Film 10 Film Concepts

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  • 8/13/2019 Film 10 Film Concepts


    Joaquin Vicente C. Ferrer Film 10

    2011-40460 Mr. Cenon PalomaresFilm Concepts

    1. School Bukol

    One morning inn the summer of 200! "ino! a fresh gra#e school gra#uate! runs

    a$a% from home! fe# u& $ith his &arents' (attering a(out his me#iocre &erformancein gra#e school an# lac) of an% a$ar# #uring gra#uation. "ino fin#s himself in the

    *P "iliman +un)en gar#ens (% late morning! la%ing #o$n on the grass! so((ing his

    $orries a$a%. ,s "ino continues to get lost in his sorr%! he #oesn't notice the %oungstu#ent (esi#e him a&&roaching. Mira! a %oung stu#ent of *P "iliman sees "ino

    cr%ing an# a&&roaches to console the so((ing (o%. "ino an# Mira tal) until late

    afternoon an# (% the en# of their length% conersation Mira has to go (ac) to classan# "ino goes home. On the $a% home! "ino cannot hel& (ut thin) a(out the

    )in#ness sho$n to him (% such an attractie an# intelligent girl. "ino s&en#s the

    entire summer thin)ing a(out this an# as high school starts! he is gien a ne$

    #irection! a ne$ #rie an# this is to (e $ith Mira in college. ith this in min#! "ino$or)s har# in high school an# $ith a lot of har# $or) an# #etermination! he &asses

    an e/clusie course in *P "iliman. "ino returns to the s&ot in the +un)en ar#ens

    $here he first met Mira four %ears ago (efore hea#ing to his first class! Math./cite# to search eer% noo) an# crann% of "iliman for Mira is all on "ino's as he

    leisurel% $al)s to his first class in math! una$are that he is running late. "ino runs

    u& the (uil#ing's ste&s to fin# out that his math is the attractie! )in# an# intelligentgirl $ho tal)e# him out of running a$a% from home! an# un)no$ingl% #roe him to

    (e acce&te# in the countr%'s (est uniersit%. "ino meets his er% first &rofessor in

    *P! Mira the girl from the +un)en ar#ens.2. The Bestfriends

    here are man% $a%s an# tactics to $in oer a girl. +ome! ten# to (e more

    unconentional than others. $o college stu#ents! 3an#% an# or(ert! 5frenemies

    at heart! al$a%s com&eting in aca#emics are face# $ith a hea# on com&etition $hichta)e test the limits of their a(ilities. , girl $ho (oth of them are attracte# to ste&s

    into the &icture. "aniella. , &er)% college girl $e#ges the ga& for com&etition

    (et$een the t$o. Courting "aniella &roes a challenge $here in te/t(oo)s cannot#ictate an# #efine the right moes for 3an#% an# or(ert! so the% get creatie.

    +e&aratel%! the% conclu#e to &ut into effect the 57estfrien# a&&roach. 3an#%'s

    scheme is to &resent himself as 5ta)en an# in a relationshi& as not to &ose as athreat to "aniella an# harmless %et s$eet as his lea#s u& to a (rea)-u& $ith this

    su&&ose# girlfrien#. or(ert on the other han# a&&roaches as 8 harmless male as

    he changes his name to 5or(erta. 8is &lan is to &la% the (est ga% frien# an#

    seemingl% change after getting closer to "aniella an# confess his affection for her.he t$ist in eents an# the strangeness that the t$o &ut into action turn into a series

    of misa#entures of (oth em(arrassing an# hilarious mi/ u&s &rogresses. 9ittle #o

    the% )no$ that as the en# of the sem arries! "aniella's chil#hoo# frien# comes (ac)from a(roa# an# confesses to "aniella. , $ee) later! "aniella intro#uces her ne$

    (o%frien# to her t$o (estfrien#s in college. 3an#% an# or(ert! messe# u& $ith their

    schemes eentuall% reali:e that through their schemes to court "aniella! haeactuall% foun# their true callings.

  • 8/13/2019 Film 10 Film Concepts


    3. Oble

    +tatue (% #a%! su&erhero at night. ho )ee&s *P safe. ell! that cannot (e an%one

    other than O(le; he O(lation +tatue actuall% is the resting &osition for one of Metro

    Manila's to& crime fighters (% night (ut (% #a% has to flee (ac) to the &rotection ofthe statue against #a%light. O(le chases #o$n illains across the metro an# is (oth

    feare# an# reere# (% the local communit%. 9ife goes on #uring the #a% an# O(le

    )ee&s eer%one safe $hen the sun sets. , #astar#l% crime lor#!