1am1 f~d\eF .. ~v~:1;~~.. a!1~·hse111_t out.. to

1be i.

1atb111derul. t ·r ~al

it Romehow will g-et b~·; e is a ~o runnmg 1e rn l:' J • e men 1~ c rycc y a cen n u"' · Till the forms are off the presses it shape. :\li11:; is :telling good dist:rn '..! extiact.or which takes t.he water out

is s~rang-e how. ~till it keep~. ~1i1st~h;tss~·~!. ~~~~~ie~ 11~i1~h~f d~!l~~n~!; ~1l;e::n~~a~~l·~\\!~1 i~o o1~lytt~l1~11~\~· }l~ii.:i~ It. shrmks down mto the cornt>r and are Holst and :Smith who will make tosses. it around in hot air until dry.

it never stor~ or peep!<i. J I I I f Th I h d b I That ty-pog-rnphic t'.'rror i~ too small ~J;l~~~~1ents step to get t 1ere a 1ea( o e p ant was pure ase .r t ie

for human eves1 C l B b A I I h I I '~ · 1 ti1;!;~;}~: i~~~~Q~a~~1~0~/~~1 c~~! r~)r~~b~~; Till the ink is .on t~e p~pei·, when it wor~~t~(! h~nl- f ~~.n~l1eia1~s.~\·e~~~ ,~.~~~~ i::; not in::;talled, the plant i::- bein~ used

n~·~~,-~ :~e ~:1~~n~~~~te~1 Z:1:ror. for as to g-et ·them in,, shape for the meets an,1 .h(1s pi o\ en \ c1) snt1sfal'to1 y. A .0 •

0, uld throw a <lo next lll(lnth. E .. \·ery chance to get ':\ext year \\C plan to wash all

L J u. co · 11 ·t 11f~ dor lik a outside has heen taken and with a nll'n'~ g-ym suits at frequent inter-'W11~~:0~! Tn ~ fos !SJ n ' e new track the work. has been hard \·als frt.e of clu:i.n.:r?." :-::.lated Coach

g g I but tlw men are mak111g an excellent 0) che. ·'and we wish that anyone That g-larina hluncler juts out like an :)hO\\ing- and should be in first class I inter~~ted would look O\'t!t' the ne\\

ukerated ("tooth. $-hape when the season opens. mad1111ery.

;:·\~;:~~~~~~1~;~;~a :~~~:th~ti,si::t ~:'DYCHE MAKE s G 0 L FIN G fills your soul with rage.

As you see it swelling- lordly in the midrlle of the pag .

The boss, he stm·es with horror. then he grabs his hair and groans,

The copy reader drops his head upon his hands and moans.­

POSSIBLE FOR STUDENTS The remainder of the issue may be

clean as clC'an can be. Fee But that typographic error is the only of S2.50 Entitles Person to Play on Bozeman Country Club

Links for Entire Quarter. College Athletic Department Assumes Responsibility for Enforcement of Rules

thing they !)ee.

It was down amont? the six point. till the copy all was read,

'When it ~hifted into blac·kface or a two inch banner head-

Then when the sheet wa~ printed it jumped out and hollered. "Boo!

You m•Yer saw me, did you? This is ~ure a horse on \"OU!··

Or another ('hoil'e. position is the middle of a name

In a cla:<:sy sol'ial writeup sent by some hanl-hoiled dame.

Ri~ht thC're in the cognomen of some hlooming sol'ial rose

That typographic error thumbs a con­tumelious pose!

-By ·watter C. Hawes in The Puhlishers' Auxiliary.

'\OTICE Jun ior class meetfng 'Yednes­

day, .\pr il 30, nt .):00 1>. m., in the Little Theatre.

)lax " 'orthing-ton. nre!=;:dent.

A fee of $2.50 per quarter will again to the wi~dom of allowing- sp ... cial per­entitle ::.tudenb playin.g- nriYilege~ at mission for studtnts to play. the Bozunan Count?y Club under cer- l t mu:;t be kept in mind that the tain restrictions. cour:;e is private property nnd main-

1. St1.;dent::- enjoying- the pridlE::ge taine<l at he:n-y expense to the mem­mu:::;t not bring guest players who haye bers. not paicl fee. The club is willing to cooperate

2. Stucie-nts must tee off before I howe,·cr, rtcognizing the tremendous 3:00 p. m. on week days and after ~:00 j recent. increa~e in golf intcl'est and the p. m. on Sundays 01· holidays 1 utlue of eultivating golfin.g- skill

3. _\ll ordinary golf etiqudte and I among <:olleg-e student~. c:ourte~:.ie~ mu:-:t be obserYed. 'l'he ('Ol!ege athletic department as-

.J. Jn e\·ent of abuse the- pridle::re sunus the ri.spons.ibility for this ac­may be l emo\'ed at. once upon action tidty anU must insist upon :strict ob-f:f the Country Club. se1 \'ante of all r('gulations.

Student golf enlhusia:;ts who enjoy F~e:' are payable at once in the playing- this beautiful cours ... will do ti·ea~ure1"::; office. A rec:eipt will bl? welJ to l'OOperate to the utmost in gi\·e-n whi:h shoul I be carried on the maintaining- this prh·ilege. golf Jinks at all times.

Du<> to some gros~ abuse~ in the Xo sturlt'nts are eligible for thc-past there is ('om=i~:erahle doubt in the tournament without the receipt. minds of some of the dub members as Sc:hubert Dyche.

~¢000000$$¢$$¢¢00~000000¢¢0000~000000~1 $$0000000000000000000 8 0 0

i ADVERTISING i 0 £} 0

8 8 ls the SUNLIGHT of BUSINESS 8

Thur~da\-,' :\Inv·~. 1 \'S. 8, 3 \"S. 10; from the L'nited Slat€'s Civil Su·vicc Fl'iday .


i\lay ·9 .. 1 \"S. 2, n \'s, IO; C'ommi~sion. \\"ashin~ton. p. C., or ~aturday, l\lay 10, a \'S. 5. 1 \'S. "j'; the ~ecretary of the Umte~ States ~londav, ;\la\· 12. -1 \"s. JO. 8 vs. 9 : Ch·il Sen·fre Board of Exammers at 'ruesd~lY, 1\Ii{..,. J;~. 2 Ys. 5. J \'S. 3: the po5-t ofifce or cu~tomhouse in any \\"cdne;da::.-. i\~lay 14. G YR. 10. 'i YS. 9: tity. Thur:-day, l\lay in, 3 \'S. 4. l vs. 5; Friday. ;\ l a~· Hl. G \'S.. 9. 'i n: . R· Saturday . l\Iay 17. 2 YS. :~ •• ~ \"S. 9; :\lonch1y. i\lay Hl, 7 \"S. 10. 6 vs. S; Tut'sday .. \lay 20. no game; \Yedne~ .. day. !\lay 21. 8 \'S., 10. 1 vs. 2: Thurs .. day, :\lay 22. 6 \'~. i, -t \'S. 9: Friday, ;\Jay 2:3, 1 vs. -t: Saturday. J\lay :.N. 2 vs. G, 6 \'S, 8.

Hules fur 1930 1.-Lettennen in baseball are eligi­

blC' to play intrnmurnl baseball this quarter .

2.-Men in intramural track may participate in intramura l ba~eball and \"ice Yersa.

a.-Each manai::er of a club should


Student~ ha\·e to be dishonest to p:et throug-h colle~e. They do not cheat in quizzes- not all of them . E\·ery ::.tudent in any collei.:re has to write papers of some sort on a sub­ject that he is assigned. In order to g-et a nit·e j!'rnde the themes rnu$t be written t.o fit the \'i \\"·point of the supreme mind-the grader. Therefore a lot of revitable junk is rattled out on numC'rous typewriters. \Yords are piled one upon the other in nice sound-

procure a rule book. Books may be ~ had at the College Book Store.

4.-0ffieials or each game are to be procured by lhc club managers concerned.

fi.-Eaeh club must have one new ball, sen! unbrokl'n for each j:!'ame.

Phone 286-i\I 17 S. Tracy

Dixon's 6.-Games are to he run fiYc in­nings. \\'eek da::.·~, games arc called at Fi:OO p. m. Saturdays at 2:00 p. m.

~~.~~~1~1J~e1 ~11~~;1b~~~s 01~a=t t~:~~~~ ;~! ~~~ \Yall Paper, Paints, on the field ready to play the game . is forfeited to the team ha.Ying a full I Oil, Glass roster on the firld.

1.-Tlte intra111uraJ n1anage1· has ~

.on the court it's

1n a

ing sentences that mean nothing to 1 ..,,•u•11• 111111 n1·1111 "n 111 " ' ' u 11 , , , , u , , , , the writer and little to the grnder. l 1t the student dares say what he L k thinks about a certnin book, play . or new type of engine he is more thnn y

0 likely to draw a flat flunk. But if he hedge!'> around the issue as pre- I :scnted to him and soft-soaps the sub-ject-dresses the skel ton of an idea I in six ~yllnble raiment-rep{'ats sn . idea or two of the profes::::or and The g reat gen eral t o ntc writ<>s fr?m _memory, his rC'ward is I A preparation of ~plendid sure. "" e aim to please '' is written . . .. all O\"C'l' thousands of term papers nnd tonic and laxative propor-wcekb· themes. "" "c know it is a lot of ties. as strengthening n~ hC'lkum. and the prof. knows we don't • . . · .. think all those pretty thoughts hon- the bracmg sea air. estly but he eats up that sort of stuff."

As a result the only original pien· of writing- that students do is nn ac­cnsional letter home. The\" dare 1 o think and put their lhoughtS on pan1..·r th<'n.- l daho .-\rgonut. ·

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