Final Documentary

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  • 8/2/2019 Final Documentary


    The task we were set was to create the first 5 minutes of a documentary into a chosen subject, wewere also asked to carry out two ancillary tasks; a double page spread for a magazine and a radio

    trail. We chose to base our project on Bullying as we feel this is a subject that is talked about a lot in

    the media and a big issue getting worse in our country. We collected research into this subject, and

    then planned out our documentary using storyboards. We then did all our filming and collected any

    other secondary footage such as YouTube clips and photographs. To put our documentary together

    we used Apple Mac computers. Using the programme final cut express we logged and transferred all

    our footage and picked out the footage which was definitely going to be used. We then edited all

    our footage and put our documentary together. For the ancillary task the double page spread we

    used a normal PC as we thought it would be an easier computer to use InDesign on, as we had

    already used this programme numerous times before this was not a hard task. The other ancillary

    task of the Radio Trail was a little more complicated as we have never used recording devices beforewith the headphones and microphone and it proved difficult to get the sound level right on the

    device. We then produced our radio trail on the Apple Mac using the programme Garage Band.

    In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

    media products?

    To make a documentary into Bullying using the correct conventions and make it as interesting to

    the viewer as possible we analysed existing media documentaries such as Airline and Super-size Me.

    Airline is a docusoap which means that it can leave viewers on a cliff-hanger for the next episode

    or exaggerate peoples opinions for the sake of entertainment. The role of the documentary Airline

    is to inform viewers of what happens in airports and the type of situations that staff their have todeal with. Most of the camera work in the documentary Airline is handheld, this is to give a more

    realist feeling to the viewer, to show that it is real life situations. There are a few occasions of tripod

    mounted camera shots, but these are mostly aesthetic shots to show pans of the airport, or a plane

    taking off etc. The main shots used were medium close-ups to show the emotion of the airport

    customers, and to further make the viewer seem involved. The documentary used a voiceover

    narration instead of a presenter. The only other voices were them of the people in the airport and

    the staff, no music was used in the documentary and the only music was the theme songs at the

    start and end of the documentary.

    In our own documentary the conventions that we took from watching Airline, were that we

    decided that we would use a narrative voice over rather than a presenter. We made this decision

    because we realised that during the filming stages, the narrator would have to be on screenconstantly, and more filming would have been needed to film gaps where the narrator would have

    been speaking. We came to the conclusion that we would not have had enough time filming to

    include this. We also took into consideration the conventions when setting up the shots that they

    used when talking to people, on the most part when these occurred the shot was framed and the

    interviewee was either to the left or the right of the shot.

    Super-size Me is a direct cinematic documentary directed and presenter by Morgan Spurlock, the

    aim of this documentary was to address and inform people of a serious issue that is affecting the

    United States as a nation, it was to convey the point that the fast food industry is affecting peoples

    health. Super-size Me is directed in performative mode meaning that the documentary maker

    interacts with the subject. In Super-size Me Morgan Spurlock has decided to me an on screen

    narrator of the documentary, this gives the documentary a more informal style, and helps him to

    interact directly with the viewers. You can tell in this documentary that Morgan Spurlock has a

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    genuine interest in the subject and wants to actually make an impression, he also gives a lot of his

    own personal opinions of the documentary. Super-size me uses a large range of different stylistic

    elements to create a very aesthetically pleasing documentary including; graphics, animation,

    photographs, drawings, text and secondary footage. The non-diegetic sound used in Morgan

    Spurlocks documentary is that of a very upbeat tone, combining this with the fast editing, and

    montage style of the footage it helps keep the viewer interested. Documentaries usually presentfactual information about the topic in Super-size Me with in the first few minutes facts are present

    to inform the audience and to convey public opinion. Actuality is the term for real film footage of

    real life events, places and people in Super-size Me the actuality occurs constantly, when he walks

    into McDonalds to order his meal and the camera crew just film him ordering and eating and also

    when he walks into the doctors - this is not scripted, actors arent used and it is not an artificial set.

    Interviews are a main documentary technique. These allow the people being filmed to express their

    opinions on the topic in Super-size

    Me Morgan Spurlock interviews

    experts on medical health and 'vox

    pops' to get different

    opinions. During an interviews

    the rule of thirds must be

    applied, the eyeline must be in

    the top third of the frame, if

    standing on the left hand corner

    the person being filmed must look to the right hand side of the camera and vice versa.

    The conventions that we took from Super-size Me was that we used the same montage style of

    editing at the start of our documentary when explaining what will be going on in the documentary.

    We were also able to see some conventions of documentaries in Super-size Me such as the rule of

    thirds when framing the professional interviews.

    Super-size Me has a rhetorical style meaning that, there is a question asked, discussed and then the

    way for it to be changed and helped is shown. In this case, the problem is health problems in the

    USA due to the growth of the fast food industry. Morgan Spurlock talks about this and justifies the

    truth behind it by talking to professionals and carrying out his own experiment to prove the health

    implications of fast food, he then discusses how this problem can be changed. We liked this style on

    documentary because it is a good way to convey a serious message. As our documentary was about

    bullying, we wanted to show a clear message and how to change this problem. We started the

    documentary subjects by discussing what the problem was, and questioning how we can change

    this, we then justified our points with clear knowledge and understanding and also answered the

    question on how we can stop bullying from happening.

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    There was a lot of non-digetic sound in Super-size Me, including sound effects and music tracks, this

    was often layered in the documentary. In the first 5 minutes of the documentary there was a lot

    upbeat music used, this combined with montage footage and quick cut editing meant that it quickly

    drew the viewers into the topic with interest. We decided to use a similar approach by using music

    that fitted the subject and the speed of

    our documentary to further interestthe viewer. We also used the same

    convention that the volumes of the

    sounds would be altered in consistency

    according to voiceover. As is the case

    in Super-size Me and other

    documentaries I have looked into we

    can see that when there is voiceover,

    or someone talking in footage the

    sound level decreases, then increases

    again where there may be no talking.

    Many documentaries including Super-size Me and Airline use cutaway shots, these are aestheticallypleasing shots, used to keep viewers interested in the documentary and to give a further indication

    into what the documentary entails. In airline the cutaway shots used were mainly of the airport

    processes, such as luggage collection etc. In Super-size me cutaway shots were used of McDonalds

    menus and the fast food

    restaurants in America. In

    our own documentary we

    used a range of cutaway

    shots that appealed to the

    nature of the

    documentary, such as

    posters, location andelectronic devices used in

    cyber bullying.

    All these cutaway shots

    were linked to what was

    presently being talked

    about to keep the viewer

    interested in what was

    being talked about using a

    visual enhancement. For

    example, when we were discussing bullying in aschool we had this cutaway shot, of the St.

    Alphege Infant School.

    Another type of shot that we used was an

    establishing shot; this means that before talking

    about something or before interviews and vox

    pops, the scene was set. For example in our

    documentary before our professional interview

    with the principle of The Sixth Form Solihull we

    chose to show a shot of him sitting at his

    computer typing, this set the scene of what his

    job may entail and who he is.

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    Like many documentaries we decided to only use straight cut edits, this is because our documentary

    aims to convey a serious issue and if we were

    to use fancy editing such as fades or dissolves

    it could stand out more than the serious

    issue. Straight cut also worked well with our

    documentary because we used fast paceshots, meaning that there was a lot of visual

    very quickly. To keep the viewer interested

    we decided that this would be an appropriate

    editing method so that our documentary

    flowed quickly without confusion. We did

    however use a cross dissolve when putting

    text on our professional interviews and when

    sourcing our secondary footage. This worked

    well because it meant we were able to take

    the text of the screen gradually without

    drawing attention to it so that viewers wereable to concentrate on the footage rather

    than the effects.

    We also carried out two ancillary tasks. The first being a radio trailer for our documentary. After

    researching by looking into many different radio trails for different documentaries, we found that

    they mostly have the same structure and conventions. By comparing these conventions we were

    able to decide with our own radio trail which conventions to use and how we may challenge these


    The target audience for this radio advert is B, c1, mature men, aged between 40 65 years old,

    who clearly take an interest in David Attenboroughs work and appreciate what experiences he s hadduring his life time. These people might like literature as that is what you associate with him. The

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    tone of voice used is normal, sounding very direct as if everything is truly getting through to the

    audience. Theres a slight tint of enthusiasm in his voice, this helps attract the audience as it isnt all

    expressed the same and helps get the main points across. No sound effect are used during the

    making of this trailer, this is because it has a serious meaning to it. The music adds a sense of drama

    and adventure to the advert, without this it would be dull and the audience wouldnt be attracted to

    it. There are 3 tracks all together, the one music one runs throughout the trailer. The other is DavidAttenboroughs voice and the other is the presenters voice. The music increases towards the end, it

    was very low to start with and eventually it speeds up and increases in volume, this draws the

    audience in, and sometimes will make them remember the advert by the music, which makes them

    want to watch the documentary. It is approximately 40 seconds long.

    We took some of these conventions and used them in our own radio trail, the main convention we

    took from analysing David Attenboroughs radio trail was that the sound levels for the non-digetic

    sound was altered throughout the radio trail. In this case the music seems to increase further to the

    end the of the radio trail, this could be to build a climax and keep the listeners interested for the end

    in which they

    are told where

    they can viewthe


    We chose to

    use a similar

    style by using a

    sound effect

    loud at the start

    and the end of the radio trail to attract the listeners. We also used the convention that when there is

    any voice over or clips from the documentary the non-digetic sound would be altered so that the

    voices could be heard over the music. All the radio trails that we listened to had clips from the

    documentary, the clips taken were usually the most exciting parts of the documentary or parts thatcould be quickly understood and linked well to the topic of the documentary.

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    The other ancillary task was to make a double page spread magazine article for our documentary. To

    create this we used InDesign, we already had previous knowledge of double page spread

    conventions and InDesign from our AS project. We used many of the conventions of a double page

    spread including:

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    Did the documentary, radio trail and double

    page spread all link together to portray theideas of the project on Bullying?

    This is a question that we asked on our

    audience feedback questionnaire. We wanted

    to find out if all our products worked well

    together and linked.

    The result was positive, as 90% of people

    thought that it linked well.

    Our Documentary will be aired on BBC3 as it has

    a good target audience ages between 16-34

    years. This is linked to the radio trail played on

    BBC radio 1 and BBC radio 1 extra with a similar

    target audience age range. Also our as our

    documentary is going to be aired on BBC it would

    make sense that the BBC would use its own radio

    stations to promote this.

    The double page spread will be produced by TV

    Times magazine owned by IPC Media.

    IPC Media produces over 60 iconic media brands,with print alone reaching almost two thirds of UK

    women and 42% of UK men almost 26 million UK

    adults while our websites collectively reach over 20

    million users every month. TV Times is one of the UKs

    best-known magazine brands, with over fifty years of

    TV heritage. It enjoys an excellent reputation within

    the TV industry and has enviable access to Britains

    favourite stars and their programmes. After major

    research and development, TVT has been refreshed to

    reveal a modern and vibrant look, with a clear vision of

    what today's reader wants from their favourite

    television magazine. Theres even greater emphasis on

    big star interviews, more soap coverage than any other

    TV weekly title, and the most easy to use digital listings for simpler navigation. TV Times is

    positioned in the premium sector as a

    quality TV weekly magazine, popular with

    all the family.

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    By looking at this we can see that TVT is a very popular magazine, reaching 2 thirds of women and

    42% of men in the UK. Therefore by publishing our article in this magazine, we can assure coverage

    and promotion of the documentary across the UK. TVTIMEs mainly focuses on soaps yet it does

    advertise documentaries targeted at 20-50s age range. Although our target audience is 16-35 I feel

    this will be a suitable magazine to advertise our documentary by our double page spread as it will

    reach the bulk of the people who we presume will be watching it. Also if somebodies parent readsthe article they will be more likely to tell their children about it to encourage them to read it.

    We have linked all our media products including the

    documentary and both ancillary tasks to appropriate

    media institutions BBC3 we chose because we felt

    that it had similar documentarys already in the type

    of documentary it was however did not have one on

    our specific subject. We then linked our radio trail to

    our documentary by using the obvious choice of

    advertisement BBC radio 1 and 1 extra because a

    documentary aired on BBC would use its ownadvertising resources and because these radio

    stations had a similar target audience. Our magazine

    double page spread linked with the documentary in

    the way of target audience because it was an easy

    read and not too time consuming. The colour

    attracted the target audience along with the pictures

    that attracted the target audience range of 16-34 year olds as it was a picture of people in this age

    range. We decided that our article would be published in TV times magazine

    Overall they link together because of target audience and suiting it to the publisher of the products.

    We first gained audience feedback before we started our project. This was to determine what

    people preferred in documentaries and what people already knew about our chosen subject of


    These are a few of the results from the initial questionnaire that we found helpful :

    -Support Worker

    -Psychology teacher

    -Sociology teacher

    -Academic coach

    -Principle of school/college

    From these results we were

    shown that most people

    would prefer to listen to

    opinions from a support

    worker on bullying. Least

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    people wanted to hear from sociology teachers and academic coaches. For our documentary we

    decided to listen to the public who carried out these questionnaires and interview support worker of

    The Sixth Form College Solihull Jag Jagdev. However, due to technical problem with filming the

    footage was unable to be used as the sound levels were so low that we were unable to save the

    clip. We did however interview the principle and rather than a psychology teacher who we werent

    able to contact we also interviewed a media teacher.

    -Cyber Bullying

    -Bullying in the work place

    -Sexual harassment

    -Suicide and Self Harm


    We asked this question because we

    aimed to find out what types andareas of bullying people knew least

    about. That way we would use that

    chosen topic to talk about in our

    documentary as we figured if less

    people knew about it more people would be interested in watching documentaries about it.

    Therefore in this case least people knew information on Bullying in the workplace, which is actually a

    subject that is becoming an increasing problem and one which is never really addressed in the

    media. This is why our documentary has a section on workplace bullying. We also included cyber

    bullying in our first 5 minutes of a documentary.








    Most people from these statistics

    wanted to see more footage than

    any of the other choices. We had

    already contemplated that footage

    would take up at least 90% of our 5 minutes of documentary; however we wished to back this up

    and make sure it was the right decision. The most popular choices after this was titles, interviews,

    statistics and music. Least people wanted to see animations and graphics. We presume this was

    because our documentary aimed to convey a serious issue and animations and graphics may have

    been a distraction to this.

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    Over half of people said theyprefer voiceover to a on screen

    narration. This was and the

    fact that we decided that we

    could not allocate any extra

    time for filming on screen

    narration was the reason we

    decided to use a voice over.

    They were the most important thing that we learnt from our initial research questionnaire into how

    people would prefer our documentary too look and its content. It was very helpful to put thisquestionnaire together and use the feedback because it showed us that many people had the same

    opinion on certain documentary conventions, and by taking the results and using what people prefer

    we hope it helped make a documentary that people will be more interested in watching.

    We also carried out another questionnaire after we had completed our documentary and ancillary

    tasks; this was our audience feedback questionnaire which we carried out to find out what people

    liked and disliked about our project and what we could improve about it.

    Documentary Radio Trail Magazine

    We can see from these pie charts that out of our documentary and ancillary tasks that our

    documentary excelled above the ancillary tasks and that the magazine was the poorest rated

    product. Most people rated all of our products as either good or fair and people only rated the

    magazine poor.





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    Documentary Radio Trail Magazine

    We found that all of our products were deemed mostly suitable rather than unsuitable. The

    documentary was mostly all voted suitable whereas the magazine was voted suitable by just over

    half of people. This was the result we had predicted.

    Documentary Radio Trail Magazine

    The questionnaire results revealed that all of our media products did have clear evidence of

    research; however some people thought that the magazine article had the least evidence of

    research. We were happy with these results because we did try to make sure that the statistics that

    we put into our documentary and ancillary tasks was well researched and documented in the

    products we created.

    We also used open questions in our audience feedback questionnaire to get a deeper understanding

    of what people thought worked well or what they thought we could have improved. We asked:So overall what improvements do you suggest we could make to our documentary, radio trailer and

    double page spread?

    Overall, we had mostly positive comments. People said that the main think that they thought we did

    well was sound levels in the documentary; they felt that all the sound levels were equal and merged

    well when changing the levels of the music. Someone said that it was a well throughout

    documentary and kept the viewers interested throughout. The good things that were said about the

    radio trail was that the sound levels were good and appropriate clips were taken and used from the

    documentary. The magazine was said to have followed and used magazine conventions well and that

    it also included all the necessary information. Improvements people suggested was that we should

    have made to the documentary was just that the lighting needed to be improved on the principle

    interview, we may have forgotten to change the white balance on the camera before filming.Improvements needed to the radio trail were that the sound levels were a little too high at the start





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    and the end of the trailer. Improvements made to the magazine article were that people found that

    there was a bit too much white space around the text and the images didnt anchor the text well. To

    improve these pictures could have been enlarged or more text could have been included, also more

    pictures could have been inserted.

    In the initial stages of our planning we used media technologies a lot to research and plan what our

    documentary was going to be about. We used it to begin with to see if bullying was something that

    appeared in the media often. To do this we used Windows PC to research news websites and anti-

    bullying websites set up to raise awareness. We looked a newspapers every day to see what articles

    were included on our chosen topic and to see how the media portrayed the issue of bullying. We

    used the internet to watch current documentaries using catch up TV services and to watch Super-

    size Me and Airline. We used catch up services such as channel 4OD and BBC iplayer. is a website we used throughout the whole time from planning to evaluate our

    products. It is a blogging website where you can upload posts quickly and easily for the viewing of

    anyone. We used it initially to upload statistics and research we had found from different media

    sources. We later used it to keep a log on how our filming was planning

    out, and to show different skills that we have learnt throughout the

    process. It was a useful website because it allowed us as a group to

    upload research that we have done individually and share it with each

    other so we all gained that knowledge and understanding. The only

    issue with was that when uploading YouTube clips or

    photos to the blog it was time consuming and restrictive to where the

    image could be placed and what size the image is. proved very helpful to our planning and

    research stages as we were able to use it to see how

    people were blogging about being bullied or how

    people can help them if they are being bullied. Therewas a lot of support to people being bullied on

    YouTube, which showed a large number of people have

    experienced it themselves but also shows that a large

    number of people agree that something needs to be

    done about it as many people have watched these sort

    of videos. YouTube also provided us with a log of past

    and present advertisements and anti-bullying

    campaigns from charities such as Anti-bullying Alliance

    and Childline.

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    When planning our documentary we used

    storyboards and Mind maps to plan the layout

    and content of our documentary, to show this

    on we used a flatbed scanner to

    send them to the computer and then upload

    them onto the blog as an image.

    In planning stages we also used Microsoft

    Word and Excel to create questionnaires and

    analyse the results. When

    analysing the results we used

    Microsoft Excel because we feel

    that this was an appropriate easyprogramme to calculate data and

    analyse using graphs and charts.

    To create graps and charts in Excel

    you simply insert the data in a

    chart, highlight it all then click the

    graph button and it automatically

    organises the data into a graph of

    your choice.

    I then transferred these graphs

    into Microsoft Word to analyse all

    the results, I then copied this

    When we created the documentary the most

    important technology that we used was the digital

    camera. The camera was a piece of technology

    that none of us our group had used before. This

    meant that we took at least two sessions getting

    to grips with how to use it and how to get

    effective footage either handheld or using the

    tripod. To start recording you press the centrebutton on the control dial and again to finish the

    recording. To switch the camera from recording

    mode to playback mode you switch the dial from

    red to blue. On the pull out LCD screen there is

    other recording options. To change the exposure

    or contrast you press the joystick control down to

    choose which mode you want to change to. Once

    you have selected the mode you move the joystick left to right or right to left to alter it. To change

    the white balance, press the function button at the bottom of the LCD screen to open the set up

    menu. Then select the white balance, this was used when we were outside because sometimes the

    brightness was too high. None of the other functions were changed because we can do any otherediting in the editing stages of our documentary.

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    We used a tripod when filming our interviews and vox-pops we used a tripod

    to keep our camera still and level. Sometimes this was an inconvenience

    because often setting up the tripod too a lot of time as you had to make sure

    it was completely level and on some concrete ground it was very difficult to

    keep it level. We also had other attachments which we had to set up when

    filming the interviews and vox-pops. This includeda microphone which we had to insert into the

    camera and make sure all the microphone

    connexions were correct otherwise the sound may

    be compromised; we also inserted headphones into the camera to make

    sure we could hear the interviews and make sure that the sound levels

    were right whilst recording. The whole process of recording the actual

    professional interviews was very hard because it always took a while to

    set up the camera and make sure that the right balance of the camera

    was. We did however manage to get some very good shots using the focus


    We used apple Mac computers for all of our editing stages of the project; generally I would say that

    using the apple Macs for creative purposes such as our project was better than using a PC because it

    is designed for that. It was hard to use at first as it is not my normal type of computer to use, but

    after getting used to it and learning all the new controls we were able to use it to our advantage and

    produce a better project than that on a normal PC.

    The programme we used to edit our documentary was Final Cut

    Express, designed for advanced editing of digital video and the

    consumer version of Final Cut Pro. This was the first time any of our

    group had used this programme, so it was quite difficult to get thehang of, the most time consuming part was the log and transfer of

    footage from or digital cameras. This took us two sessions to

    complete as we had a lot of footage to go through and decide what

    would be essential to our documentary and what was too weak to

    include. Even though we only made a short part of our documentary

    the first 5 minutes it still took a long time to log and transfer the

    footage and pick which ones were best. Once we logged and

    transferred we renamed footage to find the clips we wanted quickly,

    all this footage then appeared in the browser and was then easy to

    drag onto the timeline.

    We started then to add clips together and decide what we wanted

    in the start, middle and end segment of our 5 minute clip. We found it easy to work like this because

    we could fill any gaps later and this also helped us to plan the script for our voiceover. Although we

    did get many good ideas from our initial storyboards we found that we lead astray from this a lot

    when producing the film as sometimes it seemed harder to do what the storyboard said rather than

    what we had the knowledge to do using the programme.

    Some of the clips that we inserted from the browser we had to cut and swap or the sound levels

    needed to be changed. We did all this after we decided on the sequence of the clips. To cut the clips

    we played through them and cut a new start and finish then took the excess away. To change the

    sound level of the clip we dragged the sound up or down using the mouse, this was simple but hard

    at the same time because it was hard to determine if we had made the sound levels accurate.

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    We did also use a tool to speed up one of our clips, this was too show the amount of people walking

    in and out of college, it was a good shot and worked well when sped up and was aesthetically


    Overall, Final Cut Express was a very complicated expert programme, considering nobody in our

    group had used this programme before we started our project I feel that we have learnt a lot about

    the programme and used its range of resources to the best of our abilities. However, it was a timeconsuming product as each process took a long time. This was the hardest technology that we used

    in the whole project.

    InDesign was the programme that we used to create our double page

    spread. We decided to use this programme on the computers as we were

    already familiar with the programme on PC from our previous projects.

    Adobe programmes are considerably more complex than that of Microsoft

    such as Microsoft Publisher, which may have been easier to create the

    document. However, InDesign has many features that can be useful when

    creating a professional looking magazine. For instance the colour palette

    allows you to select a series of colours to use for your magazine that workwell together and saves them colours allowing you to pick the same colour

    and easily change it. Another good feature of InDesign is the picture tool,

    when selecting the picture tool you have to draw a box out on the page, by

    drawing the box exactly in the proportion you want it on the page you can

    then insert the image afterwards to make sure it stays the same size. A

    disadvantage to using InDesign is that writing the actual article was difficult in the programme itself

    which meant that we had to first write up the article using Microsoft Word and then transfer this

    into InDesign.

    For the radio trail we decided as a group to use the programme

    GarageBand on the Apple Mac. GarageBand is used mainly forcreating or editing music and audio sound. The reason we used

    GarageBand was because of its huge library source of beats and

    tracks we could use to enhance our radio trailer. In the library we

    were able to pick from different instruments and genres to pick out

    an appropriate track for the backing of our radio trail. We decided

    to choose an upbeat track to attract listeners and make them

    excited about wanting to watch our documentary. To insert the

    tracks we simply dragged the media from the library onto the

    timeline, we then imported our clips from the documentary and

    imported our recorded voice over. These clips were also dragged

    onto the timeline and rearranged accordingly. To cut our clips we

    used the same process as on Final Cut Express. The way in which

    GarageBand proved easier to use was that when changing the

    sound levels in which was very important on the radio trail. To do

    this on GarageBand we only had to use the mouse to put pin points along the timeline at the stages

    we wanted to edit the sound levels we then dragged these pin points up or down to decrease or

    increase the sound levels. These sound levels then automatically increased or decreased gradually

    keeping the sound smooth throughout the radio trail. We then found sound affects in the library and

    decided to attract listeners using these at the start and end of the radio trail. We kept these at a high

    sound level but after consideration we feel now that we should have lowered the sound level of

    these slightly. I believe that overall GarageBand was the simplest programme that we used which

    was neither time consuming or complicated. It allowed us to do what we wanted with ease and

    proved easy to navigate.