Watch a cartoon film, please!

Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

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Page 1: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Watch a cartoon film, please!

Page 2: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Page 3: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

A generation gap describes a vast difference in cultural norms between a younger generation and their elders. The generation gap (noun) occurs when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behaviour. Especially as one gets older, she or he isn’t always understood by the elders, because of what she or he does, says or wears. So she or he will often have trouble or pains during their growth.

Page 4: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Welcome to the unit

Page 6: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Do you know what Growing Pains means?

Emotional difficulties that occur during adolescence.

青少年时期出现的感情紊乱。 ( 所作所为不为长者所理解 )

What will we discuss in this unit ?

We’ll discuss some problems about youngsters’ growing, especially the pains they got.

Page 7: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Questions about family relationship:• How many people are there in your family?• Do you love them? • Have you ever shouted at them?• Will you tell the truth to your mother or your father

first when you do something wrong? • Will you tell your parents the true mark if you fail

the exam?• What will you do if your parents want you to do

something you dislike?• What will you do if your parents shout at you for

something misunderstood?

Have you ever experienced any family problems like those? Can you tell us your own experiences?

Page 8: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Useful expressions

adult ( 成年人 ) quarrel ( 争吵 ) scold ( 责备 ) argument ( 争论 ) conflict ( 冲突 ) career ( 事业 ) interfere in ( 干涉 ) influence ( 影响 )imagine ( 想象 ) force ( 强迫 )

disobey ( 不服从 ) misunderstand peacefully unpleasantsocial activities generation gap ( 代沟 )

Page 9: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Discuss in groups to imagine the situation of the picture, then describe it with your own words. ( team work: Create a short story about the picture)

Tom got home feeling very tired, and he just wanted to have a good relax.

When his families said hello to him, he said nothing and just went straight to his bedroom.

They didn’t ask him the reason though they were very confused.

After a while, his mother rushed into Tom’s room and shouted at him for the loud music coming from his room. ···

Page 10: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?
Page 11: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?
Page 12: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?
Page 13: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

What can we see from the pictures?Suppose you are facing the situation above, what will you do?Can you create a story about these pictures?

Page 14: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Discuss the following questions in groups:• Do you think your parents try to force you to

spend your spare time doing things you don’t like?

• When you have a problem and want to talk to someone, who do you choose to talk to? Why?

• Do you think there are more problems between you and your parents than there were between your parents and grandparents?

Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? Does the generation gap really exist? How do you overcome the gap?

Page 15: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?
Page 16: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

turn up1) 开大,调高:增加速度、音量,强度或流量

请把收音机开高点 , 我听不清楚。Turn up the radio, please!2) 出现;到达 好几个老朋友出现在聚会上。Several old friends turned up at thereunion. 3) 发现,找到 The papers will turn up sooner or later.文件迟早会找到的。

Page 17: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

a waste of time/money

1. 把你所有业余时间花费在聊天上真是浪费 时间。

2. 买这么多新衣服 , 难道不是浪费金钱吗 ?

It is really a waste of time spending/ to spend all of your spare time chatting.

Isn’t it a waste of money buying/ to buy so many new clothes?

waste adj.&v.

Page 18: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

force 强迫 我强迫自己每天练习。I forced myself to practice daily.

He was forced to take a second job.他被迫要找第二份工作。

The rider forced his horse on through the storm.

It's not proper to force your idea uponothers.

force a smile



强颜欢笑 , 苦笑

Page 19: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

choose 选择,挑选,决定;拿定主意过了一会儿 , 她选定了店里最贵重的一件衣服 ,并把它递给一个店员。


我们选谁当学校足球队长 ?


After a while, she chose one of the most expensive dresses in the shop and handed it to an assistant.

She chose to study chemistry.

Whom shall we choose for our school football team leader?

He chose not to go abroad until later.

Page 20: Watch a cartoon film, please!. What does the cartoon show to you? What is called 代沟 in English?

Write a story about your growing pains of your school life. (Over 100 words)