Name: Age: SEX: Contact no : Signature : Customer Satisfaction Of Pran Juice Of Bangladesh Q.1) Do you drink juice? a) yes b) no Q.2) What are the factors you take into consideration before buying juice? a) price b) brand c) availability d) certification e) don't care Q.3) which company’s juice do you prefer? a) pran b) Danish c) frutika

Final Question of Pran Group

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Page 1: Final Question of Pran Group




Contact no :

Signature :

Customer Satisfaction Of Pran Juice Of Bangladesh

Q.1) Do you drink juice?

a) yes

b) no

Q.2) What are the factors you take into consideration before buying juice?

a) price

b) brand

c) availability

d) certification

e) don't care

Q.3) which company’s juice do you prefer?

a) pran

b) Danish

c) frutika

d) sejan

Q.4) Are you know about pran juice?

A) yes

B) no

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Q.5) Where do you generally buy juice from?

a) railway station

b) bus stand

c) local vendors

Q.6) What size of juice do you usually prefer?

a) 500ml

b) 1ltr

c) 2ltr

Q.7) Do you carry juice with you while travelling ?

A) always


c) never

Q.8) which of the following flavors do you prefers?

a) mango

b) orange

c) mixed

d) apple

Q.9) what is your perception of pran juice?





Page 3: Final Question of Pran Group

Q.10) overall how do you rate the quality of the product that pran provide?

A) excellent

b) good

c) adequate

d) poor

e) unacceptable

Q.11) what do you think is the rate of our performance?

A) getting much better

b) getting better

c) staying at about the same level

d)getting worse

e)getting much worse

Q.12 what makes you unhappy about pran juice?

a) less advertisements

b) less publicity

c) others

Q.13) Should you have any comments/suggestions regarding how we could improve our services, please don't hesitate to tell us using the box below.

Page 4: Final Question of Pran Group

Interviewer: Pankaj banik

Student of school of business

State university of Bangladesh