Pulse interviewed Freya Buckley and asked her a few questions about her music career, she gave some shockingly truthful answers and an insight into her life. What we’ve all been waiting for!! Is it hard maintaining a sense of style on tour? Yes, it’s very difficult as you’re travelling around all the time and you don’t have time to think about what you’re wearing, you just get told! I love fashion and shopping so I can’t wait to finish the tour and do a well-deserved shop! So what’s your secret to looking amazing? Oh thank you! There is no secret I just make sure that I eat well and exercise every day! I also hardly drink alcohol which may help and then I top it off with fashionable clothes! I’m lucky that I’m always on the move because otherwise I’d be sat at home eating! Who is your musical inspiration? It is definitely Beyonce, I love her! She is of a similar genre to me and I love her music, so that’s what I aspire to be like in the future. I go to all her gigs when she’s in Manchester and that is where I get my inspiration from. What’s it like being on stage in front of thousands of people every night when you’re on tour? It’s very tiring, I can tell you that! I absolutely love it though, it’s such an adrenalin rush and as soon as I come of stage I want to go back on again and I miss it. I always look forward to the next night of the tour even if I’m struggling to keep my eyes open! I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be on stage and see people singing your songs back to you! So when is your next tour? I’m touring again in the summer of 2014 it will begin in June but we are yet to realise the final tour dates, I will defiantly be doing a lot of gigs in Manchester this year, it’s my favourite place. The tour will last until about September so it won’t be a huge one, but I can’t wait to be back on stage! How difficult is it to keep a private life when you’re constantly in the public eye? It is very difficult to keep a private life away from the cameras but I don’t like keeping things from my fans and at the moment I haven’t got anything to be private about. I think when I have a family with children I will want them to have the privacy, I love how Beyonce keeps her family life very private and occasionally realises images of baby Blue, the fans love it when a new picture is realised and it makes it more special. Is there a man on the scene at the moment Freya? No, not at the moment, as I am quite new to the music industry I am trying to focus on that more than anything at the moment and I haven’t got time for a man! With my tours and new albums I’m always busy and struggle to find the time to even go out to meet a man never mind be in a relationship, I would like to meet someone in the future though and settle down with a family. How are your family taking your fame? They don’t mind it, it has hardly affected our family life, I still go round on a Sunday for a Sunday dinner and we still have family outings, they just have to keep their lives a bit more private because the fame involves them as well and people are always looking for information. They just want what’s best for me and for me to be happy and I am so happy at the moment! How did you get to this point in your music career? I started out singing in Manchester town centre, just in the street with a micro-phone and a guitar and one day someone came along and said they know someone who is looking for a musician just

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Pulse interviewed Freya Buckley and asked her a few questions about her music career, she gave some shockingly truthful answers and an insight into her life. What we’ve all been waiting for!! Is it hard maintaining a sense of style on tour? Yes, it’s very difficult as you’re travelling around all the time and you don’t have time to think about what you’re wearing, you just get told! I love fashion and shopping so I can’t wait to finish the tour and do a well-deserved shop! So what’s your secret to looking amazing? Oh thank you! There is no secret I just make sure that I eat well and exercise every day! I also hardly drink alcohol which may help and then I top it off with fashionable clothes! I’m lucky that I’m always on the move because otherwise I’d be sat at home eating! Who is your musical inspiration? It is definitely Beyonce, I love her! She is of a similar genre to me and I love her music, so that’s what I aspire to be like in the future. I go to all her gigs when she’s in Manchester and that is where I get my inspiration from. What’s it like being on stage in front of thousands of people every night when you’re on tour? It’s very tiring, I can tell you that! I absolutely love it though, it’s such an adrenalin rush and as soon as I come of stage I want to go back on again and I miss it. I always look forward to the next night of the tour even if I’m struggling to keep my eyes open! I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be on stage and see people singing your songs back to you! So when is your next tour? I’m touring again in the summer of 2014 it will begin in June but we are yet to realise the final tour dates, I will defiantly be doing a lot of gigs in Manchester this year, it’s my favourite place. The tour will last until about September so it won’t be a huge one, but I can’t wait to be back on stage! How difficult is it to keep a private life when you’re constantly in the public eye? It is very difficult to keep a private life away from the cameras but I don’t like keeping things from my fans and at the moment I haven’t got anything to be private about. I think when I have a family with children I will want them to have the privacy, I love how Beyonce keeps her family life very private and occasionally realises images of baby Blue, the fans love it when a new picture is realised and it makes it more special. Is there a man on the scene at the moment Freya? No, not at the moment, as I am quite new to the music industry I am trying to focus on that more than anything at the moment and I haven’t got time for a man! With my tours and new albums I’m always busy and struggle to find the time to even go out to meet a man never mind be in a relationship, I would like to meet someone in the future though and settle down with a family. How are your family taking your fame? They don’t mind it, it has hardly affected our family life, I still go round on a Sunday for a Sunday dinner and we still have family outings, they just have to keep their lives a bit more private because the fame involves them as well and people are always looking for information. They just want what’s best for me and for me to be happy and I am so happy at the moment! How did you get to this point in your music career? I started out singing in Manchester town centre, just in the street with a micro-phone and a guitar and one day someone came along and said they know someone who is looking for a musician just

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like me. He gave me his number and the record labels number. At first I was a bit wary of texting or calling them but I thought ‘I’ve got nothing to lose’ I ending up going to their record studio and I just sang all day, we lost track of time because I was having so much fun and we were so happy with how it sounded and we ended up being in there for hours when it was just meant to be an hour meeting! I am still signed to that record label and they have produced all my albums! That day changed my life and brought me to where I am today. So what’s next? Well after my tour I am thinking about having time off touring and getting a new album together. I want the album to be a bit different to my normal music, so I can’t wait for you all to hear it! After the album I will be touring again with all the new stuff and getting back to what I do best! What’s your favourite thing to do when you’re not touring or writing songs? I love to spend time with my family, I love having lazy Sundays with my mum and just watching films all day not having to be anywhere or have anything to worry about. I also love going shopping, I can spend the whole day in a shopping centre just looking at all the new clothes and fashions and updating my wardrobe! My favourite thing to shop for is shoes! I used to work in a shoe shop because I’m so obsessed with them!! And finally, is there any truth in the rumour of you and Adele collaborating and doing an album together? This is the first I’ve heard! I would absolutely love to sing with Adele but at the moment nothing I know of is happening with me and Adele!