Scholars' Mine Scholars' Mine Bachelors Theses Student Theses and Dissertations 1916 Flotation applied to silicate sludge Flotation applied to silicate sludge Yaro Klepel Greene Erskine Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/bachelors_theses Part of the Mining Engineering Commons, and the Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons Department: Mining Engineering Department: Mining Engineering Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Klepel, Yaro and Erskine, Greene, "Flotation applied to silicate sludge" (1916). Bachelors Theses. 400. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/bachelors_theses/400 This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bachelors Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Flotation applied to silicate sludge

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Scholars' Mine Scholars' Mine

Bachelors Theses Student Theses and Dissertations


Flotation applied to silicate sludge Flotation applied to silicate sludge

Yaro Klepel

Greene Erskine

Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/bachelors_theses

Part of the Mining Engineering Commons, and the Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons

Department: Mining Engineering Department: Mining Engineering

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Klepel, Yaro and Erskine, Greene, "Flotation applied to silicate sludge" (1916). Bachelors Theses. 400. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/bachelors_theses/400

This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bachelors Theses by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected].









submitted to the faou1ty of the


in partial fulfillment of the work required for the

Approvel by

Degree of




Rolla, Mo.


Professor of Metallurgy.


page Introduotion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

Abstract of Patents - - - - - - - 2 - 9

Method of Prooedure - - - - - - - 10 - 11

Date. - - 12 - 20

COllD1ueion - - go


Within the past few years great success has

been made of the flotation of sulfids, and to a

certain extent of carbonates.

Since sulfide are easily recovered by

flotation it seems practioable that silicates

could be made to float by first sulfidlzlng them,

and then subjeoting them to ordinary flotation


This problem involves the treatment of a

silioate sludge obtained from the Joplin district,

the sludge will easily pass through a 250 mesh

soreen. At the present time this sludge is being

sent to the ta1l1ngs pond.

The experimental work of this thesis was done

along the line of present flotation pa~ents abstraoted

from the U. S. patent offioe bulletins, the abstraots

will follow.

Abstracta of ]'lotatlon patents.

807601 Prooess of Conoentrating Ores. Alfred Schwarz.

New York, N. Y. assignor to Sohwarz Ore Treating Co.


Pheonix, Arizona.

1 The method of treating ores which consists

in subjecting a non-aulfid ore to the aotion of a

soluble sulfid to convert the mineral into a sulfid,

then treating the mass with a hydrooarbon and

finally separating the hydrocarbon with the entrapped

metallio oonstituents of the ore from the tailings.

2 Same aa (11 but subjecting ore to action 0' an alkaline sulfide

3 Same as (1) but Bubjecting ore to aotion of an

aqueous solution of potassium or sodium sulfide

4 Same as (11 but treat resulting metallio

Bulfld with a melted hydrooarbon solid at normal


5 Same as (4} but treat with oompound of melted

paraffin and resin.

807506 Prooess of Concentrating Ores. Alfred

Schwarz. New York, N. Y. assignor to Schwarz Ore

Treating Co. PHoenix. Ariz., A Corporation of


1 The process of oonoentrating orea oonsisting

of mixing the ore with an adhesive agent oomposed of


a hydrooarbon and sulfur, separating eaid agent with

the entrapped values from the tailings, and recovering

the values from the adhesive agent.

2 Same as (1) but ore is mixed out of contact

with water with the adhesive agent and sulfur.

3 Same as (1) but hydrocarbon is solid at

normal temperatures.

4 Same as (1) but adhesive agent is a resinous

hydrocarbon and sulfur.

6 S~e aa (1) but adhesive agent is composed

of a resinous and non-resinous hydrocarbon and sulfur.

6 Same ae (1) but adhesive agent is oomposed of

re8in~ paraffin and sulfur.

7 Same 8S (1) but adhesive agent is oomposed of

resin and sulfur.

S Same as (1) but washing the mixture with water.

9 Same as (SC but water is heated.


May 26/16

R. r. Baoon. U. S. Pat. Offioe BuLL.,

1 The method of effecting the separation of

oxidized ores from associated gangue, which consists

in subjecting the mixture in a finely divided oon­

dition, to the action of a soluble sulfid, thereby

effeoting a oonversion of the oxidized ore into

sulfide, and then oonverting the H S present into 2

oonstituents innoouous to flotation, and finally

subjeoting the mixture to flotation.

2 Subjeot to aotion of a soluble su1fid, thereby

effeoting a oonversion of the oxidized ore into

sulfide, the oonverting the H S present into oon-2

stituents innoouous to flotation, and making the

solution faintly acid, finally subjecting mix­

ture to flotation.

3 Same as (2) making solution faintly acid

by admission of sulfur dioxide

1169142 H. B. Howland. U. S. Pat. Office Bull.,

~ov. 1, 1916.

1 The method of treating metalliferous materials

whioh oonsists in bringing the metallio oonstituents

into solution and 8ulfidizlng the metallio oonstituents

by means of oalcium Bulfld and ferio eulfate.

2 Method of treating oopper-bearing ores which

oonsists in bringing the oopper into solution and

preoipitating oopper as oopper sulfid by means of

oaloium sulfid and feria sulfate.

3 Method of Bulfidizing metal which oonsists

in bringing together a soltuion of the metal to be


1140866 H. F. Baoon. U. S. Pat. Office Bull.,

May 25, 1915.

1 The method of effecting separation of sulfid

minerals from assooiated gangue, which consists in

subjecting the mixture, in a finely divided oon­

dition to the flotation action of colloidal sulfur;

Bubstano1ally as desc~ibed.

2 The method of effecting the separation of

sulfid minerals from associated gangue, which con­

sists in subjecting the mixture, in a finely divided

oondition, to the flotation action of oolloidal

sulfur the flotation solution being faintly acid.

3 Method which consists in subjecting the

mixture in a finely divided condition, to the flot­

ation aotion of colloidal sulfur, the flotation

solution being produced by reaction there in be­

tween a soluble sulfid and sulfur dioxide

4 Method whioh oonsists in eub3ecting mix-

ture, in a finely divided oondition, to the flotation

aotion of 001101dal sulfur, the flotation solution

being produced by reaotion therein between a

soluble Bulf1d and sulfur dloxid, the Bulfur dioxld

being admitted in such exoess as to make the sol.tion

of collOidal sulfur faintly acid.

1098668 Henry B. Hovland. U. S. Pat. Office

Bull., June 2, 1914.

Art of Treating Metalliferous Materials.

1 The process which consists in reacting on a

substantially dry metalliferous material with a sub­

stantially dry gaseous 6u~fidizing agent at ordinary


2 Sa.me as above - - absence of exterlor heat.

3 The process which consists in reacting on a

copper containing materia.l with a sulfidizing agent

in the dry at ordinary temperature.

4 Reaotion on dry materials with H S gas. 2

5 Heating on substantially dry metalliferous

materials with H S gas in absence of exterior art-2

ifieial heat.

1094760 Terry. U. S. Pat. Office Bull., Apr. 28, 1914.

1 A prooess which consists in the subjection of

metalliferous particles of ore existing as carbonates,

oxides, chlorides and sulfates, to the action of a

hydrogen Bulfid gas, then subjecting the resulting

produot to partial vaouum, then to agitation in the

,reaence of an oil, film, forming substance and re­

covering the oil coated particles by flotation.


2 A process for preparing non-sulfid ores for

flotation methods of concentration which consists

in the subjection of metalliferous particles in

ore pulp, to the action of hydrogen sulfid eas ,

subject to vacuum treat as above.

3 A process for the recovery of metalliferous

constituents of ores, which consists in reducing

the ores to a pulp, adding a soluble metallic salt

and precipitating as a sulfid by H S to act as 2

nuolei for the formation of sulfid granules and

coagulations then subjecting the resulting pro­

duct to partial vacuum, subject this pulp to


10022086 James M. Hyde. U. S. Pat. Office Bull.,

April 2, 1912.

1 The process of concentra.ting ore pulps com­

prising a separation treatment which consists in

adding to the pulp a material which preferentially

coats the valuable particles of the ore.

2 Addition to pulp of an acid preCipitant

adapted to re~ct upon the ore, allowing a time

interval to elapse prior to Bubjeoting the pulp

to a separation treatment, then Bubjeoting the pulp


to a separation treatment oomprising the steps of

adding a material which will preferentially ooat

the valuable particles of the ore and separating

said ooated particles as a concentrate by flot­


970002 Henry Wentworth. U. S. Pat. uffioe Bull ••

Sept. 13. 1910.

1 The prooess of separating the ingredients

of oomminuted material. which consists in assooiating

with the material a substanoe ohemioally reaotive

upon partioles thereof. thereby produoing upon the

partioles affeoted by the reaotive substance super­

fioial ooatings of a oompound different from the

original substanoe of the partioles in respect to

film-tension of a liquid. and thereupo~ separat-

ing the differentiated partioles by film-tension

of ssid liquid.




Experiment A consists of sulfidizing the

dry ore with H S. The ga.s was generated in an H S 2 2

generator and allowed to pass over the ore. The

ore turned black immediately.

On subjeoting the ore to flotation treat­

ment the peroentage of the conoentrates fell

below the peroentage of the original ore. This

experiment was repeated several times with no

satisfactory results.


Experiments B - D and others shown on the

data sheets oonsist of treating the wet pulp

with H S. The results obtained were similar to 2

those obtalnedby dry Bulfidlz1ng, but the per-

oentage of zino in the oonoentrates were about

1 peroent better than the original ore.


We prepared a 6 peroent solution of sodium

polysulfid by passing hydrogen sulfid gas into a


5 percent solution of sodium hydroxide. We

treated the ore with various amounts of this

solution and noted what amount gave the best

extraction. We then treated the following ore

with the above amount using various oils.

The best results were obtained under the

above conditions. We tried several experiments

by adding sulfurio aoid to the eodium polysulfld

solution but the extraction decreased.


We prepared an H S solution. placed it in 2

the flotation machine with the ore, and added

various amounts of acid to precipitate the sul­

phur. This was done in order to try to coat the

zino silioate particles with coll01dal sulphur

and then float them.


Machine._ Booyer J.ll!.!. __ -....... . Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

Experimenter.Klepe~BrU1D~.,.... FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time 30m~ \_ .......... _--............ -. -........... ----..... -- Amt 0 i-3-2-00-~"---.... ~.~.!J.~~.~.~ .. _~!~~..&~.! ........... -.--..... ---.... - ... --....... -- -....... ----.--... -.... -- --........ -----....... - ............... --.-....... _ ........................ _ .......... ! .... ~ ... -:: ........... - ...... ~ ........... _ .............. .

ORE :~~~~~~~~A~~~~i~~~l~~l .. ~~:::~~~~:::::::::: _ ......... __ . __ .. _ ......... _ ............ _ ......... __ .............. _ ...... ____ ....... ___ ........................ _ .......... _ .............................. ht._ ... ore .. 1.QQ .... gma. ........... _ .......... __

:::::::::::=::::::::::::::~~~~::::::::=:~~=::::::::=~ _ ......... _. ____ .. _ .. __ ..... _. -..................... _ ........... _ .. -........... -----....... -................... _ ............... _ ............... -............ -... §P~.~~ ..... Q;f. .~~.9.!!~~~ ... !.7..9.Q .... ~¥


TestNo No. I Amt. I Kind. Kind IAmt. Kind IAmt. Wt. Per Ct. Wt. IPer ct.1 Wt. Iper Ct. Per Ct. Ext .

........ ~~p.~I.. ........... -.... ......... I~*L.I . .9.J .--.. -.. ..... J............. .... .... ..................... ···········1 ~I! .. ! ..... A!~. i···· ._ ............ -........... _ ............................ _ ........... . I I

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r:' ..... 7. .........•....... l!'lOtl1o.tlQIL Y- .......... -3Qad.·····ISult141.Zing.01' .... pu1P ............ 42. .... ··10 .• 01 ............ - ........... _ .......... -.... ..... p..!.7._ ........... .

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Machine ... JlQ.Q:r~~L--_ ...... . Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

Experimente~!..!E.!~~~".~..... FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time 20 Min.

I ~~=~~~=~=~~~~~~~::=~~:. ~:::~:::~::::~~=::=::::== _ .............. _ ........... _._ ............. _ _ ........ _____ ......... __ . _ .... ____ ... _. __ ............... _ ......... _ .......... _ ............ .......... ~~ .. ! .... l 20 .... ~ .. -.32.Q. ~ ..... Qa. ............ _

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I OIL I REAGENTS I FROTH I I RESULTS 1----TestNo No. I Amt. I Kind. Kind 1 Amt. Kind IAmt. REMARKS. Wt. Per Ct. Wt. :Per Ct. I Wt. !Per Ct.iPer Ct. Ext.

:·~~:t:.::I~ __ ~~~: : ••• I!t I :~I~=:::=: •.. :::.I.::~:~:.::::~: ... :.:.~. _.::~::::.~.~-..~~:: .:::: .... : I:,::: ~:;Q :"-: ... -.:' .. ~:::.:.:::= .... ::-..:-.=.I :.: .. ::.:::~.-.:~.::~~: ......... : ...... G .......... g4 ..... 1.. ....... _ ........... ~tnJt ..... 03- ..... 6-... -........... _ ............... _ ........ _ .............................. ---- ......... - ...................... - .............. _ .. -......... -... - .................................................... _ ........... _- ............ -............... .

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\lachine HooTer ~_. __ ._ .. _ Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

~perimente~.-.!P.!~~~.~ ... - FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time ~O Kin.

_ ........ _-........ _._--... _ ..... __ ... _- Amt. H 0 3200 ~c

.... -... S111oat. •... Sl.~_ .. ---..... ----.-.... ---.......... -. -.-...... ---.--.......... --.-............ --.......... - -............... _ ........... _ ....................................... ···········~f ................ - .................... -............... .

ORE ~_~~~~~~ ~~~::====~_=~~:=--._:-.~_-.:=~=-=_: __ ::=~:~_:::=~: ________ ::_:~ ___ _.: __ ::_:_-:: _____ : ___ :_: __ ::_: _______ ::_~::-~_:;II~::~::_: ~-:_.~~: I OIL I REAGENTS I FROTH I RESULTS 1----

restNo No. I Amt. I Kind. Kind jAmt. Kind iAmt., REMARKS. Wt. Per Ct. Wt. ,Per Ct. I Wt. !Per Ct. 'Per Ct. Ext.

_.~:::-.t:;~::1 ::;:::-.-::::=~:-:_:_I~~ I_:~~I =_:=:::--__ ::I----~--.~-:---~-~:~~_::~~:~~----- :-::::-------~: ~::;~_ i ~:::-___ _.=_ .~-::._.:-:-~- -::----:----~-I:--:--_-:--~- ~~;.:-=:::::: _ ... k! ....... .................. -......... _ ........ -............. -... - ..... B.'-QS-- ···lOft-··········_···· ..................... -...................................................................................... -................................................................... -........................... -.............. -

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. 2:4 ... _ .... 5. ___ .P.Jlr •.... P.1DIt ...... _ ........ __ ............ ................. ............ ................................... ........................ ....................... . .. e.~.f._. . .. 1.Q.t..£. .................. .................. ................. . ................. .!.Q.~ .. ~._ ........... .

_ ............ -.......................... -........................................................................ _ ............................ - ..... _ .. _ ......... _ ................. __ .... -............................................................................................... -....................... -_ .............. -.... .......................... . .................. -................ _- .................................................. _ ...... _ ........... _ ....... -

_ .................................................................. _ ............... _ .. -.. _ ................... _ ................ - -_ .. _ .. _ ..... _- ....................................................................................................................... -................................................................................................................................. _ .. _- ...................... _. __ ............... .

. 2.3..... ... 'J........ ..Orud .. ···Wood· ~~2-~~ ··20-· _ .... _._.-. ............ . ....................................................... -..................... -~........ -1.0·.·7 _........................ ........................... . .............. _ ....... - -......... _ ....... _- 8.4 ..............................................

o. _ ............... - .......... -~ .................... ~:~~ .. ~.:~~ .. : .. ~.: ................ -....................... _ .... -........... _ ............. -.... _ ............ _- ..... --_ .......................................... _ ................................ _ ............ __ ......... _ .......... -._ .... _ .. _ ........................ -_ ........................................................... _._ ........... -............. -. ..................... ........................................... .

Machine. Boo~ er T.1.l!h ___ ._ ..... Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

Experimente~~!.~~!.~..... FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time ~_O_M_1_n_._,, ___ _

1==:::::til:iate.::::Siii~;:.~ --............ _-.......... _--........... ---.. -.---.......... --_ ...... _ ... -.... - ........ _ ..... -.. ..... .~1;. ~.l{t~ .. 3..~().c:I.() ~............-ORE ~~~~~:~~~~~~.~~ ~:~::::~~~::~~==::.=.~~ .. :=.: .. :=::::~.::~_~:~::=~:::~~=:.: ...... :.~ .. :.:: ..... : .. ::~ .. ~ .. :: .. ::: .... : .... ::.;~:::~;.I~~::~:~~::;;~::::.=

I OIL I REAGENTSI FROTH I REMARKS. RESULTS 1----TestNo No. I Amt. I Kind. Kind I Amt. \ Kind IAmt., Wt. Per Ct. Wt.Per ct.1 Wt. Per Ct.iPer Ct. Ext.

... _ ...• ~QP.!!I ..... _ ..•..... _ ............ I .. ".QJ .... I.oo_I-._ ..... _. .\ ......... _ ................... _ ................................. ........... &!!!."..... _.Zn .•.... l ... _. __' _ ......... _. . ......... _ ............ _. .............. .

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Machine .... Hoo!er ~ ___ ......... . Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

Experimente~1-ErIlk1ne...... FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time ~_O_)(_1_n_. __ I ___ _

ORE ~=:=::===::::~:::~~ .. ~::::::::::~=~.~:::::::::::=:: .............. _. _ ............ _ ....................... _ ......... ____ .... ____ ...... ___ .. __ .......................... _ .......... _ ............................. _ .... ~~.~ .. J?. ~ .... ~9.Q .... ~ ~ .. ~ .... _ ............ __

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I OIL I REAGENTS I FROTH I REMARKS. I RESULTS 1----TestNo No. I Amt. I Kind. I Kind iAmt.1 Kind IAmt. Wt. Per Ct. Wt. Wer Ct.1 Wt. Iper Ct. Per Ct. Ext.

•• ~~ •.• t:::l :.:~~ .•. ~~ •• l.:~ i::. .. I ..• ~ •••• = ••.....•. ~I •• ~~.-.-.:: ... -..: .. -. .... :~ ... ~: .. :: •......•.. :-.:.-.::.:: .. : .. :::.n .. ~.;:.~ ~:;; =.-. ... := .. ~.=.:-.= =::=:= .. =.:: .. ::=' :~:'~.=.::.::: ....... ~~ ....... ~ ......... Q ........ Q.e..1D .... Q.:t.l ....................... _ ...................... -_ ............... _ ........ _ ............................................ _ ......................................... _.............. _ ............................................... _ ... _ ........... __ ............ _ .............. ..

I .-. O'l

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.. g.I ....... 5 .. _ .......... Or~.Q.Q.Qt.e. .......... NagS ..•. 0. ................ _ ................................................................................................... ~.!.! .. _ ... 1.1 .•. 5' ................. ~ ... _ ..... ___ ......... __ ................ __ .~.! .. ~ __ ............ .

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. .15 ...... .2 ............. .Pine ............................................................... - ........... _ ................................................................................................................... _ ................. _ ......... _ .............. _. _ .......... _ ................ _ .... _. __

-_ .. _ ................................................................. _ ...... _ ................................ -................... - _ ......... _ .......... _ ...... _ .. -..... -.... - ................ ~~ ........ -............. -.... -... -................. _ ........... -....... _-_ ............................... -............... _ ........... _ ....... --... -... -..... _--- .............. -....... -. --._ .. _--.. - .......... _-

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.. 15 ...... 3. .... _._ .. ~1ne ..................... -........ ___ . ........... .. ............................................................................. _..... ....................... .. ......... - ............... - ................................................. _.. . ................................ _ .......... _ X ~~ I

- ........ ~.-.... ~~ ... I.ol_. ' ...................................................... - ........................ - ............................................................................................... _ ................................. i ................................................................................. _-............. -

.:.n ......................... n .................. ···.··· ... n ... _ ......... _ ................ ········nn_ ........... · .... n .............. ·. ",_·n .... nnn ................... _ ................. _·n.···n·· .. ·· ..... ··· .. ··.·.·.1 ................... ···n.·.·_. _········· .. n·· nn ... ··_ ... -_.n. __ .... n ..... .

Y.~n .~::.:.~ .. :)~~~;.;. .. : n .. n ..... _ ... : .... ~. ,:===~:::= n:~:::~.: ...... :.::~=:::·:~.=~.:.:~n:: .. :.:~·~::::·::.I::.~ ~~~~n~I:.:.::.·:::~:. : ... -.:.:-.=~=:-. .. :.:= ::~:~~:~: ~~:~~ .. : ... :~: _ ... !1 ............... 11' ..... _ 191 "I'~.L ~1....-:J" •

Machine .. BOoYer TJpe •... _--... - Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

ExperimenterKJepe1 -Ee .. k1n ..... _ FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time 30 Min.

1~~~:::~:~~~:s1ii~~t:~:::si;;dg-;-== _ ....... __ .. _. ____ ........... ____ ..... __ . __ ............ __ ._ ......... __ .... _ ..... -""""'" .................... -........................ -..... Amt-: ... .H ~ ........ 3gQ.Q ... Q.Q_-.. -........ -fJ _ ......... __ ........ --.... -.. -~ ...... --........................ -..... _ ... _ ............... -

ORE _ ........ _._._ .............. _ . ......... "i/ ..... -.---.- - .......... - -.--... - ....................... -.......... --- ............. --.... - ... - .. """""--" ........................ -.............. ................. ........... . ...... .AIILt ........ O ~.e. ... B.Q.a ... .gII a.~._ .............. __ _ ........ ~a ~.Q..Y. .... ~_._JJb~L_~~ ... __

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~ ........... _ ... _ ............ _. _ ........... _. ___ ...... ___ ........ __ ...... ___ .. _ .... _ ....................... __ .. __ ._ .. _. _________ ._ ............... _ ................................. -................ Spe.ed ... o.f .ma.ch •..... 12 0.0 ... MJi.. ... ..

............. ....................... .. -...................... _ ....... _P ...... _ ................... _ .... _ ....... _._ -_ ... -_ ... ------- ........ __ .... _ ..... _____ ......... ___ ... _______ ........... _____ ......... ___ ...... ___ ...... _ -_ ... _._--- ---_ ..... - _ ........... _ .... ______ .... ____ ._ ... _ .. __ .. _ .... __ ....... _ ... _

..... 3..~ ...... f_ ......... ¥..o.OO~ .• ll ...... _ .1IflgQ1 ~.~ ... - _ ......... _ ............ _ .... _. ___ .... __ .. _ ...... __ . __ .......... _ ....... __ ...... _ ... --~--. --1-- -............... _ ... -..... - ....... ---.- ............. _. __ ....!..~_ ........... .

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..... 2.2 ..... 4 .......... P'1.n.e. .... I!IP.e.o .•.. -.......... __ .......... _ ................ - ......... _ .... __ ..... __ ... _ .. __ ...... _ ........ _._ ... ____ .......... _ ........ - ...... _ ..... _ .. --....... _ ............... -- ---.. --............... _ ....... _ ... _._ ..... __

... §.~ ...... ~ ........ .Eu.O&l.JP~ua. _ ...... -.................. _ .......... _ ........... _ -..... -.---.---.-.. --... --.----.----......... -.......... _- _.-.. _ .. _ ........... -. -... -...... - ............. -.. _ .......... _ ............ __ _

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101.0 5 Menhaden. 32. tLO.7. 4.7 -.............. -~ .. -.. -..... ~ ........ -.-... ~ .................................... -........ -......... ~ .. -----_ ..... -.. _- .................. ----_ .... -.... _- _ ............. _- --.. _ ... __ .. ---------_ ... -- -------- ................... _- ................. --- _ .... -.... __ .. --- - .. _ .. _ .. _-.. - .... _--..... _---.. 1Q ......... 5. ............ ~}n •... _ ............ __ .......... _ ............. _ ........ - ......... _ ... __ ...... - ------.-.----.----.- -_.-.- -... _.-_. _ ....... __ .......... _. ___ .. __ .. __ . _._. ___ . __ ._. __

.18-... ······5······· lef.lne4 ... Tap. _ ........................... ---.. --.............. - .. _ .......... --._.--.. ------.. _ ...... --- --. -'"'''''''' _ ......... _ .. ---... --_.- ---.---- ........ _ ... ---_1 . .. .... ........... .......... _ ........................................... -_ ........ -.. -.. -......... _ .... __ . _ ...... - -.---.---------------1------ _ ......... --.. _._-... _______ . __ . _ .... .

Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy OPERATING DATA.

!:xperimenterJqaptol-Krakln... FLOTATION LABORATORY. Time 3~

ORE I~~~;.~.:~~~-.~ ='~===~-~"::'=_=--==~_===~~."~=""":':':.~.'.=_~::':'~-.'.::: ... :'''~::'':'''''' : .. ::-:.:!~:::~:~~:: : ..... ~ ....... :: ...... .ABsa,.-.I .. _sn.-.. _-- I

_ ....... ___ ... _. __ . _______ . _____ ... ____ ._. __ ... __ . _ ........ _ ....... _ ... __ ._ ... _ ... _ .. _ .. _ .. ____ ... _ ... _. _ .............. __ ............ _ .............. ___ ....... _. __ .s.p.ee.d .... Q.f, .. ~Q~ ! ..... l.! .99. __ ~.~ ... _

I OIL I REAG~NTSI FROTH I REMARKS. \ RESULTS 1---restNo No. I Amt. I Kind. Kind I Amt. \ Kind IAmt. I Wt. Per Ct. Wt. !per ct.1 Wt. Per Ct. 'Per Ct. Ext.

. __ .. Jgg:p} ____ ... _.1 SOl-r-I_.I-.--- .. J .. _..... ....... ..... ........... _ ............... !gms ... _ .. .zIl. ... ___ . __ . __ . __ ._ .... _. ___ ..... __ .... _ .. _ ....... _ .. _ .. ..

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_ ... 10..2 .• ................. 1_ ..... _ .Qlei.a.. .ac1d.llI~ ... &0_ --... _ ............... _ ........ _ ............................ _ ................................... _ ................ _9 ..... .9.Q -_._ ..... _ .. - ..•............. _ .............. _ ........... __ ..... 1 ..•.. 1 .... _ ....... _ J!;

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I • _ ... 102e ... 28. --. .2-..... - .o.r.ta4.e-.. 'l&r. ...... ---.-._.- ....... -.- -.-..... - ............. 102-..... 2 .. dr.opa ... Bo .•... 28 .. oll -·.·4 ... ··· O'.'l& -"-"- _ .. - _ .............. - -.......... _.. . ..... 9._ ........ __

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_ ... 1.0.3 ........ _._ .. 12. ......... Ol.e1g .... 8..a1.d..1la.e.5.._ ... '-9 ... _ ......... _. _ ................. _ ................................... -..................... - ........... __ .~.! .. _ .... 7. .... !~. . ............ _- -............ _. _ .......... ___ ........... _ ... . ~ . .!.Q.~_ ..... _. __ x

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.18 .. _ ...... 8. .. -.. ..R.e:t.1..n.4td T.r- .lI&2Si.lOO -.--.--- .......... - .......... -.......... -.......... _ ................................. - ........... -·13 ... -- _ .. ! .. 'Z.1.. -............... -............... _ ... -.. _._ .. - _ ... ___ ._ ..... ~.~ .. g1: ......... _ ..

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Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy FLOTATION LABORATORY.

__ ... ,Si~lc.&.t.8. ... &udgII ...... _ ............ _-.............. -_ ....... _-


Amt. 0 800 • =.a.aji&i~~~~i~il~~i%l~:~~:= _ ........... - _ .......... -_ .......... -....... -.---... --..... ------------............ -... _ ..... -_ ........ -.--......... _ ............ -.... -... - ........... _ .......... -........ . ....... ---.. _----._ ... _ .......... _ ................. -.... _ ..... _- .............. --_ ........... _-_ .... _.-_._ ....... -....... ----. --.-.-... -- --_ ... -- _ ........... --_ .. --.. _ . ..speed... -mach ...... 1 .Q.Q...BPlL

J OIL REAGENTS I FROTH I I RESULTS 1----TestN"I No. \ Amt. : Kind. Kind IAmt.\ Kind \Amt. REMARKS. Wt. Per Ct. Wt. IPer ct.1 Wt. Iper Ct. Per Ct. Ext.

_ ........ _ .. 4.r..QP ................................... -.-- .... ~?.!.~I .. .oo.l .......... -- ........ J ...... _. __ ....... __ . ___ ..... _. _____ . __ ._...... grus. -Zna-. _. ____ . _ ....... ___ ... _ .... ___ ....... 00_ .. _._ ....... _ .......... _

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..... .10.. .~.::. ....... 3.5 .......... !la.phtha. .... _ ... -- .............. _ ........................ _ ............... _ .... _ ....... _ .. _ .... __ .... _ ......... _ ... _ ....... _._ ......... _ .. '-.! __ . -.!.Q~._ ---........... -............................ _. _ .......... _~ .!.!.?.@.. ....... _

-......••.• ·················1···········_··_···· .. -................................ ~ ...•......•••.•••.• --- - .•.••...•.••.•• -----....... -------.-•• - ••.•....•..••••.••••.. _ ••• -._.- -'''''-'-' -_.--- _ •••.. - •••• - •. _ •••••.• --- ••••••••••• _ •.. _.-.-•.•••.•.. --

~ I iD ..................... - .......... -......... -_._-.-.- .. _ .. _- ........ - _ ........•.••.. - ............•.....•..•• _ .............. _ ..... _. __ . __ ._ .. _ ...... _ ... - ... __ .......... _._ .... - ........... -'''--' _ .......... _- _ ....••. _._- _ •• _-••• _- _ .• _-...... - _ .•..••.• _._.- _ .... _. __ • _ .. _ ....•.

Fela ...... ~Q.~ ................. 3Q .......... Naphtha.. •...... --- .~§ ..... ~ ............. _ ............ _ .... ____ .. _ .................. _ ... _._ ............ __ .. _... ~~.!_ .1. .. ! .. ~i __ ......... - -.--._. ___ ........... ___ .. _ .. _._. ~.!.~ __

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...... ~.~.9 ........... _.?Q ......... J!~P~t.AA.~ ........ '-.~2"S ... g9. .......... __ ............ _ ... _ ...... _ ......... _____ . _____ ._ ..... _ ... _ ..... __ !.!~_. __ .!'Q.!~._ .............. _ ................... _ .......... _ ................... 2~_~ _ ......... .

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Taking into consideration that our work was

carried out on a small scale, and since the con­

centrates obtained showed an increase of 3 to

4 percent zinc, it Beems as tho by some special

means it would be possible to float silicates.
