I FILM I Cartoon with a conscience Jenny McCarmey j ON NOW f disappeared to (the mercurial former head of his record company, Clarence Avant, becomes noticeably irritable on this point) but the broad thrust of the film lies in the charmed territory where hope meets happy accidents. Gereon Wetzel, the director of El Bulli: Cooking in Progress, takes almost as unconventional an approach to the business ofdocumentary-rnaking as his subjects in the famed Catalan restaurant do to the art of cooking. He films El Bulli while it is closed, as its creative head chef, Ferran Adria - in partnership with his team Oriol Castro and Eduard Xatruch - invents a new menu with which to bamboozle and delight prospective customers. There is drama, but it is determinedly low-key, and circles doggedly around the nitty-gritty of the proposed menu, such as what Adlia will make of the austere hazelnut oil, water and salt cocktail, first tested by Xatruch. One has the sense of being allowed a private viewing ofWillyWonka's factory, as Adria drives his chefs to create "magic" with their unexpected reductions,pastes,and use of nitrogen (foam, once El Bulli's signature mode of delivery, is banned lest it grow stale). At first, I grew a little bored: Wetzel makes no attempt to show us Adria's life outside the restaurant, save for a trip to a seafood vendor, and one is left in the dark as to whether he ever tucks into simple, hearty peasant dishes at home. But gradually the nuance grew on me, not least the dynamic of Adria's relationship with his .chef Castro, who teases his exacting palate with fresh combinations and weighs success or failure by the subtle motions of Adria's eloquent brown eyes. TElEGRAPH.CO.UK I SEVEN preliminary Google search - and allow yourself to be carried along by the findings of the amateur "musicologist detectives", two engaging characters called Craig Bartholomew and Stephen "Sugar" Segerman, a Cape Town record-shop owner. With hindsight, the artful structuring of Malik Bendjelloul's film feels faintly manipulative, but it none the less works well, and the story itself - which combines powerful themes of obsession, disappointment, endurance and reward - is tremendously touching. ' Certain questions hang in the air, such as where the royalties from Rodriguez's South African sales KristinScottThomasgets Stockholmsyndrome 4 The Amazing Spide •... Man (12A) Andrew Garfield with a performance to Marvel at 5 Magic Mike (15) Steven Soderbergh gets under skin of male stripping industry LA CEREMONIE 1151 Al'tificial Eye, £15.99 Claude Chabrol's 1995 adaptation of Ruth Rendell's A Judgement in Stone stars Sandrine BonnQireand Isabelle Huppert in a spine- chilling domestic drama of revenge. Chabrol is on peak form and both actresses are tip-top. MARGARET 1151 20th Cent!ll'Y Fox,£19.99 Kenneth Lonergan's film, six years in the making, is released thanks to Martin Scorsese and his editor Thelma Schoonmaker, who powered it when its 15().minuterunning time put it at risk.Gripping throughout,Anna Paquin, Matthew Broderickand Matt Damon dismantle the self-satisfactionof BushJr's America. To order any of the DVDson this poge call Telegraph Music Direct on 08M 871 1519 ECO WARRIOR Danny DeVito voicesthe part of moustachioed guardian of the trees, the Lorax EXTREMELY LOUD & INCREDIBLY CLOSE 121 WamerBl'Os,£19.99 The titlerelates to 9/11 as described in Jonathan Safran Foer's 2005 bestseller, but Stephen Daldry's film has no new perspective. It's packed with stars - TomHanks, Sandra Bullockand Max von Sydow - and is an attempt to mirrorAmerica's reaction. The result is qualityFilm-makingwithoutnew thought. ***** ***** 1 The Dark Knight Rises (12Aj Finalfilmin Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogywill leave you cold 2 Salute (PG) Fine Olympic doc about the force for change effected by 1968's 200 metres medallists 3 In Your Hands (15) I . .. - !DVDs! Alan Stanbrook I framed by sunglasses - was unaware of his runaway success in South Africa, where he sold an estimated half a million albums. He remained virtually unknown in the US, where his career dwindled and finally ground to a halt, reportedly ending with his suicide on stage. This film is much better if you come at it knowing nothing - please resist a a single seed. This version, by the makers of Despicable Me, has been padded out with a 12-year-old boy, Ted (Zac Efron) who goes in search of a tree to impress a nature-loving girl (Taylor Swift) and acts as . the trigger for the Once- ler's tale. His opponent is a tiny, gangsterish mayor ofThneedviUe,AJoysious O'Hare (Rob Riggle), who is bent on selling purified air in plastic bottles. It's self-consciously cuter, busier and more obvious than the Seuss story, filled with zesty, forgettable songs, although a pleasing hint of the curly energy of the original drawings remains in the animation. An unnecessary layer of knowing irony has been cast over Seuss's confidently crazy poetry, but I suspect children will enjoy this film nonetheless - even if it does sacrifice a large measure of its strange literary magic to the god of sturdy cinematic entertainment Much more unexpected is a little gem of a documentary film called Searching For Sugar Man, about the dogged hunt by a couple of South African fans to find out what happened to an American singer of Mexican descent called Sixto Rodriguez, whose album Cold Fact was inspirational to white liberal youths protesting in apartheid-era South Africa. Rodriguez - a shy and mysterious figure around Detroit, his high cheekbones habitually DR. SEUSS'THE LORAX I U 186 miTIs I ***** SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN I J2A 186 mil1s I ***** EL BULLI: COOKING IN PROGRESS II2A I IIJ mitis I ***** The Lorax, like almost-every children's film nowadays, luxuriates in eco-guilt, which can sometimes be painful for the watching adults, although children seem actively to enjoy it: perhaps they are naturally immune to the sting of self-flagellation. For my part, when I hear these perky laments about how we are wrecking our world, I feel like closing the curtains and never going out again. Still, at least Dr Seuss got in there early: The Lora:1; is adapted from his quirky, dark 1972 story, about a grim, concrete town in which lurks a ruined creature known as The Once-Ier, who - as a greedy young aspiring businessman - chopped down a glorious area filled with soft-tufted Truffala Trees in order to make an adaptable garment called a "thneed". In so doing he aroused the guardian of the trees, or Lorax, a short moustachioed creature who - in the film - looks a bit like a sweeter version ofYosemite Sam, the scourge of Bugs Bunny. But the Lorax (Danny DeVito) could not stop the Once-Ier (Ed Helms) from laying waste to the forest, although hope remains in

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Cartoon with a conscienceJenny McCarmey

j ON NOW f

disappeared to (themercurial former head of

his record company,Clarence Avant, becomes

noticeably irritable on thispoint) but the broad thrustof the film lies in the

charmed territory wherehope meets happyaccidents.

Gereon Wetzel, thedirector of El Bulli:

Cooking in Progress,takes almost asunconventional an

approach to the businessofdocumentary-rnakingas his subjects in thefamed Catalan restaurant

do to the art of cooking.He films El Bulli while it isclosed, as its creative headchef, Ferran Adria - inpartnership with his teamOriol Castro and EduardXatruch - invents a newmenu with which to

bamboozle and delightprospective customers.

There is drama, but it isdeterminedly low-key, andcircles doggedly aroundthe nitty-gritty of theproposed menu, such aswhat Adlia will make of

the austere hazelnut oil,water and salt cocktail,first tested by Xatruch.

One has the sense of

being allowed a privateviewing ofWillyWonka'sfactory, as Adria drives hischefs to create "magic"with their unexpectedreductions,pastes,anduse of nitrogen (foam,once El Bulli's signaturemode of delivery, isbanned lest it grow stale).At first, I grew a littlebored: Wetzel makes no

attempt to show us Adria'slife outside the restaurant,save for a trip to a seafoodvendor, and one is left inthe dark as to whether he

ever tucks into simple,hearty peasant dishes athome. But gradually thenuance grew on me, notleast the dynamic ofAdria's relationship with

his .chef Castro, whoteases his exacting palatewith fresh combinations

and weighs success orfailure by the subtlemotions of Adria's

eloquent brown eyes.


preliminary Google search- and allow yourself to becarried along by thefindings of the amateur"musicologist detectives",two engaging characterscalled Craig Bartholomewand Stephen "Sugar"Segerman, a Cape Townrecord-shop owner.

With hindsight, the artfulstructuring of MalikBendjelloul's film feelsfaintly manipulative, but itnone the less works well,and the story itself ­which combines powerfulthemes of obsession,disappointment,endurance and reward - is

tremendously touching. 'Certain questions hang inthe air, such as where the

royalties from Rodriguez'sSouth African sales

KristinScottThomas getsStockholmsyndrome 4 TheAmazing Spide •...Man(12A) Andrew Garfield witha performance to Marvel at5 Magic Mike (15) StevenSoderbergh gets under skinof male stripping industry

LA CEREMONIE 1151 Al'tificial Eye, £15.99

Claude Chabrol's 1995 adaptation of RuthRendell'sA Judgement in Stone stars SandrineBonnQireand Isabelle Huppert in a spine­chillingdomestic drama of revenge. Chabrolis on peak form and both actresses are tip-top.

MARGARET 1151 20th Cent!ll'Y Fox,£19.99

Kenneth Lonergan's film, sixyears in themaking, is released thanks to Martin Scorseseand his editor ThelmaSchoonmaker, who

powered itwhen its 15().minuterunning timeput itat risk.Gripping throughout,Anna Paquin,Matthew Broderickand Matt Damon dismantlethe self-satisfactionof BushJr's America.

Toorder any of the DVDson this poge callTelegraph Music Directon 08M 871 1519



Danny DeVitovoicesthe

part ofmoustachioed

guardian ofthe trees, theLorax


121 WamerBl'Os,£19.99

The titlerelates to 9/11 as described inJonathan Safran Foer's 2005 bestseller, but

Stephen Daldry's film has no new perspective.It's packed with stars - TomHanks, SandraBullockand Max von Sydow - and is anattempt to mirrorAmerica's reaction. The resultis quality Film-makingwithout new thought.



1 The Dark Knight Rises(12Aj FinalfilminChristopherNolan's Batman trilogywillleave you cold 2 Salute (PG)Fine Olympic doc about theforce forchange effected by1968's 200 metres medallists

3 In Your Hands (15)

I... -

!DVDs!Alan Stanbrook

I framed by sunglasses ­was unaware of his

runaway success in SouthAfrica, where he sold anestimated half a millionalbums. He remained

virtually unknown in theUS, where his career

dwindled and finallyground to a halt,reportedly ending with hissuicide on stage.

This film is much better

if you come at it knowingnothing - please resist a

a single seed.This version, by the

makers of Despicable Me,

has been padded out witha 12-year-old boy, Ted(Zac Efron) who goes insearch of a tree to impressa nature-loving girl(Taylor Swift) and acts as

. the trigger for the Once­ler's tale. His opponent isa tiny, gangsterish mayorofThneedviUe,AJoysiousO'Hare (Rob Riggle), whois bent on selling purifiedair in plastic bottles. It'sself-consciously cuter,busier and more obvious

than the Seuss story, filledwith zesty, forgettablesongs, although a pleasinghint of the curly energy ofthe original drawingsremains in the animation.

An unnecessary layer ofknowing irony has beencast over Seuss's

confidently crazy poetry,but I suspect children willenjoy this film nonetheless- even if it does sacrifice a

large measure of itsstrange literary magic tothe god of sturdycinematic entertainment

Much more unexpectedis a little gem of adocumentary film calledSearching For Sugar Man,about the dogged hunt bya couple of South Africanfans to find out what

happened to an Americansinger of Mexican descentcalled Sixto Rodriguez,whose album Cold Fact

was inspirational to whiteliberal youths protestingin apartheid-era SouthAfrica. Rodriguez - a shyand mysterious figurearound Detroit, his highcheekbones habitually




The Lorax, likealmost-everychildren's film

nowadays, luxuriates ineco-guilt, which cansometimes be painful forthe watching adults,although children seemactively to enjoy it:perhaps they are naturallyimmune to the sting ofself-flagellation. For mypart, when I hear theseperky laments about howwe are wrecking ourworld, I feel like closingthe curtains and never

going out again.Still, at least Dr Seuss

got in there early: TheLora:1; is adapted from hisquirky, dark 1972 story,about a grim, concretetown in which lurks aruined creature known asThe Once-Ier, who - as a

greedy young aspiringbusinessman - choppeddown a glorious area filledwith soft-tufted TruffalaTrees in order to make an

adaptable garment calleda "thneed". In so doing hearoused the guardian ofthe trees, or Lorax, a shortmoustachioed creaturewho - in the film - looks abit like a sweeter version

ofYosemite Sam, thescourge of Bugs Bunny.But the Lorax (DannyDeVito) could not stop theOnce-Ier (Ed Helms) fromlaying waste to the forest,

although hope remains in