Feature Articles - White Line Magazine

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Feature Articles

Meet the Staff ..............................................................1

The Shadow Knows.....................................................2

Road Tales ...... Arctic Clutch .....................................4

Road Tales ...... Arctic Clutch .....................................5

Shop Talk ..........JP Superbikes..................................6

Chilin' With Ice ............... Bobby S. ...........................8

Chilin' With Ice ............... Bobby S. ...........................9

Shocking Barack ...........by Mary B............................10

Shocking Barack ............by Mary B...........................11

Canadian Connection .... Doc ....................................12

Event Coverage ..... Blood Ride ..................................13

Babe of the Month ......................................................14

Babe of the Month Calenda........................................15

Cover Story .......... Panther Cycle...............................16

Cover Story ........ Panther Cycle.................................17

Laughs Out Loud .............. by Lyd C. ........................18

'Toons for the Road ... Jerry King..............................19

Reader's Rides ........ Colorworks................................20

Events and More.........................................................22

Tracking Terry Contest...............................................23

Pinky's Passion ..............by Mary B...........................24

Pinky's Passion ..............by Mary B...........................25

About the Magazine....................................................27

Readers Rides ... A story by LJ James .......................28

Readers Rides ... A story by LJ James .......................29

White Line Remembers the Fallen ............................ 30

Poems from the Pavement ... R. Sprocket..................32

Poems from the Pavement ... R. Sprocket..................33

Our Favorite Links .....................................................34

Contact Us...................................................................35

Index of Advertisers

Panther Cycles

Viet Nam Vets Moving Wall

Motorcycle Properties

Autism Poker Run

Law Firm of Rick Arcaro

Hips House of Horsepower

Smith Brothers Harley Davidson


You Tape I Type

Needful Things

In the Beginning In the beginning it beckoned; calling from the darker side.

To gather chosen spirits, with a wolf as their guide. They started on a journey; hope and dreams intertwined.

Reality and fantasy, twisted warped and defined. A true labor of love is born from the kindred;

To share the spirit of freedom is what is intended. With the blessings of many whitelinemagazine.com is here;

Sharing wisdom and laughter, kinship and good cheer. Lyd




Let's jump right in...

First off, I am proud to announce that we have completed negotiations and are now sponsored in part by the Law Offices of Rick Arcaro, PL. While Rick's law firm does all kinds of personal injury cases, he has chosen to put his 30 years experience primarily towards motorcycle accident litigation. What impressed me the most was the fact that Rick gives personal attention to his clients. He likes to deal with motorcyclists, who have been injured through no fault of their own, on a very personal one to one basis. This dedication and caring for each and every individual is what sets him head and shoulders above the rest of the law firms in the area and is why we are so proud to have him be a part of our magazine. Welcome aboard Rick!

Our next order of business is the Ft. Myers Bike Night, which we are once again the proud media sponsors of. The Ft. Myers Bike Night is the oldest and longest standing city bike night in the country and we are very proud to sponsor that effort. And, of course, we will be there at the bike night. Come and see us on November 7th and sign a couple Christmas or Holiday cards for our Holiday Card drive for the soldiers overseas. This is a great cause that's in it's 3rd year, and is put on by the Ladies of White Line Magazine. All of the cards that we collect will be shipped over to Afghanistan and Iraq in time for the soldiers there to get a little bit of holiday cheer in an otherwise dismal existence away from their family and friends. Remember these people are fighting for us, and whether you support the war itself, it's time to show how much we appreciate their effort on our behalf.

Along the lines of "you asked for it, you got it", we are proud to announce that White Line will once again giving away our "Be Aware Bikes Are There" bumper stickers. We will have a good supply at the booth at the Ft. Myers Bike Night, so be sure to ask for yours after you sign a couple cards for the troops! These great looking bumper stickers remind other drivers to watch out for us and promote safety for motorcyclists. Grab a couple and give them to other family members and friends and help us promote safety and awareness of motorcycles on our streets and roadways.

That's it for this month. Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

Ride safe and free.



Even though this story takes place almost 1 year ago, we found it in our archives, realized it hadn't been published yet, and thought our readers would enjoy it!


Toronto , Canada . Dec 4, 2008. It was a ride to

remember Well it was my first ride as a new biker

since I had only had my motorcycle license for less

than 3 months....

It took me 8 days from Toronto , Canada to

Skagway Alaska , where I stuck around for a couple

nights to play some private poker games.

I then rode to Whitehorse to get my oil changed at

the Harley Dealership. Because of the snow and crappy

weather and the 500 in cash I picked up in the Skagway

poker games I decided to live large and get a hotel room for a few nights.

The first night at the bar I met a local fellow with an

Arctic Motorcycle Tours jacket on and he said for a

whiskey and a beer I could have it. So couldn't beat that

deal and it fit perfect. Felt a little sorry for the guy, as it

had just snowed earlier on in Whitehorse and he had to

walk home in his T-shirt. But a deal is a deal The next

night I wore the jacket to the bar and Heather Ireland

from BikerTV came up to me to find out about the

Arctic Motorcycle Tours my jacket was advertising.

Partied with them that night and then interviewed them

the following morning with my video camera. Kind of

crazy how randomness can make people's paths cross.

I made it up to the Arctic Circle for the Summer solstice, and it was not an easy trip by any means. I took the Top of the World

Highway across to Dawson City where I entered the weekend Poker Tournament at the Casino. Lost all my cash and was tenting

the rest of the trip.

The Dempster HWY had a lot of rain and turned it

into basically a mud road. I threw down the bike once

when my back tire slid out and totaled my side case.

Also, helped fix a popped tire for a guy riding the

same bike as mine (V-Strom). He told me he was going

to get a patch kit or beer and he decided on beer (so

wrong choice) but I got a lot of beer off him for my patch kit.


5 When I finally made it to the Arctic Circle it was 25 degrees Celsius and a

perfect day. Got a good sun burn in the speedo and fairly drunk with my whiskey

and an empty stomach. Did some skipping while I was there to help pass the time.

Lots of RVers drove slowly by me without getting out, as I think they were scared

ha ha.

I promised the girlfriend I would be home on a certain date, and when I was

running behind with the tire being changed in Prince Rupert , I had to fly across

Canada to make it back in time, or she probably would have left me haha. I'm

surprised she stayed with me after being on the road for 5 weeks. From Prince

Rupert I road to the Icefields between Jasper and Banff . All the camp sites were

booked solid, and since it was dark I just pulled into a parking lot and set up

camp. Little did I know why it was so cold until I woke up and saw a bunch of

glaciers around me.

The next day I road to Regina , where I met up with some guys that hooked

me up with a ton of free beers after hearing about me hitting a deer. From

Regina I drove to Thunder Bay . For the last 2 hours of this riding day it was

dark and tons of moose and deer were scene along the road edge, so I tucked in

behind an 18 wheeler and stayed close. Figured it was a big animal barricade. A

deer I could handle, a moose I would have to ditch the bike I figured

The 4th day was from Thunder Bay to Toronto , which I thought would be only about 11 hours riding, yet I misjudged the map

and it ended up being just shy of 1500 km. My entire body was sore when I finished, yet I met up the girlfriend and friends at the

bar for drinks and it was all worth it. Now I have to clean my Bike...

I have over 50 video clips of riding, camping and partying, along with a google map link available at my Arctic Clutch

YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/ArcticClutchdotcomhope you enjoy! Visit my website at

www.arcticclutch.comto view my gear and equipment list and find out more about my Arctic Clutch 1 Hr 24 min DVD.

I'm thinking of a winter ride to Mexico now. Figure it's a good spot to get a tan in a speedo haha

For more information about the Arctic Circle trip, please contact Stephen Corke at

Phone: (647) 213-1026; e-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.arcticclutch.com


Recently a buddy of mine had a problem with his bike. After we spent a few hours attempting to fix it ourselves we went looking for some professional help. After looking around and talking to different bike shops we found Jon at JP Superbikes up in Murdock. Pat (my buddy in question) owns a import bike and Jon was strongly recommended by several other import bike riders. After we explained the problem to Jon, he seemed to know just what was wrong with it and quoted us a very reasonable price for the repair.

So Pat and I went and loaded the bike on the trailer an carried it up for Jon to do his magic, and three short days later, Pat's Honda runs like a new bike. I decided then and there to go back and learn more about Jon and JP Superbikes.

Jon, who was born in the eastern European country of Serbia, told me he has worked on bikes since he was in high school. He developed a love of motorcycles through his older brother who rode. He had 4 years education in engine repair while in high school, and after high school he worked as a auto mechanic. In 2002 Jon moved from Serbia to the US where he worked for Suzuki in Sarasota and became a certified Suzuki tech. He then went to work with Thunder Road for a while before opening his own shop.

Jon works on all metric (import) bikes, atvs and scooters, and he also does tires, brakes and oil changes on Harleys. I asked Jon what he thought was the most important thing to him in his business. He was quick with the come-back as he told me with a big smile that "honesty and customer satisfaction" are the most important things to him. " I want to make sure that every one leaves my shop happy and wanting to come back and tell there friends about me". Jon also told me that that sometimes it takes longer to than he quoted a customer to make a repair. It doesn’t happen often, but he will not charge for the extra time it takes to make a bike run the way its suppose to. He said, "I want to make my customers happy and if it takes more time that’s on me". I wanted to find out what is the extent of the work he does at the shop, and again was quickly told, "Anything from a complete rebuild to changing a light bulb. I enjoy the challenge of finding problems and repairing motorcycles. I don’t like doing things half way. I have seen too

much of that in other shops and it dose not make happy customers, and I will not work that way. In almost 2 years I have had only had 2 complaints. One I made happy and that customer has come back for other work, the other… well you cant make everybody happy no matter how hard you try."

Jon loves riding as much as he likes working on bikes and he personally owns four bikes. 2 straight Sport bikes and two Sport Touring bikes.He recently took a trip to New England for a little vacation up the east coast then around the northern states and back to sunny Florida and more work. After talking to Jon and some of his customers I know if any thing goes wrong with my bike it will go to JP Superbikes for repair, Jon treats all his work like it belongs to him.

JP Superbikes is located at 19800 Veterans Blvd, Unit A10 Port Charlotte FL

Ride Safe,




I've had lots of submissions lately with some amazing suggestions on great places to ride this time of year. Places where you can actually enjoy being outside and bask in all the natural splendors that surround us. Taking the time to appreciate the little things in life goes a long way. Yes, that's easier said than done sometimes, trust me I know, but you have to choose yourself & a good time once in a while or else one of these days you'll end up being that disgruntled employee wilding an AK 47 takin' out everyone in sight. Ha ha ha - Ok maybe I went a little too far there but you get my point, every now and then you have to just say **** it & have a good time.

I've managed to make my way through all the different locations and stories our great readers have sent in and narrowed it down to my top two favorite cursing destinations. I know at least one of these routes will make it to your must ride there list, which just about all of us have. Whether it's written or just etched in our minds---that list of musts is sure to get a minimum of one new addition today.

Lets start things out in Cape Cod, Massachusetts with the all-impressive "Route 6A" or as the locals know it the "Old Kings Highway." As you make your way around the bay, you'll be happy to leave all the high paced mumbo-jumbo behind & enter communities that almost seem as if they have been frozen in time. You'll travel through towns like, Barnstable, Yarmouth, Dennis, Bourne & Sandwich, to name a few. Historical homes & buildings line the almost forgotten Route & scenes of the harbor, salt marshes, tree-lined roads & down right amazingly, beautiful country-side never seem to be more than a glance away.


The beach area can be a little more crowded during the summer months but you shouldn't have to worry about that this time of year so don't forget to check out Sandwich & Salty Neck Beaches. Route 6A is jam-packed-full of interesting sights & historical locations to enjoy so if you're looking for a new place to explore on your ride, don't think twice about checkin' this nearly forgotten stretch of highway out.

I'm gonna wrap things up with a route that takes us through the gorgeous states of Massachusetts & Connecticut. You will travel through the quaint towns of Rutland, Charlton, Sturbridge, New Salem, Ware, Petersham, Quabbin & Southridge. Ending up at the biker friendly & owner, Vanilla Bean Cafe in Pomfret, Connecticut. It's about a 250-mile run, round-trip and usually takes most the day to complete. Be sure and allot ample time to stop and enjoy the different sites and scenes along the way. A few points of interest

you may want to integrate into your trip are as follows. Hamilton Orchards in New Salem, which is said to have some of the freshest warm apple cider, doughnuts & other tempting treats around. If you are looking to leave your ride for a few & get some exercise in, stop at the man-made Quabbin Reservoirs' Gate 40 and check out what used to be the town of Dana Commons. A granite marker and cellar holes along the roadside from residence long gone is all that is left to indicate the town of Dana Commons ever existed - kind of a surreal sight if you ask me. A few miles down the road is the Windsor Dam, where you can learn the story behind the reservoirs creation at the Quabbin Museum and History Center. If you're up for a little bit of a climb, don't hesitate to check out the Quabbin Lookout Tower, where an astounding panoramic view awaits you.

Now to the actual route you'll need to follow in orde to check all these gnarly places out. Starting in Rutland, Massachusetts on Route 122 heading south on Pleasantdale Rd. until you reach Route 31. Keep heading south until you reach Woodstock where you will need to pick-up Route 169, you will basically be following this the rest of the way to the Vanilla Bean Cafe, located at 450 Deerfield Rd., Pomfret CT. To head back you'll want to take 169 N until you reach Southbridge where you will pick-up Route 131 N. and continue to Sturbridge where you'll want to hop-on Route 20 W. to Fiskdale. From there you'll need to hook-up with Route 148 N. and follow it until you reach 32 W. in Ware. You'll need to hook-up with Route 9, which will start to take you around the reservoirs. Picking-up US-202 N. a little north of Belchertown. Eventually US-202 will intersect with Route 122 S. which you can follow until you are back at your starting off point. Basically you'll travel south to the cafe in Pomfret, then head north and circle around the reservoirs, then back to where your journey began. Now these are just a few suggestions please edit the routes to suit your needs or wants but be sure to let me know what you think at --- [email protected]. You never know, one of these days your story could end up featured in an article, so be descriptive and include a few pictures, if possible.

That's what rides like these are all about anyway, right? Getting out there, exploring new and interesting areas and enjoying the Freedom of the Wide Open Road-- Taking the little bit of extra time you have managed to scrape together and making the most of it. Your to do lists, bills, projects & family issues will all be waiting for you when you return but for now FORGET about all that stuff and start planning your next outing --- your Body, Mind & Soul will surely THANK YOU!

Until Next Time...Ride Safe,


Shocking Barack By Mary Baker, a.k.a. Pinky

Two guys riding electric motorcycles, retraced the route that the automotive CEOs took last year from Detroit to Washington D.C. to ask for a bailout of the industry. They weren't asking for money; just a chance to meet with the President of the United States, give him a Brammo Enertia electric motorcycle, and explain their “homegrown solution to our country's transportation crisis.” Brammo lead designer, Brian Wismann and Crispin, Dave Schiff started their trek on Monday, October 12th, but prior to the trip, they sent out tweets on Twitter and asked the internet community for assistance in powering their Brammo cycles. On their website, they asked for help; "If you can give us access to a standard household electrical outlet, we can top-off and make it to our next stop. A full charge is only 30¢ and we're happy to reimburse anyone interested." They logged onto couchsurfing., a worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visited. Again, they posted this plea:"If you live along the route and we can crash on your couch or floor, let us know. We'd be genuinely happy to meet and hang out with you, and we'd be considerate guests in your home." They were counting on the American public and social networks to help them in their quest, and they weren't at all disappointed. They also sent out tweets asking if anyone knows Obama, or if anyone knows anyone who knows Obama, please contact them and help them get a foot in the door to present their case for an energy efficient transportation solution. They claim the Brammo Enertia Power Cycle, listing at just $11,995 is the most energy efficient vehicle in America. According to the official website, the vehicle can travel 15,000 miles on about $85 worth of electricity. It's distance capability on one charge is about 42 miles at 60 mph. The vehicles are "made in Oregon by a scrappy bunch of electric vehicle visionaries with zero marketing budget", said Alex Bogusky, co-chairman of Crispin. He went on to say "we want to shock him with the fact that without any bailout money these enterprising and innovative dudes at Brammo have a homegrown solution to our country's transportation crisis. And it's not theory. It's for sale."

They found no shortage of electrical power across American as they traveled towards the White House, but they did find that while the infrastructure is there, it is not always available or easy to use; and sometimes even awkward. They were been denied access to use of electrical outlets at some locations, but mostly people were interested in their quest, and allowed them to use their existing power. After all, according to their web site, the Brammo Enertia electric motorcycle takes just four hours to completely recharge, and costs just 30 cents to do so. They always offer to pay the 30 cents, but are cognizant that if there were hundreds of these vehicles being used on the streets of America, people might be more reluctant to give free use of their outlets for recharge, and the problem of how to meter and charge for the power remains. They had a brainstorming session and came up with several solutions to the problem, two of which are dominant and the most noteworthy.

1. Use outlets on parking meters, the simplest solution to the problem

2. Use powermat technology; a more cutting edge solution

"In some towns we noticed that there was more of a thought out infrastructure for lighting up the Christmas trees on a main street than there was for charging cars. But that gave us hope. It obviously can be done and by even the smallest of towns." said Alex Burnard, also of Crispin.

Brammofan, self proclaimed "Writer, observer, and fanatic about the Brammo Enertia in particular, and about electric motorcycles in general" wrote a post on his blog dealing with the issue of the infrastructure. His research shows that “some of the more "green" states, namely, Oregon and California, have already began an effort to put in place charging stations for vehicles. Unfortunately, those particular charging stations are 220 volt outlets designed for compatibility with the Tesla EV. Given that the Brammo Enertia will go on sale next week at four Best Buy stores in Los Angeles and San Francisco, it’s a shame that the charging stations did not envision the need for the charging of EVs which require the more common 110 volt outlet", says Brammofan.

They had a little scare along the way when a follower sent them information that the President may not be allowed to accept gifts. This caused the tweets to fly and fans offered answers. Fortunately, that issue was resolved when they received a solution from one of their followers.

"A few days back we learned the constitution forbid elected officials from accepting gifts. But today, @sefba, a helpful follower and astute observer of governmental type stuff, informed us that the President and Vice President are exempted from this strident no-gift policy. Even better, since Brian/BRAMMO are American, there is no limitation on gift value (the prez and vice prez can accept gifts from foreign citizens, but the value can’t exceed $250). Check out the link Thank you @sefba!"


Finally, a post on their web site bears re-printing. They explained what this trip is really all about. It may seem like a gimmick to some, and it may be, but if it helps to improve the re-charging infrastructure across America and afford a better means of

"green", energy saving, transportation, then they have succeeded -- whether the President is willing to see them or not!

"Can we make it do DC? Can we really give a bike to Obama? From the outset we’ve asked ourselves those questions. But those aren’t the real questions, the big questions, the questions to which even an imagined “yes” generates goose bumps. Can Americans innovate? Can we create jobs? Can people go from A to B without harming the earth? These are the questions that matter, the real questions behind our trip. And since we are optimists, we decided to answer them in advance. Definitively. In custom paint. So we rode to Swewickey PA, just outside Pittsburgh, and met with Jeremy Seanor, owner of Lucky Strike pinstriping. Rolling the bikes into the shop we immediately realized they would be in good vehicular company–on the left, a 1959 Corvette convertible, on the right, a Plymouth GTX, and dead ahead, an AMC Javelin. Jeremy laid down some of the cleanest lines we’d ever seen

from a paintbrush, and it was cool to see such a traditional craft applied to so modern a form. But the best part by far was riding away from the shop, looking down and seeing “yes we can,” and dreaming about what the world will be like if EVs succeed."

And later on they wrote:

"We’ve ridden through big cities and small towns, past lakes and over mountains, through rain, wind and sun, recharging in the homes and businesses of generous Americans, and sleeping on their couches when we needed a rest. Through it all the bikes performed superbly, hitting 70 mph on flat stretches, and going hitting up to 50 miles between charges once the batteries broke in. Aside from swapping out a motor controller, we were mechanically trouble free. But as excited as we are to have covered the distance, and show what EVs are capable of, this trip has never been about changing zip codes. It’s about changing perceptions. It’s about proving that the real America isn’t broken corporations dumping billions into a doomed enterprise. The real America is the same thing it’s been since the nation declared independence. Smart, resourceful and determined. The bikes we have are two-wheeled proof. And we haven’t really gotten anywhere until we can hand that proof to someone who matters. Someone like Barack Obama. So yes, we’ve ridden a long way, but now that we’re here, the real journey begins."

They have had encounters with rain and cold, met some great people across America, and had an awesome adventure. A couple of local news networks picked up the story, and CBS, Shira Lazar, even did an interview, but their mission has still failed to get the attention of the United States President. The number of people following them on Twitter and the flood of posts and reposts attest to their growing popularity.

On Oct 28, they posted “meeting the Press on Capital Hill. Well maybe we didn’t have momentum in government circles, but it was nice to find out we had a little momentum in pop culture. Thanks to all the people who’ve been following us and the growing popularity of the site, we landed an interview with a reporter from the Associated Press. There weren’t any Senators or Congressmen there, but a few of them sent staff members, who were kind enough to drop by and say hello despite the cold rain. We weren’t sure if the reporter’s story would get picked up, but a few hours later the web seemed to explode with syndicated goodness as AP affiliates nationwide began running the story on line. After two weeks of relative anonymity, traveling hundreds of miles on back roads through strange towns large and small, this kind of notoriety was wholly unexpected. Brian and I were floored by the coverage, and we felt totally indebted to all the people out there who helped generate enough buzz to make this happen. Maybe someone would notice now. Maybe that someone would be Obama.”

On Oct 27th, the Los AngelesTimes published a front page story, and the posts again began to fly with such tweets as:

fbuddhaLove it - congrats! RT @bogusky: LA Times covers @shockingbarack. Great photo too. http://bit.ly/475wAQ

cwigginsLA times picks up www.shockingbarack.com . Hilarious pic of our own Dave Schiff.

LauraLSUCheck out @shockingbarack in the LA Times: http://bit.ly/3t8b45

Man2thWe hit the big time! Check out our Shocking Barack guys in the LA times http://tinyurl.com/yh74mwh. very cool #shockingbarack

The duo can already claim a victory in the use of social networking to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, at print time, they still don't have a meeting with the President, so stay tuned next month for an update on the conclusion of this adventure. In the meantime, interested followers can log on to the site of the two visionaries at their Shocking Barack website.


Fall is here! What to do, what to do?

The temperatures have dropped; the turkey has been served (Canadian Thanksgiving Oct. 19th.), and Halloween is just around the corner. Fall has officially arrived and the bold green leaves in the trees have turned to a golden yellow, bright red and orange. Most of us have parked our rides for another season but not the spirit to ride. Except maybe, a few brave souls whom like most of us try to hang on to that, last breath of summer before the snow flies.

However, we must look in the bright side and make the most of it. It is time to bring out the Winter Boots, ATV’s, Ski Doo’s and tear up the *back forty".

This is the season for planning, structuring, restructuring and repair (indoors off course). This is also when the biggest shows, where manufactures,

builders and proud owners strut their new, used and upcoming machines. It is the season when next year’s poker runs, functions and events are thought of and planned out. A few are already in the works and I will be reporting them to you as more information becomes available.

Here are just a few.

January 15, 16 and 17, 2010 is the North American International Motorcycle SuperShow, featuring 425,000 sq. Feet of restaurants, booths, exhibits and bikes from all over North America of every shape, make and size. http://www.supershowevents.com

March 27 and 28 - National Motorcycle Show in Toronto

April - Toronto Spring Motorcycle Show at the Toronto International Centre

May 7 - National Female Ride Day http://motoress.com/readarticle.asp?articleid=101&c=news

May 21-23 DOCC Mosport Rally, Bowmanville, ON www.docc.ca

June 13 - W.R.O.A.R Ride - in support of the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre / Multicultural Women Against Rape www.wroar.com

July 2nd. R.O.C.K. (Ride for Our Cancer Kids, which will take place in Sarnia, Ontario at the Motorsport Harley-Davidson at 1375 Confederation St in Sarnia. All proceeds go to Childhood Cancer Foundation Canada.

In addition, let us not forget the New Liskerd Bikers reunion on July 2, 3 and 4 attracting over 5000 bikes from all over to raise money for the Temiskaming Hospital Cancer Care. But if travelling is your thing, you might enjoy something like the Six Day Enduro (endurance) race in sunny Portugal.

Next season should be a season full of fun and excitement, as I plan to personally get involved in many of these rallies, events and functions and will be reporting to you from ground zero as these events take place.

But for now (those of you who brave the weather, and those of you down south that can) be good and ride safe.



Those of us who ride know that bikers have big hearts and are always among the first to give back to the local communities. This was proven again this past month when two women decided to give back to the community in an all new way.

Karen Nixon is a hair dresser by trade and happens to be an avid rider of 29 years. One of her customers is Kelly Lambert who is also an avid rider and works for the Florida Blood Center in Port Charlotte. They were talking one day about the economy and jobs and so forth and the subject came up about how blood donations have dropped off in these troubled times. As Kelly warmed up to the topic and the need for blood donations, Karen decided she could do something about it.

With the help of local vendors, a little bit of advertising and reaching out through the social network www.bikerornot.com , Karen set up the first of what she hopes will be an annual event, the Bikers for Blood ride. Instead of a poker run or fund raising event,

this was a nice ride through the country around the Port Charlotte area ending at the Florida Blood Center. Riders where given a custom t-shirt when they completed the ride by making a blood donation at the blood center. There were vendors to check out as they waited their turn on the couches and pizzas were supplied for after they gave their life-saving donations.

About 60 bikers showed up to enjoy the ride through the countryside, coming from as far away as Pine Island and generously give their donations straight from the heart (so to speak). The girls look forward to this being a growing event as the years go on, and it is definitely a worthwhile cause to support. Congratulations and best wishes go out to Karen and Kelly on the success of such a worthwhile project that helps the whole community. And hopefully their efforts will remind us all of the need to donate blood year round. The life you save could be a brother or sister in the wind, or your own!


Meet Lauren. This 5'4" beauty is a full blooded Portuguese who recently came to the sunshine state from New York. This is her first modeling gig on her way to her life's goal of being a singer / performer and we are quite proud to have her grace our pages.

Lauren tells us that she loves the custom built choppers much more than the sport bikes, and with that in mind we contacted our friends at Panther Cycle to give her a custom bike to pose with. We asked her what drew her to motorcycles and posing with them and were told, "I love the ride. It's just amazing! Your hair blowing, the fresh air, the freedom, it's awesome. I just love the ride! And I really like the Harley's and custom bikes. The long handlebars and sleek look.... there is just something super sexy about them. And they are so bright and colorful and just a great ride." We couldn't agree more after seeing how comfortable she was laid out on this custom creation by Panther Cycle.

Lauren boasts of having deep soulful brown eyes and brown hair and a beautifully tanned olive complexion. Once we got her to relax and settle into the modeling. she was a real pleasure to work with. And I think you'll agree the results were well worth the effort! We think you'll see a lot more of this raven haired beauty modeling motorcycles and performing in the future and we are pleased to give her her start in our magazine.




I moved from Georgia to Florida in 2002 for several reasons, not the least of which was the fact that Florida has one of the largest populations of motorcycle riders and builders in the country. I had been riding motorcycles most of my life, and was working for a motorcycle magazine part time in Georgia. This was an experience that was to continue here in Florida, and eventually led to being a part of White Line Magazine. Along the way I have met and talked with a lot of people in the motorcycle industry. Some stand out head and shoulders above the rest. This article is about one of the very best I have met and I am proud to call my friend.

When I first walked into Panther Cycle in Punta Gorda, the shop had been open for a few years. I had heard of the shop repeatedly from many riders in the area as being "The" place to go for anything from repairs on my bike to some of the coolest customs around. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more about them.

I was greeted with a smile from the woman behind the counter and then shortly thereafter by the devilish grin of a fellow dressed in bib overalls. Little did I know at first sight that these were the owners of Panther Cycle, Steve Ehrie and Wanda. These two treated me from the get go like an old friend. We talked for

quite a while that day and I became a fan of theirs, just like 99% of the riders in the area. Their shop on Taylor St. was often busy, but they made me and everyone else that walked through the door feel welcome. I not only brought my bike to them for everything from tires to repairs, but I also found myself going to the shop to just hang out and talk after a long day. There lifts were always filled with people's prized possessions or with custom bikes that Steve was building. Between their great outgoing and friendly attitude, and their obvious knowledge of motorcycles I was convinced I had found the "perfect" shop.

Then in August of 2004 disaster in the form of Hurricane Charlie struck and the building that housed Panther Cycle was made untenantable. Punta Gorda would be robbed of it's best motorcycle repair shop.

But a man like Steve Ehrie isn't going to be deterred by something like a class 4 hurricane. Within a short amount of time Steve began working on bikes again in the privacy of his home's garage. He also obtained a manufacturers license under the name of Open Road Motorcycles so he could continue to pursue his love of building custom motorcycles. He specializes in a creation called the Hot Rod Bagger, building bikes that not only have the comfort and classy looks of a dresser-style bike, but also incorporate high performance power plants to move them. In the true style of a craftsman, Steve built whatever the customer wanted from long sleek choppers to the hot rod bagger to repairing the rides of those that sought his expertise. But while the riding community knew of him and his work, they lamented the loss of Panther Cycle.

Now the community can rejoice. Steve and Wanda have re-opened Panther Cycle in a new location. The new shop resides at 5218 Duncan Rd. on the outskirts of Punta Gorda, just a short ways away from his home. He has returned to serving the motorcycle community as he always has both as builder / craftsman and repairman. The full service shop has a wide open feel to it and is again humming with the sounds of rumbling bike engines and power tools. Bikes are lined up to receive his special repair touch on one side of the shop and his building projects are on the other. Steve still is wearing his bib overalls and sporting that devilish grin while Wanda still greets the customers with that beautiful smile. When you stop in and see them you'll understand. It's the smiles of someone that is doing what they were meant to do, and love their work! Just tell them that Shadow sent ya!



Things that you can say ONLY at Thanksgiving 1. Talk about a huge breast! 2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist. 3. It's Cool Whip time! 4. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst! 5. Whew, that's one terrific spread! 6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat. 7. Are you ready for seconds yet? 8. It's a little dry, do you still want to eat it? 9. Just wait your turn, you'll get some! 10. Don't play with your meat. 11. Just spread the legs open and stuff it in. 12. Do you think you'll be able to handle all these people at once? 13. I didn't expect everyone to come at once! 14. You still have a little bit on your chin. 15. How long will it take after you stick it in? 16. You'll know it's ready when it pops up. 17. Wow, I didn't think I could handle all of that! 18. That's the biggest one I've ever seen! 19. How long do I beat it before it's ready? 20. Reach in and grab the giblets! 21.And he forces his way into the end zone! 22. She's 5000 pounds fully inflated and it takes 15 men to hold her down. 23. He slipped the ball around the backside to the tight end! 24. I'll cream the onions! 25. Do you want it here on the table? 26. Uh-oh, the mini-marshmallows disappeared! 27. It's so tender and juicy.

28. Whip it until it's creamy. 29. Which end should I stuff first? 30. Honey, Grandpa wants some too!

Q: What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus? A: Enough drumsticks for everyone! Q: How can you make a turkey float? A: You need 2 scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a turkey. Q: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? A: The outside. --- Jeannette, New Jersey

Ten Reasons Thanksgiving Dinner is Better than Sex 10. You're sure to get at least one of your favorite dishes. 9. The turkey never suffers from modesty. 8. You can nibble before dinner even if mom sees you. 7. You are expected to pass the dishes around. 6. There are always at least two kinds of desert, with or without whipped cream. 5. They give you the day off WITH pay to have dinner. 4. Thanksgiving dinner is a "sure" thing. 3. Seconds are encouraged. Take home, too!! 2. You're expected to fall asleep after dinner. And the number 1 reason why Thanksgiving dinner is better than sex: 1. You are EXPECTED to watch football BEFORE and AFTER dinner. --- Ice, Punta Gorda, FL

Created for you just for fun by Momma Lyd



As we have said many times, we love to receive pictures, stories and any other tidbits our readers would like to see in print. The following was sent to us by Dragin' and Mad Monk, otherwise known as Karen and Mike, from out Texas way. Their letter said "Someone needs to check out this lady's work!" We couldn't agree more and present the pictures they took at a drive in event held at the Up-N-Smoke BBQ in Keller, TX. While they didn't send in the woman's name, they did let us know that she practices her artistry with Colorworks in Keller, TX. Check out their website or drop by their place if you happen to be in Keller while you are out cruisin'!



Going on vacation? Planning a ride? Or just plain want to know what's going

on in the world? THE place to check is right here on White Line's Events &

More ! Click on any state name and it will bring up another page with events lists

for that state for the month, as well as any bike shops, biker friendly bars and

restaurants and print publications. This is THE place for biker information! We

still have lots of room to add places, so send in the name of your favorite shop or

biker friendly establishment and we'll make sure everyone knows about them!

Florida Events

Nov 01 2009 Toys for Kids Ride Crestview, FL INFO: 850-537-9798

Nov 06-09 2009 Roscoe's Chili Challenge Lakeland, FL INFO: 863 858-6249

Nov 07 2009 Ride for Military Widows Shalimar, FL INFO: 850-651-9858 Poker Run - Rotary and Riders Land O' Lakes, FL INFO: 813-777-9532

Nov 13-15 2009 Rumble On The Ridge Lake Wales, FL INFO: (863)595-6579

Nov 14 2009 Artbreakers Coastal Ride for the Cause St Augustine, FL INFO: 904-377-2431 Music & Motorcycles Zephyrhills, FL INFO: 813-780-1414

Nov 15 2009 Great Teddy Bear Run 12thAnnual Sarasota, FL INFO: 941-951-7005

Nov 21 2009 Fallen Biker Memorial 2nd Annual Deltona, FL INFO: 386-216-9550

Nov 22 2009 BIGs 4th Annual Poker Run Naples, FL INFO: 239-404-7006

Emerald Coast HOG Toys 4 Tots Ft Walton Beach, FL INFO: 850-654-2603

Nov 28 2009 Biker Bash Tampa, FL INFO: 813-235-6937 Ride the Turkey Off Jacksonville, FL INFO: 904-370-0250

Dec 05 2009 Toy Run 6th Annual Leesburg, FL INFO: 407-469-2455 Toys for Tots Bad Santa Toy Run and Old Fashioned Christmas Party Placida, FL INFO: 941-883-8000

Dec 06 2009 Heritage Healthcare Run Naples, FL INFO: 239-455-5767

Dec 12 2009 Helpin Hand Food Run Englewood, FL INFO: 941-587-1636

Dec 13 2009 Band Of Bikers Clearwater, FL INFO: 813 928 1776

Florida Places to Go Shops

Rossiters Harley Davidson 330 Cattleman Rd Sarasota, FL. 34232-6300 941-951-6106

Manatee River Harley Davidson. 624 67th St. Cir. E. Bradenton, FL. 34208-6087 941-745-2429

Harley Davidson of Ft. Myers 2160 Colonial Blvd. Ft. Myers, FL 941-275-4647

Daytona Harley Davidson 290 N. Beach St. Daytona, FL 386-253-2453

Open Road Motorcycle Hwy 17 Punta Gorda, FL 941-575-4474

Thunder Action Cycle 18290 Paulson Dr. Port Charlotte, FL 941-766-0663

Biker Friendly

Victory Lane 4150 Hancock Bridge Pkwy. N. Ft. Myers, FL 239-995-0340

Boot Hill Saloon 310 Main St. Daytona, FL 386-386-9506

Print Publications

Full Throttle Magazine 850 Dunbar Ave. Oldsmar, FL 34677 800-889-8180

Born to Ride P.O. Box 3021 Brandon, FL 33509 813-661-9402

Florida Motor Sports Magazine #178 2430 Vanderbilt Beach Rd. Naples, FL 34109 239-597-9588

23 The picture on the left is the official image of our company mascot.

Terry Conley, or "Uncle Terry" as he was known to us, was a huge influence on our lives, instilling everything from basic values to the love of motorcycling in our young hearts and minds. Even though uncle Terry is no longer with us, it's fitting that we should have him hiding among the pages of this magazine and popping out when you least expect it. That was Terry in real life too!

Now you can join the fun and look for Terry in the pages of the magazine. Remember the old "hidden picture" games? Here's our version of it. We will hide this image of Terry someplace in the magazine and your chore is to find him. We may ghost in his image or change it's color or size, but it will always be the exact image you see above. Look carefully, he can be hiding just about anywhere!

When you find Terry in the magazine, send page# and approx. location on page to [email protected] for your entry. Mark your email subject line with "Tracking Terry Contest". All entries must be received by White Line Magazine by the 20th of each month to be counted, and the winner will be randomly drawn from all correct entries on the 22nd of the month. Winner

receives a White Line Magazine T-Shirt as well as occasional extras donated by our advertisers. Winners will be announced in the following issue. Good Luck and have fun!

"Tracking Terry"

We took a little break from the Tracking Terry Contest, but are bringing it back because we have had so many people ask us about it. As always, we want this magazine to be something that the readers have a hand in its format and content. So Terry is hidden again in the pages someplace and your job is to find him.

Good Luck!


ME AND MY BROTHER The Biker community is often referred to as a family.

Bob Otto, the Sun, wrote an article about Sue Paver who owns Buckle & Belts, a motorcycle parts and accessories store in Calimesa, California that she and her husband, Jim, started in 1991. When Jim passed away in 1997, her customers, rough and tough, yet goodhearted bikers took her in and became her extended family. This is a fine example of the biker community coming together to help each other through hard times. Another fine example is BACA (Biker's Against Child Abuse), a group of bikers whose mission is to "create a safer environment for abused children. They exist as a body of Bikers to empower children to not feel afraid of the world in which they live. They stand ready to lend support to their wounded friends by involving them with an established, united organization...and they are prepared to lend their physical presence to shield these children from further abuse. They do not condone the

use of violence or physical force in any manner, however, if circumstances arise such that they are the only obstacle preventing a child from further abuse, they stand ready to be that obstacle.”

On Helium Michelle Ward wrote

“The term biker has had many meanings Through the years, in the 50's, 60's and some of the 70's bikers were considered to be outlaws, and I guess we were, in the 80's, 90's and 2000's we have been given a much better reputation, but we are still a group that is as diverse as any there is out there. We are lawyers, doctors, judges, truck drivers, nurses, stay at home moms, and just about any other kind of profession you can think of, but what we are together is a family. If you belong to the biker family you belong to one of the largest families in the nation. We are spread out through all 50 states and in countries around the world. If you belong to this family you have a sense of camaraderie that most will never know. You know that if your brother or sister from New York, or Ohio calls and says we've got a

death amongst our group you will load up on your bike and head that way to ride with 200 or more bikers in a funeral procession to honor our fallen family member. Or if you get a call letting you know that someone in the family has been diagnosed with cancer or some other deadly disease that you will get together with the others like you in your neighborhood to ride in a poker run to raise money for that person to help with medical expenses or to just help pay their bills because they can't work right now. You will be the first ones to set up a toy run at Christmas time to collect toys for underprivileged children in your area, and you will do it without hesitation, or without a thought about whats in it for me.”



Michelle said it best, and I, too, have experienced the true camaraderie of my own biker family. This summer, my brother, Johnny was diagnosed with throat cancer and had two tumors to contend with, one of which was on a lymph node and of great concern to the doctors. It was, however, of even greater concern to the family, and not just blood relations, but his biker family. I have a lot of responsibilities as HOG chapter director for Shreveport, but when I announced that I would be traveling 300 miles each weekend to be with my brother and support him through aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatments, my biker family stepped up to the plate and assumed my duties. My husband was working out of town, so he wasn't here to support me throughout the ordeal and could only be a strong supporter through his phone calls, emails and prayers. In fact, many of my biker family members lifted Johnny up in prayer and included him on their church prayer lists. Likewise, my brother, a biker himself, had the same experience with his friends and biker family in Azle, Texas. They got together like Michelle described and had a poker run to raise money for him to help pay medical expenses and bills because he couldn't work. They placed donation jars in local establishments, and thousands of dollars were donated to him through their efforts. They visited him at his home, drove him to

doctor's appointments and stood by him through the tough times. Last month my husband returned home and made the trips to Azle with me, and last week we traveled there for the last time to see my cancer stricken brother. No, we didn't say goodbye to him that day; we said hello to a new life. As I sat in the Doctor's office with him to hear the results of his CAT scan, we were both scared, and not prepared for the worst. Fortunately, this story has a good ending – the Doctor opened his mouth and said “this is the best we could hope for, this is good news, you are cancer free.” Tears streamed down our faces; tears of joy and hope for the future. And, through it all, our biker family stood by us.


27 The information age is upon us. People now plan their vacations, their free time, their hotel reservations and their airline flights all in the privacy of their home, on a computer.

Fuel costs are skyrocketing, making distribution an ever rising expense. Between the Ecology and manufacturing costs, paper and printing are rising costs.

The business world is now dealing in a global economy, with customers seeing their products, comparing, and purchasing them, in the comfort of their home.

For all these reasons, White Line Magazine exists. We feel that now is the time for an online magazine that gives all the same benefits and feel of a print magazine, but has a global reach and direction.

Now, no matter where you are, you can plan motorcycle events into the trip using our interactive "Events and More" page. Click on the state you will be visiting, and you'll get events for that month in that state, repair shops, biker friendly bars and restaurants and what print publications are available.

We also make it possible for you to nominate a business to be included in these lists!

We offer businesses many ways to let you the consumer know they exist and are here to help you. We help drive business to their websites. We reach a target audience WORLD-wide. And we do all of that at a cost lower than most print magazines can afford to.

We aren't just another web site. We are an ongoing magazine, with the look and "feel" of a magazine, not a links site. We don't charge you for an online version of our magazine, or a print version. There is no membership. We find honest to goodness interesting content for the ads to compliment, not the other way around. We don't have nudity or foul language, so that hopefully, even school age kids with a passion for riding will read us. We go after the international market, not just local, but we give every bit of it a local print feel.

Check us out. Come back month after month as we feature new articles and stories and event coverage. see how easy it is to use the "Events and More" pages. Maybe even send in a riding experience to share with others, or pictures of your "fine" ride.

We work at making this "your" magazine. We give you large and small advertisers. We strive to have the best in event coverage, stories and reading material. For businesses, we give you coverage, we feature businesses who are owned by motorcyclists on the cover of the magazine and we give you world-wide exposure. Enjoy!

Please send all comments and requests for more information to:

[email protected]


Could Captain Kirk End the Biker Wars?

I have always been a big fan of the Star Trek Series. I like the idea of Traveling to unknown places meeting new people. Having great adventures and hooking up with lots of Chicks! Sounds like a familiar lifestyle huh?

I remember reading one of the Star Trek novels years ago. Captain Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise were sent to see if they could end a war that had been going on for hundred years between two planets. Star fleet told Kirk and Crew, if these two planets did not stop fighting, within ten years both planets would destroy themselves. This is kind of how I remember the story.

As the Enterprise crew studied the two planets it seemed they had nothing in common at all. The races looked nothing alike, their religions were far apart, and their economy and Government structure were completely different. The Crew searched and searched but it seemed they could find no common ground between the two planets in all their files.

When Kirk reached the planets, he held a meeting onboard the Enterprise. Delegates from both worlds attended the meeting. After only a few minutes, the Delegate's from the two planets where arguing fiercely and Kirk had to call an end the meeting.

While the Enterprises Crew kept looking for something in common between these two Worlds, Kirk set up two private meetings with the leaders of the two planets. While having dinner with the first planets leader, Kirk found him to be very smart and personable. He enjoyed his company. He then set up a meeting for Lunch with the Leaders of the Second Planet. Again He found this race to be very intelligent and easy to get along with.

Kirk could not understand how these two different planets, which were both so smart and friendly, could not get along. There had to be a way to get them to just start talking to each other. Kirk set up another meeting for the next day between these two worlds to try once more to try to get them to talk with each other.

Kirk spent all night pacing and thinking. “There has to be something they have in common”, he thought. As the meeting was only a few hours away, Kirk sat down to rest. As Kirk was relaxing he thought, “I haven't eaten in hours I'm starved”. He started thinking of the meals he had with the two alien races. He had enjoyed both meals. The main dishes had both reminded him of corn and having grown up in Iowa, corn was something Kirk knew. Corn? Wait Kirk thought, calling one of his Ensigns and telling him to get him the Menus from both meals. After reviewing the meals and the ingredients, he soon realized that the same corn like plant grew on both planets.

With only a short time left, Kirk ordered dishes made from both planets that included the plant. When the Leaders and delegates from both worlds arrived, they were told please no talking, they would all eat first. Both groups enjoyed the meal. When the leader of one of the planets asked Kirk about one of the dishes made from the corn like plant, Kirk told him he would have to ask the Leader of the second planet as it was one of their dishes. As one of the leaders of the Second planet explained how it was made, other members of the groups started talking about how they grew the plants and recipes that had been handed down in their families over the years.



This was the common ground Kirk had been looking for. Within a few hours, the planets had agreed to a cease fire and by the end of the week the planets had stopped fighting and declared peace. It took many years for some to get over their hatred of each other and things did not go completely smooth. Within 5 years the planets had started trading with each other and both worlds grew Stronger. 20 years after the truce both planets where invaded by a far off race, but because both planets had put aside their differences and collaborated in many different areas, including defense, they were able to fight off the invaders.

If Captain Kirk were a Biker and a member of a group like NCOMC and he was sitting down with the leaders of all the Major Motorcycle Clubs in the world, how long would it take him to find a common ground between the groups? I wonder if he could get them to talk and realize it was in their best interest to get along, to work together.

Motorcycle Clubs already have an invading force looking to take them down. Will the groups keep fighting each other, making themselves weaker as this force works to end them all forever or will a Captain Kirk arise to Unite them?

I am

Your Bro

LJ James






There’s an old b/w photo in my garage. It’s “The Fonz” standing in front of the Jefferson High School building, and he’s wearing his iconic black leather jacket and his familiar boots. He’s posed as a rider might be…leaning against his old Triumph…his left hand gripping the throttle…his left boot resting on the right-side gear-shift peg. The cool, old Triumph has high bars…no front fender… left-side, high exhaust…and a pillion pad on the slightly bobbed rear fender. Henry Winkler is wearing a slight smile…probably because he knows he won’t have to actually ride the bike. He never did. Not that he didn’t want to, of course. But being severely plagued with dyslexia to the point his mind and body could not coordinate the use of the brake, clutch and throttle, he became fearful of the results of actually riding a bike under power, so the crew gave him a running push-start, for the opening scene “ride.” For the “action” shots, the bike was firmly clamped onto a small-wheeled rolling cart and pulled along for the camera. It was on such a rig when The Fonz “crashed’ into the trash cans outside Arnold’s food stand, if you happen to have seen the episode. This is all pretty well known, but I thought I’d use it to remind us all to be a little more patient with those who really want to ride, but have a bit of fear, or some trouble we don’t even see. Hey, we all need a “push” now and again. As I said, that old photo is hanging in my garage, looking down on a couple of old Triumps that, at this stage in their lives, could well use a couple push-starts of their own! Enjoy the poems…enjoy your ride…


Fine Art, Music and The Road of Life

The color of speed

is the sharp clear wind

pushing hard against a rider’s face…

The redline lives

out on the tantalizing edge

of passion…

And the best landscapes

are blurred colors

framed in peripheral vision…

The click of the kickstand

has always been the first note

of any rock-n-roll road song…

A rumblin’ idle is a drum solo

without sticks…

And the only reason to shut it down

is to hear it start up again…

Distance learning

is the road you’re ridin’…

gear changes are the fine adjustments

of a lifestyle…

And the vanishing point

never was a place…

but always a magnet

pulling us into our future

All rights reserved/2009/r.sprocket


Metallic Music Machine

Rusty Sprocket

The highway-rollin’


road-eatin’ music machine

is comin’ down the street

The one who rides the music

feels the beat between his feet

It’s a familiar tune…

you know the melody…

it’s the heart-grabbin’ sound

of ten dozen horses runnin’ free

The bass notes pound the pavement

while the high notes float the wind…

The music machine outruns its own song

and pulls it ‘round the bend

But you still hear the echoes

from low-down growl to banshee scream

of this highway-rollin’


road-eatin’ music machine

All rights reserved/2009/r.sprocket

Welcome Sound She recalls early spring days

when she used to sit

in the old kitchen

keeping the inner door open

so it was just the screen

between her and the sounds

of his coming… His crisp downshifts

out on the two-lane…

the steady low throbs of the motor

tunneled to echoes

up the long drive

by the tight-growing pines…

the low “swish” as he hit the long shallow puddle

left as a memory of the last rain…

the sudden volume as he swung

close in front of her porch

sending faint vibrations

beneath her thin hand

on the oilcloth tabletop


The click of the kickstand

then three quick thumps of his riding boots

up the steps to her porch…

two more footfalls and the long-drawn screak

of hinges and the small bump of the screen door

behind him

as the last sound of his coming…

Her own chair scraping the wood floor

and the soft scrunch of leather

come together with leather

Then all the sounds in reverse,

but louder and faster

as she rode off with him

All rights reserved/2009/r.sprocket


The internet is a great tool and that's why we are an internet based magazine. To reach more people! We want to keep the look and "feel" of a paper magazine, but we also want to give you useful information. In that light, we give you some of our

favorite website links.

Places of Interest Drawstring Bags Wholesale Levi’s

myBusinessLinks.net Ironhorse Writer New York Biker

Splittin' the Breeze Biker - Jon

Bikerkiss.com Easy Biker

EZ Loading Trailers Larry T Beach 98.9 Motorcycle Jewelry

Milledgeville Thunder Rally Best Harley Links Info

EZ Rise Trailers

Motorcycle Publications www.RPMMagazineny.com

Full Throttle Magazine Born To Ride Magazine

US Rider News (formerly Dixie Rider) Thunder Press

Wind Talk Magazine Motorcycle Online

Canadian Biker Online Motorcycle City On Line Magazine

Run Central

Motorcycle Manufacturers Ironworks Motorcycle

Guilty Customs Kendall Johnson Customs Thunder Action Designs

J H Choppers Bourget's Bike Works

Harley Davidson Exile Cycles

Kawasaki Home Page Triumph Motorcycles - Official Website

Suzuki - American Suzuki Motor Corporation Motorcycle & ATV Division

Motorcycle Parts and Accessories Show Bike Lights

Sentry Fuel Treatment Motorcycle Jackets

J & P Cycles Motorcycle Saddlebags

American Cycle Accessories Spokes and Power

Fog Hollow JC Whitney

Cycle-Parts.com Diamond D Parts Locators

Custom Chrome Drag Specialties Leather Jackets

Bux Tools Exotic Sportbike Quill Exhausts

Link & Search Sites Dirpedia.com ZAESY.com

Florida Bike Nights.com Slick's Scooter Schedule

Gum's Favorite Links Bike Links YoYsearch Biketrade Zepti.com

Motorcycle Education Safe Cycle Training, LLC.

ABATE of Florida American Motorcyclist Association

motoschool.com Wheels in Motion - Motorcycle Safety Training


White Line Magazine seeks potential “Miss White Line”!

White Line Magazine is looking for women to be a "Babe of the Month". Guys, send us in photo's of your lady (with her permission of course!) or gals... you think you got what it takes to show off as a biker babe? Must be at least 18 and will have to sign release. Entrants will be voted on by general public and a tally of votes will determine winner. Winner will be crowned Miss White Line Magazine.

Events? Parties? Rides?

In future issues we will be expanding our events listings and calendar of events so that you have the widest possible range of things to do in the biking community. If you know of any ride, event or party that you think would be made better ( mo betta) by having a few hundred of White Line readers at… then send listings to us at [email protected]

Sales Positions Available.

White Line Magazine is growing quickly! Because our magazine is so greatly accepted, we have positions for advertising sales staff. The amount of money you can make, is only limited by your enthusiasm and drive. A generous commission, a fun atmosphere, some leads provided, and the chance to get in on the ground floor of the best biker magazine bar none make this an ideal full or part time job. Contact Shadow at: [email protected]

or send a resume to

[email protected]

Below are email addy’s you can use to submit to different sections of White Line Magazine.

[email protected].............. Owner / Managing Editor

[email protected] ………...…Owner

[email protected] pix, enter contests, or just to send us praise or complaints.

[email protected] .......... for more info about advertising in our magazine.

[email protected]....... Send in the name and dates of someone for the Memorial Page.

[email protected]........ Got an event to have listed in the magazine?

[email protected] a place for Ice to chill at, or a band to be reviewed.