Farmakognosi …flavonoid… Dosen : Yasmiwar Susilawati


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Farmakognosi flavonoid

FarmakognosiflavonoidDosen : Yasmiwar Susilawati

FLAVONOIDPendahuluan :

Flavonoid merupakan golongan fenol alam yang terbesar, hampir semua tumbuhan hijau mengandung flavonoid.

Menurut perkiraan 2% dari seluruh karbon yang difotosintesis oleh tumbuhan atau + 1x 10 9 ton/tahun karbon diubah menjadi flavonoid atau senyawa yang berkaitan erat dengannya (Smith, 1972).

Flavonoid pada tumbuhan Merupakan kandungan khas tumbuhan hijau dan terdapat pada hampir semua bagian tumbuhan (daun, akar, kayu, kulit kayu, nektar, tepung sari, bunga, buah, dan biji). Merupakan pigmen tumbuhan yang paling umum, walaupun ada beberapa flavonoid yang tidak berwarna.

Flavonoid pada hewan ???Flavonoid pada hewan jarang. Yang pernah dilaporkan terdapat pada :kelenjar bau berang-berangpropolis (sekresi lebah)dalam sayap kupu-kupuTetapi ini pun diperkirakan bukan hasil biosintesis hewan

Penyebaran flavonoidpada tumbuhan yang terbesar terdapat pada Angiospermaeterdapat kecendrungan : tumbuhan yang secara taksonomi berkaitan akan menghasilkan flavonoid yang jenisnya serupa Dasar Chemotaxonomi

DivisiNama UmumFlavonoid yang ditemukanProkariot :SizofitaSianofitaBakteriAlga hijau - biru--Eukariot :KlorofitaFeofitaRodofitaFungusBriofitaTrakeofita

AngiospermaeAlga hijauAlga coklatAlga merahFungusLumut kerakLumut hatiPsilofitaLycopodiumGimnospermae---Dihidrokalkon-glikosida flavon, glik. flavonol (jarang)biflavon, O dan C -glikosida flavonbiflavon, O dan C -glikosida flavonFlavon, biflavonoid, flavanon,glikosida flavon, isoflavon,proantosianidin, antosianin,flavonol, dihidroflavonol

Terdapat semua jenis flavonoid

Peran Flavonoid dalam tumbuhan :

Pengaturan tumbuhPengaturan fotosintesisKerja antimikroba dan antivirusKerja terhadap seranggaFitoaleksin

Penggunaan Flavonoid

Antioksidan (cth : silimarin dari Silibum marianum sebagai protektor hati dengan menghambat sintesis prostaglandin) Menghambat reaksi oksidatif seperti fosfodiesterase, aldoreduktase, monoamina oksidase, reverse transkriptase, DNA polimeraseMenghambat lipooksigenaseMenurunkan agregrasiplatelet (mengurangi pembekuan darah)

- Menghambat pendarahan- Melindungi asam askorbat dari oksidasi (pengobatan skorbut) : turunan katekin pada buah jeruk- Antihipertensi (menghambat enzim pengubah angiotensin)- Merangsang pembentukkan estrogen pada mamalia (isoflavon)

Struktur Umum Flavonoid :

15 atom C yang tersusun dalam konfigurasi C6C3 C6

Struktur phenilbenzopiren

Flavonoid O-glikosidaFlavonoid dalam tumbuhan umumnya terdapat dalam bentuk O-glikosida (jarang yang C-glikosida) : O-glikosida : satu gugus hidroksil flavonoid (atau lebih) terikat pada satu gula (atau lebih) dengan ikatan hemiasetal.Gula yang umum : glukosa Gula lain : galaktosa, ramnosa, xilosa, arabinosaGula yang jarang : alosa, manosa, fruktosa, apiosa, asam glukoronat, galakturonat.

Contoh Flavonoid O-glikosida :

Apigenin 7-O--D-glukopiranosida (R = H)

Flavonoid C-glikosida

Gula terikat pada atom karbon Flavonoid (terikat langsung pada inti benzen dengan satu ikatan C-C)

Contoh flavonoid c-glikosidaApigenin 8-C--D-glukopiranosida (Viteksin


Jenis Jenis Aglikon flavonoid :


BIOSINTESIS flavonoidPrazat dari alur sikimat dan alur asetat-malonat membentuk flavonoid Khalkon yang dianggap sebagai flavonoid pertama yang terbentuk, semua jenis flavonoid lain diturunkan darinya melalui berbagai alur

Important flavonoids1. QuercetinQuercetin is a flavonoid that forms the "backbone" for many other flavonoids, including the citrus flavonoids rutin, hesperidin, naringin and tangeritin. In studies, quercetin is found to be the most active of the flavonoids, and many medicinal plants owe much of their activity to their high quercetin content. Quercetin has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity because of direct inhibition of several initial processes of inflammation. For example, it inhibits both the manufacture and release of histamine and other allergic/inflammatory mediators. In addition, it exerts potent antioxidant activity and vitamin C-sparing action.

2. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC)

Proanthocyanidins extracts demonstrate a wide range of pharmacological activity. Their effects include increasing intracellular vitamin C levels, decreasing capillary permeability and fragility, scavenging oxidants and free radicals, and inhibiting destruction of collagen, the most abundant protein in the body.

3. Epicatechin

Epicatechin improves blood flow and thus seems good for cardiac health. Cocoa, the major ingredient of dark chocolate, is loaded with epicatechin and has been found to have nearly twice the antioxidant content of red wine and up to three times that of green tea.

Important dietary sources

Good sources of flavonoids include all citrus fruits, berries, onions, parsley, legumes, green tea, red wine, seabuckthorn, and dark chocolate (that with a cocoa content of seventy percent or greater).


The citrus bioflavonoids include hesperidin, quercetin, rutin (a sugar of quercetin), and tangeritin. In addition to possessing antioxidant activity and an ability to increase intracellular levels of vitamin C, rutin and hesperidin exert beneficial effects on capillary permeability and blood flow. They also exhibit some of the anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory benefits of quercetin. Quercetin can also inhibit reverse transcriptase, part of the replication process of retroviruses (Spedding et al. 1989). The therapeutical relevance of this inhibition has not been established. Hydroxyethylrutosides (HER) have been used in the treatment of capillary permeability, easy bruising, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

Green Tea

Green tea polyphenols are potent antioxidant compounds that have demonstrated greater antioxidant protection than vitamins C and E. Green tea may also increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Green tea polyphenols may inhibit cancer by blocking the formation of cancer-causing compounds and suppressing the activation of carcinogens. The major polyphenols in green tea are flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG), and proanthocyanidins).Though both green tea and black tea are derived from the same plant (Camellia sinensis), they possess different antioxidants. In producing black tea the leaves are allowed to oxidize, during which enzymes present in the tea convert many polyphenols to larger molecules with different biological effects. However, green tea is produced by lightly steaming the fresh-cut leaf, which inactivates these enzymes, and oxidation does not occur

Subgroups : Over 5000 naturally occurring flavonoids have been characterized from various plants. They have been classified according to their chemical structure, and are usually subdivided into 6 subgroups :

Flavonols: Quercetin, Kaempferol, Myricetin, Isorhamnetin Flavones: Luteolin, Apigenin Flavanones: Hesperetin, Naringenin, Eriodictyol Flavan-3-ols: (+)-Catechin, (+)-Gallocatechin, (-)-Epicatechin, (-)-*Epigallocatechin, (-)-Epicatechin 3-gallate, (-)-Epigallocatechin 3-gallate, Theaflavin, Theaflavin 3-gallate, Theaflavin 3'-gallate, Theaflavin 3,3' digallate, Thearubigins Isoflavones: Genistein, Daidzein, Glycitein Anthocyanidins: Cyanidin, Delphinidin, Malvidin, Pelargonidin, Peonidin, Petunidin