Fayetteyy Id Otaeryer, tKIf'K J Al' '1 III: A ME LI TAN1 it: o,( 7allace; t j f ' : FAYEWillTEPESSEE. 'Tbsrsdsy ,!riKc.2. rwtaforS?, LS79. 'v:v WasliirfoItter. "- i- fVfr.I CurvctpopiJcnccpf Ihc Ojkbvjcr r ilon-'- s a .civil 'tji'jiee yAvpn f r you, iuvl . f IfaJ.- jLiIif a .yoii iik'nl .vBijytfs have )y;l jU aus? 1 2 in J V id lift jx) i J.nicv 1 Mai i jc is ;iU'ela.viv,e pf.Si'tai'y hcsimiiu Tl.ey t&vQ.;M,vd lp suam the luiiiU!ican p;);1y in )Ji.io l'bat is .. the; .irkcj-cfqj-- ;,!Ute; , )it IhtrScu ;ir)-- . jicMi to let them c .4f3cssp4 Jor 1 ftc jurty in '.Xew York. ,,Ar nit.ibf tjic ?v Y.Tk.-S- aXt: Commit tec aj geared yesterday ji4;ftfci'j n t d -- cajjvassi. iljp . Dpaj;tment for Kubscy-jptlons- , The, jrq'Jcutialis iHiia'r mtfiTaiyt ulivi'i ten min1- utc .xoiisui tajiks Jji-.?lel- itJ ttiniy-u- rfiij that; it was in xkhlwii if-tjv- il .w jce order No, 1. Tliis, if pOibUi, U mere :i3 iunl thau the criminal , order, and more contemptible than open ;kuI .flagrant daily; violation; of llit: oiikr by its' authors. . nth a iiiin wM!id ;b ing a blush to the- - free of.n lhM-.se- , jockey. ..". lltXA iwiv"pmlabio that be diuicuHy in the New Yolk deur i'atift plrt will be .in aned to aatbfuCtion of every Jen 10-v- at oxcept J ohn : Kelly and . a feJT lew of his fo!l()versi(; There ?i no split in ihc )arty, and eve- -. ; dc'nioentt! n. JScv. ' York, i. workijig cnrntttly. i'oiv the ;snt-.ccrs- s)f the whole ticket except for llie candidate for Governor, mid nearly t II. tkoe vvho were opponed . to . the t nomination of (Joy. Kobiilson are now, snpprt-hi- m earnest y, .4 Thv. best, tiie'bhrewdest calcu- lators tiny th:rt tlio nomination of Kelly; ibi;!,(.iovei,nor"(evcii if he ahould .cowtinue a candidate mi-til't- ho .election) .'will not draw oil", from Jlpbinson more.' than twoj w thti'Q thousand voternnd thits number tlieJs'cw.- - York De-uiwra- ey. can. afl'ord to lose, and tjll have a.xod round, majority left .Hbotammany bolt in .'.be.vnardod ,.as. a nHjvcmenttluit.wiH hurt nobody buti f IJuK? .t'Krfaed , in . it, as sx sort of .political hari-ka- ri of John ive.lly.and ait!W otlerSi.'W York City polltieiau.i'. , ll is gtuierally believed aiuo;v? X)cmcrats. here thatjKcilyi ,will( .within, a; week ivi'm from the candidacy for (iovernor, but.it is of, liUleycon-setpien- cc whether he does or not, the - Tammany .w 1 M10 XeiY. York Democracy have to ,a considerable ..extent refused to follow , him, .ami . by so doing have proved., themselves true to deiuocratie principles, and to. the democ ratic organization, and Invc thiiM-left- ; him powerless for evih'-v- r :,,i'r-!.j..- . ; .... . Tho question will assuredly come l)efviv CongreB at its next isch.sion, whether or nt.nid hall hii.giwA torpnc CTi more. lines, of V: SBteiMnhip?, including one in J ihizi 1.' .'Vrotefci of previusCon-resseflv- it is 'daimed,!))' vhic:h aid Mas refused, are. not eonejusive jis to thcr-mta- l ;decVion. AVith Jiglit export and our.fmanccs in in..uifttaljp condition many who tavorotl ' aid. . felt couiplle(L to xolq against it vlrow, w hen we w?. pending abrjad .iuch cnor--ino-u values of cur product s,and, lo 11 nppearnne.es, ,w;il 1, wn be .the, tt:aJjprlUcinX country, of ,ihu worldt Jiero wiJl naturally be i'jn'vMyase in the, number of 4hosa .who,, knowing', ,th.at ,w .ought to do-- . our own carrying trade; will bcJievt- - it the policy to aid ejiteriirisi'S looking to that cnd.j ! i.. ; McKay. "Yes I Know, That is so." v?5 uys;.theV f'ai-fanj- cxl 'Iitlle .Buttereup tolthc gallant Cap- - tiiiiv of the Pinafore'- - when lie '"rcriTal-k'- i that the South krnMu- - sid'A'tl' j otniXA L gives the most Viuusic for the least money; and . fl'bvlfd.musicnl South. wilh its : Vitt'.and its. cousins, and ,ils j aunts" tvvill join.lieartily in the . ivn-ain,- ' t; Ves('iIi;k'u6wr . that is . . This point settled, wc shall Jive. in daily, expectation of. re-fii- ng your subsciiption, or at f ieakt iVn Cents for .,a specimen , copy, with Us Dollar's worth of mnsie, j . - t t s , - Tiiis Scplcxnber:, number con-.:J:ii- iis the followiiig music: 4iL,et j. i he ,,Dead and the Beautiful , ifst,"ong and chorus, by S. Wcsiev !M a r t i n; "Sensat ion r::ltz;V UJ li-ck- ; 'Thrce Fish-crs- ," Fong by Iliillah. Send for thU; uumlter. Address the . publihhersi tii)2kx & Bates, iiuyanuah, Cia. , , A man in Louisville commi- ttal, suicide by satui-ating- , his t.lo'.ttcs with .coal oil and setting lire to theiH. Eat Retard ay Hie "train ran vcr a man nnmed Cleorge Suaiuonss at WUhcster, and so Wi)AY$ waugh Virs." right'5 arm 4lratlt had 4ft)c 3mp4JVated,trar the Condcnccd ITevvr Gen. Grant has arrived ip San Frjuicjseo. - - Dtyjng the-Cr.4- . ejgi)t. mouthy of this year S0,(X0 iipuiigrants landi'd at Cattle (? arden, New York. : ScaHet fever is sq prevalent in Indiaivii)olig'thatlioVadf isablli'?-- : jty )! kevpmg the iibhc sciiool jtlwicd for a time is being dis-cdt-e- u. The ClsiekasaW Citiaids, hc JNHupliis military company; have gone to the St. Louis, fair to drill fo)- - a cash pic amounting "to The execution of lwis Gu'etig loo place at nooft jn Jndianap- - olis last Friday. lie murdered Mary MeGlewjutt one year bc- - fore the hanging. Engtalid and Itussia ioccui)' unpleasant relations. Eussia.is destined J to "be flogged before long, if it takes . the combined forces of England and Gennany to do it ; ; - i' ' TaVlm- - Corthly'CJaIr. JCHX Clllt DliKW as-(- 2.5, k Mrs.lJAJTIJi rT.eaeo,.riI. Tlio lady was w iJoiv .f Mhree jnoullis' branding, jiossexscd of consFJeroljIe wealtlf,' onil tlte tnKin as wi6; of. Lor cmiilovre. Th bride, linvin aiintmuf-e- l her inlfjii waj lo liiuroughiy educate lie jwiKsp, uv. ai-- ro fly sent him io tchovl. 1 . 1 y t;f Xear, liscaloosaAlalrarna," a young, man nauiedj Lill Boyd M as sitting in the bourse rocking the cradle of liis'inlant child when an unknown assassin's bul-- 1 et sped' in at the. open, dooiyaild : ' ' ; ' f ! le fell xlead to the .floor.' On Tuesday night of last week. in Jonesloro,-Tenu- - Mr. Young Bay less, aged 8G years, was uuuv ncnl to JSliss 2vepj)ia L;ine. . Iha beautiful and . blushing bride, js "only just jsixteen." u. spring-viole- t caught in a curling snow.-dri- ft . ; v ' ':; , . r:;.- - It ma- - not be generally known that the recent postal regulation permits of the-mailin- of stater ments, bills, and sueh like docu- - ments an unsealed envelopes with one- - cent stamps.'- - 2b writiug otlier .than t.he. proper wording of the document is pci-missibl- ir The visions that arise in Ben. Butler's mind of the Massachu- setts'' gubernatorial chair ; nxay prove to be not wholly delusive; For the second time he has been nominated a candidate for: gov- ernor of the Bay State, and this time he has been approved 'by three conventions." Jftl.cre is any mystic jvowcr in the nuniber tine?, Benny .will yet reach the goal of his ambition. . . j .; 3Irs. John Wagner of India napolis, whilst on a visit to Co- lumbia, Indiana, had her-littl- daughter Katie baptized .;by. Victor A. Schnell,'a Catholic priest jWhcn" Mr. Wagner learned of this, and that said baptism was duly recorded-:i- the records of said! church, he filed a complaint in-th- e circuit court asking that Father Sehnell d to bring the church and baptismal record into court and then and there make era? sure, cancellation and destruc- tion of the same, -- Father Schnell has employed counsel. This is surely a novel case, i ...... . ' ' ; i ..! "That Cheap Encyclopedia;" Volume one of the hew "Li- brary of Universal Knowledge" is issued September 20th. .It contains 736 pages of small. but clear and beautiful typc hand- somely printed on good paper, and is neatly'1, and. ' strongly bound in cloth, halt : morocco and half Russia,' at 50 cents,.7 cents, and $1.00 per Volume. The succeeding volumes ivill appear about two each mouth, till the 20. volumes, completing the work arc issued. . Specimen volumes a re1 sent to ilrfy pitbf. the United States (10 cents ex- tra for postage), wilk! privilege o f return after examination. Special terms are- - offered to ear- ly, subscribers and to clubs, of which full particulars are sent free on request by the' publish- ers, the Ameimcax' Book !Ex-changf.,- 55 Bcekmau strcct,New York.- - . ;;, ; .. Vlij. That a complete Encyclopa;-di- a, first class in characterj and containing more matter than any heretofore published In this country at any price, should be made and sold for the trifling sum of .10.00, sebms so1 extra- ordinary, that many who wish it may be true, are very nature ally incredulous. T h c sarao house publish a large list of standard works, all at . similarly low prices, awd the presence of 4 some ot them already in the Don't Marry a Twin. A correspondent writes the Cincinnati JZuquircr's "House hold Department" some words tif warning about twins, which illustrate the way hc thing worked with him: - ; ! ' "Let me give some good ad- vice to' 'Boy in Love7 My dear boy, for mercy's sake have nothing to do with that twin. I married a twin. I'was a twin. My father and mother ' were twins, and so wcro the parents of my wife. Consequences: Wc have been married eight years and wc have already four Uiairs of, twins. o.oung'nanl find a girl, if yon can, who iiev- - j ci hcatd J twins. "C. D. Max." 7HFG00D TEMPLARS . . .1 J H-- B ' COSJOF STAXDIXQ ARMIES AND OF LIQUOR. ' f lie liquor bip pf the0riifeoi Stages, according Jfo ofbcial rejM'lauw.UuaU to morajjran f 000,0000 ycr annum, The costjof tlie stand- ing j$tw& :Qf : France, ; Q qrninny and Prussia amount to .about the sunv6f:$500,00(),000 each' aniuK costs about 20,02ff,tXX). '' Wifli cTijt'aiV lands in the gfeatCst alAin- - iVnceiiiahhood'kflVa'iiu iw ' ' ' " education, :the people ,of :the Li- nked States 'ought fto; Lev the niost prpsperpust, and comfoi"ta-bl- e of any people on earth, i But the liquor biliam6nnts' to more tliaii the cost ofthtj grbat and ter-ru-ic standing a rmieSjOff Europe, and 'ab'ut,. as pueV as ,the( wjiylc! bum realized from, our foreign "Hi'-- ; u;,. ' .ti i . t t radc, , all put . toge then . t a- -, mounts tojucw ,thaix' 6uble-;al- l our-Stat- Gj and. county and city tlixes put togcth6r5 and any one novams io Know can. soon And out ito his own satisfaction that a very large, portion oOhc current ana.runnujg expenses a? risaiig from courts, ijails, penitn-tiarieslimaticisylumsuidt- sonrcei1 'come fviAi ''this--' debt' for Iiar " fTi(iaitflburgi-vfacturer.Bay- s: "It we could be relieved of the consuming. evil gf intemperance, we should ivcv-- er again feel .the cwharras&ment of hatd' times whilst! the givCsf forth her 1 incrcascH'aiid br-dilia- ry healthfulness irevails.:Mr; : 'fjholLoiil Provosf o'Gao speaking. of,thc trynindous losj cs by fraudulent banlvfailUi'etf in Scotland - fcays y that (he ' diink toil sunded, half ar wppld refund these losCf, about- - which so Hindi clamor) wasrdsed unci lcavdf ' lher' people lPrlin'proved health and witn imi)voved. jno- - t - Vim .u'-.fj;- ': : IttUfr rahty.,., rJ jjc world,xs (tallngj.a-- s bout tlic.j same; i c.ery"wliQl,eJA iHitivo'philanlhropistf the East Indies i&ta'tCfj tliatall 'thclenc'fiti conferred on his countiV4 'by British V capital iii tclcgrilphy, railroads1 and imiMpVementsalj db''not 'cbnqx!hsate.lic ribr :(tf id introduction bf strong drink's arid their destructive cfrnscqucri-- 'alcoi jot Sot necessary to is: fThis' 'suTj'sfence ''rri'fry "of 'its various fbi-iii- s is, not W liiitritibns beverage. ;;I-i- not to1 any dc-- gi cc rji' to any extent necessary for the healthful support 61' the human existence; it isaf destinc- - tive drug, the appetite for which acqui red ami i .not :attiralJ and the habitual usevof Iwhich carries in its track poverty, disease and crime$ in all 'countries.! -- iThat- it is mot licccssaiyforxtlio npport hot vigorous lite la ilemoristrated Mij theifact that'millioiiB ofper- - sons , arc nowr: tound, ;malo and female, in . ; all ,climatesl wJio ' do not use .it as a food -- or. beverage; who do possess the lughest carjuacity for mental and physical labor, and; Hv'e tohKmbst'ad-Vancc- d age, and ppss&srVery otesbing oi exisicnce enioycu oY ?ny n6iti6ft'of thd huntalilaimily. 'Ihis-canribtb- e feue'cessfully cbn-trbvert- ed: "oil .rttdcbiitrarv the rr. jti rxous ettccts. 1 ' pt " arcohplic drinks 'on prast podiusofnieti in many "ages' arid , conhfries tlie cbnf is'ibri; dlsbliddP ! arid ' 'distress it has 'everywhere, brought about has;"indu6ed J scietitlfic .'men iu diiXereht es'ancl;natiorig tb in- vestigate 'the' chemical 'and phys- - xoiogicai eneets wnn a uegrce ot care given to no othcFfeuDst'ihce founxl n patm-- e or, manufactured uyf tiie nrt of jnan. jAiid "the. re- sult has ;becn to. establish as sci- entific trutjis thatthq substances W'h icl a re cl asscd. : as fopd , .nd, consumed, as nutritious, wheth- - ei animal or vegetable, have in thcmsclvejs the identical ejements of which the human. 4body is. con- structed ; t and maintained,, and that intoxicatjug liquors.havc no- - such . elements of nutntipnj .that by the processes pf fenncntation andVvdistillation the nutritivo properties of, grains," . roots and fruits are decomposed and de- stroyed, and that the intoxicating matter is evolved 'by the forma- tion of a newf compound.--- ; . i The German chemist Liebig is quoted as saying that the whole obicct'of the process of brewing and of distilling is to get clear of the : blood forming element ebntaincd in the alimentary sub stances subjected to the process- - - - 1 J 1 a S t 1 1 1 cvana inat it -- couia De pi-ovc- a with mathematical certainty tliat so much flour as could lay on the point of a table knife contained more nutrition than eight quarts of the best Bavarian beer.' ' It is stated by. an - eminent chemist and physician of Eng- - laim tliat i'layiatr. ptpfessor of chi'inistry iu Ihc UjnveiVity of specimens of beer and ale offer ed for sale 1n that citj; and found them to coptajn oic part of r.n-tiit- he matter nlC(56' "parts" JJrofYemwn, 2niwYoik, btatcii alcohol jias no claim to be con- sidered iiutritlotiB. ,lt cauncl bti transfoinned into a ivy of the tis- sues of tlie" fiumaii i t)C)3y ',fJt. comsjtifaj forbldf the possibil- ity oHsiieli- - a tiling. and iioi rijan acquainted with the rudiments 6TpTryT36ld iDekth'tf Daalel Drew-- " .. ; Xkw. York, $eU ,litli.--E- D. OnsiiRVKii The death of Daiel Drew, the ex-ki- ng of Wall it., is the latest sensation. The ixxir timo'-vrnHl- i mjiriV-millions' nnI was at various periods the statin- - chest friend and again the bitter- - cst enemy of" Jim. Fisk, Comino- - dore V anderlnlt, J ay Uould, and other financial magnates, died ai most as'pobr, as when Jig' "began life a poor cow-bo- y in Carmel, Putnam count v, '2s. .Y. lie made money- - first' 'as a ' drover having made his f,fii-s- t purchases of stock on his owTn account with money saed liLliis service .as a soldier in. tlie wan of 1812.. ,IIe was proud15rrTns" service and uirine-veiera- u lminow used regularly "to appear ery qnarter to receive lils pension pf 8 riJn amonth.:' r.s'f -- ;'llis'i career Hvamot without fruit 1 2fv the bains ' of his life do not stick tb himself, fractions Wero placed1 where: thoy.' did do good, 'Tlio Drew' Seminary .was established mainly by his ' bene faction, and his" family1 was com fortably if not luxuriously, pro vided for. ; ' He had long dimmed out of the street Svhere his quaiut sayings and - doings wero daily talked of, but- - to' the last could not- - refrain from playing his pen--! nies- - where lie had risked1 his millions. He1 died of disease of; the heart, at! eleven' o'clock I on Thursday'nightm his son's home in this !eity, while1 in ; cbnVefsa:- - lion iv i l ll ui iiiCT uivnioi1 '' gloriotis and infallible--sig- n of our ;approaehi ng prosperity is allowed by tlie sudden anct great increhstf bf 1 imhiigl-ation- i and chiefly 'Of good substantial 'peo- - plc- - with' some littlo'capitah ,; ln due la v Alone, '1 ,007 Cwerb landed. Quite' a proportion- - are Mornions who iton't seaice '.worth ' a jcent for Sccretai-yEvaH'- s recent proc-lamati- oit against' them; Radix:- . f :; '' ' .; . A liranturgan.,, HI t j.Tlie.iljemaij (towa) Sentiael i&only ono step ahead ot its? par ty because it is not it hypocrite, but' speaks straight; put itsitrue sentiments as iojlows:..; ;r,! -- t; KutJberfordare.you the jnan? ; ...issue the proclamation. u.-,- ,'t ,4 itppojnt. 13ei), .BuUer military governor- - oi , tlie insuirectiQiiary provinces : witli headquarters, in Yazoo City, m,old JMissisBippi;; Call an extra .session of Con gress; A ... - y ... ; , v w Mi Exclude . therefrom . cveiyt ( bo- -, called senator and rep'resenta- - iive-iro- m ine reieiiious territory ki-An- d witha.' loyal degisJafure begm-tli- e greatrwork ot mould ngix plastici nation, into form. I ! kThis jisv a;j heroic, method, and requires a' liei-o-- tne.van.V iuj p Kutherfdixi, we .fear a you are not tlie man on! horseback: o : ? 7 The white-wing- ed couriers of the deep? will) bring' HIM Lfrcm tlie OrientrIj;J clfh-:- . dirif it-- J: AVhere he is iiow ; arbitrating the affairs' hogeiiis- - tory takes root in the mists: xcf an antiquity; measured by thou- sands of years. 'T:i'. a.A'1 Grant, the simple citizen; smo king his cigar, tha:; statesman without . ah .'. equal,' ;the 6ldier without a peer, oi j;, K.'i; i, Is comings he,;for whom the loyal north 1 ci Watches' and"L. j?Ji; A ?- -. :r-.- f..!!?' , "WortbiesW stuff! - ! ! i Kot so Cast tiy friend; if-- ' ionld see tbe strong, health, blooming men, wQiaen ami criildren hat hate'beea raised-from- ' beds Of sickhena, suffering end iUo6f dealb. by the pise f .Uop,BiUerf, you would say Glorious and javaluable remedy.". See another Coltimn?1 i' 4 lJl- - d a LYNCHBURG. :l LKNCKBURG, TENN., O 1--J "FT A T. "Pi Pi T TCT y.Dj oil u: FamlngTiiiils&fi ai ? And AU Manner of ; M Cool Sloifis ui House Fsriilsliiiii Goods, : .. . . . " - - i : Clothing-- , Slats, Boots, Shoes, ' "' Ladies' Hats, Dress Goods, !.'' - ... .. .. . ' ' ' Shawls, Etc., ; ' '' ''' ''' i. . . i We also deal in Produce of all kinds and pay thfe highest market price in Cash or Goods. ' ' ' r 'j, ' ' t3 We keep the most raned slock to be found anywhere.' and invite til to exam-ic- e our goods and prices. We fnarantee satisfac'ion. J. t BUY AST Sf CO. octSlo i u u . -- PILLS 2 arg yrtrfteted from Vegqtabla pfgdacta, oombinimc in them the Mandrake or May "Applejnir hJchla recognized "by "jpthrniciaaa M gubatetuta tor calomel, poaeegaiDCU the virtue of that inineralf without iU tl eitar-eflect- e. . .n m AHThBILIOUS ; thejjfglaeomirabla. They tteplat &EaVOU3"8ySTBM, nd'&y tone t$ feet dition3Qnorough MimUtioa food.' TboyeJterporfulirinca - 6ciIKlS.n4 ; ' ' ' through thee organ jmove all impuri- - tie thoe TrtaAIzing thguejofjhejbodjr i.' t.md ciag.liel,hy condition, of the , gytem. - i : AS, All AHTl-HALARJ- AL ; RE! I They have ao eqnal ;jndjta argwgltagt ea preT-entiv- nd eorforfellaggiRg; Eltteat, Irerntepholdgeyer and Fever ai?l Aaa. Upon thg hwalth; . action of tbe fetomach, degenda, almost 0 .Uy, the health cf thelmiaaj rmoe. DYSPEPSIA cf tha pTyemnt generation. It la fbr tb '' Cure eft hl 6ietee and ite attendant ' -- . " that ;: TUTT'S PILLS "have gftlned mch a wldo apread reyajta; ' ' i tlen. .fx o Raniedjtiae ever beTO Qieoatr; . eyetThat Ml ao paodily tund grently w be dJLyoai.ive organ g frlviny them to ' -- : an4 Tigor to aeainiilate forxLThia feeing I ocomylinhpdof couree the . KERYDU5 SYSTEM 13 BSACEi, -- : THE BRAIN IS KOURISHE0,. 'f ''lt ikHti THE ESOT EC8U8T. : rt 1 Being composed of the Jnieea of plant . extracted by powerful chemical agep-- ': clea, and prepared in a confentrateA . form, they ere guaranteed tree front any thing that can Injure the moot -- , - whobsnyjd them, f' TEZai!lflK0SBVIETUZrJ!rOHSO M XUTT8 PUIS, THAU CAS IS KCSO ... . . Wether fureaay to tlie aSlcted Try this Remedy fairly, tt will not -- I barm you, you have nothing to lose.butwlll surehr gain a Vigo- rous Body, Pure Blood, 8trontac '" . fierves and a Cheerful Mind. , . . rriatipal Office, 33 Slnrry Pt N. Y.' . PRICE 20 CENTS. .y". fold ey Ptnrgi thronyhoot tbe worHt o TUTT'S EAIE DYE.' - i CT EUlson Womms ckutad .to a Gvonw 1lck hr in!, ipplioaiion uf ihm Vt. It in. r NatornJ tt, 4nU IntHnTll, and ia , . M klansieaa pritiy watr. Soid by irwtSt. OV nt bfMpr.a on rwwptof tL . . Office S3 Murray St., New YorkV F. LOURING MILLS. .aOED.ON'SMILL, -- t If:- - i: 'i. I To the Farmer! !A'bM RiTerMill Unowrtady ! to fill orders for, ' j r. f ,tCpST03I GRINDING ; every ' day itf the week. Ve have a rith.our excellent ma chinery rqjiliing flout And meal !l!i EQtAL TO TIIE BEST, jd.qiuf nnd quantity.. We solicit a con- tinuance' of tjhe liberal patronage that the Mill lias ( received,, and promise that there shalX be iio abatement of effort on onr part to accommoda te and please customers. 'loiiir, leal and Bran at reasonable prices. Tor c'rinilin; we toll tbe el hth, both wheat and corn. GORDON & SAUNDERS. -d- ec-lOitf"' s' r ' ' . 44 rf.tl j.-...- ., . o'Bearden Thomas, .THorRIETuRS OF lit is nAVINO recei tly purchased th- - so (long known as the Msr-kut- n Mill) we are now put tin"; them in Hrsl clasaoider, nd with suporior machinery, winch is .equal to any in the State,, wo can l n, .., . l)rmniso FLOUR; MEAL BEAN lUqr.otIicr jlilling Proilucts, equal to ny in quality and quantity. SoHvi'ing a liberal patronage, we pronjise an , ifnurms euirt to ei?e satisfaction. To farmers and oil others, we otter t ) . ! ; ' i .. Custom Grinding Every Day I and nwv lb em to give us a trial, assured, as we are, that they will bo pleased with our ' " wajr ot doing business. iiTi nrnv c mil Air i i- -i . J tit is. - . , . , ... n . i . . PS. fht. Rpftrdpri'mnr nlw.iv be lonnd ki 1Kb Mills and will sire orders his petrosal attention... , aur. lao-- tf H Hi BHLI! : 5 t. BELL. CIIAKLIS BFLL. BELL BROS., ' J.-.-O t'.i f ! .J i jSQrutf east, corner axiarcy ... ' ... . .: : .... . ji Fayetteville, 1! Tennessee; - ft t 3 -- 0 A1?E prepared to do all work in their at short notice, in the neatest, most snhstantial workmanlike manner, at - the lowest Cash Prices. Satis faction Guaranteed, or yourMon-e- y Refunded. sept 4--tf Mrs. Theresa Tardiff INVITES the attention of the ladies ot and Lincoln county to her STOCK OF MILLINERY, which is decidedly handsome and varied. All orders in her line filled promptly in the latest and most popular styles, at reasona- ble prices. - " south side the square, near ' ' ' ' J ' DR. DIEIHEH'S D.XITJG- - iTOIlE. SPOOli COTTON. ESTABMSIinDlfU. GEOIJOE A. CLAKIU .ff -- ; 60 LE AG EXT, 40Q Broadway, ' . Newark. Tlicdistlnctiirc fpaturejof thi apool cotton are that Made fruiu tlTcrr lnt . t ,V," SEA ISLAND COTTON, ft i fiuUtied tort a the cation from which It ( mS'te; It ha no waxing cr artificial flrflik to dr- ee I ye the ej e ; it U the itronest, tuiootbett anrt most elastic tewing threat! in the market; for machine uta it bas ao Fqnal; it U wound tu . - - riiiTK SPOOLS. ,i j ' ' .'.. .. , Tbe black H tbe niott perfect . ' ",5 JET SLAOS . t .. . , ctcr proilttced In spool cotton, belif djatt tfr a ayatern patented by ouiaelte. Tb ora are ilyedbythe . . NEW ANALINK PROCiaa . rendering them ao perfect and brilliant tlat aa. makers everwhore uae them iaateti af urn In f ailks. . r . . , - 1 -. A Gold Meadal waa.awarded tkls ipol eottoa at raria, irs, for "gretit ttrengfa" aa4 mgtmel excellence." beiag tbe higheat award glt Par apool cotton. ' . ' ' We invite comparison and rerpartfullf aak la-di- ea W give ft a fair trial and convince theauclaua of Ha superiority overall otbera. . ' ' Tobebadatwbolei-aleandreUila- t Asquith, Hampton & llolmaji. ... 1!I . . ' , - - 1 t:' mitaker & Ilolmaiu"; Julj-1- Sm .'.',',, Hi First National Bank, Iiyettvilley Tennessee, ! l '. ' : T ;r " DIRECTORS. . i C. B. MoGUIKE, WM. BOXN'EK, Ja JAS G. WOODS. W13GIITL JNO. C. GOODRICH. G EO. W, .11.0 MAS . JAS. D. TILLMAN. " " ' J: R..TEENE Y'jCasTiiei1. ' J. G. Woods, Presidents i .1 i,l . i s' Wu. Bonseb,' Jiu, Vice-Prsside- ct . . ., v : '.v. ys7-it- .' SAild'S Fayetteville-- , lemixsee, , . ti ClPlf.lL STfltS, llMfli)! DoeiaGeneratBankbtjiLusitien.it II. C. WnrTAKER, J. Wlk,Atr'l tl Alfred Bbakdew, 5 'IVJyCpAns.,!., IuiHrnliAlfr 1 M. D. HAMPTON, 'Cfe$hir v ,t ,n , iulyl? . . p.,W lJ0LiU,Nt;fW. POBT.BX,E I? STEAM. SAW-EII- LL -- f i.ii.'j:-'.-- ; lHE nndersigned wisaefl to .eonlrart X with some owner of a' 4 POKTABLE SAW MILL to saw lumber on her plantation .near Madison' county; "Ala. From five to ten thousand saw Ibjfs Vjll b! ptiir-antee- d. Any owner of inch sJnill wiahiupr to ar upon shares or po much per l,WO feet, will please addresrr the Dcmocrjt Office, Iluntsrillc, Ala.or ihe widersiga-e- d, stating teruts. WIS8 AMANDA M. WADE, sept 4- -4 1 : Njtr.idianrillc, vl lobaHa . Geo. A. Dickensi' .7 , . . MuiJiEmnvTidocfesEk. ' m r IS PREPARED to do all work in hia He, a saTtsfWelor tinnnar'. a cheap good work can be donev I Wajon whncla illod at short notice. freash,and prompt enstotners. jan:iO I8Tp-Il- y" ' - Pettey House, . Fay eUeville-- y Tennessee. ? W. W. &JL PeJtEY' Prop's. n our: : flUE proprielors respoetfqlly announce i'to the traveling. public hat fhey are prepared (aaccvmmoIn(e. nestst in a satis- factory manner. Their house is" neatly fur- nished and table bountifully supplied with the best iW ntarket .afford. : Guests will reclre, polite ,tfentioa artd their wanU will be carefully studieL Commercial travelers will find os prepared to entertain them Su good style and reasonable rates.' Aak for the JPETTI3Y IIOySE when you arrive in towa. ' 'Tlie location W convcnieni to the public so 11 1 re. t cg 7 :r I .A. .W IT EI S IT MB Eli of ae tfve. encriri'iie canva-r- s ! 011 rate-i- a ami umlta'de - diisiuc. uoo.1 men iri 1 ntut (ui rareciiancvi - ff.. r , , TQ MAKK MONET. ' SucW will phtieanfc-eftlifrat:rrrtiirinc- bj cwi-- i im i' uiuip rrjiiy, ,iaiior irnat nu-in- thur rmve been cnjjnjct m. Kuu but Ihuaa who mp.iii !tmin a(..i.- - .l.lr?a June IS Iy Fi!LEV;Akr;r ft CO., Atlanra.Ga. r IAN0 SALES. i- -i'- r r r - UXPER and by rtu f the; will of the Woodard, dee., we will on Tuesday. ,Odober 7th7 1879, 'at fheMafe resider7c Wsard fiealen Wood-alilnthe.'13- ttt ciril district ef Lincoln coantr, 8'er at.puMic sale to Ihe Liuhesl . . ... , i i. - ; J a uwuiT, i iic i rat. vi una. coniaiiung . About IGO 'ltcres!" ' ; of which saidiWoodaM died possessed. , The place ia only five miles- from Far ettev.ilie, is well watered and has one brick house On it, in addition to dwelling house, and tlie land is first-clas- s. .Tho land will Jbe sold on a credit of one, two and thre years,.nie purcnasers ot-in- requirea lo give notes with good and suKkient security for tbe payment f the money, and a lien re tained until all the purchase money is paid. At the same time and piaee wiil also be sou a lot or personal property. Any one desiring to see the premises can do so by calling on T. M. White at the residence. .T.M.WHITE, . .. j ,A 1$. WQODAliD, . seplll 'tlx'r of Reuben Woodard, dec. V'fiPr EXECUTED WITH NEAT-- y yd l t& n ess AXD DISPATCH AT WATCHES, CLOCH AriO JEWHRY; imbY''smb? DL- - .n. v. I Late with John J:uth,.Shclbjvil!e, ? WaTCH-JME- R - " AfiD--1 HVELER, ptrrrr-rx- f .r.;V.trTr.g tiur - frifst-tJla- l' Jewelry, "Watches and Clocks. Plain Gold Pings a Specialty! AUo, agmt for '' 'Li ;i r: C031 BlXlfip .; SPECTACLES ! CfJrBkoa at Ii.'.lt Cgilvie & Co's hardware stflry' "' D4T3- - HEYl-IAim;:- a HILL ' WA T. O II M A K EIi S 5D DKAI.IBS Watches ' 1 . : . ciocts, , .; ' ' Jewelry; y. . 1- - r .r, ectacles, &c. Souih-Eti- st Carrier qf lh tSguare, FafetUvtlle Tenau AH wort doHfc pro'mptlj and " ' -- ' warranted! CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLDASILVEK HOT. 22- -' .;t t ... . . ' ... JULIUS Kl$ I : 1. 1- lr ' I "tHSE or " ! H 1 FayetfeVUe. Tenn, A. D. RUT U- - decC ' JCA8IKET MAKEB AMD UNDERTAKER. J.B. "WILSON, w FajettcTille, Tcnn. ' JIjAS justreceire.1 a large stock of ; ;iFUEBrrruRE u consi.-linj-of ' 1 ' iestacls. Matresses, Bureaus - SaFe' "AVash Stands, Chairs and Iber articles in that line, which: he will sell as low as such goods can be bought in this market. "' A Tsof always on hand i Caseis Caskets, and Homo-mad- e ;!-i-- .;, . Coffins, : !j as cheap as can be had in the 'ce. - And a rood hense, senile horse :nd carefrJ driner. J .WILSON. dee. 27 o BOOKS AND STATICKERY. 1 SB! ! STATIONERY, &c,,&o., AT THE Fayetteville Bookstore, ,ri .. , Xorih Side qf the Square, ITayottovillo, Tcnnoasee, ' ' u Saw Old Stand, Xen all tha Jeadlnff ana aocnlar firhnnl Sookl 'ow ased in 6nr schoola. Also, JlisceTTaneoos books, ' 2XBLSIB aud TS3TAimrrs. In this department we keep from a five onts Testament to a lare Family Bible. ; Making a specialty of ...-- , BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and giving special attention to that branch of 'business in il various departmehts, with our faculties in purchasing direct from publishers and first hand dealers, we xan supply the trade, At Publishers' Prices, with any hook, magazine or paper publish- ed in the United States. Also, SheetMusic and M nsical Instruments, Pictures a cd Picture Frames. , . . Call at ths PayetteTille Eooi Stora for anything in onr line, and if riot in sfore will if desired be ordered right away! We are constantly ordering and receiving- - new supplies. Just received a lot r French Harps and Accordions. Inly 31 . W. W. & F. rETTEY. 4 ' DEALERS IX . ' AND ALL KINDS COUNTHY PRODUCE College Street, EViyeUcvillc, Tenn. jan. 3tJ-- tf JIAEBLE YAKD ! ft I has remavtd to his IS E W SHOP on College ttreet 3 doort from the Square AND is now prepared to furnish Marble !il Gray "a. Ston work .. at - lower prices GROCERIES & FABVIJiS IMPUMENT wi: HAVE JUST EECEIVED a i.arok L(r cr I GROCERIES! thaa it hi3 c?er tesn. ' We are defprmiued to keep the rery lest COFFEK we can possih!? buy, an onr can rr!y oa it be in 5 the lin est the niaiket a:;or't. TK Y XJ ! We keep all g ades from the cheapest ia the most cobity. We are agents ff all kinds of Farming Implements, Craia DriHs, flews, Sowen, Rates, ttc. Also hare on hand the greatest WHEAT FERTILIZES that hna ever been before the neonle of T.in. coin connty. With it you can more thaa doable your wheat crop. Come and See uh. BIIYS05 & LAUDERDALE. ept 4-- tf fSOM-RESJD- NT NOTICES. Aon-IIcsidc- nt Notice. Lditia Garey vs. Xalhaniel Garey. In Oiancery at FayetteTilfe. tn this caoae it appearing to me, W. B. Martin, clerk and master i--r the Chancery-Cour- t at Fajetfetille, Teanesve, from com- plainant's Lill which i sworn to, that the residence of defendant, Nathani .1 Garcy, ii unknown to coniplaiiiaiit. ' . It itherefor,oderedthat pnblica?onbe made in the Fatetteville b, a newspaper published in the town of Far-etteTii- lo, Tennessee, for Tour consecutive weeks, requiring baid deu-ndan- t ta appear before the Chancery Court Ur Lincoln coun- ty, Tennessee, sitsing at Fayetteilie, Ten- nessee, on the Cth day ( October, 17U, and defend complainant's bill, or the same wi!l be taken fr confessed. This 'Jlh day of .Septeniher, 1ST:). W. H. MARTIN", S,P 11 Chrk and Master. INSOLVENT ESTATES. IXSOL VEXTXOTICE. PUnSUAXT to an order or the Clerk of Court of Lincoln County, Tennessee, apon the sulfation of the ad- ministrator of the estate of James X". George, Deceased, of the insolvency of said dei-ednl'- a estate, notice is hereby jriven to all persons liatinj claims against said estate to present thent to tho CWk of said Court, authenticated, on or before February Urd, 16, for pro rata distribution, or they nill La forever haired. F. I EZELL, ' set Aihuinisfrator. IN SOL YEXTXOT1CE. PURSUANT to anmW of the Clerk of Court of Linccl.i county. Tenn upon the sucs'Joa of the adminis- trator of the estate of Xeivton Hlntaler, De ceased f of the insolvency of said decedent's etat, rotice is hereby pWen to r.Il persons hating claim a;inst said ette to p resent them to the Clerk of sai i Court, authenticated, on or before th 3rd of February, !, for pro rata distribution, or they wil! be forever barred. R. A. LEES, Ext. sept l?o INSOLVENT NOTICE. PURSUANT to ao order of the Clerk o Court of Lincoln county Tenn upon the suggest iou of the executor of the estate of Sarah Freeman, Deceased, of the insolvency of said decedent's estate notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present thrm to the Clerk of said Court, authenticated, on or before January 1st, 18SO, for pro ata distribution, or they will be forever barred. J. M. BAliHAM, Adm'r. anrr 7- - , INSOLVENT NOTICE. PURSUANT M an or.ler of the Clerk of Court of Lincoln connty Tenn., mxm the of the adminis- trator of the estate of JL J?. Droxcn Deceased, of the insolvency of said decedent's estate; notice ia hereby given to all havin;; claims against said estate to present them fo tbe Clerk of. said Court, authenticated, on or before January 5th, ItsSO, for pro rata distribution, or ther Wiil be forever barred. J. P. ilCJJSON, Adin. oz-7- - PLflSTERIMS .TVJS DOWLIN, ..., . PLAET A273 02irA222,TAL ... . , FAYETTEVfLLi:, TENN'. - , 13 PIJEPAKED to till arders in his line warrant satisfaction. I'oxxns plv tered. cisterns cemented and similar work done in the best manner and at prices low- er than ever have prevailed in this section Ucference is made as lo quality work promptness, and charges, to ritixens of Fayeteri!le who hare employed him Namesfurnished, if desired. niarth20-Jy- . E. P. Feeney & Sons, PLASTERERS. A HE prepared to fill orders anywhere in Lincoln coun-y- , promntlr. in ih.i b style, and at reasonable prices, for Lathing, Plastering in lime or cement, etc., in hoases or cisterns. Impairing or all kinds done wheuever needed, without delay. Orders respect fully solicited, and satis- faction gnarantecd. march 15 if n AM prepared to do aft work in my lino in the latest style. SatiaTac'.ioa GUAKAXTEKI). april II C. A. KIN'OSLEY. fards, BiU-Oe- a, Tlckefs. tie. piUNTED WITH NEATNESS liCE, Fajettsvillt, rli. A. v 7 1.V

Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1879-09-25 [p ]. · "It we could be relieved of the consuming. evil gfintemperance, we should ivcv--er again feel.the cwharras&ment of

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Page 1: Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1879-09-25 [p ]. · "It we could be relieved of the consuming. evil gfintemperance, we should ivcv--er again feel.the cwharras&ment of

Fayetteyy Id Otaeryer,

tKIf'K J Al' '1 III: A ME LI TAN1

it: o,( 7allace;t j f

': FAYEWillTEPESSEE.'Tbsrsdsy ,!riKc.2. rwtaforS?, LS79.

'v:v WasliirfoItter. "-i-

fVfr.I CurvctpopiJcnccpf Ihc Ojkbvjcr

r ilon-'- s a .civil 'tji'jiee yAvpnf r you, iuvl . f IfaJ.- jLiIif a .yoii

iik'nl .vBijytfs have )y;l jU aus?1 2 in J V id lift jx) i J.nicv 1 Mai i jc is;iU'ela.viv,e pf.Si'tai'y hcsimiiuTl.ey t&vQ.;M,vd lp suam theluiiiU!ican p;);1y in )Ji.io l'batis .. the; .irkcj-cfqj-- ;,!Ute; , )itIhtrScu ;ir)--

. jicMi to let themc .4f3cssp4 Jor 1 ftc jurty in '.Xew

York. ,,Ar nit.ibf tjic ?vY.Tk.-S- aXt: Commit tec aj gearedyesterday ji4;ftfci'j n

t d --cajjvassi. iljp . Dpaj;tment forKubscy-jptlons- , The, jrq'Jcutialis

iHiia'r mtfiTaiyt ulivi'i ten min1-

utc .xoiisui tajiks Jji-.?lel- itJttiniy-u- rfiij that; it was inxkhlwii if-tjv- il .w jce orderNo, 1. Tliis, if pOibUi, U mere:i3 iunl thau the criminal , order,and more contemptible than open;kuI .flagrant daily; violation; ofllit: oiikr by its' authors. . ntha iiiin wM!id ;b ing a blush tothe-- free of.n lhM-.se-

, jockey. ..".

lltXA iwiv"pmlabio that bediuicuHy in the New Yolk deur

i'atift plrt will be .in aned toaatbfuCtion of every Jen 10-v-at

oxcept John : Kelly and . afeJT lew of his fo!l()versi(; There

?i no split in ihc )arty, and eve- -.

; dc'nioentt! n. JScv. ' York, i.

workijig cnrntttly. i'oiv the ;snt-.ccrs- s)f

the whole ticket exceptfor llie candidate for Governor,mid nearly t II. tkoe vvho wereopponed . to . the t nomination of(Joy. Kobiilson are now, snpprt-hi- m

earnest y, .4 Thv. best,tiie'bhrewdest calcu-

lators tiny th:rt tlio nomination ofKelly; ibi;!,(.iovei,nor"(evcii if heahould .cowtinue a candidate mi-til't- ho

.election) .'will not drawoil", from Jlpbinson more.' thantwoj w thti'Q thousand voternndthits number tlieJs'cw.- - York De-uiwra- ey.

can. afl'ord to lose, andtjll have a.xod round, majority

left .Hbotammany bolt in.'.be.vnardod ,.as. a

nHjvcmenttluit.wiH hurt nobodybuti f IJuK? .t'Krfaed , in . it, as sx

sort of .political hari-ka- ri of Johnive.lly.and ait!W otlerSi.'W YorkCity polltieiau.i'. , ll is gtuierallybelieved aiuo;v? X)cmcrats. herethatjKcilyi ,will( .within, a; weekivi'm from the candidacy for(iovernor, but.it is of, liUleycon-setpien- cc

whether he does or not,the - Tammany .w 1 M10

XeiY. York Democracy have to,a considerable ..extent refused tofollow , him, .ami . by so doinghave proved., themselves true todeiuocratie principles, and to. thedemoc ratic organization, andInvc thiiM-left- ; him powerless forevih'-v- r :,,i'r-!.j..- . ; ....

. Tho question will assuredlycome l)efviv CongreB at its nextisch.sion, whether or nt.nid hallhii.giwA torpnc CTi more. lines, ofV: SBteiMnhip?, including onein J ihizi 1.' .'Vrotefci of previusCon-resseflv- it

is 'daimed,!))' vhic:h aidMas refused, are. not eonejusivejis to thcr-mta- l ;decVion. AVithJiglit export and our.fmanccs inin..uifttaljp condition many whotavorotl ' aid. . felt couiplle(L toxolq against it vlrow, w hen wew?. pending abrjad .iuch cnor--ino-u

values of cur product s,and,lo 11 nppearnne.es, ,w;il 1, wn be

.the, tt:aJjprlUcinX country, of,ihu worldt Jiero wiJl naturallybe i'jn'vMyase in the, number of

4hosa .who,, knowing', ,th.at ,w.ought to do-- . our own carryingtrade; will bcJievt- - it the policyto aid ejiteriirisi'S looking to thatcnd.j ! i.. ; McKay.

"Yes I Know, That is so."v?5 uys;.theV f'ai-fanj-

cxl 'Iitlle.Buttereup tolthc gallant Cap- -

tiiiiv of the Pinafore'- - when lie'"rcriTal-k'- i that the South krnMu- -

sid'A'tl'jotniXA L gives the mostViuusic for the least money; and. fl'bvlfd.musicnl South. wilh its: Vitt'.and its. cousins, and ,ilsj aunts" tvvill join.lieartily in the. ivn-ain,- ' t; Ves('iIi;k'u6wr . that is

. . This point settled, wc shallJive. in daily, expectation of. re-fii- ng

your subsciiption, or atf ieakt iVn Cents for .,a specimen, copy, with Us Dollar's worth of

mnsie, j .- t t s

, - Tiiis Scplcxnber:, number con-.:J:ii- iis

the followiiig music: 4iL,et

j. i he ,,Dead and the Beautiful, ifst,"ong and chorus, by S.Wcsiev !M a r t i n ; "Sensat ion

r::ltz;V UJ li-ck-; 'Thrce Fish-crs- ,"

Fong by Iliillah. Send forthU; uumlter. Address the

. publihhersi tii)2kx & Bates,iiuyanuah, Cia. , ,

A man in Louisville commi-ttal, suicide by satui-ating- , hist.lo'.ttcs with .coal oil and settinglire to theiH.

Eat Retard ay Hie "train ranvcr a man nnmed Cleorge

Suaiuonss at WUhcster, and soWi)AY$ waugh Virs." right'5 arm4lratlt had 4ft)c 3mp4JVated,trar


Condcnccd ITevvr

Gen. Grant has arrived ip SanFrjuicjseo. - -

Dtyjng the-Cr.4- . ejgi)t. mouthyof this year S0,(X0 iipuiigrantslandi'd at Cattle (? arden, NewYork. :

ScaHet fever is sq prevalent inIndiaivii)olig'thatlioVadf isablli'?-- :

jty )! kevpmg the iibhc sciiooljtlwicd for a time is being dis-cdt-e- u.

The ClsiekasaW Citiaids, hcJNHupliis military company; havegone to the St. Louis, fair to drillfo)- - a cash pic amounting "to

The execution of lwis Gu'etigloo place at nooft jn Jndianap- -olis last Friday. lie murderedMary MeGlewjutt one year bc- -

fore the hanging.Engtalid and Itussia ioccui)'

unpleasant relations. Eussia.isdestined J to "be flogged beforelong, if it takes . the combinedforces of England and Gennanyto do it ; ; - i''

TaVlm- - Corthly'CJaIr. JCHX CllltDliKW as-(- 2.5, k Mrs.lJAJTIJi rT.eaeo,.riI.Tlio lady was w iJoiv .f Mhree jnoullis'branding, jiossexscd of consFJeroljIe wealtlf,'onil tlte tnKin as wi6; of. Lor cmiilovre.Th bride, linvin aiintmuf-e- l her inlfjii wajlo liiuroughiy educate lie jwiKsp, uv. ai-- ro

fly sent him io tchovl. 1

.1 y t;f

Xear, liscaloosaAlalrarna," a

young, man nauiedj Lill BoydM as sitting in the bourse rockingthe cradle of liis'inlant childwhen an unknown assassin's bul--1 et sped' in at the. open, dooiyaild

: ' ' ; ' f !

le fell xlead to the .floor.'

On Tuesday night of last week.in Jonesloro,-Tenu- - Mr. YoungBay less, aged 8G years, was uuuvncnl to JSliss 2vepj)ia L;ine. . Ihabeautiful and . blushing bride, js"only just jsixteen." u. spring-viole- t

caught in a curling snow.-dri-ft

.; v ' ':; , . r:;.--

It ma- - not be generally knownthat the recent postal regulationpermits of the-mailin- of staterments, bills, and sueh like docu- -

ments an unsealed envelopes withone- - cent stamps.'- - 2b writiugotlier .than t.he. proper wording ofthe document is pci-missibl- ir

The visions that arise in Ben.Butler's mind of the Massachu-setts'' gubernatorial chair ; nxayprove to be not wholly delusive;For the second time he has beennominated a candidate for: gov-ernor of the Bay State, and thistime he has been approved 'bythree conventions." Jftl.cre isany mystic jvowcr in the nunibertine?, Benny .will yet reach thegoal of his ambition. . . j .;

3Irs. John Wagner of Indianapolis, whilst on a visit to Co-

lumbia, Indiana, had her-littl-

daughter Katie baptized .;by.Victor A. Schnell,'a Catholicpriest jWhcn" Mr. Wagnerlearned of this, and that saidbaptism was duly recorded-:i-

the records of said! church, hefiled a complaint in-th- e circuitcourt asking that Father Sehnell

d to bring the churchand baptismal record into courtand then and there make era?sure, cancellation and destruc-tion of the same, -- Father Schnellhas employed counsel. This issurely a novel case, i

...... .'' ; i ..!

"That Cheap Encyclopedia;"Volume one of the hew "Li-

brary of Universal Knowledge"is issued September 20th. .Itcontains 736 pages ofsmall. butclear and beautiful typc hand-somely printed on good paper,and is neatly'1, and. ' stronglybound in cloth, halt : moroccoand half Russia,' at 50 cents,.7cents, and $1.00 per Volume.The succeeding volumes ivillappear about two each mouth,till the 20. volumes, completingthe work arc issued. . Specimenvolumes a re1 sent to ilrfy pitbf.the United States (10 cents ex-

tra for postage), wilk! privilegeo f return after examination.Special terms are- - offered to ear-ly, subscribers and to clubs, ofwhich full particulars are sentfree on request by the' publish-ers, the Ameimcax' Book !Ex-changf.,-


Bcekmau strcct,NewYork.- -

. ;;, ; .. Vlij.That a complete Encyclopa;-di- a,

first class in characterj andcontaining more matter thanany heretofore published In thiscountry at any price, should bemade and sold for the triflingsum of .10.00, sebms so1 extra-ordinary, that many who wishit may be true, are very natureally incredulous. T h c saraohouse publish a large list ofstandard works, all at . similarlylow prices, awd the presence of 4

some ot them already in the

Don't Marry a Twin.A correspondent writes the

Cincinnati JZuquircr's "Household Department" some wordstif warning about twins, whichillustrate the way hc thingworked with him: - ; ! '

"Let me give some good ad-

vice to' 'Boy in Love7 Mydear boy, for mercy's sake havenothing to do with that twin. Imarried a twin. I'was a twin.My father and mother ' weretwins, and so wcro the parentsof my wife. Consequences:Wc have been married eightyears and wc have already four

Uiairs of, twins. o.oung'nanlfind a girl, if yon can, who iiev-- j

ci hcatd J twins."C. D. Max."


. . .1 JH--



OF LIQUOR.' flie liquor bip pf the0riifeoi

Stages, according Jfo ofbcialrejM'lauw.UuaU

to morajjran f000,0000 ycr

annum, The costjof tlie stand-

ing j$tw& :Qf : France, ; Q qrninnyand Prussia amount to .about thesunv6f:$500,00(),000 each' aniuK

costs about 20,02ff,tXX). '' WiflicTijt'aiV lands in the gfeatCst alAin- -iVnceiiiahhood'kflVa'iiu

iw ' ' ' "education, :the people ,of :the Li-

nked States 'ought fto; Lev theniost prpsperpust, and comfoi"ta-bl- e

of any people on earth, i Butthe liquor biliam6nnts' to moretliaii the cost ofthtj grbat and ter-ru-ic

standing a rmieSjOff Europe,and 'ab'ut,. as pueV as ,the( wjiylc!

bum realized from, our foreign"Hi'-- ; u;,. ' .ti i . t

t radc, , all put . toge then . t a- -,

mounts tojucw ,thaix' 6uble-;al- l

our-Stat- Gj and. county and citytlixes put togcth6r5 and any one

novams io Know can. soonAnd out ito his own satisfactionthat a very large, portion oOhccurrent ana.runnujg expenses a?risaiig from courts, ijails, penitn-tiarieslimaticisylumsuidt-

sonrcei1 'come fviAi ''this--' debt'for Iiar " fTi(iaitflburgi-vfacturer.Bay- s:

"It we could berelieved of the consuming. evilgf intemperance, we should ivcv-- er

again feel .the cwharras&mentof hatd' times whilst! thegivCsf forth her 1 incrcascH'aiid br-dilia- ry

healthfulness irevails.:Mr; :

'fjholLoiil Provosf o'Gaospeaking. of,thc trynindous losjcs by fraudulent banlvfailUi'etf inScotland - fcays y that (he ' diinktoil sunded, half ar wppldrefund these losCf, about- - whichso Hindi clamor) wasrdsed uncilcavdf ' lher' people lPrlin'provedhealth and witn imi)voved. jno--

t - Vim .u'-.fj;- ': : IttUfrrahty.,., rJ jjc world,xs (tallngj.a-- s

bout tlic.j same; i c.ery"wliQl,eJAiHitivo'philanlhropistf the EastIndies i&ta'tCfj tliatall 'thclenc'fiticonferred on his countiV4 'byBritish V capital iii tclcgrilphy,railroads1 and imiMpVementsaljdb''not 'cbnqx!hsate.lic ribr :(tf idintroduction bf strong drink'sarid their destructive cfrnscqucri--

'alcoi jot Sot necessary tois:

fThis' 'suTj'sfence ''rri'fry "of 'itsvarious fbi-iii- s is, not W liiitritibnsbeverage. ;;I-i- not to1 any dc--gi

cc rji' to any extent necessaryfor the healthful support 61' thehuman existence; it isaf destinc- -tive drug, the appetite for whichacqui red ami i .not :attiralJ andthe habitual usevof Iwhich carriesin its track poverty, disease andcrime$ in all 'countries.! -- iThat- itis mot licccssaiyforxtlio npporthot vigorous lite la ilemoristratedMij theifact that'millioiiB ofper- -

sons , arc nowr: tound, ;malo andfemale, in .

; all ,climatesl wJio ' donot use .it as a food --or. beverage;who do possess the lughestcarjuacity for mental and physicallabor, and; Hv'e tohKmbst'ad-Vancc- d

age, and ppss&srVeryotesbing oi exisicnce enioycu oY?ny n6iti6ft'of thd huntalilaimily.

'Ihis-canribtb- e feue'cessfully cbn-trbvert- ed:

"oil .rttdcbiitrarv therr.jti rxous ettccts. 1 ' pt " arcohplicdrinks 'on prast podiusofnieti inmany "ages' arid , conhfries tliecbnf is'ibri; dlsbliddP ! arid ' 'distressit has 'everywhere, brought abouthas;"indu6ed J scietitlfic .'men iudiiXereht es'ancl;natiorig tb in-

vestigate 'the' chemical 'and phys- -xoiogicai eneets wnn a uegrce otcare given to no othcFfeuDst'ihcefounxl n patm-- e or, manufactureduyf tiie nrt of jnan. jAiid "the. re-sult has ;becn to. establish as sci-entific trutjis thatthq substancesW'h icl a re cl asscd. : as fopd , .nd,consumed, as nutritious, wheth--ei animal or vegetable, have inthcmsclvejs the identical ejementsof which the human. 4body is. con-structed ; t and maintained,, andthat intoxicatjug liquors.havc no--

such .elements of nutntipnj .thatby the processes pf fenncntationandVvdistillation the nutritivoproperties of, grains," . roots andfruits are decomposed and de-

stroyed, and that the intoxicatingmatter is evolved 'by the forma-tion of a newf compound.--- ;


i The German chemist Liebig isquoted as saying that the wholeobicct'of the process of brewingand of distilling is to get clearof the : blood forming elementebntaincd in the alimentary substances subjected to the process--- - 1 J 1 a S t 1 1 1cvana inat it --couia De pi-ovc-


with mathematical certainty tliatso much flour as could lay on thepoint of a table knife containedmore nutrition than eight quartsof the best Bavarian beer.' ' Itis stated by. an - eminentchemist and physician of Eng--laim tliat i'layiatr. ptpfessor ofchi'inistry iu Ihc UjnveiVity of

specimens of beer and ale offered for sale 1n that citj; and foundthem to coptajn oic part of r.n-tiit- he

matter nlC(56' "parts"JJrofYemwn, 2niwYoik, btatciialcohol jias no claim to be con-

sidered iiutritlotiB. ,lt cauncl btitransfoinned into a ivy of the tis-

sues of tlie" fiumaii i t)C)3y ',fJt.comsjtifaj forbldf the possibil-ity oHsiieli- - a tiling. and iioi rijanacquainted with the rudiments6TpTryT36ld

iDekth'tf Daalel Drew-- " ..; Xkw. York, $eU ,litli.--E- D.

OnsiiRVKii The death of DaielDrew, the ex-ki- ng of Wall it.,is the latest sensation. The ixxir

timo'-vrnHl- i mjiriV-millions' nnIwas at various periods the statin- -chest friend and again the bitter- -cst enemy of" Jim. Fisk, Comino- -dore V anderlnlt, J ay Uould, andother financial magnates, died aimost as'pobr, as when Jig' "beganlife a poor cow-bo- y in Carmel,Putnam countv, '2s. .Y. liemade money- - first' 'as a ' droverhaving made his f,fii-s- t purchasesof stock on his owTn account withmoney saed liLliis service .as asoldier in. tlie wan of 1812.. ,IIewas proud15rrTns" service and

uirine-veiera- u lminowused regularly "to appear eryqnarter to receive lils pension pf

8 riJnamonth.:' r.s'f-- ;'llis'i career Hvamot withoutfruit 1 2fv the bains ' of his lifedo not stick tb himself, fractionsWero placed1 where: thoy.' did dogood, 'Tlio Drew' Seminary .wasestablished mainly by his ' benefaction, and his" family1 was comfortably if not luxuriously, provided for. ; ' He had long dimmedout of the street Svhere his quaiutsayings and - doings wero dailytalked of, but- - to' the last couldnot- - refrain from playing his pen--!

nies- - where lie had risked1 hismillions. He1 died of disease of;the heart, at! eleven' o'clock I onThursday'nightm his son's homein this !eity, while1 in ; cbnVefsa:--

lion iv i l ll ui iiiCT uivnioi1'' gloriotis and infallible--sig- n

of our ;approaehi ng prosperity isallowed by tlie sudden anct greatincrehstf bf 1 imhiigl-ation- i andchiefly 'Of good substantial 'peo--plc- - with' some littlo'capitah ,; lndue la v Alone, '1 ,007 Cwerb landed.Quite' a proportion- - are Mornionswho iton't seaice '.worth 'a jcentfor Sccretai-yEvaH'- s recent proc-lamati- oit

against' them;Radix:-

.f :; '' ' .;. A liranturgan.,, HI t

j.Tlie.iljemaij (towa) Sentiaeli&only ono step ahead ot its? party because it is not it hypocrite,but' speaks straight; put itsitruesentiments as iojlows:..; ;r,!

-- t; KutJberfordare.you the jnan?; ...issue the proclamation. u.-,- ,'t

,4 itppojnt. 13ei), .BuUer militarygovernor- - oi , tlie insuirectiQiiaryprovinces : witli headquarters, inYazoo City, m,old JMissisBippi;;

Call an extra .session of Congress; A ... - y ... ; , v w Mi

Exclude . therefrom . cveiyt ( bo--,

called senator and rep'resenta- -iive-iro- m ine reieiiious territory

ki-An-d witha.' loyal degisJafure

begm-tli- e greatrwork ot mouldngix plastici nation, into form. I !

kThis jisv a;j heroic, method, andrequires a' liei-o-- tne.van.V iujp Kutherfdixi, we .fear a you are

not tlie man on! horseback: o : ? 7

The white-wing- ed couriers ofthe deep? will) bring' HIM Lfrcmtlie OrientrIj;J clfh-:- . dirif it-- J:

AVhere he is iiow ; arbitratingthe affairs' hogeiiis- -tory takes root in the mists: xcfan antiquity; measured by thou-sands of years. 'T:i'. a.A'1

Grant, the simple citizen; smoking his cigar, tha:; statesmanwithout . ah .'. equal,' ;the 6ldierwithout a peer, oi j;, K.'i;

i,Is comings he,;for whom theloyal north 1 ci

Watches' and"L. j?Ji;A ?- -. :r-.- f..!!?'

, "WortbiesW stuff! - ! !i

Kot so Cast tiy friend; if-- ' ionld seetbe strong, health, blooming men, wQiaenami criildren hat hate'beea raised-from- 'beds Of sickhena, suffering end iUo6f dealb.by the pise f .Uop,BiUerf, you would sayGlorious and javaluable remedy.". See

another Coltimn?1 i' 4 lJl- -



O 1--J "FT A T. "Pi Pi T TCT

y.Dj oil u:


ai ? And AU Manner of ; M

Cool Sloifis ui House Fsriilsliiiii Goods,:

.. . . . "- - i :

Clothing-- , Slats, Boots, Shoes,' "' Ladies' Hats, Dress Goods,!.'' - ... .. .. . ' '


Shawls, Etc., ;

' ''''' ''' i.

. . i We also deal in Produce of allkinds and pay thfe highest market price inCash or Goods. ' ' ' r 'j,' ' t3 We keep the most raned slock tobe found anywhere.' and invite til to exam-ic- e

our goods and prices. We fnaranteesatisfac'ion. J. t BUY AST Sf CO.

octSlo i

u u .


arg yrtrfteted from Vegqtabla pfgdacta,oombinimc in them the Mandrake or May"Applejnir hJchla recognized "by "jpthrniciaaa

M gubatetuta tor calomel, poaeegaiDCUthe virtue of that inineralf without iU

tl eitar-eflect- e. .


thejjfglaeomirabla. They tteplat

&EaVOU3"8ySTBM, nd'&y tone t$

feet dition3Qnorough MimUtioafood.' TboyeJterporfulirinca -

6ciIKlS.n4 ;' ' 'through thee organ jmove all impuri- -

tie thoe TrtaAIzing thguejofjhejbodjr i.'t.md ciag.liel,hy condition, of the ,

gytem. -

i : AS, All AHTl-HALARJ- AL;

RE!I They have ao eqnal ;jndjta argwgltagt

e a preT-entiv- nd eorforfellaggiRg;Eltteat, Irerntepholdgeyerand Fever ai?l Aaa. Upon thg hwalth; .

action of tbe fetomach, degenda, almost0 .Uy, the health cf thelmiaaj rmoe.


cf tha pTyemnt generation. It la fbr tb'' Cure eft hl 6ietee and ite attendant

' --. " that

;: TUTT'S PILLS"have gftlned mch a wldo apread reyajta; '

'i tlen..fx o Raniedjtiae ever beTO Qieoatr;. eyetThat Ml ao paodily tund grently w

be dJLyoai.ive organ g frlviny them to '

-- : an4 Tigor to aeainiilate forxLThia feeingI ocomylinhpdofcouree the .



rt 1 Being composed of the Jnieea of plant .

extracted by powerful chemical agep-- ':clea, and prepared in a confentrateA .

form, they ere guaranteed tree frontany thing that can Injure the moot


, - whobsnyjd them,f' TEZai!lflK0SBVIETUZrJ!rOHSO


Wether fureaay to tlie aSlctedTry this Remedy fairly, tt will not

-- I barm you, you have nothing tolose.butwlll surehr gain a Vigo-rous Body, Pure Blood, 8trontac '"

. fierves and a Cheerful Mind. ,

. . rriatipal Office, 33 Slnrry Pt N. Y.' .

PRICE 20 CENTS..y". fold ey Ptnrgi thronyhoot tbe worHt

o TUTT'S EAIE DYE.'- i CT EUlson Womms ckutad .to a Gvonw1lck hr in!, ipplioaiion uf ihm Vt. It in.

r NatornJ tt, 4nU IntHnTll, and ia ,

. M klansieaa pritiy watr. Soid by irwtSt. OVnt bfMpr.a on rwwptof tL . .

Office S3 Murray St., New YorkV



-- t

If:- - i: 'i. ITo the Farmer!

!A'bM RiTerMill Unowrtady!

to fill orders for, 'j r.


every ' day itf the week. Ve have arith.our excellent ma

chinery rqjiliing flout And meal


jd.qiuf nnd quantity.. We solicit a con-

tinuance' of tjhe liberal patronage that theMill lias

( received,, and promise that thereshalX be iio abatement of effort on onr partto accommoda te and please customers.

'loiiir, leal and Branat reasonable prices.

Tor c'rinilin; we toll tbe el hth,both wheat and corn.


ec-lOitf"'s' r ' '


44 rf.tl j.-...-.,


o'Bearden Thomas,


lit isnAVINO recei tly purchased th- - so

(long known as the Msr-kut- n

Mill) we are now put tin"; them in Hrslclasaoider, nd with suporior machinery,winch is .equal to any in the State,, wo can

l n, .., . l)rmniso

FLOUR; MEAL BEANlUqr.otIicr jlilling Proilucts,

equal to ny in quality and quantity.SoHvi'ing a liberal patronage, we pronjise an

, ifnurms euirt to ei?e satisfaction.To farmers and oil others, we otter

t ) . ! ; ' i ..

Custom Grinding Every Day I

and nwv lb em to give us a trial, assured, aswe are, that they will bo pleased with our

' " wajr ot doing business.iiTi nrnv c mil Air i i- -i

. J tit is. - . , . ,

... n . i . .

PS. fht. Rpftrdpri'mnr nlw.iv belonnd ki 1Kb Mills and will sire orders hispetrosal attention... , aur. lao--tf




t'.i f ! .J


jSQrutf east, corner axiarcy... ' ... . .: : .... .

ji Fayetteville, 1! Tennessee; -ft



A1?E prepared to do all work in theirat short notice, in the neatest,

most snhstantial workmanlike manner,at - the lowest Cash Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed, or yourMon-e- y

Refunded. sept 4--tf

Mrs. Theresa TardiffINVITES the attention of the ladies ot

and Lincoln county to her


which is decidedly handsome and varied.All orders in her line filled promptly in thelatest and most popular styles, at reasona-ble prices. - "

south side the square, near ' ' ' ' J 'DR. DIEIHEH'S D.XITJG- - iTOIlE.




40Q Broadway,'

. Newark.

Tlicdistlnctiirc fpaturejof thi apool cotton arethat Made fruiu tlTcrr lnt .


ft i fiuUtied tort a the cation from which It (

mS'te; It ha no waxing cr artificial flrflik to dr-ee I ye the ej e ; it U the itronest, tuiootbett anrtmost elastic tewing threat! in the market; formachine uta it bas ao Fqnal; it U wound tu . -

- riiiTK SPOOLS. ,i

j ' ' .'.. .., Tbe black H tbe niott perfect

. ' ",5JET SLAOS . t

.. . ,

ctcr proilttced In spool cotton, belif djatt tfr aayatern patented by ouiaelte. Tb ora areilyedbythe . .


rendering them ao perfect and brilliant tlat aa.makers everwhore uae them iaateti af urn Infailks. . r . . , - 1 -.

A Gold Meadal waa.awarded tkls ipol eottoaat raria, irs, for "gretit ttrengfa" aa4 mgtmelexcellence." beiag tbe higheat award glt Parapool cotton. ' .

' ' We invite comparison and rerpartfullf aak la-di- ea

W give ft a fair trial and convince theauclauaof Ha superiority overall otbera. .


' Tobebadatwbolei-aleandreUila- t

Asquith, Hampton & llolmaji.... 1!I

. . ' ,- - 1 t:'mitaker & Ilolmaiu";Julj-1- Sm .'.',',,


First National Bank,Iiyettvilley Tennessee, ! l

'.' : T ;r "



. JAS. D. TILLMAN. " "

' J: R..TEENE Y'jCasTiiei1. '

J. G. Woods, Presidents i .1 i,l . i s'Wu. Bonseb,' Jiu, Vice-Prsside- ct . . .,

v : '.v. ys7-it-.'


Fayetteville-- , lemixsee, ,.


ClPlf.lL STfltS, llMfli)!


II. C. WnrTAKER, J. Wlk,Atr'l tlAlfred Bbakdew, 5 'IVJyCpAns.,!.,

IuiHrnliAlfr 1

M. D. HAMPTON, 'Cfe$hir v ,t ,n, iulyl? . . p.,W lJ0LiU,Nt;fW.



-- f i.ii.'j:-'.-- ;

lHE nndersigned wisaefl to .eonlrartX with some owner of a' 4

POKTABLE SAW MILLto saw lumber on her plantation .near

Madison' county; "Ala. Fromfive to ten thousand saw Ibjfs Vjll b! ptiir-antee- d.

Any owner of inch sJnill wiahiuprto ar upon shares or po much per l,WOfeet, will please addresrr the DcmocrjtOffice, Iluntsrillc, Ala.or ihe widersiga-e- d,

stating teruts.WIS8 AMANDA M. WADE,

sept 4- -4 1 : Njtr.idianrillc, vl lobaHa .

Geo. A. Dickensi' .7

, . . MuiJiEmnvTidocfesEk. '

m r

IS PREPARED to do all work in hia He,a saTtsfWelor tinnnar'. a cheap good

work can be donev I Wajon whncla illod atshort notice. freash,and prompt enstotners.

jan:iO I8Tp-Il- y" ' -

Pettey House,. FayeUeville-- y Tennessee. ?

W. W. &JL PeJtEY' Prop's.n our: :

flUE proprielors respoetfqlly announcei'to the traveling. public hat fhey are

prepared (aaccvmmoIn(e. nestst in a satis-factory manner. Their house is" neatly fur-nished and table bountifully supplied withthe best iW ntarket .afford. : Guests willreclre, polite ,tfentioa artd their wanU willbe carefully studieL Commercial travelerswill find os prepared to entertain them Sugood style and reasonable rates.' Aak forthe JPETTI3Y IIOySE when you arrivein towa. ' 'Tlie location W convcnieni to thepublic so 11 1 re. t cg 7 :r I

.A. .W IT E I S IT MB Eli of aetfve. encriri'iie canva-r- s ! 011

rate-i- a ami umlta'de- diisiuc. uoo.1 men iri 1 ntut(ui rareciiancvi - ff.. r , ,

TQ MAKK MONET.' SucW will phtieanfc-eftlifrat:rrrtiirinc- bjcwi--i im i' uiuip rrjiiy, ,iaiior irnat nu-in-

thur rmve been cnjjnjct m. Kuu but Ihuaawho mp.iii !tmin a(..i.- - .l.lr?a

June IS Iy Fi!LEV;Akr;r ft CO., Atlanra.Ga.

r IAN0 SALES.i- -i'- r

r r -

UXPER and by rtu f the; will of theWoodard, dee., we will on

Tuesday. ,Odober 7th7 1879,'at fheMafe resider7c Wsard fiealen Wood-alilnthe.'13-


ciril district ef Lincolncoantr, 8'er at.puMic sale to Ihe Liuhesl. . ... ,i i. - ; J auwuiT, i iic i rat. vi una. coniaiiung .

About IGO 'ltcres!" ';

of which saidiWoodaM died possessed., The place ia only five miles- from Far

ettev.ilie, is well watered and has one brickhouse On it, in addition to dwelling house,and tlie land is first-clas- s. .Tho land will

Jbe sold on a credit of one, two and threyears,.nie purcnasers ot-in- requirea lo givenotes with good and suKkient security fortbe payment f the money, and a lien retained until all the purchase money is paid.

At the same time and piaee wiil also besou a lot or personal property. Any onedesiring to see the premises can do so bycalling on T. M. White at the residence.

.T.M.WHITE,. .. j ,A 1$. WQODAliD, .

seplll 'tlx'r of Reuben Woodard, dec.



imbY''smb?DL- -.n.

v. I

Late with John J:uth,.Shclbjvil!e,

? WaTCH-JME- R - "AfiD--1 HVELER,

ptrrrr-rx-f .r.;V.trTr.g tiur -

frifst-tJla-l' Jewelry,

"Watches and Clocks.

Plain Gold Pings a Specialty!AUo, agmt for

' ' 'Li ; i r:

C031 BlXlfip .; SPECTACLES !

CfJrBkoa at Ii.'.lt Cgilvie & Co's hardwarestflry' "'

D4T3- -

HEYl-IAim;:-a HILL'


Watches '

1 .: . ciocts,

, .; ''Jewelry; y.


- r .r, ectacles, &c.Souih-Eti- st Carrier qf lh tSguare,

FafetUvtlle TenauAH wort doHfc pro'mptlj and" '-- ' warranted!

CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLDASILVEKHOT. 22- -' .;t t ... . . ' ...


I : 1. 1- lr ' I

"tHSE or " !

H 1

FayetfeVUe. Tenn, A. D. RUT U- - decC'


J.B. "WILSON,w FajettcTille, Tcnn.


JIjAS justreceire.1 a large stock of

; ;iFUEBrrruRE u

consi.-linj-of ' 1 '

iestacls. Matresses, Bureaus- SaFe' "AVash Stands, Chairsand Iber articles in that line, which: hewill sell as low as such goods can be boughtin this market."' A Tsof always on hand i

Caseis Caskets, and Homo-mad- e;!-i-- .;, . Coffins, : !jas cheap as can be had in the 'ce. - Anda rood hense, senile horse :nd carefrJdriner. J .WILSON.

dee. 27 o


1 SB! !


Fayetteville Bookstore,,ri .. , Xorih Side qf the Square,

ITayottovillo, Tcnnoasee,

' ' uSaw Old Stand,Xen all tha Jeadlnff ana aocnlar firhnnl

Sookl 'ow ased in 6nr schoola. Also,JlisceTTaneoos books, '

2XBLSIB aud TS3TAimrrs.In this department we keep from a fiveonts Testament to a lare Family Bible.; Making a specialty of ...--


BOOKS AND STATIONERY,and giving special attention to that branchof 'business in il various departmehts,with our faculties in purchasing direct frompublishers and first hand dealers, we xansupply the trade,

At Publishers' Prices,with any hook, magazine or paper publish-ed in the United States. Also, SheetMusicand M nsical Instruments, Pictures a cdPicture Frames. , . .

Call at ths PayetteTille Eooi Storafor anything in onr line, and if riot in sforewill if desired be ordered right away! Weare constantly ordering and receiving- - newsupplies. Just received a lot r FrenchHarps and Accordions.

Inly 31 . W. W. & F. rETTEY.




College Street,

EViyeUcvillc, Tenn.jan. 3tJ-- tf


Ihas remavtd to his

IS E W SHOPon College ttreet 3 doort from the Square

AND is now prepared to furnish Marble!il


Ston work.. at- lower prices



a i.arok L(r crI

GROCERIES!thaa it hi3 c?er tesn. '

We are defprmiued to keep the rery lestCOFFEK we can possih!? buy, an

onr can rr!y oa it be in 5 the linest the niaiket a:;or't.


We keep all g ades from the cheapest iathe most cobity. We are agents ff allkinds of

Farming Implements,Craia DriHs, flews, Sowen, Rates, ttc.

Also hare on hand the greatest

WHEAT FERTILIZESthat hna ever been before the neonle of T.in.coin connty. With it you can more thaadoable your wheat crop.

Come and See uh.BIIYS05 & LAUDERDALE.

ept 4-- tf


Aon-IIcsidc- nt Notice.

Lditia Garey vs. XalhanielGarey.

In Oiancery at FayetteTilfe.tn this caoae it appearing to me, W. B.

Martin, clerk and master i--r the Chancery-Cour-t

at Fajetfetille, Teanesve, from com-plainant's Lill which i sworn to, that theresidence of defendant, Nathani .1 Garcy, iiunknown to coniplaiiiaiit. '

. It itherefor,oderedthat pnblica?onbemade in the Fatetteville b, anewspaper published in the town of Far-etteTii- lo,

Tennessee, for Tour consecutiveweeks, requiring baid deu-ndan- t ta appearbefore the Chancery Court Ur Lincoln coun-ty, Tennessee, sitsing at Fayetteilie, Ten-nessee, on the Cth day ( October,17U, and defend complainant's bill, orthe same wi!l be taken fr confessed. This'Jlh day of .Septeniher, 1ST:).

W. H. MARTIN",S,P 11 Chrk and Master.


IXSOL VEXTXOTICE.PUnSUAXT to an order or the Clerk of

Court of Lincoln County,Tennessee, apon the sulfation of the ad-ministrator of the estate of

James X". George, Deceased,of the insolvency of said dei-ednl'- a estate,notice is hereby jriven to all persons liatinjclaims against said estate to present thentto tho CWk of said Court, authenticated,on or before February Urd, 16,for pro rata distribution, or they nill Laforever haired. F. I EZELL,' set Aihuinisfrator.

INSOL YEXTXOT1CE.PURSUANT to anmW of the Clerk of

Court of Linccl.i county.Tenn upon the sucs'Joa of the adminis-trator of the estate ofXeivton Hlntaler, De ceased f

of the insolvency of said decedent's etat,rotice is hereby pWen to r.Il persons hatingclaim a;inst said ette to p resent them tothe Clerk of sai i Court, authenticated, on orbefore th 3rd of February, !, forpro rata distribution, or they wil! be foreverbarred. R. A. LEES, Ext.

sept l?o

INSOLVENT NOTICE.PURSUANT to ao order of the Clerk o

Court of Lincoln countyTenn upon the suggest iou of the executorof the estate of

Sarah Freeman, Deceased,of the insolvency of said decedent's estatenotice is hereby given to all persons havingclaims against said estate to present thrmto the Clerk of said Court, authenticated, onor before January 1st, 18SO, for proata distribution, or they will be forever

barred. J. M. BAliHAM, Adm'r.anrr 7-- ,

INSOLVENT NOTICE.PURSUANT M an or.ler of the Clerk of

Court of Lincoln conntyTenn., mxm the of the adminis-trator of the estate of

JL J?. Droxcn Deceased,of the insolvency of said decedent's estate;notice ia hereby given to all havin;;claims against said estate to present themfo tbe Clerk of. said Court, authenticated,on or before January 5th, ItsSO, for prorata distribution, or ther Wiil be foreverbarred. J. P. ilCJJSON, Adin.

oz-7- -


.TVJS DOWLIN,..., .PLAET A273 02irA222,TAL

... . ,


13 PIJEPAKED to till arders in his linewarrant satisfaction. I'oxxns plv

tered. cisterns cemented and similar workdone in the best manner and at prices low-er than ever have prevailed in this sectionUcference is made as lo quality workpromptness, and charges, to ritixens ofFayeteri!le who hare employed himNamesfurnished, if desired. niarth20-Jy- .

E. P. Feeney & Sons,


A HE prepared to fill orders anywhere inLincoln coun-y- , promntlr. in ih.i b

style, and at reasonable prices, for

Lathing, Plastering in lime orcement, etc.,

in hoases or cisterns.Impairing or all kinds done wheuever

needed, without delay.Orders respect fully solicited, and satis-

faction gnarantecd.march 15 if n

AM prepared to do aft work in my linoin the latest style. SatiaTac'.ioa


fards, BiU-Oe- a, Tlckefs. tie.piUNTED WITH NEATNESSliCE, Fajettsvillt,




