Final Solution

Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

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Page 1: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

Final Solution

Page 2: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews


• 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf– Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

Page 3: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews


• Jan 30 1933 appointed CHANCELLOR– March 21 1933 DACHAU – 1st concentration campworldwide protest = „Jewish plot“ launches an ANTI-JEWISH CAMPAIGN- April 1 1933 GENERAL BOYCOTT OF JEWISH SHOPS

AND PROFESSIONALS (students, professors, judges)

Page 4: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

The Nuremberg Laws

• 1933-35 Discriminatory Legislation• Sep 15 1935 Nuremberg Laws– CLEAR DEFINITION OF A JEW

Page 5: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

The Nuremberg Laws

• The Law for the Protection of German blood and German Honor

• The Reich Citizenship Law– Reich Citizens x

Nationals (State Members)

– A Jew can not be Reich Citizen = NO POLITICAL RIGHTS

Page 6: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

The 2nd Phase of Persecution 1938- 1942

• The Night of Broken Glass– Nov. 9-10 1938– German diplomat Ernst vom Rath assasinated by a

German-born Polish Jewish boy Herschel Grynszpan

– COORDINATED ATTACK on Jewish people and their property• 91 Jews murdered• 25 000 – 30 000 arrested and deported• 200+ synagogues destroyed

Page 7: Final Solution. Hitler 1923 – Beer Hall Putsch – imprisoned – Mein Kampf – Medieval-style irrational prejudice on Jews

The 2nd Phase of Persecution 1938- 1942

• The Night of Broken Glass– HJ´s, Gestapo, SS, SA– Means for the confiscation of firearms from Jews– Followed by economic and political persecutions= BEGINING OF THE FINAL SOLUTION

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THE HOLOCAUSTThe Last Phase of the Persecution of the

Jews = Final Solution

• Wansee, Jan 20 1942– 1st Vernichtungslager in CHELMNO, summer 1941– Heydrich– goal= removal of the Jews from the Lebensraum of

the German people• Emigration „had become a problem“: 537 000 Jews • 2nd solution: EVACUATION OF THE JEWS TO THE EAST

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THE HOLOCAUSTThe Last Phase of the Persecution of the

Jews = Final Solution

• Wansee, Jan 20 1942– Slovakia + Croatia „the essential and crucial

problems have already been solved“• Slovakia – June 1941• Croatia – July 1941• First deportations, concentration camps and genocide

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THE HOLOCAUSTThe Last Phase of the Persecution of the

Jews = Final Solution

• Wansee, Jan 20 1942– Northern countries „omitted for the time being“

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THE HOLOCAUSTThe Last Phase of the Persecution of the

Jews = Final Solution

• Wansee, Jan 20 1942– Final Solution welcomed by the military governor

of Poland „Jews constitute a substantial danger as carriers of epidemics and most of them are useless.“ – First targets

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• Warszaw Ghetto Uprising– April 19- May 16 1943– THE LARGEST SINGLE JEWISH REVOLT during WWII– Mordechai Anielewicz letter to Antek Yitzhak

Zuckerman• Read at the Eichman trial in 1961• ABOVE ALL A SYMBOL TO SHOW THAT JEWS DID NOT


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• Uprisings in: – Treblinka, Aug 1943– Sobibor, Oct 1943 closed– Auschwitz, Oct 1944

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Reaction of the International Community

• Bermuda Conference– Apr 19-30 1943– Extended mandate of the Inter-Governmental

Comitee on Refugees• Set up in 1938 – EVIAN conference



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• Shocking indifference– Shmuel Zygelboym (BUND)• 1940 escaped Poland• Implored the governments to take retaliatory and

rescue action• Committed suicide to protest against the world´s

indifference, May 11 1943• Letter in NY Times, June 4 1943

Reaction of the International Community