Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau Visit Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University Submit by prasetyaFP on January 29, 2018 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 1813 A visit of FP Unri to FP UB Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University (FP UB) received a visit of Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau Pekanbaru (FP Unri) on Friday (26/Jan/2018) in Senate Hall sixth floor of the faculty's Central Building. A group of 41 people led by Vice Dean II of FP Unri M. Mardiansyah, S.Hut, M.Sc was opened by FP UB's Dean Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS accompanied by Vice Dean I Prof. Kuswanto, Vice Dean III Dr. Syafrial, MS. Also attended were Head of Agribusiness Department Mangku Purnomo PhD, Secretary of Pests and Plant Diseases Department Luqman Qurata Aini, PhD, Head of Agroecotechnology Program Dr. Agr. Nunun Barunawati, SP, MP Head of Administration Affairs and Head of Sub-Divisions. In his remarks, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture expressed his welcome and appreciation towards the visit. "Faculty of Agriculture is the first faculty that was born before Brawijaya University was born. Currently the faculty has the highest numbers of professors around 38 ones and already competed with Faculty of Agriculture Gadjah Mada University and Bogor University of Agriculture. Apart of that, fresher's interest in its admission, Department of Agribusiness and Agroecotechnlogy are in top six of Brawijaya University interest," as said by Prof. Nuhfil Hanani. Apart of that, Vice Dean II of Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau in his remarks delivered the visit was aimed at a comparative study in an effort of performance upgrading for administration staffs and as a mean to strengthen good relationships. "I hope this visit is able to absorb many things related with management of Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University, since the university is in the top six of the best universities throughout Indonesia compared to University of Riau which is ranked 20th. It is reasonable that we learn many things to take benefits of the visit," said Mardiansyah, S.Hut, M.Sc. Furthermore, Vice Dean I of Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University, Prof. KUswanto delivered about the faculty profile, such as explaining the organizational structure, profile of each department, laboratories at the faculty, as well as about units in the faculty either study units or research units. Not forgetting also delivered about the partnership result either with private entities, institutions or universities both inside and outside the country. After sharing and QA session regards to many things on organizational governance, curriculum, grading system, teaching process and many other things, the event was pursued with handover of souvenirs and a group photo and then continued with a visit to agricultural depo, as a unit in agricultural product and entrepreneurship management owned by Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University. [Zma/Humas UB/trans. Denok]

Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau Visit Faculty of ... fileIr. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS accompanied by Vice Dean I Prof. Kuswanto, Vice Dean III Dr. Syafrial, MS. Also attended

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Page 1: Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau Visit Faculty of ... fileIr. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS accompanied by Vice Dean I Prof. Kuswanto, Vice Dean III Dr. Syafrial, MS. Also attended

Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau Visit Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University

Submit by prasetyaFP on January 29, 2018 | Comment(s) : 0 | View : 1813

A visit of FP Unri to FP UB

Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University (FP UB) received a visit of Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau Pekanbaru (FP Unri) on Friday (26/Jan/2018) in Senate Hall sixth floor of the faculty's Central Building. A group of 41 people led by Vice Dean II of FP Unri M. Mardiansyah, S.Hut, M.Sc was opened by FP UB's Dean Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS accompanied by Vice Dean I Prof. Kuswanto, Vice Dean III Dr. Syafrial, MS. Also attended were Head of Agribusiness Department Mangku Purnomo PhD, Secretary of Pests and Plant Diseases Department Luqman Qurata Aini, PhD, Head of Agroecotechnology Program Dr. Agr. Nunun Barunawati, SP, MP Head of Administration Affairs and Head of Sub-Divisions.

In his remarks, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture expressed his welcome and appreciation towards the visit. "Faculty of Agriculture is the first faculty that was born before Brawijaya University was born. Currently the faculty has the highest numbers of professors around 38 ones and already competed with Faculty of Agriculture Gadjah Mada University and Bogor University of Agriculture. Apart of that, fresher's interest in its admission, Department of Agribusiness and Agroecotechnlogy are in top six of Brawijaya University interest," as said by Prof. Nuhfil Hanani.

Apart of that, Vice Dean II of Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau in his remarks delivered the visit was aimed at a comparative study in an effort of performance upgrading for administration staffs and as a mean to strengthen good relationships. "I hope this visit is able to absorb many things related with management of Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University, since the university is in the top six of the best universities throughout Indonesia compared to University of Riau which is ranked 20th. It is reasonable that we learn many things to take benefits of the visit," said Mardiansyah, S.Hut, M.Sc.

Furthermore, Vice Dean I of Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University, Prof. KUswanto delivered about the faculty profile, such as explaining the organizational structure, profile of each department, laboratories at the faculty, as well as about units in the faculty either study units or research units. Not forgetting also delivered about the partnership result either with private entities, institutions or universities both inside and outside the country.

After sharing and QA session regards to many things on organizational governance, curriculum, grading system, teaching process and many other things, the event was pursued with handover of souvenirs and a group photo and then continued with a visit to agricultural depo, as a unit in agricultural product and entrepreneurship management owned by Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University. [Zma/Humas UB/trans. Denok]