Faculty of Agricultural Technology Dominate PKM UB Contingent Qualifying PIMNAS 2016 Submit by prasetyaFTP on July 27, 2016 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 8035 FTP Dominate UB's contingent qualified for PIMNAS 2016 Out of 62 proposals of Student's Creativity Program from Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP/ Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian) that qualified to be funded by DIKTI, finally listed around 10 teams to be declared to qualify towards National Student's Scientific Week ( Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional/PIMNAS) XXIX. The event will be organized on 7-12 August 2016 in Bogor Institute of Agriculture, West Java. This happy news sourced from Dikti's official website at http://simlitabmas.dikti.go.id/ . The ten teams were the largest faculty's representatives throughout University of Brawijaya. In recent PIMNAS XXIX, UB's contingent in total are consisting of 27 teams with details as follows: FTP (10), Faculty of Animal Husbandry (4), Faculty of Medicine (3), Faculty of Agriculture (2), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (2), Faculty of Cultural Studies (2) and also a team of each for Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary and Faculty of Administrative Science. For fiscal year of 2016, at FTP are listed five proposals of PKM Karsa Cipta (Intention Creativity), three proposals of PKM Penelitian (research), one proposal for PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat (community services), and one proposal PKM Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) stated to pass PIMNAS XXIX. Five PKM-KC that have passed are including "G-WARS (Grey Water Recycle System); Design of Domestic Waste Recycling Technology as a Solution for Sustainable Clean Water Supply" by M. Reza Firmansyah (Agriculture Engineering 2012) with supervisor Angga Dheta Shirajuddin, S.Si., M.Si; "SAFARI OS-002 (Smart Farm Technology) NH3 and H2S Absorber Device in the Henhouse in Realizing Eco Green Technology" by Ashva Avkarina (Agro-Industrial Technology 2013) under supervision of Shinta Rosalia Dewi, S.Si., M.Sc; "RaPDe (Rapid Pesticide Detector); Fast, Practical and Eco-Friendly Detector Innovation for Pesticide in Vegetables" by Ratyawisnu Fahmiaji Winarto (Agricultural Product Technology) under the supervision of Sudarma Dita W, STP, M.Sc., MP; "TOTAL FLEX (Automatic Auto Food Colour Extractor) for Natural Dyes Which Based on Electro-conductive Heating as an Effort to Realize National Food Security Movement" by Bima Adinugraha (Agricultural Engineering 2013) under the supervision of Yusron Sugiarto, STP., MP., MSc and "F-Ray (Fruit Spoilage Delay); an Innovation on Preservative Device which Based on ECO-CUMCO (Edible Coating and Vacuum Cooling) as an Effort to Extend Fresh Fruit Storage Period In Order to Improve Local fruit Quality" by Fadli Yudha Bhakti (Agricultural Product Technology ) under the supervision of Yusuf Hendrawan, STP., M.App.Life.Sc., PhD.

Faculty of Agricultural Technology Dominate PKM UB Contingent

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Faculty of Agricultural Technology Dominate PKM UB Contingent Qualifying PIMNAS 2016

Submit by prasetyaFTP on July 27, 2016 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 8035

FTP Dominate UB's contingent qualified for


Out of 62 proposals of Student's Creativity Program from Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP/ Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian) that qualified to be funded by DIKTI, finally listed around 10 teams to be declared to qualify towards National Student's Scientific Week ( Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional/PIMNAS) XXIX. The event will be organized on 7-12 August 2016 in Bogor Institute of Agriculture, West Java. This happy news sourced from Dikti's official website at http://simlitabmas.dikti.go.id/.

The ten teams were the largest faculty's representatives throughout University of Brawijaya.

In recent PIMNAS XXIX, UB's contingent in total are consisting of 27 teams with details as follows: FTP (10), Faculty of Animal Husbandry (4), Faculty of Medicine (3), Faculty of Agriculture (2), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (2), Faculty of Cultural Studies (2) and also a team of each for Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary and Faculty of Administrative Science.

For fiscal year of 2016, at FTP are listed five proposals of PKM Karsa Cipta (Intention Creativity), three proposals of PKM Penelitian (research), one proposal for PKM Pengabdian Masyarakat (community services), and one proposal PKM Kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) stated to pass PIMNAS XXIX. Five PKM-KC that have passed are including "G-WARS (Grey Water Recycle System); Design of Domestic Waste Recycling Technology as a Solution for Sustainable Clean Water Supply" by M. Reza Firmansyah (Agriculture Engineering 2012) with supervisor Angga Dheta Shirajuddin, S.Si., M.Si; "SAFARI OS-002 (Smart Farm Technology) NH3 and H2S Absorber Device in the Henhouse in Realizing Eco Green Technology" by Ashva Avkarina (Agro-Industrial Technology 2013) under supervision of Shinta Rosalia Dewi, S.Si., M.Sc; "RaPDe (Rapid Pesticide Detector); Fast, Practical and Eco-Friendly Detector Innovation for Pesticide in Vegetables" by Ratyawisnu Fahmiaji Winarto (Agricultural Product Technology) under the supervision of Sudarma Dita W, STP, M.Sc., MP; "TOTAL FLEX (Automatic Auto Food Colour Extractor) for Natural Dyes Which Based on Electro-conductive Heating as an Effort to Realize National Food Security Movement" by Bima Adinugraha (Agricultural Engineering 2013) under the supervision of Yusron Sugiarto, STP., MP., MSc and "F-Ray (Fruit Spoilage Delay); an Innovation on Preservative Device which Based on ECO-CUMCO (Edible Coating and Vacuum Cooling) as an Effort to Extend Fresh Fruit Storage Period In Order to Improve Local fruit Quality" by Fadli Yudha Bhakti (Agricultural Product Technology ) under the supervision of Yusuf Hendrawan, STP., M.App.Life.Sc., PhD.

Page 2: Faculty of Agricultural Technology Dominate PKM UB Contingent

Meanwhile, the three proposals of Student's Creativity Program on Research (PKM-P) which qualified for recent PIMNAS XXIX are including "MCK (Mandi-Cuci-Kakus/Bath-Wash-Toilet) Waste Goes to Eco Green - Microalgae Bio-Film Based and Independent Household Scale Bath-Wash-Toilet Waste Processing Innovation as an Eco-green Realization" by Ditasya Kinanti Putri (Agricultural Engineering 2013) under the supervision of Angga Dheta Shirajuddin, S.Si., M.Si; Microalgae Nannochloropsis sp. Exploration in Super Food Production in Form of Single Cell Protein as Solutive Ideas for Functional Food Sources in Overcoming Malnutrition and Food Insecurity in Indonesia by Using Tofu Liquid Waste" by Ahfad Ulhidayati (Agricultural Product Technology) under the supervision of Agustin Krisna Wardani, STP., M.Si., PhD and "SILAMBU (Silicon from Bagasse Ash) as Renewable Alternative Energy in Solar Cell Production" by Dina Kamila (Agricultural Engineering 2013) under the supervision of Dr. Ir. A. Tunggul Sutan Haji, MT.

Other works which also ensured themselves drove to PIMNAS XXIX in IPB Bogor are including "CYCLE DEVIL (Octane Cycle Concept of Independent Village); The Development of Zero Waste Food and Energy Self-sufficient Villages in Argosari Village as an Effort to Support a National Universe Village Development" by Musyaroh (Agro-Industrial Technology 2013) under the supervision of Dewi Maya Maharani, STP., M.Sc in the field of Community Services and "OLIF (Organic Salted Fish); an Innovation of Healthy and Safe Salted-Fish Product Innovation with Food Educational Package as an Effort in Creating Excellent Products that Able to Compete in AEC 2016" by Ali Wafa (Agricultural Product Technology) under the supervision of Endrika Widyastuti, S.Pt., M.Sc., MP in the field of Entrepreneurship.

In his address, when gave a briefing, FTP's Vice Dean III on Student Affairs Yusuf Hendrawan, STP., M.App.Life.Sc., PhD delivered, "I congratulate FTP's Courtier Students who are succeeded towards PIMNAS XXIX in IPB Bogor. Once again, this year, FTP's contingent dominates University of Brawijaya. We ask for your prayers and support and so in PIMNAS our FTP's junior contingents can be glorious and champion as previous year, bring the largest medals throughout Indonesia. For FTP students who have no opportunity yet to move forward to PIMNAS, your seniors have proven that opportunities are not only in national level, but they can also have achievements in international level. Remained to think optimistic, keep attempted to be achievers, focused to champion internationally. As long as our heart is still beating, the pulse still beating, blood is still flowing, it means the Almighty does not allow us to surrender".

In PIMNAS XXIX which will be convened in Bogor Institute of Agriculture, West Java 7-12 August 2016, University of Brawijaya occupies the second position of institution with the largest contingent that consisting of 27 teams. The first position with the largest contingent is Gadjah Mada University with 29 teams. In the third position is the State University of Malang with 23 teams. The other institutions which are also included in the big-five are Diponegoro University with 22 teams and the host, Bogor Institute of Agriculture with 21 teams. [dse/Humas UB/trans. Denok]

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