Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday: 5PM Vigil Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, 1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen Weekday Masses (English) 9AM: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 6:30PM: Tues. Anointing of the Sick with Mass (English) 9AM First Saturday of the Month Reconciliation (English and Spanish) Saturdays 3-4:30PM or by appointment Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 www.stlouise.org See page 10 for a full listing of Parish Staff. Consulte la página 10 para obtener una lista completa de Personal de la Parroquia. Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 9AM-5PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed Church Building Hours Monday thru Friday: 7AM-9PM Saturday: 7AM-7PM Sunday: 6AM-8PM February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020 IGNITE FAITH AND WITNESS GOD'S LOVE ENCENDIENDO LA FE Y DANDO TESTIMONIO DEL AMOR DE DIOS

February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything

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Page 1: February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything

Liturgy Schedule

Weekend Masses Saturday: 5PM Vigil Sunday: 7:30AM, 9AM, 11AM, 1PM Spanish, 6PM Life Teen

Weekday Masses (English) 9AM: Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 6:30PM: Tues.

Anointing of the Sick with Mass (English)

9AM First Saturday of the Month

Reconciliation (English and Spanish)

Saturdays 3-4:30PM or by appointment

Parish Information 141 156th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98007 425-747-4450 www.stlouise.org See page 10 for a full listing of Parish Staff.

Consulte la página 10 para obtener una lista completa de Personal de la Parroquia.

Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday: 9AM-5PM Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed

Church Building Hours Monday thru Friday: 7AM-9PM Saturday: 7AM-7PM Sunday: 6AM-8PM

February 9, 2020 • 9 de febrero de 2020


Page 2: February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything

From the Pastor • Del Pastor


Queridos Amigos de Santa Luisa: El domingo 26 de enero, Tercer Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario, los católicos en todo el mundo observamos el Domingo de la Palabra de Dios y empezamos, a invitación del Papa Francisco, a dar un enfoque especial durante este año a la importancia de conocer la Biblia. Tuvo sentido escoger ese domingo en particular, en el cual leímos que Jesús – la Palabra encarnada – comienza su ministerio de predicación (Mateo 4:17). Nosotros creemos que el ministerio de Jesús, su predicación, vida, muerte y resurrección, es el cumplimiento de todo lo que Dios había revelado en las Escrituras hebreas (que nosotros los cristianos llamamos el Antiguo Testamento). Por esa razón, la primera lectura de la Misa de Domingo es tomada del Antiguo Testamento (excepto en la temporada de Pascua, cuando escuchamos de los Hechos de los Apóstoles). Con mucha frecuencia existe un paralelismo directo entre la primera lectura y el Evangelio. Jesús, como buen judío, estaba inmerso en las Escrituras hebreas; así que es bueno para nosotros, como sus seguidores, crecer en nuestro conocimiento y aprecio por ellas. Una forma de entender la Biblia en general, y el Antiguo Testamento en particular, es que no es un solo libro; más bien, es una colección de libros escritos en tiempos diferentes a lo largo de casi dos mil años de historia. Podemos pensar en la Biblia como una biblioteca de textos sagrados, los cuales creemos que son la palabra inspirada por Dios. Es como decir que el Espíritu Santo es el autor, en colaboración con autores humanos. ¡En otra columna hablaré más sobre eso! Esta es una forma sencilla de entender lo que forma el Antiguo Testamento: La Ley, a veces llamada el Pentateuco, o los primeros cinco libros de la Biblia: Génesis, Éxodo, Levítico, Números y Deuteronomio. Dios revela la ley al pueblo de Israel para formar con ellos una relación de alianza. Los Profetas hablan al pueblo de Israel sobre lo que necesita hacer para evitar el desastre, y lo llaman a volver al Señor cuando han dejado de escuchar. En numerosas ocasiones los Profetas hablan “del que está por venir,” es decir, el Mesías. Libros poéticos y de sabiduría son un grupo más variado de libros que contienen enseñanzas, dichos y parábolas sobre cómo vivir la vida, y nos enseñan especialmente a ver a Dios en todas las cosas. Escritos con frecuencia en lenguaje poético, incluyen los Salmos, Proverbios, Cantar de los Cantares, Job, Lamentaciones, Eclesiastés, Sirácides, Sabiduría, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemías y Primera y Segunda Crónicas. El artículo del P. Gary continúa en la página 9...

Dear Friends of St. Louise, On Sunday, January 26, the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Catholics throughout the world observed Word of God Sunday and began, at the invitation of Pope Francis, to dedicate a special focus throughout this year to the importance of knowing the Bible. It made sense to choose that particular Sunday, on which we read about Jesus – the incarnate Word – beginning his own preaching ministry (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything that God revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures (what we Christians call the Old Testament). For that reason, the first reading at Sunday Mass is taken from the Old Testament (except in the Easter season, when we hear from the Acts of the Apostles). Very often, there is a direct parallel between the first reading and the Gospel. Jesus, as a good Jew, was steeped in the Hebrew Scriptures; so it is good for us, as his followers, that we grow in our knowledge and appreciation for them. One way to understand the Bible in general, and the Old Testament in particular, is that it is not one single book – rather, it is a collection of books, written at different times over nearly two thousand years of history. We might think of the Bible as being a library of sacred texts, which we believe are the inspired word of God. That is to say, the Holy Spirit is the author in collaboration with human authors. More on that in another column! Here is a simple way to understand what makes up the Old Testament: The Law, sometimes called the Pentateuch, or the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. God reveals the law to the people of Israel, to form a covenant relationship with them. The Prophets very often speak to the people of Israel about what they need to do to avoid disaster, and call them to return to the Lord when they have failed to listen. In numerous places the Prophets speak of “one who is to come,” that is, the Messiah. The Writings are a more assorted group of books, many of which are called “wisdom literature.” These writings contain teachings, sayings and parables about how to live life, and teach us especially to look to God in all things. Often written in Fr. Gary’s article continues on pg. 3...

Page 3: February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything

This Week In Our Parish Esta Semana en Nuestra Parroquia

Find our parish calendar online at https://www.stlouise.org/calendar-1.

Sunday, February 9, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Children's Faith Formation meets this week 10AM RCIA - Adult Confirmation - Spanish in CW-B 11AM RCIA in Parish Center Conference Room 12 noon Adult Confirmation Class in Parish Center 7PM Life Teen Life Night in Parish Hall

Monday, February 10 6:30PM Citizenship Class in CW-A

Tuesday, February 11 9AM Liturgy of the Word in Church 2PM Bereavement Ministry Team in St. Mother Teresa Room

6PM CYO meeting in School Library 6:30PM Evening Mass in Church 7PM CRHP Women's Team 3 in CW-B

Wednesday, February 12 10AM Parish Art Group in CW-C 11AM Parish Nurses in Center Conference Room 6:30PM Emaus Meeting in St. Louise Room 7PM CRHP Women's Team 8 in CW-A

Thursday, February 13 6:30PM Adult FF Committee in Parish Center 6:30PM CRHP Women’s team 6 in St. Louise Room 6:30PM Citizenship Class in CW-B 7PM Young Adults in Center Conference Room 7PM Youth Confirmation Class in Parish Hall

Friday, February 14 8:15AM Eucharistic Adoration in Church 10AM Legion of Mary in Elbert Library 12PM 60th Anniv Founders Luncheon in Parish Hall

5:30PM Emaus Prayer Group in Church 6PM Renewed in Christ Prayer Group in St. Louise Room 6:30PM Fil-Am Ministry in Parish Center 7-9PM CROWD and School Social in Parish Hall

Saturday, February 15 9:30PM Library Committee in Elbert Library 1PM Wedding Aburto/Lopez in Church 60th Anniv celebrated at 5PM Mass followed by Reception in Parish Hall 6PM Indian Community Potluck in St. Louise Room

Sunday, February 16, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 60th Anniv Reception after all Masses in Parish Hall No Children’s FF classes this week 4PM Divorce and Beyond in Parish Center 6PM Life Teen Mass in Church No Life Teen Life Night this week

Monday, February 17 9AM Mass Campus Closed for holiday


WELCOME to St. Louise Parish If you are new here, a returning Catholic, or have been a member and don’t feel connected, contact our Parish Office at 425-747-4450 to find out more information about the parish. If you are interested in registering, fill out an information card, found at the welcome desk in the main vestibule of the church, and drop it in the collection basket, or register online at www.stlouise.org.

BIENVENIDO a Santa Luisa Si es nuevo aquí, está regresando a la iglesia católica, o ha sido miembro y no se siente conectado, póngase en contacto con nuestra Oficina Parroquial al 425-747-4450 para obtener más información acerca de la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en registrarse, llene una tarjeta de información que se encuentra en la recepción de bienvenida en el vestíbulo principal de la iglesia, y colóquela en la canasta de la colecta, o regístrese en línea en www.stlouise.org.

St. Louise Celebrates its 60-Year Anniversary and 30 Years of Hispanic Ministry

St. Louise Parish will begin a year-long celebration of our 60th Anniversary at the 5PM Mass next Saturday, February 15. A reception hosted by the Fil-Am community will follow in the Parish Hall. We will also be celebrating 30 years of Hispanic ministry at the

1PM Mass on Sunday, February 16, 2020. Bishop Joe Tyson, from the Diocese of Yakima, will join us to celebrate the Spanish Mass. Bishop (then Father) Tyson and Fr. Horatio Yanez were the first priests to celebrate the Spanish Mass at St. Louise. A coffee and donut reception will follow the 7:30AM and 9AM Masses, with a cookie and punch reception following the 11AM, 1PM, and 6PM Masses.

Fr. Gary’s article continued... poetic language, they include the Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Songs, Job, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, Wisdom, Es-ther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and First and Second Chronicles. As we read each particular part of the Bible, it is important to understand what kind of book we are reading. Just as when we read a newspaper, we would approach an editorial, a report on an event, the comics or the sports page differently, so too in reading the Bible. For the next year, I plan to dedicate at least one column each month to the Bible. Next time: How did we get the book or col-lection of books we call “the Bible”? Fr. Gary Zender Next week, we start our year-long celebration of the 60th anni-versary of St. Louise Parish!

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Activities and Events

Divorce & Beyond Support Group Begins February 16

Are you trying to get past the pain of divorce? Are you feeling “stuck” in pain and hurt? St. Louise Catholic Church is thrilled to be offering “Divorce & Beyond.” This is an excellent 10-week Christian-based program of healing and recovery from divorce. You deserve to experience peace and joy again! Gift yourself with healing this new year through the Divorce & Beyond experience! Interested?! We will meet at St

Louise on Sundays, 4-5:30PM, beginning February 16. The cost is $10, and scholarships are available. If you’d like more information, please contact David Gehrig at 425-214-5466 or email [email protected].

Grief Support Group Next Meeting is February 20, 2-3:30PM

We gather the 3rd Thursday of the month from 2-3:30PM at the Parish Office. We gather to be present to each other in our pain and grief, accepting ourselves and each other as we are in the moment. We trust that our listening hearts offer healing and blessing to each other.

By sharing our hurt we lighten our burden, support others and find hope and healing in our common experience. Watch for coming information and dates.

Catholic Advocacy Day 2020 Join with hundreds of Catholics as we put our faith into action to

advocate for our brothers and sisters in need on Catholic Advocacy Day in Olympia, Thursday, February 20, 2020. The day will include

briefings on legislative issues, advocacy tips and appointments with legislators. Register at www.ipjc.org by February 10.

Sponsored by: Intercommunity Peace and Justice Center, with support from Washington State Catholic Conference and Catholic Community/Housing Services.

Trekker Spaghetti Night Support our Youth Trekkers as they prepare for the 2020 Sum-mer Immersion Treks to Lynden and Tijuana. Tickets on sale February 8-9 after all Masses, or contact Amy [email protected] for more information.

CRHP Alumni Mass February 20, 7PM Please join us for the CRHP Alumni Mass on Thursday, Febru-ary 20, at 7PM. The CRHP Alumni Mass will be followed by a reception in the St. Louise Room. Enjoy an evening of prayer, Eucharist, fellowship and friendship. Come if you’re not an alum but would like to learn more about CRHP. All are welcome!

Page 5: February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything


Art Open Studio Group Do you like drawing? Do you like painting? Bring your materials and enjoy meeting other artists and learning new techniques. Thursdays at the St. Louise campus, 10AM -

2PM, Classroom “C” of the Center Wing (CW-C) For more in-formation: Contact: Dolores Marquez [email protected].

Eastside Baby Corner Items Needed Eastside Baby Corner collects new or used (clean and in good condition) baby and children’s items and gives them to low-

income families through social service agencies. St. Louise vol-unteers will deliver some items left at our Parish Office. Exam-ples of these donations include children’s clothing (newborn to size 14), small toys and books (less than 11x17 inches), mater-nity clothing, disposable diapers, and baby care books. Donors may deliver furniture or other larger items themselves to the Baby Corner office in Issaquah, but check first to see if the item is acceptable: 425-865-0234 or www.babycorner.org/donate-goods.

Activities and Events

Lenten Retreat with Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg Saturday, March 14, 1PM

Back by popular demand, Aux. Bishop Mueggenborg will join with the Adult Faith Formation Committee in offering a Lenten retreat, on Saturday, March 14, 2020, 1PM to 4PM, followed by celebration of the 5PM Mass. Bishop Mueggenborg returns following his very successful Lenten Retreat in 2019, when

he shared his insights and personal stories about Biblical

passages pertaining to the Eucharist.

The theme of this year’s retreat with Bishop Mueggenborg is the Road to Emmaus and how it relates to evangelization. So, whether you shared our wonderful retreat experience last year, or missed a great opportunity, plan to join us for an inspirational

afternoon with a very gifted speaker.

Help Needed with Funeral Reception Ministry

…he is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. John 1:34

Wondering how you’re going to cover those service hours? Tired of busywork? Here’s a great opportunity!

Join the joyful band of sisters (and a few brothers) who volunteer for funeral receptions! These folks are welcoming, fun and really enjoy their time of service together! This is not for the glum or serious. This ministry is a life-giving, sacred time of fellowship for all. You can participate by preparing food or serving at the reception. You set the day and hours. This is a flexible ministry that fits your schedule—and it means so much to the bereaved families we serve. Enjoy the camaraderie, bless the people, everyone wins!

Contact David Gehrig at 425-214-5466 or email [email protected].

New Bethlehem Project Update The New Bethlehem Project recently held a volunteer ap-preciation event for 50 of its most engaged volunteers. We are proud to say that Gretch-en Schaefer and the CRHP 2 team was one of the top 5 meal donors for 2019! Parish-ioner John Bellay was also recognized for being a shuttle driver for NBP families. John can be found at the day cen-ter multiple times a week of-fering to drive families. John and the shuttle team help ease the burden on families to

get small kids and their belongings on busses at 8:30 at night to get to the overnight shelter. Gretchen Schaefer, Pete & Nancy Wright and Rebecca Nightingale all sit on the NBP Steering Committee and would be happy to answer any questions you have about getting involved! Visit nbpshelter.org for more information. Thank you to our St. Louise community for your ongoing support of the New Beth-lehem Project.

If you haven't been by the day center lately, the new shelter is coming right along! Stay tuned for details on the grand opening in Summer 2020.

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St. Louise School News Prospective School Parents Can Observe a Class It’s already time to apply for the 2020-21 school year, and St. Louise Parish School is holding a special “Tuesday Tour Day” on February 11, when parents interested in enrolling their children in grades Pre-K through 8 next school year may visit. When visiting, these prospective parents get to sit in on a class in session, observing our talented and loving teachers. There is also time built into your visit to sit down with and ask questions of our school principal, Dan Fitzpatrick, and to get a guided tour of our building from an 8th grade student ambassador.

If you would like to take a Tuesday Tour, please call the School Office at 425-746-4220 or email our school secretary Lola Bazan, at [email protected]. We can’t wait to show off our marvelous school to you!

Thank You for Your Annual Gifts St. Louise’s Annual School Gift Campaign (ASGC) is a fund raiser where all those connected with St. Louise – from current school parents, to alumni and parents of alumni, to parish members – may show their support of Catholic education by making a tax-deductible contribution to St. Louise Parish School. Thank you in advance for your donations! For more information on the ASGC, please refer to January’s Annual Report mailing or visit https://www.stlouiseschool.org/ASGC. If you have questions, please contact Cindy Wagner at [email protected].

School, Faith Formation, Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Young Adults 18-40

Eastside Young Adult Faith Sharing Group meets in the St. Louise Parish Center at 7PM Thursdays. Come explore the Sunday readings and catch up with life in general. Questions? Contact Sela ([email protected]).

Life Teen Winter Retreat

Register NOW for Life Teen Winter Retreat 2020 February 28 and 29 and March 1, 2020, at Black Diamond Camps. ALL high school students are invited to spend the weekend on retreat, learning more about each other and about God, and discovering how to strengthen our relationships. Reconnect at this retreat! Register at http://bit.ly/2lGVNpQ. Sign up today - 5 lucky registrants will win a Cold Stone gift card! Contact Amy at [email protected] or 425-214-5465 for more information.

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Liturgy, Spirituality and Worship

Let Us Pray: PLEASE REMEMBER, IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK, ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED FOR OUR PRAYERS: (To add or remove names please contact David Gehrig at [email protected] or 425-214-5466.)

This Week’s Mass Intentions

Sunday, February, 9, 9:AM Nhan & Nam Chau Tran, Deceased

Monday, February, 10, 9AM Hung Khanh Nguyen, Deceased

Tuesday, February, 11, 6:30PM Raphael Durosseau, Deceased

Wednesday, February, 12, 9AM Thomas Trong Nguyen, Deceased

Thursday, February, 13, 9AM Leo Javalona, Deceased

Friday, February, 14, 9AM Leona Bonifacio, Deceased

Sick or Homebound or Going into the Hospital? If you are scheduled for surgery or know you will be going into the hospital and would like to be anointed beforehand, please contact David Gehrig, 425-214-5466, and he will help arrange for you to be anointed. Also call him if you are homebound and wish to receive Eucharist from a Minister to the Sick and

Homebound or would like your name on the prayer list. If, in an emergency, you need to see a priest, please call the answering service for the Eastside Catholic Pastoral Ministry: 206-748-1500. They contact the pastoral minister on call, who will call you back, come to see you and, if you wish, put your name on the list of Catholic patients in the hospital. Current federal guidelines (HIPAA) are intended to protect the privacy of patients in the hospital. This means that the hospital will not give out any information about its patients. The only way we can know that someone is in the hospital and wants the visit of a Eucharistic Minister or chaplain is if YOU tell us.

Sunday Presiders Próximo Domingo Celebrantes

Saturday, February 14 5PM: Fr. Gary

Sunday, February 15

7:30AM: Fr. Gary 9AM: Fr. Carlos 11AM: Fr. Gary 1PM: Bishop Tyson 6PM: Fr. Carlos

For the sick. We remember especially: Ada, Marylou Andersen, Luke Artalona, Terry Baker, Janet Blakely, Dahlia Borromeo, Richard Cortez, Linda Courter, Paul Desimone, Maria (Crum) Droz, Aria Faler, Angelina Folino, Tricia Freeman, Analisa Garcia, Forough Ghoddouss, Jan Ghosn, Fabio Gobbo, Jesse Gonzalez, Martha Gonzalez, Lois Hernandez, Chris Hodneland, Avery Jaque, Elena Javelona, Kristina Kirpatrick, Amma Kumar, Kay Landau, Fr. Jim Lee, Yvette Lozano, Paul MacDonald, Billy Machado, Peyton Marquez, Bill Matson, Jim McBeth, Kris McGowan, Ofelia Mendez, D.J. McPherson, Hilda Michael, Mari Navarre-Fink, Freya O’Bryan-Herriott, Susy & Jay Ollis, Bud Olson, Tim Omundson, Regina Paniagua Jacobo, Abe Pachikara, Patti Partington, Gary Pfohl, Christine Philipp, Earl Rial, Elizabeth Rial, Carmelo Ricciardelli, Branen Sanchez, Rosa Maria Santos, Harold Schafer, Dorothy Shindler, Deanie Smith, Clara Sun, George Thorpe, Fred Tuazon, Mary Velotta, Mary Wirta, Des Zamora, Linda Zender.

For the dead: The following funeral Masses will be offered for our recently deceased parishioners: James Furlong funeral Mass will be offered Friday, February 14, at 11AM. Maggie Snodgrass funeral Mass will be Friday, February 21, at 11AM.

Please pray for all our beloved dead. May the Lord receive them unto Himself and give peace, comfort and strength to their families. Amen.

For the most current information on parish funerals, go to the homepage of our parish website, www.stlouise.org.

Ash Wednesday February 26 Liturgy Schedule 6:30AM Liturgy of the Word *NEW TIME 9AM Mass (English) Noon Liturgy of the Word (English) 1:45PM School Liturgy of the Word (English) 5:30PM Soup Supper in the Parish Hall 6:30PM Mass (Bilingual) 8PM Liturgy of the Word (Spanish)

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Stewardship • La Corresponsabilidad

Stay Connected to St. Louise Parish

• Parish website (www.stlouise.org). The website has the most comprehensive information about our parish.

• Facebook. The parish and school each have an active Facebook page (Facebook.com/StLouiseParish and Face-book.com/StLouiseSchool).

• Parish Calendar: For a complete listing of events, www.stlouise.org/calendar-1.

• Flocknote: Stay connected with important news/updates. www.stlouise.org/flocknote.

Our Financial Gifts

CHRISTMAS JANUARY 26 Offertory $53,493.92

Other collections and donations: Children’s ........................................................... $322.70 Building Fund ........................................................ $ 0.00 Holy Day ............................................................. $163.00 Social Concerns ................................................ $ 465.00 St. Vincent .......................................................... $555.00 Improvement ...................................................... $165.34 Flowers ................................................................... $5.00

Thank you for your generosity!

2020 Parish Stewardship of Treasure Commitment Renewal There will not be a formal Stewardship of Treasure pledge drive for our English-speaking parishioners for calendar 2020 be-cause of the Archdiocesan Called to Serve as Christ Campaign. As described in Fr. Gary’s letter to all parish households (visit www.stlouise.org), those who made a pledge to the Stewardship of Treasure renewal in 2019 will simply have their pledge rolled over to 2020, unless we hear otherwise from you. This means if you pledged a specific amount every week/month/year for 2019, that same amount and frequency of contribution will be rolled over for 2020. If you didn’t make a Stewardship pledge last year and would like to do so this year, or if you want to increase, decrease, or cancel your 2020 rollover pledge, please go online to www.stlouise.org/treasure or scan the QR code to submit your pledge. The Hispanic Leadership recom-mended we continue with making their commitment of Steward-ship of Treasure by completing pledge cards at Mass, which is what we have done. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Abbott, 425-214-5471 or [email protected], or Jonathan Taasan, 425-214-5473 or [email protected]. Thank you for your faithful and generous support of St. Louise Parish.

CALLED to SERVE as CHRIST Campaign We are most thankful to everyone who has had the chance to com-plete and return their commitment form for the Called to Serve as Christ Campaign. As of January 9 we have raised $1.5 million or 64% of our $2.3 mil-lion goal. Before Christmas we were at 22% participation and now we’re at 26% participation. It is very encouraging to see partici-

pation over 20% - and counting! If you haven’t had the chance to make a decision to support the campaign, will you help us exceed 30-35% participation by completing a pledge form and making a financial or prayerful commitment? We ask anyone who has yet to make a gift to the campaign to join us in doing so by donating online at www.calledtoserveaschrist.org/donate. Thank you for your prayers and generous response to the Called to Serve as Christ Campaign.

Giving Options at St. Louise Parish

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Sección en español


Classes de Bautismo

Próximas Platicas Pre-

bautismales 2020:

Padres y padrinos deben

completar las 2 clases en

las fechas que más les

convengan para recibir su

constancia Estas clases

son válidas por dos años.

Toda documentación y clases deben estar completas un

mes antes del bautizo de otra manera no puede bautizar.

Próximas Clases: 2 Domingos 1 y 8 de marzo, 9AM -12PM,

y 2 Domingos 03 y 10 de Mayo, Salón Sta. Luisa.

Próximos Bautizos:

Mayo 03, 1PM Mayo 09, 9AM

Junio 07, 1PM Junio 13, 9AM

Julio 05, 1PM Julio 11, 9AM

Agosto 02, 1PM Agosto 8, 9AM

Setiembre . 6, 1PM Setiembre 12, 9AM

Quinceañeras 2019/2020

ATENCIÓN La iglesia de Santa Luisa va a tener solo dos periodos de clases para las Quinceañeras. Solo se aceptan 4 jóvenes por celebración. No se hacen misas particulares para una sola joven. El día de la primera junta se les da el calendario con estas y otras fechas importantes, además de normas de la misa. Disponibilidad de cupos:

Abril 25, 2020: 1 espacio Junio 27, 2020: 1 espacio Julio 11, 2020: 2 espacios Agosto 15, 2020: 1 espacio Octubre 10 2020 3 espacios

Para información acerca de precios y otras dudas comunicarse con Ma. Berenice Brambila, 425-214-5474, [email protected]

Requisitos para las Bodas Comunitarias En la Parroquia de Santa Luisa Las bodas comunitarias son una oportunidad que la iglesia brinda para que formalices tu compromiso de amor con tu pareja, sea que ya lleven tiempo viviendo juntos o que lleven un buen tiempo de novios. No queremos que la falta de medios o alguna otra cosa te impidan estar bien con Dios, la Iglesia y tú pareja. Los requisitos son mínimos. Queremos pues que no haya ningún impedimento para que tu matrimonio sea lícito y valido.

Presentación de Niños De 3 años o 40 días La Iglesia de Sta. Luisa invita a todos las familias quienes desean celebrar la tradición de presentar a sus hijos a llamar a la oficina para registrar a sus hijos con una sema-na de anticipación. Las presentac-iones son el ultimo domingo de ca-da mes después de Misa debajo de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Para mas información llama al 425-747-4450.

Santa Luisa celebra 60 años y 30 años de ministerio hispano - Ahorre la fecha

La parroquia de St. Louise comenzará una celebración de un año de nuestro 60 aniversario en la misa de las 5PM, el sábado 15 de febrero de 2020. Una recepción, organizada por la Comunidad Fil Am, seguirá en el Salón Parroquial. También celebraremos 30 años de

ministerio hispano en la misa de la 1PM., el domingo 16 de febrero de 2020. El obispo Joe Tyson, de la diócesis de Yakima, se unirá a nosotros para celebrar la misa hispana. Obispo Tyson, junto con el p. Horacio Yáñez (Retirado), fueron los primeros sacerdotes en celebrar la misa hispana en Santa Luisa. Una recepción de café y donas seguirá a las misas de las 7:30AM y las 9AM., con una recepción de galletas y ponche después de las misas a las 11AM., 1PM y 6PM, Marque su calendario y planee unirse a nosotros para celebrar nuestros aniversarios.

...El articulo del P. Gary continuó Al leer cada parte de la Biblia, es importante entender qué clase de libro estamos leyendo. Así como cuando leemos un periódi-co abordamos de forma diferente un editorial, el reporte de un evento, la tira cómica o la página de deportes, también así al leer la Biblia. Este año planeo dedicar por lo menos una columna al mes a la Biblia. La próxima vez: ¿Cómo fue que obtuvimos el libro o co-lección de libros que llamamos “la Biblia”? Padre Gary Zender ¡La próxima semana empezamos nuestra celebración del 60o aniversario de la Parroquia de Santa Luisa!

Page 10: February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything

If you are interested in having an announcement published in the bulletin, please visit the parish website to read the bulletin publishing guidelines. Questions: email [email protected].

• Si está interesado en tener un artículo publicado en el boletín, visite por favor el sitio web de la parroquia www.stlouise.org, para leer las pautas editoriales para el boletín. ¿Preguntas? Email [email protected].

Pastoral and Administrative Staff

Pastoral Counseling

Cathy Callans, MA, LMHCA ……..…425-440-1162, [email protected]

Eastside Pastoral Care Ministry/

Ministerio de Cuidado Pastoral Eastside ……..…...…..425-655-3200

Pastor (habla español) Fr. Gary Zender …..………….425-747-4450 x5463, [email protected]

Parochial Vicar / Vicario Parroquial (habla español) Fr. Carlos Orozco…..……….425-747-4450 x5462, [email protected]

Deacon Dcn. Sam Basta………..….…..425-214-5382, [email protected]

Seminarian Brody Stewart……..……..425-747-4450x5461, [email protected]

Pastoral Assistants / Asistentes Pastorales

Community Life/Pastoral Associate Faith Formation, & Sacraments (English) Geri Hanley ……………………....425-747-4450 x5464, [email protected]

Initiation & Sacraments (Spanish) / Preparación Sacramental (español) *Para Bautizos, Primera Reconciliación, Comunión, Confirmación para niños y adultos, contactar Berenice Brambila.

Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano (habla español) Advocacy for Annulment Process/ Defensa del Proceso de Anulación para matrimonios Ma. Berenice Brambila ……425-747-4450 x5474, [email protected]

Pastoral Care and Advocacy for Annulment Process / Cuidado Pastoral y Defensa del Proceso de Anulación David Gehrig …………………...425-747-4450 x5466, [email protected]

Worship Liturgy and Music Ministry / Ministerio de la Música Lynette Basta ………………....425-747-4450 x5467, [email protected]

Evangelization Evangelization/Evangelización/Initiation (RCIA) Katie O’Neill …………………….425-747-4450 x 5477, [email protected]

Youth Ministry / Ministerio para Jóvenes Amy Baumgardner……………….425-747-4450 x 5465, [email protected]

Anyone who has any concerns or allegations related to the safety and wellbeing of our children regarding clergy or lay leaders in the Archdiocese of Seattle should con-tact the special hotline at 1-800-446-7762.

Cualquiera que tenga alguna inquietud o alegatos relacionados con la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros niños en relación al clero o líderes laicos en la Ar-quidiócesis de Seattle puede llamar a la línea especial 1-800-446-7762.

The Archdiocese of Seattle has established a confidential telephone hotline, 1-844-815-8236, and website, seattlearchdiocese.ethicspoint.com, for parish staff and parishioners to anonymously raise concerns about suspected unethical behavior by church personnel. Learn more about this hotline by visiting the website or by getting a copy of the “We Never Sleep” brochure from the main vestibule of the church.

La Arquidiócesis de Seattle ha establecido una línea telefónica confidencial, 1-844-815-8236 y un sitio de web, ,seattlearchdiocese.ethicspoint.com, para que el personal de la parroquia y los feligreses expresen de forma anónima las preocupaciones sobre el comportamiento poco ético sospechado por el personal de la iglesia. Obtenga más información acerca de esta línea directa visitando el sitio web u obteniendo una copia del folleto "We Never Sleep" en el vestíbulo principal de la Iglesia.

Parish Administrator / Administrador Parroquial Jonathan Taasan ……….425-747-4450 x5473, [email protected] Bookkeeper—Capital Campaign / Contadora—Campaña de Capital Barbara Abbott ………...…425-747-4450 x5471, [email protected] Parish Receptionists / Recepcionistas Parroquiales Nila Agostini ..(habla español) 425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected]

Michael Johnson ………...425-747-4450 x5460, [email protected] Administrative Assistant for Fr. Gary / Asistente Administrativa

para el Padre Gary (habla español) Fabiola Ward …….…425-747-4450 x5476, [email protected] Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor / Supervisor de Instalaciones y Mantenimiento Paul Trussell ……………..…...425-746-4220 x5442, [email protected]

Parish School / Escuela Parroquial Principal / Director Dan Fitzpatrick …….…425-746-4220 x5454, [email protected] Vice Principal / Subdirector Mike Fuerte …………425-746-4220 x5406, [email protected] Secretary / Secretaria Lola Bazan ……….…..425-746-4220 x5400, [email protected] Mindy Morgan ….…425-746-4220 x5400, [email protected] Development Director / Directora de Desarrollo Cindy Wagner …...425-746-4220 x5386, [email protected]


Page 11: February 9, 2020 9 de febrero de 2020...2020/02/09  · (Matthew 4:17). We believe that Jesus’s preaching, ministry, life, death and resurrection is the fulfillment of everything

Lenten Video Series (Online via Flocknote) This Lent, Adult Faith Formation is offering a few opportunities to help in our understanding of evangelization and sharing the Good News with others. This includes a day retreat with Bishop Muggenborg on March 14th from 1PM to 4PM in the Parish Hall, on the Road to Emmaus and encountering Christ in our daily lives (Luke 24:13-25).

We are also excited to offer a six-week Lenten video series on Jesus as Priest, Prophet and King and our own baptismal call to serve as priest, prophet and king in sharing the faith with others, presented by Bishop Barron. As we enter Lent, we have with an opportunity to grow deeper in our relationship with God through this online learning platform. Bishop Barron is a #1 bestselling author on Amazon and has published numerous books,

essays and articles on theology and the spiritual life. Bishop Barron’s website, WordOnFire.org, reaches millions of people each year, and he is one the most followed American Catholic leaders on social media.

The videos can be viewed at your convenience from any internet-enabled computer or mobile device. To participate in this faith formation opportunity, visit https://StLouiseParish.flocknote.com/Lent2020, or scan the QR code, then log in to Flocknote and join the “Lent 2020” group. If you don’t have a Flocknote profile, no problem, just create one after you visit the web page above. You will receive an email with a link to a Bishop Barron video every Wednesday beginning February 26.

We hope these opportunities will enhance your Lenten experience by deepening your personal understanding of and relationship with God. Questions? Contact Katie at [email protected].