F F A A I I R R N N e e w w s s l l e e t t t t e e r r N N o o . . 1 1 0 0 September 2008 Contents Page FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT) ______________________ 2 Status of the FAIR Project ____________________________________________________2 Status Reports from the Departments _______________ 3 Status of FAIR Accelerators ___________________________________________________3 Status of FAIR Experiments ___________________________________________________4 Status of FAIR Civil Construction ______________________________________________5 Status of FAIR Radiation Safety ________________________________________________8 FAIR Particulars _______________________________ 10 Horst Wenninger: Deputy Leader of the FAIR Joint Core Team _____________________10 FAIR Specials _________________________________ 11 First full-size superconducting magnet ready for testing on site ______________________11 PANDA Collaboration Meeting in Krakow, Poland _______________________________12 First TDR Evaluation for the PANDA Experiment ________________________________13 PWO Crystals - First major Detector Part Ordered for PANDA ______________________15 FAIR Meetings and Events _______________________ 16 FAIR Links ___________________________________ 17 Masthead ____________________________________ 18

FAIR Newsletter No. 10 - GSI · FAIR Newsletter No. 10 September 2008 7 / 18 . Soil investigations . The soil investigations as part of the project's preparatory phase are terminated

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Contents Page

FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT) ______________________ 2

Status of the FAIR Project ____________________________________________________2

Status Reports from the Departments _______________ 3

Status of FAIR Accelerators ___________________________________________________3

Status of FAIR Experiments ___________________________________________________4

Status of FAIR Civil Construction ______________________________________________5

Status of FAIR Radiation Safety________________________________________________8

FAIR Particulars _______________________________ 10

Horst Wenninger: Deputy Leader of the FAIR Joint Core Team _____________________10

FAIR Specials _________________________________ 11

First full-size superconducting magnet ready for testing on site______________________11

PANDA Collaboration Meeting in Krakow, Poland _______________________________12

First TDR Evaluation for the PANDA Experiment ________________________________13

PWO Crystals - First major Detector Part Ordered for PANDA ______________________15

FAIR Meetings and Events _______________________ 16

FAIR Links ___________________________________ 17

Masthead ____________________________________ 18

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FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT)

Status of the FAIR Project Hans Gutbrod

Dear Friends of FAIR,

As I wrote to you in June 2008, we are making continuous progress towards the

foundation of the FAIR GmbH. Although it was a bit too optimistic to have announced this event for September 2008 we are confident to have this year the signing of the FAIR Convention – a necessary condition for the foundation of the FAIR GmbH.

Presently each FAIR country's government is going through the final documents. As some small changes in this process became necessary, a lot of energy is currently requested on the part of the negotiation team around Dr. Vierkorn-Rudolph from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Nevertheless, at the last International Steering Committee (ISC) meeting on September 3, 2008 at Darmstadt we were very happy to learn that - most probably - the signing of the FAIR Convention will be on the same occasion as the signing of the XFEL Convention.

Another important act at the latest ISC meeting was the appointment of Horst Wenninger as deputy head of the FAIR Joint Core Team (see page 10) as suggested by the ISC chairman, Jacek Gierlinski. This fills me with great joy. I have known Horst Wenninger since the mid-eighties from CERN, where he and his division assisted me in building up experiments for relativistic heavy ions. His vast experience in the management of CERN will be of great value for our team entering now into a detailed planning for the management structure of FAIR GmbH. Especially the future structure and planning of the collaboration between the two companies FAIR GmbH and GSI mbH need to be defined, but also the role of other international partner institutes.

I am also happy to inform you that, finally, the European Commission (EC) has signed the FAIR FP7 preparatory phase EU contract. The total EC financing will be 4.9 Million Euro; a first tranche has recently been transferred to us. These funds will pay the salaries of all members of the FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT) and will also cover the running costs of the FAIR GmbH in the start-up phase.

Another big step for the FAIR project is the first purchase order for FAIR experiment equipment: PbWO4 (lead-tungstenate) crystals, important components for the PANDA experiment, have been ordered at the Russian firm of BTCP (see page 15), following a successful evaluation of the Technical Design Report (TDR) for the PANDA electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) and its production readiness (see page 13). Furthermore, many contracts have been signed or are on the way to for the planning of FAIR civil construction (see page 5). The planners are promising us from their work a more precise view on the overall planning of FAIR for end of this year and the beginning of the year 2009.

The FAIR project is moving along...

With best regards,

Hans Gutbrod Leader FAIR Joint Core Team


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Status Reports from the Departments

Status of FAIR Accelerators Simone Richter (GSI)

At their latest meeting, the FAIR International Steering Committee (ISC) agreed on

the creation of pre-consortia/collaborations on the dedicated FAIR accelerators' in-kind work-packages. In order to not losing momentum and time, the FAIR Technical Director Dieter Kraemer immediately scheduled technical kick-off meetings for the pre-consortia as follows:

SIS100 September 15th

CR: October 8th

SuperFRS: October 9th

Here, partners who issued Expressions of Interest (EoIs, http://www-win.gsi.de/FAIR-EOI/) on particular machines of the accelerator park should agree on a common approach and schedule for the realization of these machines.

Further dates for meetings on other components will be organized as soon as possible and announced in due time.


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Status of FAIR Experiments Zbigniew Majka (FJCT)

A newly formed research coordination group (RCG) under the leadership of

Zbigniew Majka, Head of Research in the FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT), will regularly discuss current issues of the FAIR experiment organisation. The research coordination meetings are attended by the members of the FJCT, FAIR experiment spokespersons were invited to participate as well. Since May 2008 the meetings have been taking place once per month, the next one is scheduled for September 16, 2008. Current information from this group and their meetings can be accessed under "Research Meetings" via

FJCT - Research

Besides the organisation of workload related to work package number 6 (research coordination) in terms of the EU FP7 FAIR-Preparatory Phase grant, one initial topic of the RCG was dedicated to establishing a procedure for the evaluation of Technical Design Reports (TDR). The PANDA and HISPEC/HISPEC collaborations have submitted the first ones for subsystems of their experimental setups (see page 13). An evaluation procedure has been worked out and already approved by the international working group of Scientific and Technical Issues (STI) at their latest meeting on August 19, 2008. The key points of the TDR evaluation procedure are:

The RCG proposes referee candidates for the TDR evaluation in question and presents their choice to the STI for approval.

The RCG also suggests to STI one of two alternative evaluation processes:

o The report on the conclusions of the TDR evaluation is prepared by the referee group after a dedicated meeting with the TDR responsibles or

o the referees ask for a written report only.

A summary report of the evaluation is then presented to STI either by the chairperson of the referee group or by the Head of Research from the FJCT.

STI further approved to have organized TDR evaluation procedures by the RCG

three times a year for TDRs submitted before April 30, August 31 and December 3 of the respective year.


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Status of FAIR Civil Construction Ursula Simon (GSI)

The department of FAIR Civil Construction made considerable progress in different

fields of activity:

VOF procedures (VOF=rules for award of freelance works contracts selection procedure) All VOF procedures for the selection of the external partners have sucessfully been

concluded within the time schedule and without any objections. Some contracts are already signed; others are in the state of finalization.

Planning companies

The planning companies (architect, structural engineer, landscaping and site

engineers, technical trades) as well as further experts (health and safety coordinator, surveyor) have been assigned. During an official "Planners' Kick-Off" on July 22, 2008 at GSI all have been introduced to the project by the GSI scientific director, Horst Stoecker and the leader of the FAIR Joint Core Team, Hans Gutbrod.

Standing, from left to right: Norbert Weber (GSI), Dieter Steinigeweg (Steinigeweg Engineers), Helmut Bleher (Müller & Bleher), Marc Delle (ion42), Günther Engelbrecht (Ebert-Engineers), Christian Schmidkowski (ion42), Uwe Hermann (ion42), Katrin Lünser (LAP), Thilo Fischer (Heinen + Fischer), Ursula Simon (GSI), Thomas Wickbold (LAP), Bernd Heinen Heinen+Fischer), Winfried Bug (hbm), Norbert Herrlich (hbm), Dietmar Lenz (LAP), Franz Burgstaller (GSI), Katja Weissmann (WGF), Christoph Gooß, Karlheinz Dauch (Gauff Engineers), Peter Jakoby (GSI), Heidi Lehner (WGF), Wolfram Steinsberger (Müller & Bleher), Albert Holzhey (Ebert- Engineers), Grace Aberin-Wolters (GSI), Michael Grüner (Dekra), Raimund Schulz (Drees&Sommer), Ralf Harms (Steinigeweg Engineers), Markus Krüger (M+M) Sitting, from left to right: Bernd Tibes (ion42), Hans Gutbrod (FJCT), Horst Stoecker (GSI), Wolf Seufert (GSI), Till Schneider (ion42), Simone Richter (GSI), Katja Zeyen (Drees & Sommer), Wolfgang Hirth (JMP), Christoph von Eynatten (Scholze Ing.), Thilo Jaeger (JMP), Gerhard Silber (M+M), Manfred Pietsch (Dornier Consulting)

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Assigned Planners for FAIR Construction


Ion42 GBR, Frankfurt am Main consisting of: DGI Bauwerk – Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, Berlin and Schneider + Schumacher Architekturgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt

Structural Engineering Leonhardt, Andrä and Partner Beratende Ingenieure VBI, GmbH, Stuttgart

Engineering in outdoor installations, structures and transportation infrastructures

Consortium H.P. Gauff Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG –JBG, Frankfurt and WGF Objekt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, Nürnberg

Surveying Publicly appointed surveyor Bernd Heinen & Thilo Fischer, Groß-Zimmern

Health and safety coordinator DEKRA Umwelt GmbH, Frankfurt am Main

Engineering services in refrigeration and heating, gases and compressed air

Consortium JMP Jaeger, Mornhinweg + Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart and Scholze Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart

Engineering services in ventilation and air conditioning

Planungsgruppe M + M AG, Eschborn

Sanitary engineering and fire-extinguishing system

Consortium JMP Jaeger, Mornhinweg + Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart and Scholze Ingenieurgesellschaft, Stuttgart

Electrical engineering services in telecommunication and information technology Steinigeweg Planungs GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt

Building and process automation Ebert-Ingenieure GmbH & Co. KG, Frankfurt / München

Transportation systems engineering Müller + Bleher Filderstadt GmbH, Filderstadt

Electrical power engineering Müller + Bleher Filderstadt GmbH, Filderstadt

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Soil investigations

The soil investigations as part of the project's preparatory phase are terminated

and a corresponding survey report from the engineering office has been presented. A critical area in the soil has been identified and will further be investigated during the planning phase up to November 2008. In addition to this survey, the expert office in charge, the firm of W. Romberg, shall also be assigned with the necessary foundation consultancy.

Radiation safety

First results regarding the identification of the dose transfer from the Institute for

Radio Chemistry in Garching near Munich make it likely that a cost-optimized shielding with earth material instead of concrete might be sufficient. Final results are expected in September 2008 and the planners are asked to consider this as alternative solution. Georg Fehrenbacher, the leader of the GSI radiation safety department, will define the corresponding framework requirements for the structural and architectural planning (see p. 8).

All these requirements will be integrated into the planning in a cost-optimized way and will ensure an approval of the planning without delay.


Within the overall project the planners will soon have defined the detailed steps

regarding their special fields. This is in compliance with the intention to acquire the approval for the Z-Bau-procedure (see NL No. 7) until the end of March 2009.


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Status of FAIR Radiation Safety Georg Fehrenbacher (GSI)

Introduction of Alternative Shielding Methods for Saving Resources

The FAIR civil construction department, together with the GSI radiation safety

group, developed an alternative shielding concept for the SIS 100/300 tunnel. The shielding of the underground SIS 100/300 accelerator is facing two problems:

1) keeping the radiation levels at the surface below a certain limit and

2) avoiding a too high activation of the soil layers in the vicinity of the underground tunnel.

Highly activated earth can dilute radioactivity to the ground water and cause a radiation exposure directly to the environment and thus indirectly to man. The architectural planning has to take into account the reduction of an unavoidable activation of earth, especially near the SIS 100/300 tunnel. Conventional methods to meet these requirements are to increase the thickness of the concrete walls, so that - calculated for a tunnel length of about 1.1 km - a huge amount of concrete would be necessary. Therefore a method as follows has been proposed:

A durable plastic sealing (disposal plastic foil) forms a compartment for the immobilisation of ground water and, as a result, also for the probable radioactivity. The compacted earth between the outer plastic sealing and the tunnel wall serves as an extended shielding wall, providing an optimized curtailing of the radioactivity produced during the accelerator operation. This solution has the advantage that the total amount of concrete walls can essentially be reduced to the necessities for statically demands.

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Activities for the Official Approval Procedure for FAIR at the Hessian Ministry for Environment

An informal meeting took place at GSI with the representatives of the Hessian

Ministry for Environment (HMULV) Gerald Kraus and Helmut Herrmann. GSI participants were the Head of the FAIR civil construction group (FAIR CC), Wolf Seufert, the FAIR Technical Director Dieter Kraemer and Georg Fehrenbacher, the Head of the GSI safety group. The potential on further cost reduction according to alternative shielding measures described above was discussed. It has been agreed that - by an application of GSI - the preliminary HMULV-permission can be extended for the new cost saving building techniques including earth layers as shielding material. A correspondent proposal to the HMULV is intended to be sent already by the year 2008 and the GSI radiation safety department is now preparing the application.


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FAIR Particulars

Horst Wenninger: Deputy Leader of the FAIR Joint Core Team FJCT

The FAIR International Steering

Committee (ISC) appointed Horst Wenninger (CERN) deputy leader of the FAIR Joint Core Team (FJCT). In this function he will participate - on a part-time basis - in the work of the FJCT until the arrival of the FAIR Research Director.

Horst Wenninger achieved his PhD in nuclear physics at the University of Heidelberg, followed by almost 40 years of scientific, technical, and managerial activities at CERN in Geneva.

His scientific work comprises nuclear spectroscopy, particle and neutrino bubble chambers experiments as well as e+e-collider physics. As for his technical fields of activity, he and his divisions developed and constructed various experimental facilities and detectors at CERN for the Large Electron Positron

Collider (LEP) and superconducting RF cavities for the energy upgrade of LEP. Moreover Horst Wenninger made considerable contributions to the R&D on superconducting magnets for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Within his 10 years of managerial tasks at CERN he held – among other duties – the positions of the LHC deputy project leader and, for some years, that of the Research-Technical Director.

Horst Wenninger was member of many scientific and technical committees in Europe.


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FAIR Specials

First full-size superconducting magnet ready for testing on site Egbert Fischer (GSI), Günter Sikler (Babcock Noëll GmbH)

Superconducting magnets will be used in the synchrotron SIS100, one core

component of the FAIR accelerator facility. Three independent vendors had been chosen to produce a full-size superconducting magnet for FAIR: Babcock Noëll GmbH (Germany), Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna, Russia) and Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). Dipole magnets of this type (see picture) will be able to provide a magnetic field of up to 1.9 Tesla (A magnetic field of 1 Tesla is approximately 20.000 times stronger than the magnetic field of the Earth!) and will have the capability to be powered from zero field to full field in half a second. The field within the dipole magnet is homogeneous with a maximum acceptable deviation of less than 0.06%.

The SIS100 synchrotron at FAIR will be the world's second synchrotron using rapidly ramped superconducting magnets and can be considered a next generation machine of the Nuclotron at JINR/Dubna (Russia). The superconductivity allows a considerable reduction of the magnet's size and weight and thus also of the energy required for operation. This magnet is almost 3 meters long, with a weight of 3 tons. Comparable conventional magnets typically have a weight of about 20 tons. A superconducting magnet requires to be cooled to a temperature of 4.5 K (~ minus 269 degrees centigrade). This is achieved by using liquid helium.

With the development and production of this first SIS100 dipole magnet the FAIR project is stepping into a next stage of realisation. Delivered by the firm of Babcock Noëll GmbH, the magnet is now being prepared for testing. Other magnets will follow swiftly this year. top

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PANDA Collaboration Meeting in Krakow, Poland Ulrich Wiedner (U Bochum), Zbigniew Majka (FJCT)

About 135 participants attended the 25th collaboration meeting of the PANDA

experiment at the Jagellonian University in Krakow, Poland, June 23-27, 2008. Three Krakow groups, namely from the Jagellonian University, from the Institute for Nuclear Physics PAN and from the University of Technology, play an important role in the PANDA experiment preparations, with responsibilities in the detector construction, the mechanical design and the development of theoretical interpretations and analysis methods.

As a tradition for meetings outside GSI, the reunion was combined with a physics meeting, where theorists reported about ongoing work in PANDA related physics. It was a welcome occasion for intensively discussing the PANDA physics book which is about to be finished this fall. Another major topic at the meeting concentrated on the fine-tuning of the Technical Design Report on the electromagnetic calorimeter, to be submitted a few days later.

Finally, Günther Rosner from Glasgow University was elected new chair of the collaboration board. His new deputy will be Alexander Vasiliev from IHEP Protvino.

The perfect organization by Jerzy Smyrski and his colleagues, the charm of the medieval Krakow and the hospitality of the local group made this collaboration meeting a memorable event and everybody is sure that it was not the last PANDA meeting in Krakow.

Zbigniew Majka (Head of Research in the FJCT) and Ulrich Wiedner (U Bochum, PANDA spokesperson) at the PANDA collaboration meeting


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First TDR Evaluation for the PANDA Experiment Zbigniew Majka (FJCT)

The PANDA experiment collaboration is the first one to have handed in a Technical Design Report (TDR). The evaluation, was done according to the procedure worked out by the research coordination group (RCG) of the FAIR Joint Core Team FJCT) and approved by the STI (Scientific and Technical Issues) working group (see page 4).

The PANDA TDR document presents the technical layout and the envisaged performance of the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) for the PANDA target spectrometer. The referee group (RG) met on April 18, 2008 at GSI and worked out the conclusions of this TDR evaluation. The PANDA EMC TDR referees were:

Paul Lecoq, CERN/CMS Collaboration Vladislav Manko, Kurchatov Institute (Chair) Ifang Wang, IHEP Beijing/BES William Wisniewski, SLAC/BaBar

from the left to the right: Vladislav Manko, Ifeng Wang, Klaus Peters (GSI), Paul Lecoq, Bernd Lewandowski (GSI), Lars Schmitt (FJCT), William Wisnewski, Horst Wenninger (STI Chair, CERN), Hans Gutbrod (FJCT), Ulrich Wiedner (U Bochum)

The spokesperson Ulrich Wiedner and the other responsible persons from the

PANDA collaboration participated in the open session of the RG meeting, answering the questions of the referees. The RG report was presented by their chairman to the STI working group the next day, during their meeting at GSI.

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The STI working group agrees on the conclusions and recommendations of the referee group as follows:

The choice of the PWO crystals as a scintillator material for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter is approved.

The PANDA collaboration shall as soon as possible place an order for production of the PANDA crystals at the BTCP factory in Russia.

Also the TDR for LYCCA (Lund-York-Cologne Calorimeter) for the HISPEC/DESPEC

experiment is due to be evaluated. As this is a TDR of a smaller scope there won't be a special referee meeting. The STI approved the two referees proposed by the RCG of the FJCT as follows:

Eiji Ideguchi (Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo)

Darek Seweryniak (ANL)

It was agreed on evaluating the LYCCA TDR from their written report and to have presented the conclusions by the FJCT Head of Research at the next STI meeting.


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PWO Crystals - First major Detector Part Ordered for PANDA Ulrich Wiedner (U Bochum)

On September 3, 2008, Bochum University and the Russian company BTCP,

Bogoroditsk Plant of Techno-Chemical Products, signed a purchase agreement on one third of the necessary crystals for the PANDA high-resolution electromagnetic calorimeter. The contract has a financial volume of about 4 Million Euro. With this order the work on one of the most demanding and important sub detectors of the PANDA experiment has moved into the construction phase.

Back, from the left to the right: Dr. R. Novotny (U Giessen.), A.Tabolkin (Deputy Director JSC Ruselectronics), Prof. K. Peters (GSI), Prof. Dr. U. Wiedner (U Bochum), K. Sprengel (U Bochum), H.-J. Rick (U Bochum) Front, sitting: Prof. Dr. E. Weiler (Rector U Bochum) A. Baberdin (General Director BTCP)

The crystals are indispensable for the PANDA experiment to make invisible

particles, once captured in the PANDA detector, visible for measurement. This is done by converting the particles via these crystals into measurable light flashes. Together with scientists from the universities of Bochum and Giessen the firm of BTCP developed and optimized the crystals only for this purpose and they are so far the only supplier worldwide.


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FAIR Meetings and Events

FAIR Monthly 2008

The FAIR Monthly in September needed to be cancelled due to other parallel conferences. Here are the remaining 2008 dates:

October 21 - November 18

As usual, the meeting will take place in the GSI lecture hall, from 02:00-04:00 p. m. at the latest. Please take available information about FAIR Monthly from

FAIR Monthly Committees and Working Groups

Administrative and Financial Issues (AFI): September 22, 2008 in Hamburg

International Steering Committee (ISC): October 1, 2008 in Berlin

Scientific and Technical Issues (STI): October 14, 2008 at GSI


Pre-Consortia kick-off meetings:

SIS100: September 15, 2008 at GSI

CR: October 8, 2008 at GSI

SuperFRS: October 9, 2008 at GSI

Experiment Collaborations FLAIR collaboration meeting at the LEAP conference in Vienna (Austria), September 16-19, 2008. Please take more information via


CBM collaboration meeting at Dubna (Russia), October 13–17, 2008 FAIR Calendar The FAIR Calendar gives you an overview about coming events.

FAIR Calendar top

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FAIR Links

www.fair-center.org FAIR Baseline Technical Report FAIR brochure FAIR flyer FAIR newsletter archive FAIR in the CERN Courier FAIR in Nuclear Physics FAIR Memorandum of Understanding FAIR Communiqué How to reach the location First steps on site


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Contact FAIR Joint Core Team c/o GSI mbH Building C 27 Planckstrasse 1 D-64291 Darmstadt Phone +49-61 59-71-14 34 Fax +49-61 59-71-39 16 [email protected]

Editor in Charge Martina Hinkelmann FAIR Joint Core Team (Authors named are responsible for the content of their articles.)

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