1 Facebook Ad Checklist www.fbadsmastery.co.uk Facebook Ad Checklist 22 Sure Fire Ways To Ensure You NEVER Waste Another Penny On Facebook Advertising EMMA MELHUISH

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Facebook Ad Checklist


Facebook Ad Checklist – 22 Sure Fire Ways To Ensure You NEVER Waste Another Penny

On Facebook Advertising


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Facebook Ad Checklist


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As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your background, dedication, desire, and motivation. Any testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. You may also experience unknown or unforeseeable risks which can reduce results. The author is not responsible for your actions.


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Facebook Ad Checklist


1. NEVER, Ever Buy Likes! This is the quickest way to ruin your targeting from your page! Facebook will also downgrade your page if you buy likes (yes they can tell!). Focus on getting 1000 TRUE fans for your page - once you hit 1000 fans Facebook will start taking your page seriously and will start promoting it for you. Please note ‘true’ does not mean getting your entire family and all your friends to like your page! It means people who have a genuine interest in your business. It has been claimed that you only ever need 1000 TRUE fans to be extremely successful on FB.

2. Set Up Your Ads With The End Goal In Mind. From my experience (managing my own and countless client’s FB ad accounts), the only end goals you will ever want to use for your Facebook ads are: getting page likes (to hit that magic 1000 number), adding emails to your email list and making direct sales. Nothing else matters!

3. Always Track Your Success. The good new is that Facebook have made this really easy for you! They allows you to add conversion pixels to pages of your website so you will know in real time which of your advertisements are working, and which ones are not!

Facebook Ad Checklist – 22 Sure Fire Ways To Ensure You NEVER Waste Another Penny On Facebook Advertising

You only ever need 1000 TRUE fans to be extremely successful on FB.

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Facebook Ad Checklist


4. Advertise To Your Email List. Facebook advertising allows you to create custom audiences via uploading a list of emails, phone numbers, or Facebook page ID’s to advertise to. For example if you’re running an offer to you email list via, you can also run that same promotion to these same people when they log onto Facebook.

5. Multiply Your Email List By Up To 200,000%! Yes you read that correctly! After you have uploaded your mailing list into Facebook, with one click of a button you can get Facebook to multiply your list creating what is called a ‘Lookalike audience’. This audience will have

the exact same demographics, interests and behaviours as your current list, and you can now show advertisements to them. This basically mean Facebook is allowing \RX�WR�¿QG�GRSSHOJDQJHUV�RI�\RXU�ideal client/customer!

6. Use Precise Targeting. Facebook knows A LOT about you, which is great when it comes to advertising to potential clients and buyers. You can target based on their location, demographics, interests, pages they like, behaviours, profession, what kind of car they drive, and even their purchasing behaviours. If you run a local business, you can target only people who live in your city/town or within 10 – 50km of your town/city.

7. Advertise On FB To People Who Have Visited Your Website. By adding a small piece of code to your

With one click of a button you can get Facebook to multiply your list creating what is called a ‘Lookalike audience”

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Facebook Ad Checklist


website, each time someone visits your website, Facebook takes note and adds them to a list and creates a custom audience. You can then advertise directly to this list of people via FB. Switched on company’s such as Amazon are already using this method - each time you view a product on their website, the next time you log onto Facebook you will see an advert for the exact product – genius!

8. Hide Advertisements In The Facebook News Feed. Often called a ‘dark post’ or ‘unpublished posts’, you can create advertisements that look almost exactly like Facebook page posts. This allows your advertisements to blend in to the news feed which means that they more likely to get read and clicked on.

9. Make Your Advertisements High Quality. No one will become a client or customer of yours or buy your products if your advertisements have spelling and grammar mistakes, your images are distorted or pixelated, and/or the website/landing page you DGYHUW�OHDGV�WR�LV�QRW�¿W�IRU�SXUSRVH��Use a spell check, make sure that all images are of high quality and the appropriate sizes, as ensure your

advert leads to a relevant website or landing page.

10. Use Your Client’s And Customer’s Own Language. If you want your ads to be effective you must use words that your clients and customers use, and speak their language.

11. Back Up Your Claims – Show Social Proof. In your advertising, if you make a claim you about your products or services you must back it up with testimonials, research or a case study. If you’ve been featured on TV, in a magazine, or on another website, then tell them about it in you ad. Trust is imperative.

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Facebook Ad Checklist


12. Call Out To Your Audience By Asking Questions. It is crucial to call out to your target audience. For example, if your target audience is restaurant owners make sure you mention that in your advert e.g. “Do You Own A Restaurant?” or if you’re audience is mum’s who want to lose weight you ad headline could be “Are You Struggling To Lose Your Baby Weight?”

13. Replicate Successful Advertisements. If an advertisement is performing well, and always performs well, use it as a template for future advertisements. Facebook advertising is based on human psychology, and human psychology

hasn’t changed for centuries. Also keep an eye out for adverts that grab your attention – could your create a similar ad for your business?

14. Use Landing (Squeeze) Pages. A squeeze page is a landing page designed to capture opt-in email address from your potential customer or client. The goal of a squeeze page is to convince a visitor into providing their email address in exchange for something of value such as a free product or report. This is how you get permission to follow up with an interested party with email marketing.

15. Make You Advert All About Them – WIIFM. Tell your potential client RU�EX\HU�KRZ�WKH\�ZLOO�EHQH¿W�E\�clicking on your advertisement. Make sure you solve a problem that they have. When a potential client or EX\HU�UHDGV�\RXU�DG�WKH�¿UVW�WKLQN�that will go through their mind is

Keep an eye out for adverts that grab your attention – could your create a similar ad for your business?

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Facebook Ad Checklist


WIIFM “What’s In It For Me” – if your advert does not clearly shout out the EHQH¿W�WR�\RXU�SRWHQWLDO�DXGLHQFH�they will not take action.

16. Include Bullet Points In You Ads. Including bullet points that show HYHQ�PRUH�EHQH¿WV�RI�FOLFNLQJ�RQ�your advertisement will increase the

potential for someone clicking on your advertisement.

17. Tell Them What To Do Next. Each step of the way, tell your potential clients and buyers what to do next. In the advertisement, tell them where they need to click, use the ‘Call To Action’ button (CTA). On your website/squeeze page, tell them to enter their email address and click the shiny red button below etc. Make it as easy as possible for your potential client or buyer to take action.

18. Hijack Other People’s Fan Pages. You can borrow other people’s “1000 true fans” by targeting their Facebook page. For example, if your potential clients and buyers are all personal trainers and gym owners, then you can show advertisements to people who are fans of the National Personal Training Institute.

19. Encourage People To Comment. If someone comments on your advert, it gives it social proof. This makes your advertisement look like a page post, less like spam and more like a helpful solution to your potential client or buyer’s problems.

If your advert does not clearly shout out the benefit to your potential audience they will not take action.

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Facebook Ad Checklist


20. Target Current Fans. Not everyone who likes your Facebook page will be on your email list, but you can change that. Show advertisements to current Facebook fans that are not currently on your email list. If they already like your Facebook page, it’s a relatively easy sell to get them onto your mailing list.

21. Test, Test, Test. To know what advert works best for your potential audience you must test! You can test

different images, targeting, landing page copy, offers etc, etc.

22. Position Your Offer With Follow Up Emails. To optimize your efforts on Facebook you must create an email autoresponder series to move news leads into paying customers

If your advert does not clearly shout out the benefit to your potential audience they will not take action.

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Facebook Ad Checklist


Applying these tips and techniques to your Facebook advertising will dramatically increase your results.

When you get it right FB advertising is cheap and during product launches, you can expect to achieve a very high return on investment (ROI), especially if you’re selling a high priced product or program.

But…you still need to know how to implement these techniques.

To help you, I’ve created Facebook Ads Mastery, an online training programme that literally takes you by the hand and shows you how to set up your Facebook advertisements using the techniques described above.

The training programme is super easy to follow and walks you through every section step-by-step. Want to know more? Just click www.fbadsmastery.co.uk/special for all the juicy details.

To your success

www.emmamelhuish.com facebook.com/EmmaMelhuishLtd

The training programme is super easy to follow and walks you through every section step-by-step